Final Exam Science 2022

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The "rungs" (connected by hydrogen bonds) of the DNA ladder are composed of

The "rungs" (connected by hydrogen bonds) of the DNA ladder are composed of

Which of the following would be the BEST experiment to test the effects of temperature (independent variable) on the rate (time) of diffusion (dependent variable)?

The experimenter should have beakers of the same liquids at varying temperatures; then, add dye to measure the rate of diffusion.

A botanist has a plant that produces beautiful red flowers, but sometimes it has white flowers. If she crosses both plants as shown here, 50% of the offspring will have red flowers.


A child looks more like one parent than the other because a child only inherits chromosomes from one parent.


Adaptations that help an organism survive appear quickly.


Atoms are combined in different ways to make compounds. The new compounds have the same properties as the atoms that make them up.


Attractive forces between particles increase as the particles move faster and farther apart.


An example of a chemical property is ____.

ability to react acid

The following are examples of physical properties except ____.

ability to react with oxygen

What are the BUILDING BLOCKS for proteins?

amino acids

As thermal energy is transferred to a solid, which of the following will happen? Check all that will apply.

attraction between particles decreases, kinetic energy increases, thermal expansion, potential energy increases, temperature increases, distance between particles increases

If the same quantity of thermal energy is added to two different substances with the same mass, the substance with the lower specific heat will experience less of a temperature change.


The ability to react with water is a physical property.


The amount of matter in a chemical reaction changes.


When a substance is cooled it usually expands.


A shorter, easier way to show a chemical reaction, using symbols instead of words, is called a...

chemical equation

You cannot classify matter based on chemical properties.


A characteristic of matter that allows it to change to something new is a ____.

chemical property

Titanium reacts less with oxygen than most metals do. This is a ____.

chemical property

These are an abbreviation of a specific type of atom.

chemical symbols

Answers the key question in one complete sentence


Ties together the answer to the question along with the data collected


When a liquid freezes, its particles get ____. This could result from the pressure ____.

closer together; decreasing

During a hot shower, water vapor fogs up the cooler mirror when it turns to water. This is an example of _____.


density is size dependant


Which of the following is a courtship behavior that increases the probability of successful reproduction for the peacock?

fanning feathers

Which of the following is NOT a physical property of matter?


If 2 substances (A & B) have the same temperature of 20 degrees celsius, but substance A has 50g more, then substance B has GREATER energy.


Fossil Evidence

fossils have been discovered proving past life forms

An organism's heart rate can fall dramatically during hibernation. Its breathing rate is also affected, and it may not breathe for an entire hour. Hibernation supports the bat's survival in its environment. What type of adaptation is hibernation?


When a liquid boils, its particles get ____ and they move ___________.

further apart, faster

A(n) __________ will always take the shape and volume of its container.


In which state of matter are there very weak attractions between particles?


Water can undergo a change of state from liquid to __ by DECREASING the air pressure on its surface. (just type the answer!)


A flask with a balloon covering the mouth is being heated on a hot plate. Check all of the parts to this system that BEST apply.

gas particles in the room, hot plate, gas particles inside of the flask/balloon, flask, balloon

What is the ratio between mass and volume called?


____ is a physical property.


While a substance is boiling, its temperature ______.

does not change

Information gathered from hands-on investigations, readings, videos, interviews....


Information/data from a reliable source


Most materials ____ when they are heated.


A liquid thermometer works because liquid ____ when warmed.


In general, nonmetals are ____ since they are composed of individual atoms or small molecules.

gases at room temperature

A segment of DNA is a _____.


Gregor Mendel is known as the father of


What changes are likely to happen to the particles inside a beaker with liquid water as thermal energy is removed? Check all that apply.

get closer together, slow down

Check all that apply. Adding thermal energy to a cup of water can cause the particles to do which of the following?

get farther apart, move faster

In general, metals are ____ since they are composed of individual atoms or small molecules that are structurally close to each other.

good conductors of heat

In chemical reactions, what does the law of conservation of mass mean?

matter is not created nor destroyed

Adding thermal energy to a cup of water may cause the particles to _____.

move faster

A population of beetles changing from yellow to brown and surviving better is an example of ___.

natural selection

____ involves the reproduction of organisms best suited to their environment in greater numbers than the reproduction of less well-suited organisms.

natural selection

When a log burns in a fire, _____.

new substances are formed

The forces of attraction between the particles of a matter sample are strong and draw particles together, keeping them in their place. This is an example ___ .

of the solid state of matter

Why does oil not dissolve in water?

oil is made of nonpolar molecules, and water is made of polar molecules

Genes come from _____.


