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Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons families today tend to have fewer children than in the past?

The high rate of infant mortality discourages people from having children

When an individual is confused and/or unsure of the social norms to follow, they fit with Durkheim's definition of experiencing ____.


Social science that focuses on questions of ancestry, history of society, and how labor is related to culture is


Joe teaches his son to cook, because he is aware that his son will need these skills when he moves out next week. This is an example of ____.

anticipatory socialization

Sociologists use the term "minority" to define ____.

any category of people, who are distinguished by their physical and/or cultural difference, that a society sets apart and subordinates

The concept of the reproducible experiment means that ____.

anyone should be able to reproduce the same research findings if they use the same methods

Gender conflict theory ____.

applies the general concepts of conflict theory to gender relations

Overall, economists tend to agree that immigrants ____.

are good for the economy

The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis ________

argues that a person's thoughts and actions are shaped by the language they speak

The so-called "Great Migration" of African-Americans moving to Northern and Midwestern industrial cities began ____.

around 1919

When immigrants come to the US, many of them feel compelled to give up their native language in order to learn English. This is an example of ____.


Prejudice is a(n) ____, whereas discrimination is a(n) ____.

attitude; action

The idea that we can explain someone's behavior by understanding either their stable, enduring traits (their disposition) or the situation at hand (the context) is called ____________

attribution theory

Sociologists define "popular culture" as ________

behaviors and ideas that are popular with most people in a society

The term "racism" can be used to describe ____.

beliefs, thoughts, and actions based on the assumption that one race is innately superior (or inferior) to another

For sociologists, sex and gender have distinct meanings. Sex is ____, while gender is ____.

biological distinctions between male and female; personality traits and social roles that are socially defined

Someone who argues that people of a certain racial or ethnic group are more predisposed to commit crimes is using a __________ perspective on deviance.

biologically essentialist

The statistic that measures how many live births (per 1,000 people) a given population has in a year is called the ____.

birth rate

People identified as "intersex" are ____.

born with sex characteristics (genitalia) that don't fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies

Durkheim defined "social facts" as ____.

broad patterns of behavior that are external to the individual, but shape every individual's behavior

When Max Weber argued that a modern bureaucracy is defined by being "impersonal," he meant that ____.

bureaucrats follow the established rules impartially, regardless of your individual personal characteristics

According to Max Weber, rationalization involved ____.

calculability, methodical behavior, and reflexivity

A key dilemma for Marxist theory is how the bourgesoisie (the capitalist class) manages to stay in power, since Marx argues that the workers (who are the majority) should rise up against the capitalists (who are a minority). The Italian theorist Antonio Gramsci developed the concept of "hegemony" to suggest that ____.

capitalism is supported by a dominant, all-pervasive cultural set of ideas that legitimizes the capitalist system

The term "race" is used to ____.

categorize people who share biological traits that a society thinks are important

People who share a common characteristic, such as gender, occupation, or ethnicity, but not necessarily interact with each other are called a social __________


Which of the following is NOT a distinctive characteristic of bureaucracies?


The main emphasis of Karl Marx was to understand how social change was driven by ____.

changes in material conditions, such as the economy

An underlying assumption in conflict theory is that ____.

society is composed of different groups who struggle for scarce resources

The ability to see how individuals and their behaviors make up part of a larger social pattern is ____.

sociological imagination

The social science that focuses on questions of forms of identity (race, gender, etc) and the influence of other people (community, society, etc) on behavior is _____


Like Karl Marx, Max Weber thought society was stratified. But in addition to economic class, Weber also emphasized ____.

status groups defined by "social honor"

A ________ is a person's position within a social system; a ________ is what is expected of a person in this position.

status; role

John is a son, friend, father, and teacher. These are examples of John's _________


Since 1990, crime rates in the United States ________

steadily decreased

When Latinos and African-Americans are portrayed in violent video games as criminals and members of gangs, this is an example of ____.


In many states, particularly Southern states, police and vigilantes often worked closely together.


According to Talcott Parsons, girls are taught ____ that prepare them to care for families.

expressive qualities

In the 1950s and 1960s, TV sitcoms regularly showed married couples sleeping in separate beds.


Based on the available evidence about incarceration and recidivism rates, we can conclude that "tough on crime" policies work as a deterrence.


In the billions of years of the history of life on Earth, other species have been able to develop the same kind of collective learning ability that humans have.


The vast majority of prisons in the US are run by private corporations.


According to sociologists, our lives are mostly lived out in which three kinds of places? (Select three answers.)

"third place" Work Home

How much annual income do you have to earn to qualify as among the richest 1-2% of the US population?


Globally, fertility rates are ____.


The scientific name for our species is _________

homo sapiens

Sex is necessary for social reproduction.


Questions that look at society at the "micro" level include questions like:

Do doctors talk to patients of different races differently?

The modern interstate highway system was built starting in the ____.


In 1650, a little over three hundred years ago, the human population was about ___.

500 million

Approximabely what percentage of Germans choose to enroll in one of the government-sponsored Social Health Insurance (SHI) plans?

80 percent

Mississippi and Alabama focused on commodity exports (like cotton) in the 1800s. Exporting cotton and importing finished manufactured textiles produced a trade deficit that, over time, left those states poorer.

A "dependency theory" argument that explains why Mississippi and Alabama are among the poorest in the US would look like this:

Which of the following statements is true about the case of Philando Castile, the young black man killed by police during a routine traffic stop?

A Philando Castile had a license to carry the gun Philando Castile informed the police officer that he had a gun in the car


A ____ is a system in which a person's social mobility is based on personal merit and individual talents.

Some reasons why Americans were hostile towards Irish immigrants throughout the 1800s were: *wrong*

A belief that Irish and other Catholic immigrants would impose their religion on the rest of the population A belief that Irish immigrants stole jobs from native-born Americans A deep-seated prejudice against Catholicism

they provide labor and raw materials exploited by more industrialized ("core") countries

A characteristic of "periphery" countries in Immauel Wallerstein's "capitalist world economy" model is that ____.

social movement

A collective attempt to further a common interest or secure a common group goal through action, often outside the sphere of established institutions is a ____.

a system of social stratification based on merit

A meritocracy is ____.

ascribed status and personal achievement combine in a way that allows for some social mobility

A social class system is one in which ____.

collective, organized effort that seeks to bring about or resist social change

A social movement is a(n) ____.

society assigns greater economic and social rewards to jobs that are most important in society

A structural-functional perspective on stratification, the Davis-Moore thesis argues that ____.

Social conflict theorists are interested in how religion is related to existing social inequalities, or even as an agent of stratification. Which of the following is NOT an example of how conflict theorists might study religion?

A study of how different denominations have conflict over how to interpret key biblical passages, such as the Sermon on the Mount


A system in which everyone has an equal chance of succeeding economically based on their hard work and skills is called a ____.


Social movements that actively seek to prevent social change are called ____ social movements.

Which of the following applies to the practice of "calling" as a form of dating?

A young man would arrive at a young woman's house and ask if he could see her A young man and a young woman would meet in a parlor (or similar room) together, usually with the supervision of a family member A young woman would have specific hours/days when she would receive callers


Social movements that focus on changing some aspect of society are called ____ social movements.

Some groups have more resources available to help them organize, while others have limited resources available to them

According to pluralist theory, every group with a particular interest should be (equally) able to form an organization to pursue those interests. Why are some groups (e.g. doctors, unionized workers, business owners) better able to do this, while other groups (e.g. the homeless, the unemployed) are not? Choose the best answer.

At around $82,000

According to research, "peak happiness" seems to occur at what income?


The government's role in education, especially higher education, is an example of social policy.

Which of the following is NOT a reason why people practice communal sleeping?

As a way to help prevent the spread of disease

Roughly, what share of Americans currently receive health care through a taxpayer-funded government insurance plan (Medicare, Medicaid, the VA)?

About a third

There are five dimensions (the "five A's") to assess health care access. ____ looks at whether the doctors available meet the patient's preferences, both in terms of professional abilities but also other factors (gender, age, etc.).


There are five dimensions (the "five A's") to assess health care access. ____ looks at whether the services are organized to accept clients, particularly those with special needs or who might require interpreters.



According to Immanuel Wallerstein's "capitalist world economy" model, countries like Japan, the US, and Germany are part of the ____.

By providing selective benefits to their members

According to Mancor Olson, how do groups solve the collective action problem and coordinate effectively to achieve their goals?

$56,000 per year

As of last year, the median household income in the US was about ____.

When Jennifer Richardson, the political psychologist, suggests that the decline of white majorities in the face of a demographic transition could "work out like California, but it could also end up like Mississippi," she means ___.

After California became more ethnically diverse, in time, ethnic tensions became less politically divisive and white voters and candidates accommodated to the new reality Mississippi (like other Southern states) has always had large non-white population, and yet racial politics remain tense and divisive

Why are Jews referred to as "the people of the book"?

After the Romans conquered their homeland and destroyed the Temple of Jerusalem, Judaism transformed from a religion of temples, priests, and sacrifices to one that emphasized reverence of scriptures and the associated symbols and rituals.

the United States in the early 1830s

Alexis de Tocqueville's views on democracy are based on his study of ____.

Health indicators and life expectancy vary by social class, with lower-income individuals more likely to have poor health and shorter life expectancies. Why?

All of the above Poor people tend to live in neighborhoods with lower access to fresh and/or healthy foods. Working class jobs tend to be more stressful and/or dangerous. Poor people have limited access to health care.

The march on Selma was a spontaneous event that emerged as a reaction to the violent refusal to allow African-Americans to register to vote at the county courthouse.

All of the following accurately describes the march on Selma, EXCEPT:

A desire to concentrate power in the hands of the presidency and reduce the power of the legislature and the states

Although Americans have a wide range of political beliefs, we tend to divide them into two groups: liberal-left and conservative-right. Which of the following is NOT a typical characteristic of the "conservative-right" in the US?

A desire to increase the size of government and expand control over the private sector

Although Americans have a wide range of political beliefs, we tend to divide them into two groups: liberal-left and conservative-right. Which of the following is NOT a typical characteristic of the "liberal-left" in the US?


Although income and occupational prestige are distinct (one measures economic wealth, the other social status), the two tend to overlap.


Although the Civil Rights protesters had committed themselves to non-violence, they invited violence from their opponents as a tactic to demonstrate their moral superiority and the justice of their cause.

Which of the following is NOT true about America's civil religion?

America's civil religion offers a path to salvation in the afterlife.

American sociologist Robert Wuthnow argues that America's civil religion has two variants. The "priestly" (or conservative) variant emphasizes ____.

America's greatness

American sociologist Robert Wuthnow argues that America's civil religion has two variants. The "prophetic" (or liberal) variant emphasizes ____.

America's obligations

The interstate highway system made transportation faster, cheaper, and more efficient. In what ways did this "revolutionize" (or "transform") society? (You may select more than one answer.)

American life was "redesigned" around cars, creating a "car culture" Highways helped reduce traffic in major cities?

the political views of the richest Americans were highly correlated with the kind of laws passed, but the political views of Americans near the middle of the income distribution had almost zero influence on politics

American political scientists Martin Gilens and Benjamin Page studied the relationship between the political views of those in different incomes. They found that ____.


An economy in which government strictly controls all aspects of production is called a(n) ____ economy.


An economy that combines capitalism with some areas of government control and regulation is called a(n) ____ economy.

an organization that attempts to influence policy by lobbying public officials to consider or advance its preferences

An interest group is ____.

What makes the "social sciences" similar to the "natural sciences" (chemistry, biology, physics) is that

Both are rigorous and "scientific"

Prior to the early 1900s, the term "white" was reserved for which of the following groups?

Anglo-Saxons (people from England)

Which of the following is a reasonable reason why humans developed verbal communication?

As a form of sexual selection As our ancestors began to use tools, they needed hands-free communication The increased consumption of meat provided more energy for brain development As evolutionary trait that allowed better communication between mother and infant

Jennifer Richardson, a political psychologist who studies how people respond to social change discusses research that shows that, when confronted with data on the growing Hispanic population, ____. *wrong*

Asian-Americans shifted towards more conservative views Hispanics became more socially liberal Whites shifted their political preferences towards the Republican Party

In what ways can automation and technology help CREATE jobs? (You may select more than one answer.)

Automation leads to higher productivity, which allows businesses to expand Automation leads to higher productivity, which lowers prices for consumers who can buy new goods or services

There are five dimensions (the "five A's") to assess health care access. ____ looks at whether a person lives near the health care services he or she needs.


Omar graduates from college and starts a job as an accountant. The starting salary is $53,000 per year. Based on this, Omar would be a considered a member of what social class in the US?

Average middle class

Of the two theories that explain why college graduates earn more, which is consistent with the data?

Both signaling theory and human capital theory

Sam and Barbara are married, with two young children. Sam has decided to stay home and care for the children while Barbara works for a local cleaning service. Barbara earns a little less than $24,000 a year cleaning offices. Based on this information, what can we say about Sam and Barbara's family?

Barbara and Sam probably fall below the poverty line and qualify for public assistance.

