final database

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Each row in the relational table is known as an ________? a. entity set b. entity occurrence c. entity tuple d. entity relation


Why is identifying and documenting business rules essential to database design? a. It helps to standardize the company's view of data. b. It can be a communication tool between users and managers. c. It allows the designer to manage business processes. d. It allows the user understand relationship participation rules and constraints.


Which of the following statements best defines data dictionary? a. The data dictionary provides a detailed description of all entities in the database created by the user and designer. b. The data dictionary provides a detailed description of all tables in the database created by the user and designer. c. The data dictionary provides a detailed description of all entities in the database created by the developer and designer. d. The data dictionary provides a detailed description of all tables in the database created by the developer and designer


Which of the following statements best defines entity integrity purpose? a. Each row identifies other rows in other tables. b. Each row will have a unique identity, and foreign key values can properly reference primary key values. c. Each row will have a unique identity. d. Each row will have a value identifying foreign key values in other tables.


Building an ERD involves the following activities except a. Creating a detailed narrative of the organization's description of operations. b. Identifying the business rules based on the description of operations. c. Identifying all entities and relationships from the business rules. d. Identifying the attributes and primary keys that adequately describe the entities.


What is the most important advantage of relational database management systems? a. The use of Structured Query Language (SQL). b. The need to focus on the physical aspects of the database. c. The ability to hide the complexities of the relational model from the user. d. The level of controlled redundancy


What is the result of redundant data in the database? a. Lack of data sharing among database users b. Increased data security that leads to data access c. Data anomalies that lead to data inconsistency d. Enforced data integrity that leads to data anomalies


Which of the following is not a valid Codd's Relational Database rule? a. The database must support set-level inserts, updates, and deletes. b. Every value in a table is guaranteed to be accessible through a combination of table name, primary key value, and column name. c. Any view is theoretically updatable. d. Application programs and ad hoc facilities are logically unaffected when physical access methods or storage structures are changed.


Which of the following is not a valid component of the Object-Oriented Data Model? a. Class b. Method c. Relation d. Inheritance


Which of the following is not a valid outer join? a. RIGHT OUTER JOIN b. LEFT OUTER JOIN c. ALL OUTER JOIN d. FULL OUTER JOIN


Which of the following is not used to change a COLUMN in an TABLE? a. ADD b. MODIFY c. DELETE d. DROP


Which of the following is not a disadvantage of database systems? a. Increased costs b. Management complexity c. Vendor dependency d. Infrequent upgrades Hide Feedback


Which of the following is a valid multirow subquery operator? a. ALL b. IN c. EVERY d. EXISTS


The SQL command that allows a user to permanently save data changes is _____. COMMIT UPDATE SELECT INSERT


Which of the following is not a valid arithmetic operator? a. + : Add b. - : Subtract c. * : Multiply d. / : Divide e. @: Raise to power of


The veterinarians want to retrieve all the data in the Pet table. Select the correct SQL from these options. a. SELECT *FROM Pet; b. SELECT allFROM Pet; Hide Feedback Correct 2. The veterinarians want to retrieve the following data from the Owner table and use aliases for all the columns retrieved. First and last name, phone number and email address. a. SELECT OWNER_FNAME AS First Name,OWNER_LNAME AS Last Name, OWNER_PHONE AS PHONE,OWNER_EMAIL AS Email; b. SELECT OWNER_FNAME AS 'First Name', OWNER_LNAME AS ' Last Name', OWNER_PHONE AS PHONE,OWNER_EMAIL AS EmailFROM Owner; Hide Feedback Correct 3. The veterinarians want to know how many days from today each appointment was. Use an alias for the column results. a. SELECT CURDATE() - APPOINTMENT_DATE AS 'Days since appointment'FROM Appointments; b. SELECT TODAY_DATE - APPOINTMENT_DATEFROM Appointments; Hide Feedback Correct 4. The veterinarians want to know how many distinct pets are in the appointments table. Use an appropriate column name with an alias. a. SELECT PET_ID AS 'PET ID'FROM APPOINTMENTS; b. SELECT DISTINCT PET_ID AS 'PET ID'FROM APPOINTMENTS; Hide Feedback


Which of the following is not a function of DBMS? a. Metadata management b. Performance tuning c. Security management d. Data presentation management


Which of the following statements best defines a record? a. A record is a collection of fields. b. A record is a set of related fields. c. A record is a set of data in related files. d. A record is collection of data in files.


Which of the following statements is true? a. DBMS is Database Management Software. b. DBMS is a collection of programs that manages meta data. c. DBMS is a set of processes that manages and control access to data stored in the database. d. All of the above e. None of the above


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a relational table? a. A table is perceived as a two-dimensional structure composed of rows and columns. b. Each table row (tuple) represents a single entity occurrence within the entity set. c. Each table column represents an attribute, and each column has a distinct name. d. All values in a column may have different data format


The ANSI SQL standards are also accepted by the ISO. True False


If an entity can exist apart from all of its related entities, then _____. a. it is existence-independent. b. it can be referred to as a strong entity. c. it can be referred to as a regular entity. d. All of the above


Which of the following statements is not true? a. First normal form (1NF): Table format, no repeating groups, and PK identified. b. Second normal form (2NF): 1NF and no partial dependencies c. Third normal form (3NF): 2NF and no transitive dependencies d. Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF): Every determinant is a candidate key (special case of 3NF). e. Fourth normal form (4NF): 3NF and no dependent multivalued dependencies.


Which of the following is a rare occurrence of a relationship degree? a. Unary relationship b. Binary relationship c. Ternary relationship d. Four-degree relationship


A(n) _____ is an alternate name given to a column or table in any SQL statement. stored function data type trigger alias


Which of the following statements best defines functional dependence? a. The value of an attribute determines the value of one or more other attributes. b. The value of one or more attributes determines the value of one or more other attributes. c. The data type of an attribute determines the data type of another attribute. d. An attribute determines the relationship of one or more other attributes.


