Final Exam-Hebrew Scriptures

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A _____ is generally considered to be a later interpreter of the history of Judah -Chronicler -Deuteronomist


A ______ is the situation where people are scattered in various places outside their homeland -Disapora -Jews


A form of literature from the ancient world that contains a revelation of future events initiated by God that was delivered through a mediator to a holy person. -Apocalyptic literature -Chronicler's history


A literary device that takes an abstract notion and describes it as if it were a person is a _____. -Proverb -Retribution theology


Cyrus issued the edict allowing the Judean refugees to return to their homeland and rebuild their temple in the year _____ BCE -538 BCE -453 BCE


Identify the genre of the psalm from which this was taken: Who shall ascend the hill of the LORD? And who shall stand in his holy place? Those who have clean hands and pure hearts, who do not lift up their souls to what is false, and do not swear deceitfully. They will receive blessing from the LORD, and vindication from the God of their salvation. a. Liturgy psalm b. Individual complaint c. Group complaint


Identify the psalm genre of the psalm that begins this way: How long, O LORD? Will you forget me forever? How long will you hide your face from me? How long must I bear pain in my soul, and have sorrow in my heart all day long? How long shall my enemy be exalted over me? a. Individual complaint b. Group complaint c. Individual thanksgiving


In what figures are the concepts wisdom and folly personified in the book of Proverbs? a. An honorable woman and a deceptive woman b. Israel and Babylon c. Yahweh and Baal


In what year was Ezekiel taken to Babylonia? -598 -548


Nebuchadrezzar had a dream in which a huge statue composed of various materials was crushed by a rolling stone. The story is told in Daniel 2. Daniel interpreted the meaning of the dream to the king, and he identified the stone. The specific meaning of the stone is given in Daniel 2:44-45. What did Daniel say? a. The stone is the the kingdom of the God of heaven. b. The stone is Nebuchadrezzar's kingdom of Babylon. c. The stone will turn into the golden head of the statue.


Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem in the year _____ BCE -445 -515


The Babylonian king _____ had a dream of a human statue that was felled by a rolling rock; Daniel interpreted this dream as the victory of the kingdom of God. -Nebuchadrezzar -Prophetic eschatology


The Babylonian king _____ saw the handwriting on the wall. -Belshazzar -Daniel


The Chronicler's history retells Israelite history in such a way that it focuses on this. a. Temple, priesthood, and Davidic connections b. The failure of the prophets of Israel


The Jewish festival _____ celebrates the retaking of Jerusalem from the Seleucids and the rededication of the temple under the Maccabees. -Hanukkah -Hasids


The Persian monarch _____ allowed Judean refugees to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple -Cyrus -Nebuchadnezzar


The Seleucid king _____, nicknamed Epiphanes, sought to impose Hellenistic culture and institutions on Jewish Palestine in the second century BCE. -Antiochus IV -Apocalypse


The ______ are called deutero-canonical books in the Roman Catholic tradition. -Apocrypha -Chronicler's


The _______ literature genre designates writings that investigate the world using reason and experience, and that try to discern its order and purpose. -Wisdom -Writings


The book of Daniel begins with tales of the courage and piety of Daniel and his friends in Babylon. Read the first story in Daniel 1 and identify which dimension of Jewish life came to be challenged as they underwent training in the royal court of Babylon. a. The kashrut system b. The sacrificial system c. The moral laws


The book of Proverbs views humanity in a binary or bipolar way, suggesting there are really just two basic types. Which is this bipolar pair? a. Righteous and wicked b. Young and old c. Jew and gentile


The figure of the Daniel 7 apocalypse who comes on the clouds of heaven and receives all authority to rule the kingdom of God is the _____. -Son of Man -Seleucid


The priesthood of this figure became the favored and divinely endorsed line of priests because he supported Solomon over against his rival Adonijah. -Zadok -Amos