What is an important reason why the quality of schools reflects the socioeconomic inequalities between neighborhoods in the US?

Because local schools are primarily funded by property taxes, schools in low-income neighborhoods and communities (where the prices of homes are lower) tend to have fewer economic resources.

Two students are diagnosed with different diseases at the local doctor. One is diagnosed with syphilis, the other other is diagnosed with pneumonia. Both are treatable with prescription antibiotics. Why is the student with pneumonia able to tell her friends, and adopt the "sick role," while the other student will try to keep his private?

Because society doesn't recognize syphilis as a "legitimate" illness

Why did Chinese grocers live in the back of the store, along with their families?

Because the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 prevented ethnic Chinese from owning property

Why were Chinese grocery stores important in the Delta during segregation?

Because they were willing to sell to black customers, unlike white grocers

shopping for pleasure

Bernard Mandeville's 1723 essay "The Fable of the Bees" argued that _____ strengthened a country's economy.

Which of the following is true about the British National Health Service (NHS)?

Britain's NHS system provides universal coverage to any UK resident

Abrahamic religions are those can trace their origins to Abraham and share the Old Testament as a common sacred text. Which of the following is NOT an Abrahamic religion?



Can local governments (cities, states, etc.) set their own minimum wage HIGHER than the US federal minimum wage?

In which country do people receiving healthcare usually pay no out-of-pocket "copay" fees?

Canada The United Kingdom

Which of the three systems qualifies as a "universal" healthcare system?

Canada The United Kingdom Germany

Which of the following best describes the Canadian healthcare system?

Canada has a single-payer, socialized healthcare system

private ownership and open competition

Capitalism is characterized by ____.

According to the labeling theory of deviance, a student who is tracked as "at-risk" has a lower likelihood of becoming deviant.


All societies have always had police forces similar to the ones we know today.


From a sociological perspective, the source of our personality and individuality is _________


Which of the following is true about computer technology?

Computers keep getting faster and better, as processing speed grows exponentially

___ sees Panem (the fictional society in The Hunger Games) as held together by coercion. The Capitol exploits the districts for their resources but keeps most of the economic benefits for itself.

Conflict theory

increasingly unnecessary, impulse buys often transported across long distances cheaper than before

Consumer goods like clothing, electronics, and furniture today are ____. (You may select more than one answer)

When people negatively judge people who use non-standard English accents, they are demonstrating what kind of power inequality?


According to Simone de Beauvoir, which of the following are examples of how society pressures women to conform to the standards of "feminine" beauty?

Daily beauty regimens (makeup, hair, etc.) that are emphasized for women are reinforce their status as "objects" Popular media celebrates specific types of female bodies, particularly those that are sexually attractive to men

primary labor market

Dante is a young urban professional working for a tech startup in San Francisco. He receives a decent salary, but also receives generous health insurance, retirement, and family leave policies. We would say that Dante is part of the ____.

____ is a specialized field of sociology that uses statistics to study a population, especially its growth, decline, and movement of its people.


Which of the following is NOT of the foundations of deviance, according to sociologists?

Deviance is a result of socialization

____ refers to the "two-ness" that arises from being American and black, a sense which affects many African-Americans, according to W.E.B. Du Bois.

Double consciousness

___________ looks at social life as a series of performances, similar to those that take place in a theater or on a stage.

Dramaturgical analysis

Which of the following is NOT a way in which race and gender inequalities affect education in the US?

Dress codes and other "morality" behavioral standards are less strict for female students than they are for male students

When did the practice of teenagers dating emerge?

During the economic boom of the 1950s

Which of the following is/are ways in which we see racial inequalities related to issues of gun control?

Early laws that banned Native Americans and free blacks from owning guns The unequal application of "stand your ground" laws in places like Florida NYC "stop and frisk" policies that gave police the power to check anyone on the street that looked suspicious for guns and/or drugs The fact that the NRA rarely (if ever) speaks out in defense of people of color who were killed by police

promoting competition

Economists agree that there are a number of ways in which the governments structure markets. In the US, mergers between large companies need to be approved by the department of justice and federal trade commission. This illustrates which of the ways in which the US government structures the market economy?


Economists believe that at least some level of government regulation is necessary in capitalism in order to prevent market failures.

____ is defined on the basis of some real or presumed cultural characteristic, such as language or religion.


Tyranny of the majority

Even in democracies, ethnic or religious minorities are often discriminated against. This is because of what drawback of democratic culture identified by Tocqueville?

Anthropologists are very confident they know how and when the capacity for collective learning developed in early human ancestors.


As societies become larger and more complex, families become increasingly important as sources of social stability.


As we transition more and more of our social activity online, what important social dimension are we missing out on?

Face-to-face interaction necessary for emotional well-being

According to social psychologists, our attitudes and beliefs cannot be influenced by our behaviors.


What kinds of jobs are likely to be impacted by automation in the near future? (You may select more than one answer.)

Fast-food workers Teachers Real estate agents?

Which of the following is NOT an economic factor that makes it more likely that poor people will accept plea bargains for crimes they didn't commit?

Fines and penalties for many crimes are higher for poor people than they are for wealthy people.

Psychologists Raymond Cattell and John Horn developed a theory of intelligence that had two components, "fluid" and "crystalline" intelligence. How do they relate to a person's stages of life?

Fluid intelligence peaks in adolescence and begins to decline in one's 30s, while crystalline intelligence continues to improve over a person's lifetime.

poverty was the norm for everyone; there was little difference between countries

For most of human history ____.


For most of human history, most people had very few material possessions.

What are some reasons why fresh fruits and vegetables are often typically more expensive than processed foods? (You may select more than one answer.)

Fresh fruits and vegetables are more expensive to farm Soy, wheat, and corn (the main ingredients in many processed foods) are heavily subsidized by the US government

From an economic perspective, which policy response to immigration would boost GDP (gross domestic product) and strengthen our economy the most?

Full legalization

Which of the following best describes the way the symbolic interactionist paradigm views gender?

Gender is primarily socially constructed based on "gender scripts" people perform.

status inconsistency

Germain has a master's degree in economics and comes from an upper-middle class family. But instead of pursuing the family business, he has instead joined a farmers market coop. He doesn't earn much money, but is otherwise happy. Germain's combination of high education and low income is an example of what sociologists would call ____.

the economic growth of the US was an example of the success of capitalist economies

German sociologist Ralf Dahrendorf argued that by the late twentieth century, class conflict had changed in important ways that Marx had not anticipated. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways in which class has conflict changed since Marx's time?

How do Germans receive healthcare coverage?

Germans must enroll in one of the various Social Health Insurance (SHI) programs, or they can purchase private health insurance (PHI)

Sociology is defined as the study of ____.

society and human behavior

Which is NOT one of the positive functions of American civil religion, according to Mark Galli?

Giving every individual a sense of moral purpose and answers to questions about the afterlife

Which of the following figure(s) is associated with conflict theory? (You may select more than one answer)

Harriet Martineau Karl Marx W.E.B. Du Bois

How did Alfred Kinsey study human sexuality?

He used surveys and other empirical methods to study the subject scientifically.

Which of the following is NOT an example of the kind of work that professional demographers do?

Help advise a local hospital on what medications are most effective at treating highly contagious diseases

Which of the following is an NOT an economic benefit of a better educated population?

Higher levels of patriotism

Which of the following statements is true. (You may select more than one answer.)

Highways made "white flight" easier and contributed to widespread suburbinization Highways revolutionized how goods were transported Highways increased air pollution and traffic, particularly in cities In order to build our interstate highway system, entire neighborhoods were demolished

Which of the following is NOT a "race" as defined by the US Census?

Hispanic or Latino

Payroll taxes are taken from the wages or current workers, which are matched by your employer. Those funds are then used to pay benefits to current retirees.

How does Social Security work?

Which of the following best describes the relationship between health and culture?

How society defines and treats different diseases (or even whether it defines something as a "disease") varies by culture

Which of the following is a reason many working women find themselves working a "second shift," according to Arlie Hochschild?

Husbands are more likely to spend time after work relaxing, leaving their wives responsible for housekeeping and childrearing duties.


Ideology both helps us understand why inequality never goes away AND it can also help us understand why societies are unequal in the first place.

companies that exceeded pollution limits could buy permits (or "pollution credits") from other companies companies that were below their pollution limits could sell permits (or "pollution credits") to other companies

If the government were to set up a "permit market" for air pollution, which of the following would be true? (You may select more than one answer.)

become institutionalized and incorporated into the dominant culture

If they become successful, social movements usually ____.

a collective action problem

Imagine that you and your neighbors all want a new road built to connect your community with the outside. You would all be better off with the road, but none of you is eager to build it on your own. This is an example of ____.

the tragedy of the commons

Imagine that your workplace has a shared refrigerator. Since no one regulates the use of the refrigerator, sometimes people take snacks without replacing them and the refrigerator become messy and gross. Eventually, the refrigerator is too disgusting and no one is willing to keep their food stored there. This is an example of ____.

When did we first learn that levees may actually INCREASE the risk of flooding?

In 1852, when civil engineer Charles Ellet, Jr., wrote about the dangers posed by levees


In 1890, the income of the average American was $380 per year, which was only a little higher than the poverty rate.


In 1996, President Clinton passed welfare reform that significantly reduced many social welfare programs by placing work restrictions and time eligibility restrictions.

people begin to use individual talents to produce things beyond necessities, creating markets for trade; at the same time, the culture become more individualistic and status is increasingly tied to wealth

In Walter Rostow's "four-stages of development" model, the "take-off" stage is when ____.

their social class background and other ascribed characteristics

In a meritocracy, we would expect that which of the following would have little effect on how far students will go and how well students will perform in school?

their social class background and other ascribed characteristics

In a meritocracy, we would expect that which of the following would have little or no effect on how far students will go and how well students will perform in school?


In general, women tend to be more conservative than men.

In his animated presentation on changing education paradigms, Ken Robinson cites a study on lateral intelligence that studied a group of children over time. What did the study find?

In kindergarten, 98% of children scored "genius" level. That figured quickly dropped over years, as the students acquired more education.

structural social mobility

In many rust belt cities in the Midwest, as factories closed down in the 1980s, many people saw declines in their standard of living and had to look for jobs in other industries, often with lower pay and benefits. This is an example of ____.

businesses sell goods and services to households and households sell their labor to businesses

In the "circular flow" economic model, ____ .

widely distributed throughout a stable society

In the pluralist model of politics, power is ____.

relative deprivation theory

In the study of social movements, ____ focuses on how groups that are oppressed respond to inequality and oppression.

rational choice theory

In the study of social movements, ____ focuses on how individuals compare the costs and benefits of joining or participating in a social movement.

A resource mobilization theory

In the study of social movements, _________ focuses on factors that help or hinder the formation and/ or success of social movements.

One's social status is very important in democratic society

In the video, the narrator argues that Tocqueville thought that democracy breeds a culture of "envy and shame" within a society. In sociological terms, what does this mean?

to ensure that workers' wages are equal to the cost of living

In theory, the main purpose of a minimum wage is ____.

Which of the following is/are important differences between indentured servants and slaves in colonial America?

Indentured service was a contractual agreement with fixed terms; slavery was for life Slavery was hereditary Many (if not all) indentured servants came to America voluntarily Slaves were not considered 'human"

they sell their labor to businesses

Individual households belong to the resource market because ____.

political socialization

Individuals establish their political ideologies (or views and beliefs) through a process of ____.

In the Tuskegee experiment, African-American men with syphilis were studied over several decades. They were told they were being treated for the disease, but they were not, even after the use of penicillin to treat and cure syphilis was widespread practice. What major ethical principle did the study violate?

Informed consent

Which of the following is NOT a criticism of the structural-functional perspective on gender developed by Talcott Parsons?

It did not describe the functions that maintained stable families.

An important quality for a "third place" (or a "social space") is that is is "leveler." What does this mean?

It means that you can spend a lot of time there without having to spend a lot of money

In the 1960s, the Black Panthers began patrolling the streets of Oakland, California, with weapons. They stated that they would take responsibility to protect their community from crime and the police. How did the Califormia government respond?

It passed laws banning the "open carry" of weapons in public places

Which of the following is true about the Affordable Care Act (ACA or "Obamacare")?

It requires private insurers to insure everyone who applies, charge similar premiums to people of the same age, and cover pre-existing conditions It provides subsidies to help buy health insurance based on ability to pay It requires that everyone enroll in a health insurance plan, or pay a fee

Islam began to spread among the African-American community in the 1920s. Why was Islam an appealing alternative to Christianity for many African-Americans?

It was more explicitly anti-racist and emphasized fighting white supremacy It encouraged self-reliance and political independence It preached a universal brotherhood that say all men as equals, regardless of race or ethnicity

Which of the following is NOT a basic element of the definition of "public" education?

It's done in a single language of instruction

Four people were arrested for possession of marijuana on a Saturday night. Based on the statistical evidence, which do you think is MOST likely to be convicted?

Javon, a male African-American college student

Which of the following individual would NOT qualify as "Hispanic"?

Jean-Paul, an immigrant from Haiti

Which of the following is NOT one of the Five Pillars of Islam?

