File Systems 2

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browser cache

"files" or "pages" saved on HD so that web content doesnt need to be downloaded if its unchanged


(Logical Block Address) Disk access using sector number. - Sectors are considered numbered, starting at 0.


(Master Boot Record) First sector on hard disk, zip disk, flash drive contains MBR. - 446 bytes: Boot code - 64 bytes: Partition Table - Four 16 byte entries (three may be empty) - 2 bytes: 0x55 0xAA (footer)


(NTFS) used to record information (file system metadata) about files and directories within MFT record -have an attribute type identifier (four byte unsigned integer) -occur after standard header of file entry -are in order by attribute type identifier - vary in length (but length is always (?) a multiple of 8) -same attribute may occur more then once in file entry -end of attributes is signed by 0xFFFF FFFF in file entry -all parts of an attribute may not be required (space may be allocated but not used)

FAT file deletion

-First byte of directory entry (or entries) set to 0xE5. -FAT cluster entries for the file set to 000 or 0000 or 0000 0000

registry files


Unsigned Integer

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, .... 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, ...0x0A, 0x0B... -if bits represent and unsigned integer all bits are used to form a binary number (or most equivalently a hexadecimal number)


12 bits (1 1/2 bytes) per cluster


16 bits (2 bytes) per cluster


32 bits (4 bytes) per cluster -only 28 bits (3 1/2 bytes) are significant


Alternate Data Stream -NTFS permits a file to have more than $DATA (0x80) atrribute, if the $DATA attribute is named, it is an alternate data stream -keeps file of data for carrier file -$Bad in $BadClus is an ADS -ADS is mostly hidden from the system -Forensics implication: ADS is a way to hide data (files)


D - deleted V - drive (volume) letter n - number (0, 1, ...) ext - original extension


Extensible Firmware Interface (officially UEFI (Unified Extensible Fireware Interface)) -Intel ("Tiano") developed, since standardized fireware-op system interface. Includes boot services and partition specifications.


FAT32 only -sectors contaning "hints" about file system -sector number (within partition) of FSINFO in VBR at bytes 0x30-0x31 (typically is 1 - immediately after VBR) -number of free clusters 0x1E8-0x1EB -next free cluster 0x1EA-0x1EF


File Allocation Table -A table with an entry for each cluster on a disk. Cluster's entry can be: --000 0000 00000000 (cluster not in use. Free) --xxx xxxx xxxxxxxx (cluster in use to store a file or directory and xxx... is the next cluster used for the file or directory) --FFF FFFF 0FFFFFFF (cluster is in use to store a file and it is the last cluster for the file. EOF (end of file))

FAT file system

File system which uses a FAT to keep track of clusters' allocation.


GUID (globally unique identifer) Partition Table. -Replaces the partition table of the MBR when EFI is utilized --MBR is present at sector 0 --Partition code of 0xEE in MBR partition table entry indicates GPT --GPT follows MBR


Globally Unique IDentifier


Group of one or more consecutive sectors considered to be a unit by Microsoft file system (FAT, exFAT, NTFS) -Also called allocation unit


HKCR - application information --file types of extension --open with lists --commands -- alias for HKLM\Software\Classes


HKCU -pointer to alias for HKU\SID - SID of current user


HKLM -hardware, software, security settings -- frequently important in investigations


HKU -configuration information for users (by SID)


Long File Name -File descriptor using more than 8 characters for name or 3 characters for extension or characters not legal in MS-DOS file descriptor. Also some descriptors with mixed upper and lower case letters.


Master File Table -a file containing information about every file in the NTFS volume -file information in $MFT is in MFT record or file entry -most file entry in $MFT consists of attributes (which follow the header) -one entry for every file and directory -file entries 0-11 for system files and 12-23 are reserved -after standard header, sequence of attributes -first four bytes of attribute are attribute type identifier -MFT records are kept consistent by using an update sequence


New Technology File System -Number of cluster = 0-2^64-1 (theoretical) -0-2^32-1 (implemented in XP) -Cluster size (maximum 128 sectors/cluster) -64KB with 512 byte sectors -maximum file size ~ 2^64-1 bytes (theoretical) - ~ 2^44-1 bytes (implemented) -maximum number of files = 2^32-1 -file name up to 255 unicode characters


Number of the first cluster used to store a file or directory is in the directory entry for the file. -The entry in the FAT for a cluster used to store a file contains either the number of next cluster or an end of file marker.

