FCE Paper 3 : Use of English - Full test

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We would have called you if we HAD known you were in.


What do you do FOR a living?


When I saw his awful haircut I burst OUT laughing.


Who is that woman WHOSE husband we met last week.


Would you be kind enough to fill IN this application form,please?


He was the BIGGEST in the class.


If you hadnt been so CARELESS with that book you would still have it now.


She won the bicycle race EASILY.


Why dont you start doing a sport? (TAKE)

Have you though about TAKING up a sport?

He couldnt swim until he was in his twenties. (ABLE)

He wasnt ABLE to swim until he was in his twenties.

I think it would be a good idea if you joined the beginners class. (SUGGEST)

I SUGGEST joining you the beginners class.

Its a pity the car is so expensive. (WISH)

I WISH the car were not so expensive.

I am really excited about the holiday. (LOOKING)

I am LOOKING forward to the holiday.

I am sorry but you must not smoke here. (FORBIDDEN)

I am afraid smoking is FORBIDDEN here.

I hate driving on the left, but now it is OK. (USED)

I am used to driving on the left now.

At the end of the interview the INTERVIEWER asked if he could be shown around the company.


You tired because you keep staying late. (WERE)

If I WERE you, I would go to bed earlier,you wouldnt be so tired.

The pain in his back LESSENED as soon as he took the medication.


She didnt become famous as a NOVELIST until her 17th novel was published


The weather forecast says it is going to be RAINING


He told her that he was TRULY in love with her.


She was severely WEAKENED by the long illness she had.


It is really important that you pay the bill today. (REMEMBER)

You must REMEMBER to pay the bill today.



.We have to PLAN ahead if we want the party to be succes.


1) Comparative/Superlative - Structures like so/such,er/as...as or too/enough often appear in this exercise.


1) Forming nouns


1) Parts of the speech - the missing word is often (but not always) one of the parts of speech that are listed in the following exercise.


1) SYNONYMS - you should be able to identify the correct word form from a selection of similar words that matches a particular context or goes with other word.


2) Collocations - you will need to be able to identify common collocations, that is words that go together.(make the bad,do your homework)


2) Forming other nouns


2) Passive/Active


2)Pronouns - words like you,her,him,which etc are often the missing words.


3) Articles and quantifiers - articles a,the and quantifiers like much,many,all,enough etc are often required.


3) Direct/Indirect Speech


3) Forming opposites meanings (in,il,im,un,less,dis,ir)


3) Phrasal verbs - are frequently tested in part 1 of this paper, you need to look out for missing verbs or prepositions/particles.


4) Auxiliary verbs


4) Forming verbs


4) Phrases/Expressions - there are many set expressions that you are likely to be tested in this section(hold your breath, on no account).


5) Conditionals


5) Conjunctions - conjunctions(linking words) like but,and,yet( presto,a stejne)will sometimes the missing word.


5) Linking words - make sure you know the diffrence between the common linking words used in English(despite,although).


5)Forming ajectives and adverbs


6) Difficult spellings


6) Prepositions/Phrasal verbs


6) Unreal pasts


7)Sentence level practise


7)Verb patterns


8) Phrasal verbs


ALTHOUGH he felt quite ill he still went to the work.


AS you may be aware, I intend to retire at the end of the year.


After a great deal of discussion we were all IN agreement that we should have a party.


Although it was a wonderful job offer he decided to TURN it down in the end.


At the end of the lesson she will give us a fun QUIZZ.


Can I go for a RIDE on your bike.


Candidates are not permitted to leave the room UNLESS(pouze v pripade) they are accompanied by a member or staff.


Could you just stand here without MAKING a sound.


DO (CAN) you speak English?


Excuse me. MAY(SHALL)I open the window?


Guess who I BUMPED into in the supermarket today.


Have you SENT out the invitations to the party yet?


Have you ever BEEN to India?


Have you got ENOUGH money to buy a new car?


Have you got any advice ON how to go about buying a new car


He CAN speak several languages fluently.


He came top of his group IN SPITE OF starting the course late.


He did hardly any work before the exam. NEVERTHLESS, he managed to pass.


He failed his exam, WHICH was a really surprise


He is decided to take a part-time JOB.


He is exercising a lot FEWER than he used to.


He really takes AFTER his father. They are alike in so many ways.


