Fall of Rome & Rise of the Papacy Religion

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major domus

"mayor of the palace" -take on more of active leadership role than kings -take on all the hard work while king is happy and lazy -becomes de facto rulers ex. charles martel

missi dominice

"messangers of the lord', send out 2 people to keep check on a count (administraters) .. talk to people in the count's region and asking if shes doing things right

the carolingian renaissance

"rebirth" of learning lit, art, theology, philosophy -period of brilliance and expansion in an age marked by darkness and isolation -high point under charlemagne -look over steps to renaissance in notes


-"and the son" latin used in nicene creed in wes -text altered carolingians (wasnt in there before) -nicene creed= the basic statement of christian beliefs, one group decided to change it (no council), in greek it sounds like something against christianity

Be able to describe the development of the Papacy during the decline and following the fall of the Western Roman Empire

-Power vacuum (i.e.:leo) -petrine supremacy -patterned behavior- bishop of rome as the settler of sidputes (historically), influence with emporer (by fall of west), pope leo and attila the hun as key event -conclusion- pope as dominant force in church leadership

charles (the hammer) martel

-battle of tours (poitiers) -major domus -defeats muslim army -franks vs. muslims -franks = christian -fighting over superiority of land -imp battle allows development of west. emp.

the great schism

-begins in 1054 -comes from cultural and theological issues -excommunication of the ecumenical patriarch of constantinople by the papal delegate -excommunication of the pope by ecumical patriarch of constantinople

Be able to describe the shift of the Church from the East (Byzantines) to the West (Franks) in the Medieval Period.

-bishop in rome tried to do something in constantinople?? not sure -bishop in rome in touch with people in constantinople -the plague hit constantinople byzantine emporer -pope lost touch with wre emporer -so he set up an eastern emporer -that shifted things

the black death

-bubonic plague -bacterial pathogen, some as plague of Justinian -huge blisters, pain, bleeding beneath the skin, respitory probs., life span (3-7) -how it spread- from Asia -either Mongol invasions (tactics) brought dead bodies but more likely through strade -fleas on rats -started in sicily and spread north

the first crusade

-byzantine empire in continual struggle with the selsuk turks -byzantine emporer alexius seeks help -popes responce to request > 1st crusade -papal goal: to heal relationship between east and west-problematic -knight's goal- remission of sins 1. getting to constantinople -persecution of jews -people's crusade 2. arrival at constantinople -core issue -thousands of people showed up when there was supposed to be 300 well trained soldiers -alexius' responce-land returns to byzantines and crusaders get loot -1st battle of nicea 3. towards the holy land (princes crusades) 4. final outcome -defeat of jerusalem -the massacre at the temple mound -build a lattter to get in to city 5.because they won- crusader states, military orders (look at notes)

charlemagne (charles the great)

-c742-d814 (r800-814) -son of pepin the short -becomes king of franks -names: charles sometimes carl (latin) -charles the great (latin carlous magnus) -rules frankish kingdom

Benedict of nursia

-cenobetic -rule of st benedict- hand book, becomes standard for such religious communities -some people hated the simple life, so they tried to kill benedict

battle of tour/poitiers

-charles martel a major domus -defeats muslim army -franks vs. muslims -franks = christian -fighting over superiority of land -imp battle allows development of west. emp. -set up a line where muslim expansion went in to west. eur stops at spain

Be able to describe the growing political power of the Papacy exercised through the Franks.

-church fills power vacuum after fall and becomes only continental organization that connects the regions of old RE.. ex. pope leo 1 and attila the hun -petrine supremacy -- peter = prince of the apostles -- rome = apostolic see of peter -- ergo: bishops of rome = "prince" of apostolic sees -patterns of behavior: bishop of rome as the settler of disputes (historically), influences emperor (by fall of west), pope leo and attila hun (key event) -conclusion- people as dominant force in church leadership

cenobitic monasticism

-communion life -st. benedict of nursia -become norm throughout much of west -role of abot-absolute authority -heavily regimented life -prayer and work, later became centers of learning and knowledge -very strict schedule -educated class: priests, nuns, monks, (literate class) -missionary work by monks- main target barbarians

crowning of charlemagne

-crowned "emporer of romans" -1st to hold the title since romulus augustus in west -christmas day mass by the pope -he claimed he was surprised -advantages of pope- further gives pope power, and has control over someone who has largest army power -advantages of chalemagne- gains support of chrisitianity (devine right) anything he does is holy, look at me im the emporer (prestige) -pope gets better deal


