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Emotional Appeal

"Oh mom, your like my best friend. Can I...."


Always speak out for what you believe, that's just being honest.

Begging the Question

America is #1 because we are better than everyone else.

Dicto Simplicitor

BMW drivers are entitled twits, so be careful because he's going to cut in here.

False Analogy

Banning "head" shops from selling drug paraphernalia in order to curb drug abuse makes about as much sense as banning bikinis to reduce promiscuity.

Ad Populum

Bob is sitting around with his cowboy buddies and dismisses his son's comments as "college boy nonsense".

Hasty Generalization

Both my Chryslers broke down a lot. Never buy a Chrysler.

Emotional Appeal

Buying a car based purely on styling and color.

Ad Populum

Buying fan gear to wear to the game.

Ad Populum

Calling a dissenting opinion on your FB page stupid because you know your friends will have your back in the comment thread.

Emotional Appeal

Commercial uses puppies and horse to sell beer.

Emotional Appeal

Deciding to not study for an important exam because of a fun concert.

False Dilemma

Either you favor a strong national defense, or you favor allowing other nations to dictate our foreign policy.

Contradictory Premise

If God is all powerful, can he put himself out of existence and come back with twice the power he had before?

Contradictory Premise

If an object is both stationary and traveling at an infinite rate of speed, how long will it take to meet itself?

Hypothesis Contrary to Fact

If the Mariners could just eliminate their occasional losing streaks, they would win the division.

Slippery Slope

If we put cameras in the hallways and parking lots, pretty soon we will spying on students all the time and everywhere.

Hypothesis Contrary to Fact

If you had only tasted the stewed snails, I'm sure you would have liked them.

False Dilemma

In order to improve schools, we have to raise taxes.

Two Wrongs

It looks like the waiter forgot to charge us for the expensive bottle of champagne. Let's just leave -- after all, if he overcharged us, I doubt he would chase us down to give us our money back that we overpaid.

Begging the Question

Japanese food is delicious and healthy because it is so nutricious while still having vibrant flavors.

Hypothesis Contrary to Fact

John, if you would have taken a shower more often, you would still be dating Tina.

Dicto Simplicitor

Kids with autism cannot handle driving, so putting them in Driver's Ed is a waste of time and money.

False Analogy

Life is like football, just keep doing your best with every snap

Red Herring

Mother: It's bedtime Jane Jane: Mom, how do ants feed their babies? Mother: Don't know dear. Close your eyes now. Jane: But mama, do ant babies cry when hungry?

Dicto Simplicitor

Muffin must be rich or have rich parents, because she belongs to ZXQ, and ZXQ is the richest sorority on campus.

False Authority

My dad says that I should double clutch when downshifting to save my transmission.

Poisoning the Well

Now the media is going to go crazy and twist my words tomorrow morning. Very dishonest people. So Sad.

Poisoning the Well

Of course, now Bob is going to give you the animal nut argument that says we all need to value cows over people.

Ad Misericordiam

Oh, Officer, There's no reason to give me a traffic ticket for going too fast because I was just on my way to the hospital to see my wife who is in serious condition to tell her I just lost my job and the car will be repossessed.


Only man is rational. No woman is a man. Therefore, no woman is rational.

Hasty Generalization

Pit Bulls are actually gentle, sweet dogs. My next door neighbor has one and his dog loves to romp and play with all the kids in the neighborhood!


Spare the rod, spoil the child.

Two Wrongs

Speaker A: You shouldn't embezzle from your employer. It's against the law. Speaker B: My employer cheats on their taxes. That's against the law, too!

False Dilemma

Stacey spoke out against capitalism, therefore she must be a communist.

False Authority

Taking any advice Mr. Ward gives about plumbing.

Straw Man

Ted: Biological evolution is both a theory and a fact. Edwin: That is ridiculous! How can you possibly be absolutely certain that we evolved from pond scum!

Begging the Question

The Patriots are a bunch or cheaters because the organization has a culture of "doing anything to win".


The priest told me I should have faith. I have faith that my son will do well in school this year. Therefore, the priest should be happy with me.