1. The veterinarians want to retrieve the owner last name, pet name, date of the appointment, treatment plan and diagnosis only for cats. Use appropriate column aliases. a. SELECT OWNER_LNAME as Owner, PET_NAME AS Pet, APPOINTMENT_DATE AS Appointment, TREATMENT_PLAN AS Plan, DIAGNOSISFROM Owner JOIN Pet USING (OWNER_ID)JOIN APPOINTMENTS USING (PET_ID)JOIN Treatment_appt USING (APPOINTMENT_ID )JOIN Treatment USING (TREATMENT_ID) ;AND SPECIES IS 'Cat'; b. SELECT OWNER_LNAME as Owner, PET_NAME AS Pet, APPOINTMENT_DATE AS Appointment, TREATMENT_PLAN AS Plan, DIAGNOSISFROM Owner JOIN Pet ON Pet.OWNER_ID = Owner.OWNER_IDJOIN Appointments ON APPOINTMENTS.PET_ID = Pet.PET_IDJOIN Treatment_appt ON Appointments.APPOINTMENT_ID = Treatment_appt.APPOINTMENT_IDJOIN Treatment ON Treatment.TREATMENT_ID = Treatment_appt.TREATMENT_IDWHERE SPECIES = 'Cat'; c. SELECT OWNER_LNAME as Owner, PET_NAME AS Pet, APPOINTMENT_DATE AS Appointment, TREATMENT_PLAN AS Plan, DIAGNOSISFROM Owner ,Pet ,Treatment;AND SPIECES = Cat; Hide Feedback Correct 2. The veterinarians want the information for appointments scheduled for November 5th and beyond. a. SELECT PET_NAME, OWNER_LNAME, APPOINTMENT_REASON, APPOINTMENT_DATEFROM Owner, Pet, AppointmentsWHERE Owner.OWNER_ID = Pet.OWNER_IDAND Pet.PET_ID = Appointments.PET_IDAND APPOINTMENT_DATE >= '2019-11-05' b. SELECT PET_NAME, OWNER_LNAME, APPOINTMENT_REASON, APPOINTMENT_DATEFROM Owner, Pet, AppointmentsWHERE Owner.PET_ID = Pet.PET_IDAND Pet.PET_ID = Appointments.PET_IDAND APPOINTMENT_DATE = November 5 c. SELECT PET_NAME, OWNER_LNAME, APPOINTMENT_REASON, APPOINTMENT_DATEFROM Owner, Pet, AppointmentsWHERE Owner.PET_ID = Pet.PET_IDAND Pet.PET_ID = Appointments.PET_IDAND APPOINTMENT_DATE = '2019-11-05' Hide Feedback Correct 3. The veterinarians want to know all appointments on October 30th that are cats. a. SELECT PET_NAME, PET_BREED, APPOINTMENT_DATE,APPOINTMENT_REASONFROM Pet JOIN Appointments ON Pet.PET_ID = Appointments.PET_IDWHERE APPOINTMENT_DATE = '2019-10-30'AND SPECIES = Cat; b. SELECT PET_NAME, PET_BREED, APPOINTMENT_DATE,APPOINTMENT_REASONFROM Pet JOIN Appointments ON Pet.PET_ID = Appointments.PET_IDWHERE APPOINTMENT_DATE = 2019-10-30AND SPECIES = 'Cat'; c. SELECT PET_NAME, PET_BREED, APPOINTMENT_DATE,APPOINTMENT_REASONFROM Pet JOIN Appointments ON Pet.PET_ID = Appointments.PET_IDWHERE APPOINTMENT_DATE = '2019-10-30'AND SPECIES = 'Cat'; Hide Feedback Correct 4. The veterinarians want to know all appointments only with cats and birds. a. SELECT PET_NAME, , SPECIES, PET_BREED, APPOINTMENT_DATE,APPOINTMENT_REASONFROM Pet JOIN Appointments ON Appointments.PET_ID = Pet.PET_IDWHERE SPECIES = ('Cat', 'Bird'); b. SELECT PET_NAME, , SPECIES, PET_BREED, APPOINTMENT_DATE,APPOINTMENT_REASONFROM Pet JOIN Appointments ON Appointments.PET_ID = Pet.PET_IDWHERE SPECIES IN ('Cat', 'Bird'); c. SELECT PET_NAME, , SPECIES, PET_BREED, APPOINTMENT_DATE,APPOINTMENT_REASONFROM Pet JOIN Appointments ON Appointments.PET_ID = Pet.PET_IDWHERE SPECIES IS 'Cat' OR 'Bird';


Which of the following is a valid SQL statement? a. SELECT FROM table_name column1, coulmn2; b. SELECT FROM table_name column1, coulmn2 c. SELECT column1, coulmn2 FROM table_name; d. SELECT column1, coulmn2 FROM table_name Hide Feedback


Which of the following is a valid characteristic of a VIEW? a. Views may be used as the basis for viewing hidden columns. b. Views provide a level of security in the database because they can restrict users to seeing a table. c. Views cannot be dynamically updated. d. You can use the name of a view anywhere a table name is expected in a SQL statement.


Which of the following is an advantage of DBMS? a. Data consistency b. Data security c. Data retrieval d. All of the above e. None of the above


Which of the following is not a true statement? a. The proper use of foreign keys minimizes data redundancies. b. The real test of redundancy is how many copies of a given attribute are stored. c. The proper use of foreign keys minimizes the chances that destructive data anomalies will develop. d. The real test of redundancy is whether the elimination of an attribute will eliminate information.


A derived attribute is _____. a. an attribute whose value is part of another attribute. b. an attribute whose value is related to other attributes. c. an attribute whose value is composed of other attributes. d. an attribute whose value is calculated from other attributes.


