Fahrenheit 451 Questions

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Personification is a technique where a writer gives human qualities to an inanimate object. Find and write an example of personification used in this chapter. (Yes, I want you to write the full sentence and cite the page number.)

"The sirens were wailing off in the morning distance" (Page 124)

Find and write two similes used in this chapter. (Yes, I want you to write the full sentence and cite the page number.)

"There was a crash like the falling parts of a dream fashioned out of warped glass mirrors and crystal prisms." (Page 108) "The books leapt and danced like roasted birds, their wings ablaze with red and yellow feathers." (Page 110)

According to the professors, is it better to have a book you can physically hold or a book that's committed to your memory? Explain why

A book committed to your memory, because when you're traveling and the government checks you you won't have to worry about getting in trouble. They also say if the world ever goes back to reading books they can memorize the books and rewrite the books. They each memorize 1 book.

According to Granger, what's the difference between a man who cuts a lawn and a gardener?

A lawn cutter is temporary, a lawn cutter is just someone who cuts lawns, a gardener will be there for a lifetime when they are creating something. In this book Granger and Montag and others trying to save books are the gardners, and the fireman

Describe a typical day at Clarisse's high school. Be sure to include specific details from the text.

A typical day is doing sports for hours then one hour of tv class and transcript history and then it's back to sports. Most people don't ask questions or try to participate, they just have everything thrown at them. No one is actually learning in her school.

Look back over the opening sequence before Guy Montag meets Clarisse McClellan. What two adjectives would you use to describe this man? What textual evidence leads you to this conclusion?

Cocky & Narcissistic, because it was kind of unnecessary for him to drop down from the firehouse with his hands in his pocket. He seems like the person to just be obsessed with himself.

Faber says he bears some responsibility for the dismal state of the world. What is the source of Faber's guilt? Do you share his opinion or think that he's being too hard on himself? Explain.

Faber's guilt comes from him not being brave, he is kind of a coward because he sees wrong but looks the other way because he's afraid. I do think he's too hard on himself because he will always have a chance to do what he knows is right, it's his decision whether he will continue to be this scared person or to finally show his bravery.

According to Clarisse, how is Montag different from the other firemen? What evidence is given that shows Clarisse is right?

He acknowledges that she's there, he shows that she exists. We see this because the other firefighters basically don't have respect but Montag shows decent respect for her as a human being.

After Montag's disastrous attempt to enlighten the women with his reading of "The Sea of Faith," he tells Faber, "I made them unhappier than they have been in years, I think...Maybe they're right, maybe it's best not to face things, to run, have fun. I don't know..." What do you think? Is ignorance really bliss? Explain

He felt doubtful because he finished this plan to put the books in the fireman's houses. He was having the thought that he shouldn;t have read to the ladies. I don't think it's good to be ignorant because it stops your growth and you won't learn anything by being ignorant.

Later in their conversation, Faber says, "Those who don't build must burn. It's as old as history and juvenile delinquents." What does he mean? Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Explain.

He means if you're out hurting people and destroying things, this isn't helping society. You're harming society, you're not trying to help or make it a better place, you're just continuing to ruin it. I do agree with faber because during this time no one had authority or structure so everyone was hurting society and not trying to help build it up.

In the moment that Montag first sees Clarisse, what is the main color that Bradbury wants us to associate with this girl? What, symbolically, is significant about this color choice?

He mentions the color white. This color choice can be significant because the color white usually represents pure, innocent, nice so this might be a way to show this girl is a nice person who doesn't get into anything.

Early in Part Two, Montag realizes what made Clarisse so likable. What was it?

He says she was the first person who sees him for who he is. She wasn't like everyone else, she liked books and enjoyed having knowledge. She wasn't obsessed with herself, she cared for others.

Why does Montag stash his remaining books at Fireman Black's house? What do you think of Montag's decision to do this?

