Excel Crash Course

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What is the keyboard command to autofit the row height? Alt o c a Alt o c w Alt h o h Alt h o a

The correct answer is "Alt h o a" Alt o c a is used to autofit column width. Alt o c w is used to assign the column width. Alt h o h is used to assign the row height.

Identify the utility used to create a dropdown menu in Excel. Alt d t Alt d v l Alt d l Alt d d t

The correct answer is: alt d l. Alt d t is the shortcut to build a data table. Alt d v l is not a valid shortcut. Alt d d t is not a valid shortcut.

What is the keyboard sequence to 1) Group highlighted columns (but not to hide group) 2) Hide the group (will show a + sign above the column) 3) Show the group (will show a + sign above the column) 1. Ctrl Alt Right Arrow 2. Alt a j 3. Alt a h 1. Ctrl Alt Right Arrow 2. Alt a h 3. Alt a s 1. Shift Alt Down Arrow 2. Alt a h 3. Alt a j

1. Shift Alt Down Arrow 2. Alt a h 3. Alt a j

All of the following are keyboard shortcut that allow the user input to add more sheets to a workbook EXCEPT: Alt i w Alt h i s Shift F11 Alt Shift F1 Alt h i w Incorrect

Alt i w, Alt h i s, Shift F11 and Alt Shift F1 are all keyboard shortcuts for adding more sheets to a workbook. Alt h i w is not a valid shortcut.

When you are in the Format Cells dialog (Ctrl 1): What is the keyboard shortcut for moving across tabs (Number, Alignment, Font Border, Fill, Protection)? How do you move counter clockwise across form elements? How do you select a checkbox (put a checkbox next to it) 1) Tab 2) Ctrl Tab 3) Spacebar 1) Alt Tab 2) Ctrl Tab 3) Spacebar 1) Ctrl Tab 2) Shift Tab 3) Spacebar 1) Ctrl Tab 2) Shift Tab 3) Enter

The correct answer is: 1) Ctrl Tab 2) Shift Tab 3) Spacebar Tab will navigate the user to different cells. Enter will keep the data the user has entered in the cell. Alt Tab is a shortcut to toggle among different Windows.

Identify the formula that will output 2016 expenses: =CHOOSE(2,B3:D3) =CHOOSE(2,B3,C3,D3) =CHOOSE(2,A3,B3,C3,D3)

The correct answer is: =CHOOSE(2,B3,C3,D3) =CHOOSE(2,B3:D3) is not valid syntax for this formula; cells must be individually selected. =CHOOSE(2,A3,B3,C3,D3) will output 2015 expenses.

What is the command to change the zoom size? Alt v z Alt t o v Alt h o i Alt h v t

The correct answer is "Alt v z". Alt t o v is not a valid shortcut. Alt h o I is the shortcut to autofit the column width. Alt h v t is not a valid shortcut.

What is the NPV of these cash flows, assuming end of period discounting? Round to nearest whole number and use comma separator, so if your answer is 1,578.6, input 1,579. Don't input currency symbols or any extra spaces

The correct answer is 4,648 Using the NPV formula: =NPV(D7,D6:H6). D7 is the "rate" argument for the NPV function; D6:H6 is the range containing the cash flows to be discounted.

What is the NPV, this time assuming beginning of period discounting? Round to nearest whole number and use comma separator, so if your answer is 1,578.6, input 1,579. Don't input currency symbols or any extra spaces

The correct answer is 5,112 =D6+NPV(D7,E6:H6). To adjust the formula for beginning of period discounting, calculate using the NPV function as in the previous question, but leave out the first period cash flows. Add the first period's cash flows to this calculation.

