Film - Final

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For film, "in the can" means what? (Be specific)

"In the can" means that they are done shooting the film, and are ready to begin the editing process.

A great way for the director and actor to build trust is through [term].


A good director will always give an actor clear, [term] directions. This way, the actor feels safe enough to take risks, because they understand what the director wants.


There were some growing pains in the early stages of sound in movies. Although audiences loved this new technology, what are some examples of drawbacks of sound in movies?

Actors suddenly had to have good speaking voices The gimmicks that had worked for the actor in Silent Films did not work with sound. Orchestra musicians were now out of a job. It cost A LOT of money to convert movie theaters to sound The Universal nature of films was lost as each country used their own language.

Some trademarks of James Cameron's style as a director are:

Aerial Awe Fierce Female Characters Squad Goals Lots of Monitors

Why did they cut "sprocket holes" into the film?

Because they needed a way to control how fast the film was moving through the camera - the sprocket holes gave them a way to catch the film and capture the image.

Wes Anderson movies are distinctive in many ways. He tends to cast the same actors over and over, such as and . He also creates what is referred to as a Human Dollhouse or

Bill Murray Owen Wilson Microworld

What American film was written and filmed in the French New Wave style, featuring charismatic bank robbers? _____ What motorcycle movie set to a rock and roll soundtrack became a huge success? ___ What was the title of one of the other films that proved that unique, original films could be a huge commercial success? ____

Bonnie and Clyde Easy Rider The graduate

What four famous stars came together to create United Artists?

Charlie Chaplin Mary Pickford DW Griffith Douglas Fairbanks

The film studio in Rome that was almost destroyed during the war was called _____________________.


What French film movement in the 1920's wanted to return filmmaking to its most basic elements, light and motion?

Cinema Pur

In the Post War period, ________ put you directly in the center of the action as it unfolded. Similar to this style, _______ seeks to present reality with as little commentary as possible in these deeply personal films.

Cinema Verite Direct cinema

D.W. Griffith, with his acting background, is credited with creating this shot that cut to an actor's face at a moment of drama.

Close up

Before there was color in films, ______________ was a particularly important tool in the toolkit of cinematographers - which measured dark to light.


Parallel action or ____________, uses the idea that a film can cut back and forth between two or more events that are happening simultaneously within the world of the film.


Editing or __________ is the assembling of shots to achieve coherence.


A cinematographer or ___________ puts the "pictures" in motion pictures and must be_____ and _____ . (You have four options to choose from, but I only need 2 descriptors of the other creative roles they must fill.) It is their job to translate the director's vision into framing, lighting and camera movement, so that the film's story, emotions, and themes are conveyed _____

Director of Photography artists engineers visually

Spike Lee is known for:

Double dolly shots/character glide Films set in Brooklyn Tackling serious issues in an offbeat way

"No single film maker did as much to shape narrative film grammar in the first decade of motion pictures as ____________________________."

Edwin S. Porter

In order to match up sound with a motion picture, the engineers had to overcome some pretty major hurdles. (Mark all that are correct)

Enough Crew Microphone technology Electricity Amplification Synchronization

When setting up a shot, you have to use the space in a specific way to make sure you are telling the right story. Choose all of the options below that are ways to define how you have used the space in your shot. (You get a point for every correct answer, and a point taken away for every incorrect answer.)

Expansive Shallow Round Symmetrical Asymmetrical Cramped Deep Linear

What are the two types of Conflict that help both move a story forward and the audience identify with the main character?

External / Internal Conflict

After the advent of sound in films, there were many more opportunities for women in film, especially in the cutting room, editing.


Costume has absolutely nothing to do with character; it's just whatever looks best on the actor.


Silent Films were shown in total silence, so you would focus on the visual.


The ultimate authority on whether or not you have a high quality film is always the Festival Directors.

False - Sorry, no, it's false. Sometimes your film just doesn't fit the theme of their festival that year.

A Director's job is to have all the answers.

False - That's right! A Director's real job is to have a strong sense of where the answers are buried and point their team in the right direction!

The Actor's job is to wait until the Director tells them exactly what to do.

False - That's right! The actor's job is to deeply understand the character and give the director multiple options in the scene.

Documentaries have a very strict style all their own, and never borrow from traditional fictional storytelling techniques.

