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Johnathan Edwards

"Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God" sermon - had a very monotone voice, stayed very flat the entire time - when people started barking and shouting → converting back to the faith

Mass Bay Colony

1629 - Predominately interested in making some money - living in a non-separatists place → north of Plymouth - wanted to bring the Church of England to the New World - Boston officially became the capitol of the colony - had multiple congregational churches throughout - JOHN WINTHROP → governor that everyone goes to for the overall decisions - theocratic rule → church dictated what government would do - calls Mass Bay Colony a "city upon a hill" → the best

Great Migration

1642 - 21,000 puritans came from England to the New World - decided to join the separatists or make their own

Monarchy returns

1660 - Charles II assumes British throne - reunited all the countries that were having problems → Scots and the Irish - gave out charters → Royal African Company → exclusive right to sell slaves to the colonies

Bacon's Rebellion

1676 - colony of Virginia - William Burkley - governor of Virginia for over 30 years - dictator → tight with tobacco farmers - found wealthiest people → friending them → gave them best plots of land → voted for him - surplus of tobacco → prices go down → elites lose money - Native Americans steal stuff from colonists - Burkley doesn't do anything about it → no friend's - Nathaniel Bacon → elitist - member of a group ticked at Burkley - leads revolt with everyone who's mad at Burkley - except slaves - planned a cool march to Burkley's house - demands protection from Native Americans - asked to lower taxes - Bacon dies of dissentary → diahrea - Burkley goes back for the way things were

Salem Witch Trials

1691 - Puritans believed in witchcraft → supernatural phenomenon - 150 people (mostly women) accused of witchcraft - not a lot of evidence - most were executed


1740 - north & south Carolina start to separate - south Carolina had a wealthy group → said they were rich because they never had to work → Mark of a Gentleman

Phase 1 of French and Indian War

1754 - 1756 - happens in the colonies - French/Indians vs British colonists in Ohio Valley - Louis authorizes French to go buck wild - French dominate British → use Great Lakes and Mississippi to supply troops → ammunition and food

Phase 2 of French and Indian War

1757 - 1758 - alliances made in Europe → brought to the colonies - William asks help for America → Austria and Prussia financially able to offer assistance - Spanish formed alliance with Louis 14th → hoped to receive a benefit - allows William to pick a Prime minister → William Pitt - offers support and strategy they desperately needed - bought colonies under England's control completely - 1757 - expects colonial volunteers to fight → mistaken - creates Policy of Impressment → forced to serve in the army - colonists didn't want it → fair for white males - starts to plant strategy → orchestrates everything → never once fought in a war → too valuable to risk life → incredibly successful - British begin to take back power

Sugar Act/Revenue Act

1764 - Parliament hands town tax for sugar and Molasses → Merchants definitely buying and selling it → colonists got around it


A group of entrepreneurs who were interested in moving north of the Spainiards, but south of Virginia - Known for slave trade → perfect spot for midway point of slave trade - Rice was the staple crop → didn't realize it at first

Mound Builders

A native American tribe who lived in Louisiana along the river - Made huge mounds for burial grounds - About the size of the snow banks at Xavier - Way of burying the dead

Slavery in Africa

Africans slaving there own people who were criminals / in debt - Africans became slaves because of war between tribes → captured enemy troops → became slaves - many Africans were domestic slaves → worked within a household - not as much brutality in Africa - Portugease see slavery in Africa and thought "we could do that too"

Colony Types

All colonies fall into one of these categories - Joint stock colony: founded by a group of investors who fund it - Proprietary: someone who seeks permission from a monarch to colonize - fund on their own - Royal colony - totally funded by a king or queen, extending the empire


Atlantic slave trade (from Africa to the colonies) - 1700's, slavery was becoming more of the norm in the British empire, main labor source - colonial merchant's making a lot of money off of the slave trade

Growth of Colonial America

British colonies were booming → exceeding French & Spanish - 1700 → 255,000 colonists - 1770 → 2.3 million colonists - surge of immigrants from Germany, Ireland, and Scotland - high birth rate - England economy repaired → less of a push to the New World - start sending "undesireables" to the new world to work the fields → serving their sentences → expected to stay there


British discriminated the Irish, Native Americans, and African Americans → not because of skin colors - 1640's and 50's → treatment gets worse - Larger population of slaves → try to rebel → had to be more rigid - not protected by laws → less rights than indentured servants - had to follow slave code → black code - broke families up

