Exam II

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A client is being treated for secondary syphilis. Which of the following signs and symptoms would the nurse anticipate the client would exhibit? a. Chancre at the site of entry b. Jaundice c. Difficulty coordinating muscle movements d. Skin rash without itching


A client is using a primary prevention strategy to prevent infectious disease. Which of the following actions is the client most likely taking? a. A client receives a tetanus booster every 10 years. b. A client receives a tetanus booster after stepping on a nail. c. A client receives tetanus immunoglobulin after stepping on a nail. A client with tetanus is given antibiotics and is placed on seizure precautions


A nurse is conducting a community assessment. Which of the following data collection methods is the nurse using when having a direct conversation with individual members of the community? A. key informant interviews b. Participation observation C. Focus groups D. health surveys


A public health nurse reviews the outcomes of aN exercise program at various locations. Which of the following aspects of care does this findinG evaluate: A. Timeliness B. Client-centered C. Equity D.SafetyY


During the last stage of AIDS, many opportunistic infections proliferate in persons with weakened immune systems. HIV-infected individuals who live near one another in long-term care facilities, drug treatment facilities, and prisons should be carefully screened before admission because they are at greater risk of acquiring: a. Fungal disease. b. Invasive cervical cancer. c. Oral candidiasis. d. Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB)

C, D, E

Environmental health is one of the focuses of Healthy People 2030. Which objective is related to environmental health? Select all that apply. A. Increase indoor allergen levels. B. Increase visits to healthcare facilities for pesticide exposure. C. Reduce the number of days people are exposed to unhealthy air. D Increase the proportion of schools with policies and practices that promote health and safety. E. Increase the proportion of people whose water supply meets Safe Drinking Water Act regulations.


For which opportunistic infection would the nurse monitor in a client diagnosed with HIV who has a CD4+ T-cell count of 178/ML? Select all that apply. A. Tuberculosis B. Oral candidiasis C. Human papillomavirus (HPV) D. Kaposi sarcoma E Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia

b, D,E

If beef is labeled "USDA Certified Organic," which substance has the product been produced without? Select all that apply. A. Salt B.Pesticides C. Water D. Non-therapeutic antibiotics E. Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)


On a systems level, which action would the public health nurse take after observing the fields being sprayed with pesticides from a truck with two young children riding in the back? A. Ask whether the person spraying the pesticides is state licensed to do so. B. Recommend that the driver not allow anyone to ride in the open portion of the vehicle. C. Remind the farm manager of the danger to those in the vicinity of the spraying because of the toxicity of pesticides. D. Identify areas where the farm workers congregate and provide an educational program on pesticide dangers.


When the nurse is reviewing data for different types of disease outbreaks, which incident is documented as a pandemic? A. Measles outbreak in a small town B. Chlamydia outbreak at a university C. Zika virus cases spreading to multiple continents D. Hotel guests diagnosed with Legionnaires' disease


Which action by a community health nurse demonstrates the first step of the evidence-based practice process? a. Integrating evidence b. Investigating the validity of evidence. c. Asking questions about current practice d. Searching for what evidence currently exists


Which action is reflected when a school nurse implements a seat belt safety program for teenagers? A. Assessing incidence rate B Considering distribution C Providing primary prevention D Performing a case-control study


Which action is reflective of primary prevention when the nurse provides education for schoolteachers? Select all that apply. A. Hand hygiene B. Immunizations C. Social distancing D. Screening programs E Not sharing food or drinks


Which action would the nurse include when planning to teach a community health class with a focus on primary prevention? A. Screening for hypertension •B. Offering free cards to test for colon cancer C. Providing referrals to diabetic support groups D. Teaching the importance of folic acid with pregnancy

- Assess the school and local area for sources of environmental toxins.

Which action would the public health nurse take first after several reports of sudden onset respiratory-related issues in a specific middle school? - Plan abatement of environmental toxins. - Implement a plan to remediate any environmental toxins. - Assess the school and local area for sources of environmental toxins. - Evaluate the current response plan for addressing environmental toxins in schools.


