Final Exam GIS Crime Analysis

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According to Rosenbaum et al, ____________ strategies can be divided into the categories of target hardening measures, access control strategies, surveillance enhancement efforts, and community-building measures.


CECAD stands for (in the correct order):

Collection, Evaluation, Collation, Analysis, and Dissemination

A __________ hot spot analysis technique results in an odd polygon shape that follows the outermost points within the cluster of points.

Convex Hull

The acronym CPTED stands for which of the following?

Crime Prevention through Environmental Design

What is the acronym for the policing philosophy that emphasizes the connection between, crime and traffic safety.


Newman's ____________ _________ model argues that physical space can be structured in a way that fosters and reinforces a social structure which defends itself.

Defensible space

An offender's activity space is comprised of his or her habitual geography, which includes which of the following?

Favorite restaurant/bar Gas station Drug market

The point to environmental design is to _____________, _____________, and/or _____________ people to behave in a desirable manner in a given situation.

Guide, manipulate, encourage

Newman identified which four types of zones through his research:

Public, semi-public, semi-private, private

Geographic profiling is based on which of the following theories?

Rational choice theory Routine activity theory Crime pattern theory

Which of the following is not a measure of central tendency?

Standard deviation

What type of analysis involves the study of crime and other law enforcement issues to identify long-standing patterns of crime and other problems and to assess police responses to these problems?

Strategic Crime Analysis

In general, the primary finding of the Kansas City Preventative Patrol study suggests that routine preventative patrol has:

a strong impact on crime little value in preventing crime or making citizens feel safe unknown potential

There are two general types of proximity analysis: _____________ and ____________.

buffers and queries

Which type of data below contains information about people or places that is not crime related?


Which of the following is not part of the 5 major components of a GIS?


An analyst must always choose a buffer distance of 0.5 miles when working with citywide data.


What type of data involve persons listed in reports, corrections data, probation, parole records, and sex offender registry information.


The _________of a distribution is essentially the average distance of each score from the mean).

standard deviation

Which type of data below would include property taken or recovered in a criminal incident, evidence found at the scene, stolen vehicles, weapons, and other items of interest to the analyst?


Throughout the country only a few analysts ever do tactical analysis.


Which of the following is NOT a finding of the Rand Corporation Criminal Investigations Study?

-For cases that are solved (i.e., a suspect is identified), an investigator spends more time in post-clearance processing than he does in identifying the perpetrator. -Substantially more than half of all serious reported crimes receive no more than superficial attention from investigators. -Differences in training, staffing, workload, and procedures appear to have no appreciable effect on crime, arrest, or clearance rates.

Which of the following is NOT identified as a common limitation of problem-oriented policing ventures?

-Police report reductions in calls for service or arrests without relating the results to specific actions taken. -Police consider assessment only as an afterthought, rather than building it into the original outline for the entire project. -Police fail to present any control data. -Police fail to study displacement

Park observed that cities were made up of individual divisions based on:

-Race and ethnicity -socioeconomic status and occupation -physical characteristics of structural components of the city

We would expect 99.72% of the distribution to fall within ____standard deviations above and below the mean.


The area between 0 and 1 standard deviation encompasses ________ of the area under the normal curve.


Which type of analysis involves the presentation of key findings of crime research and analysis to audiences within law enforcement, local government, and citizenry based on legal, political, and practical concerns?

Administrative Crime Analysis

Oscar Newman's research on crime prevention strategies in public housing projects emphasized how _______________ ___________ could play a role in reducing crime.

Architectural Design

Which of the following internal experiences is reflected by the mental map?

Attitudes Experiences Feelings

When an offender finds a new target, that target is immediately added to what cognitive area?

Awareness space Personal space Habitual space

In a __________ ________ __________ in a neighborhood, many of the neighbors actively report, intercede, or watch their portion of the neighborhood for criminal or socially unacceptable behavior.

Block watch group

The concept of crime prevention through environmental design is known as __________.


Maps that bring together all of the information in a ____________ manner to provide a visual of the whole picture are most useful to _____________? -Cartographic, Chiefs -Coherent, Investigators -Special, Patrol Officers -Awesome, Detective

Coherent, Investigators

What is attributed as being responsible for the 41% drop in crime that New York City experienced between 1993-1997?


Which of the following is a component of the Positivist School of Criminology?