The religious outlook and social ideology of the community that gives rise to apocalyptic literature is _____. -Apocalypticism -Apocalyptic eschatology


The return to life after death is _____. -Resurrection -Seleucid


The second temple was completed in the year _____ BCE. -515 -538


What did Jeremiah wear temporarily as a symbol of the coming judgment of Judah? -An ox yoke bar -An almond tree branch


What did Nebuchadnezzar see in his dream in the book of Daniel? a. A statue of gold, silver, bronze and iron b. A storm heading for Babylon


What does Ezekiel call the visible presence of God? -The glory of YHWH -The glory of God


What happened to Job at the very end of the book? a. His family and fortunes were restored by God, and he died a happy man. b. He finally cursed God and died with dignity.


What is the major concern or topic of the prophecy of Amos? -Exposing social injustice in Israel -The consumption of food that was not Kosher


What sign did Isaiah give to Ahaz, with the intention of inspiring confidence during the Syrian-Israelite siege of Jerusalem? -A son would be born to the young woman. -He would be bathed in riches.


What was somewhat strange about Hosea's marriage? -God told him to marry a prostitute -God told him to marry a foreign wife


When we compare the books of Samuel and Chronicles, which episode of the life of David was deliberately omitted in Chronicles? a. David's affair with Bathsheba and murder of Uriah b. David bringing the ark to Jerusalem c. David defeating the Philistines


Which Jewish leader was responsible for getting the walls of Jerusalem rebuilt during the Restoration? a. Nehemiah b. Ezra c. Zerubbabel


Which Seleucid emperor persecuted the Jews in the second century BCE and profaned the temple by sacrificing a pig on the altar? a. Antiochus IV Epiphanes b. Nebuchadnezzar


Which book of the Tanak is NOT considered wisdom literature? a. Lamentations b. Ecclesiastes c. Job


Which is NOT a typical characteristic of apocalyptic literature? a. Optimistic that world empires will change themselves for the better b. Contains dream revelations c. Uses symbolic and imaginative language


Which prophet encouraged the Judeans to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem so that YHWH could again dwell with his people? a. Haggai b. Second Isaiah


Which religious practice became a distinctive practice of the exiled Judeans and a means whereby they affirmed their identity? a. Sabbath observance b. Animal sacrifice c. Private prayer


Which type of writing tends to see God working through supernatural rather than normal historical means to bring about God's goal for history? a. Ritual legislation b. Apocalyptic literature


Which was NOT one of Gomer's children, whose names were signals of Yahweh's relationship to Israel? -Shear-jashub -Baruch


Writings that contain apocalypses are referred to as _____; in the Hebrew Bible this means especially the book of Daniel. -Apocalyptic literature -Apocalypticism


__ refers to the religion and culture of the people from the tribe of Judah that carried on the biblical tradition after the Babylonian exile. -Judaism -Ketuvim


_____ demanded that the Judeans divorce the foreign women they had married and in turn marry only Jewish women -Ezra -Nehemiah


_____ directed the rebuilding of Jerusalem's walls -Nehemiah -Ezra


_____ history is the modern term that applies to re-written history, which recasts the past in ways that favor the present historian. -Revisionist -Samballat


_____ is the accumulated experience of people and cultures that serves as advice and a guide to following generations -Wisdom -Wisdom literature


_____ is the adversary figure in the book of Job who argues with Yahweh that Job is righteous only because he knows he will benefit. -Satan -Theodicy


_____ is the fundamental human response to being in the presence of God and the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. -Fear of YHWH -Job


_____ is the mythological sea monster mentioned in prophetic, wisdom, and apocalyptic literature, especially the book of Job; it is also attested in Ugaritic literature. -Leviathan -Maccabean


_____ is the mythological sea monster of prophetic and wisdom literature, attested most extensively in the book of Job, where this creature is proof of the power of YHWH. -Leviathan -Personification


_____ is the view of the end times that comes to expression in apocalyptic literature. -Apocalyptic eschatology -Apocalyptic literature