He tried to GIVE her some advice, but she wouldnt listen.


How much have you saved UP for your holiday?


How was the bus JOURNEY to work today.


I am going to work for them for a TRIAL period.


I asked Sally and KIm but NEITHER of them wanted go out.


I cant put UP with this noise anymore.I am going to complain.


I couldnt quite make OUT what you were saying.


I have tried to phoneseveral shops,but NONE of them was open.


I havent got ANY plans for the weekend.


I sympathise WITH your problem.


I told you we SHOULD have booked the tickets earlier.


I wonder if you could DO me a favour.


I work for a company WHICH makes computers.


If I had known you were in I WOULD have come around.


If you commit a crime it will destroy your CAREER.


If you want to buy a motorbike, you will take OUT a loan to do it.


If you work hard you should pass the FCE EXAM.


It was SO cold today we decided to stay at home.


Life in a big city is more stressful than the country. MOREOVER it can be also expensive.


Manchester United won the game in SPITE of the fact that they played with only 9 players.


Maria HAS to do extra homework to prepare for the xam.


Our train has been cancelled. We will have to listen out FOR an announcement.








Part 3 tests your knowledge of the way words are formed in English, including th euse of prefixes adn suffixes, and spelling rules associated with changes.


Paul and Ann decided to decorate the living room WHICH as hey thought IT would be cheaper that way.


Paul went up the ladder on HIS own to paint the ceiling, even though(i kdyz) Ann told HIM to wait till SHE could help HIM by holding the ladder.


She bumped intoher ex-boyfriend in the street. DESPITE all her efforts to avoid him.


She didnt say goodbay before she RANG off.


She has decided to take UP a new hobby.


She is going on a six-week TOUR of Australia


She is going to university next year. She has had a change of HEART.


She is slowly getting BETTER after the accident.


Some people have said the play is boring. ON the contrary, I find it absolutely fascinating.


Studying abroad is a great opportunity. ON the other hand, you might find yourself getting homesick.


Ten students went in for the exam, none of WHOME failed.


Thanks for telling me about the website. I will keep it IN mind.


Thanks for your letter, WHICH arrived last week.


That MUST have been TONY who called this evening.


That man we met at the party. Do you know WHO I mean?


The company is making a number of changes. In other WORDS it seems that there are going to be a number of job losses.


The doctor had two patients, BOTH(NEITHER) of them were complaining aof upset stomach.


The law regarding dangerous driving has been changed. As a RESULT, more people are going to prison.


The number of people in full-time EMPLOYMENT has risen this month.


The police are looking INTO the recent series of robberies in the area.


The recipe for vegetble soup has a number of INGREDIENTS.


The school WHERE I studied is in the local newspaper.


The shop was very quiet and FEW people were waiting to be served.


The success of the school play was thanks TO all the hard work involved.


The surgeon is operating ON the patient now.


The suspect WAS seen running towards the staion.


The team played well in the first half. In CONTRAST, during the second half they completely lost control of the game.


There are lots of different sweets to choose from.Just TAKE a pick.


There have been many MORE refugees crossing the border during the last two days.


There is no posibility FOR us finishing the project by the weekend.


There was heavy traffic in the city today BECAUSE of an accident.


There will be strong winds in the north. HOWEVER, the south will remain warm and sunny.


This product should HAVE BEEN consumed within 3 days.


To WHOM it may concern.


Today our teacher is giving us a short grammar TEST.


Unfortunately, lost HIS balance and the paint went all over Ann and HER expensive new dress.


Wait A minute.


Was there MUCH traffic on the roads this evening?


We live in Madrid, WHICH is one of my favourite cities.


Would you like to meet for a coffee after WORK.


You OUGHT to see a doctor.


You can have the job IF you agree to work in Saturdays.


You could round to our house OR we could meet at the cinema.


You will be able to TAKE that book out of the library


Your father looks really different in this picture,but I can IDENTIFY him.


Zou wont see her until she is back from her skiing TRIP.


I havent seen HIM for ages.


We havent arranged a date for the wedding yet. (BEEN)

A date for the wedding hasnt BEEN arranged yet.

My broken leg means I will be UNABLE to go on holiday with you.


She has the ABILITY to pass the exam first time round.


An ACCOUNTANT is someone who will be able to go through your accounts.


When you take the FCE Speaking paper you will be given marks for your ACCURACY(presnost).