Jihad (or "holy war") against unbelievers

Why is it difficult for many families to meet the expectations of giving each child a separate bedroom?

Large homes are expensive to buy and maintain

Which of the following best describes the relationship between group size, intimacy, and stability?

Larger groups, such as fratenities, are less intimate than small cliques, but the fraternities are a more stable group

the choices we make as consumers in what we demand from markets

Like other aspects of the economy, the amount of pollution produced is fundamentally driven by ____.

What kinds of jobs are likely to be eliminated in the future as driverless vehicles become widely used? (You may select more than one answer.)

Long-haul truck drivers Taxi drivers Delivery drivers (UPS, FedEx, etc.) Bus drivers


Many social programs include some level of wealth redistribution, usually from the rich to the poor.

Which of the following statements is true about the case of Marissa Alexander, the black woman from Florida who was sentenced to 20 years in prison?

Marissa Alexander fired a waming shot into the air to scare off her abusive husband

the "hedonic treadmill"

Mark, Susan, and Tamir used to love spending Fridays at the local bar that offered free appetizers. It became the regular hang out. But, over time, they sometimes skipped and did other things, instead. They hadn't been to their local hang out for several weeks, but when they heard that the place would no longer offer free appetizers during happy hour they were upset. This illustrates the concept of _______

conspicuous consumption

Marking our place (or our desired place) in the social hierarchy by our choices in the music we listen to, the type of clothing we wear, or other lifestyle choices is called ____

Which of the following is NOT a trend in social mobility in the US?

Married couples have lower social mobility than single Americans.

In his animated presentation on changing education paradigms, Ken Robinson suggests that rote memorization, standardized tests, and other aspects of modern education leave many students alienated. This reflects the thinking of which major sociological thinker?

Marx and his theory of alienation of labor

An example of participant observation would be ____.

Mary, a researcher, who visits a first-grade classroom to conduct a study on teacher-student interactions and plays an active role in the study

The first systematic interpretation of modern organizations was developed by __________

Max Weber

an organization that tries to maintain a monopoly of violence in a territory

Max Weber defined a "state" as ____.

The US healthcare system is actually made up of a number of different systems. Which part of the US healthcare system operates like a single-payer system?

Medicare and Medicaid

Based on the information in the video, which of the following statements is accurate about the modern practice of "dating"?

Modern dating is expensive; it requires spending money (at restaurants, movie theaters, etc.) The rise of the internet and smartphones is transforming the norms and rituals of dating The social practice of dating is intertwined with our economic system, including systems of inequality

those societies cling to traditional culture instead of embracing technological and cultural change

Modernization theory argues that poor countries are poor because ____.

Which of the following founders of a religion is NOT considered to be divine by the religion's adherents?


Which of the following public health concerns is directly related to diet and food consumption? (You may select more than one answer.)

Obesity Diabetes

where we sit in terms of social class (where we fit in the economy) effects our emotional well-being

One key lesson from the study of "happiness economics" is that ____.

while income and wealth matters, social status is often more important

One key lesson from the study of "happiness economics" is that ____.

poor whites

One of the most interesting things about political behavior in the US is that although economic self-interest tends to motivate people, ____ frequently seem to vote against their economic interests.

Many Mississippi Delta Chinese frequently encounter people who are surprised that they speak English (with a Delta accent) and assume they are recent immigrants. Thinking sociologically, why does this happen?

Our cultural assumptions about what it means to be "American" privileges "whiteness" and ignores the multiracial fabric of American society

What lessons can the history of Irish immigration to the US teach us about later (and future) waves of immigration?

Over time, American culture often adopts and integrates the cultural practices of immigrants (e.g. Saint Patrick's Day as a national holiday) New waves of immigrants are often resisted by American society Immigrants who speak English tend to have an easier time integrating into American society Partly because of discrimination, new immigrants tend to concentrate in dangerous, low-paying jobs


Overall, children tend to develop a similar political ideology as their parents.


People are less likely to "free ride" in larger groups since the pressure to belong is greater.

Think back to the comic strip "On A Plate," which showed snapshots of the lives of two people: Paula (born to working class parents) and Richard (born to upper-middle-class parents). What are some of the reasons why Paula struggled in school?

Paula's parents weren't able to provide toys and books, which delayed Paula's intellectual development Paula's parents worked long hours, and weren't able to help her with her homework Paula's parents couldn't afford to choose a better school for their child (either by moving to a "better" school district or sending her to private schools)

The Hawthorne effect illustrates what limitation of positive sociology?

People may alter their behavior if they know they're being observed.

On average, which group of people have higher medical costs, which drives up the cost for everyone else?

People who have no health care coverage

political entrepreneurs

People who make extraordinary efforts to bring people together and organizing them for the purpose of changing policy are called ____.

free riders

People who will get the full benefit of a project and either don't pay a big enough share or they don't pay at all and assume someone else will get it done are called ____.

Debtor's prisons were common throughout the 18th century and into the early 19th century. How long did people stay in debtor's prisons?

Prisoners would stay until they (or their families) paid their debt in full

Providing public goods

Political economists agree that there are a number of ways in which governments structure markets. In the 1930s and 1940s, it wasn't cost effective to provide electricity to many parts of rural America. During the New Deal, the government stepped in and built electric power through projects like the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA). This illustrates which of the ways in which the US government structures the market economy?

Ameliorating externalities

Political economists agree that there are a number of ways in which governments structure markets. The factory in town used to dump its waste into the river, but local residents began to complain about its effect on their health. The factory wasn't going to spend more money on waste treatment if it didn't have to, so the state government passed environmental regulations that made it illegal to dump industrial waste into the river. This illustrates which of the ways in which the US government structures the market economy?

Defining rules of property

Political economists agree that there are a number of ways in which governments structure markets. There's an old saying that "possession is nine tenths the law". But if you don't pay rent, your landlord can call the sheriff to evict you. This illustrates which of the ways in which the US government structures the market economy?

Creating a labor force

Political economists agree that there are a number of ways in which governments structure markets. When a company hires an employee in the US, the boss can assume that the employee has some basic skills (reading, math, etc.) but also knows how to show up on time and follow directions. Companies don't have to completely train their employees "from scratch." This illustrates which of the ways in which the US government structures the market economy?

Setting market standards

Political economists agree that there are a number of ways in which governments structure markets. When you buy gasoline at the pump, you are confident that a gallon of gas at one gas station will be equal in volume to a gallon of gas at the gas station across town. This illustrates which of the ways in which the US government structures the market economy?

Governing rules of exchange

Political economists agree that there are a number of ways in which governments structures markets. In a perfect free market, only the laws of supply and demand would determine what is sold on the market. But many US states and localities have "blue laws" that outlaw or restrict the sale of alcohol. This illustrates which of the ways in which the US government structures markets?

Directly appealing to the public to mobilize grassroots support

Political scientists and political sociologists distinguish between "insider" and "outsider" strategies to influence elected officials. Which of the following is NOT an example of an insider strategy?

Using the courts to file cases directly challenging current laws

Political scientists and political sociologists distinguish between "insider" and "outsider" strategies to influence elected officials. Which of the following is NOT an example of an outsider strategy?

the ability to make others do what you want them to do

Power is ____.

How does the practice of redlining help explain the wealth gap between white and non-white households in the US today?

Previous generations of white homeowners were better able to take advantage of rising housing markets, and therefore accumulated wealth faster than non-white homeowners.


Public opinion polling can give us very clear idea of what Americans want their government to do.

How does income segregation help explain why public education is not the "great equalizer" that many policymakers often hope?

Public schools tend to be neighborhood schools. Since most public school funding comes from local property taxes, high-income neighborhoods and communities tend to have much higher funding for education. That means that children from middle and upper class backgrounds tend to go to much better public schools than children from working class backgrounds.

__________ is the repetition of a criminal act by someone who has been convicted of a prior offense.


social mobility

The ability, or inability, to change one's place within the social classes in a society is called ____.

Which of the following is NOT a common function of religion identified by sociologists using the structural functionalist paradigm.

Religion helps orient the soul to a good relationship with God and God's creation.

Which of the following is true about religious beliefs and practices in the US, based on survey and other data?

Religious belief and practice is higher in the US than in other countries, but is also recently in decline.

Which of the following is an example of evidence that points to how physical factors can explain health disparities across subpopulations?

Research by Currie, Greenstone, and Moretti that studied environmental "superfund" sites to isolate environmental factors, which found that children born after the environmental cleanup were less likely to become ill than those born before

Which of the following is an example of evidence that points to how social factors can explain health disparities across subpopulations?

Research by David Williams that showed a link between the day-to-day stress of racism and discrimination on stress-related disease among African-Americans

Imagine that you wanted to study a classroom for a study of best teaching practices. Which of the following are required by ethical guidelines?

Researchers must provide age-appropriate explanations about the study to the children Parents or guardians must offer consent on the behalf of minor children?

Sociologists who study migration often point to "push" and "pull" factors that help explain migration patterns. What factor was the main PULL factor that helps explain why African-Americans moved north?

Restrictions on European immigrants led to high demand for low-wage, unskilled labor in the north

A sociologist who works as a consultant for corporations and large organizations, helping them develop ways to be more efficient and productive could describe himself or herself as an expert in __________, a field pioneered by Frederik Taylor.

Scientific management

Think back to the comic strip "On A Plate," which offered snapshots of two people: Paula (born to working-class parents) and Richard (born to upper-middle-class parents). Which of the following best describes Richard's success later in life.

Richard studied hard at school, but he also had numerous advantages that made it easier for him to focus on his education

Which of the following is NOT a part of the scientific method?

Seek to confirm previously held beliefs or "prove" a particular conclusion

Which of the following best describes how the structural-functionalism paradigm views sexuality?

Sex is important for social reproduction, so it's organized by society to meet those functions.

Which of the following best describes how the symbolic interactionist paradigm views sexuality?

Sexuality is primarily socially constructed based on "sexual scripts" people perform.

How is the practice of redlining related to school segregation?

Since redlining reinforced racially segregated neighborhoods and communities, public schools in predominantly white neighborhoods and communities tended to be predominantly white.

Which of the following statements is NOT supported by historical data on divorce in the US?

Since the 1990s, divorce rates have steadily increased

Which of the following best describes the relationship between slaveholders and their slaves?

Slaveholders did NOT want their slaves exposed to Christianity

individuals don't have to contribute through taxes in order to be eligible or receive benefits

Social programs like free school lunches are "non-contributory" social program because ____.

the system by which society categorizes people, and ranks them in a hierarchy

Social stratification is ____.

collective ownership of the means of production, with a emphasis on meeting everyone's basic needs rather than generating wealth

Socialism is characterized by ____.

____ involves the ability to look at the social world from different perspectives.

Sociological imagination

a set of cultural beliefs and values that justify a particular way of organizing a society

Sociologists define "ideology" as ____

the distribution of power and resources in a society

Sociologists who study politics, focus their study on ____.

How is sociology different from commonsense understandings of the social world?

Sociology is systematic and rigorous; common sense is not.

__________ conducted experiments that demonstrated that the power of the group is so great that it may override our own judgments and perceptions.

Solomon Asch

Which of the following is true about ethnicity?

Some ethnic groups are better able to assimilate into the majority culture than others

focus on the strategic choices made by the movement's leaders, as well as how they mobilized resources like churches, local organizations, and the media

Someone using resource mobilization theory to analyze the events depicted in Selma would ____.

Which of the following is NOT a way adolescents in college might try to resolve the identity vs. role confusion crisis?

Staying true to their high school self and "keeping it real"

Durkheim is a founding figure of what sociological paradigm?


In his animated presentation about changing education paradigms, Ken Robinson argues that the modern educational system resembles factories. Why does he say that?

Students are divided into "batches" corresponding to their birth years and move together through the school day and year on a set schedule acquiring knowledge divided into subject categories

Which of the following is NOT true about the relationship between educational outcomes and social inequalities in the US?

Students from wealthy backgrounds are less likely to receive college scholarships.

Which of the following are ways that we can test theories about human evolution and the development of collective learning?

Studying the archaeological evidence, particularly in East Africa (where humans first evolved) Studying our "evolutionary cousins," the primates and great apes

Sociologists who study migration often point to "push" and "pull" factors that help explain migration patterns. What factor was the main PUSH factor that helps explain why African-Americans moved north?

Systemic violence and oppression under Jim Crow segregation laws

The video about why children have their own bedrooms illustrates what important sociological principle?

That cultural norms vary across time and across different societies, and are often shaped by changing ideas and/or changes in the mode of production

our happiness seems to depend primarily on how we compare to our neighbors (those around us)

The "reference-income hypothesis" suggests that ____.

Which of the following is NOT a recent trend in family patterns in the US?

The average age in which people are getting married is declining steadily.

Discussions about American civil religion, many often to point to Thanksgiving as a great example of a secular ritual that epitomizes the "founding" of our country in a way that evokes religion. Which religious story most closely resembles Thanksgiving?

The Exodus story of how the Israelites fled Egypt and arrived in the Promised land given to them by God

What "event" is credited with setting in motion cultural changes in society, including the emergence of modern "dating"?

