EXSC301 Exam 2

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• What are the three factors considered to be the most important in contributing directly toward increased body-fat levels in adults as they age?

1) Decreased RMR. 2) more sedentary lifestyle 3) unadjusted eating patterns

• List four distinct behavior modifications that could be implemented to promote weight loss and maintenance.

1) Keep records. 2) plan meals and snacks 3) establish a support system 4) change unhealthy eating patterns

• List six signs of disordered eating.

1) a preoccupation with food, calories, and weight. 2) increasing self criticism about the body 3) secretly eating or stealing food 4) bloodshot eyes, especially after the bathroom. 5) vomitus or odor of vomitus in the bathroom 6) excessive laxative use

• List three tips for reducing the barriers that may prevent eating nutritious meals.

1) stop eating foods away from home 2) stop thinking the perception that healthy foods are expensive 3) large portion sizes

• What are the main factors contributing to creeping obesity (increased body fat) in adults?

1)Decreased resting metabolic rate (RMR). 2) more sedentary lifestyle 3) unadjusted eating patterns.

• List the three factors that contribute to an individual's total daily caloric need. In the normal population, which one of these factors is the largest component of an individual's daily caloric need?

1)activity 2) thermic effect of food 3)resting metabolic rate. RMR is the largest component of an individuals daily caloric need

• 20Recommendations for pregnant women indicate that exercise should not be done in the supine position after _______ weeks of pregnancy.


• 19Pregnancy requires a higher caloric intake to support a growing fetus. On average, this additional caloric requirement is about _________ kcal per day.


• Equations exist that allow RMR to be predicted when fat-free mass is known. Why is sex not a variable in these equations?

A gram of muscle has the same metabolic need regardless of whether it is in a male or a female.

• 51Define amortization phase.

Change from the eccentric to the concentric muscle action (should be as short as possible (<0.1 sec))

• 17List three warning signs or symptoms that would cause you to stop a client with cardiovascular disease (CVD) from participating in resistance training.

dizziness, dysrhythmias, unusual shortness or breath, and angina.

• 27A dumbbell lunge is an example of which of the following? 1)isotonic 2) isokinetic 3) dynamic constant external resistance training. 4) plyometric training

dynamic constant external resistance training

• 2Because muscle tension can vary significantly during a dynamic constant external resistance exercise, the heaviest weight that can be lifted throughout a full ROM is determined by the strength of a muscle at the strongest joint angle. (T/F)


• Dietary records often show that individuals who are obese consume a higher percentage of _____________ in their diets than do people of normal weight. 1) carbohydrate. 2) protein 3) fat


• 48What principle of resistance training states that prolonged inactivity will result in a loss of muscular strength? 1) progression 2) regularity 3) overload 4) specificity


• Which component makes up the largest contribution to daily caloric need for most adults? 1) Resting metabolic rate 2) thermic effect of food. 3) energy expended by daily activities 4) exercise—resting metabolic rate

resting metabolic rate

• 21Prolonged inactivity causes the loss of adaptive changes in skeletal muscle and bone that are acquired through activity. This loss is referred to as the principle of ______________.


• 22The loss of muscle mass associated with advancing age is termed ______________, and it results in a loss of both type I and type II fibers.


• 11__________is typically manipulated by changing the exercise intensity, total repetitions, repetition speed, rest periods, type of exercise, and training volume. This process is the basis for maximizing long-term training adaptations. 1)progression 2)regularity 3) overload 4)specificity


• 54What principle of resistance training best represents the idea that training-induced adaptations are consistent with the design of a resistance training program? 1) progression 2) regularity 3) overload 4)specificity


• Performing curl-ups in a misguided attempt to exclusively burn abdominal fat is an example of something called ________ ___________.

spot reduction

• 26Which term refers to the maximum force a muscle or muscle group can generate at a specified velocity? 1)power 2)strength 3)speed 4) local muscular endurance


• 40A phase of resistance training that lasts about 1 wk would best be described as a 1) macrocycle 2) mesocycle 3) microcycle 4) minicycle


• The thermic effect of food typically accounts for _____ of the daily caloric need. A) 5% b) 10% c) 25% d) 35%


• 43When designing a resistance training program for people with heart disease, a rating of perceived exertion of _____ on a scale of 6 to 20 may be used to guide effort. A) 7 to 9 B) 11 to 14 C) 15 to 17 D) 9 to 12

11 to 14

• 25The general ACSM guideline is to resistance train each major muscle group. A) 1 or 2 days/week. B) 2 or 3 days/week. C) 3 or 4 days/week. D) > 4 days/week

2 or 3 days/week

• 36If an individual performs 3 sets of 8 repetitions with 100 lb (45 kg) on the bench press, what is the training volume? 1) 100 lb 2) 300 lb 4) 800 lb 5) 2400 lb


• The typical American today weighs just over __________ more than the typical American of 40 years ago. 1) 12lb. 2) 6lb. 3) 42lb. 4) 24lb.