Native Americans

British not interested in oppressing them → originally - Gradually pushed them further and further west - no big deal made over it - Somewhat interested in weapons - British flaunt materials → some native Americans interested - some native Americans were offered money for land

Southern Slavery

Carolina area (split into North + South in 1730), known for harvesting rice - also grew indigo - a crop not for eating, but mainly used to dye things (clothing) - indigo was the rage - colony of Georgia founded in 1733, buffer between Spanish + British empires → named after King George - founder of Georgia was James Oglethorpe, kind of a dictator - we see slave abuse + horrible treatment in Georgia - some slaves still able to maintain a slave community in Georgia

Columbian Exchange

Columbus and his men brought germs, food, and animals - significant amount of Indians being wiped out - Tobacco is incredibly hardy and addictive, common for the Native Americans - STD's were mostly caused by rape at the beginning - prevented them from being fertile - Makes Columbus seem like a hero, even though he's incredibly brutal


Did not believe in private ownership of land - Tribes did not claim land to settle/hunt on - Property with valuables did not motivate them because there were more important things to them

New England Economy

Diversified → lots of timber, fishing, and rum being distilled, ship building industry established - Farmers → subsistence farming → not enough extra crop to feed the entire British empire - very few slaves lived in New England

Governing Spanish America

Dukes representing the monarch - Catholic church asked to go to the New World to teach Spanish and Catholicism

Eastern North American Indians

East of the Mississippi had most of the Native Americans present - Tribes went to war with each other and made alliances with each other - very diverse

Mercantilism 1650-1700

England realizes the economy is worth a lot of money - decided to consolidate the colonies into the British empire - export more than import - exports = revenue = more wealth of the empire = show the colonists who's boss - doesn't apply to any other European nations

Native American Religion

Had ceremonial practices - Native Americans did not understand Christianity → did not believe in one god - Incredibly spiritual → idea of supernatural existing

Christopher Columbus

He was Italian, incredibly bright, pretty well educated → understood the world was round, had no idea how big the planet was - Italian government mocks him and his proposal - Feels validated by the King and Queen of Spain - Promised to - claim it to the Empire of Spain - Goal was to get to India by sailing across Atlantic - has to get silk's and spices - would need to govern the song - 1492 → first voyage that he set sail → began to sail west - Hit land at what was Hispaniola → modern day Haiti/Dominican Republic - Arawok → first tribe that Columbus encountered - spent 6 months there - Fascinated how the people were surviving - Decided to bring 10 Indians back to Spain * After he landed in Hispaniola, Christopher Columbus abandoned members of his crew and made room for 10 native Americans - Columbus does them a favor by expanding their empire

Dutch Empire

Henry Hudson - wanted to go to what we know as New York, Manhattan - established a maritime empire - trade/commerce - Made some serious money off of Henry Hudson


Hernan Cortes → a Spainiard who was told to bring a military into the new world and wipe out Aztec population - Aztecs did not want anything to do with Catholicism - other tribes wanted to join Cortes even though he would later wipe them out


In the 1700's, most African rulers knowingly participated in the slave trade (sold their people) - were interested in European guns & textiles - African rulers were giving up more bodies than they were gaining, Europeans took advantage - they didn't know that the ppl they were selling were becoming a part of a massive enterprise - slaves were incredibly profitable (sold in their colonies for more than they were bought for) - African rulers weren't really aware of the treatment + brutality of slaves - affected African society + pop. because losing a lot of Pop.

New York

Jacob Leisler → die hard calvanist - one of the wealthiest colonists in New York → merchant - people follow him if they have money → poor people look at him as an enemy New York divided by class and ethnicity → British vs Dutch - British wealthy + dutch poor King William leaves the colonists to take care of it → poor people become violent → hanged him and cut him

New York

James gets rid of New Netherlands name → names it York - not interested in living there → has to pick a leader → Edmund Andros appointed governor of colony - a number of colonists break away → run their own colony - Andros aligns with five Native American tribes → Covenant Chain → allows for colonists to move westward

Glorious Revolution in America

King James looked at Connecticut, Rhode Island, Plymouth, Massachusetts Bay, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania → made it into a royal colony → Dominion of New England - Edmund Andros → promoted as leader of Dominion of New England - started ruling with an iron fist → never asked for permission - virtually allowed to do anything he wants - King William starts rule → colonists decide to overthrow Edmund Andros - arrested, thrown into jail → Dominion dissolves → colonies split up → Massachusetts Bay and Plymouth become Massachusetts