_____ is the view that there are two elemental forces in the universe, Good and Evil. -Dualism -Eschatology


_____ refers to the culture and institutions of the Greek world, such as Antiochus IV imposed upon Judea in the second century BCE. -Hellenism -Hellenization


_____led the Jewish Maccabean revolt against the Hellenistic Seleucid occupation of Jerusalem and Judea, as told in 1 Maccabees. -Judas Maccabee -Kingdom of God


2 Samuel 24 and 1 Chronicles 21 are parallel accounts of a census that David took in order to determine how large an army he could field. While the Chronicles account appears to be dependent on the Samuel account, there are differences. What are some of them? a. Satan, not YHWH, incited David to take the census according to Chronicles. b. Ornan, not Araunah, owned the threshing floor according to Chronicles. c. David regretted the census and repented only in Chronicles.


Nehemiah 13 records various reforms that Nehemiah instituted in Jerusalem. What are some of them as recorded in this chapter? a. He established a tithe to support the Levites. b. He outlawed manual labor and economic activity on the sabbath. c. He rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem#Indeed he did this, but this is not recorded in Nehemiah 13 but in chapters 8-9.


The book of Job raises issues related to the nature and role of deity in a world where humans suffer great physical pain and spiritual alienation. Which of the following are components of the concluding chapters of the book of Job which attempt to bring some perspective to these issues? a. YHWH appears in a frightening theophany in order to silence Job who has been asking difficult questions. b. Job admits that he cannot comprehend how and why YHWH runs the world the way he does. c. Job dies lonely and forlorn, yet he has come to accept that YHWH has a right to do whatever YHWH wants with the creation.


The books of Chronicles were written after the Babylonian exile and were designed to support state institutions that the writers felt were essential to the survival of a Jewish presence in Palestine. The writer selectively drew upon material from the Pentateuch and the Deuteronomistic History in order to promote the Davidic dynasty and the Jerusalem temple. Compare the treatment of David's campaign against the Ammonites as told in 2 Samuel 11-12 and 1 Chronicles 20 and identify those statements below that correctly represent the text. a. In both accounts David personally took the crown of Milcom and placed it on his own head. b. The story of David's affair with Bathsheba is not found in the 1 Chronicles version. c. The account in Samuel projects a more positive image of David than the account in Chronicles.


YHWH allowed the satan to afflict Job. All Job's childern died, his property was destroyed, and he himself contracted a painful disease. Read the account of Job's reaction in Job 2:9-10 and Job 3:1-12. How did he respond? a. Job acknowledged that both good and bad things rightly come from God. b. Job cursed the day of his birth. c. At his wife's instigation, Job cursed God so he could die with integrity.


Job chapter 42 is the conclusion of the book in its canonical form. Read it and determine which of the following statements accurately reflects what happened in the end. a. Job realizes he has now seen YHWH and has no right to question him. b. YHWH speaks to Eliphaz and tells him his arguments and those of his friends were wrong. c. YHWH restores Job's wealth and property and he has more children.


Which verses of 1 Samuel 11-12 are virtually the same as 1 Chronicles 20:1-3 and which were omitted? a. Almost the same: 2 Samuel 11:1 and 1 Chronicles 20:1 b. Almost the same: 2 Samuel 12:30-31 and 1 Chronicles 20:2-3 c. 2 Samuel 11 contains the story of the death of Uriah


Near the end of Solomon's life and after his death (in 1 Kings 11-12) list all the correct answers that illustrate the Deuteronomistic Historians' theological agenda A The prophet Ahijah is instrumental in choosing the first king of (divided) Israel B. Ahijah says the Lord is punishing Solomon for his sins of idolatry C. The northern leaders ask Rehoboam, son of Solomon, to lighten the load Solomon had imposed on them D. Rehoboam's refusal to listen to the northern delegation is the fulfillment of Ahijah's prophecy E. King Jeroboam of Israel builds up the shrines of Shechem, Dan, and Bethel