Which client would be at higher risk of illness from foodborne or waterborne pathogens? * School-age child • Frail, older adult - Kidney transplant recipient • Frequent international traveler


Which component is a characteristic of an infectious agent? Select all that apply. A. Host B. Toxicity C. Virulence D. Invasiveness •E. Environment F Pathogenicity


Which example reflects the concept of passive immunity? a. A client receiving a vaccination b. Antibodies being transferred to the fetus from the mother c. Results from direct exposure to an infectious agent d. Achieved over time through immunoglobulin administration

A,B, D

Which example represents a host within the epidemiologic triangle? Select all that apply. A. Age B. Nutrition status C. Hepatitis A virus D. Genetic predisposition E. Plant, animal, and human life


Which human health effect related to climate change is the public health nurse likely to observe? a. Increased incidence of asthma b. Increase in heat-related illnesses c. Increase in gastrointestinal illnesses d. expanded areas of vector-borne diseases


Which human host or environmental factor has promoted the emergence of new viruses and bacteria? Select all that apply. A. Prostitution B. Urbanization C. Deforestation D. Industrialization E Microbial adaptation


Which illness, common in children, has been linked to the regular use of pesticides? • Diabetes - Leukemia • Liver cancer - Renal failure


Which information regarding the perinatal transmission of syphilis would the public health nurse provide to a client? A. Transmission occurs transplacentally. B. Transmission occurs by contact with blood. C. Transmission occurs by contact with amniotic fluid. D. Transmission occurs through the exposure of vaginal secretions.


Which information would the public health nurse include when teaching about sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? A. STDs result in sterility. b. Many STDs are asymptomatic. c. Many STDs are resistant to treatment. d. STDs are symptomatic early in the infectious process.

- Advocate for policy changes to decrease greenhouse gases.

Which intervention by the nurse would be considered an upstream approach to climate change? - Screen local children for lead levels. - Develop disaster preparedness plans for the community. - Advocate for policy changes to decrease greenhouse gases. - Create disease management plans for pollution-related asthma.


Which nursing intervention is an example of tertiary prevention related to infectious diseases when working with clients in a community setting? A. Screening for asthma B. Providing influenza vaccinations C. TREATING FOODBORNE INFECTION D. TEACHING ABOUT NUTRITIOUS FOOD


Which nursing intervention is appropriate for a client with sustained exposure to inhaled anthrax? A. Quarantine B. Antibiotics C. Immunoglobulin injection D. Preparing the client for biopsy


Which research would the nurse cite that would be ranked as having the highest level of evidence? a. Clinical trial investigating the effect of a new medication for diabetic clients. b. Study on emotions experienced when caring for a terminally ill client. c. National guidelines describing the protocol when caring for a client admitted for d. cardiogenic shock.


Which result can be determined by the HIV antibody test enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (EIA)? A. Isolation of the virus B. Measurement of the HIV viral load C. Identification of symptomatic AIDSO. D. Identification of the presence of an antibody


Which role regarding environmental safety would the public health nurse have a responsibility to perform? Select all that apply. One some, or all responses may be correct. Some correct answers were not selected -Assess environmental risks. -Eliminate or reduce environmental risks. =Educate the public about environmental risks. -Communicate environmental risks to others. - Advocate for policies that support healthy environments.


Which social issue identifies the disproportionate environmental exposures experienced by poor people and people of color in the United States? A. Social justice B. Health disparities C. Social determinants D. Environmental justice

A, B, D,E

Which worker has an increased risk of lead exposure? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses A. WELDER B. Solderer C.. Pharmacist D.Battery maker E Home remodeler


•• A nurse is planning measures to reduce the incidence of obesity. which of the following interventions affects the environment, according to the epidemiological triangle? a. Determine whether clients have a Family history of obesity b. Measure clients' BMI. c. Provide low-fat meal options at public schools • d. ask affected adults to keep a diary of food intake


1)A nurse is examining all of the various factors which can lead to disease. Which of the following models would the nurse most likely use? a. Epidemiologic triangle b. Health promotion c. Levels of prevention d. Natural history of the disease


1)Which of the following best represents an example of infectious disease spreading via a vector? a. Being bitten by an infected mosquito b. Disease spreading from infected mother to infant via the placenta c. A group of partygoers hugging and shaking hands d. Two persons, one of whom is infected, are sharing a glass of soda


1)Which step comes first when the nurse is using the "I PREPARE" approach to understand the potential environmental health risks in a community? a. Conduct a windshield survey b. Interview key community stakeholders c. Review "Right to Know" community information d. Identify existing environmental policies and regulations.


