Exam One Review- Mcglone

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The Black Death resulted in the death of_______million people, wiping out 1/3 of Europe's population within 5 years.

20 million


3rd largest city in Italy

Italian sailor-explorer ________ reached Brazil in 1499 and declared he had discovered a new continent.

Amerigo Vespucci

The Spanish legal system which entrusted favored officers to rule native communities was known as the

Encomienda system

Christopher Columbus was born in _________ in 1451.

Genoa, Italy

The Quaker religion was founded by Englishman_________

George Fox

. In 1733 General James Oglethorpe and a group of trustees established the ________ Colony to act as a buffer between the more northern English colonies and Spanish Florida.


. In 1642_____________, a man who believed firmly in absolute authority, breached British parliamentary privilege by entering the House of Commons to arrest five Members of Parliament.

King Charles I

The Currency Act of 1764 meant that all British goods had to be purchase with _________ or some valuable commodity such as tobacco.

gold; silver

The Quartering Act of 1765 required colonies to provide

housing for soldiers

The most important technological invention on the eve of the Age of Discovery was the __________________ invented by Johannes Gutenberg.

mechanical printing press

Government control of all aspects of the economy was known as


The journey across the Atlantic Ocean by slaves was known as the _____________

middle passage

The Black Death got its name because of

mysterious black boils

Protestant Reformation

16th century series of religious actions which led to establishment of the Protestant churches. Led by Martin Luther

After the infamous Boston Tea Party, an angry British government passed the _____Acts to crush lawbreakers


The three regional groups that lived along the eastern seaboard of North America on the eve of Columbus' arrival were the

*Alogonquin, Iroquin, Muskagean*

Martin Luther

-church is hopelessy corrupt -Argued salvation could not be bought only believed -expelled by Pope and Sentenced to death

North American civilizations Economic Change

-more nomadic -grasslands are not hospitable for growing crops -Stronger central govt= nation states -Trade based economy -development of banking, commerce, lawyers

Incan Empire

-strong militaristic leaders -Disease and Spanish Invasion lead to their demise -Centralized Religion/language--> success -Peak Population 12 million

One out of every __ slaves died in their perilous voyage across the ocean.


Published in 1517, Martin Luther's ____ broke the unity of the Roman Catholic Church. ?

95 thesis/problems

In 1649 Maryland governor William Stone passed the ______________ which guaranteed protection for all settlers who believed in Jesus.

Act of Toleration

Deemed too radical by many, the_ _____ of 1754 called for the eleven colonies to band together under the direction of grand council to help defend against French attacks.

Albany Plan pf Union

. The Incan Empire was located

Andes and Western part of S. America

. The settlement of Jamestown was burned to the ground as a result of _________ Rebellion in 1675.


Famed inventor ______________ epitomized the Enlightenment in North America.

Benjamin Franklin

Oliver Cromwell passed the ______of 1650 which outlawed things such as blasphemy, cursing, drunkenness and adultery.

Blue Laws

Predestination (Calvinism)

Calvin's religious theory that God has already planned out a person's life.

Also known as Charles land the _______ colony was formed south of Virginia in 1633


The Maryland Colony was unique in that it acted as a refuge for __________


Global warming________?

Changes the landscape and allows for new cities to emerge

The earliest arrivals in North America were the ______ peoples who used unique spear points to hunt wooly mammoths and other large animals.


This stirring pamphlet ________ published anonymously by Thomas Paine called for American independence.

Common Sense

George Washington was chosen as the leader of the colonies' national professional army during the Second ________of 1775.

Continental congress

The three sisters, which along with meat allowed for a well-balanced diet, were_______?

Corns, beans, and squash

The first settlement on the continent was______in Panama 1512


3. The _________ movement in England forced many people to leave their land in search of a better life.

Enclosure (switch from agrigal to pastural)

The burst of intellectual activity that spread quickly across Europe in the late 17th century was known as the


The two most prominent preachers during the Great Awakening were

Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield

King __________ and Queen ---------financed Columbus' trip across the Atlantic.

Ferdinand and Isabella

The Renaissance originated in the city of

Florence & Italy

In 1607 ________________ became the first permanent British settlement in North America.


The "Father of Louisiana" and founder of New Orleans

John Baptiste Le Moyne

The death of John Sassamon, a Christian Indian, in 1674 spurred_________

Kings Phillips war

In 1215 King John I of England agreed to the________ which was a charter of liberties which placed him and all future sovereigns within the rule of law.