Embracement of the scientific method of studying crime

In the _______ perspective, crime analysis should not only examine areas where crimeis prevalent, but also areas where crime is likely to emerge in the future.


Routine Activities Theory, Rational Choice Theory, and Crime Pattern Theory are all housed within a larger theoretical framework called what?

Environmental Criminology

Which of the following suggests we analyze a variety of characteristics about the physical landscape such as land use, access, and visibility, to determine likely areas that are conducive to crime?

Environmental Criminology

When considering a target, a criminal's use of multiple types of searches is likely to produce which of the following at the aggregate level?

Expected crime pattern

ACJS supports GIS growth by developing software to be used in the field.


High resolution and 3-D applications have overtaken analyst's ability to make maps of buildings such as apartment buildings or correctional institutions to illustrate problem areas within these buildings.


If the use of GIS by smaller agencies is to increase, less training and more equipment is needed.


______________ ______________ is a police investigation strategy that uses the locations in a connected crime series to narrow the search for likely suspects.

Geographic profiling

Which of the following contributed enhanced law enforcements capability to develop and implement crime mapping?

Government funding Expanded training A "tech savvy" workforce

Clarke and Eck expanded routine activities theory and developed the problem analysis triangle (or crime triangle) to include the "controllers" which are handlers, managers, and _________.


Shaw and McKay argued that which of the following racial or ethnic groups suffered from the highest rates of crime in socially disorganized neighborhoods:

Hispanic Asian African American

Which of the following is not a main objective of punishment (according to Bentham)?

Incarcerate only serious offenders

What type of data typically includes data on reported offenses, calls for service, arrests, traffic citations, and accidents?


Which of the following is a general category of official crime data?

Incident People Places

Park argued that cities grew from the inside out through a process of:

Invasion Dominance Succession

__________ involves placing an area within a larger community or physical space containing territoriality, natural surveillance, and image, creating a defensible space that remains free of criminal activity.


The most widely known self report data used in crime analysis is the _____________________.

National Crime Victimization Survey

Jane Jacobs was one of the first to suggest that the physical environment could be manipulated by improving the _________________of an area to reduce crime.

Natural surveillance

Newman suggested that by improving _____________ _____________ and encouraging tenants to assume responsibility for the public areas existing within the housing project boundaries might reduce crime due to an increase in the risk of observation.

Natural surveillance

_____________ _____________ involves designing physical space in a way that allows legitimate users to observe the behaviors of friends and strangers.

Natural surveillance

Which of the following inhibits collective efficacy in a neighborhood?

Neighborhood turnover Heterogeneous population Poverty

While SARA looks at problem solving from the police officer side, what looks at problem solving from the analyst side?

None of the above

Effective environmental design strategies produce clues emanating from the neighborhood sending the message to ____________ and _____________that committing crimes in this place would be risky and unprofitable.

Outsiders, potential offenders

Criminal Intelligence Analysis typically looks at organized criminal activity and seeks to link which of the following in an effort to prevent crime?

People, events, property

Which of the following are sources of data crime analysts should consider when producing crime maps?

Police departments Social welfare agencies Federal Census Bureau

According to Pearsall (2010), "__________... is taking data from disparate sources, analyzing them, and then using the results to anticipate, prevent, and respond more effectively to future crime."

Predictive policing

____________, uses GIS layers that the analyst feels may help the directionality, frequency, and target selection of the criminal and predict where the offender may strike again.

Probability grid mapping

Which theoretical perspectives were built upon Shaw and McKay's work and have made enormous contributions to the study and understanding of crime in a spatial context?

Routine Activities Theory Rational Choice Theory Crime Pattern Theory

In problem-oriented policing, problems are addressed utilizing which model below?


After observing that higher juvenile delinquency rates tended to cluster in certain neighborhoods, which two Criminologists determined that various factors about those neighborhoods contributed to crime in their theory of social disorganization?

Shaw and McKay

Target availability is comprised of which two types of factors?

Spatial and temporal

___________ analysis draws lines from each point in a distribution to its centroid, or mean center.

Spider diagram

What do we call the distribution of targets and the activities of victims in the target environment?

Target backcloth

_______________ refers to the ability of legitimate users of an area or physical space to frequently use and to protect the space from non legitimate users.


Because of its great success, the Boston Gun Project was later deemed what?

The Boston Miracle

More and more colleges across the country are offering courses that are focused on GIS in law enforcement, pointing toward the expansion of this profession in the criminal justice community.