The sign said "fine for parking here", and since it was fine, I parked there.

Ad Misericordiam

Your Honor, my incarceration is cruel and unusual punishment. First, my prison-issued shower sandals are grossly undersized. Secondly, the prison book club consists mainly of prisoners who club me with books.

Two Wrongs

"Manchester United have hit their fans with a 12.3% average rise in season ticket prices for the next campaign. A top-price ticket will cost £38 and the cheapest £23... But United have defended the price rises, saying they compare favourably with the rest of the Premiership. 'We do not know what most of our rivals will charge next year, buy even a price freeze across the rest of the Premiership would mean that next year only seven clubs will have a cheaper ticket than £23 and nine clubs will have a top price over £39 - in some cases almost double,' said Humby [Manchester United finance director]."

False Authority

A commercial claims that a specific brand of cereal is the best way to start the day because athlete Michael Jordan says that it is what he eats every day for breakfast.

Post hoc

A train always passes after the railroad crossing alarm sounds and the gates come down. Therefore the railroad crossing causes the train to pass.

Straw Man

A: It's not unreasonable to require a background check for people to buy guns, especially guns with high capacity ammo design features. B: So because I like shooting, you think the government should suspect me of a crime I haven't committed?

Straw Man

A: You need to work hard to get good grades. B: Geez, now your calling me stupid?!

Red Herring

A: You shouldn't lie to your friends B: Define lying, who decides what the truth is.

Red Herring

Accused by his wife of cheating at cards, Ned replies "Nothing I do ever pleases you. I spent all last week repainting the bathroom, and then you said you didn't like the color."

Straw Man

After Will said that we should put more money into health and education, Warren responded by saying that he was surprised that Will hates our country so much that he wants to leave it defenceless by cutting military spending.

Hasty Generalization

All of those movie stars are really rude. I asked Kevin Costner for his autograph in a restaurant in Westwood the other evening, and he told me to get lost.

Poisoning the Well

Boss, you heard my side of the story why I think Bill should be fired and not me. Now, I am sure Bill is going to come to you with some pathetic attempt to weasel out of this lie that he has created.

Post hoc

Children of divorce, on average, perform poorer academically. Therefore, if you get a divorce you will hurt your child's chances of going to college.

Slippery Slope

I buy you a phone and next thing we know you are constantly in your room texting and ignoring us and your homework.

Slippery Slope

I can't eat that because I will lose it and binge.

Hasty Generalization

I hear on the news about these people ripping off the welfare system, so I assume people on welfare are crooks who don't want to work.

Emotional Appeal

I know I already have 3 guitars, but look at it - this one is so cool!

Dicto Simplicitor

I know nothing about Jay-Z because hip-hop stopped being interesting in about 1991

Ad Misericordiam

I really deserve an "A" on this paper, professor. Not only did I study during my grandmother's funeral, I also passed up the heart transplant surgery, even though that was the first matching donor in 3 years.

Straw Man

I submit to you that if you can't take this evidence and find these defendants guilty on this evidence then we might as well open all the banks and say, "Come on and get the money, boys," because we'll never be able to convict them.


I want to have myself a merry little Christmas, but I refuse to do as the song suggests and make the yuletide gay. I don't think sexual preference should have anything to do with enjoying the holiday.

Post hoc

I wore my purple sweater and my team won against all the odds. Therefore I am going to wear that sweater to every game.

Dicto Simplicitor

I'd like to hire you, but you're an ex-felon and statistics show that 80% of ex-felons recidivate.

Contradictory Premise

I'm telling you, don't listen to anybody!

Hasty Generalization

I've eaten at Denny's a couple times and their service stinks.

Hypothesis Contrary to Fact

If I had become a lawyer, I would be able to buy a ski boat.

Slippery Slope

If I let one student interrupt my lecture with a question, then I'll have to let others and, before long, there won't be any time left for my lecture.

Slippery Slope

If the Supreme Court allows abortion, next think you know they'll allow euthanasia, and it won't be long before society disposes of all those persons whom it deems unwanted or undesirable.