King Louis 14th → incredibly ambitious of France being better than England - invests in expansion in North America - encourages French to settle all along Mississippi river → control access to Great Lakes - building forts, trading posts, and a community - tolerant of Native Americans → French and Native Americans align → poses threat to Britain Ohio Valley - named after Ohio River - French, British, Native Americans collide here


King William creates Grand Alliance → invited European countries to target Louis 14th - tells members to go after Louis 14th if there's an opportunity - gives charter to settle in Ohio Valley


Last colony founded during the 1600's - William Penn → lent a lot of money to Charles II during chaos → wanted to be paid back - received a lot of land from New York colony - Predominately a forest - Penn sells land plots for a cheap price → high interest - promised social harmony → protestant, not a Puritan → member of the Society of Friends → called a Quaker - open to any faith


Lord Baltimore/Calvert - very devout Catholic struggling with the reformation - requests permission to explore the new world / start a colony → gives King Charles II some profit of what they make - Lord Baltimore dies before he can leave - Lord Baltimore II goes instead with charter *very high death rate for no reason - Founded Maryland in 1634 - Catholics made tons of money off of tobacco - Maryland Toleration Act - massive increase in population → more protestants than catholics - had to believe in divinity of Jesus → be killed - better success → everyone Christian

Colonial Politics

Magna Carta - document written of rights Property - government needed a warrant to see your stuff Colonies build by nobility or elite - no discussion on rights until boundaries are violated → lower / middle class protests Puritan Info - had a belief in male authority in the household - women were spiritually equal to men → get to celebrate the sacraments, divorce was allowed → man gets to the decide if the women got anything - Churches were congregations → ministers really important - focused a lot on minister's sermon → commentary on policies taken very seriously - hated Catholics - catholicism was very similar to protestantism - ministers didn't acknowledge catholicism as an actual religion

Chesapeake Slavery

Maryland, Delaware, + Virginia → most? slaves went to this region) - in 1770, 1/2 of the Chesapeake population were slaves - slaves didn't really rebel because they were uncertain - slaves didn't really rebel because they were uncertain of what awaited them (could have, tho) - many slaves on small plantations, probably interacted with master regularly, more to do - sometimes/oftentimes masters would work alongside slaves be many tasks to be done - a lot of these slaves learned English/understood it faster - downside was that Chesapeake slave owners wanted rules + laws to protect slaves + property - trying to keep everyone in line so investment would be protected - Chesapeake slaves tended to be more expensive because work was harder - needed strong men but also willing to buy women who were pregnant/younger for slave population - broke up families, there were children sold

European views of Indians

Native Americans did not use technology - bothered Europeans - Thought the people were uncivilized and were savages

Results of King Phillip's War

Native Americans no longer seen as a threat - moving away from colonists Established native American stereotype - savages, uncivilized, not worthy of the land

New light vs. Old light

New light - people willing to convert people → bringing faith into people's lives - built universities and colleges → Princeton, Brown, Yale - tried to be cool and hip Old Light - criticized the way New Light approached bringing people back - preferred traditional ways

Peace of Paris

Orchestrated by King George - invited French and Spanish - wanted the French to be completely removed from North America - Spanish must seed Florida → had to follow British rule - Forces the French to "pay" → give up land including India - Spanish kept Cuba and Philippines - allowed French to remain in New Orleans to help British

Phase 3 of French and Indian War

Pitt wanted to head north to go into Quebec, New France and take out their port - also sends request to king and send British navy to offer support → Navy departs → arrives in 1760 British navy → reason we took out Quebec Tried to hand back responsibility to the colonists King George III → takes over - wanted Pitt to come back to England → jealousy colonists stayed

Results (RI, CT)

Roger Williams went to Rhode Island - welcomes everyone → lot of people came - Anne Hutchinson went to Rhode Island → didn't staylong - Anne decides to go to Connecticut instead → stays for a little while → moves to upstate New York → killed by the Native Americans

The First Americans

The Maya, the Aztec, and the Inca's - All began as independent tribes - Figured out bartering and trade - All were linked in someway to the environment - Nomadic - didn't set up permanent settlements right away - Matrilineal -> the women of the tribes had the most influence - make decisions - run the tribes

