Final Exam

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When people experience an unpleasant state of psychological tension resulting from two inconsistent thoughts or perceptions, they are said to be experiencing:

cognitive dissonance

Frieda is typically very shy. However, while watching a rock concert with a huge crowd, she lost her inhibitions and behaved in a sexually provocative way. Frieda's unusual behavior is best understood in terms of _____.


The reduction in personal identity and erosion of the sense of personal responsibility when one is part of a group is known as _____.


According to the social facilitation effect, the presence of others:

diminishes performance on difficult or new tasks.

Attitudes are _____ that are based on beliefs; they predispose people to react in a particular way to objects, people, and events.


Javier has the potential to be an honor student but frustrates his teachers because of his actions. Rather than work to succeed, he tends to "dummy down" to act more like the students with whom he hangs out. He has at times answered questions incorrectly in class, on purpose, in order to be more like his friends. Javier's behavior is an example of:

normative social influence

While you disagree with your boss, you laugh at her joke anyway to gain her approval. Your behavior illustrates:

normative social influence.

A set of explanations about social position, defining how those in the position ought to behave is called a:


Tim enjoys watching violent action movies and television shows on most evenings, as well as listening to music with violent lyrics. When faced with real-life conflict, he tends to respond with aggressive behavior because he believes that he needs to "act like a man." According to social psychologists, he has learned _____, which are mental files for how to act.

social scipts

While walking 30 yards from the ocean shoreline, Mr. Hughes heard a swimmer cry for help. However, he continued walking because he thought that one of the many swimmers in the vicinity would provide help if it was needed. His reaction best illustrates:

the bystander effect

The fundamental attribution error involves _____ situational influences on another's behavior.


Initiating one or more small conciliatory acts which opens the door to a reciprocal response is a central feature of _____.


In the original Stanley Milgram obedience experiment, men aged 20 to 50 complied _____ percent of the time.


_____ is a perceived incompatibility of actions, goals, or ideas.

A conflict

When Hutu militia began to slaughter the Tutsi in 1994, missionary Carl Wilkens risked his own life to save the lives of others. His actions are an example of _____.


When Juan was asked by his best friend, Carlos, to go on a blind date with a friend of Carlos' girlfriend, Juan wanted to know her ethnicity. Juan wanted this information so he could _____ this woman in order to place her into a group and hopefully predict her behavior.


In the Stanley Milgram experiments, the level of obedience was highest when the "teacher" was _____ the experimenter and _____ the "learner."

close to; far from

You have very strong opinions about your tuition increase. However, once you are the student representative for the College Board, you develop a more favorable attitude about the tuition increase. Which theory best explains why?

cognitive dissonance theory

When people adjust their own behavior or thinking so that it coincides with a group standard, they are exhibiting:


Seven-year-old Marcus's parents use harsh physical punishment and verbal intimidation to control his behavior. Studies have shown that if his parents continue this type of discipline, Marcus is more likely to:

demonstrate delinquent behavior in the future.

Although Natalie receives slightly greater rewards from her marriage than her husband, both are satisfied with the relationship because they each benefit in proportion to what they put into it. This best illustrates the significance of _____.


Laurie and Jim have been married for 20 years. When asked, Laurie indicated that what she most appreciated about their marriage was that they both freely give and receive affection and that they share decision-making and household responsibilities. Laurie's description is an example of _____.


Laurie and Jim have been married for 20 years. When asked, Laurie indicated that what she most appreciated about their marriage was that they both freely give and receive affection and that they share decision-making and household responsibilities. Laurie's description is an example of:


Shortly after learning he did not make it onto his high school football team, Alex vandalized the team's locker room and broke several of the school's windows. His behavior is best explained in terms of the _____ principle.


When the temperatures go up in the summer, the rates of violent crimes increase. This is best explained in terms of the _____ principle


Recently Tanya has been caught in heavy traffic when traveling to and from work This situation has caused her to arrive to work late and arrive home at a much later time than normal. When she comes home, she slams the front door and tends to yell more at her children and husband over things that are rather insignificant. This behavior can best be explained by the:

frustration-aggression principle.

Your new roommate leaves dirty laundry all over her room and you assume she must be a slob. You ignore the fact that she is currently taking finals and working 40 hours per week. You are demonstrating the _____.

fundamental attribution error

Marty enjoys watching violent action movies and television shows on most evenings, as well as listening to music with violent lyrics. When faced with real-life conflict, he tends to respond with aggressive behavior because he believes that he needs to "act like a man." According to social psychologists, his beliefs may be caused by _____, which are mental files for how to act.

social scripts

_____ social influence results from a person's willingness to accept others' opinions about reality.


The jury deliberated on the rape case for more than eight hours. Some of the jurors commented that the rape victim had a history of going out to various bars and had been dressed too provocatively. These jurors said that by looking like that, she had been asking to be assaulted. Their opinion is best explained in terms of the:

just-world phenomenon

Participants in Stanley Milgram's obedience experiments were informed that they were involved in a study of _____.