A single-valued attribute _____. a. may be a composite attribute because it can be subdivided into several parts. b. is not necessarily a simple attribute. c. is an attribute that can have only a single value. d. All the above


Which of the following is a valid business rule? a. An invoice may have many items. b. A customer may generate many invoices. c. A customer must reside in USA. d. All of the above e. None of the above


When using a(n) _____ join, only rows from the tables that match on a common value are returned. inner outer set full


Which of the following is a valid UPDATE command? a. UPDATE table_name WHERE condition b. UPDATE table_name SET column_name WHERE condition c. UPDATE column_name SET table_name WHERE condition d. UPDATE column_name WHERE condition


Which command would you use to save and undo table changes? a. SAVE and UNDO b. COMMIT and UNDO c. SAVE and ROLLABACK d. COMMIT and ROLLBACK


SQL is considered difficult to learn; its command set has a vocabulary of more than 300 words. True False


Which of the following is known as a relation? a. Tuple b. File c. Entity d. Table


Which of the following is not a valid connectivity statement? a. PAINTER paints many PAINTINGs b. An EMPLOYEE learns many SKILLs c. A CUSTOMER gender is MALE or FEMALE d. An EMPLOYEE manages a STORE


Heath Clinics Using Crow's Foot Model, provide all appropriate connectivities using the following business rules: A physician works at one and only one clinic location and a clinic has at last one physician worker. A physician can prescribe one or more medications to several patients and a patient can obtain many prescriptions from several physicians. 1. Using Crow's Foot Model, provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 1 a. b. c. d. Hide Feedback Correct 2. Using Crow's Foot Model, provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 1 a. b. c. d. Hide Feedback Correct 3. Using Crow's Foot Model, provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 1 a. b. c. d. Hide Feedback Correct 4. Using Crow's Foot Model, provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 1 a. b. c. d. Hide Feedback Correct 5. Using Crow's Foot Model, provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 1 a. b. c. d. Hide Feedback


Which of the following is not a valid constraint? a. PRIMARY KEY b. FOREIGN KEY c. CHECK d. UNIQUE


Which of the following is not a valid key term in a relational model? a. Superkey b. Composite key c. Secondary Key d. Integrity key


Which of the following is not a characteristic of a subquery? a. A subquery is a query (SELECT statement) inside another query. b. A subquery is normally expressed inside parentheses. c. The first query in the SQL statement is known as the outer query. d. The query inside the SQL statement is known as the inner query. e. The inner query is executed last. f. The output of an inner query is used as the input for the outer query.


Which of the following statements is true about writing effective SQL queries? a. Know your data. b. Know the problem. c. Build one clause at a time. d. Build query components in the order FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, SELECT, and ORDER BY. e. All of the above. f. None of the above.


Which query is used to list a unique value for V_CODE, where the list will produce only a list of those values that are different from one another? SELECT DISTINCT V_CODEFROM PRODUCT; SELECT DIFFERENT V_CODEFROM PRODUCT; SELECT UNIQUE V_CODEFROM PRODUCT; SELECT ONLY V_CODEFROM PRODUCT;


A multivalued attribute is _____. a. an attribute that can have many values. b. an attribute represented by double values. c. an attribute that can have many entities. d. All of the above


Which of the following is not a true statement about entities? a. An entity is an object of interest to the end designer. b. An entity refers to the entity set and not to a single entity occurrence. c. The ERM refers to a table row as an entity instance or entity occurrence. d. The entity name, a noun, is usually written in all capital letters.


Which of the following is the correct syntax of a SELECT statement? a. SELECT columnlistFROM tablelist[WHERE conditionlist ][ORDER BY columnlist [ASC | DESC]; b. SELECT columnlist[WHERE conditionlist ]FROM tablelist[ORDER BY columnlist [ASC | DESC]; c. SELECT tablelistFROM columnlist[WHERE conditionlist ][ORDER BY columnlist [ASC | DESC]; d. SELECT tablelistFROM columnlist[ORDER BY columnlist [ASC | DESC][WHERE conditionlist ];


Which of the following statements best defines a recursive entity? a. A recursive relationship is one in which a relationship can exist between occurrences of the same entity set. b. A recursive relationship is one in which a relationship can exist between occurrences of the same entity set or another entity. c. A recursive relationship is one in which one or more attributes can exist between occurrences of the same entity set. d. A recursive relationship is one in which one or more attributes can exist between occurrences of the same entity set or another entity.


Which of the following statements best defines an index? a. An index is an orderly arrangement used to logically access rows in a table. b. An index is an orderly arrangement used to physically access rows in a table. c. An index is used to logically access rows in a table. d. An index is used to physically access rows in a table


Which of the following statements best describes a partial dependency? a. A partial dependency exists when there is a functional dependence in which the determinant is only part of the primary key. b. A partial dependency exists when there is no functional dependence in which the determinant is only part of the primary key. c. A partial dependency exists when there is a functional dependence in which the determinant is the primary key. d. A partial dependency exists when there is no functional dependence in which the determinant is the primary key.


Which statement best defines a schema? a. A schema is a logical group of database objects—such as tables and indexes—that are related to each other. b. A schema is a logical group of database objects—such as tables and indexes—that may not be related to each other. c. A schema is a physical group of database objects—such as tables and indexes—that are related to each other. d. A schema is a physical group of database objects—such as tables and indexes—that may not be related to each other


. In the TREATMENT table, a new row of data needs to be added using PL/SQL. Include a message indicating the row was added successfully. Select the correct SQL. a. INSERT INTO TreatmentVALUES (9, 'Give more greens', 'Eating grass'; b. SET SERVEROUTPUT ONBEGININSERT INTO TreatmentVALUES (9, 'Give more greens', 'Eating grass';DBMS_OUTPUT.PUTLINE('New row added to Treatment');END; c. SET SERVEROUTPUT ONBEGININSERT INTO TreatmentVALUES (9, 'Give more greens', 'Eating grass';END; Hide Feedback Correct 2. Create a procedure to add 0 to the invoice column if it is null. Select the correct SQL. a. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE CHECK_INVOICEAS BEGINUPDATE AppointmentsSET INVOICE = 0WHERE INVOICE IS NULL;DBMS_OUTPUT.PUTLINE("Update completed");END; b. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE CHECK_INVOICEAS BEGINUPDATE AppointmentsSET INVOICE = 0WHERE INVOICE = NULL;DBMS_OUTPUT.PUTLINE('Update completed');END; c. UPDATE AppointmentsSET INVOICE = 0; Hide Feedback Correct 3. Add a check constraint to the Appointments table. Ensure that the INVOICE is greater than or equal to 0. Select the correct SQL. a. MODIFY AppointmentsCONSTRAINT INVOICE > 0; b. ALTER TABLE AppointmentsADD CHECK (INVOICE >=0); c. ALTER TABLE AppointmentsADD CHECK (INVOICE>0); Hide Feedback Correct 4. Add a foreign key to Pet referencing Owner. Also, add a check constraint ensuring PET_AGE is greater than 0. Select the correct SQL. a. ALTER TABLE PetADD FOREIGN KEY (OWNER_ID) REFERENCES Owner (OWNER_ID)ADD CHECK (PET_AGE >0); b. ALTER TABLE PetADD FOREIGN KEY (OWNER_ID) ADD CHECK (PET_ID >0); c. MODIFY TABLE PetADD FOREIGN KEY (OWNER_ID) REFERENCES Owner (OWNER_ID)ADD CHECK (PET_ID >0);