Portugal & West Africa

The country that's spooning Spain - Africa is composed of a lot of tribes - HENRY THE NAVIGATOR IS THE LEADER OF PORTUGAL - realized that West Africa had a lot to offer - saw an opportunity to create a Christian empire - shocked when he sees various African tribes are trading people

Western Indians

Tribes that began to settle/roam west of the Mississippi - Indians living in New Mexico/Arizona not as easy to survive/trade - traded pottery and wool with Indians who lived in the Northwest - Culture was different where lived


Walter Raleigh asks Queen Elizabeth to explore America - she refuses to pay - he really only wanted to make money → not explore - 117 people volunteered - Virginia is what they call the land - First American was named Virginia - Found native Americans → realized they were a threat - colonists wanted to go home - some stayed on the island → hoped others would bring back supplies - Walter Raleigh wants to sent them back → need money - takes 2 years - no sign of human life on the island - come across a tree with CRO on it - must have something to do with native Americans killing them OR joined the native Americans - British people went back to England - No official colony - Sir Walter Raleigh admits defeat

King Phillips War - Metacom 1676

Wampanoag tribe led by Metacom - called King Phillip by colonists - a lot of settlements with subsistence farming - White Encroachment - White's are coming in and settling on Native American land - Native Americans hanged → seen as a threat to colonists - both groups of people start to buck heads - Metacom attacks various British settlements → 90 towns in these settlements → burns them - takes out about half of towns → brutal killing - colonists do not take well → team up to fight - some tribes would rather team up with colonists - colonists get help from Iroquois tribe → want to be power player of southern New England - burn down Indian villages → try to capture Metacom - they were successful → hanged Metacom → cut into pieces → did not mind violence - Iroquois and colonists capture Wompanoags → sell them as slaves in West Indies


William rules → protestants want to overthrow catholic leadership - Calvert family pushed out


a document, permission slip → a contract between the monarch and the settlers

New Netherlands

a fairly quiet community - didn't last very long because of British


a member of the Church of England / Anglican Church - either separatist or non-separatist puritans - devout when it comes to the teachings of John Calvin - separatists → wanted to separate from Church of England / King's beliefs - non-separatists → wanted to purify from within - you needed to belong to a church - feared excessive individualism


a phrase used to describe relationship between British government and colonists - unintentional → not their first priority - if it hadn't happened → no revolutionary period


colonists identifying as British → english customs and practices brought to the New World - accents didn't diminish until after Revolutionary War

Zenger Trial 1735

court case on freedom of speech - John Peter Zenger publishes an article about governor of New York - said the governor was corrupt - governor wanted Zenger arrested for liable has been committed - Zenger hires Hamilton as attorney - Jury decides Zenger is not guilty → should've been arrested - Newspapers and publishers begin to think they could publish whatever they wanted

Aftermath of French and Indian War

decided to consolidate the 13 colonies

Tax Burden

deciding who should be taxed more heavily → the colonist or people in England - both sides pointing fingers trying to assess the problem 133 million pounds → astronomical amount

Navigation Acts

designed to tighten the control the British government had over trade - England monitored the ships → had to get boats British approved

significance of Pennsylvania

flourishes and does well financially - Philadelphia is the hub → a place where people could come together - some people didn't like this → asked to buy land and create a new colony → Delaware

Native Americans

had a lot of opportunities to convert to Puritanism - people realized they weren't worthy of conversion - native Americans rebel because of land being taken → not being pushed around - Pequot tribe → located in Connecticut → 1630's - had been trading fur → starting fighting with colonists → lost because of lack of weapons - started moving westward → out of fear

Merchant Elite

handled all of the logistics with trade → only a few of them - responsible for slave trade coming to the colonies

"Republicanism" vs "Liberalism"

how much are you going to contribute + participate in your community + public life? - Republicans wanted ppl to be involved and engaged - idea of putting your interests aside and doing things for the good of the public community - Liberalism is about recognizing that the individual should always come first - individual rights + privileges, not about the greater good - this is not like political parties today

Indentured servants

if you didn't have money you became an indentured servant → work off debt for 5 years → free and clear - use the art of negotiation to get land - 2/3 of people coming over were indentured servants