Research shows that, after extensive exposure to X-rated sexual films, men are subsequently _____ accepting of women's sexual submission and more likely to perceive a woman's friendliness as sexual interest.


In one study on social loafing, blindfolded students were asked to pull on a rope as hard as they could. The students pulled hardest when they thought:

no one else was pulling with them.

_____ social influence result(s) from a person's desire to gain approval or avoid disapproval.


Researchers find that conformity to a group increases when all of the following occur EXCEPT that:

one is made to feel secure.

Thomas enjoys watching violent pornography. When he goes out with a woman, he expects her to be submissive to his sexual demands; when he is turned down he becomes violent. Research done by social psychologists suggests that his beliefs are caused by _____, which are mental files for how to act.

social scripts

The _____ is the idea that we should help those who need our help, such as young children and others who cannot give as much as they receive, even if the costs outweigh the benefits.

social-responsibility norm

The scapegoat theory proposes that _____ offers an outlet for anger by providing someone to blame.


Shawntae is very concerned about the environment and consistently sorts her garbage by placing paper, plastic, metal, and glass in their respective recycling containers. Shawntae's concern for the environment is an example of a(n):

prosocial behavior.

Jessie is attending college in a city far away from home where he does not know anybody. According to the principle of _____, Jessie will be most likely to make friends with his roommate.


The mere exposure effect provides one possible explanation for why _____ increases attraction.


The most powerful indicator of whether people will become friends seems to be:


Studies imply that people exhibit heightened levels of prejudice when they are economically frustrated. This offers support for the _____ theory.


The text proposes that categorization, one of the roots of prejudice, arises from our mind's desire to:

simplify the world.

Which of the following can be defined as a cluster of characteristics that are associated with all members of a specific social group, often including qualities that are unrelated to the objective evidence that define the group?


This afternoon, Mary's boss wants to meet with her. She is sure it is about the customers who complained about her yesterday. The best-case scenario would be for Mary's boss to decide that her behavior was the result of Mary reacting to her department being under-staffed. This would be a _____ attribution.


Your father yells at you for being five minutes late for tee time. Rather than believe your father is a rude jerk, you decide that he may be having difficulties at his job. This means make a _____ attribution about his behavior.


Dr. Perez is conducting research about how people form impressions of other people and how they interpret each other's behavior in a variety of situations. Dr. Perez is probably a(n) _____ psychologist.


At her health club, Bonnie pedals an exercise bike much faster when other patrons are using nearby equipment. This best illustrates the concept of _____.

social facilitation

A person in a group tends to exert MORE effort when he is individually accountable than when he is working with others toward a common goal. This is known as _____.

social loafing

_____ can be defined as any physical or verbal behavior that is intended to hurt or destroy.


Bibb Latané and _____ were the psychologists who began a series of studies in the 1960s investigating the factors involved in determining whether a person will help a stranger.


_____ result(s) from a person's willingness to accept others' opinions about reality.

Informational social influence

You watch as a student stumbles and drops her books in the hall. According to the fundamental attribution error, how would you explain the student's behavior?

She is a clumsy person.

According to research on factors that determine the likelihood that two people will become friends or form a romantic relationship, which of the following is more accurate?

Similarities breed content

_____ psychologists explore how we think about, influence, and relate to one another.


His experiments on obedience at Yale University are some of the most famous psychological experiments of all time.

Stanley Milgram

_____ is (are) shared goals that override differences among people and require their cooperation.

Superordinate goals

The Stanford Prison Experiment consisted of male college students who volunteered to participate in a simulated prison. Half of the students became guards, and the other half became prisoners. _____ was the name of the psychologist who had to call off the study after only six days because of the degrading behaviors displayed by the guards and the way the prisoners became passive, broke down, or rebelled.


Discrimination is a negative _____, whereas prejudice is a negative _____.

behavior; attitude

A group of racially prejudiced high school students discussed racial issues. During the conversation, their attitudes became even more prejudiced. This best illustrates _____.

group polarization

As you are driving to campus one day another car cuts you off and speeds ahead. Immediately you yell out "Crazy driver!" not realizing that the person may be rushing to get to the hospital. Your judgment best illustrates:

the fundamental attribution error.

Your new roommate leaves dirty laundry all over her room, and you assume she must be a slob. You ignore the fact that she is currently taking finals and working 40 hours per week. You are demonstrating:

the fundamental attribution error.

In the Solomon Asch conformity experiments, researchers found that a person was more likely to conform to a group when:

the group was unanimous.

The excitement that lingers after a frightening event can often facilitate passionate love. This is best explained by:

the two-factor theory

The fundamental attribution error involves:

underestimating situational influences on another's behavior.

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