The Industrial Revolution

Historian Isabel Wilkerson argues that the millions of African-Americans who left the South and resettled in Northern and Midwestern cities starting in the early 1900s were seeking political asylum within the borders of their own country. What evidence supports this argument?

The Jim Crow era laws established after the end of Reconstruction produced a rigid racial caste system that was very oppressive and violent towards African-Americans

the Great Depression

The US government's role in social policy grew rapidly during ____.


The US political system combines all three types of authority identified by Max Weber. Presidential elections and political campaigns represent ____ authority.


The US political system combines all three types of authority identified by Max Weber. Presidential powers outlined in the US constitution and other laws represent ____ authority.

In 2012, the US spent about $8,745 per person on health care (in 2017, that figure was $10,739). How does that compare to what other peer wealthy democracies spend?

The US spends about 2x per person

In which country are most doctors government employees?

The United Kingdom

Which of the following countries has a socialized healthcare system?

The United Kingdom

Which of the three systems qualifies as a "socialized" healthcare system?

The United Kingdom

Which country has the HIGHEST incarceration rate in the world?

The United States

The US healthcare system is actually made up of a number of different systems. Which part of the US healthcare system operates like a socialized healthcare system?

The Veterans Administration (VA)


The ____ is the social institution that organizes production, consumption, and trade of goods in a society.

Why is the following argument flawed: "In the past, immigrants from countries like Ireland, Italy, and Poland were also discriminated against. Over time, they and their descendants were able to assimilate into American culture and become successful. Therefore, complaints by other ethnic or racial minorities are invalid. They should just work harder, like Irish, Italian, and Polish immigrants did."

The ability for groups to assimilate largely relies on broader cultural shifts, which are based on negotiations based on who has social power It relies on the misconception that definitions of race and ethnicity are stable

In the 1940s and 1950s, when planning for the interstate highway system began, few concerns were raised about preserving historical neighborhoods. Why?

The belief in preserving "historic districts" wasn't a widespread cultural value in America at the time.

Which of the following is NOT a statement that reflects belief in America's civil religion?

The belief that the procedural niceties of the Constitution can be ignored when popular majorities want to

given how difficult it is to stay informed about politics, it makes sense for people to stay generally uninformed

The concept of "rational ignorance" means that ____.

a situation in which maximizing individual self-interest is contrary to the collective good

The concept of "the tragedy of the commons" represents ____.

show that successful social movement involve difficult strategic choices, often including many different coordinated strategies

The film Selma depicts many members of the various groups involved in organizing the march on Selma often arguing about different tactics. Janet Vertesi points out that the film does this in order to ____.

the 1965 march to the Alabama capital to demand voting rights for African-Americans

The film Selma focuses on the story of ____.


The film Selma reminds us that the most important part of the Civil Rights Movement were the speeches made by Martin Luther King, Jr.

Which of the following is a major contributor to the high cost of healthcare in the US?

The cost of paperwork to tie so many different systems (and hundreds of private health insurance companies) together drives up administrative costs. Americans tend to order many (often unnecessary) tests and procedures, often because these are profitable for healthcare providers (who encourage them). Procedures and tests tend to cost more than they would in other countries, largely because the lack of a unified system to negotiate prices gives healthcare providers more leverage in price negotiations.

lower prices lower quality products

The current trend in consumer demands is to ____. (You may select more than one answer.)

choices we make

The discussion of environmental economics emphasizes that economics is fundamentally about ____.

According to Marx, what is the underlying foundation of any society?

The economy

secondary (or "industrial")

The economy is typically divided into three sectors. Often simply called the "manufacturing" sector, the ____ sector involves taking raw materials and transforming them into finished products.

Which of the following statements about "race" as a concept is supported by historical evidence?

The emergence of ideas about "race" and racial differences emerged AFTER slavery was already expanding in colonial America

combined "outsider" and "insider" political strategies

The events depicted in Selma show that MLK and the other leaders ____.

Many highway construction projects cut through predominantly African-American neighborhoods in major urban cities. How did the highway impact those communities?

The highway effectively destroyed the communities, leaving mostly vacant lots

Which of the following is NOT one of the major factors explaining why children are expected to have their own bedrooms?

The important socialization benefits that children acquire by learning to be independent

Which of the following is NOT one of the factors driving up the cost of college education?

The increasingly high salaries paid to faculty and campus staff

the Industrial Revolution

The key development in the emergence of the modern economy was ____.

who owns and controls the factors of production

The key distinguishing feature of different economic systems is ____.

Which of the following plays little or no role in determining our sexual preferences and behaviors?

The kind of diet we eat or level of exercise

tertiary (or "service")

The largest portion of the US economy today is the ____ sector.


The model of an economic "virtuous economic cycle" in which rising wages led to increased spending and eventually greater production suggests that ____ are the true "job creators" in a capitalist economy.

How does the affordability of housing affect health?

The more money families spend on housing, the less money they have available for other things, including food and healthcare.

Which of the following are likely reasons why humans developed collective learning, but other animals do not.

The need to process 3D visual information The need to navigate complex primate social hiearchies

Traditional shopping malls were built starting in the 1950s. What important social function were malls intended to serve?

The new residential suburban neighborhoods lacked quality "third places" for social activity

Which of the following is NOT part of the formal criminal justice system?

The news media


The political spectrum is the broad array of beliefs and ideas that make up the politics of a society. People identified with mainstream "right" (or "conservative") positions tend to prefer ____ forms of authority.

favor some government intervention in the economy to help guarantee equality of outcomes

The political spectrum is the broad array of beliefs and ideas that make up the politics of a society. People identified with mainstream"left" (or "liberal") positions tend to prefer economic policies that ____.

concentrated in a small number of people who control the major institutions of the state

The power elite theory states that power is ____.

Wealth is often passed down from one generation to the next, and home values are often the most significant form of wealth for most households. Since African-Americans in the past were shut out from the better neighborhoods, the values of their homes stagnated while the value of homes in "white" neighborhoods continued to rise. White families were able to pass on more wealth to their children with each passing generation, while most African-American families were not.

The practice of "redlining" was a common way to make it difficult for African-American families to buy homes in "white" neighborhoods. Although redlining was made illegal in 1968, how does this help explain the wealth gap between African-Americans and white households today?

having $10 million does not make you much happier than someone with only $1 million

The principle of diminishing returns helps explain why ____.

Which of the following is NOT of a cultural aspect of aging?

The process of mental deterioration that comes with old age

In which of the following ways did the European Enlightenment affect our understanding of "race"?

The push within scientific communities to categorize the natural world using "reason" into elaborate typologies extended to humans as well Some philosophers claimed that some people lacked "history" and "culture" and were simply obstacles to progress

power is never static

The quote "If you're not taking action, you're being acted upon" illustrates which of the three "laws" of power?

Which of the following best describes how the conflict theory paradigm views sexuality?

The regulation of sexuality creates and/or reinforces sexual inequalities in society.

The average size of American homes has increased Spending on electronics has increased We are less likely to return unwanted items Spending on clothing has increased

The rise of online shopping is correlated with what other trends? (You may select more than one answer)

Democracy turns us against authority

The tendency to dismiss expert opinion on issues like climate change or economic policy and prefer to use "common sense" or public opinion polls is an example of what drawback of democratic culture identified by Tocqueville?

In the Columbian Exchange, European countries gained access to agricultural goods and raw materials that jump-started their economic growth, allowing them to industrialize much earlier

The term "Columbian Exchange" is used to describe the exchange of goods, technology, education, and diseases between the Americas and Europe/Africa after Columbus "discovered" the Americas, and their impact on the global economy. How does the Columbian Exchange help explain why many countries in Latin America are poor?

any time a survey sample is not representative of the larger population being studied

The term "selection bias" describes ____

Although the different social sciences have different areas of focus, they all have in common that

They study society and human beings and they use facts and systematic observation

Although the different social sciences have different areas of focus, they all have in common that _________

They use facts and systematic observation and they study society and human beings

That disruptive (but peaceful) protests should be combined with other strategies, such as working through the courts and lobbying political leaders.

Thinking as a political sociologist, what do you think is the lesson from Selma for contemporary groups, such as Black Lives Matter?

organization, leadership, and resources

The three things a social movement needs in order to be successful are ____.


The traditional Indian caste system, the feudal social system of medieval Europe, and the Jim Crow era segregation in the US South are all examples of a(n) ____ stratification system.

Based on what you know about how "calling" works, which social class was largely excluded from this practice?

The urban working class

Which of the following is NOT one of the economic benefits of extending legal status to undocumented workers?

The wages of undocumented workers would decrease, making it easier to hire native-born workers.

Which of the following helps explain the rapid growth in the US prison population since the 1960s?

The widespread closing of mental health facilities often resulted in "shifting" mentally ill patients into prisons The "war on drugs" led to an increasing criminalization of drug offenses, often including long prison sentences for non-violent offenses

____ are sets of interrelated ideas that successfully explain a wide range of phenomena, deal with centrally important issues, and have stood the test of time.


What are some negative consequences of the high rate at which the human population has grown?

There are likely to be more conflicts as more and more people compete for fewer and fewer resources The growing human ecological footprint leaves less and less space available for other species and ecosystems


There is a 100% correspondence between "political party" and "political ideology." The two terms mean the same thing.

Which of the following is NOT a trend in social mobility in the US during the most recent years?

There's increasing growth in income among the working and middle classes, which is narrowing the income inequality in the US.

Which of the following is NOT an important manifest social function of public schools?

They are places where students are free to independently explore their own identities

Why do people use impression management?

They are sensitive about how others see them.

In the 1863 New York City draft riots, poor whites (largely Irish immigrants) rioted against the draft law that offered draft exception for anyone who could pay $300. Who did they target their anger against?

They attacked African-Americans, who were ineligible for the draft because they weren't considered citizens

Which of the following is true about the origin of policing in Colonial America?

They consisted of nightwatchmen made up of community volunteers They included private guards hired by merchants as protection from thieves They often focused on preventing slave uprisings and capturing runaway slaves

Between 1882 (when the Chinese Exclusion Act was passed) and 1943 (when it was partly repealed), all Chinese immigration to the US was banned. Why did Mississippi Delta plantation owners want to hire "illegal" Chinese immigrants to work in the cotton fields?

They could pay them less than recently-freed African-American workers If the Chinese immigrant workers complained, they could easy get rid of them by reporting them to federal immigration authorities

Which of the following is true about the origin of modern police forces?

They focused on controlling labor by heavily policing moral behavior and disrupting union activity The first metropolitan police forces in the US were formed to control Italian, Irish, German, and other immigrants in cities like Boston and New York They were first introduced in Britain in the 1820s

Which of the following is true about setback levees? (You may select more than one answer.)

They help maintain wetland habitats as well as protect communities from flooding They are common in other countries, such as Holland They are NOT common in the US

In the decades immediately after the Civil War, prisons in the "New South" tended to serve what social functions?

They helped provide cheap labor to help rebuild an economy that had historically relied on slave labor They helped maintain racial hierarchies and inequalities

Which of the following is NOT a latent social function of public schools?

They provide important credentials necessary for the workforce or for admission to higher education

What do ethnic minorities, religious minorities, and LGBTQ people have in common?

They stand outside the center of power in our society and are often marginalized.

According to Max Weber, the Protestant Reformation changed people's beliefs about their relationship to God and salvation. How did one demonstrate "proof of election" (salvation) in the modern world?

Through material success by accumulating as much wealth as possible

show that white characters had greater access to "public" spaces than African-American characters do

Through use of lighting and other visual cues, the film Selma juxtaposes "public" and "private" spaces in ways that ____.

1,000 to 1,500 people

To get a good survey that has a margin of error of about ±3% requires a sample of about ____

Historically, what has been the main purpose (or "social function") of "calling" and/or "dating"?

To select a suitable mate in order to start a family

From a sociological perspective, human development requires social interaction.


Many gun control policies, such as the New York City's "stop and frisk" and the ATF's series of sting operations to combat gun crimes tend to disproportionately target people of color.


Many scholars critical of "convict leasing" have argued that it very closely resembled the kind of plantation slavery economy in place prior to the Civil War.


Sociologists would consider the use of emojis in texts is a form of symbolic culture.


The study of social psychology is very similar to the study of socialization.


What does county-level election data tells us about how Donald Trump did in 2016 compared to Barack Obama in 2008?

Trump did best in counties where immigration caused rapid demographic shifts

The race is basically a statistical tie, but seems to tilt slightly towards Jones

Two candidates (Smith and Jones) are running for office. The most recent poll has a ±3% margin of error and shows the following: Smith 47% Jones 53% How would you interpret this poll?

Why do many blame high administrative costs as a main contributor to the high cost of healthcare in the US?

Tying together so many different systems, particularly the hundreds of individual private insurance companies, requires a lot of paperwork and staff to manage that paperwork.

Historically, new technological innovations that reduce the need for labor tend to increase productivity. Over the last two decades, we have seen a rapid rise in technological innovation in the workplace, but no corresponding rise in productivity. What does this suggest?

