Example Short Answer Questions

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Improvements in leadership and strategy (Sherman and Grant; and the Anaconda plan which was a blockade of ships to the south and meant to strangle the Southern economy) Key Victories (Antietam - tie, strategic victory for the North (morale boost, kept Europe out of the war)lead to the emancipation proclomation; then Gettysburg which caused the Gettysburg Address) Greater resources (Larger population and significantly more factories) Destoyed Southern infrastructure (Sherman's March to the Sea)

*Confederacy had early success but Union ultimately won: Reasons the Union won:

Racial doctrines (African Americans, like Native Americans before were seen as "savages") Slavery was a "positive good" (argued by John C. Calhoun and others, basically slaves had it better off than northern factory workers) The Constitution (beleved that slavery protected states rights and slavery (property can't be taken away, slaves were seen as property in Dred Scott))

Arguments to defend slavery

Opposition persisted in both regions: In the North (MD newspapers were shut down by Lincoln, NYC Draft Riots - "Rich man's war, but a poor man's fight") In the South (Many farmers refused to fight because they did not want to leave their plantations, would not let slaves fight either)

Both the North and the South were engaged in total war essentially

Declines do to issue over slavery and anti-immigration sentiments; Leads to the emergence of sectional parties (seen in the election of 1860); Repulican party emerges (popular in North and Midwest)(Republican Party is made out of Free-Soilers and former Whigs; In 1860 Lincoln wanted to keep slavery from expanding)

End of the Second Party System

In the beginning he was fighting to preserve the union at all costs and after the emancipation proclamation the goal of the war is to end slavery

How did Lincoln's war goals change as time elapsed?

David Wilmot introduced the Wilmot Proviso which sought to ban slavery in the Mexican Cession. The Free Soil Party sought the non-extension of slavery. Number one debate over this newly acquired land is over slavery

How did the Mexican-American War impact slavery?

A) One major historical factor that contributed to the change depicted on the graph was the result of hardships in other countries. B) An example of this would be in Ireland, when a disease ruined all of their potatoes, as a result many Irish immigrants fled to the northeastern United States. C) The Irish fled in hopes of better life and opportunity, such as getting a new farm

Immigration to The United States by Decades 1820-1859 A) Briefly explain ONE major historical factor contributed to the change depicted on the graph

A) One major effect over the that resulted from the large increase of immigration was nativism. B) These negative feelings toward immigrants occurred after they arrive, examples of nativism was seen through anti-catholic rallies. C) The so called true Americans felt like the immigrants were stealing their jobs

Immigration to The United States by Decades 1820-1859 B) Briefly explain ONE specific historical effect that resulted from the change depicted on the graph

A) Another effect of the increase in immigration is cheap labor. B) Immigrants would go work in factories in the north for lower wages and longer hours. C) The availability of cheap labor led to the country becoming more industrialized

Immigration to The United States by Decades 1820-1859 C) Briefly explain ANOTHER specific historical effect that resulted from the change depicted on the graph

Southern states began to succeed from the union

Impact of Election of 1860?

Lincoln wins on a free-soil platform, without a single southern electoral vote from the south. (He did NOT want to END slavery, he just wanted it to stop spreading) (This is the immediete cause for the civil war)

In the Election of 1860

Railroads were being built, the buffalo were being decimated. The homestead act which provided 160 acres of public land and railroad subsides which encouraged railroad companies to build railroads.

John Gast, American Progress, 1872 What impacts did the environmental transformation have on westward expansion? What were ways the government encouraged expansion?

A proposal to settle issue of slavery in territories, over turned Missouri compromise, instituted popular sovereignty in Kansas and Nebraska

Kansas-Nebraska Act

Plantation owners owned a majority of the land; Former slaves had difficulty acquiring land (High interest rates to buy land - crop lien system) Sharecropping (Freedmen worked on farms and exchanged labor for using land and housing; Half of their crops were typically given to the land owner; If cotton prices fell (as did in the 1870s), perpetual debt was common for most sharecroppers; Most Southern blacks were sharecroppers by 1890)

Land distribution post in the South Civil War

There was a spread of US institutions and beliefs, many people felt like the US should expand its democracy and government across the boarder. There were also economic motives for access to land, many farmers wanted to gain more land out west.

Reasons for manifest destiny

Access to natural and mineral resources (California Gold Rush; Comstock lode - silver, settlements built around resources) Economic opportunities: ("Saftey-valve" theory - idea that one could always pack-up and move out west to make money) Religious refuge: (mormons, lead by Brigham Young, moved west to Utah because they were being persecuted for their belief in other areas)

Reasons for westward expansion?

13th Amenment (Abolished slavery) 14th Amendment (If you are born in the United States you are a citizen and recieve equal protection under the law) 15th Amendment (Universal male sufferage, yes blacks can vote)

Reconstruction Amendments:

The North (manufactoring that relied on free labor) The south (agricultural, relied on slavery) The Free Soil movement (sough to keep slavery from expanding, especially out west where the Mexican seccion was, believed slavery was incompatible with free labor

There were two economies

Homestead Act- (provided 160 acres of land with the promise to live on and improve the land for 5 years) Government also provided subsides for railroads to expand out west

US government encouraged westward expansion

Segregation, violence (KKK and white league) Supreme court decisions (allowed inividuals and private buissness' to vote) Local political taxes (poll taxes, literacy tests, grandfather clauses)

Ways the 14th and 15th amendments were restricted

The KKK and the white league

What organizations were formed to resist the 13th-15th amendments?

The abolitionist movement was comprise of mostly whites and blacks from the South, northerners were not abolitionists. Tactics used by the abolitionist movement were things like moral arguments which was this idea that is incompatible with "natural rights" and "all men are created equal," they would help slaves escape, seen in the underground railroad, there was also a willingness to use violence seen in John Browns raid at Harpers Fairey

What were characteristics of abolitionist movement?

Determined Southern resistance: Emergence of redeemer governments (which were southern local and state governments that were democrats and ousted republican governments often done through violence and intimidation) The KKK (terroriezed anyone who supported reconstruction including blacks and republicans) North's waning (means to decrease) resolve (Charles Sumner dies in 1874 and The Panic of 1873 - tainted the Republican Party and many called for a smaller government

Why did reconstruction ultimately fail?

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