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2 main forms of feedback

1. Knowledge of Performance 2. Knowledge of Results

To motivate the performer

A coach can provide feedback which motivates the performer to continue to strive for improvement or to re-assure the performer that progress is happening. Motivational feedback must be realistic. "You are currently at stage 11.4 in the Beep Test. If you can get to stage 13.5, you will be considered to play in the starting line up"


A performer sees her shot at goal miss the target. This feedback is a direct consequence of the performer's actions


A process conducted after the performance which allows the coach and players to provide feedback about their perception of the performance. Debriefing is an important part of the psychological recovery from the physical activity. Debriefing provides the opportunity to; Obtain feedback about the quality of the session Note any problems that require solution for the next session Used to focus players attention on upcoming events Discuss areas of focus outlined in the front loading at the start of the session. Can include questions, analysis of performance Did we create the loose man in attack - if not why not? If we did, what methods did we use most effectively?


Additional feedback provided by an external source. It provides additional information to the performer. -eg the coach tells the player that she missed the shot at goal because she had no follow through. -Use of video playback is a very useful form of augmented feedback.

The most beneficial feedback is: Directed at behaviour which is changeable

Changeable: "Move your feet into position sooner" Unchangeable: "You're too short to play in first team"

The most beneficial feedback is: Constructive, not destructive

Constructive Recognises positive parts of the athletes behaviour and suggests further ways to improve. "An improved defensive effort today but you must work to make yourself an option in attack" Destructive Provides no motivation or encouragement. "Did you catch a train to the ground? You are a passenger today- just terrible!"

To Reinforce learning

Feedback can be used to reinforce learning or performance which increases the chances of the behaviour being repeated . "You played really well today because you looked for a team mate to pass the ball to, just like at training, instead of just kicking it without looking first."

Non - verbal feedback

Feedback communicated to the performer without using words. -Gestures, body language, posture, facial expression, hand signals -Is often used in conjunction with verbal feedback and can, if used correctly, reinforce the verbal communication -eg a coach with an angry facial expression giving the team a spray at half time about their poor first half performance has his verbal message reinforced by his facial expression.

To Change Performance

Feedback given to the performer aimed at changing aspects of their performance. -Information provided to the performer on what needs to be changed for future attempts if improvement is to occur. -Positive feedback should be included in the feedback as should some words of encouragement to maintain motivation levels. "You are getting into space to receive the ball really well but you are trying to take on too many defenders and then losing the ball - look to move the ball on a bit quicker"

Purpose of feedback

Feedback is essential to improvement as it allows the performer to compare his current performance with desired performance. -reinforcement -motivation -Without feedback, a performer will not be able to correct errors and make changes to improve performance with the same speed and proficiency as when feedback is available.

The most beneficial feedback: Contains information

Feedback must include useable information which promotes enthusiasm in the performer.

Internal Feedback

Feedback received from sensory receptors inside muscles, joints and tendons which provide information to the performer about their execution of the skill eg a skilled hockey player knows as soon as they hit the ball whether it was a clean, well timed hit because sensory receptors send messages to the brain about how the contact felt.

The most beneficial feedback is: Clear and concise

Feedback should be easily understood and relates specifically to the situation at hand. Feedback should contain one or two points only to avoid overloading the performer. If feedback is unclear, the performer may become confused about the situation and make errors.

Negative Feedback

Feedback which highlights negative aspects of the performance or things that went wrong. -Can be demotivating to the athletes -Can lead to drop out from the sport -Can still be constructive if it contains information the athlete can use to change their future performance. -Elite athletes can cope with negative feedback better than learners.

Positive Feedback

Feedback which recognises what was done well during a performance. -Very important in helping young players in particular to maintain their motivation. -Actions which are positively recognised and reinforced are likely to be repeated.

The most beneficial feedback is: Specific, not general

General "Good work. Well done" Contains no information that the performer can use to improve / change future performance. Specific Contains information "You played well today - your catching in the outfield was excellent because you moved into the correct position under the ball much quicker than last week"

External Feedback

Information received from outside the body. It is received by the sensory system and is seen, felt or heard. External feedback can be: Intrinsic Augmented

Knowledge of Results

Objective feedback which provides the performer with information regarding the success of their performance in achieving a desired outcome. -It is an analysis of the result or outcome of the movement.

Knowledge of Results Diagram

Perceptual mechanism>Decision Mechanism>Effector Mechanism>Movement>Movement Outcomes

Terminal Feedback

Provided AFTER the movement has been completed by external source. -The performer can only use this feedback to change future performance.

Concurrent Feedback

Provided DURING the performance either internally or through the coach. The player can use this information to immediately change performance if need be, or if the feedback is positive, maintain current performance.

Verbal Feedback

Spoken augmented feedback provided by a coach or similar -eg a baseball catcher may say to the pitcher "slow down and try and get some rhythm into your throws".

Knowledge of Performance

Subjective feedback that a performer receives regarding the quality of their movement or technique. -It is an analysis of technique and execution of the performance. Swimming - " you are over rotating when you breath" Football - "you are not kicking through the ball" Basketball - "you are getting good knee bend on your free throws"


The information a performer receives about their performance of a skill. -It can be given prior to, during, or after performance.

Front Loading

The process that the coach sets up before an activity/session to focus his players attention on one or more key aspects of the upcoming session eg "main thing to concentrate on today is to try and create a loose man in the attack". Front loading can also make the debriefing session at the conclusion of training more meaningful if the players have been made aware of what they should be focusing on during the training session.

The most beneficial feedback is: Provided as soon as possible

The sooner feedback is provided, the more effective it is. The longer the delay in the provision of feedback, the less impact it has on the performer.

Functions of feedback

To motivate the performer To Change Performance To Reinforce learning

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