The veterinarians want to retrieve all the data in the Pet table. Select the correct SQL from these options. a. SELECT *FROM Pet; b. SELECT allFROM Pet; Hide Feedback Correct 2. The veterinarians want to retrieve the following data from the Owner table and use aliases for all the columns retrieved. First and last name, phone number and email address. a. SELECT OWNER_FNAME AS First Name,OWNER_LNAME AS Last Name, OWNER_PHONE AS PHONE,OWNER_EMAIL AS Email; b. SELECT OWNER_FNAME AS 'First Name', OWNER_LNAME AS ' Last Name', OWNER_PHONE AS PHONE,OWNER_EMAIL AS EmailFROM Owner; Hide Feedback Correct 3. The veterinarians want to know how many days from today each appointment was. Use an alias for the column results. a. SELECT CURDATE() - APPOINTMENT_DATE AS 'Days since appointment'FROM Appointments; b. SELECT TODAY_DATE - APPOINTMENT_DATEFROM Appointments; Hide Feedback Correct 4. The veterinarians want to know how many distinct pets are in the appointments table. Use an appropriate column name with an alias. a. SELECT PET_ID AS 'PET ID'FROM APPOINTMENTS; b. SELECT DISTINCT PET_ID AS 'PET ID'FROM APPOINTMENTS;


Book Club Provide all appropriate connectivities using the following business rules: A reader follows at least one author and an author may be followed by many readers. A reader may be part of many reading groups and a reading group has at least one reader. An author wrote at least one book and a book may have been written by many authors. A book is printed by one publisher only and a publisher prints many books. 1. Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 1 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback Correct 2. Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 2 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback Correct 3. Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 3 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback Correct 4. Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 4 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback Correct 5. Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 5 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback Correct 6. Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 6 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback Correct 7. Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 7 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback


Tech Support Using Crow's Foot Model, provide all appropriate cardinalities using the following business rules: Each staff is part of one of the five IT Teams (Helpdesk, Server, Network, Desktop, Email) and a team may have many staff members. Each user will have the ability to submit as many tickets as needed, and each ticket must be tied to a single user. Each ticket is assigned to at least one topic area but no more than three topics per ticket. A topic can include many tickets. 1. Using Crow's Foot Model, provide the appropriate cardinalities using the above business rules for number 1 a. (1,1) b. (0,N) c. (1,3) Hide Feedback Correct 2. Using Crow's Foot Model, provide the appropriate cardinalities using the above business rules for number 2 a. (1,1) b. (0,N) c. (1,3) Hide Feedback Correct 3. Using Crow's Foot Model, provide the appropriate cardinalities using the above business rules for number 3 a. (1,1) b. (0,N) c. (1,3) Hide Feedback Correct 4. Using Crow's Foot Model, provide the appropriate cardinalities using the above business rules for number 4 a. (1,1) b. (0,N) c. (1,3) Hide Feedback Correct 5. Using Crow's Foot Model, provide the appropriate cardinalities using the above business rules for number 5 a. (1,1) b. (0,N) c. (1,3) Hide Feedback Correct 6. Using Crow's Foot Model, provide the appropriate cardinalities using the above business rules for number 6 a. (1,1) b. (0,N) c. (1,3) Hide Feedback Correct 7. Using Crow's Foot Model, provide the appropriate cardinalities using the above business rules for number 7 a. (1,1) b. (0,N) c. (1,3) Hide Feedback Correct 8. Using Crow's Foot Model, provide the appropriate cardinalities using the above business rules for number 8 a. (1,1) b. (0,N) c. (1,3) Hide Feedback


Flower Shop Using the Chen Model with the read across notation, provide all appropriate connectivities using the following business rules: A wholesale vendor sells many flowers but the same flower is not bought from different vendors. A flower belongs to one category only but many flowers may be found under the same category. A customer may purchase many flowers and a flower can be purchased by many customers. 1. Using the Chen Model with the read across notation, provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 1 a. 1 b. M c. d. Hide Feedback Correct 2. Using the Chen Model with the read across notation, provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 2 a. 1 b. M c. d. Hide Feedback Correct 3. Using the Chen Model with the read across notation, provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 3 a. 1 b. M c. d. Hide Feedback Correct 4. Using the Chen Model with the read across notation, provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 4 a. 1 b. M c. d. Hide Feedback Correct 5. Using the Chen Model with the read across notation, provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 5 a. 1 b. M c. d. Hide Feedback Correct 6. Using the Chen Model with the read across notation, provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 6 a. 1 b. M c. d. Hide Feedback


