File Types & Extensions
Microsoft Access
.accdb ► Is a database management system from Microsoft that helps you store all kinds of information for reporting, analysis, and reference. ► You can manage data more efficiently and analyze large amounts of information.
Adobe Illustrator
.ai ► Is a vector graphics editor and design program. ► Vector images and graphics are made of points, lines, shapes, and curves based on mathematical formulas rather than a set amount of pixels, and therefore can be scaled up or down while maintaining image quality.
Microsoft Word (older versions)
Microsoft Word
.docx ► Is a word processing software used to make professional-quality documents, letters, reports, etc. ► It has advanced features which allow you to format and edit your files and documents
Adobe Dreamweaver
.html ► Is a website creation program that allows you to build and publish web pages almost anywhere with software that supports HTML, CSS, JavaScript and more. ► Is useful for a variety of web designers, from beginners to advanced professionals.
Adobe InDesign
.indd ► Is a desktop publishing and page layout designing software that allows you to create a variety of digital and printed material such as stationery, resumes, pamphlets, annual reports, catalogs, interactive digital publications, EPUBs, books, magazines, and more.
Acrobat- Portable Document Format
.pdf ► Is a file format that has captured all the elements of a printed document as an electronic image that you can view, navigate, print, or forward to someone else.
Microsoft Paint
.png or .jpeg
Microsoft Powerpoint (older versions)
Microsoft PowerPoint
.pptx ► Is a presentation program which allows you to create presentations from scratch or a template. ► You can add text, images, art, animations and videos.
Adobe Photoshop
.psd ► Is a raster graphics editor for working with pixel-based images designed for print, web, and mobile apps. ► Powerful editing tools let you correct exposure and color balance, crop and straighten images, alter colors in your photograph, remove blemishes from a portrait, or combine multiple images into a new scene.
Microsoft Outlook
.pst or .ost ► Allows you to send and receive email messages, manage your calendar, store names and numbers of your contacts, and track your tasks.
Microsoft Publisher
.pub ► Is a desktop publishing application that allows you to create professional documents such as newsletters, postcards, flyers, invitations, brochures
Windows Notepad
Windows Media Player
Microsoft Excel (older versions)
Microsoft Excel
.xlsx ► Is a spreadsheet application that enables users to format, organize and calculate data in a spreadsheet. ► Contains a large number of boxes called cells that are ordered in rows and columns.
Characters Not Allowed in File Extensions
< > less than and greater than : colon " double quote / \ forward slash and backslash | Vertical bar or pipe ? question mark * asterisk
audio file extension
audio file extension
audio file extension
audio file extension
audio file extension
audio file extension
audio file extension
audio file extension
image file extension
image file extension
image file extension
image file extension
image file extension
image file extension
image file extension
video file extension
video file extension
video file extension
video file extension
video file extension
video file extension
video file extension
video file extension
video file extension
Documents File Extension
► .docx ► .pptx ► .xlsx ► .pdf ► .txt ► .rtf ► .csv
Images File Extension
► .jpg ► .jpeg ► .png ► .tif ► .gif ► .bmp ► .psd
Audio File Extension
► .mp3 ► .m4a ► .aac ► .wma ► .ogg ► .wav ► .pcm ► .flac
Video File Extension
► .mp4 ► .mov ► .avi ► .amv ► .mpg ► .wmv ► .mkv ► .flv ► .mts
Other File Extension
► .zip ► .rar ► .dmg ► .exe ► .html ► .php
Google Slides
► A free online presentation app that lets you create and format presentations and work with other people ►Released in 2012
Google Docs
► A free online word processor web application that lets you create and format documents and work with other people ►Released in 2006
Google Sheets
► A free web-based application that enables users to create, update and modify spreadsheets and share the data online in real time. ►Released in 2006
► Can be opened on any open-source word processor. ► Several applications including Google Docs and Google's web-based word processor included with Google Drive can open the ODT files for editing. ► Microsoft Word can also open ODT files and save it in to other formats such as DOC and DOCX.
Google Drawings
► Is free diagramming software used to create shapes, diagrams, charts, and other types of drawings ►Released in 2010
File Extension Characters
► The entire file name, including the dot/period and the file extension is limited to 255 characters.
File Extension
►A file extension is a three- or four-letter identifier found at the end of a file name and following a period. ►These extensions tell you about the characteristics of a file and its use.
►A free email service provided by Google ►Released in 2004
►An HTML file contains Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), which is used to format the structure of a webpage. ►It is stored in a standard text format and contains tags that define the page layout and content of the webpage, including the text, tables, images, and hyperlinks displayed on the webpage.
File Explorer
►File Explorer is a file browser found in every version of Microsoft Windows since Windows 95. ►It is used to navigate and manage the drives, folders, and files on your computer.
►Is a Microsoft web browser made to replace the older Internet Explorer with faster speeds and more features ►Released in 2015
►Is a cross-platform web browser developed by Google ►It was first released in 2008 for Microsoft Windows ►It was later ported to Linux, macOS, iOS, and Android, where it is the default browser ►Released in 2008
EXE File
►Is a file extension for an executable file format ►An executable is a file that contains a program - that is, a particular kind of file that is capable of being executed or run as a program in the computer.
►Is a free open-source browser whose development is overseen by the Mozilla Corporation ►Runs on Windows, OS X, Linux, and Android ►Released in 2002
►Is a graphical web browser developed by Apple ►Is the default web browser across all Apple devices ►Released in 2003
Zip File
►ZIP is an archive file format that supports lossless data compression. ►A ZIP file may contain one or more files or directories that may have been compressed.