Fawaz's MegaStudy Guide for APHG Chapter 9

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What are the factors of the HDI?

1 economic, 2 social, 1 demographic

2) INTERNATIONAL TRADE APPROACH! What are 3 problems of the IT approach?

1. uneven resource distribution 2. market stagnation (developed world has money but no demand) 3. increased dependence of MDCs

1) SELF SUFFICIENCY What is an Autarky?

A country that is all self sufficient

Biomass fuel

Fuel that derives from plant material and animal waste.

Radioactive waste

Materials from a nuclear reaction that emit radiation; contact with such particles may be harmful or lethal to people; therefore, the Materials must be safely stored for thousands of years.

2) INTERNATIONAL TRADE APPROACH! What does the Gini Coefficient do?

Measures income inequality

What is the #1 Energy Source?


Wallerstein's World System Theory

Theory developed by Immanuel Wallerstein that explains the emergence of a core, periphery, and semi-periphery in terms of economic and political connections.

Millennium Development Goals

(1) eradicate extreme poverty and hunger, (2) achieve universal primary education, (3) promote gender equality and empower women, (4) reduce child mortality, (5) improve maternal health, (6) combat HIV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases, (7) ensure environmental sustainability, (8) develop a global partnership for development.

There are two routes a country can take to become a developed country. What are they?

1) Self Sufficiency 2) International Trade

1) SELF SUFFICIENCY What are two problems with this approach?

1- Inefficiency 2- Need for a large bureaucracy

2) INTERNATIONAL TRADE APPROACH! What are the 5 stages of Rostow's Model?

1- Traditional Society 2- Preconditions for Take Off 3- Take off 4- Drive to maturity 5- Age of mass consumption

What fraction of the world's illeterates are females?



A Pathway to follow the IT approach

2) INTERNATIONAL TRADE APPROACH! What must any country that follows this approach have?

A Unique Economic Asset

Breeder reactor

A nuclear power plant that creates its own fuel from plutonium.


A program that gives money to the poor, particularly women, to encourage the developement of businesses.

Renewable energy

A resource that has a theoretically unlimited supply and is not depleted when used by humans.

Nonrenewable energy

A source of energy that is a finite supply capable of being exhausted.

What is the Brandt Line?

An imaginary lines that separates the wealthy (developed) and poor (developing) countries ; everything north-developed // everything south- developing

Years of schooling

Average number of schooling year in a country

What is an acronym for the NICs who we predict will rule the world in the future?

B.R.I.C.(s) - Brazil, Russia, India, China (and possibly South Africa)

1) SELF SUFFICIENCY What does this route show?

Balanced Growth

1) SELF SUFFICIENCY What type of countries does this route appeal to/ what does it sound like?


THE HDI EQUATION: DEMOGRAPHIC What is the life expectancy in developing countries and in developed countries?

Developing - 68 years old /// Developed - 80 years old

Why is it important for women to be educated?

Education = Opportunity

Geothermal energy

Energy from steam or hot water produced from hot or molten underground rocks.

Fossil Fuel

Energy source formed from the residue of plants and animals buried millions of years ago.

THE HDI EQUATION: ECONOMIC What jobs are in the primary sector? In what type of country is this found primarily?

Extracting Raw Materials from the Earth -- developing countries

1) SELF SUFFICIENCY This route is modest but _____


THE HDI EQUATION: ECONOMICHow is "economic" measured

GNI Per Capita at PPP

THE HDI EQUATION: ECONOMIC What jobs are in the Tertiary sector? In what type of country is this found primarily?

Goods and Services in exchange for money -- Developed

2) INTERNATIONAL TRADE APPROACH! What did Rostow say all countries had the potential to do?

He said all countries had the potential to break poverty

THE HDI EQUATION: DEMOGRAPHIC What country has the highest life expectancy? Lowest?

Highest - Japan /// Lowest- Sierra Leone

Human Development Index (HDI)

Indicator of level of development for each country, constructed by the United Nations, combining income, literacy, education, and life expectancy.

Foreign direct investment

Investment in the economies of LDCs by transnational corporations based in MDCs. However, all countries are not recipients of this investment. Brazil, China and Mexico were the LDCs that received the most of the investment

What are the three things that the GII looks at?

Labor Force Participation, Empowerment, and Reproductive Health

THE HDI EQUATION: DEMOGRAPHIC How is "demographic" measured?

Life Expectancy

Structural adjustment program

Managed by Europeans, The loans are made to countries to alleviate major economic problems.

THE HDI EQUATION: ECONOMIC What jobs are in the secondary sector? In what type of country is this found primarily?

Manufacturing those Raw Materials into Products -- NICs

Gender Inequality Index (GDI)

Measures inequality between men and women, the higher the score the higher the inequality between the genders.

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)

Monetary measur

What 3 Consumer goods are considered to be signs of development?