Unlike in the past, this time there is no off-setting rise in productivity to create new jobs to replace those lost to automation

The city of Eureka, MO, regularly floods. Upstream, the community of Valley Park, MO, does not flood. Why is that?

Valley Park was able to pay to build a levee, but Eureka didn't.

How can population health statistics help us understand and provide evidence of inequality in access to health care?

We could look at subpopulations (race, gender, social class, etc.) and compare them to see if they have significantly different life expectancy, fertility rates, or mortality rates

Which of the following best describes gun control policy in the United States?

We don't have many national-level laws that control the sale of guns We have many local-level laws that aim to control and penalize possession of guns We have "stand your ground" and "open carry" laws in many states, but these are unequally applied

Which kind of communities are MORE LIKELY to have levees to protect them from flooding?

Wealthier, more affluent communities

The number of young workers (who pay taxes) keeps falling, while the number of elderly (who receive benefits) keeps rising

What is the biggest threat to Social Security?


What is the current federally mandated minimum wage in the US?

Income is money earned from work or investments; wealth is the total value of money plus other assets, like real estate, stocks, and bonds.

What is the difference between "income" and "wealth"?

Because of persistent collective action, such as strikes, by workers who demanded better wages and working conditions

What is the primary reason why minimum wage laws were adopted?

With polls (surveys) of large, representative samples of the population

What is the primary way in which political scientists and political sociologists measure public opinion?

Which of the following is an ethical or moral question related to private prisons?

What is the purpose or function of a prison? If prisons are the responsibility of the government and/or the private sector, what responsibility do they have to inmates?

By reporting on the events, and airing footage of police repression on television, the media galvanized public opinion in favor of the Civil Rights movement.

What role did the media, particularly television, play in the events portrayed in Selma (and the broader Civil Rights Movement)?


When did the US first adopt a federal minimum wage?

we all want clean air, but existing market incentives work against that demand

When economists describe air pollution as a "market failure" they mean that ____.

if left alone, consumers in a capitalist economy would regulate the market themselves by selecting goods and services they value

When economists refer to the "invisible hand," they're referring to Adam Smith's argument that ____.

$22,800 per year

When economists split the population into quintiles, they divide up the population into five equal groups of 20% of the population. The poorest 20% of households in the US earn less than ____.

$117,000 per year

When economists split the population into quintiles, they divide up the population into five equal groups of 20% of the population. The richest 20% of households in the US earn more than ____.

The earliest uses of the term "race" referred to ____.

a category of kinship or group affiliation, typically for members of the same household or who shared a common ancestor

The concept of the "the color line" as used by Du Bois (and others) helps illustrate which of the following? (You may select more than one answer)

When people of color navigate through society, they're always aware if they cross into (predominantly) "white" spaces The natural social differences which explain divisions between groups on the basis of race or ethnicity?

how a nation's population collectively views vital policy issues and/or evaluates political leaders

When political scientists or political sociologists talk about "public opinion" they mean ____.

the political and economic conditions a person lives through

When political sociologists say that generational experiences are a major source of political socialization, what they mean is that ____.

Create "permit markets" by setting limits on how much firms can pollute, but allowing them to buy/sell pollution permits Set specific rules about how much specific industries can pollute Directly subsidizing specific technologies or industries Provide price incentives to encourage environment-friendly choices (with taxes and/or subsidies)

Which of the following are ways that government could intervene to reduce pollution? (You may select more than one answer.)

Tocqueville believed democracy was on the rise and represented the future. He was mostly positive about this, but pointed out some problems associated with democratic society.

Which of the following best describes Alexis de Tocqueville's views about democracy?

higher education tends to coincide with liberal social values but also correlates with higher income, which tends to coincide with conservative fiscal values

Which of the following best describes the impact of higher education on political ideology?

Across US households, wealth inequality is much HIGHER than income inequality.

Which of the following best describes the relationship between income and wealth inequality? ** (made an educated guess b/c got it wrong both times on the quiz)

Working long hours has a negative effect on happiness Long commutes have a negative effect on happiness Unemployment has a negative effect on happiness

Which of the following economic factors affect individual happiness? multiple answers

Provide for national security

Which of the following is NOT a defining feature of social policy?

Setting limits on total profits businesses are allowed to declare in any fiscal year.

Which of the following is NOT a way in which our government intervenes in the market economy?

Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL)

Which of the following is NOT an example of an interest group?

Stratification systems are based on the objective merit of individuals.

Which of the following is NOT one of the four basic principles of stratification?

The level of taxes on goods and services

Which of the following is NOT one of the key questions decided by economic systems?

Economic inequality fell sharply as more goods became available to consumers

Which of the following is NOT true about the social impacts of the Industrial Revolution?

Making driving cheaper may encourage people to drive more Drivers with fuel-efficient cars spend less money on gas, but they might use their savings to increase their consumption in other ways Lowering demand for gas drives down the price of oil, making it more attractive for use in other industries

Which of the following is an example of what economists call the "rebound effect" of making more fuel-efficient vehicles? (You may select more than one answer.)

For most people, combs, mirrors, and underwear were small luxuries

Which of the following is true about Europe in the early 1700s?

Politicians use public opinion polls to "craft" their political messages in ways that will appeal to voters Politicians don't always respond to public opinion polls Public opinion polls can help set the agenda, by letting political leaders know which issues are most important

Which of the following is true about public opinion polls and government? (You may select more than one answer.)

Individual opinions about political issues is unstable, and even random Collective opinions about political issues is stable, and tends to express clear preferences

Which of the following is true about public opinion polls? (You may select more than one answer.)

Preference for popular "brand name" clothing like Nike and Under Armor over other, less-well-known brands Describing someone as "successful" because he/she earns a high salary, rather than focusing on the person's other character traits Judging a film based on its success at the box office, rather than on its artistic merit

Which of the following is/are example(s) of the way in which democratic society is often materialistic, according to Tocqueville? (You may select more than one answer)

Democracy breeds envy and shame Democracy undermines freedom of mind Democracy breeds materialism

Which of the following is/are problem(s) Tocqueville associated with a democratic society? (You may select more than one answer.)

A survey of viewers on FOX, CNN, or MSNBC that the news hosts invite viewers to tell whether they approve or disapprove with a particular policy A telephone survey that uses random dialing to call 1,200 landlines to ask about support for a particular policy A survey in which about 200 random people walking through a shopping mall are asked about political opinions

Which of the following polls probably suffers from some sort of selection bias? (You may select more than one answer.)

Single people tend to have higher wealth than married people.

Which of the following statements about income and wealth inequality is NOT true?

The invisible hand of the market guarantees efficiency through competition.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about "mixed" market economies?

The 5-day workweek (the creation of "weekends"), the abolition of (most) child labor, an hourly minimum wage, regulations on workplace conditions, the 40-hour workweek

Which of the following were introduced in the 1938 Fair Labor Standards Act?

social conflict theory

While all three paradigms recognize and study social inequality, ____ emphasizes the consequences of inequality.

symbolic interactionism

While all three paradigms recognize and study social inequality, ____ looks closely at how the way an individual speaks, dresses, and interacts with people in their day-to-day lives reflects an individual's social position.

Because interstate highways were built through existing cities, constructing them usually meant demolishing existing residential/commercial neighborhoods. Which kind of communities was more likely to successfully resist the demolition of their neighborhoods?

White, middle-class neighborhoods

Demographers estimate that the US will be a majority-minority country by 2040. This is because ____.

Whites will no longer be the majority, but neither will any other group

Which of the following is NOT one of the five "big questions" that science seeks to answer?

Why are we here?

The suffering caused by the Great Depression was widespread and affected most Americans.

Why did so many Americans come to believe that it was part of the government's job to do something about poverty in the 1930s?

What is a major factor causing the slowdown in population growth in most countries?

Women are having fewer children than they did in the past

Which of the following statements is true about the cultural practice of women shaving their legs? *wrong*

Women began shaving their legs shortly after the industrial revolution (in the early 1800s) The shortage of nylon during World War 2 prompted many women to shave their legs The first razor marketed specifically for women was in 1915

What kind of economic forces helped create the modern practice of "dating"?

Women entering the paid workforce Rapid urbanization The emergence of "leisure" activities (restaurants, movie theaters, amusement parks)

Typically, people with less power in society are relegated to subcultures.


It what ways is the healthcare market UNLIKE other markets (such as the market for housing, cars, clothing, etc.)?

You never know when you're going to need it In an emergency, you're not going to "shop around" for better prices

The term "sex" refers to ____.

a biological category that distinguishes between male and female

The practice known as "redlining" was ____.

a form of exclusionary zoning that defined predominantly non-white neighborhoods as undesirable and made it harder for people living in those neighborhoods to get home loans or to move out of those neighborhoods

A levee is ____.

a giant artificial embankment that surrounds a city, designed to keep water out

The concept "ethnicity" is defined as ____.

a group of people have a shared cultural origin

The term "family" describes ____.

a group of people who are related by genetics, marriage, or choice, and who share material, emotional, and economic resources

Sociologists define "society" as ____.

a group of people who share a culture and territory

Sociologists define "society" as ________

a group of people who share a culture and territory

Max Weber defined a social class as ____.

a group that's fairly similar in terms of income, education, power, and prestige in society

Which of the following does NOT describe a "nuclear family"?

a husband and wife, with no children

The term "marriage" describes ____.

a legally recognized relationship usually involving economic, social, emotional, and sexual bonds

The practice of arranged marriage has been common across many cultures, especially in the past. An arranged marriage is ____.

a marriage negotiated between two families, usually in order to create strong bonds between them

A person's "gender identity" refers to ____.

a person's internal, deeply held sense of their own gender

The so-called "Kinsey scale" of sexuality measures ____.

a person's sexual orientation, ranging from "exclusively homosexual" to "exclusively heterosexual"

A person's sexual orientation refers to ____.

a relatively enduring physical or romantic attraction to another person, of your own or the other sex, or both

The term "gender" refers to ____.

a set of social and psychological characteristics that a society considers proper for its males and females

Survey research relies on samples, which are ____.

a smaller group that is representative of the larger population

Sociologists define "religion" as ____.

a social institution that involves a unified system of beliefs and practices that recognize the sacred

The term "patriarchy" describes ____.

a social system in which men (typically) enjoy more power and privilege than women

W.E.B. Du Bois helped redefine how sociologists study race. Today, sociologists define race as ____.

a socially constructed category of people, who share biological traits that society has deemed important

Reference groups provide us __________

a standard for judging our attitudes and behaviors

The contemporary view of "health" in our society defines it as ____.

a state of physical, mental, and social well-being

A hypothesis is ____.

a statement of a possible relationship between two variables

The term "meritocracy" means ____.

a system in which individual hard work and talent is recognized and rewarded

Many advocates for publicly-funded education open to all argued that ____.

a well-educated population was essential for democracy

The US sets a "poverty level" that determines eligibility for assistance programs. Currently a family of four would have to earn less than ____ to qualify as below the poverty line.

about $25,000

According to Carol Gilligan, men tend to base their notions of moral right and wrong on ________

abstract ideas of duty, justice, and individual freedom

In his animated presentation about changing education paradigms, Ken Robinson argues that traditional ways of thinking about education divide people into two basic types, ____.

academic vs. non-academic

A person might want to be part of a secondary group to __________

accomplish a specific goal, such as graduating frym college

Gerhard Lenski's model of societal change shows that __________

advances in technology go hand-in-hand with increases in inequality

Most advertisements feature young, vibrant people. Some sociologists might point to this cultural obsession with "youth" as an indication of ____.


Family, peers, the media, and school are all examples of _________

agents of socialization

People milling about in rows, waiting for a bus, or strolling on a beach make up a social __________


Gerhard Lenski developed a classification system of different societies. Large permanent settlements, labor specialization, and increasing inequality are characteristic of ________

agrarian societies

Many economists worry that automation and technology will lead to massive unemployment in the future. Their counter-argument against the optimists is essentially that ____.

although we can see the jobs that will be eliminated by technology, it's harder to see the new jobs that will be created?