What INDEX & MATCH combo will create a dynamic reference based on whatever metric and date you input in cells F10 and F11, respectively? =INDEX(D6:H8,MATCH(F10,C6:C8,0),MATCH(F11,D5:H5,0)) =INDEX(D6:H8,MATCH(F10,C6:C8,1),MATCH(F11,D5:H5,0)) =INDEX(D6:H8,MATCH(F10,C6:C8,1),MATCH(F11,D5:H5,1)) =INDEX(D6:H8,MATCH(F10,C6:C8,0),4)

The correct answer is: =INDEX(D6:H8,MATCH(F10,C6:C8,0),MATCH(F11,D5:H5,0)). =INDEX(D6:H8,MATCH(F10,C6:C8,1),MATCH(F11,D5:H5,0)) uses match type 1 for the first argument, which requires values to be in ascending order, and is not valid for this reference. =INDEX(D6:H8,MATCH(F10,C6:C8,1),MATCH(F11,D5:H5,1)) uses match type 1 for both MATCH function, which requires values to be in ascending order, and is not valid for this reference. =INDEX(D6:H8,MATCH(F10,C6:C8,0),4) selects the fourth column instead of the fifth, and is static; it will not change if a different date is entered.

What is the recommended workbook calculation setting for Excel? Automatic Manual Automatic except for Data Tables Iterate

The correct answer is "Automatic except for Data Tables". Data tables can significantly slow down Excel and other programs. "Automatic", the default setting, will automatically calculate everything in the workbook, including data tables, which will make the program run more slowly. The Manual setting will require the user to frequently recalculate the workbook in order to display correctly. "Iterate" is not a setting for workbook calculation in Excel; iterative calculation is a toggle for users to set for workbooks that may have circular calculations.q

Identify the shortcut to remove arrows from Trace Precedents or Trace Dependents. Alt d t Alt m p Alt m d Alt m a

The correct answer is Alt m a. Alt d t inserts a data table. Alt m p is the shortcut to trace precedents. Alt m d is the shortcut to trace dependents.

What is a keyboard shortcut to open a file? Ctrl o Ctrl f Alt o Ctrl n

The correct answer is Ctrl o. Ctrl f is the shortcut to find, or find and replace, text on the worksheet. Alt o is not a command. Ctrl n is the shortcut to open a new workbook.

What formula using a "sum" function returns the correct value for the proceeds for options "in the money" as seen in cell C11 (i.e., maximum proceeds for options with a strike price less than the share price)?

The correct answer is: =SUMPRODUCT(B5:B9,C5:C9*(C5:C9<C2)) SUMPRODUCT will multiply array B and array C. The last portion of the formula *(C5:C9<C2) incorporates the criteria to only multiply the cells where the exercise price is less than the price per share.

Identify the formula that outputs 2016 expenses. =VLOOKUP("Expenses",A1:D4,3,1) =VLOOKUP("Expenses",A1:D4,3) =VLOOKUP(2016,A1:D4,3) =VLOOKUP("Expenses",A1:D4,3,0)

The correct answer is: =VLOOKUP("Expenses",A1:D4,3,0) =VLOOKUP("Expenses",A1:D4,3,1) looks for an approximate match and requires that the reference range be in ascending order. =VLOOKUP("Expenses",A1:D4,3) also looks for an approximate match as specified by match type 1, and requires that the reference range be in ascending order.

Which of the following keys IS NOT a way to trace precedent cells? Ctrl [ Alt m p Alt t u t Ctrl Alt [

The correct answer is: Ctrl [. Ctrl [ is not a valid shortcut. Alt m p, Alt t u t, and Ctrl Alt [ are all shortcuts that can be used to trace precedent cells.

You are in cell A1 and start a formula by typing = in a worksheet with split top and bottom panes. In order to jump to the bottom pane while working on the formula: Hit Tab Hit F6 Hit Alt F6 Hit Alt Tab

The correct answer is: Hit F6 Tab will navigate to the next cell. Alt F6 is not a valid shortcut. Alt Tab will navigate to a different window. See lesson: Splitting & Freezing Panes

Which of the following is NOT a shortcut for changing the format of a cell Ctrl Tab Ctrl Shift 1 Ctrl B Alt h f c

The correct answer is Ctrl Tab. Ctrl Tab will move the selected cell. It is not a shortcut used to format cells. Ctrl Shift 1 will change the cell to a Number format, Ctrl B makes the cell text bold, Alt h f c will allow to change the text color.

Identify the commands to insert a comment and delete a comment 1)Alt e m 2) Alt e m 1)Alt h e m 2) Alt I m 1)Shift F2 2) Alt h e m 1)Alt h e m 2) Alt I s

The correct answer is Shift F2, Alt h e m. Alt e m is a shortcut to open the menu to move or copy a selected sheet. Alt I s is the shortcut to insert a symbol.

