Family History Midterm 1

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In ___ (year) _____ said, "We want the saints to trace their genealogies as far as they can, and to be sealed....and run this chain through as far as you get it."

(1894) Wilford Woodruff

The prayers offered at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple is recorded in this section of the D&C: (What date?)

109 (March 27, 1836)

In section ____ we read about the visitation of Elijah to the Prophet Joseph Smith in the Kirtland Temple on ____

110(:13-16) 3 April 1836

"Let us, therefore, as a church and a people, and as Latter-day Saints, offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness; and let us present in his holy temple, when it is finished, a book containing the records of our dead, which shall be worthy of all acceptation." D&C _:_


Which D&C section number describes the eternal marriage covenant?


The first school of the prophets met on 23 January ____ in the _____ store in _____.

1833 Newel K. Whitney Kirtland, OH

In ____(year) _____ (person) saw a vision of the Savior's visit to the spirit world (while his body was in the tomb) and is recorded in D&C _______.

1918 Joseph F. Smith 138

The SLC Temple took ___ years to build. It was dedicated by _________.

40 Wilford Woodruff

The LDS church was organized ______ by _____ at the ______ home in _____.

6 April 1830 Joseph Smith Peter Whitmer Fayette, NY

Nauvoo was the location for the first: _______, _______, and ________.

Baptisms for the DEAD (Mississippi River) endowments for the LIVING (Red Brick Store) sealing of (living?) couples

D&C 127 and 128 talk about _______ and _______ and The book referred to in D&C 128 is _______. The welding link is _____.

Baptisms for the dead and Record keeping A book containing the records of our dead Baptisms for the dead.

Who said, "No work is more of a protection to this church than temple work and the genealogical research which supports it. No work is more spiritually refining"?

Boyd K. Packer said this

In D&C ____,Moroni speaks to Joseph Smith about Elijah the prophet coming to "plant in the hearts of the children the promises made to the fathers..." What year? Where?

D&C 2:1-3 1823 Palmyra New York

Who said "Our efforts to promote temple and family history work should be such as to accomplish the work of the Lord, not to impose guilt on his children"?

Dallin H. Oaks said this

Who said, "Our effort is not to compel everyone to do everything, but to encourage everyone to do something"?

Dallin H. Oaks said this

Who said, "We should understand that in the work of redeeming the dead there are many tasks to be performed, and that all members should participate by prayerfully selecting those ways that fit their personal circumstances at a particular time"?

Dallin H. Oaks said this

The prophet mentioned in Malachi 4, ___, appeared on ____ to Joseph Smith and ____ in the ___ Temple. The ____ and the ___ were restored.

Elijah April 3, 1836 Oliver Cowdary Kirtland Sealing powers Priesthood

The ________ in SLC was dedicated in 1855 and torn down in 1889. Many saints received their temple ordinances here, including marriage sealings.

Endowment House

What is the name of the Old Testament prophet who had a heavenly vision of a large temple that should be built, patterned after Solomon's Temple, but it was not built


Jesus taught in the courts of this ancient temple

Herod's Temple

In John 3:5 and John 5:25 it talks about _____ and____and in 1 Peter 3:18-19 and 1 Peter 4:6 ______.

How we are born again by being baptized into the church and The dead shall live again after Christ's resurrection Those scriptures are fulfilled

Who said "The greatest responsibility in this world that God has laid upon us is to seek after our dead"

Joseph Smith said this

The extermination order was signed by Missouri Govenor ____ in ____ (year).

Lilburn W. Boggs 1838

The first president of the Salt Lake City Temple:

Lorenzo Snow

Give the Old Testament scripture reference which reads "Behold I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord..."

Malachi 4:5-6

__, __, __, __ appeared to Joseph Smith in the Kirtland Temple on______, as recorded in D&C ___. This fulfills ____.

Moses, Elias, Elijah, and the Savior 3 April 1836 D&C 110 Malachi 4:5-6

In what city was the second historical LDS temple located?

Nauvoo, IL

Who was with Joseph Smith in the Kirtland Temple when Elijah appeared on 3 April 1836?

Oliver Cowdary*

Give a summary of 1 Corinthians 15:29

Paul's writings on baptisms for the dead

______ was the first permanent temple of the Jews. It held the______ , and was destroyed by the ______ in _____.

Solomon's Temple Arc of the covenant Babylonians _____ year?

In which LDS temple were the first proxy endowments for the dead performed?

St. George

The _______ temple was the 1st location for _______, it was the first temple in _______ (state), and the first temple west of ___________.

St. George Endowments for the dead Utah The Mississippi River

Temple Year dedicated 1) __________ _____ 2) __________ _____ 3) __________ _____ 4) __________ X 5) __________ X 6) __________ _____

Temple Year dedicated 1) Kirtland, OH 1836 (3/27/1936) 2) Nauvoo, IL 1846 3) St. George, UT 1877 4) Logan, UT X 5) Manti, UT X 6) SLC, UT 1893 (4/6/1893)

Jesus taught in the courts of this temple _____. It was almost entirely destroyed by the _____.

Temple of Herod Romans

This ancient temple had a large bronze font on the backs of twelve oxen (known as the molten sea) just outside the front door:

Temple of Solomon

This ancient temple was begun by King David, was built 950-949 BC and took over seven years to build

Temple of Solomon

Solomon's Temple was destroyed in 587 BC by:

The Babylonians

D&C 88:119 "Organize yourselves, establish a house, even a house of prayer, a house of fasting, a house of faith, a house of learning..." What building is being referenced here?

The Kirtland Temple

The first baptisms for the dead were in ________, near ______ in ____ (year).

The Mississippi River Nauvoo, IL 1840

Where were the first proxy baptisms for the dead performed since the organization of the LDS church in the latter days

The Mississippi River, Nauvoo, IL

Where did Joseph Smith introduce the first temple endowment to several male priesthood leaders of the LDS church? (Year?)

The Red Brick Store (Nauvoo, IL) (1842)

The _____ was built about 3,300 years ago and served the Israelites for about 500 years

The Tabernacle

About 3300 years ago the Israelites built a portable "temple" known as ____ which held the ______.

The Tabernacle 10 commandments

Name two structures that housed the Ark of the Covenant:

The tabernacle The temple of Solomon

In Luke chapter 1 _______ goes into _______ where the angel Gabriel appears to him and tells him that his wife Elisabeth will have a son later named John the Baptist.

Zacharias Herod's temple

___ built an ancient temple about 517-515 BC. Animal sacrifices were offered in this temple. The structure was not very elaborate. It served as a predecessor to Herod's Temple which was later built on a grand scale with large courtyards.


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