False - That's right, it's false. Documentaries can use interviews, footage of actual events, abstract recreations or traditional narrative storytelling.

Experimental films ALWAYS follow the rules of narrative filmmaking, aiming to evoke a purely physical response.

False - That's right, it's false. Experimental films reject the rules of narrative filmmaking, and aim to evoke a specific mood, thought or emotion.

Movies are carefully planned to only be shot in the season for which they are designed, so as to save money on outside seasonal shots.

False - That's right, it's false. Sometimes they have to buy leaves to scatter on the ground or bring in snowblowers! Not to mention the poor actors that have to wear winter coats and mittens even though it's 90 degrees outside....

The cinematographer's job only begins when they begin shooting on set.

False - That's right, it's false. Their job begins WAY before, as they have to assemble the camera department, plan the shots, order any special equipment, etc.

What is the name of the hugely prestigious film festival where Francois Truffaut won Best Director in 1959?

Festival de Cannes

The one section of film between the black spaces is called a ______________.


Genre comes from the _____ language, and it simply means ______ .

French a kind

What are the ways that early public screenings of films were changing the world? (Choose all that are correct)

Group dynamic Seeing far away places Method of mass communication

Possibly the most widely known experimental Canadian filmmaker still living is ________________________.

Guy Maddin

Which of these departments spends the most one on one time with the actors?


How did they create color films in the early 1900's?

Hand tint each frame

What code did the MPPDA put in place to tell directors and producers what they could and could not show onscreen? (Specifically pertaining to morals)

Hays Code MPPC

The template for visual storytelling, popularized by mythologist Joseph Campbell is called the __________ _____________.

Hero's Journey

The Independents, who banded together to battle Edison's stranglehold on the industry, moved out to what now famous location?

Hollywood, CA

How are documentaries different from traditional narrative films?

Instead of inventing their stories and characters, they seek them out in the real world

When looking at Three Act Structure, there are certain parts of the story that need to happen at certain times. Name one event that must happen in EACH of the 3 Acts.

Introducing us to the characters Success and setbacks Climax of the film

Choose all of the correct reasons why the actors called the studio in West Orange, NJ the "Black Maria".

It was really hot in there because all shooting must be done in full sun. The walls were covered in tar paper It was an old reference to a Paddywagon or police transport vehicle.

By the 1940's, post WWII, audiences were ready for something new. The first movement to find its voice in cinema was _______ Because they lived through a more violent time during the war, filmmakers such as _____ and ______ craved a more raw and authentic style than what Hollywood was churning out.

Italian Neo-Realism Rossellini, De Sica

What is an example of one of the early summer Blockbusters, and who directed the film?

Jaws - Steven Spielberg

What young French film critic wrote a scathing review of 21 French filmmakers in 1959?

Jean Luc Godard

Usually, you can discover genre based on character and story; for example, in a Horror genre, you usually have these six characters. (Choose the six correct answers)

Jock Token Minority Nice Guy Slut Nerd virgin

Zach Daulton has some great tips for getting your film accepted into film festivals. (Choose all of the following correct options)

Keep it Short Use Film Freeway! Have Something to Say Make sure you hit the Early Bird Deadlines

______ is famous for his comprehensive documentaries, such as his 9 part series on The Civil War. For a bonus point, name another one of his famous documentaries.

Ken burns

In Three Point Lighting, you need to have light, light, and light in order to light your subject properly. The first one is the main light, the second takes away the shadows, and the third separates the subject from their background.

Key Fill Backlight

There were several problems with the early Kinetoscopes and Kinetographs.

Kinetograph - could not be moved, was very heavy, all shooting much be done in one location. required LOTS OF LIGHT to work. Kinetoscope - only one person could view at a time.

Thomas Edison is known as an inventor - what is the name of the machine that Craig wanted to name "a coin-operated-entertainment-machine -o-graph"?


Which American inventor solved the problem of amplification with his Audion 3 Electrode Amplifier Tube?

Lee De Forest

When an inexperienced (or just plain bad) director goes for "result-oriented" directing, they have a tendency to give the actor a [term], which they might think is helping, but is only causing the actor to have to mimic them instead of discovering it for themselves.