Kinetic energy is the energy of __.

particle motion

How is thermal energy transferred between objects through conduction?

particles transfer thermal energy through direct contact.

Color is a ___ property.


In a ________ change, the form or appearance is altered but not the substance.


Mass is a ___ property.


Which of the following has the densest state of matter?


What two states of matter are pictured?

solid and liquid

A student heats 25 mL of water from 20°C to 96°C in a glass beaker. The model represents the motion of the water molecules during heating. Why do some of the water molecules shown in the model have longer arrows than other water molecules?

some water molecules absorbed more energy and have more motion

When a substance is heated, the particles gain energy and move apart, increasing the volume. The mass (# of particles) of the substance being heated _______.

stays the same


studying the development of embryos from fertilization to birth

Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a material.


The measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles of a substance is its _____.


The state of matter of a material depends on its _____.


The measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a material is___, while the result of the motion of all the particles, and the distance and attractions between those particles in the system is ___ energy.

temperature, thermal energy

When ice melts from a pond in the spring, where does the energy come from?

the air surrounding the ice


the application of chemistry to the study of biological processes at the cellular and molecular level

Temperature is a measure of ____ of the particles in an object

the average kinetic energy

Which of the following statements about the particles in a material is true?

the average kinetic energy of the particles increases as the temperature increases

When a peeled banana turns black, it is a ____.

chemical change

The table shows models of four molecules and describes the atomic composition of each molecule. Based on the information on the table, what is the atomic composition of methane?

1 carbon atom and 4 hydrogen atoms

In a cross between individuals that are Aa x Aa, how many boxes of the Punnett Square will show an offspring that is AA?


At which temperature are the particles in a pencil moving the fastest?

50 degrees celsius

What is the best possible measurement for the mass of a pencil?


Bars of different metals are all heated to 100°C to determine how their volume and length would be affected. Which statement describes the most likely outcome of this experiment?

All of the volumes change and so do their lengths

What would be the correct sequence for GATACGTACCAT if a new strand of DNA was being formed through replication? Your answer should ONLY have the letters!


The ground level of a forest is quite dark because the leaves of the tall trees block out most of the sunlight. Plants at the ground level compete for sunlight as well as for water and mineral resources. One population of plants growing under the trees has a variation in its leaves. Which statement explains a variation in the leaves that affects the plants' probability of surviving at the ground level of this forest?

Plants with large leaves are more likely to survive than plants with small leaves, because more solar energy is captured in the plants' leaves.

Use the pedigree chart below. If the genotype of the offspring with attached lobes is uu, what is the genotype of the parents?


A and B are the same kind of fish. A has a genotype for narrow fins (ww), and B has a genotype for wide fins (W-). Which of the following genotypes of parent fish will produce only offspring having wide fins?

WW and ww

There are 2 beakers of the same substance side by side. The substances in both have the same temperature and are both liquids. Beaker 1 has a mass of 50g and Beaker 2 has a mass of 100g. Which Beaker has the greatest amount of energy?

beaker 2

Homologous structures

body parts similar in structure and position but have different functions

Vestigial structures

body parts that have lost their original function through evolution

Analogous structures

body parts with similar function but different in structure

Which of the following is NOT part of a chromosome?


The total number of CELLS in an organism increases as a result of which process?

cell division

A substance's' ___ properties predict how it will react with other substances.


Flammability is a(n) __ property.


What type of change? Silverware tarnishes in the presence of moisture in the air.


In a chemical formula, subscript numbers are used to represent...

how many of each type of atom there are

Which of the following types of organisms does not produce offspring with genetic variation?


Aspartame is an artificial sweetener; its formula is C13H16N2O5. What element in the formula has the most number of atoms?


As long as the temperature does not change, as the volume _____ the pressure _____.

increases; decreases

In an experiment to see what kind of effect the temperature of water will have on the rate of reaction with an Alka Seltzer tablet (time), which variable is the temperature of the water?


A student heats 25 mL of water from 20°C to 96°C in a glass beaker. The model represents the motion of the water molecules during heating. What will eventually happen to the water level in the beaker?

it will go down as more particles change to a gas

The energy of motion is called

kinetic energy

When temperature increases, average _____ increases

kinetic energy

A state of matter with a definite volume, but no definite shape is a(n)


Vaporization occurs when a ___ changes into a ___ .

liquid, gas

Which of the following is responsible for COPYING the information from the gene in protein synthesis?