-franks -kings of the franks -clovis I, king of the Franks -conversion to christianity (from pagan practices) big deal, now whole kingdom has to convert -merovingians = lazy -major domus -charles the hammer martel -fall of merovingians

the return of greek texts (esp aristotle)

-greek texts lost in west -europeans brought back these books from muslims during crusades

Be able to describe the describe the spread of the Black Death.

-how it spread- from Asia -either Mongol invasions (tactics) brought dead bodies but more likely through strade -fleas on rats -spread north

the founding of the university in Bologna italy

-interest in roman law -Irnerius-great teacher, attracted students from all over eur. to learn about roman law -to protect themselves, students formed universitas -at bologna, universitas obtained promise of freedom, regulated prices of books and lodging, and determined curriculum fees and standards for their masters -greatest law school in Eur.

student riots

-jealousy -violent atmosphere -different set of rules for college students, didn't get into trouble had to report to dean -always tension between students and nonstudents -imprisoned all scholars -forbid students to leave their inns -students commited crimes and they didnt get into trouble

military orders (knights templar knights hospitaller, teutonic knights)

-military orders- because they won the crusades- combining religion and knights -religiousity and fervor: remission of sins, military orders -east and west: relationship getting better -cultural exchange (crusades receiving works of aristotle) -chity- W eur., christians in a common cause -knights templar- the knights who were important in banking and the transfering of loans -knights hospitaller- medical corps to the crusaders -teutonic knights-germanic knights and fought for prussia who were like the knights of hospitaller

cultural accomodation

-missionary work -main idea was expanding christianity during early mid. ages, presenting christianity to new populations in a way that respects group's cultural values -ex. holy saints day before halloween for christians, christmas trees, pope gregory, patrick IMPORTANCES- -increases christianity -acceptance of christianity -understanding of christianity -acts of personal piety in christianity -provides a broader perspective of the universal nature of the church

missionary work

-monks became primary force in missionary work -most of eur. converted during this time period -main target of missionary work-babarians -germany, france, ireland, england, hungary

church festivals

-peasents did not face constant labor thanks to feast days of the catholic church (great events of christian faith) -christmas easter pentecost -other feasts dedicated to mary, jesus, holy days of obligation essential of manorial life -goal- to gain salvation -village priests often peasents, illiterate -position of peasent women in manorial society important and difficult (manage household and farming)


-pepin the short- hobit guy who becomes king.. -charlemagne is his son ^^ --know who they were.. look at notes or ask katie

the meeting of Attila and leo

-pope talkes down the nuns -Huns coming to conquer rome. Kings don't have power anymore.. mayor of palace and church.. pope leo talks down the huns .. papacy takes on new roles has more power now.. attilla head of huns

Be able to describe the two main contributions of monks to medieval society

-preserving knowledge -missionary work

cathedral schools

-provide basic literacy (mostly for priests) -expands to laymen (esp. advisors to kings) -organized and run by secular clergy -1st universities came from cathedral schools


-rapid increase in prices -after economic and military problems -diocletian issued a price edict to fight inflation -people had to remain their designated vocations to keep empire going


-students form a guild (union) -prices on text books, payed teacher upfront, so this protects the students -1st union started in bologna -1st university forms in bologna, Italy


-very strict schedule -centers for learning and scholorship -role: preserving knowledge, literature and learning -educated class: priests, nuns, monks, (literate class) -preserving: books of hours (prayers), scripture, classical works (ovids poetry), discourses on nature and politics -best hopes for children


-western empire -german people -merovingians -clovis I, king of the Franks -conversion to christianity (from pagan practices) big deal, now whole kingdom has to convert -merovingians = lazy -major domus -charles the hammer martel -fall of merovingians

Be able to describe the three theological issues that led to the schism between East and West.

