fast exam 2

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# of people who depend on coffee

125 million people

chocolate - prehispanic to modern times

600-400 BC = cacao was important to mayans evidence shows them beginning to use it 250 -900 AD = art beginning to develop and talk about the culture of cacao 1500s = spaniard started going to to these regions and documenting what they found 1600s = cacao brought to Europe & consumed as a beverage 1700s = theobroma cacao (cacao tree) originated in South America and found by European explorers 1800s = machines created chocolate bars - first bar was made in Britain by Jospeh Fry by pressing a paste of coca and sugar together in a bar mold

chocolate pre-hispanic - modern times

600-400 BC = first indication go cacao harveted 250 -900 AD = becomes part go pre-hispanic food and culture 1600s = renaissance -> art showed cacao and chocolate = very important 1700s = cacao was categorized into different types 1800s = chocolate bar was invented 1900s = chocolate was consumed in bar form

Throughout which time period was the reign of French culinary authority?

17th-20th centuries

When did the reputation of Italian food fully recover to what it is now known as today?


when was tea invented and how

2737 BC by Emperor Shen Nong accidentally a leaf fell into his water an the loved the infused flavor and it made him do more research tea comes form he Camellia Sinensis plant

meat eating in India

37% vegetarians hindus = no beef muslims = no pork

history of hunting

400,000 BC - neanderthals 200,000 BC - homo sapiens 40,000-20,000 BC - paintings of animals on the caves 20,000 - 10,000 BC - domestication of animals began & hunting and gathering 5,000 BC - serious domestication of animals Lascaux & Altamira are 20,000 years old

import of coffee to europe and to the americas

Arabs were about to conquer Vienna, French came to help and the Arabs fled leaving behind coffee beans→ they filtered it and added milk Italian opened a French cafe and had pastries; socializing without alcohol Jewish person opened coffee shop in England Start in ethiopia, move through middle east, austria, england

7 purposes of packaging food

Contain Store Preserve Transport Convenience Advertise Inform

How did cookbooks coincide with social class structure and further separate rich and poor?

Cookbooks were made for specific class structures based on dishes, equipment, and were further separating the rich and poor by utilizing expensive and unattainable ingredients for the poor, like expensive meats and cheeses

5 GE crops approved in the US

Corn, cotton, soybeans, papaya, potato

trace the history of tea

Camellia Sinensis plant is native to asia originated in chian Chinese buddhist monasteries began to consume it spread to Japan in the 13th century (1200s) matcha became the most popular at that time tea moved out west because of explorers traveling Marco Polo in 1254-1324 alludes to discovery of tea in his travel writings 1610 - first shipments of Chinese tea arrived in Europe charted by the Dutch East India Company tea became a fashionable drink and it remained a drink for the wealthy due to its price

how did tea trigger wars

Chinese (tea producers) would only accept silver in exchange but the British began trading opium instead which lead to a nation wide opium epidemic for china the addiction in china caused social and economic disrupton china retaliated by burning 20,000 chests of British opium chests and blocked trade routes the British broke the blockade and sailed to Hong Kong - Chinese forces were inferior to the british and they occupied HK and captured Nanjing china had to pay and give HK to Britain

subtleties packages hide w/o words

Coke bottle example People tend to prefer the coke label There is an idea and culture Wine have been traditionally tapped with cork When it isnt - people think it is not as good We have a stereotype of a wine bottle and how it should be kept - stereotype People prefer the natural cork

Explain the value of organic farming

Does not use synthetic fertilizers and pesticides which is beneficial for the environment There is no runoff of chemicals into water that can be consumed by animals

growth and collapse of haciendas in Ecuador

Ecuador developed & boomed w cacao farms in late 1800s / early 1900s in 1900 there were 58 million trees 7000s trees per worker... the oversee person (owner of cacao farm) in the beginning was very similar to the rest of the workers - they all had tot dress the same and buy things strictly from the Haciendas (they simply just owned it) until the revolution shook Mexico in 1910 - angry protests against haciendas system broke out because the system had began to take advantage of its worked and they basically became slaves (treated very poorly) this led to cacao crisis of 1920-1930 and cacao farmed moved to Africa because it had the same climate and to escape the revolts

Name three cultures that have had a huge impact on American culture

England, China, and France

Churches during the Reconstruction era were described by W.E.B Dubois as meeting places for...