Magna Carta

Maya comes from Ancient Yucatan city of_____


The last capital of the Mayan people was called


The _____________ Compact was an agreement reached by Pilgrims aboard their ship before they landed in Plymouth.


Within two years Hernan Cortes managed to wipe out the centuries-old __ civilization.

Mexica/Aztec and then built Mexico City

. The Pueblo Revolt of 1680 took place in

New Mexico

The last attempt to achieve peace between the two sides came with the_________ submitted to King George III, which affirmed American loyalty to Great Britain.

Olive Branch

. This man _____________ went on a midnight ride to warn the rebels that the British were marching for Lexington.

Paul Revere

The colony of ____________________ was established in 1681 and offered Quakers an opportunity to form a government that would embody their beliefs.


Age of Exploration---Portugal

Portugal takes lead -Portugal wants to trade with Asia for silk and spices

The ________________ Confederacy was an alliance of at least thirty Algonquin speaking Native American tribes.


John Calvin preached a doctrine of


Known as "precisionists" by their enemies the _____________ were conservative dissenters of the Anglican Church.


Sir Walter Raleigh landed on _____________ island in 1584.


was an unofficial British policy to relax the enforcement of strict trading laws upon the colonies.

Salutary Neglect

As he made his way southward down the Mississippi River _______ claimed the vast Ohio and Mississippi valleys all the way to the Rocky mountains as French land and named it _________________

Samuel De Chaplain: Louisiana

Englishman___ set sail in 1583 to Newfoundland in the hope of establishing a colony.

Sir Humphrey Gilbert

The Anasazi civilization was located in

Southwest (4 regions)

The four most powerful western European nations prior to the colonization of the New World were

Spain, Britain, France, Portugal

The defeat of the __in 1588 made it much easier for the British to dominate the North Atlantic Ocean and to colonize North America.

Spanish Armada

The first internal tax levied on the American colonists by the British government was the_______ of 1765.

Stamp act

The first recorded large scale slave revolt in North America was the _______ Rebellion of 1739 resulting in the death of 20 whites and 44 slaves


The city of Cahokia was the largest city built north of Mexico before Columbus' arrival, and was unique because it leaders lived in (Adena-Hopewell culture)

Temple shaped mounds

The Mexica/Aztecs built a magnificent capital called


Largest city in Western Hemisphere before arrival of Europeans

Tenochtitlan ( rebuilt as Mexico city

8. Known as the Glorious Revolution, Dutch prince ___________________ of Orange displaced King ____________ in 1688.

William II: James II

Governor John Winthrop of the Massachusetts Bay Colony believed a ______ form of government was the best model for social stability


Age of Exploration

Time period during the 15th and 16th centuries when Europeans searched for new sources of wealth and for easier trade routes to China and India. Resulted in the discovery of North and South America by the Europeans. -use of caravans gave them lead in ocean travel

. The settlement of Jamestown was able to flourish thanks to _________ , an extremely profitable crop.


.Spanish conquistador Juan Ponce de Leon is best remembered for his attempts to find the legendary

fountain of the youth

Treaty of Ausburg 1555

settled religious strife in Holy Roman empire

The _________ of 1494 divided the world between Spain and Portugal.

Treaty of Tordesillas Spain-Americas Portuguese- Africas

. The entire east coast of North America was originally named _____________ by British settlers.


Granddaughter of Governor John White, the first English child born in America was named

Virginia Dare

Oliver Cromwell

believed God chose him to lead England

Christopher Columbus

believed a route existed across Atlantic to Asia -believed earth was pear shaped

Galileo made several important discoveries, but his claim ______________________ got him in trouble with the Roman Catholic Church.

earth was not center


encourage people to question received wisdom

An___________ was someone who was given passage to America and given a place to live provided they worked for the financer for a period of four to seven years.

indentured servant

1492 Columbus is funded by the monarchy (ships included)

nina, pinta, and santa maria

The word Renaissance meant


Deadliest agent of conquest


it is estimated that _______________ wiped out about ______ of the native population of the Americas within the first 60-75 Europeans contract.


The Sugar Act of 1764 violated a basic British principle of no ____ without ________.

taxation; representation

The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was drawn up to protect

the English from Natives and v.v.

Samuel Parris' Caribbean slave _____________ was the only person to confess to being a witch during the Salem Witch Trials.


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