A person who acts for a living is ana ACTOR.


If you are really sorry for what you said you wont mind APOLOGIZING.


The examiner tells candidates the regulations at the beggining of the exam. (TOLD)

At the beggining of the exam candidates are TOLD about the regulations.

There are so many different ways to CLASSIFY areas of English Grammar.


Have you seen her magazine COLLECTION?


There is no need to CRITICIZE my work.


When he became a teenager he wanted to be more INDEPENDENT from his parents.


Were you successful in passing the exam. (MANAGE)

Did you MANAGE to pass the exam?

Did you manage to convince him? (IN)

Did you succeed IN convincing him?

Did we send that letter to Mr Thomas? (WAS)

Do you know if that letter WAS sent to Mr Thomas.

In order to the medicine to work MORE EFFECTIVELY you must take the correct amount.


It was a really ENJOYABLE party.


In part 5 of the FCE Exam your speaking abilitywill be assessed by the EXAMINER.


You dont need to wear a suit to the party. You can look INFORMAL if you wish.


Althoug our teacher is very strict in class, she is FRIENDLIER than you would expect.


She smiled HAPPILY when they offere her the new job.


She was filled with HAPPINESS when she heard the good news.


Be sure to contact him if you need advice. He is very HELPFUL person.


IT was really DISHONEST of you to take that money without asking.


HOPEFULLY we will have enough money saved to get married next year.


Everybody was HORRIFIED by the news of the Earthquake.


I might be late for, he told me. (INFORMED)

He INFORMED me he might be late.

You look really tired, he told her. (SAID)

He SAID that she looked really tired.

What is your name?He asked. (KNOW)

He WANTED to know what my name was.

He behaves like the President of the company. (Though) AS Though/AS IF - jako kdyby - minulost

He acts as THOUGH he were the President of the company.

I dont share your views on capital punishment, he said.(AGREE)

He told me he didnt AGREEwith my view on capital punishment.

They will have given him the news by now. (TOLD)

He will have been TOLD the news by now.

His parents raised him very strictly. (UP)

His parents brought him UP very strictly.

I have been so happy since I met you. (MIGHT)

I MIGHT not have been happy if I hadnt met you.

Meeting John in town was really surprising. (EXPECT)

I didnt EXPECT to meet John in town.

The computer was too expensive for me to buy. (ENOUGH)

I didnt have ENOUGH money to buy the computer.

I will help you with your homework. (MIND)

I dont MIND helping you with your homework.

I dont think it is a good idea to get married too early. (IN)

I dont believe IN getting married too early.

It is the most beautiful painting I have ever seen. (SEEN)

I have never SEEN such a beautiful panting.

I have got reduce the amount of sweets I eat. (DOWN) (ON)

I must cut DOWN (on) the number of sweets I eat.

I went to the office,then remembered it was my day off. (HAVE). Nemusel sem jit do prace,pac sem mel volno,ale stejne sem sel.

I neednt HAVE gone to the office as it was my day off.

The garage on the corner usually repairs my car. (HAVE).

I usually HAVE my car repaired by the garage on the corner.

If you do the washing up, I will make the coffee. (PROVIDED)

I will make the coffee, PROVIDED that you do te washing up.

I wont organize the party unless you arrange the food. (LONG)

I will organize the party as LONG as you I arrange the food.

Id love to know how John is getting on. (KNEW)

I wish I KNEW how John was getting on.

I woud prefer you to get home early tonight. (RATHER)

I would RATHER you got home early tonight.

It will be better for you to come along. (SOONER)

I would SOONER you came on your own.

I only told you because I thought you would be interested.(TOLD)

I wouldnt have TOLD you if I thought you werent interested.

My teacher says there has been a lot of IMPROVEMENT in my english lately.


I thought you had more INTELLIGENCE than that.


I think it would be a good idea to speak to the manager first. (WERE)

If I WERE you, I would speak to the manager first.

I regret not inviting Cathy to the party. (ONLY)

If ONLY I had invited Cathy.

The reason I havent got much money is because the didnt give me promotion. (POOR)

If they had given me promotion, I wouldnt be poor now.

You never enter competitions so you will never win anything.(MIGHT)

If you entered competitions, you MIGHT win the something.

Experts estimate that most people now has acces to the Internet. (IS)

It IS estimated that most people now has acces to the Internet.