The veterinarians want to retrieve the owner last name, pet name, date of the appointment, treatment plan and diagnosis. Use appropriate column aliases. a. SELECT OWNER_LNAME as Owner, PET_NAME AS Pet, APPOINTMENT_DATE AS Appointment, TREATMENT_PLAN AS Plan, DIAGNOSISFROM Owner JOIN Pet USING (OWNER_ID)JOIN APPOINTMENTS USING (PET_ID)JOIN Treatment_appt USING (APPOINTMENT_ID )JOIN Treatment USING (TREATMENT_ID) ; b. SELECT OWNER_LNAME, PET_NAME , APPOINTMENT_DATE , TREATMENT_PLAN, DIAGNOSISFROM Owner JOIN Pet USING (OWNER_ID)JOIN APPOINTMENTS USING (PET_ID)JOIN Treatment_appt USING APPOINTMENT_IDJOIN Treatment USING TREATMENT_ID ; c. SELECT OWNER_LNAME as Owner, PET_NAME AS Pet, APPOINTMENT_DATE AS Appointment, TREATMENT_PLAN AS Plan, DIAGNOSISFROM Owner ,Pet ,Treatment; Hide Feedback Correct 2. The veterinarians want a list of all the pets ordered by breed and owner id. a. SELECT PET_BREED , PET_NAME, OWNER_IDFROM PetORDER BY PET_BREED; b. SELECT PET_BREED , PET_NAME, OWNER_IDFROM Pet; c. SELECT PET_BREED , PET_NAME, OWNER_IDFROM PetORDER BY PET_BREED, OWNER_ID; Hide Feedback Correct 3. The veterinarians want list of all the appointments ordered by date descending. Make sure you include the name of the pet. a. SELECT APPOINTMENT_DATE,APPOINTMENT_REASONFROM Pet JOIN Appointments USING (PET_ID)ORDER BY APPOINTMENT_DATE DESC; b. SELECT PET_NAME, APPOINTMENT_DATE,APPOINTMENT_REASONFROM Pet JOIN Appointments USING (PET_ID)ORDER BY APPOINTMENT_DATE; c. SELECT PET_NAME,APPOINTMENT_REASONFROM Pet JOIN Appointments USING (PET_ID)ORDER BY APPOINTMENT_DATE DESC; Hide Feedback Correct 4. The veterinarians want a list of all the breeds and names of the pets ordered by pet name ascending. a. SELECT PET_NAME , PET_BREEDFROM PetORDER BY PET_NAME; b. SELECT PET_NAME , PET_BREEDFROM PetORDER BY PET_BREED; c. SELECT PET_NAME , PET_BREEDFROM Pet; Hide Feedback


Normalization is a process for evaluating and correcting table structures to minimize _____. a. data anomalies and integrity b. data redundancy and anomalies c. data redundancy and security d. data integrity and security


Which of the following is not a true statement? a. Database design refers to the activities that focus on the design of the database structure that will be used to store and manage end-user data. b. Data is the foundation of facts, which is the bedrock of information and knowledge. c. A database is a shared, integrated computer structure that stores a collection user-data and metadata. d. Data redundancy exists when the same data is stored unnecessarily at different places.


Which of the following is not true about attribute naming conventions? a. They should be unique within the entity. b. They should not use the entity abbreviation as a prefix. c. They should be descriptive of the characteristic. d. They should not contain spaces or special characters such as @, !, or &


Which of the following lists problems with file system data processing? a. Development complexity, administration complexity, and answers complexity b. Development complexity, administration complexity, and lack of security c. Administration simplicity, security complexity, and answers simplicity d. Administration simplicity, answers simplicity, and lack of security


Which of the following statements best defines an outer join? a. An outer join returns only the rows matching the join condition and rows with unmatched values are not returned. b. An outer join returns not only the rows matching the join condition, but it also returns the rows with unmatched values. c. An outer join returns only unmatched values and matched values are not returned. d. An outer join returns only matched values and matched values are not returned.


Which of the following statements is true? a. Each entity should be atomic. b. Each entity should represent a set of distinguishable entity instances. c. All entities should be in 4NF or higher. Any entities below 4NF should be justified. d. The ethnicity of the entity instance should be clearly defined.


Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 1 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback Correct 2. Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 2 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback Correct 3. Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 3 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback Correct 4. Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 4 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback Correct 5. Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 5 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback Correct 6. Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 6 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback Correct 7. Provide the appropriate connectivity using the above business rules for number 7 a. 1: b. :1 Hide Feedback


In the Owner table, for OWNER_ID 1 all the data was not entered. Select the correct SQL to enter the data. Refer to the data listed below. a. UPDATE OwnerSET OWNER_ST_ADDRESS = 123 GeigerTown,OWNER_CITY = 'VC Highlands',OWNER_POSTAL_CODE = 85921WHERE OWNER_ID =1;CREATE PRIMARY KEY TABLE AppointmentsAPPOINTMENT_DATE b. UPDATE OwnerSET OWNER_ST_ADDRESS = '123 Geiger Town',OWNER_CITY = 'VC Highlands',OWNER_POSTAL_CODE = '85921',OWNER_PHONE = 3457689,OWNER_EMAIL = '[email protected] OWNER_ID =1; c. OWNERSET OWNER_ST_ADDRESS = '123 GeigerTown',OWNER_CITY = 'VC Highlands',OWNER_POSTAL_CODE = 85921,OWNER_PHONE = 8901234,OWNER_EMAIL = '[email protected] Hide Feedback Correct 2. The Appointments table needs an INVOICE column added which can contain five numbers and two decimals. A total of seven numbers which include the decimals. Select the correct SQL. a. ALTER TABLE AppointmentsADD (INVOICE NUMBER(7,2)); b. MODIFY TABLE AppointmentsINVOICE NUMBER; c. CHANGE AppointmentsINVOICE NUMBER; Hide Feedback Correct 3. Create a view to display all appointments where the bill has not been paid. Select the correct SQL. a. VIEW Invoice_Paid ASSELECT APPOINTMENT_ID, PET_ID, APPOINTMENT_DATE,INVOICE,PAIDFROM AppointmentsPAID = 'N'; b. VIEWSELECT APPOINTMENT_ID, PET_ID, APPOINTMENT_DATE,INVOICE,PAIDFROM AppointmentsWHERE PAID = 'N'; c. CREATE VIEW Invoice_Paid ASSELECT APPOINTMENT_ID, PET_ID, APPOINTMENT_DATE,INVOICE,PAIDFROM AppointmentsWHERE PAID = 'N'; Hide Feedback Correct 4. Create a trigger which checks when an PET_AGE is added to Pet. If the age is less than 0 insert 0 for the age. Select the correct SQL. a. TRIGGER AGECHECK BEFORE INSERT ON PetFOR EACH ROW IF NEW.PET_AGE < 0THEN SET NEW.PET_AGE = O; b. DEIMITER //CREATE TRIGGER AGECHECK BEFORE INSERT ON PetFOR EACH ROW IF NEW.PET_AGE < 0THEN SET NEW.PET_AGE = O;ENDIF;//DELIMITER; c. TRIGGERFOR EACH ROW IF NEW.PET_AGE < 0THEN SET NEW.PET_AGE = O;