1. the filoque -"and the son" latin used in nicene creed in wes -text altered carolingians (wasnt in there before) -nicene creed= the basic statement of christian beliefs, one group decided to change it (no council), in greek it sounds like something against christianity 2. eucharist -bread used in eucharist -east> leveaned bread (dont care just bread) -west> unleavened bread 3. pepacy -east>patriarchs independent -west>patriarchs are under rome (the pope)

Be able to describe the impact of the Black Death.

1/2 of population dead -impacts society - bodies, mass graves, not time for individual funerals

crusader states

4 western kingdoms meant to maintain the holy land

fall of the western Roman Empire


petrine supremacy

>peter-prince of apostles = supreme >Rome- peter's apostolic see = supreme >pope of rome = peter's successor = supreme

plague of justinian

Failure: why roman empire not born again -initial success -plague of constantinople -city as a whole- 40% of population -5000 deaths in city per dya -east remains as rom. emp. -becomes less imp. to rome (pope

Be able to describe the five major causes of the decline and fall of the Western Roman Empire. (Use your notes from class)

Weak emporers, overstretched military, merchanary soldiers, financial problems, barbarian invasions -look at notes to explain and describe

power vacuum

a condition that exists when someone has lost control of something and noone has replaced them -church fills the vacuum caused by the fall of the roman empire -the church becomes the only continental oraganization that connects the regions of the old roman empire


a large agricultural state that served as the center of rural life in the middle ages


a professional soldier that is paid to serve in a foreign country's arms -down size??


absolute authority in life of cenobitic monk


an exonomic system based on land

apostolic see

any bishop's region that, according to tradition, was established by an apostle (founded community in city) -bishops of each apostolic see were referred to as patriarchs -i.e"antiock, jerusalem, rome

aristotelean and platonic schools of thought

aristolean logic- individuals are real and truth could be discovered by examining individual objects... no true form of anything platonic- individuals are shadows and truth can be discovered by contemplating universals.. only true form of love


arithmetic (math), geometry, astronomy, music -viewed as sciences

the battle of nicea

arrival at constantinople during 1st crusade -core issue -thousands of people showed up when there was supposed to be 300 well trained soldiers -alexius' responce-land returns to byzantines and crusaders get loot -1st battle of nicea

thomas aquinas

attempted to reconcile aristotle and the doctrines of christianity


bad and polluted air -conventional reason why plague began -created by aristotle -ways stars allign

Be able to describe the transition of sacraments seen between the Early Church and the Medieval Church.

baptism in infants just in case they didn't live long, eucharist was received once, anointing of the sick became extreme unction or last rights, holy orders, reconciliation was developing in ireland, matrimony was gradually becoming a church sacrament

bubonic plague

black death -bacterial pathogen, some as plague of Justinian -huge blisters, pain, bleeding beneath the skin, respitory probs., life span (3-7) -how it spread- from Asia -either Mongol invasions (tactics) brought dead bodies but more likely through strade -fleas on rats -started in sicily and spread north

council of claremont

called by pope urban II, calls the crusade, "god wills it"

urban II

calls the council of claremont> calls for the crusade -"God wills it" deus vult -pope

Be able to compare and contrast eremitic and cenobitic monasticism (and name central figures of each).

cenobetic- common life, prayer and work (came norm throughout much of west) develops out of eremetic eremetic: living as a nermut in isolation from others in order to be in a deeper relationship with the divine -both have same goal separate themselves from the world, same want of focusing on god

Hagia sophia

church built by justinian in eastern empire -was a church and largest church in all of christianity now a mosque

Be able to describe the main causes of the Great Schism.

differences- filioque, latin used in nicene creed, text altered by caroliginas causes- cultural division, language difference, theological difference look in notes

leavened and unleavened bread

east- leavened bread (did not really care) west- unleavened bread -look up in notes for pictures

byzantine empire

eastern empire byzantines take part in crusades against crusaders.. territory around constantinople.. lost territory in holy land, fighting against turks.. byzantines got the land when crusaders passed through.