Which factor is considered the agent when a client is diagnosed with Lyme disease as a result of a tick bite? A. Tick B. Client C. Lyme disease D. Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria


Which factor represents the host when using the epidemiologic triangle model to justify causation, transmission, and risks related to infectious diseases? A. Climate B. Bacteria C. Diet and exercise D. Working conditions


Which factor would the public health nurse include when assessing environmental health risks by transport medium? Select all that apply. A. Air B.Soil C.Fuel D. Food E. Water


Which health-related change in society occurred during the 20th century? Select all that apply. A. Decrease in birth rates B. Longer life expectancy C. Increase in infant death rates D. Decline in child mortality rates E. Increase in age-related diseases


Which human health effect related to climate change is the public health nurse likely to observe? Select all that apply. a. Increased incidence of asthma b. Increase in heat-related illnesses c. Increase in gastrointestinal illnesses d. Increased incidence of congestive heart failure e. Expanded areas of vector-borne diseases


Which infection control measure would be taken when hands become contaminated with fluids from a client who has tested positive for HIV? A. Rinse the hands with hot water. B. Wash hands with soap and water. C. Cleanse the area with chlorhexidine. D. Clean the area splashed with alcohol.


Which model best supports presenting the many factors or combinations of factors that contribute to disease? A. Ecological model B. Web of causality C. Social epidemiology D. Epidemiologic triangle

Endocrine disruptions

Which noncancer health problem in children results from exposure to chemicals like plasticizer bisphenol A (BPA) in personal care products? A. Renal failure B. Respiratory distress C. Endocrine disruption D. Gastrointestinal disruption


Which nursing action is an example of primary prevention strategies? A. Administering influenza immunizations B. Recommending heart failure management rehabilitation C. Conducting a glucose testing class for clients with diabetes D. Encouraging annual mammograms to detect breast cancer early


Which nursing action reflects a secondary level of prevention? A. Educating caregivers about the prevention of hepatitis C virus (HCV) B. Administering hepatitis B vaccination to a health care worker C. Testing a health care worker who has had a needlestick incident for hepatitis B virus (HBV) D. Obtaining funding to procure tuberculosis (TB) medication for vulnerable populations


Which nursing action reflects tertiary prevention regarding breast cancer? A. Provides screening opportunity B. Delivers education to decreasee the risk C. Facilitates appointments for physical therapy D. Encourages low-fat diet with plenty of vegetables


Which nursing consideration would the nurse implement when caring for a client who has tuberculosis (TB)? A. Giving the client a chance to inquire about surgery to treat the TB B. Preparing an isolation room in the hospital where the client can be treated C. Asking if the client would be interested in helping with prevention initiatives D. Setting up routine times to check in with the client to ensure adherence to medication

"Do you have regular exposure to pesticides?

Which question would the nurse ask when assessing carcinogen etiology in an adult client diagnosed with liver cancer? - "In what year was your home built?" - "Do you have regular exposure to pesticides?" "Is your home located near an industrial area?" - Does your occupation expose you to air pollutants?"


Which question would the public health nurse ask the male client who has been exposed to chlamydia? A. "Do you recall having felt feverish recently?"" B. Have you experienced any pain when urinating?" C. "Have you noticed a rash anywhere on your body?" D "Do you have any painful lesions in your genital area?"


Which rationale explains the lack of response to antibiotic therapy in a client diagnosed with gonorrhea? A. The client was misdiagnosed. B. Sexual partners have not been treated. C. Gonorrhea is not typically treated with antibiotics. D. The client has previously taken antibiotics as prophylaxis.


Which resource would the nurse recommend to community members who are concerned that their drinking water is contaminated with hazardous chemicals? A. Consumer confidence reports CCRs) B. National Library of Medicine-TOXNET C. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) D. National Environmental Public Health Tracking Network


Which statement defines epidemiology? A, A pattern of health events in a specific population B. The factors that determine the patterns of health events C. The rate of disease that exceeds the usual level of that condition D. The study of the occurrence and distribution of health events in a specific population


Which statement describes the current epidemiologic state of gonorrhea in the United States? A The reported rates are declining in the East. B. The rates are rising in the male population. C. The rates are highest for women living in the South. D. The highest incidence reported are in men 20 to 24 years of age.


Which step comes first when the nurse is using the "I PREPARE" approach to understand the potential environmental health risks in a community? - Conduct a windshield survey. - Interview key community stakeholders. - Review "Right to Know" community information. -Identify existing environmental policies and regulations.