. The veterinarians want to retrieve the pet name, date of the appointment and the reason for the appointment. Use aliases for all column names. a. SELECT PET_NAME AS Pet, APPOINTMENT_DATE AS Appointment, APPOINTMENT_REASON AS ReasonFROM Pet, APPOINTMENTS; b. SELECT PET_NAME AS Pet, APPOINTMENT_DATE AS Appointment, APPOINTMENT_REASON AS ReasonFROM Pet JOIN APPOINTMENTS USING (PET_ID); c. SELECT PET_NAME AS Pet, APPOINTMENT_DATE AS Appointment, APPOINTMENT_REASON AS Reason; Hide Feedback Correct 2. The veterinarians want to a list of all the pets including the appointment id. Include all the pets even if they have not had an appointment. a. SELECT Pet.PET_ID, PET_NAME, OWNER_ID, APPOINTMENT_IDFROM Pet LEFT JOIN Appointments ON Pet.PET_ID = Appointments.PET_ID ; b. SELECT Pet.PET_ID, PET_NAME, OWNER_ID, APPOINTMENT_IDFROM Pet RIGHT JOIN Appointments ON Pet.PET_ID = Appointments.PET_ID ; c. SELECT Pet.PET_ID, PET_NAME, OWNER_ID, APPOINTMENT_IDFROM Appointments LEFT JOIN Appointments ON Appointments.PET_ID =Pet.PET_ID ; Hide Feedback Correct 3. The veterinarians want a list of all the treatments and those that have not been used. a. SELECT Treatment_Appt.TREATMENT_ID, APPOINTMENT_ID, TREATMENT_PLANFROM Treatment_Appt LEFT JOIN Treatment ON Treatment_Appt.TREATMENT_ID = Treatment.TREATMENT_ID; b. SELECT Treatment_Appt.TREATMENT_ID, APPOINTMENT_ID, TREATMENT_PLANFROM Treatment_Appt, Treatment; c. SELECTTreatment.TREATMENT_ID, APPOINTMENT_ID, TREATMENT_PLANFROM Treatment_Appt RIGHT JOIN Treatment ON Treatment_Appt.TREATMENT_ID = Treatment.TREATMENT_ID; Hide Feedback Correct 4. The veterinarians want a list of Owner and Pet data. Use an alias when joining the tables. a. SELECT OWNER_LNAME, OWNER_PHONE, PET_NAME, PET_BREEDFROM Owner O , Pet P; b. SELECT OWNER_LNAME, OWNER_PHONE, PET_NAME, PET_BREEDFROM Owner O,Pet PO.OWNER_ID = P.OWNER_ID; c. SELECT OWNER_LNAME, OWNER_PHONE, PET_NAME, PET_BREEDFROM Owner O JOIN Pet P on O.OWNER_ID = P.OWNER_ID;


Which of the following is not a task performed by natural join? a. Determining the common attribute(s) by looking for attributes with identical names and compatible data types b. Selecting only the rows with common values in the common attribute(s) c. If there are common attributes, returning the relational product of the two tables d. If there are no common attributes, returning the relational product of the two tables


Which of the following is not a valid clause of CREATE TABLE statements? a. CREATE TABLE b. PRIMARY KEY c. FOREIGN KEY d. CONSTRAINT e. All of the above f. None of the above


Which of the following is not a valid relational set operator? a. UNION b. INTERSECT c. DIFFERENCE d. EXCEPT


Which of the following is not true about ER models? a. ER models should be validated against expected processes: inserts, updates, and deletions. b. ER models should evaluate where, when, and how to maintain a history. c. ER models should contain redundant relationships except as required. d. ER models should minimize data redundancy to ensure single-place updates.


Which of the following is not used for Big Data technology? a. Hadoop b. NoSQL c. SQL d. MapReduce


Which of the following statements best defines cardinality? a. Cardinality expresses the maximum number of entity occurrences associated with one occurrence of the related entity. b. Cardinality expresses the minimum number of entity occurrences associated with one occurrence of the related entity. c. Cardinality expresses the minimum and maximum number of entity occurrences associated with one occurrence of the related entity. d. Cardinality expresses number of entity occurrences associated with one occurrence of the related entity.


The veterinarians want to know the total for the invoices that have been paid. a. SELECT SUM(INVOICE)FROM APPOINTMENTS; b. SELECT SUM(INVOICE)FROM APPOINTMENTSWHERE PAID = 'N'; c. SELECT INVOICEFROM APPOINTMENTSWHERE PAID = 'Y'; Hide Feedback Correct 2. The veterinarians want the information for appointments scheduled between October 19th and October 30. a. SELECT PET_NAME, OWNER_LNAME, APPOINTMENT_REASON, APPOINTMENT_DATEFROM Owner, Pet, AppointmentsWHERE Owner.OWNER_ID = Pet.OWNER_IDAND Pet.PET_ID = Appointments.PET_IDAND APPOINTMENT_DATE BETWEEN '2019-10-19' AND '2019-10-30'; b. SELECT PET_NAME, OWNER_LNAME, APPOINTMENT_REASON, APPOINTMENT_DATEFROM Owner, Pet, AppointmentsWHERE Owner.OWNER_ID = Pet.OWNER_IDAND Pet.PET_ID = Appointments.PET_IDAND APPOINTMENT_DATE IS BETWEEN '2019-10-19' AND '2019-10-30'; c. SELECT PET_NAME, OWNER_LNAME, APPOINTMENT_REASON, APPOINTMENT_DATEFROM Owner, Pet, AppointmentsWHERE Owner.OWNER_ID = Pet.OWNER_IDAND Pet.PET_ID = Appointments.PET_IDAND APPOINTMENT_DATE = '2019-10-19' AND APPOINTMENT_DATE = '2019-10-30'; Hide Feedback Correct 3. The veterinarians want to know sort the pets by species and group them by Owner. Use appropriate column aliases. a. SELECT PET_ID AS ID, SPECIES, PET_BREED AS BREED, PET_NAME AS NAME, OWNER_IDFROM PETGROUP BY SPECIES, OWNER_IDORDER BY OWNER_ID; b. SELECT PET_ID AS ID, SPECIES, PET_BREED AS BREED, PET_NAME AS NAME, OWNER_IDFROM PETORDER BY SPECIES, OWNER_IDGROUP BY OWNER_ID; Hide Feedback Correct 4. The veterinarians want to know all appointments only with cats or dogs. a. SELECT PET_NAME, SPECIES, PET_BREED, APPOINTMENT_DATE,APPOINTMENT_REASONFROM Pet JOIN Appointments ON Appointments.PET_ID = Pet.PET_IDWHERE SPECIES ='Cat' OR SPECIES = 'Dog'; b. SELECT PET_NAME, , SPECIES, PET_BREED, APPOINTMENT_DATE,APPOINTMENT_REASONFROM Pet JOIN Appointments ON Appointments.PET_ID = Pet.PET_IDWHERE SPECIES = 'Cat' AND SPECIES = 'Dog'; c. SELECT PET_NAME, , SPECIES, PET_BREED, APPOINTMENT_DATE,APPOINTMENT_REASONFROM Pet JOIN Appointments ON Appointments.PET_ID = Pet.PET_IDWHERE SPECIES IS 'Cat' OR 'Bird';