Line reading

The ______________ Brothers invented the first amazing all-in-one film capturer, developer, and projector called the Cinematographe'.


What are some of the earmarks of French New Wave? (Choose all that apply)

Making films swiftly Lightweight equipment Characters talking directly to the camera Spontaneous Plots

Which of these French filmmakers emerged from the Dada movement? (Choose all that are correct)

Marcel Duchamp Ferdinand Leger Rene Clair Man Ray

There are several in-camera effects that Georges Melies used to great effect: name one of these.

Matting Double Exposure Split Screen

Name the female American filmmaker in the 1940's who believed that films were intended to create an experience, not tell a story. She wanted you to feel it, not try to understand it.

Maya Deren

MGM stands for


What is the origin of the phrase "Mise en Scene" and what is the definition?

Mise en Scene is French and it means "to place", especially on stage.

In the Golden Age of Silent Film, which of these things are true? (There will be multiple correct answers - mark ALL that are correct)

Movie Studios wielded enormous power. Films were not really silent, they had orchestration of some kind, usually live musicians.

The first known use of Feature Film length documentary techniques is Robert Flaherty's film ___________________________________________.

Nanook of the North

Agnes Varda's work was considered especially good because of which of the following factors? (Choose all answers that apply)

Non-professional actors Documentary Realism Real Life Locations

Moving the camera horizontally is known as , but when the camera is moved up or down vertically, that is .

Pan Tilt

What major studio that we know today as _________________________exercised total control over their actors and directors in the Silent Film Era?

Paramount Pictures

One of Kathryn Bigelow's most commercially famous movies was referred to as a "Wet Western". This 1991 film is called _______ However, she won the Oscar for Best Director for the film

Point Break The Hurt Locker

Which of these is true about Hair and/or Makeup? (Choose all that apply)

Referred to as HMU Need to know how to do basic illusions, like cuts, bruises, scars, tattoos and bad teeth Is important for their work to be seen, but not noticed

Which famous surrealist painter collaborated on the film "Un Chien Andalou"? For a bonus point, name one of this painter's famous works.

Salvador Dali The Burning Giraffe

The written version of a movie is called a . It is not the final product: think of it as a set of plans or a to guide the different teams as they work together to produce the film.

Screenplay Blueprint

Thomas Ince was famous for streamlining movie production by breaking up the process into 5 distinct jobs. These jobs were

Screenwriter Director Editor Producer Studio Head

The Set Decorator or _______ chooses the details and designs the set. They either buy or rent what they need, but if it's something very specific, they might have to it _____ themselves.

Set Designer Build

After the director has chosen the Setting for the film, the Scenic Designer will choose objects that exist in the environment of the actors, BUT NOT PICKED UP BY THEM, which are called .

Set dressing Props

The Special Effects Department will always have a/an __________ on set, in case there is a risky scene or particularly demanding stunt for the actors. The Location Department first starts off with a ______ who looks for the places to film, but then the ________ plans out where everything will go, including basecamp, trailers and storage And if you need a snack on set, you need to look for ______ to get a granola bar and some water!

Set medic Scout, location manager Crafty

Every movie script is formatted with 3 specific elements: - which is written in all CAPS and tells the team where/when to shoot. - written in the present tense, limited to what the audience can see and hear - words spoken by the characters

Sluglines Action Dialogue

If you are shooting a romantic scene, what sort of lighting are you most likely to choose?


The three stages of filmmaking that were eventually ruled a monopoly and had to be owned by more than one company were to be produced by a , then , and finally to the general public.

Studio Distributor Exhibitor

Steven Spielberg Films are very recognizable. Choose all the correct ways you might identify them.

Sweeping Score by John Williams Characters have Daddy Issues Ordinary people; Extraordinary Circumstances Characters struggle to survive

"Matching up sounds to images" is the definition of what term?

Synchronous Sound

Nothing shook the foundations of movie making like the coming of what revolutionary breakthrough?

Synchronous Sound

Craig says that the discovery of Film was a total accident.


The need to find a way to capture a moving object basically started as a bet between two men at a sporting event in California. What was the bet about? (Make sure you are specific!)

That a horse at full gallop has all four hooves off the ground.

The famous film, _______________________, used parallel action to great effect, and also pioneered moving the camera during filming.