• 13Public health researchers reported that 51.6% of U.S. adults met the aerobic activity guideline, while ____ met the muscle strengthening guidelines. 1) 25.6% 2) 29.3% 3) 33.4% 4) 62.5%


• A _______ sustained weight loss can provide important reductions in CVD risk factors. 1) 1% to 2% 2) 3% to 5% 3) 5% to 7% 4) 10% to 12%

3% to 5%

• Although estimates vary based on study design, evidence generally suggests that inheritance contributes _______ of the interindividual variation in obesity. 1) 15 to 25%. 2) 30 to 70%. 3) 5 to 10%. 4) 50 to 60%

30 to 70%

• 39If the primary goal of a resistance training program is to enhance local muscular endurance, which of the following would best represent the ideal rest time between sets? 1) 30 to 60 sec. 2) 60 to 120 sec. 3) 120 to 180 sec 4) 180 to 240 sec.

30-60 secs

• National data from 2011 to 2012 indicate that approximately _________% of the U.S. adult population has a BMI greater than or equal to 30 kg · m2. 1)25 2)28 3)30 4)35


• 28What is the training age of a 40-yr-old male who has been resistance training since he was 35-yr-old? A) 5 years B) 10 years C) 35 years D) 40 years

5 years

• 32In terms of percentage of 1RM, which of the following is consistent with a resistance training range of 8 to 12 repetitions? A) 80 to 90% B) 50 to 60% C) 60 to 80% D) 30 to 40%

60 to 80%

• Most healthy adults who need to lose weight can institute a short-term low-calorie diet (LCD) consisting of 1) 300 to 500 kcal/day 2) 500 to 800 kcal/day 3) 1500 to 2000 kcal/day 4) 800 to 1500 kcal/day

800 to 1500 kcal/day

• 31Which of the following is NOT true regarding repetition zones? 1) A repetition range of 3 to 6 is most beneficial for developing strength. 2) A repetition range of 8 to 12 is most beneficial for developing strength and local muscular endurance. 3) A repetition range of 3 to 6 is most beneficial for fat loss. 4) A repetition range of 15 to 20 is most beneficial for developing local muscular endurance.

A repetition range of 3 to 6 is most beneficial for fat loss

• 18The American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has published a list of absolute contraindications for exercise in pregnant women. List five of them.

Answer possibilities include hemodynamically significant heart disease, restrictive lung disease, incompetent cervix or cervical cerclage, multiple gestation at risk for premature labor, persistent second- to third-trimester bleeding, placenta previa after 26 wk of gestation, premature labor during the current pregnancy, ruptured membranes, and preeclampsia or pregnancy-induced hypertension.

• 46List four safety recommendations for resistance training.

Answer possibilities include the following: Provide qualified supervision, participate in warm-up and cool-down activities, ensure that the training environment is free of clutter, use collars on all plate-loaded barbells, use spotters, and provide proper instruction.

• Which of the following is NOT true regarding weight loss? 1) Generally, intake of fewer than 800 kcals/day is not recommended 2) At the onset of a weight loss program (first 1-2 wks) the large changes in weight are due primarily to decreasing levels of adipose tissue. 3) doing exercises using a particular part of the body will not hasten fat loss from tat part of the body/ 4) Exercise done in a sauna suit does not promote fat loss

At the onset of a weight loss program (first 1-2 wks) the large changes in weight are due primarily to decreasing levels of adipose tissue.

• Exercise Prescription for Weight Management BEGIN


• Exercise for Children and Youth BEGIN


• Regarding the link between genetics and obesity, which of the following is NOT true? 1) inheritance contributes anywhere from 30% to 70% to the variation in obesity among individuals. 2) Evidence seems to suggest that inheritance has more of an effect on the deposit of subcutaneous fat than on total deposits of fat of visceral fat. 3) Adopted children have BMI's that are similar to those of their biological parents. 4) Links between genes and obesity have been suggested scientifically, but the expression of the gene depends on environmental factors

Evidence seems to suggest that inheritance has more of an effect on the deposit of subcutaneous fat than on total deposits of fat of visceral fat.