Contradictory Premise

Into what shape of hole would a round square fit?

Ad Misericordiam

Members of Congress can surely see in their hearts that they need to vote in favor of passage of the Gun Bill allowing concealed weapons because their constituents who lobby for liberalizing firearms will be greatly saddened if they do not do so.

Post hoc

Most divorced couples go to see a therapist before they separate. Therefore going to see a therapist will increase the chances that you will get a divorce.

False Authority

My 5th grade teacher once told me that girls will go crazy for boys if they learn how to dance. Therefore, if you want to make the ladies go crazy for you, learn to dance.

You too (look who's talking)

Nicole identified that Hannah had committed a logical fallacy, but instead of addressing the substance of her claim, Hannah accused Nicole of committing a fallacy earlier on in the conversation.


No one who has the slightest acquaintance with science can reasonably doubt that the miracles in the Bible actually took place. Every year we witness countless new miracles in the form recombinant DNA, micro-chips, organ transplants, and the like.

Begging the Question

People like to eat because we are biologically influenced to eat.

Ad Misericordiam

Public Schools, K through 12, need to have much easier exams for students because teachers don't fully realize the extent of the emotional repercussions of the sorrow and depression of the many students who could score much better on easier exams.

Ad Populum

Putting a sticker with "I gave blood today. Y" on donors as a way to get more people to give blood.

Ad Populum

Using your membership in a group to sell stuff to other people in the group.

Post hoc

A black cat crossed Babbs' path yesterday and, sure enough, she was involved in an automobile accident later that same afternoon.

False Authority

A little boy says that his friends should not go swimming in a river because his Mama said there were germs in the river.

Poisoning the Well

Watch how this kid is going to say that he just wants to play the guitars. Keep an eye on him or he will steal one.

False Analogy

What's the big deal about the early pioneers killing a few Indians in order to settle the West? After all, you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs.

Two Wrongs

When Cory gets caught for speeding, he tells the police officer that three people just passed him traveling faster than he was.

Red Herring

When you are late getting home-past curfew-you distract your parents by talking to them about the weather-how cold it is, or how rainy it is.

Red Herring

When your mom gets your phone bill and you have gone over the limit, you begin talking to her about how hard your math class is and how well you did on a test today.

False Analogy

Congress can't seem to figure out that when you run out of money, you shouldn't keep writing checks.

You too (look who's talking)

Helga: You should not be eating that... it has been scientifically proven that eating fat burgers are no good for your health. Hugh: You eat fat burgers all the time so that can't be true.

False Dilemma

I can either make myself happy or my parents happy.

Hypothesis Contrary to Fact

If Hitler had not invaded Russia and opened up two military fronts, the Nazis would surely have won the war.

False Dilemma

If I quit this job then I will lose my house.


Islam is a nothing but a religion of violence.


It's important for college kids to leave home so they can become independent.

You too (look who's talking)

Mother: You should stop smoking. It's harmful to your health. Daughter: Why should I listen to you? You started smoking when you were 16!


Mothers should stay at home, it's their role as a woman.

Begging the Question

Paranormal activity is real because I have experienced what can only be described as paranormal activity.

You too (look who's talking)

Peter: "Based on the arguments I have presented, it is evident that it is morally wrong to use animals for food or clothing." Bill: "But you are wearing a leather jacket and you have a roast beef sandwich in your hand! How can you say that using animals for food and clothing is wrong?"

Contradictory Premise

Pinochio says, "My nose will grow now."

Poisoning the Well

Principal Marks, I have told you my side of the story. Now, I am sure that Mr. Jones is going to come and tell you some lie about how I was disrespectful, when really he was the one who was rude to me.

False Analogy

Schools would do a lot better if we ran them like a business.

Two Wrongs

Societies thorughout history have had slaves. So we can have slaves too.

You too (look who's talking)

Wilma: You cheated on your income tax. Don't you realize that's wrong? Walter: Hey, wait a minute. You cheated on your income tax last year. Or have you forgotten about that?

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