At Jamie's high school, the "jocks" made fun of the drama club members. This increased the bonding and sense of loyalty among the jocks. Therefore, we could consider the jocks __________

an in-group

When the Irish first arrived in the United States, they were generally viewed as ____.

an infestation, or a plague

Durkheim saw society as a(n) ____.

an organism, with parts that served different functions

Unlike Karl Marx, Max Weber argued that the transition from traditional to modern society was the result of ____.

changes in the way we think about the world

According to Max Weber, the three components of social stratification are ____.

class, power, and status

When we experience psychological discomfort because of a mismatch between what we do and who we think we are, we are experiencing __________

cognitive dissonance

The collection of all beliefs, morals, and ideas that are the "social facts" in a given society is known as ____.

collective consciousness

American education policy tends to give preference to ____, giving it higher levels of funding.

college and university education

The term "kinship" describes social bonds based on ____.

common ancestry, marriage, or adoption

According to Jean Piaget, the ability to understand things from a different perspective does not take place until the ___________

concrete operational stage (around age 6-7)

In sociology, Marx is a founder of the conflict theory perspective because he saw society as defined by ____.

conflict between those who benefited from the relations of production (the rich) and those who were exploited (the poor)

A sociologist who studies families as a way to understand how social inequalities (particularly gender inequalities) are perpetuated in society is working within the ____.

conflict theory

Sociologists who use the ________ theoretical framework focus on how cultural norms and values tend to give preference to some groups over others, reinforcing social inequalities.

conflict theory

The tendency in high school for social norms to be dictated by white, middle-class tastes and preferences seems to fit the __________ perspective.

conflict theory

__________ describes how we adjust our behavior or thinking to follow the behavior or rules of the group we belong to.


The theory that deviance is related to impulse, and that people who don't exhibit deviant behavior are able to control their impulses is known as _________

containment theory

When we say that "science" is both a historical and social concept, we mean that ____.

contemporary ideas and norms about what constitutes "scientific" knowledge are new and largely a product of modernity

At the beginning of the video, Adam Conover argues that ________

conversations about gun control tend to focus on what makes white people feel safe, but excludes the concerns of people of color

The psychologist Erik Erikson developed a theory of stages of progressive psychological development (or "stages of life"), each one marked by __________

crisis (or "issue") to be resolved

The type of sociological inquiry that focuses on the need for social change ____.

critical sociology

Middle-class families tend to enroll their young children in special academic and sports camps, take them to museums, and emphasize reading and encourage their interest in science. According to French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, these parents are providing their children with _________

cultural capital

Pierre Bourdieu argued that parents with more resources are able to give their children ____, which gives them advantages in school and later in life.

cultural capital

The fact that people of different races tend to be highly concentrated into "their" neighborhoods, even in large cities like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, illustrates the prevalence of ____ in our country.

de facto segregation

Those in favor of "defunding" police departments want to __________

decrease the "militarization" of policing and focus on de-escalation shift taxpayer resources to other agencies that provide important social services, such as mental health services and social workers

A boss whose management style emphasizes consensus-building and seeks out input from her employees is demonstrating a(n) ________ style of leadership.


Lutherans, Methodists, Baptists, and Presbyterians are all examples of ____ within Christianity.


In 1927, when Time magazine did a survey of what different department stores recommend as suitable colors for boys' and girls' clothing, they found that ____.

department stores weren't concerned about gender-specific color options ?

Nonconformity to a set of norms accepted by a significant number of people in a community is called ________


The three basic processes of concern for demographers are ____.

fertility, mortality, and migration

Mary is a waitress who refuses to wait on black customers. This is an example of ____.


Ralph has just been diagnosed with a treatable form of cancer. The specific symptoms and his body's biological responses to the cancer would be referred to as a(n) ____.


People who tend to blame poverty on the negative traits of poor people ("they're lazy"), rather than broader social circumstances like lack of opportunity tend to emphasize _________ over ___________

disposition; situation

The Hindu principle of "dharma" is that ____.

each of us has a duty to our place in society, and shouldn't worry about the outcome

In 1889, George Ravenstein argued that the most important thing that drove immigration was ____.

economic opportunity

Efforts to at police reform in the mid-1900s tended to focus on _________

eliminating rampant corruption within police departments

During the 1950s, women were expected to stay at home and take care of their husbands' and children's needs. These socially constructed ideas are referred to as ____.

emphasized femininity

John is very proud of his Italian and French background. Therefore, it can be said that John is very proud of his ____.


Mark is studying abroad in France. During their family meals, the host family frequently serves everyone, including their adolescent daughter, a glass of wine. Mark thinks poorly of his host family and assumes they're probably alcoholics. Mark's attitude is an example of ____________


In the classic 1967 film Guess Who's Coming to Dinner Joanna Drayton, a white woman from an upper-class San Francisco family brings home her fiancé, John Prentice (played by Sidney Poitier), a widowed black physician. The marriage between Joanna and John is an example of ____.


Most of the suburbs built in the 1950s, such as Levittown, New York ____.

explicitly prevented non-white families from purchasing homes in them

A leader who primarily focuses on making sure everyone in the group gets along by diffusing conflicts is demonstrating a(n) _________ of leadership.


"Race" as a concept operates the same way across time and different cultures.


A large number of doctors leave Canada every year because they prefer to work in the US, and thousands of Canadians prefer to come to the US for medical treatment every year.


According to his criteria, Karl Popper would call sociology a pseudoscience.


According to the discussion in the video "The Fractured Politics of a Browning America," exposure to reminders of increasing cultural diversity in America tends to make people more comfortable and tolerant.


According to years of research on successful marriages, passion is one of the most important factors in maintaining stable relationships.


Architect Victor Gruen, the inventor of the closed, indoor shopping mall, thought indoor malls were a great success and advocated for them as vital "third places" in American culture.


Between 1970 and 2017, the growth in the number of malls increased at the same rate as population growth.


Churches and religious leaders play a leading role in today's movements against systemic racism.


Empirical science is the only legitimate way to establish what is "true" about the important questions of life.


Evangelical Protestants and Catholics are more likely to belong to the middle and upper class.


Hair removal practices and trends have been consistent across time and different cultures.


Having had a sexual encounter with someone of the same sex automatically means you are "gay" or homosexual.


Historically, marriage has been based on romantic love.


In the 1840s, Irish immigrants faced many obstacles that made assimilation into American culture difficult. An important one was the inability to speak English


Max Weber was optimistic about the future and saw rationalization and bureaucratization as a solution to all our social problems.


Once settled in Northern and Midwestern cities, African-Americans no longer faced racial discrimination.


Pink has always been a color associated with feminity, and blue has always been a color associated with masculinity.


Since "ethnicity" defines any group with a shared culture, anything can be an ethnicity.


The US Army Corps of Engineers oversees all levees built along major rivers, such as the Mississippi River.


The benefits of technological innovation are equally shared across all social groups in our society.


The concepts "race" and "ethnicity" have nothing in common.


The gender wage gap is a myth; today men and women tend to earn the same pay for equal work.


The higher cost of college education is primarily driven by fast-rising tuition rates.


The roles and expectations of different genders are fairly consistent across different cultures and across time.


The scientific principle of "falsifiability" means that if a claim made by scientists is contradicted by an important personality on social media, then the scientific claim has been "falsified" and can be discarded.


There is a widespread consensus among economists that technology (particularly automation and AI) will lead to massive unemployment in the coming decades.


When new technologies displace workers, the new jobs that are created are always close by and pay the same (or higher) wages.


When you purchase health insurance, payments made to that insurance policy are only used to cover YOUR medical expenses, not those of other people in the same plan.


According to Karl Popper, science (unlike pseudoscience) is based on ____.

falsification, testing hypotheses in ways that allow them to be refuted

Thalia grew up with a single-parent father, her grandmother, and her two brothers. This was her ____.

family of orientation

As an adult, Thalia marries Bruce. Together with Bruce and his daughter, Barbara, from a previous relationship, Thalia has created a ____.

family of procreation

The three basic factors that shape population growth (or decline) are ____.

fertility, mortality, and migration

Typically, upper class Americans tend to be ____, when compared to working class Americans.

fiscally conservative but socially progressive (or "liberal")

Unlike the biologically essentialist and psychological approaches to deviance, the sociological perspective ________

focuses on understanding why norms are socially defined as "deviant" to begin with

If you walked onto an elevator and stand facing the back wall, rather than the door, you have violated one of our culture's


Buddhism's solution to overcoming the problem of human suffering begins with ____.

following a "middle way" (or balance) between luxury and poverty

Students tend to take on higher student loan debts at ____.

for-profit colleges and universites

Theoretical paradigms are ____.

fundamental assumptions sociologists have about the social world that guide their thinking and research

According to social psychologist Fritz Heider, when we incorrectly believe that a person's behavior is due to their disposition, rather than underlying context, we have committed a _________

fundamental attribution error

Zoe and her brother Peter are playing a game in which Zoe is a wizard teacher and Peter is the student. According to George H. Mead, because Peter knows how to act in relation to Zoe's role in the game, Peter is in the ___________ stage.


A very small, tight-knit neighborhood characterized by a strong sense of community and frequent face-to-face interactions could be referred to as an example of __________


The two short videos on gender colors (pink/blue) and the history of women's shaving suggest that ____.

gender norms are a product of social learning and change over time

Learning norms and values about behavior that is "ladylike" and colors meant for boys or for girls are examples of _________

gender socialization

George H. Mead referred to the general morals and values of the culture in which a person develops as the _________

generalized other

The social science that focuses on how the physical environment and available resources influence society is


A society comprised primarily of impersonal or indirect social ties is an example of ___________


Karl Marx believed that, over time, the situation of capitalism would ____.

get worse as inequality and periodic economic crises would lead to overthrowing the system, just as capitalism had replaced feudalism

According to the "human capital" theory, college graduates tend to earn higher wages (on average) because ___.

going to college actually teaches you skills (both in and out of the classroom) that help you land higher-income jobs

According to the "signaling" theory, college graduates tend to earn higher wages (on average) because ___.

going to college signals to potential employers that you are smart and hard-working

"Convict leasing" was a practice that involved __________

governments providing prison labor to private businesses, who were only required to provide housing, clothing, and food for the prisoners

The "first wave" of feminism (late 1800s and early 1900s) focused on ____.

granting women the right to vote and legal equality, such as the right to own property or become lawyers

Which of the following is not a so-called "push" factor that drives international migration.

greater economic opportunity

Our social media consumption tends to limit our exposure to similar people and ideas, which can lead to _________

group polarization

In 1961, the United States attempted an invasion of Cuba to overthrow Fidel Castro. The so-called "Bay of Pigs" invasion failed and is considered one of the great fiascos of American politics during the Cold War. Shortly after the events, many of military leaders, cabinet members, and even President Kennedy himself expressed that they had had many reservations about the plan, but didn't want to "rock the boat" and derail the group consensus. This is a classic example of the danger of _________


Conflict theory suggests that when it comes to deviant and criminal behavior, members of the elite __________

have the ability to commit deviant acts and escape penalties

The social expectations of what it means to be a male (tall, young, athletic, etc.) are called ___.

hegemonic masculinity

Blake's parents were both middle class (a high school principal and a tax accountant). He decided to skip college and pursue a career in real estate. Since getting his real estate license, he has been a successful agent in his city and lives in similar middle class neighborhood as his parents. Blake's story is an example of ____.

horizontal mobility

The term "intragenerational mobility" describes ____.

how a person moves up or down the social ladder during their lifetime

The term "relative mobility" describes ____.

how an individual moves up or down in social position compared to the rest of society

The "nature vs. nurture" debate is over _______

how much of our behavior is biologically determined and how much is a product of our social environment

Symbolic interactionists describe "gender roles" as ____.

how society defines how women and men should think and behave

According to Ezra Klein, the core of current political divisions seems to revolve around the question of ____.

how we feel about America's increasing cultural diversity

Gerhard Lenski developed a classification system of different societies. Small size and low inequality are characteristics of __________

hunting and gathering societies

Gerhard Lenski developed a classification system of different societies. The earliest human societies were __________

hunting and gathering societies

Joe, a sociologist, believes that (on average) as an individual's educational attainment rises, so does his or her income. This is an example of a ____.


According to Sigmund Freud's model of personality, the _________ represents our most basic, unconscious drives.


In Erik Erikson's model of development, the stage of adolescence is marked by a crisis involving __________

identity vs. role confusion

Two-person groups (dyads) are fragile social groups because __________

if one person leaves, the group disappears

The early Christian practice of a shared meal (or "communion") was in part a way to ____.

illustrate Jesus' "kingdom of God" in which outcasts, sinners, and saints ate together as equals

Often, we have subconscious attitudes or beliefs about other ethnicities or races that guides shapes our behavior without us noticing. This is called ____.

implicit bias

Mary goes on her first job interview after graduating from college. She gets up early that day to iron her clothes and fix her hair. According to Enrving Goffman, this is an example of ___________

impression management

Large families with multiple children were most common ____.

in pre-industrial America, around the 1800s

Gender-specific baby clothing and products first became widely available ____.

in the 1980s

Regardless of how we feel about it as a concept, race plays an important role in our daily lives, such as ____.

in the stereotypes people face in the way people interact with each other in the places people live

In terms of disease, the ____ is the number of cases reported at any given time frame.


The tendency for families of similar income levels to live in similar neighborhoods is called ____.

income segregation

Since 1650, the rate of human population growth has ____.

increased exponentially, doubling more quickly over time

Using natural experiments to study the effects of school financing, Kirabo Jackson, Rucker Johnson, and Claudia Persico concluded that ____.

increasing school funding tends to improve student outcomes

The type of analysis that starts with empirical observations, finds patterns, and develops theories to explain those patterns is based on ____.

inductive logical thought

One of the key indicators of health in a population, or across subpopulations, is the ____ because it looks at the most vulnerable in a society.

infant mortality rate

Cliff is a drug dealer who wants to make quick money. Robert Merton would describe Cliff as a(n) _________ .