He wanted Mr. Black to get in trouble, to frame him

After Montag escapes to the river, cleansing himself both physically and symbolically, he thinks about the sun. According to Montag, how is the sun like a fireman?

He was talking about how the sun is burning time, the same way the fireman burns books is the same way the sun burns time.

How old is Montag? How long has he been a fireman?

He's 30 years old. He has been a fireman for 10 years

Granger, one of the professors, has a unique perspective on why we grieve loved ones when they die. Explain his thoughts on this topic

His thoughts are he says when people die we necessarily don't cry for them we cry because we know they won't ever be able to do the things that they did again, we miss them being able to bring the joy and perspective they brought

What evidence exists that shows us the story begins in late October?

It says November 4th, which is after October and very early November there is autumn leaves, he says it's been seven days since him and clarisse have been walking to the subway together so if it's seven days then its late october. It also says "The voice-clock mourned out the cold hour of a cold morning of a still colder year." which is telling its fall and about to become winter.

Toward the end of the book, Montag realizes that fire is not necessarily bad. Describe the moment where he realizes that fire can be a good thing.

Montag gets out of the river and he walks towards the tracks and sees the campfire, where the professors are. This is when he realizes that all fire isn't bad and that the fire can be comforting and help you in a time of need.

Montag wonders if the teens in the car were the same ones who killed Clarisse. Do you think they were? Explain your answer

No I don't think those teens were the ones who killed clarisse because killing someone from hitting them would've killed the excitement. "Their faces icy with wind, and coming home or not coming at dawn, alive or not alive, that made the adventure." (page 122)

Earlier in the book, Montag is more of a student, learning from the wisdom of others such as Clarisse and Faber. Toward the end, though, it's clear that Montag has changed and now has become a leader. What evidence supports this statement?

On Page 157 it says "Montag began walking and after a moment found that the other had followed him. He was surprised and moved aside to let Granger pass. But Granger looked at him and nodded him on." This shows that Montag is finding his way and his light. He is now leading these men back to the city and he's found his leadership.

Based on what Mildred and her friends say about politics, why did Winston Noble win the presidency? Do you think voters in our world today focus on this same criteria? Explain.

Our definition of politics is not how Mildred and her friends were talking about politics, they were talking about how they can make themselves and their appearance better. I think voters in the world today are completely different because they look at the person and their values, they look at the way the person that is running views the world and what their priorities are.

How many days a month does Mrs. Bowles, one of Mildred's friends, spend with her children? How do her children feel about her? How do you know this?

She spends 3 days a month with her kids. Her kids don't have the best feeling about her because they don't see her or feel a connection. We know this because the kids say "They'd just as soon kick as kiss me. Thank God I can kick back."

Give at least three concrete examples that show Mildred is an awful wife.

She wants everyone to basically cater to her, she wants her husband to be like her, not caring about the world itself. For example guy was sick and she said well don't just stand there. She didn;t even ask if he was okay

What is more important, Mildred or the Bible? Explain.

The bible because he has a strong bond and passion for books, while he and mildred have this broken unloving relationship.

Why, according to Clarisse's uncle, aren't porches built on homes anymore?

The government thinks people think to much and talk to much, They don't want people to be smart they want them to not have knowledge

While on the subway, Montag struggles to absorb the Biblical passage of Matthew 6:28, which implores readers to forget about material possessions and to "consider the lilies of the field," beautiful blooms that grow wild on their own. His reading is interrupted by an incessant jingle for Denham's Dentifrice, a teeth-whitening product. What point is the author trying to make in this scene?

The point the author is trying to make in this scene is how much technology has taken over and that people are prioritizing material things instead of forgetting material things and focusing on what's in front of them and what's actually out in the world.

Although we can't be certain, what do we think has happened to Clarisse? What does the uncertainty of Mildred's report do to Montag? What does it show us, the readers?