Smaller departments are much more likely to discontinue the use of crime mapping due to staffing and technical support.


The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has offered eleven crime mapping conferences since October 2011.


With GIS, users want to think along the lines of the business intelligence field where data becomes information and information becomes actionable knowledge.


Which report is published annually by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)?

Uniform Crime Report

Under _____, human behavior is, by and large, the result of reason and logic.


Journey to crime analysis ignores which of the following?

Victims journey to victimization, Offender travel from other nodes (outside his or her home) to commit crime

Oscar Newman's work examined several variables including ___________ ____________, the ability of residents to observe, the size of the project, and the building structure itself.

access points

Under routine activities theory, which of the following must come together at the same time and place in order for the occurrence of a criminal event to be more likely?

all the above

Which two types of spaces are present in crime pattern theory?

awareness and activity

Ratcliffe (2003) identifies four key components to intelligence-led policing except:

better polie training

NCVS data show "___ victims experienced higher rates of violence than whites or persons of other races."


Community-based policing ________the police role from just responding to calls for service to being ______ in problem-solving and working with the community through partnerships to identify local needs and issues that could be addressed together.

broadened, proactive

Which of the following refers to an area around the offender's residence within which he commits fewer crimes?

buffer zone

A ___________map typically uses color intensity to show value of a given variable.


Which of the following involves eliminating information unnecessary to your analysis and making sure there is no "bad" information?


The GIS modeling technique that takes multiple layers of factors correlated with past crime to predict geographic areas at higher risk for future, or emerging crime, is called:


Typical ___________meetings involve a crime analyst generating a multitude of reports making sure that the mapping software and data are working prior to a meeting, and that the data or problem area being discussed is available for live broadcast during the meeting.


Which of the following data types is data typically supplied by other public and private organizations outside of the criminal justice system?


________variables can be subdivided—theoretically they can be subdivided an infinite number of times.


Kaplan's research group proposed that opportunity, target, risk, effort, and payoff (OTREP) explain variations in _________ across people and places.


A theoretical concept which argues a society allows problems such as crime to exist in certain areas and not others is:

crime fuse

According to what theory do offenders tend to search for opportunities to commit crimes along the nodes and paths of their own activity and awareness spaces?

crime pattern

What is the formal name of a profiling activity, based on the jurisdictional boundaries of a series of crimes, the nature of the crime and the facts of the case?

crime profile

According to Felson and Clarke, _______________ ______________ are important in understanding crime and these opportunities are usually highly specific, concentrated in time in space, and dependent on everyday movements.

criminal opportunities

In the administrative area, maps that depict the ____________ placed on law enforcement by the community can be helpful in several ways?


It is critical for police managers to have an understanding of the ____________ within their jurisdiction?


Which of the following is not one of Crowes " Three D's" space designation?


Theorists from the positivist perspective by and large have a _____view of the world, arguing that human behavior is largely predetermined by psychological, biological and environmental factors.


____________variables are variables which cannot be subdivided.


Which of the following terms refers to the decreasing probability of an offender traveling far from home to commit a crime?

distance decay

Non-uniform or rare target opportunities can ____________ the spatial pattern of crime?


The ______fallacy states that it is inaccurate to make assumptions about individuals based on aggregate-level data.


The basic concept of crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) is that by changing the _______________ we can change the behavior of the offender (response).


A probability sample is a scientifically selected sample group chosen from a larger population where all cases within that population have a(n) ____________ chance of being selected to be in the sample group.


An example of nominal data would be (Male, Female), and an ordinal data example would be (Black, Blue, Brown, Green) where the names of the variables are in alphabetic order.


Block and Block refute the existence of a "critical intensity zone' of land use where there are enough targets to attract offenders while potential witnesses are insufficient in numbers to deter the offenders.


Criminal intelligence is the process of taking the bits and pieces of data we collect everyday, ordering it and organizing it so that it makes sense and provides information, which administrators, detectives, and patrol officers can then use as knowledge to prevent crimes, catch criminals, or enhance public safety.


Determinists argue that crime is not a product of predetermined factors.


Disclaimers or other helpful information such as the network directory, folder, and file name are often useful so that the media can ask for your files in public records requests.


Grid cell analysis is also called nearest neighbor hierarchical density?


Hot spots conform to exact geometric shapes when produced and placed on a map.