What is the keyboard shortcut to open the paste special dialog box? Ctrl v Ctrl e s Alt e s or Alt h v s Ctrl h v

The correct answer is: Alt e s or Alt h v s Ctrl v is the shortcut for basic paste. Ctrl e s is not a valid shortcut sequence. Ctrl h v is not a valid shortcut sequence.

Identify the best formula that will output 2016 expenses. Hint: Only select the 'range lookup' argument if it is necessary. =HLOOKUP(2016,B2:D4,2,0) =HLOOKUP(2016,A1:D4,3) =HLOOKUP("Expenses",A1:D4,2) =HLOOKUP(2016,B2:D4,2)

The correct answer is: =HLOOKUP(2016,A1:D4,3) =HLOOKUP(2016,B2:D4,2,0) will not result in a valid output because 2016 is not selected in the table array argument. =HLOOKUP("Expenses",A1:D4,2) will result in a #NAME error because "Expenses" is not a horizontal lookup reference. =HLOOKUP(2016,B2:D4,2) will reference the Revenue line rather than the expenses line because the third argument references the row 2 in the table array.

Identify the formula that, based in user inputs in cells B1 and B2, outputs the text "animal lover" for users who have at least 1 dog and at least one cat, and outputs "lonely person" when those conditions are not met. =IF(OR(B1>0,B2>0),"animal lover","lonely person") =IF(AND(B1>1,B2>1),"animal lover","lonely person") =IF(AND(B1>0,B2>0),"animal lover","lonely person") =AND(IF(B1>0,"animal lover","lonely person"),IF(B2>0,"animal lover","lonely person"))

The correct answer is: =IF(AND(B1>0,B2>0),"animal lover","lonely person") =IF(OR(B1>0,B2>0),"animal lover","lonely person") will output "animal lover" if the user owns a dog OR a cat. =IF(OR(B1,B2>0),"animal lover","lonely person") is not valid formula syntax. =AND(IF(B1>0,"animal lover","lonely person"),IF(B2>0,"animal lover","lonely person")) is not valid formula syntax.

Identify the formula that outputs data from the table based on the user inputs in cells C6 and C7. =OFFSET(A1,MATCH(C6,A2:A4),MATCH(C7,B1:D1)) =OFFSET(B1,MATCH(C6,A2:A4,0),MATCH(C7,B1:D1)) =OFFSET(A1,MATCH(C6,A2:A4,0),MATCH(C7,B1:D1)) =OFFSET(A1,MATCH(C7,B1:D1),MATCH(C7,A2:A4,0))

The correct answer is: =OFFSET(A1, MATCH(C6,A2:A4,0),MATCH(C7,B1:D1)). =OFFSET(A1,MATCH(C6,A2:A4),MATCH(C7,B1:D1)) does not return the correct value because an exact match is not specified for the MATCH function used for the 'row' argument of the OFFSET function. =OFFSET(B1,MATCH(C6,A2:A4,0),MATCH(C7,B1:D1)) uses an incorrect cell reference for the reference argument of the OFFSET function, which must be in the upper left corner of the table. =OFFSET(A1,MATCH(C7,B1:D1),MATCH(C7,A2:A4,0)) reverses the MATCH functions used for the row and column references in the OFFSET function, returning #N/A.

Identify the formula that will output 2016 expenses (55). =OFFSET(B1,3,2) =OFFSET(B1,2,3) =OFFSET(A1,2,2) =OFFSET(A1,3,3)

The correct answer is: =OFFSET(A1,2,2) =OFFSET(B1,3,2) will return 65. =OFFSET(B1,2,3) will return (75). =OFFSET(A1,3,3) will return 55.

What IF function will output revenue growth based on the Scenario selected in cell F10? =IF(F10=C14,F14,IF(F10=C15,F15,F16)) =IF(F10=C15,F15,IF(F10=C14,F14,F16)) =IF(F10=C16,F16,IF(F10=C14,F14,F15)) All of the above

The correct answer is: All of the above. This question uses a nested IF statement. Any of the cases (Best case, Base case, Weak case) can be used as the logical test, which is the first argument in the IF statement. Two IF statements are required because there are thee possible scenarios. The last argument in the function will have the case that was not used in the two logical tests. These logical tests can be in any order.

