Excel 2

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Align cell contents horizontally.

1. Select cell C3. 2. In the Alignment group on the Home tab, click the Center button. 3. Excel centers the contents of the cell horizontally.

Apply ac cell style.

Select cell B8.In the Styles group on the Home tab, click the Cell Styles button.The Cell Styles gallery appears with previews of available cell styles, grouped by category.In the Good, Bad and Neutral section of the Cell Styles gallery, click Bad.Excel applies the Bad style to the selected cell.

Apply the Date number format.

1. Select cell D4. 2.In the Number group on the Ribbon, click the Dialog Box Launcher. 3. The Format Cells dialog box opens, with the Number tab active. The Date category is selected in the Type list, as the selected cell is currently formatted with the Long Date number format. You will change this to a different date number format. 4. In the Type list, click 03/14/12 to select a new date number format. 5. Click OK. 6. Excel applies the new date format to the cell.

Change the fill color of a cell.

1. Select cell D9. 2. In the Font group on the Home tab, click the Fill Color arrow. 3. The Fill Color gallery displays a palette of Theme Colors and Standard Colors. 4. In the Theme Colors section of the Fill Color gallery, click Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 60% (column 5, row 3). 5. Excel changes the cell color to light blue.

Bold cell content.

1. Select cell A2. 2. In the Font group on the Home tab, click the Bold button. 3. Excel applies bold formatting to the text in the cell.

Change the number of displayed decimal places.

1. Click and drag to select cells B3:B12, and then release the mouse button. 2. In the Number group on the Home tab, click the Increase Decimal button. 3. The selected values now display one decimal place. 4. In the Number group, click the Increase Decimal button again. 5. The selected values now display two decimal places.

Apply the Currency number format

1. Click and drag to select range C4:C15. 2. In the Number group on the Home tab, click the Number Format arrow. 3. The Number Format menu opens. 4. On the menu, click Currency. 5. Excel applies the Currency format to the cells in the range. The numbers in each cell are preceded by a $ (dollar sign) and display two decimal places.

Indent cell contents.

1. Click and drag to select the range A5:A13. 2. You want to indent the contents of these cells to show that each line item is a component of the Operating Expenses heading. 3. Excel indents the contents of the selected cells one indentation level.

Align cell contents vertically.

1. Click cell A3. 2. In the Alignment group on the Home tab, click the Middle Align button. 3. Excel centers the contents of the cell vertically.

Select non-adjacent cells.

1. Click cell C4. 2. Press and hold the CTRL key and click cell C6. 3. Cell C4 remains selected, and cell C6 is added to the selection. 4. With the CTRL key pressed, click cell C11. 5. Cell C11 is now selected as well. Excel applies a double border to the cell last selected, and highlights previously selected cells in grey. All corresponding column and row headings are highlighted in grey as well.

Italicize cell content.

1. Click cell F6. 2. You want to make the text in this cell stand out from other text. 3. In the Font group on the Home tab, click the Italic button. 4. Excel italicizes the text in the cell.

Insert a picture as a worksheet background

1. Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon. 2. In the Page Setup group, click the Background button. 3. The Insert Pictures dialog box opens. You can choose pictures from a folder on your computer or search online for an image. 4. Click From a file. 5. The Sheet Background dialog box opens and displays the contents of the Pictures Library. 6. Click the Ice Cream Cone.png picture icon to select it. 7. Click the Insert button. 8. Excel inserts the picture into the worksheet as the worksheet background, repeating the image as needed to fil

Merge and enter cell contents.

1. Position the mouse pointer over cell A2. Press and hold the left mouse button, drag the mouse to the right until it is over cell D2, and then release the mouse button. 2. In the Alignment group, click the Merge & Center button. 3. Excel merges cells A2:D2 into a single cell and centers the text within the merged cell.

Apply the Percentage number format.

1. Position the mouse pointer over cell B7. Press and hold the left mouse button as you drag the mouse pointer right until it is over cell D7, then release the mouse button. 2. In the Number group on the Home tab, click the % (Percent Style) button. 3. Excel applies the Percentage number format to the cells in the range.

Apply the Comma number format.

1. Position the mouse pointer over cell C4. Press and hold the left mouse button as you drag the mouse pointer down until it is over cell C15, then release the mouse button. 2. In the Number group on the Home tab, click the (Comma Style) button. 3. Excel applies the Comma Style number format to the cells in the range.

Change the font of cell content.

1. Select cell A2. 2. In the Font group, click the Font arrow. 3. The Font gallery displays a list of available fonts. 4. In the Font gallery, click Cambria. 5. Excel changes the font of the cell to Cambria.

Apply a theme

Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon.In the Themes group, click the Themes button.The Themes gallery is displayed.In the Themes gallery, click the Berlin option.Excel applies the Berlin theme to the current worksheet. Note the changes in fonts, font sizes, and colors.

Apply the Accounting number format.