In problem-oriented policing, problems are addressed utilizing the LIRA model.


In simple density analysis, the score computed for each cell represents the number of crimes within that cell.


In single kernel density interpolation, analysts can compute victimization risk relative to the population.


In the process of gentrification, once well cared for homes in wealthy neighborhoods become run down and unattended to.


Manhattan distance is measured by measuring the shortest distance between two points.


NCVS data show "white victims experienced higher rates of violence than blacks or persons of other races."


Offenders tend to travel greater distances for violent crimes than they do for property crimes and the likelihood of an offender committing any crime dissipates as one gets farther away from the offender's home.


Prior research suggests that certain crimes are not more prevalent in public housing projects than they are in other places.


Problem oriented policing is a focused, reactive approach designed to attack the causes of crime.


Quetelet and Guerry discovered that crime and other social problems are distributed evenly across space and time.


SARA is attributed as being responsible for the 41% drop in crime that New York City experienced between 1993-1997.


Statistically, males are at a slightly higher risk for all types of violent victimization.


Strategic maps are more general in nature and would be more appropriate for Compstat meetings


Sutherland argued that criminal behavior is learned very easily via the internet and that both the techniques needed to commit crime and the values favorable to committing crime are learned not from our close peers but from popular media.


The analyst does not need to know the best ways to thematically symbolize data on the map to get his or her point across.


The data source listed on the map is seldom important.


The graticule shows the Transverse Mecator section of the earth in every case.


The name Spider distance was developed by researchers watching how far spider monkeys can jump from tree to tree in the Amazon.


The primary purpose of crime maps at the patrol level is so officers can develop strategies to divert the crime within their assigned areas.


The term commuter refers to offenders that are highly mobile and live in hotels or motels exclusively.


The ultimate goal of mapping is to make a pretty map.


There are still some hurtles to cross when making accurate GPS in a small enough unit to be carried by the officer at all times during his shift so that will probably never happen.


Topographical maps are usually used to predict a new crime in a series or spree, or identify where the suspect may live in a series of offenses.


When computing spatial autocorrelation tests, the variable that is being computed must be in a continuous format (such as a crime rate).


When areas in the zone in transition once characterized by high rates of delinquency and disorder are now desirable high rent areas affordable only by the wealthy, this is the result of ________.


Which of the following refers to the process of taking street addresses from a tabular file and matching them to a reference file producing the points on a map?


When looking at the number of persons living within a household, it appears that the more people living under one roof, the ____ rate of victimization the household suffers.


A statement derived from theory that can be tested to either support or disprove a theory or its assumptions is called what?


___________ might include landscape lighting, clean grounds and garbage receptacles, working fountains, and manicured lawns and bushes.


______________ has to do with fostering a neighborhood environment which creates the appearance that the neighborhood is well cared for and is not isolated from the communities surrounding it or the people inhabiting the area.


With ______ level data, the precise value of a measure is known and thus can also be ranked.


Conflict perspectives, argue that crime:

is the result of group conflict and unequal distributions of power

A _________ ____ __________ trip is the journey an offender travels when he commits a crime.

journey to crime

Which level of crime theory makes assumptions about societal-level variables, including the structure of government and the economy and how these variables impact crime rates within a society?


The _________ or average represents the arithmetic average of a distribution.


The term operationalize means what?


The _______ is simply the middle score within a distribution.


The concept of a _______________ ___________ suggests that people form cognitive images of the places we frequent, the routes to these places, and the areas we pass through.

mental map

Which level of crime theory makes assumptions about individual characteristics and how they influence a person's decision to commit a crime?


In the "Broken Windows: approach to crime, addressing _____ can lead to a reduction in serious crime.

minor disorders

The ________ is simply the most frequent score that appears in a distribution.


When categorizing variables, categories should be _____________. That is a case should not be able to fit into more than one category.

mutually exclusive

_______ level data is that which is measured in categories, or categorical data (in this text, categorical data is defined as data measured in word based categories, such as "yes" or "no") and cannot be ranked.


Choosing a unit of analysis or scale that is too small or too large may ____________ important relationships.


The following survey question, designed as a partial measure of fear of crime, is an example of a _______level measure. I feel safe walking in my neighborhood alone at night.1. Strongly agree 4. Disagree2. Agree 5. Strongly disagree3. Neutral 6. Don't know


_______________ level variables contain categorical or numerical data that can be ranked but the precise value is not known.


