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One of the most potent anti-malarial drugs, artemisinin, was originally isolated from an organism in the Kingdom


A climax community usually ____/

remains in place until a disturbance restarts succession

A mushroom is a ____ structure attached to a mass of ____ fungal strands (hyphae)

reproductive, soil decomposing

Desert seed eating rodents that don't drink get their water from


Ecological restoration tries to ____.

return ecosystems to a more "natural" state, often what they were like before industrial civilization altered them

Ecosystem-based timber harvesting uses methods that ____.

attempt to preserve the functional integrity of the ecosystem

Eukaryotes generally do photosynthesis thanks to specialized cellular organelles called ____ that originally resulted from endosymbiosis of cyanobacteria.


Which of the following is a non-consumptive use of water as a resource?

hydroelectric power

Adaptive radiation in the Hawaiian honeycreepers shows the interesting pattern that ____ species are found on ____ islands

newer (derived), newer

The most abundant gas in the atmosphere, ____, is there because of the action of ____.

nitrogen (N2), bacteria

Forests reach their greatest ecological complexity when ____.

they are mature and exhibit a multi-level canopy

Concessions granted by developing nations allow ____.

timber extraction by foreign multinational corporations

In the United States, most logging takes place in ____.

timber industry owned private forests

Within what section of a biosphere reserve is agriculture practice practiced sustainably, in a limited manner?

transition zone

What is the process in which forest plants release water back into the atmosphere?


Which of the following biomes features wet and dry seasons?

tropical dry forest

All domestic dogs are derived from the same wild species.


During the Coal Age, ferns that grew tall like today's trees ("tree ferns") were some of the most important plants in those ecosystems.


Horses (equidae) and dogs (canidae) both have fossil records that indicate there were far more species in the past than currently exist.


Extinction rates have been ____ over evolutionary time, but long term diversity measures have been ____.

variable, increasing

The "reef" of coral reef is

all of the above

In general, when one views a food chain, they can expect the biomass of herbivores (organisms that eat plants) in an ecosystem to be about ____ of the biomass of the plants and other photosynthetic organisms in the ecosystem.


At current rates of consumption, and given current estimates of known reserves, the predicted length of time to exhaustion of world oil supplies is about ____ years.


UK researchers are investigating the potential of algae to absorb carbon dioxide from fossil fuel emissions by exploring as many of the roughly ____ known species as possible


A 2003 study reported that ____% of large-bodied fish and sharks were lost since the advent of industrialized fishing.


Most commercial logging today takes place in ____.

Canada, Russia, and Brazil

An essential element required in the construction of a chlorophyll molecule in addition to C, H, O, and N is

Magnesium (Mg)

Dinosaurs evolved following the ____ extinction 250 million years ago


Two of the Domains in the 3 Domain system of classification are considered one Kingdom in the 5 Kingdom system, that is the Kingdom ___________.


The fox (Arctic vs. Grey) speciation example is considered a(n) ____ speciation with coat color divergence driven by reduced visibility (camouflage) to ____.

allopatric, prey

The first national park was ____.


Oceans have absorbed approximately one-third of the excess carbon dioxide that humans have added to Earth's atmosphere so far. This has slowed the progression of global climate change, but it has led to ____.

a decrease in the pH (ocean acidification)

Which statement is an accurate description of a keystone species?

a keystone species that is a predator controls the herbivore populations, which in turn regulates the plant populations

What is the direct cause of death for aquatic animals during eutrophication?

a loss of dissolved oxygen in the water

Which of the following scenarios is most likely to lead to an adaptive radiation?

a tsunami destroys all life on a remote Pacific island

Processes that add new genes to a population include

a, b & c

The rapid melting of Greenland's ice cap could disrupt the NADW formation by ___.

adding huge amounts of less dense fresh water to the surface of the system

Some Creationists argue that while natural selection certainly can and does change the traits of species, 6,000 years is not long enough for it to have generated the diversity of life that we currently see. Biologists ____.


Algae have internal cell components that include

all of the above

Freshwater wetlands provide important ecosystem services, including ____.

all of the above

An artesian well occurs when ____.

an aquifer is trapped under pressure between two layers that are less permeable

Today, the most widespread type of plant is also the most recently evolved. They are the


What two factors exert the greatest influence over a terrestrial biome?

annual average temperature and precipitation

Zebra mussels ____.

are an invasive exotic species that clog pipes and cover boat hulls


are generally single celled

An example of homologous organs are

bat wing and whale fin

Which organism pollinates 75% of our crops?


Most of the world's forests occur as ____.

boreal forests and tropical rainforests

Recent research that analyzed the content of commercial bottled water indicates that ____.

bottled water is no safer or purer than most samples of tap water

Upwelling ____.

brings benthic nutrients to the ocean surface promoting high primary productivity

"Ecosystem" is a ____ concept then "community" because it includes ____.

broader, abiotic environment

____ are more closely related to whales than to ____.

camels, horses

Artificial wetlands _____.

can be used to aid wastewater treatment

This biome often features wildfires due to extensive dry seasons.


Which of the following harvesting methods is the most cost-efficient but has the greatest ecological impacts?


Even the most well protected forest is subject to significant disruption due to what environmental issue?

climate change

bacteria that photosynthesize might be called


Fungi and bacteria are ____, organisms that break down leaf litter and other nonliving matter, making it available for plant uptake.