1. Position the mouse pointer over cell C4. Press and hold the left mouse button as you drag the mouse pointer down until it is over cell C15, then release the mouse button. 2. In the Number group, click the $ (dollar sign) button. 3. Excel applies the Accounting number format to the selected cells.

Change the font color of cell content.

1. Select cell D9. 2. In the Font group on the Home tab, click the Font Color arrow. 3. The Font Color gallery displays a palette of Theme Colors and Standard Colors. 4.In the Standard Colors section of the Font Color gallery, click Blue (column 8). 5. Excel changes the font color in the cell to blue.

Create a formula using AVERAGE function.

Select cell B16.Type =AV in cell B16.The Formula AutoComplete list displays functions whose names are approximate alphabetic matches to the typed letters.In the Formula AutoComplete list, double-click AVERAGE.Excel inserts the AVERAGE function into the formula.Position the mouse pointer over cell B4. Press and hold the left mouse button as you drag the pointer downward until it is over cell B15, and then release the mouse button.Excel enters the range B4:B15 into the formula as the AVERAGE function's argument.Type ) in cell B16 to complete the formula.Press ENTER.Excel calculates the average monthly sales and returns the result in cell B16.

Create a formula using arithmetic operators.

1. Select cell G4..You will create a formula to calculate the projected 2021 Salary, less Healthcare, for each employee.Type = (equal sign) in cell G4 to start the formulaYour formula will use a variety of arithmetic operations to complete the calculation. As with all formulas, you will begin by typing = (equal sign) in the cell. 2. Click cell C4.The value in cell C4 represents the employee's current salary.Type + (plus) in cell G4.To this, you want to add the amount of the employee's raise, in dollars...Click cell C4....which you will calculate by multiplying the employee's current salary in cell C4...Type * in cell G4.... by the raise percentage in cell E4.Click cell E4.Type - (minus) in cell G4.Next, you will subtract the annual healthcare deduction shown in cell F4 from the projected new salary result.Click cell F4.On the formula bar, click the Enter button.Excel performs the calculations as specified and returns the result in cell G4.

Set the print area of a worksheet.

Click and drag to select cells A3:D7.This is the range that you will define as the print area.Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon.In the Page Setup group, click the Print Area button.The Print Area menu opens.On the menu, click Set Print Area.In the formula bar, in the Name Box, Excel displays the Print_Area range name. This is the area that will print when you issue the Print command.

Rotate cell content to an exact value.

Click and drag to select cells B3:M3.In the Alignment group on the Home tab, click the Dialog Box Launcher.The Format Cells dialog box opens with the Alignment tab active. In the Orientation window, the Orientation indicator is currently pointing to the middle point on the Orientation arc, which represents 0 (zero) degrees of rotation.On the arc, click the small diamond marker three points up and to the left of the 0 (zero) degree marker. This marker represents 45 degrees of rotation.When you click the marker, the marker turns red and Excel enters the value 45 in the Orientation Degrees text box.Click OK.Excel rotates the text in the selected cells 45 degrees.

Create a conditional formatting rule using the quick analysis tool .

Click and drag to select range B4:B15.The range is selected. At the bottom-right of the range, the Quick Analysis button appears.Click the Quick Analysis button.The Quick Analysis gallery opens. The Formatting pane is selected by default and displays a list of conditional formatting options.Click Data Bars.Excel adds data bars to the range.

Create a highlight cell conditional formatting rule.

Click and drag to select range B4:B15In the Styles group on the Home tab, click the Conditional Formatting button.The Conditional Formatting menu opens.On the Conditional Formatting menu, point to Highlight Cells Rules.The Highlight Cells Rules menu opens with a variety of rule options. You can highlight cells based on relative values, text content, dates, and more.Click Less Than.The Less Than dialog box opens. The insertion point is in the Format cells that are LESS THAN text box.Type 50000 in the text boxExcel will highlight every cell in the selected range whose value is less than $50,000. Next, you will choose a formatting option for highlighting the cells.Click the Format cells arrow.A list of formatting options appears.On the list, click the Yellow Fill with Dark Yellow Text option.Click OK.Excel highlights cells in the range B4:B15 as specified in the conditional formatting rul

Insert a page break.

Click cell A17.Excel will insert a page break one row above the selected cell. Because there is no column to the left of cell A17, the new page break will not affect columns.Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon.In the Page Setup Group, click the Breaks button.The Breaks menu opens with options to insert, remove, or reset page breaks in the current workbook.On the Breaks menu, click Insert Page Break.A gray line appears at the bottom of row 16, indicating where the page will break

Use the format painter.

Click cell B6.You will copy the formatting of this cell to your destination cells.In the Clipboard group on the Home tab, click the Format Painter buttonThe Format Painter is activated, as shown by the grey shading around the button. The border around the source cell changes to a moving dotted line.Click and drag to select cells B20:D20, and then release the mouse button.As you move the mouse pointer from the Ribbon to the worksheet, the mouse pointer changes to a block plus-sign with a paintbrush icon. The Format Painter paints the formatting of cell B6 onto cells B20:D20. The values in the destination cells do not change.