The Great Train Robbery

The first film that is credited with establishing sound in movies forever was Al Jolson in [term].

The Jazz singer

Charlie Chaplin has given us some of the best comedic feature films from the Silent Era. Name 3 of these films

The Kid The Gold Rush City Lights

Georges Melies most famous film "A Trip to the Moon" is iconically known for what image?

The Man in the Moon with a Space Capsule stuck in his eye

Charlie Chaplin's unprecedented films managed to merge humor and social criticism and the plots usually focused on what theme?

The gently, accidental heroism of the downtrodden; making the rich and powerful the butt of his jokes.

How does Craig Benzine define Film? (There are multiple answers to this question; choose 2 possible answers for this question).

The term "film" was first used to describe light-sensitive technology, a thin, flexible material coated in light sensitive emulsion that retains an image after it is exposed to light. Also, the cornerstone of modern entertainment. Also, a film is a movie - it is a verb and a noun. Also, an art form that is a combination of literature, photography, drama and music.

What film was rumored to have made movie-goers run screaming from the theatre?

The train arrives at La Ciotat Station

Master documentarian Errol Morris made the film [term1] which told the story of a man on death row for a crime he didn't commit.

Thin blue line

This style of filmmaking, made famous by such films as_______ (a film that poked fun at the major rock documentaries of the time), is known as a ________ . Another famous horror film made in this style was _____.

This is spinal tap Mockumentary Blair witch project

What is the Costume Designer's MOST IMPORTANT job?

To understand the characters and how they grow throughout the film, and then tell that visual story through their clothing.

"If the type of shot can indicate a word, then the mise en scene could be the ____________ in which the word is said."


Before photography, there were several different ways to capture images: The Camera Obscura, Daguerreotypes, etc. Name one way that these early devices were problematic.

Toxic chemicals Long exposure time Pictures were very fragile Difficult to replicate

A trio of German inventors successfully patented their process of recording sound on film, by translating sound waves into electric impulses, which were then converted to light waves which were photographically recorded onto the film strip. This was called [term].

Tri-Ergon Process

Craig relates film to a magic trick, because of the way our brains process information.


Hollywood was not really interested in "Talkies" because they figured it was just a fad that would fade away.


Movie-goers craved gossip about the private lives of celebrities in the Silent Film Era.


One of the major rules of filmmaking is "Show, Don't Tell".


One way around this new moral code was a concept called Compensating Values, which stated that you could show all manner of vices for most of the movie, as long as virtue won out in the end.


The Era of New Hollywood Cinema lasted from about 1967 - 1980 and was extremely influential on such directors as Steven Soderburg, Spike Lee and Quentin Tarantino.


The major purpose of a documentary is to examine a non-fiction subject while seeking to entertain and inform the viewer using actual facts.


The first Italian Neo-Realist film was Rossellini's 1945 masterpiece Rome: Open City. Choose all the answers why this film became a huge hit.

Used actual bombed buildings Shot in the Italian capital after WWII Shocking deaths Plot meanders from character to character Extremely rough look

These (now famous) brothers were the first studio to use Vitaphone technology in all of their movie theatres and first screen the huge hit, DonJuan.


There are many ways color can affect the mood of your film and give insight into characters. For example, if you used a LOW saturation of color in your film, you want the audience to feel or .

Washed out Desolate

Craig says that film is a unique artistic medium that can take on different meanings depending on three different factors for the individual viewer. Choose all that are correct.

When you watch it. Who you're with. Where you are.

You can also begin to choose the correct genre by the way a film is shot, technically. For example: you might find shaky and handheld camera angles and quick cuts in a/an _______ movie. There are also specific colors associated with this genre, which are ____ and _____ .

action blue, orange

The Director has another huge job in Post-Production, which is to marry all the options given to them by all five of these teams that worked on the film , , , , and .

actors cinematographers designers editors composers

Everything in the Mise en Scene is found or made by the ______ , while the costumes wore by the actors are found or created by ________

art department wardrobe department

The 2nd AC or _________ (what AC stands for) operates the slate or _______ to mark each scene. When the DP wants the noise they make quieter, she might ask for ______

assistant camera Clapper Soft sticks

You will sometimes hear Experimental Film referred to as or because sometimes there are no characters, no story, and no setting - you know, that weird stuff.