Entertainment Food Religious services All of the above

t/f French Tea was one of the best studied global foods in Early America

False - Chinese tea was the best-studied tea

GMO is and how it is produced

Genetic engineering - involved modification of DNA to change a characteristic of a microorganism, a plant, or an animal Genetic materials can be transferred to crop plants by inserting plasmids via micro-projectiles, electroporation, sonication, or agrobacterium The motivation behind GE was to help fight disease, withstand more harsh and difficult conditions, and this way they can produce more food for larger population In foods genes from one species are introduced in another one to: Increase stress tolerance - drought Resist pests - production to toxins Tolerance to herbicides - health benefits Degree of unsaturated fatty acids Improve flavor Modification of one trait may negatively impact other traits

how food packaging has altered our culture throughout the 20th and 21st centuries

Gerber baby Cute things for baby food Design of beer cans have exploded Before packaging was dominant - trading post to buy cheese - give slice packaged will have paper - olives add to your own flask - most important thing was convenience - now we can preserve foods for much longer time - how does this affect culture Packages give label nutrition today - we get a choice of what we consume in out bodies 1st - cultures can thrive - now we can foods w long shelf life - provide for more people 2nd convenience - sliced cheese precut salad - the easiness to prepare food - helped time - the new time can be filled with other things (enabes more gender equality because women spend less time cooking) Bring your own glass for grains and olives

State the risks and hazards associated to organic fresh produced

Harmful contaminants constitute hazards: bacteria, molds, viruses, parasites Impossible to only rely on organic farming to feed the population

explain the main factors affecting the price of organic products

Have smaller yields and require more costly methods to produce Labor-intensive Logistics of organic corp production tends to be more expensive Smaller farms are not as mechanized No illegal immigration labor Consumers are willing to pay more Supply and demand

hunger, sustainability, and business impact of food gross

Impact hunger: Fight against hunger climate/prest tolerant crops Food distribution Most GE or other food is produced by a few counties ($$$ rich $$$) Politics and war Poorest people do no have a voice or a choice Demographics Greatest population increases in poorest regions Impact : Sustainability Sustainability production of decreasing farm land ares Business : GE seed producers are the main beneficiaries Scientists and Universities who develop new varieties Most GE products are not being used in poor countries to fight hunger Widespread use of genetically modified crops will ultimately depend on consumer acceptance of available products

It's known that immigrants have shaped the American food system in 2 important ways:

In the Kitchen and on the Farm

how were Indian food traditions communicated

India is a melting pot - settlers brought their own unique cooking methods, spices, local ingredients difficult to generalize Indian food - "North American wine" hindu and muslims are the major religions in india

How did refrigeration technology revolutionize the food market?

It allowed food to be shipped thousands of miles while still staying fresh. This helped grocery chains become bigger and big brands become more common.

quality differences between organic and non-organic products

Organic fruits and vegetables harvested at optimal maturity are more likely to have More nutrients Better flavor Shorter shelf life (shipped short distance)

Where was the first restaurant invented?


political, social, and economic impact of coffee in the world

Revolutionizing Europe→ French Revolution Slaves were revolting against the way they were forced to grow it→ brings enormous pain to Africa were it comes from and to the colonies where its going

State 3 risks and 3 benefits associated to GMO crops

Risks Have been exaggerated compared to benefits Concerns about cancer and world-wide catastrophe due to adoption of genetic engineering are not scientifically based Ecological impact is yet to be determined

What was the first academic record of United States food history?

The American and His Food

coffee colonialism and revolt in San Domingo

The French develop large slave run plantations to cultivate the coffee beans 1790→ half of the world's coffee grown and cultivated in present day Haiti→ slaves were imported from Africa to work on the land 1791(largest successful slave revolt in history)→ revolted and destroyed all the sugar and coffee plantations; struggle lasted for 12 years; made Haiti the poorest country in the western hemisphere Refers to Sandomingo - Haiti Picture that shown in the video multiple times In the case of san domingo the farm owners were also slave owners The big crop was coffee The first and only example from the americas led by enslaved black people that rebel against the farmers and overwhelm their tyranny and they took over (****attempted***) The coffee industry ended up kind of dying out because the slaves were unsuccessful

different types of tea

matcha - prepared with bamboo sticks and hand crafted bowls - popular in Japan made from young green tea leaves grinder and includes the nutrients from the whole tea leaf is richer in antioxidants sencha - most popular tea in Japan today- type of Japanese ryokucha- it steams the whole full leaves in the tea Black tea (red tea)- it is more oxidized in comparison to other teas so it is generally stronger in flavor as well as color

examples of forbidden meat and cultural context

muslim & judism = pork "cloven hoof but don't chew their cud" hindus = beef Christians - no meat during lent - fish Buddhists - no meat - they honor animals they do not like to hurt other forms of life