1)An example of secondary prevention for infectious disease prevention is: a. malaria chemoprophylaxis b. Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) chemoprophylaxis for people with AIDS. c. Quarantine. d. Restaurant inspections.

c. Reduce the number of days people are exposed to unhealthy air. d. Increase the proportion of schools with policies and practices that promote health and safety. e. Increase the proportion of people whose water supply meets Safe Drinking Water Act regulations.

1)Environmental health is one of the focuses of Healthy People 2030; which objective is related to environmental health? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct. a. Increase indoor allergen levels b. Increase visits to health care facilities for pesticide exposures. c. Reduce the number of days people are exposed to unhealthy air. d. Increase the proportion of schools with policies and practices that promote health and safety. e. Increase the proportion of people whose water supply meets Safe Drinking Water Act regulations.


1)Factors that contribute to newly emerging or reemerging infectious diseases can be related to microbial adaptation and changes made by the infectious agent. However, most of the emergency factors are related to environmental changes and: a. Consequences of human activities/ behaviors. b. Increase in the number of vectors. c. Industrialization and urbanization. D. Unpredictable variances in the climate


1)The primary prevention of hepatitis C virus (HCV) includes: a. Counseling and follow-up of infected clients. b. Routine testing for health care workers. c. Screening of blood products. d. Testing of high-risk individuals.


1)Which concept is a major class of components that forms the classic epidemiological triangle? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct. a. Host b. Agent c. Environment d. Disaster states e. chemical mixtures


1)Which of the following actions by Florence Nightingale demonstrates her role as an epidemiologist? a. She convinced other women to join her in giving nursing care to all the soldiers. b. She demonstrated that a safer environment resulted in decreased mortality rate. c. She obtained safe water and better food supplies and fought the lice and rats. d. She met with each soldier each evening to say goodnight, thereby giving psychological support.

a. Assess environmental risks b. Eliminate or reduce environmental risks c. Educate the public about environmental risks d. Communicate environmental risks to others e. Advocate for policies that support healthy environments

1)Which role regarding environmental safety would the nurse have a responsibility to perform? Select all that apply? One. some, or all responses may be correct. a. Assess environmental risks b. Eliminate or reduce environmental risks c. Educate the public about environmental risks d. Communicate environmental risks to others e. Advocate for policies that support healthy environments


1)Which step is last in the evidence-based practice process? a. Evaluating outcomes b. Disseminating results c. Implementing the evidence d. Cultivating a spirit of inquiry


A community health nurse is implementing health programs with several populations in the areas in which following situations is the nurse using primary prevention? a.Performing a home safety check at a client's b Teaching healthy nutrition to clients who have hypertension c. Providing influenza immunizations to employees at a local preschool d. Implementing a program to notify individuals


A nurse is advocating for local leaders to place a newly-approved community health clinic in an area of the city THAT HAS fewer resources than areas The nurse is advocating for the leaders to uphold which of the following ethical principles? A. DISTRIBUTION JUSTICE B. Fidelity C. Respect for autonomy D. veracity


A nurse is caring for a client who is from a different culture than the nurse. When beginning the cultural assessment, which oF the Following actions should the nurse take? a. Determine the client's perception of their current health status b. Gather data about the client's cultural belies c. determines how the client's culture can affects the effectiveness of nursing actions. D. Gather information about previous client interactions with the healthcare system.

A, B, E

A nurse is collecting data to identify health needs in the local community. Which of the following examples should the nurse identify as secondary data? SATA. A. Birth statistics b. Previous health survey results c. Windshield survey d. Community forum e. Health Records


A nurse is completing a needs assessment and beginning analysis of data. which of the following actions should the nurse take first? a. Determine health patterns within collected data b. Compile collected data into a database. c. Ensure data collection is complete d. Identify health needs of the local community


A nurse is conducting health screenings at a statewide health fair and identifies several clients who require referral to a provider. Which of the following statements Indicates a barrier to accessing health care? a. "I don't drive, and my son is only available to take me places in the mornings." b. "I can't take off during the day, and the local after-hours clinic is no longer in operation c. "Only one doctor in my town is a designated provider by my health maintenance organization D. "I would like to schedule an appointment with the local doctor in my town who speaks Spanish and English.'