emperor of byzantine empire (eastern emp) (r 527-565) -effort to reclaim roman emp. and building projects in constantinople- hagia sophia -was a church and largest church in all of christianity now a mosque -had initial success in Rom. emp. being born again > but then the plague of constantinople happened


emporer of byzantines

saint bernard

estblish strict ascetic way of life for moastic rule that fostered the dedication to physical warfare -look up role in crusades

cultural exchange

exchange of cultures through the crusades

brother anthony of Egypt

found eremmetic monasticism, from egypt, hes the first monk


freemen, tenant farmers (has to pay lord) no land -payed a tithe/ tax on land -daily life of peasents in england= simple -nice little house with single room and little privacy -food-bread veggies, nuts, cheese, milk no pure water, drank beer


german prince, made relaxed rules for students -emporer that recognized student guilds -helped students

francis of assisi

got favor with the muslims

rule of saint benedict

handbook that becomes the standard for such religious communities -some people hated the simple life so they tried to kill benedict

Attila the Hun

head of huns

Be able to describe Medieval worship.

impersonal with a language barrier and literary issues -shift- impersonal with a language barrier and literary issues -couldn't understand what was being said, images... sacraments- there is a shift from throughout ones life to end of life. -role of church and church festivals (look up) -worship: largely non participatory, language barrier, literacy issue -music -use of images- cant read, so recognize what is going on -architecture- realize he greatness of God


justinian's wife -dancer -made it where kings could marry nobles, ruled together


king of franks -conversion to christianity (from pagan practices) big deal, now whole kingdom has to convert -first king in the merovingian line

remission of sins

knights faught in the crusades in hopes to have remission of their sins

Be able to describe the Medieval university

lecture method -trivium, quadrivium -what to get a degree in -oral test

eremitic monasticism

living as a nermut in isolation from others in order to be in a deeper relationship with the divine ??

pepin (the short)

major domus and came after the merovingians, appointed by the pope, the major domus to ascend to the throne

ora et labora

means prayer and work -reffering to life of cenobitic monk -heavily regimented life -benedictine's rule

preservation of learning

monasticism had the role of preserving knowledge lit, and learning -educated class: priests, nuns, monks (literate class) -preserved book of hours (prayers), scripture, classical works (ovid's poetry), discoveries on nature and politics

the people's crusade (massacre)

on the way to constantinope during the 1st crusade -they think people who killed jesus were there -persecution of jews


peasents legally bound to the land (not free) (had to live on land forever) -paid rents by giving lord some of profit -could not leave manor without permission -not slaves


philosiphical and theological system based of mideival schools -take aristolean logic to theology in a dialectic format -reconciling faith and reason

plato and aristotle

plato- individual objects we perceive with our sences like trees, not real manifestations of universal ideas exist in God's mind -things are connected back to a deep level in universals -reflection of true love aristotle- individual objects real > universal ideas and concepts simply names -actually true love -also was platos student

the huns

push the germanic tribes out of their land so the germanic peoples have to go to roman empire.. and then they keep pushing them farther

dialectic format

question, objections, position, response to objections -looks like debates -does that later on in university -look in notes

latin christendom

result of cultural accomadation -dominance of Christianity in and a christian culture that developed across western eur. -refers to many things for our purposes -common culture and dominance

summa theologica

summary of theology by st. thomas aquainis, summarizes christian belief

Leo 1

takes down the nuns -pope -power vacuum in practice -the pope talked to attila and the huns did not attack rome and the pope was seen as a dominant force like an emperor

peter abelard

taught theology, colorful personality, popular teacher -had an affair with a student and she bore a child -secretly married her -scholastic -important thinker -wrote a book yes and no

the lecture method

teachers would just lecture for four years and then there would be one huge test over what the kids learned -kids would have to write down what teacher said

germanic peoples/tribes

the barbarians taking over the empire

holy roman empire

the frankish empire when charlemagne was crowned the emperor of the romans -first emporer- -not holy, not raoman, empire -modern day france and germany


the language of an area


the owner of a manor and associated property -duty to protect serfs


the student who had an affair with peter abelard -her uncle wanted revenge on peter> cut off some of peter's body parts

Be able to describe the motivations of the Pope and knights in going to the First Crusade.

to heal the relationship between the east and the west

monastics schools

train monks and was run by and for religious clergy

Romulus augustus

western emporer > disposed by Germanic head of army -during fall of WRE

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