FInal 3 Anthropology

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H. erectus's brain increased about ________ percent compared to H. habilis's.


The common ancestor of all later catarrhines was likely


East African robust australopithecine species include

Au. aethiopicus and Au. boisei.

The best-known australopithecine, represented by hundreds of fossils and dozens of individuals found mostly at Laetoli and Hadar, is

Au. afarensis.

______________ arose around 3.5 mya and gave rise to at least two branches of hominins—later australopithecines and the genus Homo.

Au. afarensis.

The oldest australopithecine species is

Au. anamensis.

Primate fossils have been recovered from all of the following continents except:


The first European Upper Paleolithic site where anatomically modern human fossils were discovered was:

Cro-Magnon, France.

The majority of Neandertal fossils have been found in:


Homo habilis had controlled use of fire.


Homo habilis used Acheulian hand axes.


In the early twentieth century, Marcellin Boule's reconstruction of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints Neandertal skeleton led many scientists to believe that these hominins were almost indistinguishable from modern people.


Neandertal sites in what is now Israel (e.g., Kebara and Amud) clearly predate sites in the same region containing modern-looking hominins (e.g., Skhul and Qafzeh).


The Nariokotome skeleton represents the remains of an adult individual.


The Zhoukoudian fossils belonged to the species Homo habilis.


The first hominins appeared in Africa around 2-3 mya.


One of the tools of modern humans in the Americas was the

Folsom fluted point.

The largest primate that ever lived was


The first hominin species to disperse from Africa, where it originated, was

H. erectus.

In addition to bipedalism, what is the other major difference between apes and hominins?

Hominins have nonhoning chewing.

Burial of the dead with elaborate grave goods is attributed to:

Homo sapiens.

The skeleton of the first Au. afarensis individual found is nicknamed


Middle Paleolithic prepared-core stone tools, usually associated with Neandertals, are called the:


Which of the following statements is FALSE?

Neandertal brains were notably smaller than those of modern humans.

The first nonmodern human fossil to be discovered, and recognized as such, was the:

Neandertal skull from Germany.

Neandertal remains have been recovered from all of the following locations EXCEPT

Omo, Ethiopia.

Euprimates consisted of the following two groups:

Omomyids and Adapids

The oldest pre-australopithecine found to date is

S. tchadensis.

Which of the pre-australopithecines was found outside of East Africa?

S. tchadensis.

All the early hominins from Africa older than 2 mya possessed small ape-like brains.


Bipedal locomotion preceded the appearance of large brains during the course of hominin evolution.


Brain enlargement in the genus Homo coupled with a reduction of chewing muscles is correlated with a growing reliance on tools.


Direct radiometric dating of volcanic rocks provides very accurate ages for many East African Rift Valley hominin sites.


In terms of mtDNA, Neandertals differ more from modern humans than any one modern group differs from any other.


Some Neandertal skulls have cranial capacities that are larger than those of the average modern human.


The oldest recognizable artifacts are simple stone tools are referred to as the Oldowan Complex.


The archeological period in Europe starting about 35,000 yBP, marked by a great increase in technology and various kinds of art, is called the:

Upper Paleolithic period.

During excavations at this site in China, researchers found the fossil remains of over 40 hominins.


The skeletons found on the island of Flores have been interpreted as

a new species based on the morphology of the wrist bones.

The cranial morphology of Kennewick Man shows

a robust face and jaws that are not found in modern European males.

The main reason that H. erectus increased in stature and body size over H. habilis is

access to animal protein.

Eocene primates differ from Paleocene primates in the following way(s)

all of these

Fossils of H. erectus have been found at which of these sites in Ethiopia?

all of these

H. erectus has also been known as

all of these

Modern H. sapiens differ from the archaic humans in that H. sapiens possess

all of these

Robust australopithecines differ from earlier australopithecines in their

all of these

These footprints found at Laetoli show that hominins had which of the following characteristics?

all of these

Which of the following reflects changes in Homo erectus relative to Homo habilis?

all of these

The skeletal anatomy of Proconsul indicates it can be classified as

an ape.

Heavy wear on Neandertals' incisor teeth has led some scientists to conclude that Neandertals used their front teeth:

as a kind of third hand for gripping materials.

Anatomically modern humans are characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

average cranial capacity of 750 cc.

Neandertal remains from Shanidar cave in northern Iraq are argued to provide evidence of

care for the injured.

As a corollary to the idea that primates emerged as an adaptation to an arboreal environment, Matt Cartmill proposed that

catching small prey was more important in primate evolution than living in the trees.

Bipedalism has disadvantages relative to quadrupedalism, including

development of arthritis and back injuries.

In an argument with your classmate, she claims that the only difference between australopithecines and early Homo species is that the latter had a bigger brain. You argue that there are other differences, such as that

early Homo species also have a smaller face and smaller teeth.

The angiosperm radiation hypothesis of primate origins is based on the finding that

fruit was a newly available food source in the Cenozoic era.

H. erectus's change in limb proportions, to a body with short arms and long legs, indicates

fully modern bipedal locomotion.

It is possible that australopithecines went extinct and Homo flourished because of

habitat changes.

Homo habilis differs from earlier australopithecines because it

had a larger brain.

If a fully clothed Nariokotome boy were walking down the streets of New York City, which feature would indicate that he was NOT a modern human?

his face

Humans differ from apes because

humans use spoken language.

The rapid spread of H. erectus out of Africa can be attributed in part to

material culture and tool use.

The Assimilation model of the origin of modern humans states that

modern humans evolved in Africa and spread to Europe and Asia, where they interbred with Neandertals.

A valid critique of the Multiregional Continuity model of the origin of modern humans can be found in the fossil record, which shows that

modern variation originated in Africa based on the fossil record.

Which of the Fayum primates may be linked to the platyrrhines as evidenced by the presence of three premolars?


The _____________ hypothesis about hominin bipedalism states that energy-efficient walking on two legs arose so that hominins could search for food that was dispersed as a result of climatic changes at the end of the Miocene.

patchy forest

An animal bone with both animal tooth marks and stone tool cut marks may provide evidence that Homo erectus scavenged for meat if

puncture holes from carnivore teeth are found beneath cuts made by manufactured tools.

Neandertals were well adapted to cold, owing to body changes such as

relatively short limbs.

Fossil remains of archaic Homo sapiens:

show a mixture of Homo erectus and H. sapiens traits.

The best fossil evidence to suggest that Neandertals could produce a language like that of modern humans comes from which bone(s) collected at Kebara, Israel?

the hyoid

A valid criticism of the arboreal hypothesis of primate origins is that

the opossum is also an arboreal mammal but did not develop uniquely primate traits.

Charles Darwin hypothesized that bipedalism arose so that hominins would have two free hands to create and carry weapons. The fossil evidence that now refutes this hypothesis includes

the small brain and large canines of Ardipithecus.

Paleoanthropologists have found stone tool marks on Homo erectus bones, and this bit of information has been spun on TV as "cannibal hominins." A valid criticism of this sensationalistic conclusion is that

the tool marks indicate only that flesh was removed, not whether it was consumed.

Paleoanthropologists know that Acheulian hand axes were used to butcher animals because

the wear patterns on ancient tools are similar to those that can be replicated experimentally.

A valid critique of the Out-of-Africa model of human evolution based on recent research is that

there was probably gene flow between Neandertals and modern Homo sapiens.

All of the following are cultural adaptations initially developed by Homo erectus EXCEPT

tool use.

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