avant garde vanguard

Between the 1930's and 1950's, most of the films coming out of California were chaste, formulaic, and mostly upbeat - the good guy usually won. This was referred to as _____ Husbands and wives usually did not share a ___ The flat generic lighting used was called _____ lighting, to make sure the whole frame was visible.

classic hollywood bed high key lighting

Lily says, "Just like every line of dialogue, every shot should to the audience. We should be able to watch a film , and still be able to get what is going on."

convey new information with the sound off

All lenses have either a ____ or a _____ focal length. Focal length determines your ________which determines how much you can see in the frame. ___ mm is generally thought to be how our eyes see the world.

fixed, variable 50

Governments harnessed the power of ____ documentary filmmaking to public opinion. One of the most famous examples of this is ______ the German film , which documented Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party. The United States was not far behind, and released their own documentaries to drum up support for WWII. These were Frank Capra's films .

influence triump of the will Why we fight

All of your beautiful footage stored on your camera is called the ______ . In a DIGITAL camera, this can be in the form of tapes, drives or cards. You will also need to decide on a ______; this term is a portmanteau of "coder" and "decoder" because ___

media, codec, that's what it does

Martin Scorsese is quoted as saying, "I can't talk about , I don't know what that is really." True or False: According to the Video Essay, Scorsese is considered to be an incredibly diverse director because he is able to adapt his style to suit the needs of each film. -

my own style true

Movies tend to focus on three main things: - the film's main character (usually takes the greatest journey, either physically or emotionally) - something the main character wants - (usually desperately) - something that stands in the way of the main character getting what they want.

protagonist goal obstacles

The First Principles of Documentary say that the true power of cinema lies in ___________________________________________________________________________________.

recording and representing real life, instead of creating stories.

When setting up a shot, you want to think about this rule or _______ which is a general way to think about composing a frame. You also want to think about camera movements: a ____ is like we are leaning in on the action or getting closer, and a _____ is the opposite, this might lessen our connection to the scene.

rule of thirds push pull

In Audio, both the musical score and ______are used to help define genre. In a comedic movie, the sound helps to ______ or emphasize comedic moments.

sound effects exaggerate

Because the phonograph had become problematic for creating synchronous sound, there was a new theory that wanted to record sound photographically. This was called [word].


In filmmaking lingo, which of these jobs is considered to be "above the line"? (Choose all that are correct).

star actors producer writer director

Quentin Tarantino is quoted as saying, "Great artists don't do homages, they . " His films are also very well known for and

steal Being bloodbaths professional criminals as characters

You can also get a feel for the genre based on the setting: for example, it is likely that a Western film would be set in _______________________.

the desert

When looking to identify the genre of a film, you first need to look at some specific traits. These are commonly referred to as _______ or if you want to get fancy, Paradigms. These can be broken down into 4 sections: _______, _________ , ,_________ and Audio.

the generic convention Character and story set Technical

The REAL job of the camera is to what?

to capture the visuals that let us enter the world of the movie and let us feel what the characters are feeling.

The "general" of the filmmaker's army is the _____ , who is responsible for almost all the hiring. The person whose responsibility it is to communicate directly with the director and enforce safety standards is the ________ The 2nd AD is usually found behind the "behind the scenes" at ______, where the crew can go to the bathroom and eat lunch. The lowest rung on the ladder is the ________, but their job is still super important. They anticipate needs and make sure everyone hears the calls.

unit production manager 1st AD Basecamp Production Assistant

The Art Department has a Production Designer, whose job is to work with the director to develop the look , but also ________. This takes a great deal of _____ into the time period and customs of the film, even if they are set in the future or in an imaginary world.

what to include/exclude when building the world research

David Lynch's style has been called "Lynchian" which conjures up images of ___ and _____ . As the Surrealist of American cinema, his style incorporates a Universe dictated by_______ , where realism echoes the subconscious state. The film he refers to as his "Philadelphia Story" is __

white picket fences, red roses with thorns dream logic Eraserhead

The Bechdel test is when you have a film where __ The DuVernay test is considered to be the ___ equivalent to the Bechdel test. Ana DuVernay also usually includes significant moments in history.

you have two female characters who talk to each other about something other than a man. racial black

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