Discriminate between scientific and popular press

The popular press sometimes will report the science and then relay it to the average person so they can understand it The popular press makes money out of advertisement and scandal You will find a lot more misinformation - the virtues of food = most healthy - false info and false claims - perpetrated through media Scientific - peer review - look for major scientific flaw, clarity ( lack of scientific clarity may lead to misinterpretation from reader), major revisions

The collective appreciation of French cuisine was more important than individual preferences


describe the religious dimension cacao and chocolate played throughout history

mayan and aztec culture - man was created from cacao cacao was a gift from the gods it was used in marriage rituals cacao was given to those who were sacrificed (cacao had deep red color metaphor for blood - they thought the sun wouldn't rise the next day unless someone was sacrificed)

coffee legend

a man was watching a goat herd, he lost track of them and then found them again but they were chewing on leaved and became very energetic and excited The English word "coffee" comes from the Dutch koffie, which came from the Turkish kahve, which is borrowed from the Arabic qahwa

chocolate in societies

cacao was given to those who were sacrificed in mayan and aztec culture (believe that gods came from cacao plant) was used as medicine in europe - it was good for digestion and energy (caffeine) became for the wealthy used in Europe paintings became a part of society and associated with valentines day today

What place in France was the original production place of the sparkling wine that was the reason for the first appellation?


US meat consumption currents trends

chicken is the most meat consumed beef pork sheep

origins, produced, and most popular consumption of chocolate, coffee, and tea

chocolate - originated = the amazon - produced = ivory coast, Ghana, & Ecuador - most popular consumer = Switzerland, Germany, and Ireland coffee - originated = Ethiopia - produced = africa, South America, asia - consumed = finland northern europe tea -originate = china - produced = china - consumed = china

$ farmer gets and $ for a cup of coffee

coffee is mostly made in brazil farmers get $1 per pound of coffee beans a cup of coffee on avg. is $3.13 more expensive to roast and cultivate and prepare the beans into a delicious drink than it is to grow it...?

A ... is something produced to be bought and sold in the marketplace purely as an economic transaction that provides ... for the producer and a needed service for the consumer

commodity profit

evolution of tea uses

containers found in tombs of those who belonged to the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD) used for the high class for special event with special guests then used as an ingredient to make a soup like drink used a s medicine to help flush toxins out of the body became popular for buddhist monasteries in china to help them stay awake from the caffeine - 7th century tea leaves were compressed and dried into tea cakes or just grinder into powders then boiling water was added to drink as a hot beverage tea roasting became more popular than steaming tea did not become popular till the 13th century (1200s)

religious aspect in various societies

mayan and aztec region - man was created from cacao - held a lot of value it was believed to be a gift from their gods it was given to sacrificial victims prior to their sacrifice - it had a deep red color a metaphor of blood and cacao was also part of marriage rituals chocolate was used as currency (popular in Ethiopia) then used as a medicine beverage then recreational beverage for the wealthy then became popular for avg. people

differences of coffee houses in turkey, Italy, France, and England

europe - it arrived here with a negative connotation because it was believed to bring out femininity ( the men would drink it @ coffee houses where there were prostitutes and then they would no longer have desires for their wives at home - therefore they believe it had a negative impact on their husbands performance...) turkey : men liked coffeehouses was good for communication purposes italy : coffeehouses were for foreigners because Venetian (people of Venice) did not want to see or interact with these people france : influence by Arabs - it was for women and men of high class England : it was for social and commercial use more casual - "penny university" alternative forms of education to learn about different topics

three major invasions that affected culinary culture in India

every well known Indian dish is the product of a long history of invasion and the fusion of different food traditions - Indian food has evolved with variety and taste monguls and muslims invaded the northern part of India - they brought the tradition of not eating pork british invaded India - british cuisine meshed with Indian cuisine - british brought back a lot of Indian cuisine to Britain - British brought tea to india Portuguese introduced the use of wine in cooking to India

trace the origins from ethipioa

first cultivation of coffee was in the Arabian port in Yemen started with the wealthy and became a hobby to sit and drink coffee and discuss important matters it moved to more casual social scenes for the poor where they would go and there would be prostitutes turkey eventually conquered Arab and then adapted their culture of coffee drinking --> spread through ottoman empire (but they did not want anyone else growing coffee... selfish Turkish [ottoman people]) an indian man ended up taping coffee beans to his stomach and smuggled them out = he brough it to thew Dutch (Netherlands) and continued to travel to the colonies

famous caves that represent animals hunted and killed for meat

france - lascaux spain - Altamira

The initial diffusion of the ... restaurant model was a slow process which included the opening of ... in 1830

