Exercise 42 Male Reproductive System

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How do sperm cells differ from seminal fluid?

- Sperm cell produced in testis - Seminal fluid produced by accessory organs, sperm cells move in seminal fluid

What cells and what hormone come from the testes?

- Sperm cells - Testosterone

Proper sperm production must occur at what temperature?

35 degrees celsius

----What part of the sperm contains genetic info?


---The ductus deferens enlarges to form the?


Where is the glans penis located?

At the end of it

----What is sperm maturation called?


What is the cylinder of erectile tissue below the corpora cavernosa?

Corpus spongiosum

Name the lining of the scrotal sac that consists of a smooth muscle layer.

Dartos muscle

Where do sperm cells move after leaving the epididymis?

Ductus deferens

---The union of the ductus deferens and the ampulla forms the____

Ejaculatory duct

---Where are sperm cells stored and matured?


----Cluster of cells that often appear as triangles between the tubules.

Interstitial cells

What effect does a vasectomy have on semen volume?

It prevents the sperm from traveling from the testis to the spermatic cords

----Spermatagonia cells reproduce by mitosis to produce___?

Primary spermatocytes

Which one of the seminal fluid glands is not a paired gland?

Prostate gland

Name the three sections of the urethra and where they occur.

Prostatic urethra, membranous urethra, spongy urethra

-----The primary spermatocytes divide to form____

Secondary spermatocytes

List all the structures involved in producing semen

Seminal vesciles, prostate gland, bulbourethral glands

---Which gland adds fluid to the sperm cells?

Seminal vesicles

What structure of the testes produces sperm cells?

Seminiferous tubules

----What is spermatazoa?

Sperm cell production

----Primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis to produce____

Sperm cells

Where is the cremaster muscle found?

Spermatic cord

----The secondary spermatocytes become_____


----The process of sperm formation from spermatogonia to sperm cells is called____


What are the cells called that initiate sperm cell production?


----No seminal vesicles in the cat!!!!


What is the gonad in the male reproductive system?


The condition cryptorchidism (undescended testicles) has what effect on male fertility? Why?

Testis aren't able to get away from the body so they can't cool, so that makes them fertile

----Prostate fluid makes up 30% of the final semen volume


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