• 16When performing an isometric muscle action, the tension exerted by a muscle concentrically varies throughout the ROM, but external load is constant.(T/F)


• Because females generally have a higher percentage of body fat than males, there is a need for sex-specific equations to predict RMR even when fat-free mass is known.( T/F)


• Binge-eating disorder is associated with purging. (T/F)


• In people who engage in regular vigorous exercise, RMR may account for a larger proportion of daily caloric need. (T/F)


• Identify the outcome goal for weight loss. 1) I will eat one apple and banana per day 2) I will weight myself every morning 3) I will lose 5 lbs by the end of the month 4) I will exercise for 30mins a day, 5 days a week. 5) I will walk the stairs to my office daily rather than the elevator

I will lose 5 pounds by the end of the month

• You are working with a client who would like to gain weight. He informs you that his one-dimensional plan is to consume protein drinks (which will bring his protein intake to a level of 2.2 g · kg-1) in order to build muscle and gain the weight that he desires. What would you say to him regarding his plan??

I would say to decrease his protein intake to 1.5 g/kg per day and to use the other calories for the day for some complex carbohydrates. And make sure to be in a caloric surplus of 200-1000 kcals per day depending on one's goals.

• 52List three of the things to consider in regard to optimal design of resistance training programs.

Potential answers include participant interests, current fitness level, health needs, clinical status, and personal goals.

• Which of the following is NOT true regarding resting metabolic rate (RMR)? 1) Large individuals have smaller RMR's than people of smaller stature. 2) RMR decreases with age. 3) Muscle tissue is metabolically more active than fat tissue. 4) RMR may account for a smaller percentage of daily caloric need in people who enagage in regular, vigorous exercise.

Large individuals have smaller RMRs than people of smaller stature

• Which of the following is NOT true regarding the ACSM recommendations for weight reduction? 1) Set a goal for reducing weekly caloric intake by 3500 to 7000 2) Limit fat intake to 20% of total daily caloric intake. 3) Achieve a minimum of 150 min of physical activity, with a goal of 200 to 300 min/wk to achieve larger benefits. 4) a and b

Limit fat intake to 20% of total daily caloric intake

• 44Which of the following is NOT true regarding resistance training in those with heart disease? 1) Initially, patients should start out at a lower intensity (10 to 15 reps) but can increase gradually to 8 to 12 reps. 2) gains in strength training can help reduce the rate-pressure product during activities of daily living. 3) Patients with a history of cardiac disease should use the Valsalva maneuver during resistance training to keep VP values up while exercising. 4) both b and c are untrue

Patients with a history of cardiac disease should use the Valsalva maneuver during resistance training to keep BP values up while exercising.

• Define positive and negative caloric balance. Which one leads to weight gain?

Positive caloric balance: taking nmore calories than expended. Negative caloric balance: NOT taking in more calories than expended. Positive caloric balance leads to weight gain

• 9List the four principles that determine the effectiveness of all resistance training programs, and what is the acronym that can help you remember them?

Progression, regularity, overload, and specificity can be remembered as the PROS.

• Which of the following is NOT part of the criteria for the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa? A) intentional maintenance of body weight at less than 85% of expected weight for age and height B) unhealthy body image C) Fear of gaining weight D) Purging after meals

Purging after meals

• Equations to determine RMR are based on all but which of the following principles? 1) RMR is proportional to body size. 2) muscle is more metabolically active than fat. 3) RMR increases with age. 4) all of these.

RMR increases with age

• Which is not one of the behavior modification strategies for weight loss and maintenance? 1) Keep records 2) Establish a support system 3) Plan a reword 4) rely on spot-reduction exercises.