Which of the following type(s) if data include such things as locations (addresses) or boundaries for businesses, schools, beats, council districts and information on locations within a city?


According to the NCVS, the highest risk of being a victim of a violent crime belongs to _________; this trend is consistent over time.

persons between the ages of 18-20

Effective environmental design strategies suggest that the ___________ ____________ of a space should allow for maximum visibility so that residents can observe what is happening in their surroundings.

physical properties

By the mid-eighteenth century, however, the prevailing philosophy, rooted in _______, maintained that human behavior is, by and large, the result of reason and logic.


The scientific method heavily influenced the way _______ philosophers and researchers approached the study of human behavior and their immediate environment.


Performing meaningful research requires that the data be a scientifically selected through what type of sampling process?


Problem-oriented policing is more focused on ___________than community-oriented policing which is focused more on creating permanent community partnerships.


In the simplest terms, ______ research typically yields "narrative" oriented information (such as a category "hospital" or "park") while ________research generally produces "number" oriented information (usually coined "data").

qualitative, quantitative

Sampson and Groves contend that the lack of supervision, lack of community involvement and ______ are the primary cause of crime and disorder in a neighborhood.

reduced friendship and other social networks

People who _____their homes are far more likely to be victims of property crime than people who ____ their homes.

rent, own

Of the elements below, which was not included on the list suggested by the authors of the work Environmental Criminology in their "cone of resolution" , designed to explain regional differences in crime?

residential structure

Which term refers to the probability of apprehension of the offender?


The _____________ _________________ perspective argues that crime is most likely to occur when the presence of three criteria exist. These criteria include a suitable target, a motivated offender, and the absence of capable guardians.

routine activities

___________data are contained within distinct fields (such as in a labeled column in a spreadsheet, or in fields on a form or report) that can be easily queried, manipulated, and analyzed on command.


Which term below refers to the gain or profit of the target as seen by the offender?


What type of analysis examines recent criminal events and potential criminal activity by analyzing how, when and where the events occur to establish patterns and series, identify leads or suspects, and to clear cases?

tactical crime analysis

Sutherland's Differential Association Theory focuses on:

the social learning processes that aided in the cultural transmission of criminal values

Crime mapping became an important tool in crime analysis once researchers began to examine the contributions of which two variables of various criminal events.

time and space

What piece of a map is usually larger in font size than other text on the map, typically?


A common misconception about public housing projects is that they are violent and dangerous places.


A confidence interval of .10 allows for a 90% margin of error.


A marauder typically commit crime close to where they live.


A thematic map assesses the distributions and relationships between two or more variables or attributes.


All analyses that rely on distance measures are distance analyses.


An example or ordinal data would be (Colonel, Major, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant)


Analyst ability and audience interpretation are where the most problems lie with crime mapping within law enforcement.


Criminals under the classical view were not inherently evil but were people with poor decision-making skills and weak morals..


Criminological theory is very important in crime mapping and analysis.


Distance and time are very often related.


GIS can improve an officers' ability to assess the effectiveness of their responses to a crime problem.


GIS crime mapping techniques are useful to police and other agencies in preparation of large events.


Geography and Public Safety is a recent publication that is dedicated to crime mapping related issues.


Hot spots are dynamic and can move, change shape, expand, contract, or disappear and reappear.


Hot spots are viewed as small geographic areas that experience higher than average levels of crime for a consistent period of time.


In Park and Burgess' Concentric Zone Theory, the business district suffers from the highest rates of crime and delinquency.


In considering public housing projects and crime, some research suggests that the characteristics of the people may be more important than characteristics of places for some types of crimes.


In crime mapping, the general idea you should be thinking about is that the "audience" determines what type of map is produced.


In dual kernel density interpolation, the analyst can produce a risk value associated with crime density.


In dual kernel density interpolation, this technique can be used to compare crime density for two different crime types and to compare crime densities for two different time periods.


In grid cell analysis, map results can vary significantly as the cell size and search radius are adjusted.


In problem-oriented policing the ultimate goal is to eliminate the problem rather than continually responding to it.


In problem-oriented policing, the ultimate goal is to more strategically address the problem rather than just continually responding to it.


In the Cartographic School of Criminology, spatial relationships to crime are examined.


In the early 1990s, the Boston Gun Project used GIS to map gangs and gang territory based on the gang intelligence of police officers, probation officers and street workers.