The smart kids get picked on because they are the outcasts, they are the ones who don't get in trouble or follow the crowd. Beatty says they are equal, they do and think equally. No one disagrees with Beatty because the all have the same opinions

Explain what "wall" exists between Guy and Mildred.

The wall represents that mildred is between the 3 walls in their living room, showing that the tv is more important to mildred than her husband.

Do flying cars exist in this world? How do you know this?

They don't exist because they think it's flying cars but, they are just cars that can turn into helicopters (Page 119)

The men who arrive in the night to pump Mildred's stomach have a casual indifference about their work. How many cases like this do they handle each night? What does this show you about this world?

They get about nine or ten cases a night. This shows us that these people are very sad and depressed and that anyone can just get a job. They don't have to be qualified to help someone with an overdose.

How long have Guy and Mildred Montag been married? Where did they meet? What's significant about this detail?

They have been married for 10 years and they don't know where they met. This is significant because it shows they don't really have that much in common for a married couple and they don't really know each other.

The title of this section of the novel is "The Sieve and the Sand." "Sieve" is another word for strainer or colander. In this story, what does the sieve symbolically represent? What does the sand represent?

This represents not his mind trying to retain and get all the knowledge in his brain. The sand represents the truth montag seeks.

In the first sentence of this section, the fire at Montag's house is described as a "carnival." What does the use of this word show you about Montag's neighbors?

This shows you that when the fire department shows up at someone's house they see it as entertainment and amusement, they aint sympathetic or care if someone's house burns or if they burn.

Why is Faber heading to St. Louis?

To visit an old printer friend.

Describe Faber's television.

Very Very Small, very different from everyone elses tv's in the world at the time

As Montag reads and Mildred blankly stares on that cold November afternoon, what color does Bradbury use to describe the silent viewing parlor? What color does he use to describe the park where Montag met the old man a year ago? What's symbolically significant about these color choices?

What color he uses to describe the silent viewing parlor, as empty and gray looking. He describes the park as green. What is significant about these colors is this shows how his life might be boring and gloomy. While the park is bright and happy, it has life.

One of Beatty's criticisms of the old woman and her books is that "none of those books agree with each other." Obviously, author Ray Bradbury wants us to read a wide variety of books. What, do you suppose, happens when we read only books that align with our own world view? What is gained? What is lost?

When we read books that only align with our worldview what happens is we become ignorant. We only listen to ourselves and don't want to hear other peoples views on the world. We become closed minded. You might gain more knowledge with your view more and more but you lose relationships, opportunities, you lose a sense of respect for others because you don't care enough to listen. You don't have to agree but at the same time have respect.

Do you think Mildred "put in the alarm," as Montag fears? Explain your answer.

Yes, because Mildred never actually knew about Montag, she came running out of her house with her stuff and her body was stiff, she knew what she was doing. She was walking around when Montag was reading and she hated books, so if Montag dies then it won't hurt her.

What is the reason that society in Fahrenheit 451 started to not like books?

to many people were getting offended with books so they just got rid of them so that no one would get offended anymore

Although a bomb has leveled the city, there's evidence in the last few pages that humanity can regroup and life can be better. Find and write one sentence from the last few pages that includes a hopeful tone for the future. Explain why you chose this line

"And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." I think this is hopeful because it gives hope that the nation will heal and be back to having knowledge. They will have healing from the bombing as well to rebuild their city.

Find and write down one quote that shows Faber is a coward. Be sure to include the page number.

"Montag you're looking at coward" Page 78

Right before Beatty is killed, he quotes a line from Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. Look closely at that passage and then explain the irony of Beatty's words.

The irony of beatty's words is that beatty hates books, HATES he doesn't like books so for him to quote literature is ironic. The Shakespeare quote is ironic because the quote is talking about how Cassie isn't scared, and he's not scared to die, and he should be because in the next paragraph Montag kills him.

According to Faber, how long ago was the last liberal arts college shut down? Why did it close? Would you enjoy an education where your only classes were based on STEM, science/technology/engineering/math? Why or why not?

