Exercises Chapter 6

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The tax system in this country is unfair and ridiculous! Just ask anyone!

Appeal to popularity

"Why, student fees have jumped by more than 300% in just 2 years! Anybody who isn't mad about this just doesn't understand the situation."

Argument from Outrage

If you ask me, I think breaking up with Aaron is a big mistake. Have you forgotten how he stuck by you when you really needed somebody? Is this how you repay that kind of devotion?

Argument from Pity

"Most people believe in God, Therefore God must exist."

Argument from Popularity

"The word 'ain't' is out of place in formal english because most speakers of english believe that it is out of place in formal speech.

Argument from Popularity

"I shouldn't get a speeding ticket because everyone drives over the speed limit."

Argument from common practice

They finally passed the immigration law. Did you see the latest poll? It says that over two-thirds of Americans believe it's going to solve the immigration problem once and for all. It's about time they did the right thing in Congress.

Argument from popularity

"Despite all the fancy technology that went into Sarah's new car, it still gets a mere 29 miles per gallon."


"Hey, watch what you say about my car. You won't see many that old around anymore; it's a real classic."


"What?" You aren't a Cornhuskers fan?Listen, around here everybody is for the Huskers! This is Nebraska!"

Group Think

"Jim, I'm very disappointed you felt it necessary to talk to the media about the problems in the department. When you join the FBI, you join a family and you shouldn't embarrass your family."

Guilt Trip

That snake has markings like a coral snake. Coral snake are deadly poisonous, so you'd better leave it alone.

NO fallacy

They need to understand that it's okay for the good guys to have nuclear weapons and it's not okay for the bad guys to have them. And the U.S.A. is one of the good guys,you see. The U.S. is always going to do the right thing by these weapons, and we can't trust most of the rest of the world to do that. There's your nuclear arms policy in a nutshell.


A fictitious western governor:"Yes , i have indeed accepted $550,000 in campaign contributions from power companies. But as i stand here before you, I can guarantee you that not one dime of that money has affected any decision I've made. I make the decisions based on data , not on donors."

No Fallacy

"What? you aren't a Lakers fan? Listen, around here everybody is a for the Lakers! This is Los Angeles!"

Peer Pressure

"Go Big or Go Home!"

Perfectionist Fallacy

Democrat: What do you think of your party's new plan for Social Security? Republican: I think it's pretty good,as a matter of fact. Democrat: oh? and why is that? Republican: Because you Democrats haven't even offered a plan, that's why!

Red Herring

The animal rights people shouldn't pick on rodeos about animal treatment. If they'd come out and see the clowns put smiles on kids' faces and see horse buck off the cowboys and hear the crowd go "ohh" and "ahh" at the bull riding,why, then, they'd change their minds.

Red Herring

Juan: But, Dad, I like Horace.Why shouldn't I room with him,anyway? Juans Dad: Because i'll cut your allowance ,that's why!

Scare tactics

"The legalization of drugs will not promote their use. The notion of a widespread hysteria sweeping across the nation as every man, woman, and child instantaneously becomes addicted to drugs upon their legalization, in short, ridiculous."

Straw Man

Aid to Russia? Give me a break! Why should we care more about the Russians than about our own people?"

Straw Man

What do you mean you'll vote for our wonderful Senator? Don't you realize he voted for the blasted health care reform act? Don't tell me you really want to see the government take over health care! Don't tell me you want to see us taxed to death to pay for a whole new government bureaucracy!

Straw man;false dilemma is a strong second choice

She: I think it was increasingly boorish of you to finish off the last of their expensive truffles like that. He: Bosh. They certainly would have done the same to us if given the chance.

Two Wrongs make a Right

"Former Presidential Chief of staff John Sununu was charged with using Air Force jets for frequent trips to vacation spots. In a letter to a newspaper, a writer observed, "What's all the fuss about? If everybody is doing it, why get excited about Sununu?"

common practice

"I was thinking: Our newspaper boy has not missed a day all year, and he always throws our paper right up there near the front door. I think I'm going to leave him a tip this Christmas. I know he can use it since he doesn't make much money."

no fallacy or device. Thoughtfulness and caring are not fallacies.

HER: Listen honey,we've been dating for how long now? Years! I think it's time we thought seriously about getting married. HIM: Right,Umm you know what? I think it's time we went shopping for a new car! What do you say to that?

red herring

"Text messaging teaches people to misspell and adopt the crudest style of writing possible. It's like an advanced degree in Bonehead English."

rhetorical analogy

"Don't risk letting a fatal accident rob your family of the home they love-on the average, more than 250 Americans die each day because of accidents. What would happen to your family's home if you were one of them?? ... Your home is so much more than just a place to live. It's a community you've chosen carefully ... a neighborhood, ... a school district ... the way of life you and your family have come to know. And you'd want your family to continue sharing its familiar comforts, even if suddenly you were no longer there ... Now, as a great Western mortgage customer, you can protect the home you worked so hard for ... Just complete the Enrollment Form that's enclosed just for you

scare tactics and red herring

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