A nurse is developing a community health education PROGRAM FOR a group of clients who has a new diagnosis of diabetes mellitus Which of the following learning strategies should the nurse include for clients who are auditory learning? a. Showing photographs of sites for injection b. Providing equipment to practice hands-on skills c. Supplying outlines for note-taking d. Facilitating small group discussion


A nurse is planning a community health program. Which of the following actions should the nurse include as part of the evaluation plan? A. Determine availability of resources to initiate the plan B. Gain approval for the program trom local leaders C. Establish a timeline for implementation OF INTERVENTIONS D. Compare program impact to similar programs


A nurse is preparing a community heatlh program on communicanle disease. When discussing modes of transmission, the nurse should include which of the following illness as airborne? a. cholera b. malaria c. influenza. salmonellosis


A nurse is preparing an education program oN disease transmission for employees at a local day care facility. WHen discussing the epidemiological triangle, the nurse should which of the following factors as an agent? SATA A. Resource available b. Ethnicity c. Toxin: d. Bacteria e. altered immunity

A, B,C, E,

A nurse is preparing an educational program on cultural perspectives in nursing. The nurse should include that which of the following factors are influenced by individuals' culture. Select all that apply a...Nutritional practices b. Family structure c. Health care interaction: D. biological variations e. Views about illness

a, c, e

A nurse is preparing to conduct a windshield survey. Which of the following data should the nurse collect a component of this assessment? Select all that apply a. ethnicity of community members b. Individuals who hold power within the community c. Natural community boundaries d. Prevalence of disease e. Presence of public protection

b, c

A nurse is reviewing information about the local health department to prepare for an interview. Which of the should the nurse expect the local health department to provide? (Select all that apply.) a. Managing the Women, Infants and children program b. providing education to achieve community health goals C. Coordinating directives from state personnel D. reporting communicable diseases to the CDC e. licensing the registered nurse


A nurse is taking a vacation in sunny Mexico, spending days on the beach eating fresh raspberries from a nearby vendor and drinking bottled water. The tourist may be altering: a. Agent-host-environment interaction. b. Circadian rhythms c. Herd immunity D. Resistance


A nurse is using the IPREPARE mnemonics to assess client's potential environmental exposures. which of the following questions should the nurse ask when assessing for A in the mnemonics? a. "What do you like to do for fun?" b. "what year was your residence built?" c. "What jobs have you had in the past?" d, "What industries are near where you live?'

A, C

A nurse manager at a community agency is developing an orientation program for newly hired nurses. When discussing the differences between community-based and community-oriented nursing. The nurse should include which of the following situations as an example of community-based nursing? (Select all that apply.) •A. A home health nurse performing wound B. An occupational health nurse providing classes in mechanics at a local industrial plant C.A school nurse teaches a student wHO has asthma about medication D. A parish nurse teaching a class on low-sodium cooking techniques E. A mental health nurse discussing stress management techniques with a support group


A public health nurse is planning several initiatives for a city. Which of the following interventions shoulD nurSe include as part oF PUBLIC HEALTH ASSURANCE? A. Meeting with city officials to propose B. PARTNERING WITH A LABoratory company to provide free HIV screenings for the public C. Reviewing data for incidence of influenza over a 25 year span D. Providing medical facilities WITHinformation accidental injury rates


According to the 1995 Institute of Medicine report, which step must nurses take for clients and communities when potential environmental health hazards and sentinel illnesses are noted during an environmental health history? - Take direct action to mitigate the environmental cause. - Conduct a research study to establish correlation or causation. - Advocate for stricter environmental legislation and regulations. -Provide information to help clients locate and access referral sources.


According to the epidemiologic triangle, which factor interacts to support the transmission of disease? Select all that apply. A. Host B Agent C. Immunity D. Environment E. Genetic makeup


An increase of which health hazard is associated with gas stoves and vented gas heaters? A. Cancer B. Asthma C. Endocrine disruption D. Carbon monoxide poisoning


Following tuberculin skin testing, which client would the nurse document as having a positive reaction if the skin induration is measured at 5 to 10 mm? You can select all that apply. A. A 3-year-old healthy child B. A client with an HIV infection •C. A male client who is alcohol dependent D.A corrections officer working in the county jail E. A female client who has just finished chemotherapy F A 32-year-old client with a history of kidney transplant


For which laboratory test would the public health nurse prepare the client to obtain a definitive diagnosis for tuberculosis (TB)? A. X-ray B. Sputum smear C. Sputum culture D. QuantiFERON-TB blood test


Which factor has caused an increase in tick prevalence in the United States: A. Warmer temperatures b. Lack of immune response c. Changing animal populations d. Increased international travel