A dream vision of the future delivered to a holy person and interpreted by an angel is the _____. -Apocalyptic eschatology -Apocalypse


By the end of the book of Job, who was proved to be in the right and was ultimately vindicated by God? a. Job's wife b. Job


Haggai counselled the people to build the _____ first if they expected Jerusalem to prosper and grow again -First temple -Second temple


How did God meet Job toward the end of the book? a. As a grandfather counseling his grandson b. In an intimidating whirlwind


How did Nebuchadnezzar try to kill the three friends of Daniel after they refused to bow down to a statue? a. He lowered them into a lion's den. b. He cast them in a furnace.


In Daniel's dream vision (chapter 7), what did Daniel see coming on the clouds of heaven? a. A whirlwind b. One like a son of man c. The ancient of days


Jeremiah's "complaints" are without parallel in the writings of the prophets in that they... -are addressed to all of Judah -are addressed to God alone


Jeremiah's assistant and secretary was...? -Jeshua -Baruch


Portions of the book of Proverbs are virtually identical to which work? a. Biblical Song of Songs b. Egyptian Wisdom of Amenemope


The "faithful ones" of the Maccabean revolt against the Seleucid empire who regained control of Jerusalem are called _____. -Hanukkah -Hasids


The Hebrew wisdom book _____ bears the name of its central figure investigates how divine determination relates to human behavior and personal destiny -Fear of YHWH -Job


The _____ History retells Israelite history stressing the importance of the Davidic monarchy and the temple -Apocrypha -Chronicler's


The _____ would overcome the four world empires represented by the beasts of Daniel's "Son of Man" apocalypse. -Judas Maccabee -Kingdom of God


The books of the Chronicler's history have this interest in common. a. A concern with creation and sin b. Priestly institutions and Levitical functions c. The shortcomings of Israel's leaders


The high-priest _____ supported Zerubbabel in promoting the rebuilding the temple -Haggai -Jeshua


The postexilic revisionist history that consists of the books 1 and 2 Chronicles, Ezra, and Nehemiah is the _____ -Deuteronomist's History -Chronicler's History


The process of becoming enculturated by the ideals of Hellenism is called _____. -Hellenism -Hellenization


The prophets _____ and Zechariah supported Zerubbabel and Joshua in their efforts to inspire the people to rebuild the temple -Ezra -Haggai


The stories of the book of Daniel are set within the history of which century? That is, they are placed within the context of the events of this century. a. Tenth century BCE b. Sixth century BCE c. First century BCE


The term _____ applies collectively to those books of the Hebrew Bible that are of a predominantly didactic or reflective nature -Wisdom -Wisdom literature


The term _____ refers to the complex of religious beliefs that have to do with the end times. -Dualism -Eschatology


The term _____, meaning "justice of God", is applied to the problem of reconciling the belief that God is good with suffering and injustice in human world of experience. -Satan -Theodicy


The third major division of the Tanak is called _________. -Wisdom -Writings


This term refers to Judeans after the Babylonian exile -Disapora -Jews


What Jewish celebration marks the cleansing and rededication of the Jerusalem temple after the Maccabean Revolt? a. Rosh Hashanah b. Hanukkah


What body part of Jeremiah did God touch that enabled him to become a prophet? -His eyes -His mouth


What did Ahaz, king of Judah, do when he faced an attack by a coalition of Syria and Israel? -He killed the Syrian king -He asked Tiglath-Pileser of Assyria for help.


What did Amos see in one of his visions that prompted him to prophesy the end of Israel? -An ox yoke bar -A basket of summer fruit


What did Belshazzar see while he was holding a banquet? a. The rock that represents the kingdom of God b. Handwriting on the wall


What did Ezekiel see in a vision that represented the renewal of Israel? -The Second Temple -A valley of dry human bones that became living people again.