Set print titles for a worksheet.

Click the Page Layout tab on the Ribbon.In the Page Setup group, click the Print Titles button.The Page Setup dialog box opens with the Sheet tab active.Click the Rows to repeat at top text box.You can select the row or rows you want to repeat at the top of every printed page. To select an entire row, you can click a single cell in that row.Click cell B3.A flashing border appears around row 3 in the worksheet to indicate that this row will be repeated on each page of the printout. The row 3 reference appears in the Rows to repeat at top text box.Click OK.When you print or preview the workbook, Excel will repeat row 3 at the top of each new page.

Find and replace text.

In the Editing group on the Home tab, click the Find & Select button.The Find & Select menu opens.On the Find & Select menu, click Replace.The Find and Replace dialog box opens with the Replace tab active. The insertion point is in the Find what text box.Type Not Full in the Find what text box.You want to replace the phrase Not Full in the worksheet.Click the Replace with text box. Type Partial in the Replace with text box.You'll replace the phrase Not Full with the word Partial in the worksheet.Click Find Next.Excel finds the first instance of the phrase Not Full in cell C8.Click Replace.Excel replaces the phrase as specified, and moves to the next instance of the phrase Not Full in cell C12.Click Replace All.Excel replaces the remaining two instances of the phrase Not Full with the word Partial, and displays a message indicating that all replacements have been made.Click OK.The Microsoft Excel dialog box closes.Click Close.The Find and Replace dialog box closes.

Find and replace cell fomatting

In the Editing group on the Home tab, click the Find & Select button.The Find & Select menu opens.On the menu, click Replace.The Find and Replace dialog box opens with the Replace tab active.Click the Options button.The dialog box expands to display additional options, including options for finding and replacing formats.To the right of the Find what box, click the Format arrow.You will specify the format you are replacing here. You can choose a format from the Find Format dialog box by clicking Format, or you can choose a format from a particular cell.Click Choose Format From Cell.The mouse pointer displays an eyedropper, indicating it will pick up the format from any cell you click.Click cell A9.Excel picks up the format from cell A9, Arial font, size 10, Dark Red font color, and displays the word Preview* to the left of the Format button in the dialog box. This is the format you are replacing.In the Find and Replace dialog box, to the right of the Replace with box, click the Format button.The Replace Format dialog box opens with the Font tab active. You will choose a replacement format here.In the Replace Format dialog box, click the Color arrow.The Font Color palette opens.In the palette, click the Blue-Gray, Text 2 color option (Theme colors, top row, option 4).You will replace the Dark Red font color with the Blue-Gray, Text 2 font color. You will not change any other font settings.Click OK.The Replace Format dialog box closes. In the Find and Replace dialog box, Excel displays the word Preview* to the left of the Replace with Format button.In the Find and Replace dialog box, click Replace All.Excel replaces the formatting as specified for all cells in the worksheet. A Microsoft dialog box opens indicating that Excel has made a total of 9 replacements.In the Microsoft Excel dialog box, click OK.The dialog box closes.In the Find and Replace dialog box, click Close.All of the cells in the worksheet are now formatted with the Blue-Gray, Text 2 font color.

insert a header using header and footer elements

On the status bar, click the Page Layout button.Excel switches to Page Layout view.Click the center section of the header placeholder, on the phrase "Add header."The three header sections appear; the center section is active. The Header & Footer Tools Design tab appears on the Ribbon.Click the Header & Footer tools Design tab on the Ribbon.You can quickly add header content using predefined elements available on this tab.In the Header & Footer Elements group, click the Sheet Name button.Excel inserts the code for the worksheet name in the center section of the header. When you deselect the header section, you will see the sheet name as text rather than code.Click the right header section.The insertion point moves to the right header section. You can see the sheet name Income Statement in the center header section. You will now add content to the right header section using both a built-in header element and text you type yourself.Type Last Viewed_ in the right header section.In the Header & Footer Elements group, click the Current Date button.Excel adds the code for the current date after the text you typed.In the worksheet, click cell A4.Excel deselects the header. You can now view how the header content will look on a printed page.

Add a border with a line style to a cell.

Select cell D19.In the Font group on the Home tab, click the Borders arrow.The Borders menu opens.On the Borders menu, click More BordersThe Format Cells dialog box opens with the Border tab active.In the Line section, in the Style box, click the Double Border option, the last option in the second column of the box.The Double Border line style option is selected. Now you will specify where you will add this border.In the Border section of the dialog box, click the Top Border button.Excel displays a Top Double Line border in the border preview section.In the Border section of the dialog box, click the Bottom Border button.Excel displays a Bottom Double Line border in the border preview section.Click OK.Excel adds a Double Line border to the top and bottom of the selected cell.Click cell A3.When you deselect cell D19, you can see the new border around the cell.

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