The income and wealth gap between white and black households is evidence of ____.

institutional racism

Today, most universities and other research institutions operate under an ____ that ensures human subjects research complies with ethical guidelines for data collection.

institutional review board

People with private health insurance pay a monthly fee to their insurance provider in order to keep their coverage. This is called a(n) ____.

insurance premium

Lakesha's mother works as a school teacher, and considers herself lower middle class. Lakesha went to college, got a law degree, and now works at a prestigious law firm in Atlanta. Lakesha's story is an example of ____.

intergenerational mobility

If a sociologist is doing research based on face-to-face interviews trying to understanding how people understand their lived experiences, they are doing ____.

interpretive sociology

The type of sociological inquiry that focuses on the meanings that people attach to their social world is ____.

interpretive sociology

According to the concept of ____ we can't understand the plight of a black woman based on race alone; we must focus also on other factors, such as gender, age, and occupation.


Raul started working in the local mill right out of high school, and would be considered working class. In his late 20s, he decided to go to pursue a different path. He went to college as a part-time student, and graduated with a chemical engineering degree. Now he works at pharmaceutical research lab. Raul's story is an example of ____.

intragenerational mobility

Robert Michels saw that in large-scale organizations and in societies dominated by such organizations, power tends to concentrate at the top. He called this the __________

iron law of oligarchy

Children sleeping separately from their parents ____.

is a cultural norm that has only taken hold in the US since the 1800s, and is not a universal practice

The "the black belt" ____. (You may select more than one answer.)

is a region that stretches across much of the US South and is called this because of its rich, fertile soil is a region that stretches across much of the US South and is where, historically, 90% of the US African-American population lived

According to Durkheim, crime ____.

is not a social dysfunction, since every society has some amount of crime

George H. Mead believed the self _______

is not fixed

Hindus believe that when a person dies, he or she ____.

is reincarnated, based on how well they lived their life (karma)

Public opinion surveys show that the share of Americans with positive views about immigrants and immigration ____.

is steadily rising, particularly among younger Americans

Christmas is a "social fact" in the US because ____.

it shapes our behavior, such as gift-buying, even if we aren't particularly religious ourselves or don't want to participate in gift exchanges

The term "pink collar" jobs refers to ____.

jobs with higher concentration of women, such as nursing, teaching, and housekeeping

"Crystalline" intelligence is ________

knowledge that's based on facts and solidified by past experiences and prior learning

The term "relative poverty" is used to describe ____.

lack of resources compared to others who have more (in that society)

The major cause of suicide, according to Durkheim, was ____.

lack of social integration due to rapid modernization

Perhaps the most important element of symbolic culture for cultural transmission is __________


Formal noms defined by govemments as principles that their citizens must follow are called _________


Which of the following is NOT a distinctive characteristic of bureaucracies?


Behavior associated with Jean Piaget's sensorimotor stage is demonstrated when a child _________

learns about his or her world by handling different objects

A feminist who focuses on expanding the rights and opportunities for women by removing cultural and/or legal barriers to women's equality, such as implementing policies to prevent workplace discrimination or improving reproductive freedom is a ____.

liberal feminist

One of the unintended consequences of reforms to professionalize policing was

loss of connection between police officers and the community they served

Bobby graduates from college and starts a job as an elementary school teacher. The starting salary is $35,000 per year. Based on this, Bobby would be a considered a member of what social class in the US?

lower middle class

The lesson from "levee wars" is that the kind of frequent flooding that communities like Eureka, MO, experiences are largely due to ____.

man-made disasters produced by economic inequality

Sociologist Eduardo Bonilla-Silva argued that structural racism is more important than individual racism ("racism without racists") because while people are less likely to (openly) say racist things, ____.

many existing institutions continue to disadvantage African-Americans and other minorities, often as a result of historical legacies

The growth of the incarcerated population over the past several decades, and the social, political, and economic conditions that caused it is referred to as _________

mass incarceration

Émile Durkheim focused on societal change as a shift from ________ to _________ forms of solidarity.

mechanical; organic

Only a few decades ago, children who had a difficult time paying attention in school and were constantly fidgeting were disciplined. Today, they are often diagnosed with ADHD or other conditions and given various interventions that can include medication, counseling, or special accomodations. This is an example of ____.


A researcher who is studying issues within a local school district realizes that these problems are occurring in school districts across the United States. This researcher is connecting ____ problems to ____ social phenomena.

micro; macro

The term "school-to-prison pipeline" was coined after statistical evidence shows that ____.

minority students are more likely to be disciplined in school, and often receive harsher punishments

In his animated presentation about changing education paradigms, Ken Robinson argues that the idea that intelligence is marked by the capacity for deductive reasoning and knowledge about "classic" texts reflects a specific ____.

model of the mind

The small, but significant Chinese community in the Mississippi Delta dates back ____.

more than 100 years

According to Émile Durkheim, as societies became more diverse, with people holding different kinds of jobs and living different kinds of lives, societies became __________

more tightly integratec as individuals became interdependent

Because various social pressures emphasize the importance of economic or social compatibility in marriage, ____.

most people marry someone from a similar socioeconomic background

If elementary school students learn about the different cultural practices of different ethnic and religious communities across the United States, this is an example of _________


When cultural differences are equally accepted and appreciated by the majority of society, this is called __________


As Irish immigrants (and their descendants) moved up the social ladder in the 1890s, ____.

nativists shifted their prejudice and hostility to new immigrant groups, especially Chinese and East European immigrants

The example of Kingsley Davis' studies of "Ana," a semi-feral child discovered by a social worker in 1938, illustrates the ongoing debate over the importance of _________

nature vs. nurture

The state of California has already experienced the kind of demographic shift the country faces in the near future. The tipping point seems to have been in the year 2000. The historical experience of California shows that ____.

near the peak of the demographic shift, racial tensions become important factor shaping deep political polarization

When you get on an elevator, you're supposed to turn aroud and face the door. If you don't, people might stare at you, which will make uncomfortable. This is because the other elevator passengers are using. __________

negative sanctions

According to sociologist Gerhard Lenski, the main force driving sociocultural change is ____________

new technologies

Natural selection is a process that requires ________ over a long period of time.

non-random selection extinction death random variation

Principles or rules that people in a society are expected to observe are referred to as __________


The chief methods that define "science" as a way of creating knowledge include(s) ____. (You may select more than one answer.)

observation experimentation

Political science experiments such as the one comparing Barack Obama's dog and Ted Kennedy's dog suggest that President Obama was a deeply polarizing figure primarily because ____.

of his personal characteristics (his race), not his policies

Defining a variable and explaining how it is measured is known as ____.


When sociologists say that reality is "socially constructed," they mean that __________

our perceptions create reality

A key principle of research ethics on human subjects is that participation must be voluntary. This means that ____.

participants must be able to freely chose to participate in a study, without coercion of any kind, and can withdraw from the study whenever they wish

Social groups whose members have interests, social position, and (usually) age in common are called _________

peer groups

The "compression of morbidity" in wealthy nations reflects that ____.

people are healthier for most of their lives, then experience rapid health decline in old age

The term "undocumented immigrant" applies to ____.

people living in the US without legal residency status

Alfred Kinsey's studies of human sexuality in the 1940s discovered that ____.

people's range of sexual experiences was much more varied than most people believed

When watching a political speech or debate, if you are influenced by the speaker's physical attractiveness or their personal relatability, rather than the evidence or logic they present, you are being influenced by ___________

peripheral route persuassion

Javi belongs to a Boy Scout troop. Whenever they go on campouts, they make sure to bring halal/kosher food for their Muslim/Jewish members and vegetarian option for their Hindu members. They also always have a worship service that includes their Buddhist and atheist members. This is an example of ____ in action.


The social science that focuses on questions of leadership, social institutions, and how power is exercised in a society is

political science

Throughout history, many cultures have practiced and recognized different forms of marriage. A marriage involving two or more men and one woman is a form of ____.


According to the "immigration surplus" economic model ____.

population growth from immigrants increases demands for goods and services, which can lead to higher wages and more hiring

When economics consider education as a _____ they mean that it's a benefit enjoyed by a third party as a result of economic transaction.

positive externality

A sociologist using economic statistics to try to understand and explain the income distribution in America is doing ____.

positive sociology

Today, more than 70% of Americans work in service sector jobs such as hospitality, retail, and health care professions. According to Gerhard Lenski's classification system, we are now a _________

postindustrial society

Under the 1934 rules for the Federal Housing Authority, neighborhoods were color-coded on maps. The neighborhoods coded as red and therefore ineligible for federally-backed home loans were ____.

predominantly populated by African-Americans or Black residents

Traditionally (prior to the late 1800s at least), education was ____.

primarily for the middle class primarily for the elite primarily for the working class open to all social classes

The period of socialization when you first learn the language, values, beliefs, behaviors, and noms of your society is __________

primary socialization

The US health care system is actually a combination of various different systems. Americans who buy coverage through the Obamacare exchanges are part of the ____ health care system.


The US health care system is actually a combination of various different systems. Americans with private health insurance plans (whether provided by their employer or purchased individually) are part of the ____ health care system.


According to Marx, humans need society in order to survive and prosper in the natural world. But society tends to be organized in ways that ____.

produce economic inequalities

In developing a sociological understanding of religion, Émile Durkheim called the things that make up the mundane, everyday parts of life as ____.


Someone who argues that people are more likely to become deviants or criminals due to environmental factors and how they were socialized is using a __________ perspective on deviance.


The social science that focuses on the mind, and the individuals internal thoughts and motivations for action is


The US health care system is actually a combination of various different systems. Americans covered by Medicare, Medicaid, or the VA systems are part of the ____ health care system.


____ is based on some real or presumed physical or biological characteristics, such as skin or hair color


Sociologists use the concept of "intersectionality" to understand how ____.

racial, gender, and socioeconomic class inequalities interact and can reinforce each other

The type of authority that is most often associated with bureaucracy is ____.


Based on his study of African-Americans in Philadelphia, Du Bois concluded that the problems facing African-Americans were caused by ____.

restricted access to education and higher paying jobs

Mary has been working as an administrative assistant at the same company for 30 years. She doesn't expect she will ever be promoted and goes through the motions at her job competently, but with little motivation. Robert Merton would describe Mary as a(n) _______


Catholics lighting candles before entering the sanctuary, speaking in tongues in Pentecostal denominations, and the removal of shoes and hand and foot washing before Friday prayers by Muslims are all examples of religious ____.


Frank is a high school teacher. On the same day that he is giving his students their final exam, his two children become sick. He doesn't know whether he should stay home with them or leave them with a sitter so that he can administer the exam. Frank is experiencing ________

role conflict

Julia is a college student who is active in her sorority and plays in the marching band. She often struggles to manage her various activities and keep up her grades. Julia is experiencing ____________

role strain

A culture's norms are ________

rules and expectations that guide behavior in society

In developing a sociological understanding of religion, Émile Durkheim called the things that society sets apart as extraordinary, inspiring awe, and deserving reverence as ____.


Any reaction from others to the behavior of an individual meant to ensure that the individual complies with a given norm is called a _________


The theory that explains racism as a response or defense mechanism by people who are frustrated or face economic anxiety is called ____.

scapegoat theory

In his animated presentation about changing education paradigms, Ken Robinson argues that one important function of schools is to pass on culture and give students a cultural identity. A sociologist would say this reflects the fact that ____.

schools are agents of socialization

According to Karl Popper, good science relies on the principle of falsification. This means that ____.

scientific theories must be stated in such a way that make explicit what facts would disprove them

The process through which children become socialized outside the home, by peers, school, and the media, is called __________

secondary socialization

If you were going to use scientific methods to determine whether Santa Claus is real, you should ____.

seek to find evidence that he does not exist

Regardless of how individuals receive health care coverage, the US system is primarily a fee-for-service system, which means that ____.

services are unbundled and paid for separately

Scientific thinking requires that if you discover evidence that contradicts a previously held belief or assumption, then you ____.

should revise your beliefs and accept the new information

Patterns of behavior that a sick person adopts to minimize the disruptive effects of illness are called ____.

sick roles

The research of Stanley Milgram and Solomon Asch both underscored the power of _________ in social conformity.


A bedroom's primary function is ____.


Race-conflict theory tends to assume that ____.

social and economic inequalities between different races is a defining feature of a society

Durkheim was concerned with macro-level phenomena, such as the educational system, which he referred to as ____.

social facts

The tendency for people to exert less effort when pooling their resources together toward a common goal is called ___________

social loafing

Each individual learns and comes to accept the ways of a group or a society of which he or she is a part. This process is called _________


Education and ____ are closely related processes because education builds on the base of knowledge already acquired early in life.


A sociologist who studies the role families play in socializing children or how families help society regulate sexual activity is working within the ____.

structural-functional paradigm

A study of religion in the African-American community that focuses on how it was used for survival and/or liberation movements fits within the ____ paradigm.


Sociologists who use the ___ theoretical framework would focus on how the different districts are necessary and essential components of Panem's society in The Hunger Games.


Sociologists who use the _________ theoretical framework would focus on how cultural norms and values provide order and cohesion in society.


The theoretical paradigm most closely associated with the "macro" scale is ____.