Ecosystem ecology emphasizes components generally ignored by community ecology, namely ____ and ____.

decomposers, nutrients

____ are typically primary consumers in a temperature deciduous forest


Coexistence of two species if MORE likely if their niches are


Mitosis results in perfect duplication of cells. Meiosis results in a shift from ____ to ____.

diploid, haploid

Ecologists have concluded that species ______ primarily exist because of their contribution to the success of the community, and one consequence of this is that communities ______ tend to assemble spontaneously.

do not, do

The reason there are many ,more gazelles than lions ion the Serengeti is that

ecological efficiency averages about ten percent

Water bodies where rivers flow into the oceans, mixing fresh water with saltwater, are called ____.


Due to the increase in problems with antibiotic resistance, drug companies have greatly increased their investment in antibiotic research, resulting in a record number of applications for approval of new antibiotics.


The eyes of fishes and octopi are amazingly similar, except that the octopus has a "blind spot".


The two main benefits of joining social group cooperations are

feeding and defense

The Coelacanth, that was first discovered as a fossil before it was found still extant in modern times (a so called "living fossil"), is a species of ____.


The key insight of ecosystem ecology was to recognize that energy ____ the system, and materials ____ the system.

flows through, cycle within

In Mangrove swamps, air roots are important

for oxygen

"Edge effects" are a particular problem when ____.

formerly large habitats are reduced to small fragments

The two most important groups of decomposers are found in the kingdoms

fungi, prokaryote

A major process that inhibits speciation is

gene flow

Evolution is defined as change in ____ in a ____ over time.

genes, population

Adaptive evolution requires processes that both increase and decrease ____, and natural selection is a process that ____ it.

genetic variation, decreases

Heritable variation depends on differences in ____ resulting in differences in ____.

genotype, phenotype

Taiga and tundra both ____.

have comparatively low temperatures throughout the year

Terrestrial plants are different than seaweeds in that they

have roots

Ocean current are affected by global warming because saltier water is ____, and global warming is making tropical waters ____ salty.

heavier, more

____ are the most common herbivores.


Individuals of a single species fighting over access to a limiting resource is one example of ____.

intraspecific competition

The following statement about carrying capacity is true

it exists because conditions for organisms deteriorate with increasing density

An ancient forest with large, old trees is logged. After some years, new, immature trees replace the old ones. How can the new forest be characterized?

it is a secondary forest

Which of the following statements about China's Three Gorges Dam is true?

it will generate enough power to replace dozens of coal and nuclear plants

_____ are organizations that purchase land to preserve it in its natural condition.

land trusts

Photosynthetic fungi are called


Ocean water has high levels of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) because

living organisms have little use for Na of Cl

Detritivores include ____.

millipedes and soil insects

Only about 2.5% of all the water on our plane is freshwater, however, ____.

most of this is in polar ice caps, glaciers, and underground aquifers and is not easily accessed for human use

As species interactions, clownfish and sea anemones are considered ____ while plants and myccorhizae are considered ____.

mutualism, mutualism

____ are replacing primary forests in much of southeast Asia.

oil palm plantations

What caused the Aral Sea, the fourth largest lake on Earth, to lose four-fifths of its volume in 45 years?

overconsumption by cotton farmers

How to predation and parasitism differ?

parasites rarely kill their host while predators kill their prey

Which of the following pollutants does not occur naturally in groundwater?

petroleum products

Reproductive isolation occurs in allopatric speciation via ____ and in sympatric speciation via ____.

physical separation, ecological separation

The largest (heaviest) single individual organism (single connected genotype) is in the kingdom


Xeriscaping can save water by ____.

planting native or drought-resistant plants with little or no water requirements

Pathogens and waterborne diseases enter drinking water supplies from ____.

poorly treated wastewater or from animal wastes from feed lots

Ecologists study emergent properties at different levels, for example "carrying capacity" is an emergent property at the level of the


The single factor ____ most strongly predicts the NPP of terrestrial ecosystems.


Grazing animals such as deer are ____

primary consumers or herbivores

____ capture solar energy and use photosynthesis to produce sugars


Which kingdom does NOT contain eukaryotes?


Wastewater that is stirred and aerated so that aerobic bacteria consume most of the small pieces of organic matter in the wastewater is being subjected to _____.

secondary treatment

Macho B, the last known jaguar in the U.S., was trapped using one of the three main factors that "organize" populations, namely


What type of farming has led to the destruction of mangroves?


Which of the following is true about top predators?

they are likely to be keystone species

Kelp ____.

suffers intense herbivory from sea urchins

Prescribed burns would be used in forests ____.

that are subject to severe wild fires to remove fuel load and stimulate new growth

Which of the following statements regarding forestry is false?

the acreage of land is currently covered by forest has decreased in all major world regions

In ecology, the central idea of the "niche" refers to

the characteristics of the environment where a species succeeds

Recombination is the mixing of genes from

the mother and father

Which of the following statements correctly summarizes an example of the imprint go history on biological design?

the vas deferens of the human male is much longer than it needs to be

The National Forest Management Act ____ national forest land.

was passed in 1976 with the intent to ensure multiple use and sustainable yield

Plants are green because

wavelengths not absorbed by pigments are reflected

The UNFAO has demonstrated that forest loss has slowed but ____.

we still lose forests at the rate of 3.3 million ha/yr

Which of the following does NOT correctly state a hypothesized functional benefit of sexual reproduction?

when offspring are different from each other they are more likely to compete

This is the U.S. government designation that provides the most protection from human damage to a public area.

wilderness area

Many present-day fisheries scientists ____.

wish to set aside areas of ocean where systems can function without human interference

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