Exam 4 Psych: Social Psychology

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Review the just-world hypothesis, self-serving bias, false consensus effect.

Just-world hypothesis: ideology common in the United States that people get the outcomes they deserve. Self-serving bias: tendency for individuals to take credit by making dispositional or internal attributions for positive outcomes and situational or external attributions for negative outcomes. False consensus effect: The assumption that people around us think/act the way that we do, and have had similar experiences.

Review inferences people make about other people based upon groups membership

This bias is especially prevalent in group settings where one thinks the collective opinion of their own group matches that of the larger population. For example, they would show preferential treatment for people who are like themselves—that is, who share the same gender, race, or favorite sports team.

The bystander effect likely occurs due to ________.

diffusion of responsibility

Understand differences between discrimination, stereotyping, prejudice and ethnocentrisms.

discrimination: negative actions toward individuals as a result of their membership in a particular group stereotype: specific beliefs or assumptions about individuals based solely on their membership in a group, regardless of their individual characteristics prejudice: negative attitudes and feelings toward individuals based solely on their membership in a particular group Ethnocentrism is a belief that your society, group, or culture, is superiors to all others.

Attitudes describe our ________ of people, objects, and ideas.


Examples of cues used in peripheral route persuasion include all of the following except ________.

factual information

Prejudice is to ________ as discrimination is to ________.

feelings; behavior

When it comes to buying clothes, teenagers often follow social norms; this is likely motivated by ________.

fitting in

If group members modify their opinions to align with a perceived group consensus, then ________ has occurred.


After moving to a new apartment building, research suggests that Sam will be most likely to become friends with ________.

his next door neighbor

Social loafing occurs when ________.

individual performance cannot be evaluated and the task is easy

Which of the following is not a type of prejudice? a. homophobia b. racism c. sexism d. individualism


According to the actor-observer bias, we have more information about ________.

influences on our own behavior

In the Asch experiment, participants conformed due to ________ social influence.


What is a normative social influence? What are social norms?

normative social influence: conformity to a group norm to fit in, feel good, and be accepted by the group social norm: group's expectations regarding what is appropriate and acceptable for the thoughts and behavior of its members

What trait do both men and women tend to look for in a romantic partner?

physical attractiveness

Typically, bullying from boys is to ________ as bullying from girls is to ________.

physical harm; emotional harm

According to the triangular theory of love, what type of love is defined by passion and intimacy but no commitment?

romantic love

________ occurs when the out-group is blamed for the in-group's frustration.


Making internal attributions for your successes and making external attributions for your failures is an example of ________.

self-serving bias

Altruism is a form of prosocial behavior that is motivated by ________.

selfless helping of others

As a field, social psychology focuses on ________ in predicting human behavior.

situational factors

Collectivistic cultures are to ________ as individualistic cultures are to ________.

situational; dispositional

What studies are Stanley Milgram known for? What does his electric shock study suggest about obedience?

small world experiment, shock experiment. These variations show that when the humanity of the person being shocked was increased, obedience decreased. Similarly, when the authority of the experimenter decreased, so did obedience.

A(n) ________ is a set of group expectations for appropriate thoughts and behaviors of its members.

social norm

In the Stanford prison experiment, even the lead researcher succumbed to his role as a prison supervisor. This is an example of the power of ________ influencing behavior.

social roles

What is the Matching Hypothesis?

Asserts that people tend to pick someone they view as their equal in physical attractiveness and social desirability.

What is compassionate love compared to passionate love, or mature love?

Compassionate love involves feelings of mutual respect, trust and affection, while passionate love involves intense feelings and sexual attraction. In mature love, two people are together because they want to be together and not just because they feel an irrational desire or need to be with one another.

What is the difference between state and trait variations of behavior such as state and trait anxiety? Some of these were displayed as structural equation models in our slides.

State anxiety reflects the psychological and physiological transient reactions directly related to adverse situations in a specific moment. In contrast, the term trait anxiety refers to a trait of personality, describing individual differences related to a tendency to present state anxiety. Unlike traits, which are stable characteristics, states are temporary behaviors or feelings that depend on a person's situation and motives at a particular time.

Who was Solomon Asch? What does his research suggest about conformity?

Student of Max Wertheimer (Gestalt Psychology). Work follows a common theme of Gestalt Psychology that the whole is not only greater than the sum of its parts, but the nature of the whole fundamentally alters the parts. In one study, a group of participants was shown a series of printed line segments of different lengths: a, b, and c. Participants were then shown a fourth line segment: x. They were asked to identify which line segment from the first group (a, b, or c) most closely resembled the fourth line segment in length. Each group of participants had only one true, naïve subject. The remaining members of the group were confederates of the researcher.

What is the by-stander effect? Review Lanené and Darley (1968) - in book.

The bystander effect is that individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when other people are present. The greater the number of bystanders, the less likely it is that one of them will help.

Understand action observation and social influence theories proposed by Albert Bandura. What is the bobo doll study and what does it suggest about aggression?

The researchers concluded that the children in the aggressive group used their observations of the adult social model's behavior to determine that aggressive behavior toward Bobo was acceptable. He presented a social-cognitive theory of personality that emphasizes both learning based on environmental influences and cognition or personal interpretations as sources of individual differences in personality.

On his first day of soccer practice, Jose suits up in a t-shirt, shorts, and cleats and runs out to the field to join his teammates. Jose's behavior is reflective of ________.

a script

In order for the central route to persuasion to be effective, the audience must be ________ and ________.

analytical; motivated

According to social exchange theory, humans want to maximize the ________ and minimize the ________ in relationships.

benefits; costs

When we seek out information that supports our stereotypes we are engaged in ________.

confirmation bias

Cognitive dissonance causes discomfort because it disrupts our sense of ________.


What is the fundamental Attribution Error?

tendency to overemphasize internal factors as attributions for behavior and underestimate the power of the situation

Which of the following adolescents is least likely to be targeted for bullying?

the captain of the football team

Under what conditions will informational social influence be more likely?

when the answer is unclear and when the group has expertise

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