I think taxes should be increased. (TIME)

It is high TIME the taxes increased.

The food was so good we had to leave a tip. (SUCH)

It was SUCH good food we had to leave tip.

I will call you later tonight, Keith promised. (WOULD)

Keith promised he WOULD call me later that night.

In many countries it is ILLEGAL to smoke cigarettes under the age of 16.


The body was discovered LYING on the floor


My belt feels a bit ttight after that huge lunch. I think I will have to LOOSEN a litle.


What a beautiful vase. That is the LOVLIEST present I have ever had.


This summer has been much cooler than last year. (COOL)

Last summer was not as COOL as this year.

He has just taken out a MONTHLY subscription to the magazine.


A MUSICIAN is someone who earns money from writing music.


My host family will let you stay with us.(UP)

My host family put you UP with us.

Thieves have burgled our house. (INTO)

Our house has been broken INTO.

He waited IMPATIENTLY for the train.


The singer have a brilliant PERFORMANCE.


He tried to fix his machine but it was IMPOSSIBLE.


The teacher told me it was IRRESPONSIBLE of me to set off the fire alarm.


This is a doctor WHO cured my illness.

Relative pronoun

On hearing the news, everyone was overcome with a feeling of SADNESS.


The recipe says you only need to add 2 SPOONFUL of salt.


He told her that he SYMPATHIZED with her problem, but couldnt do anything to help.


What do you think of the college? (ASKED)

She ASKED me what I thought of the college.

Why dont you come this evening? (SUGGESTED)

She SUGGESTED that I should come that evening.

In the future she became a succesful business woman. (WENT)

She WENT in to become a succesful business woman.

The bomb exploded early this morning. (OFF)

The bomb went OFF early this morning.

I didnt break the window, said the boy. (DENIED) Denied - ING always

The boy denied that he had broken the window. The boy denied breaking the window.

The course was noteasy as Id expected. (MORE)

The course was MORE difficult than Id expected.

The police have cancelled the demonstration. (HAS)

The demonstration HAS been cancelled by the police.

Steve definitely didnt write that essay. (WRITTEN), definitely - MUST or CANT

The essay cant have been WRITTEN by Steve.

You must do your homework tonight, the teacher said. (TOLD)

The teacher TOLD me to do my homework.

There have been more redundancies this year than before. (NUMBER)

There has been a rise in a NUMBER of redundancies this year.

Dont bother to apply for the job. ( POINT)

There is no POINT( in) applying for the job.

Businesses are said to be worried about interest rates. (CONCERN)

There is said to be CONCERN amongst businesses about iterest rates.

They have cancelled the wedding. (OFF)

They have called OFF the wedding.

I dont think they should abolish(zrusit)military service.(AWAY) - skoncovat s

They shouldn do AWAY with military service.

This car isnt safe enough to drive. (DANGEROUS)

This car is too DANGEROUS to drive.

This exercise is easier than the last one. (HARD)

This exercise is not as HARD as the last one.

VISITORS to the castle are expected to come during visiting times only.


The waiter asked the WAITRESS if she would help him deal with a difficult customer.


Perhaps we missed the correct turning. (MIGHT). Perhaps - MIGHT/MAY/COULD

We MIGHT have missed the correct turning.

We got a table at the restaurant without a reservation.(NEED)

We dont NEED to book a table at the restaurant. We neednt book the table at the restaurant.

Id see a doctor If I were you. (OUGHT)

You OUGHT to see a doctor.

I am not as good at maths as you. (BETTER)

You are BETTER at maths than me.

I am afraid you cant smoke in here. (ALLOWED)

You are not ALLOWED to smoke in here.

You should take an umbrella with you. (BETTER)

You had BETTER take an umbrella with you.

Loans must be repaid in full. (BACK)

You must pay BACK all the money.

You were expected to answer all the question on the exam paper. (ANSWERED)

You should have ANSWERED all the question on the exam paper.

They will expect you to wear a suit for the interview. (HAVE)

You will HAVE to wear a suit for the interview.

That is THE man I was telling you about.


The house WAS built ten years ago.

auxiliary verb

We could go on picnic OR we could stay indoors


Books SHOULD not be removed from the library.

modal verb

They didnt play ENOUGH to win.


She has been suffering FROM a bad cold at the moment.


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