Numerical Prefixes

Numerical prefixes are used to express large quantities, especially storage capacity. Kilo K Thousands Mega M Millions Giga G Brillions Tera T Trillions Peta P Quadrillion Exa E Quintillion


Security IDentifier -MS Windows unique, unchangeable identifier for "security principle"


Virtual File Allocation Table -Adaptation of Windows to use LFN (with FATs)

Data run

a continuous group of clusters used for attribute contents -number of clusters in the data run followed by number of first cluster


additional references to files, alternate access to files

0x80 $data

alternate data stream (ADS) -second (or third or...) 0x80 $data atrribute which is named. must (?) be "attached" to existing file, essentially a file attached to a file

0x10 $standard_information

always resident -flag at 0x08 of attribute header is always 00 -four dates/times file creation (born) file alteration (modification,write) file entry alteration (modification,change) file read (accessed)


attach a storage device to a system so the data on the device is accessible -attach a volume within a file system so that the volume is incorporated into the file system (usually as a directory)

Resident Attribute

attribute entirely within MFT entry (many attributes are resident) - attributes consisting of a header and contents (or data)

Non-resident Attribute

attribute partially (maybe mostly) outside $MFT -data attribute is frequently non-resident -attribute consisting of a header and location (clusters) of the attributes contents (or data) -flag at 0x08 is 01


backup copy of first four file entries in $MFT

Little Endian

bytes are stored with least significant byte first. Effectively, this means reverse order. -intel architecture uses little endian

shell bags

collection of keys recording each folders display setting for a user


collection of nodes conneced by directed edges with no cycles

Sysinternals Suite

collection of tools (software) for obtaining information (some live) about a computer


contains entries for all unicode characters to define a collating sequence for file names


contains information about the volume itself (the volume name) -file size is 0 -may be contained completely within $MFT (all attributes may be resident)

symbolic link

creates 0xC0 $reparse_point attribute

short cut

creates new file with link information in 0x80 $data attribute

registry data

data (value) in registry is in three parts: -Name -Type -Value


data structured which can be efficiently searched -NTFS directory's file (and subdirectories) are in b-tree


database of settings and information for a system. Maintained in several files and memory - intended to replace initialization and configuration files


decreased by 1


directory for containing additional files for NTFS (extending NTFS)

recycle bin

extend across volumes


extended FAT (extended File Allocation Table) -larger files and more files then FAT32 -max volume size(theoretical) 2^57 -primary VBR sectors 0-11 -backup VBR sectors 12-23 -for larger flash drives and SSD's -older versions of D.F tools may not recognize exFAT -allocation status of clusters is recorded in $BITMAP


file (like a DB) in RECYCLED or RECYCLER\User_SID containing information about deleted files

Sparse File

file with a large number of consecutive null bytes (an entire cluster or clusters of null bytes)


first sector and cluster number 0 in NTFS -contains data about file system -contains important file system parameters (file system ID, bytes per sector, sectors per cluster, size of MFT file record(usually 2 sectors/1024 bytes), etc.) -footer (signature) 55 AA

0x30 $file_name

for "standard" file, resident attribute -may occur more than once (SFN, hard links) -MFT entry number of parent or containing directory -use 0x10 $standard_information for dates/times flags -use file size in 0x80 $data -file name in unicode (two bytes per character)

0xA0 $index_allocation

for nodes of b-tree (nonroot nodes, called index nodes)

0x90 $index_root

for root of b-tree -$I30 (name for a directory index) -32 bytes: index parameters (clusters per index node) -file (or index) entries: at least one (which may be null)


forensic value: may contain file fragments


holds security descriptors

Signed Integer

if bits are represented an (arbitrary) integer (0, +-1, +-2,...) the leading bit gives the sign of the number and the other bits are used to give the absolute value (size) of the number. -the leading bit's value indicates positive (0) or negative (1) integer. -if a byte (8 bits) is expressed in hexadecimal, the leading bit is 1 only if the high digit is 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, or F (which means the signed integer is negative)


increased by 1

nonroot node

index node -in clusters designated (by data runs) in 0xA0 $index_allocation -starts with "INDX" (ASCII) -four bytes INDX at offset 00 -four bytes at offset 0x18 is offset from 0x18 to first entry - after index header, file (index) entries


information about recycled file

Hard Link

link to file contents -direct reference to file contents -creates a 0x30 $file_name attribute

jump list

lists of recent items, organized by program. May include pinned items


module which can be added to larger program to give additional functionality


most recently used order

MFT Entry

mostly (perhaps all) file metadata


node below hives in registry - contain last write time - contain VALUES

root node

node which has no parent


node without children

dates and times

recorded elsewhere in MFT -$std_info's are used by system -UTC is converted to time zone (including daylight savings or other local bias) when shown to user


recycled file, renames


registry file analyzer


small graphic for a graphics file or icon for nongraphics file


small text file with information from web site visit

Soft Link

symbolic link -link made to file metadata -indirect reference to file contents


top level node of registry -names begin with HKEY


tracks bad clusters


tracks use of clusters -1 (set) cluster is in use -0 (clear) cluster is not in use


tree starting at a given node

0xC0 $reparse_point

used to mount volumes and also for symbolic links

0x20 $attribute_list

used when attributes wont fit in file entry (file record of MFT -list entry: attribute type number length of entry MFT entry number for attribute attribute ID attribute name (if named)

Two's compliment

using this, the leading bit indicates positive (if 0) or negative (if 1)

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