In the future we may see that GPS, photography, and 3D views are extended out from the officer's vehicle to hand held devices the officer can carry right to the crime scene.


Inside many police agencies, crime predictions and analyses are met with some skepticism among the investigation personnel.


Knowing the projection of your data is necessary to share data with other analysts.


Manhattan or "street" distance as it is often called, is calculated by using right angles to get from one point to another.


Most crime is largely intra-age, intra-race, and intra-class, meaning offender and victim populations tend to be the same people.


Nnh identifies local hot spots that are placed within larger crime clusters.


Nominal and ordinal data are also called qualitative variables because they consist of labels that describe a group such as (African American, Asian, Hispanic, White)


Nominal point data is usually displayed by markers or symbols for each unique value in the data such as (Male, Female, Unknown) or (African American, Asian, Hispanic, White)


Of the 45.3 million persons in 2002 that had personal contact with the police, only 2.9% resulted in an immediate arrest.


Only a few studies have empirically linked disorder and crime to public housing projects.


Organizational transformations will likely need to occur for an agency to more effectively work with the community.


Park argued that cities grew from the inside out through a process of invasion, dominance, and succession


Park observed that cities were made up of individual divisions that were based on race and ethnicity, socioeconomic status and occupation, and the physical characteristics of structural components of the city such as whether an area was used for business or residential purposes.


Persons living in urban areas are far more likely to be a victim of a violent crime while persons living in suburban areas are far less likely than urban residents to be a victim of a violent crime but slightly more likely than rural residents.


Police departments routinely collect geographic data on where a crime happens, or even where an apartment complex is within their jurisdiction.


Positive results for the Moran's I test indicate that spatial autocorrelation exists: areas with high crime rates are clustered together and areas with low crime rates are clustered together.


Problem oriented policing is a focused, reactive approach designed to attack the causes of crime.


Research on social disorganization theory suggests that crime and social disorder have a reciprocal relationship, and thus crime control efforts must focus on both issues in order to be successful.


Selecting a unit of analysis that is too large will result in obscuring smaller hot spots placed in larger areas with limited crime.


Standard deviation ellipses and rectangles can be short or tall, narrow or wide, depending on the north to south distribution of incidents and the east to west distribution of incidents.


Statistics indicate that murder is the least frequent form of violent victimization.


Strategic maps are often the first step toward problem solving efforts within a police agency.


Strategic maps generally cover shorter time periods, focus on a specific geographic area within the city boundaries, and their overall objective is to identify problems and suggest possible solutions.


The Boston Gun Project was later deemed the "Boston Miracle" due to its success.


The NCVS is a better indicator of victimization than is the UCR.


The analyst must be able to be discrete and keep focused on helping the investigation and not hindering the investigation through information overload.


The core elements to the community-based policing model include community partnerships, problem-solving, and organizational transformations.


The crime around a school zone may be more closely related to demographic and socioeconomic factors of the area than it is to the proximity of the school to the crime area.


The four key elements that should be on every map, besides the map itself are the title, legend or key, scale bar, and north arrow or compass rose


The highest risk of being a victim of a violent crime belongs to persons under the age of 24; this trend is consistent over time.


The mean center of distributions that are multi modal or are odd shaped (such as in an L-shaped distribution) may be placed at a point where very few crimes are actually occurring.


The most important factor to consider when making maps for patrol officers is that they include real time information that they can use.


The possibilities for crime mapping in small, medium, and large sized departments are almost endless.


The problem with performing a mean center analysis is that it is sensitive to outliers.


The term "proactive" policing typically means employing strategies to prevent crime and to address the "root" causes of crime rather than just simply responding to calls for service.


The title of a map is usually larger in font size than other text on the map?


The use of GIS capabilities enhances an agency's ability to address citizen satisfaction levels.


There are four ways to query spatial data in ArcGIS; attribute queries, manual selection, spatial queries, and queries using graphics on the map to select data.


Transit stops are one of the places typically thought to be associated with different types of crime problems.


Under SARA, officers identify related crime problems in their jurisdiction, analyze the problem to identify trends or patterns useful to uncovering solutions, develop a response (or responses) to the problem and assess the success or failure of the response(s).


Using GIS for crime prediction is almost a change in social perception and policies more than just a technological issue for many law enforcement practitioners.


Persons living in ____ areas are far more likely to be a victim of a violent crime than other persons.


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