Rely on spot reduction exercises

• 24Which of the following is NOT one of the ACSM resistance training guidelines for adults? 1)Perform multijoint exercises that involve more than one muscle group. 2)Train each muscle group for 2 to 4 sets. 3) Resistance train 4 or 5 days/week. 4) Perform each set to the point of muscle fatigue but not failure. 5) Neither b or c is an ACSM resistance training guideline

Resistance train 4 or 5 days/week

• Which of the following is true regarding the general exercise prescription recommendations for weight loss? 1) A frequency of 3 days/wk will yield optimal benefits. 2) A duration of 30min/wk will yield optimal benefits. 3) The optimal intensity range for weight management is low intensity (30-55% HRR). 4) Resistance training is recommended supplemental component of an aerobic exercise program for those wanting to lose or maintain weight

Resistance training is recommended for supplemental component of an aerobic exercise program for those wanting to lose or maintain weight

• 12Specificity is often referred to as the SAID principle. What does the acronym SAID stand for? Explain the SAID principle.

SAID stands for specific adaptations to imposed demands. In essence, every muscle or muscle group must be trained in order to make gains in strength and local muscular endurance. For instance, exercises such as the squat and leg press can enhance lower-body strength, but they will not affect upper-body strength.

• 15What is the Valsalva maneuver, and what effect does it have on blood pressure?

The Valsalva maneuver is a breath-holding technique sometimes used in resistance training to generate maximal force. It reduces venous return to the heart and increases SBP and DBP.

• The gradual accumulation of fat that is seen with aging is sometimes called __________ __________.

creeping obesity

• 47A rest interval of 3 to 5 min may be needed for very heavy loads during resistance training. Why?

The longer rest period positively influences the ability of the muscle to restore resting energy (ATP and PC) stores.

• 53Compare the traditional and current roles of resistance training.

The traditional view was that resistance training should be used to develop performance and hypertrophy. The current view has expanded the traditional view to include resistance training as a tool to enhance health and well-being (i.e., improving glucose metabolism and managing body composition).

• 59Which of the following is NOT true regarding multijoint exercises?1)They should always be performed after single joint exercises. 2) they are generally more effective in increasing muscular strength. 3) They have been shown to have the greatest metabolic and anabolic hormonal response. 4) both a and b are untrue

They should always be performed after single joint exercises.

• 58Which of the following is NOT true regarding plyometrics? 1) Examples of this type of training includes skipping, hopping, depth jumping, and throwing. 2) A hallmark of this type of training is rapid eccentric muscle action followed by a rapid concentric muscle action. 3) the risks of this type of exercise may outweigh the benefits for untrained or overweight individuals. 4) This type of training emphasizes endurance over power

This type of training emphasized endurance over power

• 14Those who have the least experience in resistance training tend to have a greater capacity for improvement in muscular strength compared with those who have been resistance training for several years.(T/F)


• 23An exercise program in which the volume (high at the onset) and intensity (low at the onset) change over time (i.e., a period of weeks) is best described as an example of linear periodization.(T/F)


• 30Generally speaking, power exercises should be performed before strength exercises.(T/F)


• 33In regard to a resistance training program, a logical starting point for a beginner or a very deconditioned person is a single-set system of 10 to 15 repetitions versus a multiset system with fewer repetitions.(T/F)


• 38Muscles are stronger eccentrically than concentrically.(T/F)


• 42If the resistance training program is designed well and the intensity is adequate, seniors can make gains in relative strength that are equal to or greater than those of younger individuals.(T/F)


• 7Compared with open-chain exercises, closed-chain exercises more closely mimic daily activities and include more functional movement patterns.(T/F)


• Evidence suggests that individuals who are overweight actually expend more calories than persons who are of normal weight.(T/F)


• Exercise without dietary restriction typically does not lead to major weight reduction.( T/F)


• Over the past 30 years, data indicate that although Americans are consuming a smaller percentage of their total daily calories from fat, the actual number of fat calories ingested has changed little because the average total energy intake has increased. (T/F)


• 3Which type of resistance training theoretically forces the muscle to contract maximally throughout the ROM by adjusting the resistance to match the exercise strength curve?1) isometric 2)free weight 3) variable-resistance machine 4) plyometric

Variable resistance machine

• 29Use of the Valsalva maneuver during resistance training will likely result in which of the following? 1) reduction in venous return to the heart 2) increase in venous return to the heart 3) increase in systolic blood pressure 4) a and c 5) b and c

a and c

• Which of the following is an eating disorder in which a preoccupation with body weight leads to self-starvation? 1) Bulimia nervosa 2)anorexia nervosa 3)binge eating disorder

anorexia nervosa

• Which of the following is NOT one of the criteria to ensure an accurate measure of RMR? Assess the client when he has 1) not eaten for several hours. 2) been awake for at least 6 hours. 3) not exercised vigorously for the past 12 hours. 4) been in a resting, reclined position for 30mins

been awake for at least 6 hours

• 50List two resistance training exercises for which a spotter is of utmost importance.