What did Yahweh give Jeremiah as a sign to confirm his calling? -A healthy ox -He had a vision of a shaqed (almond tree).


What is the designation of the traditional view of the moral order of the universe whereby good is rewarded and evil is punished? a. Biblical theology b. Retribution theology


What is the feminine Hebrew word for Wisdom? a. Ketuvim b. Hochmah


What was Amos's stated occupation before being called to prophesy? -Scribe -Shepherd


What was the general time period when Jeremiah was a prophet? -Toward the beginning of the kingdom of Judah -Toward the end of the kingdom of Judah


What was the major theological cause of the breakup of the kingdom of David after the death of Solomon according to the Deuteronomistic historian? -Exposing social injustice in Israel -Solomon's many wives worshipped foreign gods.


When Elijah went to Horeb, in what did God really appear to him? -An ox yoke bar -A hushed whisper


Where did Ezekiel perform his prophetic ministry? -Mount Horeb -Babylonia


Where did Jeremiah preach his sermon warning the people not to count on the Lord's continued presence in Jerusalem to save them? -On Mount Horeb (Sinai) -In the temple courtyard in Jerusalem


Which Persian monarch allowed the exiled Judeans to return to their homeland? a. Xerxes b. Cyrus


Which biblical book is NOT generally classified with wisdom literature? a. Ecclesiastes b. Psalms


Which biblical figure is most closely associated with Israel's wisdom tradition? a. Ezra b. Solomon


Which is the most probable original life-setting out of which proverbial sayings arose? a. The royal court b. Family and clan wisdom deriving from common life


Which part of Jerusalem was the FIRST thing to be rebuilt, something that was done under Zerubbabel? a. Jerusalem's city walls b. Second temple c. Governor's palace


Which postexilic leader forced the Judeans to divorce their foreign wives and expel the children? a. Nehemiah b. Ezra


Which was NOT one of the incidents recorded in the book of Daniel? a. Daniel spent the night in a pit full of lions. b. A huge statue was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar.


Which was NOT one of the three friends of Job who came to comfort him in his pain? a. Zophar b. Behemoth


Which was one of the three Jewish friends of Daniel? a. Belshazzar b. Shadrach c. Darius


Which was probably NOT a setting-in-life of wisdom literature? a. Clan b. Priesthood


Who led the first return of Judeans back to Jerusalem in 538 BCE? a. Zerubbabel b. Sheshbazzar c. Zechariah


Who led the second return of Judeans back to Jerusalem in 520 BCE after the Babylonian exile was officially over? a. Second Isaiah b. Zerubbabel c. Ezra


Why did the Judeans tend to believe that the destruction of Jerusalem would never happen? -Yahweh promised them protection -Yahweh had made the Davidic covenant with them.


____ is the Hebrew for "Writings". -Judaism -Ketuvim


_____ is a literary device that takes an abstract notion and describes it as if it were a person. -Leviathan -Personification


_____ is the perspective on the goal and end of history held by the classical prophets of the Hebrew Bible, in contrast to the later apocalyptic variety. -Nebuchadrezzar -Prophetic eschatology


_____ led the first group of Judean refugees back to Jerusalem in 538 BCE -Zerubbabel -Sheshbazzar


_____ led the second group of Judean refugees back to Jerusalem along with Joshua the high priest, and the prophets Haggai and Zechariah -Sheshbazzar -Zerubbabel


_____ refers to the period from the second century BCE to that of Judas Maccabee and his brothers. -Leviathan -Maccabean


_____ was a general of Alexander the Great that ruled Syria and Asia Minor after Alexander's death. -Resurrection -Seleucid


_____ was the leader of the Samaritan opposition to Nehemiah's efforts to rebuild Jerusalem. -Ezra -Samballat


_____ was the main figure of the book by the same name who as a Jew lived among the Babylonians and Persians; he kept Torah and demonstrated that a Jew could keep the faith even while living in the diaspora. -Belshazzar -Daniel


_____maintains that God punishes the wicked for their evil deeds and rewards the righteous with long life and prosperity -Proverb -Retribution theology


Daniel's three friends were challenged to remain loyal to their God according to the story told in Daniel 3. Which of the following statements reflect what happened in this episode? a. Daniel encouraged his friends to worship only the God of Israel. b. The three Jewish men refused to bow down to a statue. c. The three Jewish men were thrown into a furnace.