In the United States, which climate change prediction has materialized? Select all that apply. A. Increased fire activity B.Long-term cooling trends C. Long-term warming trends D. Extreme weather conditions E. Increased agricultural production F. L Disruptions in coastal communities


Which factor is assessed when considering an individual's response to environmental exposures? Select all that apply. One, some, or all A. Age B. Weight C. Medications taken D. Immunologic status E. Underlying health status


Which factor is associated with an increased risk of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)? A. Middle-class status B. Using excessive alcohol C. Living in a suburban area D. Younger than 25 years of age


Which action would the nurse distinguish as a tertiary prevention intervention? Select all that apply. A. Teaching a class at a senior center about preventing hypertension B. Offering body mass index (BMI) assessments at a community center C. Providing physical therapy to a client after joint replacement surgery D. Monitoring the medication compliance for clients diagnosed with hepatitis B E Providing peripheral neuropathy medication instructions for a client with type 2 diabetes


Which action would the public health nurse take when assessing and addressing lead-based paint poisoning? Select all that apply. A. Know public health laws to act as an advocate. B. Understand the roles of each respective agency and organization. C. Work with the community to coordinate services to meet its needs. D. Set up a blood lead screening program through the local health department. E. Educate local health providers regarding how to test children for lead poisoning.


Which action would the public health nurse take when performing a risk assessment as defined by the Environmental Protection Agency? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct. • Predict the potential for harm based on the estimated exposure. • Estimate how much and by which route of exposure the chemical might enter the human body. . Determine whether a chemical is known to be associated with negative health effects in animals or humans. -Review toxicologic or epidemiologic data associated with what is known about the chemical. -Determine whether the chemical has been released into the environment (into the air, water, soil, or food).


Which activity would the nurse implement as primary prevention for a community in which several communicable diseases are prevalent? Select all that apply. A. Administering tuberculin skin tests (TSTs) for free B, Providing counseling for people who have HIV and AIDS C. Vaccinating community members against hepatitis B virus (HBV) D. Teaching people in the community about ways to avoid infectious agents E. Educating people who are caring for clients with HIV about standard precautions


Which activity would the nurse implement as primary prevention in the community? A. Screening all health care workers for tuberculosis B. Giving clients chemoprophylaxis after HIV exposure C. Offering influenza vaccination to high-risk individuals D. Providing foot inspections for clients with diabetes mellitus


Which barrier prevents the implementation of evidence-based practice (EBP) in nursing? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct. a. Rising healthcare costs b. Higher acuity clients in the hospital setting c. Ability to interpret the meaning of the evidence d. Nurses may feel reluctant to accept findings and feel threatened when long-established practices are questioned.


Which concept is a major class of components that forms the classic epidemiologic triangle? Select all that apply. One, some, or all responses may be correct. ~ Host -Agent - Environment - Disease states - Chemical mixtures


Which disease is characterized by headache, malaise, and a red-ringed "bull's eye" lesion? A. Zika virus B. Ehrlichiosis C. Lyme disease •D.West Nile virus


Which environmental health competency for nurses was recommended by the Institute of Medicine in 1995? Select all that apply. - Understand the relationship between individuals/populations and the environment. - Be able to complete an environmental health history and recognize potential health hazards. -Refer individuals/populations appropriately for conditions with probable environmental causes. - Understand policy framework and existing legislation and regulations relative to environmental health. - Demonstrate knowledge of advocacy, ethics, and risk communication regarding adverse environmental effects.


Which example reflects the concept of vertical transmission? A. Mother-fetal HIV transmission B. Salmonella-contaminated milk C. Gonorrhea from sexual contact D. Hepatitis B through infected blood


Which study is an example of analytic epidemiology? A Monitoring for a new avian flu infection B. Studying transmission patterns of a flu outbreak in the Midwest C. Reviewing the risk of cervical cancer development in young women D Investigating the cause of a hepatitis A outbreak in the homeless population in San Diego


Which term is used to describe the occurrence of a disease in terms of person, place, and time? A. Epidemic B. Epidemiology C. Analytic epidemiology D. Descriptive epidemiology


Which term refers to a community with people of multiple ages, genders, ethnicities, diets, cultures, and disease states? A. Host B. Agent C.Environment D. Neighborhood


Which term reflects a basic science that contributes to the understanding of health effects associated with chemical exposures? •Ecology Toxicology Epidemiology Pharmacology


Which type of toxic chemicals most often results in dermal exposures to employees? Chemical solutions Pollutants Pesticides Heavy metals

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