A dish holding a solution of sugar dissolved in water is left in a sunny spot. After a few days, the solution has disappeared and a white residue remains on the dish. Has a physical change or a chemical change taken place?

physical change

The ability of a pond to freeze over in winter is a _____.

physical property

The melting point of silver is a ____.

physical property

The particles in water are farther apart than the particles in ice. Therefore, the particles in water have more ____ than the particles in ice.

potential energy

The amount of force that is exerted on a balloon by the gas inside the balloon is _____.


In a chemical change, the new substances that are produced as a result of the change are called


Most genes contain instructions for making ___.


Mutations cause changes in _____.


When the Alka Seltzer tablet was placed in the water, there was a fizzing sound and I saw lots of bubbles. This is a...

qualitative observation

There are 17 tables in the classroom. This is a...


The substances listed on the left side of a chemical equation are the


Shows how or why the data supports the claim.


according to the text/video, the information gathered tells us...


Which type of asexual reproduction occurs when an organism is able to reproduce a missing limb, like in the case of sea stars and some amphibians?


Which of the following could be illustrated by the bird eating the white moth?


____ reproduction requires two parent organisms.


Organisms that result for sexual reproduction are _____ their parents.

similar to

Based on what you know of the human body, which of the following types of cells is likely to divide MORE often than other cells?

skin cells

Particle motion in ice is _____ than particle motion in water.


Jocelyn used a balloon to make a model of gas particles. She measured the balloon's diameter at room temperature. Then, she placed the balloon in a freezer. An hour later, she removed the balloon from the freezer and measured the diameter immediately after. Jocelyn made these drawings to show the balloon's diameter at room temperature and immediately after removing it from the freezer. The dotted line represents the size of the balloon before placing it in the freezer. Then, Jocelyn placed the balloon in a tub of heated water that is warmer than the room temperature. Which is the best prediction of what may happen?

the balloon expands to a diameter over 10 cm because the gas particles move faster

During interphase...

the cell is growing, copying DNA, and ensuring it has organelles needed

What occurs during cytokinesis?

the cell membrane pinches inward to cut the cells into two new cells

Which of the following BEST describes the relationship between the mass of a substance and it's total energy?

the greater the mass, the greater the energy the sample has

The lower the kinetic energy...

the lower the temperature

A scientist was working with substance X. Which of the following does not represent a decrease in thermal energy?

the substance changed from a liquid to a gas

Which of the following would NOT indicate a chemical reaction has occurred?

the substance is dissolved

A change in the state of matter occurs if enough _____ is added or removed from an object.

thermal energy

The combined total of the kinetic and potential energy in a material is called _____.

thermal energy

The sum of all the potential energy and kinetic energy of an object equals its _____.

thermal energy

When water is heated on a stove, which kind of energy is transferred from the element to the water?

thermal energy

Which of the following is NOT a function of the cell cycle?

they are all functions of the cell cycle

The process of BUILDING a protein during synthesis is called


All solids have a closely packed, fixed arrangement of particles.


Changes in temperature, pressure, and volume affect the behavior of gases more than they affect solids and liquids.


Compared to water, most metals have low specific heats.


Each type of atom has its own unique atomic mass.


Malleability is a physical property.


Most mutations occur randomly.


Species can change over time and adapt to their environment.


State of matter is an example of a physical property.


The arrow in a chemical reaction can be read as "yields".


The atomic and/or molecular structure of matter is directly proportional to the observable properties of matter.


Thermal energy can increase even if the average kinetic energy is constant.


Volume is size dependent.


Although Darwin did not know about genes, he could see that animals of the same species who had slight variations that helped them to survive longer could produce more offspring than animals who were not as well equipped. Which of the following could be an example of a variation that would help a group of animals survive?

turtles with long necks on an island where the food source was elevated

Marco put a pot of water on to boil eggs. Half an hour later, he returned to find the pot dry. This is an example of _____.


Genetic ____ exists in all organisms that reproduce sexually.


As the space in a container gets smaller, the _____ decreases.


According to Charles' Law, as the temperature of a substance increases...

volume increases

In a gas, which quantities relate in such a way that when one increases, the other one decreases?

volume, pressure

How do you find the volume of an irregular object?

water displacement method

Mass is the amount of matter in an object. __ is based on the pull of gravity.


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