Which are the two settings of Daniel? One is the setting of the story and the other is the setting of its composition. Note that you need to choose BOTH correct answers for full credit to this question. a. The 7th century time of the Assyrian crisis. b. The 6th century Babylonian crisis and Persian domination. c. The 2nd century persecution under Antiochus Epiphanes.


Identify the psalm genre of the psalm that begins this way: If it had not been the LORD who was on our side —let Israel now say— if it had not been the LORD who was on our side, when our enemies attacked us, then they would have swallowed us up alive, when their anger was kindled against us; then the flood would have swept us away, the torrent would have gone over us; then over us would have gone the raging waters. a. Individual complaint b. Group complaint c. Group thanksgiving


Most scholars today believe that the book of Daniel was written during which crisis? a. The Fall of Babylon in 539 BCE b. The first Jewish revolt of the first century CE c. The Maccabean Revolt in the second century BCE


The book of Esther does not deal with the typical concerns of the Torah and Prophets. What then is a primary concern of the book? a. The continuity of the line of David b. The way old laws and rituals don't apply anymore. c. The challenges and threats the Jews face living in the diaspora.


This term names the characteristic whereby a book is really anonymous but is said to be written by a legendary biblical figure. a. Prophetic b. Apocalyptic c. Pseudonymous


To whom are the instructions and proverbs of the book of Proverbs most immediately addressed? a. God b. King Solomon c. A son or a child


What do many of the stories in the book of Daniel teach? a. Rebuild the temple immediately so Yahweh will return. b. Fight the Babylonians and you will triumph. c. Keep the faith in exile and during times of persecution


Which book is NOT considered one of the Five Scrolls? a. Ruth b. Lamentations c. Job


Which book is NOT considered part of the Chronicler's History? a. Ezra b. Nehemiah c. Esther


Which book is NOT considered to be in short story form? a. Esther b. Ruth c. Song of Songs


Which is NOT one of the literary characteristics of apocalyptic literature in general? a. They were written by "ghost" writers. b. Dream visions are the core. c. The text exclusively uses poetic parallelism.


Which of the following is NOT one of the books of the Chronicler's history? a. 2 Chronicles b. Nehemiah c. Haggai


Which prophet does NOT belong to the Assyrian period? -Hoseah -Amos -Jeremiah


Which was NOT one of Daniel's three friends? a. Meshach b. Shadrach c. Belteshazzar d. Adebnego e. Mishael f. Hananiah


Who was the immediate prophetic successor to Elijah?


Who were the Assyrian Period prophets? (5 of them)

Hosea Amos Obadiah Jonah Micah

Which books are considered one of the Five Scrolls?

Lamentations, Ruth, Esther, Song of Songs, Ecclesiates

What were the names of Daniel's three friends?

Meshach Shadrach Abed-nego

Some say this is the main issue of the book of Job: how God's governance of the world relates to human behavior, and whether there is a correlation between righteousness and favorable outcomes.


After Job's friends hear of his tragedy they come to sit with him. When finally, after seven days of silence, they find the courage to speak, Eliphaz, one of Job's three friends, explores with Job what might have caused such bad things to happen. Read Job 4:1-11 and identify the core of his argument. a. Job must have done something wrong, because morally innocent people do not experience such tragedy. b. The only reason Job suffered is because his children went astray.