The liberal arts college shut down 40 years ago. It shut down because of lack of students and patronage. No, I don't think I would enjoy my education because I'm not really interested in STEM, that's not my strong suit in school so I would absolutely hate it. It would just be talking with a lot of big words and lectures which is not enjoyable.

According to Beatty, firemen are actually the "Happiness Boys." What does he mean by this? Do you agree with Beatty that happiness is the aim of life? If not, what should be the aim of life? Explain your answer.

This means that without having to read and not having books in their world everyone is happy with themselves, so they burn all the books to keep everyone happy

According to Beatty, why do smart kids, the "intellectuals," get picked on at school? What is his opinion of this?

This means that without having to read and not having books in their world everyone is happy with themselves, so they burn all the books to keep everyone happy

As he flees, Montag thinks Beatty wanted to die. Do you agree or disagree with this idea? Explain your answer.

"Beatty grinned his most charming grin. "Well, that's one way to get an audience. Hold a gun on a man and force him to listen to your speech. Speech away." "He had just stood there, not really trying to save himself, just stood there, joking, needling, thought Montag, and the thought was enough to stifle his sobbing and let him pause for air." Beatty basically gave Montag the signal to start the fire, he wanted to die. (page 112-113)(Page 116)

On the first page of the book, author Ray Bradbury uses several metaphors to describe Guy Montag as he completes his job. Find and write two of the metaphors, explaining the effect Bradbury is trying to create with each metaphor choice.

"His eyes all orange flame." The effect Bradbury is trying to create with this metaphor choice is that he is trying to show Guy Montag is looking at a fire and his eyes are orange flame because of the fire. "His hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning." This is like showing he's happy with spreading the fire, he's creating something amazing.

Find and write down one quote that shows Faber is brave. Be sure to include the page number

"Maybe the books can get us half out of the cave. They might just stop us from making the same damn mistakes." Page 74

What phrase from a children's fairy tale likely raises Capt. Beatty's suspicion that Montag has been illegally looking at books?

"Once upon a Time"

Find the section where a car is racing down the street, aiming to hit Montag. Author Ray Bradbury uses repetition in this section, starting seven short sentences with the same two words. First, what are the two words that Bradbury uses? Second, what effect does this technique have on the scene and on the reader?

"The beetle was rushing. The beetle was roaring. The beetle raised its speed. The beetle was whining. The beetle was in high thunder. The beetle came skimming. The beetle came in a single whistling trajectory, fired from an invisible rifle. It was up to 120 mph. It was up to 130 at least. Montag clamped his jaws. The heat of the racing headlights burnt his cheeks, it seemed, and jittered his eye-lids and flushed the sour sweat out all over his body." Repeating the words the beetle showed how close and intense the car was to montag and what the car looked like, this helps us understand how fast the car was going. (page 121)

What metaphor does Bradbury use to describe the earbuds in Mildred's ears? What should alarm the reader about this description?

"The little mosquito-delicate dancing hum in the air, the electrical murmur of a hidden wasp snug in its special pink warm nest. The music was almost loud enough so he could follow the tune." - He's describing the earbuds as wasp, this shows us that the music was so loud and that he is describing this as a wasp in your ear, which is not good

Montag is horrified to realize that the speeding car is not a police car but is actually filled with joy-riding teenagers amused by the idea of killing a pedestrian. What's the most likely reason the teen driver avoided hitting Montag at the very last moment?

"The thing that had saved him was falling flat. The driver of that car, seeing Montag down, instinctively considered the probability that running over a body at that speed might turn the car upside down and spill them out." Montag fell over when they were going to hit him, if they would've ran montag over the kids thought the car was going to flip over so they didn't want to get hit either. (Page 122)

From the scene in the old woman's home, find and write down one sentence that includes a simile. Then, explain the symbolic significance of what that simile is supposed to add to the scene for the reader

"a page hung open and it was like a snowy feather" this shows us how much Montag actually likes books and doesn't like burning them to the point where he compares a page to a snowy feather.