. In the Pet table, for PET_ID 2 all the data was not entered. Select the correct SQL to enter the data. a. MODIFY PetADD VALUES ('Fluffy',4)PET_ID = 2; b. INSERT INTO Pet (PET_NAME, PET_BREED)VALUES ( 'Fluffy', Husky); c. UPDATE PetSET PET_NAME = 'Fluffy',WHERE PET_ID = 2;UPDATE PetSET PET_BREED = 'Husky',WHERE PET_ID = 2; Hide Feedback Correct 2. The Pet table needs an PET_AGE field added. Select the correct SQL. a. ALTER TABLE PetADD (PET_AGE INTEGER); b. Modify PetPET_AGE CHAR(2); c. PetPET_AGE INTEGER; Hide Feedback Correct 3. Create a view to display all appointments where the bill has been paid. Display all the columns in the Appointments table. Select the correct SQL. a. CREATE VIEW Invoice_Paid ASSELECT APPOINTMENT_ID, PET_ID, APPOINTMENT_DATE,INVOICE,PAIDFROM AppointmentsWHERE PAID = 'Y'; b. VIEW Invoice_Paid ASSELECT APPOINTMENT_ID, PET_ID, APPOINTMENT_DATE,INVOICE,PAIDFROM AppointmentsPAID = 'Y'; c. VIEWSELECT APPOINTMENT_ID, PET_ID, APPOINTMENT_DATE,INVOICE,PAIDFROM AppointmentsWHERE PAID = 'Y'; Hide Feedback Correct 4. Create a trigger which checks when an INVOICE is added to Appointments. If the INVOICE is less than 0 insert 0 for the INVOICE. Select the correct SQL. a. TRIGGER INVOICECHECKINSERT ON AppointmentsFOR EACH ROW IF NEW.INVOICE< 0THEN SET NEW.INVOICE= O; b. DEIMITER //CREATE TRIGGER INVOICECHECK BEFORE INSERT ON AppointmentsFOR EACH ROW IF NEW.INVOICE< 0THEN SET NEW.INVOICE= O; c. CREATE TRIGGER INVOICECHECK INSERT ON AppointmentsFOR EACH ROW IF NEW.INVOICE< 0THEN SET NEW.INVOICE NULL;


Veterinarian Office Case: Part 1 The veterinarian office created a database to keep track of owner and pet information. It also includes tracking appointments and treatments for each pet. Unfortunately, the veterinarian database was not created correctly and needs modification. Read the question and select the correct dropdown to answer the question. 1. What is the correct order to CREATE the tables? Think about referential integrity. a. Treatment, Owner, Pet, Appointments,Treatment_appt b. Pet, Treatment, Appointments, Owner,Ttreatment_appt c. Owner, Pet Appointments, Treatment, Treatment_Appt Hide Feedback Correct 2. The Appointments table was not created with a primary key. What is the correct SQL to create a primary key for the table and which field should be the primary key? a. Modify AppointmentsPRIMARY KEY PET_ID; b. CREATE PRIMARY KEY TABLE AppointmentsAPPOINTMENT_DATE; c. ALTER TABLE AppointmentsAdd Primary Key (APPOINTMENT_ID)); Hide Feedback Correct 3. The OWNER_ID in the Pet table should be NOT NULL. What SQL corrects this? a. ALTER TABLE PetMODIFY OWNER_ID INT NOT NULL; b. MODIFY TABLE PetADD NOT NULL TO OWNER_ID; c. CHANGE TABLE PetMODIFY OWNER_ID NOT NULL: Hide Feedback Correct 4. All owners reside in Nevada. What SQL makes NV the default when a row is entered? a. ALTER TABLE OwnerOWNER_STATE = 'NV'; b. ALTER TABLE OwnerMODIFY OWNER_STATE CHAR (2) DEFAULT 'NV'; c. ALTER TABLE OwnerSTATE = 'NV' Hide Feedback


Atomicity refers to_____. a. an attribute is atomic that can be further subdivided. b. an attribute is atomic that can be composed. c. an attribute is atomic that cannot be further composed. d. an attribute is atomic that cannot be further subdivided


Which of the following is a fundamental component of data modeling? a. Attribute b. Relationship c. Entity d. Constraint


Which of the following is not a valid relational set operator? a. UNION operator b. INTERSECT operator c. DIFFERENCE operator d. ADD operator


Which of the following statements best defines a transitive dependency? a. A condition in which an attribute is independent of another attribute that is not part of the primary key. b. A condition in which an attribute is dependent on another attribute that is part of the primary key. c. A condition in which an attribute is independent of another attribute that is part of the primary key. d. A condition in which an attribute is dependent on another attribute that is not part of the primary key.


Which of the following statements best defines optional attribute? a. An optional attribute is an attribute that requires a value and can be left empty. b. An optional attribute is an attribute that requires a value and can be an optional key. c. An optional attribute is an attribute that does not require a value and can be an optional key. d. An optional attribute is an attribute that does not require a value and can be left empty.