bench press, squat

• Studies indicate that a large percentage of obese individuals seeking treatment for weight loss may suffer from 1) bulimia nervosa 2)anorexia nervosa 3)binge eating disorder

binge eating disorder

• 41Which of the following is NOT true regarding resistance training for children? 1) There is no minimum age requirement 2) children should perform 8 to 15 reps. 3) children do not benefit from resistance training because of inadequate levels of circulating androgens. 4) resistance training is harmful to the immature skeletons of children. 5) both c and d are untrue

both c and d are untrue

• 49Resistance training guidelines include which seven factors or variables to consider in terms of the actual structure of the program?

choice of exercise, order of exercise, resistance used, training volume, rest intervals, repetition velocity, training frequency

• 4A type of resistance training where the speed of movement rather than the resistance is controlled is 1)isokentic 2)dynamic 3)plyometric 4)isometric


• 34Regarding repetition velocity, which of the following is NOT true? 1) Gains in strength are specific to the training velocity. 2) Lifting heavy resistance at a slow velocity despite an attempt to exert maximal force is called unintentional slow velocity. 3) Lifting lighter loads at intentionally slow velocities results in optimal strength development. 4) Concentric force production is lower for intentionally slow velocities

lifting lighter loads at intentionally slow velocities results in optimal strength development

• 1The ability of a muscle or muscle group to perform repeated contractions against a submaximal resistance is known as 1)Local muscular endurance 2) Strength 3)power 4) muscular fitness

local muscular endurance

• Losing fat weight requires a 1) negative caloric balance. 2) positive caloric balance. 3) neutral caloric balance

negative caloric balance

• 35The leg extension is an example of what type of exercise? 1) multijoint 2) closed chain 3) open chain 4) free weight

open chain

• 45A situation in which the training stimulus exceeds the rate of adaptation, inducing a chronic decrease in performance, is called ________________ syndrome.


• 8What concept refers to the systematic variation of resistance training program variables to optimize performance gains and reduce the risk of injury? 1) repetition velocity. 2)progression 3) periodization 4) specificity


• 5A type of training that exploits the muscle cycle of lengthening and shortening to increase speed of movement and muscular power is 1) isometric training 2) dynamic constant external resistance training 3)isokinetic training 4)plyometric training

plyometric training

• What is the ultimate reason for the development of obesity? 1) genetics 2) reduced basal metabolic rate 3) physical inactivity 4) positive caloric balance 5) poor diet

positive caloric balance

• 10Which principle is particularly important after the first 2 to 3 months of resistance training, when the threshold for training-induced adaptations in conditioned people is higher? 1)progression. 2) regularity 3) overload 4) specificity


• 37What principle of resistance training denotes the concept of systematically manipulating program variables to optimize training adaptations over time? 1) progression 2) regularity 3) overload 4) specificity


• 56Which of the following is NOT true regarding dynamic constant external resistance training?1) the term isotonic was formerly used to describe this training. 2) tension exerted by a muscle involved in this type of training is constant as the muscle shortens through its ROM. 3) this type of training involves a lowering and lifting phase 4) it is the most common method of resistance training used.

tension exerted by a muscle involved in this type of training is constant as the muscle shortens through its range of motion (ROM)

• 55Which of the following is NOT true regarding isometric training?1) The muscle length increases as the muscle eccentrically contracts. 2) when training at a specific joint angle, strength gains occur at that angle with about a 20 degree carry over on either side of that joint angle. 3) isometric training can be used to minimize muscle atrophy 4) both a and b are untrue

the muscle length increases as the muscle eccentrically contracts

• 6All but which of the following are benefits associated with using weight machines? 1) They can be found in most fitness centers. 2) they can be both single joint and multijoint exercises 3) they are portable. 4) they are easy to use

they are portable

• 57Which of the following is NOT true regarding isokinetic training? 1) This type of training involves expensive equipment. 2) this type of training generally trains only single joint movements 3) this type of training controls resistance to muscle movements., 4) this type of training refers to muscle actions performed at the same angular velocity.

this type of training controls resistance to muscle movements

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