According to Faber, the loss of books themselves isn't what's ruined this society. Instead, he says it's the loss of three specific things. In your own words, explain what three things are missing from these people's lives.

According to Faber, what's lost is the information you gain in life through books, free time not in front of a tv or technology but just a chance to get fresh air, and the ability to make choices and actions based on information and knowledge you've gained from reading books and talking to people with basically a developed brain.

Capt. Beatty says the beauty of fire is that it "destroys responsibility and consequences. A problem gets too burdensome, then into the furnace with it." Explain how this line is an element of foreshadowing.

How this is foreshadowing is because Beatty dies because of fire, this covers up for what he's done and all the lives he's taken. Also this is foreshadowing because Montag's house gets burned down; his burden was mildred so burning the house erases all that.

As Montag discusses his discomfort around the Mechanical Hound with Fire Captain Beatty, he thinks about the "ventilator grill in the hall at home and what lay hidden behind the grill. If someone here in the firehouse knew about the ventilator then mightn't they 'tell' the Hound...?" We're not told what Montag has hidden, but take a guess. What item/s do you think Montag has stashed behind the vent in his home?

I think he has lots and lots of books, his house is just filled with them, from top to bottom.

Clarisse says that she's not like the other teens, primarily because she was taught to be responsible for her actions and even "spanked when I needed it, years ago." Where do you stand on the issue of spanking children who misbehave? From this passage, what do you think is Bradbury's stance on the issue?

I think it's needed sometimes because some kids don't have any respect or responsibility so when you do spank your child it's discipline. I think Bradbury's stance is it is needed and it was more normal to spank your children back then, he was spanked and says that now he has responsibility.

At the end of the novel, Montag remembers these lines from the Book of Revelation, "And on either side of the river was there a tree of life, which bare twelve manners of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month; And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations." Symbolically, what might the fruit represent?

I think the fruit and the leaves represent the changes that the city is going through and are going to go through. This represents the healing of all the different groups of people healing after what the city had gone through and the healing to build the city back up. The healing within time.

At first, Clarisse tells Montag that she's 17 and, later, she admits that she'll be 17 next month. She says, "I'm seventeen and I'm crazy. My uncle says the two always go together. When people ask your age, he said, always say seventeen and insane." First, decide whether you think her uncle is right - is there a special kind of insanity in 17 year olds? Explain your answer. Second, given the world that Montag and Clarisse live in, how might the uncle's advice be seen as practical and wise? Explain this answer, too

I think the uncle is right because usually with girls we do have these "crazy" tendencies like we get kind of bratty as teenagers rather than boys. Being 17 does bring out a lot of different emotions especially because you are growing up more.

In Bradbury's version of the future, how have roadside billboards changed? What does this detail show the reader about this society?

They are way longer, and this shows that the billboard needs to be longer because the drivers drive too quickly to see them. This can also show their attention span is so small now and that they don't pay attention anymore.

What entertainment happens every night at the firehouse? What does this show the reader about the firemen? About Montag?

They get a mechanical hound in the firehouse now. They make bets about which animal might or might not get eaten first. This shows us that The firemen are very kind of weird because they enjoy watching pain and suffering, and montag is kind of uncomfortable because he doesn't enjoy the same things.

After school, what do most teenagers do for fun? What do these activities show us about this society?

They head to the "Fun Park" and bully kids, break windows, break cars, and they race cars. They play chicken with their cars. They just do cruel and rude stuff. This shows that none of the kids have guidance and they don't have care for anything. They don't have any authority. They just like violence and don't have any positivity.

When Montag visits Faber, he's told that there are "lots of Harvard degrees on the tracks between here and Los Angeles." What does this mean?

This means that they have had a lot of people who are educated that have gotten away from the city and been successful

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