Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
smaller at birth - weight and length; head size smaller probably bec/ of arrested brain development; slanted eyes dysmorphic facial appearance - bridge of nose lower, thin lips, ADHD poor social interpretation jittery and tremulous at birth due to nervous system impairment from exposure to alcohol cardiac problems and mental retardation (46%) alcohol on breath when born
5 traits
alcohol related birth defects/Fetal Alcohol Effects (when not visible)/Fetal Alcohol spectrum disorder
a lifelong, completely preventable set of physical, mental and neurobehavioral birth defects from mother's drinking of alcohol during pregnancy.
define fetal alcohol syndrome
Leading cause of mental retardation and birth defects.
impact 1
8000 to 15000 ; $100,000 per child for special ed 1 in 100 same as autisum; total to us - $9billion
numbers of
100% if don't drink; first trimester the worst to drink drinking even more than 1/2 oz on one occasion
parent support groups EIP - early intervention programs - 0 to 3 years SPED classes social integration