Federalism Review

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expressed powers

those delegated powers of the nation government that are spelled out in the constitution; also called the "enumerated powers"

An enabling act directs any area desiring Statehood to

Become an organized territory.

Collect Taxes

Both, Expressed

Punish crimes

Both, Implied

Funds given to a State by the National Government with special conditions attached are examples of?

Categorical Grants.

privileges and immunities clause

Constitution's stipulation that all citizens are entitled to certain "privileges and immunities," regardless of their State of residence; no State can draw unreasonable distinctions between its own residents and those persons who happen to live in other States.

In what areas are the States denied powers?

Constitution, Individual State constitutions, existence of the federal system.

Citizens who commit a crime in one State and then flee to another State to escape prosecution are to be returned to the original State under


From the State's point of view, what advantage did revenue sharing have over federal grants-in-aid programs?

Federal control over policy matters.

Declare war

National, Expressed

Maintain armed forces

National, Expressed

Make treaties

National, Expressed

Regular interstate commerce

National, Expressed

Build an interstate highway system

National, Implied

Prohibit racial discrimination in access to restaurants

National, Implied (law expressed in schools)

Deport alien

National, Inherent

Regulate immigration

National, Inherent

What is an example of reasonable discrimination a State may exercise against a citizen of another State?

Residency requirements for professional activities and voting. Out of state residents pay more for college. Higher fees for hunting and fishing licenses.

Set up public school systems


The Full Faith and Credit Clause of the Constitution provides that

State laws and court decisions must generally be honored by other states.

What is an expressed power of the National Government?

The power to coin money.

Why might States feel the need to form compacts with other States?

To share resources.

The system of federalism provides for all of the following EXCEPT

Uniform laws among the States.

enabling act

act directing the people of a United States territory to frame a proposed State constitution as a step towards admission of the union.

division of powers

basic principle of federalism; the constitutional provisions by which governmental powers are divided on a geographical basis. (in U.S. between national government and states)

act of admission

congressional act creating a new state into the union.

full faith and credit clause

constitution's requirement that each state accept public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every state.

Concurrent powers are those that are

exercised simultaneously by the National and the State governments.

interstate compacts

formal agreement entered into with the consent of Congress, between or among States, or between a State and foreign state.

grants-in-aid programs

grants of federal money or other resources to the states and their cities, countries, and other local units


legal process by which a fugitive from justice in one state can be returned to that state.

block grants

one type of federal grants-in-aid for some particular but broadly defined are of public policy.

categorial grants

one type of federal grants-in-aid; made for some specific, closely defined, purpose.

project grants

one type of federal grants-in-aid; made for specicfic projects to states, localitites, and private agencies who apply for them.

inherent powers

pwers the constitution is preseumed to have delegated to nation government because it is the government of a soverign state within the world community.

In certain situations, States can give referential treatment to_____ over _______.

residents over nonresidents


system of government in which a written constitution divides powers of government on territorial basis, between a central government and several regional governments, usually called states or provinces.

implied powers

those delegated powers of the national government that are suggested by the expressed powers set out in the constitution; those "necessary and proper" to carry out expressed powers.

reserved powers

those posers that the constitution does not grant to nation government and does not deny to the states.

concurrent powers

those powers that both the nation government and states posses and exercise.

exclusive powers

those powers that can be exercised by the national government alone.

delegated powers

those powers, expressed, implied, or inherent, granted to the national government by the constitution.

When would a State not give full faith and credit to the public acts of another State?

A man convicted of burglary in Wisconsin moves to Utah.

The Constitution requires the National Government to guarantee

A republican form of government for every State.

The power of the National Government to coin money is

An expressed power.

The States are actually the most important players in the federal system is

An opinion.

States must honor the legality of one another's civil laws because of the

Full Faith and Credit Clause.

Without the expressed powers of the National Government, there would be no

IMplied powers.

States gain needed resources through grants-in-aid, while the National Government gains

Influence over State and local affairs.

Agreements States enter into with both foreign nations and other States with the consent of Congress are?

Interstate Compacts.

What is the basic characteristic of federalism?

It divides power between a National Government and State governments.

What is true about the powers of the National Government?

It is a government of delegated powers.

What is true about local governments?

Local government is a subunit of State government.

Coin money

National, Expressed

What are three areas in which States give full faith and credit to citizens of other states?

Public acts, records and judicial proceedings.

What is NOT among the obligations that the National Government has to the States?

Recognition of State constitutions as the supreme law of the land.

Licence professionals


Regulate the sale of liquor


The power of the Federal Government to make grants-in-aid can be traced to which expressed power of Congress?

THe power to lay and collect taxes

supremacy clause

a provision of the U.S. constitution that states that the constitution, federal law, and treaties of the U.S. are the "Supreme Law of the Land"

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