Job and his friends engage in seemingly endless dialogue, and after a while Job finds it all very tiresome. He does not find their moral arguments satisfying or comforting. In place of their arguments he wants only one thing, which he expresses very clearly in Job chapter 13, among other places in the text. What does Job want? a. Job wants God to appear and explain what he has done wrong to deserve such tragic things. b. Job wants his three friends to go home and leave him in peace.


Survey Proverbs 10-30 and read the following selected verses from chapters 10-12. Focus specifically on the outcomes of living wisely and foolishly. Proverbs 10:16 Proverbs 10:27 Proverbs 11:4 Proverbs 11:7 Proverbs 11:31 Proverbs 12:21 Proverbs 12:28 What outlook and outcomes are expressed in these proverbs? a. Wisdom leads to long life, blessing and prosperity; foolishness leads to misery and death. b. Wisdom leads to better quality of life than foolishness, but in the end everyone dies, so there is no lasting difference.


The account of YHWH's appearing to Job is told in Job 38-41. It consists of long descriptions which are intended to demonstrate YHWH's power to Job. Job 38:1-7 is a sample of YHWH's discourse. On the basis of this passage, what is YHWH's main argument? a. Since YHWH created the earth, he is in control and he is in the right. b. The earth is a place where moral order is always maintained.


The book of 2 Chronicles ends with the so-called Edict of Cyrus in which he authorizes the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem and the return of Jewish refugees to Judah. Where else can this edict be found in the biblical text? a. Ezra 1 b. Nehemia 1 c. 2 Kings 25


The book of Job introduces us to an exemplary righteous and god-fearing individual. This man, named Job, has great wealth and a large family. All such things were thought to be gifts from the gods in the ancient world, and rewards for maintaining a right relationship with deity. Early in the book we are privy to a discussion that arises within the Divine Council. The satan raises a rather serious accusation against Job, and the accusation has implications for the way YHWH relates to righteous humans. Read Job 1:6-12 and identify what the accusation is. a. Job fears God because YHWH treats him well. b. YHWH only protects those who fear him and punishes all the rest.


The book of Proverbs is an expression of "standard" middle eastern wisdom. The Prologue of the book is chapters 1-9 and introduces the reason for the larger collection of proverbial sayings, which is the bulk of the book (chapters 10-31). The first few verses could be called the program statement of the book. Read Proverbs 1:1-6 and determine which of the following best expresses what the book was intended to be. a. It was a textbook for teaching how to think and live well. b. It was designed to prove that Solomon was the wisest person that ever lived.


What is one of the basic themes of wisdom literature? a. There is order in creation and society and you can find it. b. God is kind and gracious.


The approach to living represented by the book of Proverbs recommends the conventional virtues of Israelite society. The book tends to identify the wise person with a righteous person, and a foolish person with a wicked person. Read Proverbs 10:1-7 and identify the specific character virtues of the wise and righteous person that are recommended somewhere in these particular proverbs. a. Honesty in business b. Hard work c. Truthfulness in relationships

a b c

After the defeat of Baal on Mount Carmel, where did Elijah go for refuge? -Horeb (Mount Sinai) -Babylonia


Out of sheer frustration with his condition, what or whom did Job curse in his first outburst? a. His friends b. The day of his birth


This became the religious focus of attention among the Judeans living in Babylonian Exile. -Ketuvim -Torah


What is the designation of the member of the divine council who challenged Yahweh's opinion of Job? a. The devil b. The satan


When Ezra arrived in Jerusalem he found what to him was an intolerable situation. In Ezra 9 we have his first person record of what he discovered and also the prayer asking for forgiveness he addressed to YHWH. What was this intolerable situation? a. The people had failed to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. b. Many people, including priests and Levites, had married non-Jewish women. c. The people were sacrificing unclean animals on the altar.


The satan figure in the book of Job is: a. The devil that had been cast out of heaven. b. A personification of the waters of chaos. c. The adversary of God in the divine council.


What is the beginning of wisdom, according to the testimony of wisdom literature? a. Education and learning b. The mosaic covenant c. The fear of YHWH


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