Below is a Data Table designed to display the effect on 2015 Net Profit based of changes in 2015 Revenue Growth and 2015 COGS %. Please provide: The cell reference required in D22. The row input cell required by the Data Table. The column input cell required by the Data Table. Provide all three cell references, in order above, separated by commas with no space (i.e. A1,A2,A3) Note: Do not include spaces within answer

The correct answer is: E8,E10,E11 E8 is the cell reference for 2018 Net Income, the output variable, which must be in the top left corner of the table. E10, the 2015 revenue growth rate, is the row input cell, the variable that is being sensitized in the top row of the table. E11, the COGS %, is the column input variable that is being sensitized.

Please select the answer that best describes the shortcut to Split (not freeze) an excel sheet into just two panes (top and bottom) To navigate from pane to pane 1. Anywhere in the Excel worksheet hit Alt W S to split the panes to a top and bottom. 2. Hit F6 to jump from pane to pane (in some versions of Excel you will need to hit F6 several times to get from one pane to the other). 1. With the active cell on any row but in column A, hit Alt W S to split the panes to a top and bottom. 2. Hit F6 to jump from pane to pane (in some versions of Excel you will need to hit F6 several times to get from one pane to the other). 1. With the active cell on any column but in row 1, hit Alt W S to split the panes to a top and bottom. 2. Hit F6 to jump from pane to pane (in some versions of Excel you will need to hit F6 several times to get from one pane to the other).

The correct answer is: With the active cell on any row but in column A, hit Alt w s to split the panes to a top and bottom. Hit F6 to jump from pane to pane (in some versions of Excel you will need to hit F6 several times to get from one pane to the other). If the active cell is not in Column A, the user will have more than 2 panes. If the active cell is in Row 1, the user will get two vertical panes.

Identify the formula that sums the property values of properties in Boston. =SUMIF(B2:B5,"Boston",C2:C5) =SUMIF(C2:C5,"Boston",B2:B5) =SUMIF(C2:C5,Boston,B2:B5)

The correct answer is: =SUMIF(C2:C5,"Boston",B2:B5) =SUMIF(B2:B5,"Boston",C2:C5) does not use the correct range for matching with the sum criteria =SUMIF(C2:C5,Boston,B2:B5) does not use quotes for "Boston", which will return an error

Identify the formula that will always output a date that is the end-of-month date 3 months after the date inputted in D5. =DATE(YEAR(D5),MONTH(D5)+3,DAY(D5)) =EOMONTH(3,D5) =EOMONTH(D5,3)

The correct answer is: =EOMONTH(D5,3) =DATE(YEAR(D5),MONTH(D5)+3,DAY(D5)) will add 3 months to the data inputted in D5. EOMONTH(3,D5) reverses the arguments required for this function.

What is the keyboard shortcut to freeze panes within a worksheet? Alt F W V Alt W S Alt W F F Alt A W T

The correct answer is: Alt w f f. Alt f w v is the shortcut for Print Preview. Alt w s is the shortcut to split panes. Alt a w t is a shortcut to build data tables.

Identify the formula that outputs the sum of property values for properties in Boston that were built after 1950. =SUMIFS(B2:B5,C2:C5,"Boston",D2:D5,">1950") =SUMIFS(C2:C5,"Boston",D2:D5,">1950",B2:B5) =SUMIF(B2:B5,and(D2:D5,">1950",C2:C5,"Boston")

The correct answer is: =SUMIFS(B2:B5,C2:C5,"Boston",D2:D5,">1950") =SUMIFS(C2:C5,"Boston",D2:D5,">1950",B2:B5) selects column C instead of Column B as the sum range =SUMIF(B2:B5,and(D2:D5,">1950",C2:C5,"Boston") incorrectly selects column D instead of column B as the sum range

Identify a function in cell D6 that will return the fraction of the year elapsed assuming a 360 day count basis. =STUB(D4,D5) =YEARFRAC(D4,D5,2) =DAYS360(D4,D5) =YEARFRAC(D4,D5)

The correct answer is: =YEARFRAC(D4,D5,2). STUB is not an Excel formula. DAYS360 will return the number of days in a 360 day year. YEARFRAC(D4,D5) will calculate the fraction using a 365-day year.