Traffic Ticket Using Chen Model with the (min, max) notation, provide all appropriate cardinality using the following business rules: A vehicle is owned by one and only driver. A driver owns at least one vehicle. A law enforcement officer issues many fine tickets and a motorist may have received many fine tickets. 1. Using Chen Model with the (min, max) notation, provide the appropriate cardinality using the above business rules for number 1 a. (0,N) b. (0,P) c. (N,M) d. (1,1) e. (1,M) Hide Feedback Correct 2. Using Chen Model with the (min, max) notation, provide the appropriate cardinality using the above business rules for number 2 a. (0,N) b. (0,P) c. (N,M) d. (1,1) e. (1,M) Hide Feedback Correct 3. Using Chen Model with the (min, max) notation, provide the appropriate cardinality using the above business rules for number 3 a. (0,N) b. (0,P) c. (N,M) d. (1,1) e. (1,M) Hide Feedback Correct 4. Using Chen Model with the (min, max) notation, provide the appropriate cardinality using the above business rules for number 4 a. (0,N) b. (0,P) c. (N,M) d. (1,1) e. (1,M) Hide Feedback Correct 5. Using Chen Model with the (min, max) notation, provide the appropriate cardinality using the above business rules for number 5 a. (0,N) b. (0,P) c. (N,M) d. (1,1) e. (1,M)


Which of the following is not a table constraint? a. NOT NULL b. UNIQUE c. DEFAULT d. ON UPDATE e. ON DELETE f. ON INSERT Hide Feedback


Which of the following restrictions is not valid? a. GROUP BY expressions or aggregate functions cannot be used. b. You cannot use set operators such as UNION, INTERSECT, and MINUS. c. Use of JOINs or group operators in views. d. Must be key-preserved; all values of the primary key must be kept unique. e. All of the above f. None of the above


The _____ command restricts the selection of grouped rows based on a condition. FROM HAVING DISPLAY CONVERT


A database language enables the user to perform complex queries designed to transform the raw data into useful information. True False


_____ is a relational set operator. EXCEPT ALL PLUS EXISTS


A repeating group is defined as _____. a. a characteristic describing a group of multiple entries of the same or multiple types for a single key attribute occurrence b. a characteristic describing a group of multiple entries of the same or multiple values for a single key attribute occurrence c. a characteristic describing a group of multiple entries of the same or multiple types d. a characteristic describing a group of multiple entries of the same or multiple values


Inherent problems of M:N relationships cannot be avoided by creating? a. Transient entity b. Composite entity c. Bridge entity d. Associative entity


A primary key needs to be added to the Owner table. Select the best field for the primary key. Also add a check constraint to ensure only NV can be added. Select the correct SQL. a. ALTER TABLE OwnerADD PRIMARY KEY (OWNER_ID)ADD CHECK (OWNER_STATE = 'NV'); b. ALTER TABLE OwnerADD PRIMARY KEY (OWNER_EMAIL)ADD CHECK (OWNER_STATE = 'NV'); c. ALTER TABLE OwnerADD PRIMARY KEY (OWNER_ID)CHECK (OWNER_STATE = 'NV'); Hide Feedback Correct 2. Create a procedure to add a reason to the Appointments table if the APPOINTMENT_REASON is blank. Ensure you output a message that the change was completed. Select the correct SQL. a. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE CHECK_APPOINTMENT_REASONAS BEGINUPDATE AppointmentsSET APPOINTMENT_REASON = 'Not given'WHERE APPOINTMENT_REASON IS NULL;DBMS_OUTPUT.PUTLINE('Update completed');END; b. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE CHECK_INVOICEAS BEGINUPDATE AppointmentsSET INVOICE = 0WHERE INVOICE = NULL;DBMS_OUTPUT.PUTLINE('Update completed');END; c. UPDATE AppointmentsSET APPOINTMENT_REASON = 'Not given'Where APPOINTMENT_REASON IS NULL; Hide Feedback Correct 3. Change the Appointments table so when a APPOINTMENT_ID is added a PET_ID must be added. Select the correct SQL. a. CHANGE TABLE AppointmentsMODIFY (PET_ID INTEGER NOT NULL); b. MODIFY TABLE AppointmentsMODIFY (PET_ID INTEGER NOT NULL); c. ALTER TABLE AppointmentsMODIFY (PET_ID INTEGER NOT NULL); Hide Feedback Correct 4. Add the appropriate foreign key(s) to the Treatment_Appt table. Select the correct SQL. a. ALTER TABLE Treatment_ApptADD FOREIGN KEY (APPOINTMENT_ID) REFERENCES Appointments (APPOINTMENT_ID);ALTER TABLE Treatment_ApptADD FOREIGN KEY (TREATMENT_ID) REFERENCES Treatment (TREATMENT_ID); b. ALTER TABLE Treatment_ApptADD FOREIGN KEY (APPOINTMENT_ID) REFERENCES Appointments (APPOINTMENT_ID); c. ALTER TABLE Treatment_ApptADD FOREIGN KEY (TREATMENT_ID) REFERENCES Treatment (TREATMENT_ID); Hide Feedback


What are the components of database systems? a. Hardware, software, people, procedures, data b. Hardware, system, people, programs, data c. System, personnel, programs, data d. Software, personnel, procedures, data


What does Big Data refer to? a. A movement to find new and better ways to manage large amounts of web- and sensor-generated data and derive business insight from it, while simultaneously providing high performance and scalability at a reasonable cost. b. A model that represents complex data relationships. c. A model that works with a data subset of the global database schema. d. An abstract representation of a real-world entity that has a unique identity, embedded properties, and the ability to interact with other objects and itself.


Which of the following is not a true statement? a. A database that is designed primarily to support a company's day-to-day operations is classified as an analytical database. b. Online analytical processing is a set of tools that work together to provide an advanced data analysis environment for retrieving, processing, and modeling data from the data warehouse. c. The data warehouse is a specialized database that stores data in a format optimized for decision support. d. Analytical database focuses primarily on storing historical data and business metrics used exclusively for tactical or strategic decision making.


Which SQL command changes the structure of a TABLE? a. MODIFY b. AMEND c. ALTER d. CHANGE


According to the rules of precedence, which of the following computations should be completed first? Additions and subtractions Multiplications and divisions Operations within parentheses Power operations

operations within parentheses

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