The theoretical paradigm that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote stability and social order is ____.


In his animated presentation about changing education paradigms, Ken Robinson's argument that schools serve to prepare students for the economy of tomorrow and to pass on culture reflect the ____.

structural-functionalism paradigm

Horace Mann advocated for the creation of taxpayer-funded public schools in the United States. The Prussian "factory school model" public school system he promoted reflects a ____ approach to education.


People working in the subfield of "medical sociology" ____.

study how society approaches and shapes health, disease, and illness

Members of Greek-lettered fraternities and sororities share culture (symbols, ways of speaking, norms & values, etc.). Sociologically, campus "Greeks" belong to a ____.


Bodybuilders, cab drivers, and punk rockers would be considered ________ because they share a distinct way of looking at the world.


People who describe themselves as "feminists" ____.

support social equality among genders

If someone describes themselves as a "feminist," it means that they ____.

support social equality for all genders and oppose sexism

Aspects of culture that exist in intangible forms, such as norms and values are called

symbolic culture

The theoretical paradigm that sees society as a product of everyday interactions that create society's "shared reality" is ____.

symbolic interactionism

Labeling theory is one variety of the _________ perspective that is useful for thinking about deviance.

symbolic interactionist

The contradiction between the ability of (primarily) white gun rights advocates to "open carry" weapons in public spaces, while (predominantly) minority suspects are frequently killed by police officers for fear they might be armed suggests ________

systematic inequalities in the way police forces behave

Despite their many differences, what all religions have in common is that they are ____.

systems of belief that have developed or evolved over time to answer questions about meaning of human life

If you engaged in cannibalism, you have violated one of our culture's


Talcott Parsons, a structural functionalist, argued that gender socialization was a way to ____.

teach boys and girls the complementary roles needed to maintain stable family units

In addition to teaching academic material (like reading and math), schools also have a "hidden curriculum" that _________

teaches social norms, values, beliefs

Although redlining is no longer legal, banks ____.

tend to charge higher interest rates to non-white homebuyers than they do to white homebuyers, even if they have the same credit history

According to Karl Popper, the important distinction between Albert Einstein and Sigmund Freud was ____.

that Einstein was looking ahead to make predictions about future events

The Latin slogan nullius in verba means ____.

that we shouldn't believe someone just because they say it's true, but should test each new claim or hypothesis ourselves

The practice of redlining was begun by ____.

the 1934 law that established the Federal Housing Authority

The practice of redlining was ended by ____.

the 1968 Fair Housing Act

When did the "Great Migration" end, and seemingly started to reverse (as African-Americans began moving back to the South)?

the 1970s

In 1896, Du Bois began the first major study of the African-American community in the US. His study of Philadelphia's economically-mixed 7th Ward found that ____.

the African-American population tended to be younger, less well educated, and poorer than the white population

Sociology was founded in the late 1800s and early 1900s, when the study of ____ became a special focus of attention.

the Industrial Revolution

Sociology emerged in the late 1800s as Europe and the US were going through rapid social changes brought on by ____.

the Industrial Revolution and modernization

The shift in educational institutions towards a service-oriented, customer-friendly approach based on high levels of automation and standardized outcomes is an example of ___________

the McDonaldization of society

The largest African-American religious denomination is ____.

the National Baptist Convention

According to Max Weber, the most important event for modernization and the rise of capitalism was ____.

the Protestant Reformation

The term "collective learning" describes ________

the ability of a species to accumulate information across generations

"Fluid" intelligence is ________

the ability to solve problems independent of one's personal experience or education

The Stanley Milgram experiments demonstrated that people will follow an authority figure's orders, regardless of the pain they might inflict on others. But they're MOST likely to do this if ___________

the authority figure appeals to their shared values

The term "heteronormativity" describes ___.

the belief that there are only two genders, that genders correspond to biological sex, and that the only natural and acceptable attraction is between those two genders

The recent tendency to discuss the rise in opium use as an "epidemic" reflects __________

the change in how we label and respond to drug use

Stanley Milgram's experiments about people's obedience to authority were inspired by _______

the claim by Nazi war criminals that they were simply "following orders"

The "McDonaldization of society" refers to ___________

the continued spread of rationalization and uniformity to other sectors of society

A sociologist using the symbolic interactionist paradigm would emphasize ____.

the day-to-day interactions that take place in school settings

The term "family life cycle" describes ____.

the developmental stages that a family passes through over time

Durkheim analyzed the social changes transforming society in his lifetime in terms of ____.

the division of labor

Sociologists Karl Alexander and Doris Entwisle studied 800 first-graders in Baltimore. They found that ____.

the effects of growing up in poverty cast long shadows over their lives, and tended to affect the life outcomes of individuals well into adulthood

One important feature of the modern educational system that supports Ken Robinson's argument that schools reflects an "industrial" approach to education is ____.

the emphasis on standardization

In most modern societies, the main agent of socialization associated with primary socialization is __________

the family

Jessica goes to the movies with her friends. Her phone starts ringing during the movie and she is aware that this is quite distracting to others around her, so she immediately silences her phone. This is an example of responding to _________[

the generalized other

America's civil religion is ____.

the implicit religious values of a nation, as expressed through public rituals, symbols, and ceremonies on sacred days and at sacred places

The main focus of the Vox video "What America's Shopping Mall Decline Means for Social Space" is ____.

the importance of "third places" in social life

The ethical principle of "informed consent" means that ____. (You may select more than one answer.)

the information about a study must be presented in a way that the potential subject can understand subjects must receive all the facts relevant to their decision to participate in a study

The problem of flooding along the Mississippi River identified in the video "Levee Wars" illustrates ____. (You may select more than one answer)

the kind of social problems that will become more common due to climate change?

A key factor in promoting the construction of interstate highways was ____.

the lobbying by AAA and automakers

The term "intergenerational mobility" describes ____.

the movement in social positions within a family across generations

A key concept in sociology is social location, defined as ____.

the position an individual has in the social hierarchy

The principle of "beneficence" dictates that ____.

the potential risks of participating in a study should be outweighed by benefits to participant and society

Philip Zimbardo's 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment demonstrated that _________

the power of a given situation easily override individual differences in personality

The Milgram experiments raised several ethical issues, but also provided scientific evidence of _________

the power of authority

The fact that Christmas and Easter are official holidays in the US illustrates ________

the privileged position Christianity has in our mainstream culture

The term "senescence" describes ____.

the process of becoming old, including the mental and physical deterioration that comes with age

The term "demographic transition" is used to mean ____.

the process of moving from a young, growing population to an older, stable population

Sociologists define "medicalization" as ____.

the process of taking social behaviors that may be on the fringes of what we consider "typical" and redefining them as medical conditions to be corrected

One of Du Bois' key ideas is the concept of "double consciousness," defined as ____.

the reality that black Americans have two competing identities: as an American and as a black person living in white-centric America (as an "other")

The "second wave" of feminism (1960s and 1970s) focused on ____.

the role of women in the labor force, equal pay, reproductive rights, sexual violence, educational equality

The term "patriarchal dividends" refers to ___.

the social benefits that men accumulate simply because they are men

A sociologist using the structural-functionalist paradigm would emphasize ____.

the social functions that schools serve in society

In sociology, "education" refers to ____.

the social institution through which society provides its members with important knowledge, including norms and values

The philosophy known as "positivism" assumes that ____.

the social world can be studied through direct observation to develop theories about how the world works

According to Erik Erikson, young adulthood is ____________

the stage in life when we begin to form stable intimate relationships, trying to avoid loneliness

A culture's values are

the standards people use to decide what's good or bad, right or wrong

An individual's master status is __________

the status others are more likely to use to identify them

Psychologically, the period of adolescence is marked by __________

the struggle between the need to stand out and the need to belong to a group

Marx emphasized different elements of production (the economy). The "FORCES of production" include ____.

the technical, scientific, and material parts of the economy

Marx emphasized different elements of production (the economy). The "RELATIONS of production" include ____.

the technical, scientific, and material parts of the economy?

Adolescence is _______

the transition period between childhood and adulthood, extending from puberty to full independence (adulthood)

If I say that I observe a correlation between two variables, I mean that ____.

the two variables move together

The term "gender stratification" refers to ___.

the unequal distribution of wealth, power, and privilege across genders

An important milestone in the development of ethical human research guidelines was the Nuremberg Code. This was developed in response to ____.

the use of human experiments in concentration camps by the Nazis

According to Marx, an underlying criticism of capitalism as a mode of production is that ____.

the wages paid to workers is always lower than the value of the goods and services they produce

A person's "gender expression" refers to ____.

the way a person "performs" their gender in social interactions

Sociologists define "culture" as _______

the way material and non-material objects combine to form a society's way of life

A person can be described as "cisgendered" if ____.

their biological sex characteristics match their gender identity

Karl Marx defined social classes by ____.

their place within the relations of production

Merton's theory of deviance suggests that ___________

there is a disparity between what is considered valuable and what is available, limiting the number of people who can access what is considered valuable

The measures of a variable are RELIABLE if ____.

they give consistent measures, regardless of who is collecting the data

The measures of a variable are VALID if ____.

they reflect the underlying concept you're trying to measure

In the mid-1840s, the Irish who immigrated to America did so primarily because ____.

they were fleeing oppressive British colonialism and a famine

Ethnic and racial minorities are often "overcriminalized." This means that ________

they're more likely to be seen as criminals and treated as such by police and the public at large

An important first step in developing a research question is ____.

to clearly define the major concepts

Historically, religion has been used ____.

to justify slavery and persecution of African-Americans to justify existing social inequalities, including racial hierarchies as a tool for survival and liberation by African-Americans

The main focus of sociology is ____.

to study how people affect and are affected by social structures and social processes

The first Chinese immigrants came to Mississippi originally ____.

to work in the cotton fields in the late 1800s

Symbolic interactionists who study religion may focus on significant objects, such as the cross, crescent, or Star of David. They refer to these symbols as ____.


A statement that is said to be inherently true, is irrefutable, or that cannot be tested is NOT a scientific theory.


After the Civil War, Mississippi Delta plantation owners could no longer rely on free slave labor. Chinese immigrant workers were an appealing alternative because they were cheap, disposable, and politically voiceless.


Americans owe $1 trillion in student loan debts. That's more than Americans owe in credit card debts or car loans.


Anxiety over the high number of Irish (and other Catholic) immigrants prompted the formation of the so-called American Party, a political party dedicated to opposing immigrantion and protecting the cultural, economic, and political power of "native-born" Americans.


Churches and religious leaders played a leading role in the 1950s and 1960s Civil Rights Movement.


Different cultures and societies (across time and/or space) have had their own ideas about and social norms for what constitutes "science."


In 2015, 19 million US households spent more than 50% of their income on housing.


In Germany, most health insurance programs and hospitals operate on a not-for-profit model.


In the US, the upper class (about 1-2% of the population) includes "new money" entrepreneurs and others who acquired their wealth through hard work, but also "old money" people who simply inherited their wealth.


Jobs with higher concentration of women tend to have lower prestige and lower pay.


Many Americans were hostile towards Irish (and other Catholic) immigrants because they believed these were part of a large conspiracy to overthrow the US government and impose papal rule (a theocracy based on Catholic doctrine).


Sex can serve a social function of helping build intimacy within a relationship.


There's a tendency for people of different religious affiliations to belong to different social classes.


Wealthy people tend to use more resources, and have a large "ecological footprint," than poor people.


According to Émile Durkheim and other structural-functionalists, deviance is ________

used to define and clarify a group's norms and rules

Formal organizations that serve some function for their members are known as __________ organizations.


The lines between racial and ethnic groups are ____.

vague and unclear

Freedom of expression, democracy, and family are examples of ________ in US culture.


Because of the development of research ethics in the last few decades, ____.

we can still use human subjects in scientific research, but only if we follow ethical guidelines

Sociologists use the term "age stratification" to describe how ____.

wealth, power, and status are unevenly distributed among people of different ages

Christianity, Islam, and Buddhism are all examples of churches. Sociologists define "churches" as ____.

well-established religious faiths that are well-integrated into society

According to Max Weber, there are three different types of authority, which vary by ____.

what makes the authority legitimate

Robert Merton's strain theory argues that the amount of deviance in a society is related to __________

whether that society provides sufficient means to achieve culturally defined goals

Which box do people of Middle Eastern descent check off (belong to) on the US Census form?


Siddhartha, the founder of Buddhism, began with a quest to understand ____.

why humans suffered

The practice of redlining was ____.

widespread across the United States and sanctioned by the federal government

The term "second shift" coined by Arlie Hochschild describes ____.

women who come home from work to more work (cooking, laundry, childcare)

Until the early 1900s, most infants in the US and Britain ____.

wore white gowns and dresses, regardless of gender

Annette Lareau's study of parenting styles found that ____.

working class parents tended to emphasize obedience and discipline, while middle class parents tended to encourage autonomy by talking through decisions

The economist John Kennan estimates that if immigration restrictions were eliminated worldwide, ____.

world labor supply would double, leading to economic growth and higher wages

Can a man be a feminist?


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