french Delmanico's in New York

3 categories of food in book of Gita

goodness foods : sweet, increase of life, purify ones existence and give strength, health, happiness, satisfaction passion foods : foods that are bitter and sour, and spicy, and salty - they provide distress, pain, and disease ignorance foods : food left unclean that have been cooked more than three hours before consumed - decomposed and unclean and spoiled

health benefits from tea

heart protection lower cholesterol reduced blood sugar prevent diabetes promotes healthy skin strengthen bones

describe Chinese tea ceremony

hot water was poured into three cups then poured out tea leaves were added to the water, then poured into the cups then poured out repeated 3 times then can be consumed

growth and collapse of haciendas

in ecuador cacao farms gained great popularity in 18th and 19th century (1700s & 1800s) people employed slaves to work the property and this created agricultural heirarchy social revolt happened with the slaves as they were abused and treated poorly and plant disease spread at this time europeans then took cacao to Africa to avoid revolts and disease

why did women hate coffeehouses

in most places women were not allowed in coffee houses - due to prostitutes also didn't like them because the men would not be as attracted to them following going to the coffeehouses boom of tea for women & children following this

historical controversies regarding chocolate

it was believed that Christopher Columbus brought cacao to spain but there is no evidence of that - Hernan cortex and moctezuma II -> 1528 brought cacao to spain

ritual of preparing coffee

made energy bar form the beans boiled the leaves to drink it like tea roasted the beans giving it the black potent beverage (avg. coffee) it was prepared before any dish - the beans would be blessed for prosperity and fertility they would have 3 servings off coffee sugar or salt would be added oldest in family served first

how old is history of Indian food

over 7,000 years of written history Bhagavad Gita : often referred to as the Gita, is a 700-verse Hindu scripture that is part of the epic Mahabharata, dated to the second half of the first millennium BCE and is typical of the Hindu synthesis. It is considered to be one of the holy scriptures for Hinduism 38% vegetarians

give examples of the influence of chocolate in the arts

pictures of cacao on currency - Ethiopian money 3500-2000 BC = traces of cacao in pottery codex/ codices (European documentation) = a way to "write" carve what they saw on stone and coped it on paper in the 11th and 12th century = the first mention of cacao "written" many art works of wealthy people and just in ancient history was centered around cacao in the middle of a table

first animals domesticated

pig, sheep, goat, cattle

One of the first foods enslaved Africans planted in gardens was ... , and was found in ... areas

plantains tropical

chocolate influence in the arts

pre-hispanic (mayan) murals with cacao trees and cacao pods - help influence and important in culture when shown in art work paintings of women reaching for hot coco in bed - medicine teapot, cocoa pot, and coffee pot seen in the middle of famous paintings of wealthy people was found int he pottery of spain

transition to slaughterhouse

railroad and refrigeration accelerated meat consumption as well as industrial revolution

pork consumption - why culturally and historically are there differences in pork consumption over the years?

religion -> muslims and jewish people do not eat pork US, Isreal, and Malaysia consume the most chicken people today have noticed a harmful links to red meat, therefore pork consumption has decreased

ethical and cultural dimensions of meat consumption talk about historical or emotional size to it and make predictions of what will happen with meat consumption

religion prohibits consumption of certain meats (judism, islam, and Hinduism) the belief of animal cruelty Christians do not eat meat during lent --> increase in fish consumption lobster showed a more wealth status in comparison to shrimp personal relationship with horses - domestication over meat

explain the role chocolate played in different societies as it was adopted

spain : prepared w hot water, added honey & sugar, cinnamon & nutmeg (hot chocolate - ish) europe : medicine - had many health benefits - digestion, energizing beverage 1600s : chocolate wasn't liquid or solid so it was allowed during lent pope said it was okay fashion : tea and coffee pot -> chocolate pot -> center of painting

what social classes have attended coffee houses

the wealthy would gather and discuss important topics poor would lounge in coffee. houses (prostitutes) coffee also inspired and is linked to romance...^

cleanliness rules in Indian culture

unthinkable for a cook or house-wife to taste any dish during its preparation Water must never be sipped from a tumbler but poured into the mouth because one's own saliva would pollute it Water used for rising in the mouth must be spit out and never swallowed

chocolate controversy

viewed as an aphrodisiac - increased sexual desires, performance, pleasure, etc. people debated about the morality of chocolate - no chocolate during lent

cacao used as currency

was used as a coin in aztec culture 1 bean = 2 fruit 10 beans = 1 rabbit 100 pods = 1 slave Ethiopia had cacao on their currency because it was so important to their culture us consumes 9.5 lbs of chocolate per capital each year Cacao imports are primarily from Ivory Coast Chocolate imports are primarily from Canada

Who were cookbooks most commonly addressed to during the 18th and 19th century?


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