What is the keyboard shortcut to open the formatting cells dialog box? Ctrl 1 Ctrl 2 Ctrl Shift 1 Ctrl Shift 2

The correct answer is: Ctrl 1. Ctrl 2 is not a valid shortcut. Ctrl Shift 1 is the shortcut to cycle through different number formats. Ctrl Shift 2 is the shortcut to cycle through different date formats.

If I want to add the title "Company Financials" in cell A1 ensure that all columns are the same width across all the worksheets in my workbook, how would I do that? 1. Group the worksheets by hitting Ctrl Shift and use the left and/or right arrow keys to select the worksheets. 2. In the active sheet type in "Company Financials" in A1 and apply the desired width to all columns 3. Remember to hit Ctrl Pageup or Pagedown to make sure that future edits only apply to active sheet. 1. Group the worksheets by hitting Ctrl Shift and use the PageUp/Down keys to select the worksheets. 2. In the active sheet type in "Company Financials" in A1 and apply the desired width to all columns 3. Remember to hit Ctrl Pageup or Pagedown to make sure that future edits only apply to active sheet.

1. Group the worksheets by hitting Ctrl Shift and use the PageUp/Down keys to select the worksheets. 2. In the active sheet type in "Company Financials" in A1 and apply the desired width to all columns 3. Remember to hit Ctrl Pageup or Pagedown to make sure that future edits only apply to active sheet.

What are the keyboard shortcuts for auto-fitting a range of columns? 1) Select the columns by hitting Ctrl Spacebar. 2) Hold down the shift key and use left and right arrow keys to highlight the range of columns. 3) Hit Alt H O I to auto fit the columns. 1) Hold down the shift key and use left and right arrow keys to select columns desired. 2) Hit Alt H O I to auto fit the columns 1) Select the columns by hitting Shift Spacebar. 2) Hold down the Ctrl key and use left and right arrow keys to highlight the range of columns. 3) Hit Alt H O W to auto fit the columns. 1) Select the columns by hitting Shift Spacebar. 2) Hold down the Shift key and use left and right arrow keys to highlight the range of columns. 3) Hit Alt H O W to auto fit the columns.

Select the columns by hitting Ctrl Spacebar. Hold down the shift key and use left and right arrow keys to highlight the range of columns. Hit Alt H O I to auto fit the columns. Using the shift key and the right and left arrows will only autofit the column widths for the cells selected and will not apply autofit to all cells in the columns. Shift Spacebar will select a specific row rather than a specific column. Alt H O W will allow the user to select a specific column width but will not autofit the column width.

To add a cell reference from a different worksheet into an existing formula with your keyboard, you should follow the following steps: 1. Hit F2 to get into the existing formula; delete any incorrect formulas or operators 2. Hit F2 again to enable "Enter" mode on the bottom-left corner of the Excel sheet 3. Holding down Ctrl, use PageUp or PageDown to find the desired worksheet 4. Let go of the Ctrl and PageUp/Down keys 5. Use the arrow keys to locate the desired cell reference 6. Hit Enter 1. Hit F2 to get into the existing formula; delete any incorrect formulas or operators 2. Hit F2 again to enable "Enter" mode on the bottom-left corner of the Excel sheet 3. Holding down Alt, use PageUp or PageDown to find the desired worksheet 4. Let go of the Ctrl and PageUp/Down keys 5. Use the arrow keys to locate the desired cell reference 6. Hit Escape

The correct answer is: Hit F2 to get into the existing formula; delete any incorrect formulas or operators Hit F2 again to enable "Enter" mode on the bottom-left corner of the Excel sheet Holding down Ctrl, use PageUp or PageDown to find the desired worksheet Let go of the Ctrl and PageUp/Down keys Use the arrow keys to locate the desired cell reference Hit Enter In the incorrect option, 3. Alt Page Up / Down will not allow the user to navigate to a different worksheet; 6. Hit Escape will not save any cell references, but will delete any new data or formula that has been entered into the cell.

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