African American Culture

if you were black living in the colonies, you were African. "African American" not till after civil war - Africans start to create/build a culture since coming together from different tribes - a melting pot of different African tribes w/different beliefs, etc. - shared the idea of spirituality in nature + human relationship with nature - not Christian (but would try to be converted by colonists) - create a language called Gullan by putting together common words + naming stuff - a common language between the slaves (kinda like Latin or English today?) - if you were closer to the northern side of the south, tended to be better exposed to white culture - some instances of slave resistance + revolt, most common was to run away - didn't really have anywhere to go if in southern colonies

British debt

includes not only what government spent but what the colonists demanded

Middle Passage

journey that slaves traveled across the Atlantic to colonies in fairly large boats - 2-3 months, horrible conditions, cramped (as many slaves on a boat as possible = more profit) - stacked in bunks (4 in size of 2), layered laying down, others had slaves "spooning" → had to urinate on top of each other - 1 hour per day to walk around on deck in a circle chained together - some died on route, body would be thrown overboard, traders knew that - some slaves were sold who were not healthy (hard to tell)

French Colonization

late 1500's set sail across Atlantic to Pacific Ocean - did not think they were going to get to India - came across what would be Canada - no success with farming → successful with trade and hunting - found no gold - came into contact with Native Americans → very tolerant - fur trade was a great investment - good relationship with native Americans - chill group of priests - had no success in the great lakes and north

Albany Plan of Union 1754

led by Ben Franklin - open up discussion regarding Native Americans - moves into talking about creating a central government that all colonies are a part of - other members disagree - writes plan anyway → send to William - Central government monitors trade, military, native American relations, and westward settlement - William strongly denies idea

Encomienda System

massive system of labor → way to control & monitor Native Americans - kind of like a dormitory in a way

Pontiac's Rebellion

member of Ottawa tribe → war leader - tried to unify Native American tribes in Ohio Valley and Great Lakes region - tried to engage tribes to fight against colonists → had to completely go through a detox of all British supplies → including alcohol - British colonists crushed them

Anne Hutchinson

mid-wife → very well educated, incredibly gifted - very devout Puritan → loved exploring the Bible - begins to question how you could only speak with God through a minister - women in labor didn't like how Anne was just having them talk to God without a minister - started a bible study at her house - people didn't like her → brought her in front of the congregation - kicked her out

Freedom in the colonies

more and more people in the colony are literate - colonists felt they had the ability to publically disagree - had a great deal of freedom in their daily life - Ben Franklin → posted controversial content

Great Awakening

more and more people were walking away from faith - happened at the same time as the enlightenment - people began to wonder how they could bring people back to church

Colonial elite

most powerful colonists → plantation owners with slaves - didn't have a title in front of their names

Age of Exploration

motivated by gold, God, or glory - Chinese started the Age of Exploration

Freedom and authority

needed someone to be in charge - needed to bring that to the Indians - Europeans thought they were superior

Office holders

needed to demonstrate you had more property than someone else - had to wealthy, educated, and had social status - not very many elections → not very many cut-throat elections

New Netherlands

now includes parts of 6 modern day states → New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware and Connecticut - 9,000 colonists amongst the colony - Leader → Peter Stuyvesant - Charles II wants to send people and stuff here → sends British to occupy the New Netherlands - gives ownership of the Land to his brother → James, Duke of York


one of the most tolerant religious groups, laid back - believe in personal morality → you should strive to be holy - got along with native Americans

European's view of freedom

personal freedom being monitored by rules and laws


probably going to be a farmer - farms were called haciendas - could also go into the mines → to go digging for gold - SPAINIARDS DID NOT WANT TO LIVE PERMANENTLY → convert and take resources

Bartolome de Las Casas

really outspoken Spanish priest - want to call out Encomienda system and expose it / defend Native Americans - King and Queen took it into consideration

Christian liberty

recognition of the European's spreading Christianity → repercussions if they didn't

George Whitefield

says God is merciful if you repent - many people start converting back to Christianity → various churches - methodist - more and more colonists in different faiths - reached out to the poor and those who couldn't vote - most successful

English Emigrants

sheep had overpopulated England - farmers choosing sheep over crops - Enclosure movement - available space to live is being restricted to raise sheep - often cited as a major motivator for English people


social crisis in Europe at the time → not a great place to live - a lot of suffering because of poverty → starvation


still poor people → thought you were poor because you were lazy - families → center of well-being - family works together → successful