Motor Vehicles, Telephones and Computers

Which is the country with the lowest development?


1) SELF SUFFICIENCY Does this route get help from others?

No ; SELF- Sufficient

Are there any countries where women are treated the same as men?

No ; in every country, women are treated worse than men

1) SELF SUFFICIENCY Do we have any Autarky's?

No, but North Korea is the closest example

Which is the country with the highest development?


Maternal Mortality Ratio

Number of deaths per thousand of women giving birth.

How is the HDI measured?

On a scale from 0-1


Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

Primary Sector

Portion of the economy concerned with the direct extraction of material from Earth's surface, generally through agriculture, although sometimes by mining, fishing, and forestry

Tertiary Sector

Portion of the exonomy concerned with transportation, communication, and utilities sometimes extended to the provision of all goods/services to people for payment

What is Biomass Fuel?

Power from plants and animal waste

What is Solar Electricity?

Power from the Sun

What is Hydroelectricity?

Power from the movement of water

Hydroelectric power

Power generated from moving water.

THE HDI EQUATION: ECONOMIC What are the three job sectors?

Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

Fair trade

Promoting sustainability. The movement advocates the payment of a fair price as well as social and environmental standards in areas related to the production of a wide variety of goods

Secondary Sector

Protion of the ecoonomy concerned with manufacturing useful products through processing, transforming, and assembling raw materials

Pupil/teacher ratio

Ratio for students to teacher

Photovoltaic cells

Solar energy cells, usually made from silicon, that collect solar rays to generate electricity.

Active solar energy systems

Solar energy system that collects energy through the use of mechanical devices like photovoltaic cells or falt plate collectors.

Passive solar energy systems

Solar energy that collects energy without the use of mechanical devices.

1) SELF SUFFICIENCY What does this route do? (what does it do to money)

Spreads money/investment as EQUALLY as possible

1) SELF SUFFICIENCY What are three types of barriers set to limit the import of goods in a self-sufficient country?

Tariffs (taxes), Quotas (numerical limits) , and Licenses (requiring licenses to import)

2) INTERNATIONAL TRADE APPROACH! What are some countries that went through IT?

The Four Asian Dragons : Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong and Taiwan ((because of petroleum))

GENDER INEQUALITY What is gender equality in a country measured by?

The GII (Gender Inequality Index)

When was the HDI created and by who?

The HDI was created in 1990 by the U.N.

How is development measured? (by what)

The Human Development Index (HDI)

World Bank

The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans[2] to developing countries for capital programmes


The adjustment of the GNI to account for differences among countries in the cost of goods

Proven reserve

The amount of a resource available in discovered deposits

Potential reserve

The amount of energy in deposits not yet identified but thought to exist.


The amount of resources available

THE HDI EQUATION: SOCIAL What is expected years of schooling?

The average number of years a 5 years old is expected to SPEND in school

THE HDI EQUATION: SOCIAL What is years of schooling?

The average number of years a person 25+ has SPENT in school


The idea of being independent and providing for itself

Uneven development

The increasing gap in economic conditions between core and peripheral regions as a result of the globalization of the economy.

International Monetary Fund (IMF)

The lending of massive amounts of money to peripheral and semi-peripheral countries with restriction strings attached.

International trade

The movement of goods or services between countries - - each country has different resources, so they specialize in what they can produce in a cost-effective way, then trade with other countries


The need or want for the resources available

Adolescent fertility rate-

The number of births to women aged 15-19 years old per 1,000 women in the same age group.

THE HDI EQUATION: SOCIAL What is "Literacy Rate"?

The number of people in a country that can read or write.

Literacy rate

The percentage of a country's people who can read and write.


The pumping of water at high temperatures to break apart rocks in order to release natural gas.

2) INTERNATIONAL TRADE APPROACH! In which stage of Rostow's Model does development start?

The second stage: Preconditions for Take Off


The splitting of an atomic nucleus to release energy.

Gross National Income (GNI)

The value of output of goods and services produced produced in a country in a year, including money that leaves and enters the country.

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)

The value of the total output of goods and services produced in a country in a given time period (1year)

Value added

Total value of a product minus costs of raw materials/energy


Value of a particular product compared to the amount of labor needed to make it

What does the "Student/Teacher Ratio" say?

When there are less students in a classroom, there is better learning

World Trade Organization (WTO)

World Trade Organization works to negotiate rules of trade among the member states

THE HDI EQUATION: SOCIAL How is "social" measured? (there are 2 for this one)

Years expected and Average years


a nuclear reaction in which nuclei combine to form more massive nuclei with the simultaneous release of energy


adjusted HDI (IHDI)-Modification of an HDI to account for inequality within a country.

Wind power

power derived from the wind (as by windmills)

What is development?

the process of improving the material conditions of people


the value of goods and services produced in a country in a year, including money that leaves and enters the country

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