Glorious Revolution in England

struggle for control and power - parliament vs. monarchy - no physical battles - parliament didn't know if the king was catholic or protestant King Charles (Protestant) was willing to share power with Parliament → dies in 1685 James becomes king is catholic → believes in Divine right - doesn't try to do anything crazy - 1687 - issues a royal decree → British empire tolerant of catholics and protestants - had 2 children → Mary and James - Mary is 15 years old → invites a male suitor who is protestant to overthrow her father - marries her first cousin → William - King James knows William and Mary are cousins → no big deal - William brings massive army from Netherlands - threatens King James of murder → King James runs away - William assumes throne - Catholics in parliament don't speak up


the 1700s - all about using science and scientific method to politics, and religion - historians believe it was celebrating science and reason - either used science to prove God or disprove God - Deism → a belief that God existed in creating the world but after the world was created he was out of the picture - gets tied into being an agnostic - a lot of colonists subscribe to this reasoning - Ben Franklin & Thomas Jefferson - allowed founding fathers to blend faith and science

Indian's view of freedom

the ability to make choices

Problems of Post War

the debt of French Indian War and 7 Year War - has to figure out how to populate all claimed land - British colonists unruly → hard to control → put boundaries on them → Proclamation line - says not to pass Appalachian Mountains or get slaughtered - colonist cross - get slaughtered - native Americans thought he was helping them out

Virtual representation

the idea that parliament created - if you lived in the empire you're represented by parliament - colonists don't want to be taxed until they have a representative to voice concerns to parliament

Jamestown 1607

very first official settlement - King James I was the king of England - approached by 2 joint stock companies asking for permission - VIRGINIA (London) COMPANY - PLYMOUTH COMPANY - King James let both go → 2 different places of New World - Virginia → South - Plymouth → North - Virginia Company set sail first → Jamestown settlers - Built along peninsula of James River - very strategically placed - 117 people were not the hardest working people - John Smith was a hard worker - wanted his men to help him → kind of lazy - only wanted women to come to help populate - James river very swampy → people got sick - John Rolph → not a member of nobility → a problem solver - Figures out native Americans have tobacco crops → money-maker - Puts Jamestown on the map when it comes to tobacco - Two John's but heads - John Smith → takes the leadership role → blames Rolph for not having any food - Native Americans - Powhatan - Number 1 target to go steal stuff from → food - John Smith led these raids → he got injured by bow and arrow - he needed to leave → no official leader - John Rolph interested in chief Powhatan's daughter → Pocahontas - Pocahontas seen kind of as a peacemaker - John Rolph married Pocahontas → moved into slavery - Slavery - Slaves from Africa don't enter until 1619 → colony imports them - 1619 official year slaves started coming over from Africa - didn't know land or language - treatment varied on owners - GOVERNMENT - colonists in Jamestown elected in 1619 → same year as slaves - elected candidate would make decision for colony → very basic - economic decisions - only allowed men who had land to run → men, white, rich - House of Burgesses → first time we had legislative in the U.S. - still part of the empire


wanted to break away from the Church of England → Netherlands 1808 - people of Netherlands were liberal → not very conservative → too flexible - decided Netherlands was no longer a good place to live → went to the new world - leader William Bradford → separatist Puritan, believed in order - asks puritans to join him in sailing to the new world → 35 puritans agrees → saints - 67 people not puritans agree → strangers - 1620 Mayflower starts sailing → settle farther north → cape cod → calls it Plymouth - forces all the males on board to sign the Mayflower Compact - loose agreement of rules - first year rough → food and weather → did not want to move to Jamestown - native Americans offered some help - celebrated their first year → thanksgiving - separatist puritans → thanksgiving pilgrims

3 sisters farming

west of the Mississippi - a technique to grow 3 different crops on one stalk - included squash, bean, and a corn stalk because they all had different growing times allowing harvest time to be year round - Europeans love this idea - left over food would be traded with other tribes - did not need a great water supply


white males could vote - had to prove you owned property

Gender Relations

women held quite a bit of power → until European's arrived - women felt strongly that they needed to protect their womb's - women could decide if they wanted to marry/divorce their husbands - no shame if a women got pregnant before marriage - women often planned ceremonies - uncommon for marriages between tribes

Roger Williams

young Puritan minister → didn't think church should play such a big role in government's actions - labelled a radical → needed to break away from the church - banished from the colony in 1636 → moved into modern day Rhode Island

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