Final Exam

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Example r = .87, R^2 = .76

76% of the variability in the __ can be predicted from how many advertisements they watched leaves 24% of the variability in purchasing behaviour unexplained

The Pearson correlation coefficient compares the amount of ___

COVARIABILITY between two variables to the amount of separate variability in the 2 variables

Pearson correlation coefficient evaluates two aspects of the relationship between two variables:

Direction: positive (+) or negative (-) Strength/consistency: 0-1

_____ is a Pearson correlation coefficient performed on ranked data

Spearmans rho (Ro)

The standardized covariance is called __

The Pearson correlation coefficient

Non-parametric tests The Mann-Whitney U test uses:

The number of sames (no degrees of freedom) and R

Non-parametric tests The Mann-Whitney U test when there is total separation of group ranks:

U = 0

when parametric assumptions are violated or the data are in the form of ranks we use _____

a non-parametric statistic to measure correlation

Non-parametric tests The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test: uses data from:

a repeated-measures design to evaluate the difference between two treatment conditions

Non-parametric tests The Mann-Whitney U test first combine:

all the participants from the two samples and rank order the entire data set

Covariance =

average of the sum of the cross-product deviation scores

Variance =

average of the sum of the squared deviation scores

Relationships do not speak to the issue of ____


Non-parametric tests The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test: a treatment effect would cause the scores in one condition to be :

consistently larger than the scores in the other condition

A relationship exists when changes in one variable are accompanied by:

constant & predictable changes in the other variable

Direction of causality:

correlation coefficient says nothing about which variable causes the other variable to change

Kendalls tau provides a better estimate of the ___

correlation in a popn than Spearmans more accurate generalizations can be drawn

Pearson correlation coefficient r =

covariance divided by the standard deviation of each

Non-parametric tests The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test: treatment effect-- this would cause scores in one treatment to be consistently larger than scores in the other, which would produce _____

difference scores that tended to be either consistently positive or negative

Covariance informs us about the _______

direction of a relationship between two variables

You can solve the problem of by standardizing covariance by :

dividing by the standard deviation (s) of each variable

Non-parametric tests eliminate the ______

effect of outliers and skewness, but can have LESS statistical power than parametric tests

the simplest way to determine if two variables are related is to ___

examine their variance

Non-parametric tests the ranking process results in:

high scores being represented by large ranks, and low scores being represented by small ranks

The third-variable problem:

in any correlation, causality cannot be assumed because there may be other variables (measured or not) that affect results

Coefficient of determination it is the proportion of variance _____

in one variable that is shared by the other variable

Non-parametric tests The Mann-Whitney U test

is the non-parametric altnerative to the independent samples t-test

Pearson correlation coefficient since r is a standarized value:

it is often used as a measure of effect size

The problem with covariance is that:

its size is determined by the SCALE that the variables are measured on

Non-parametric tests: low scores get :

low ranks and high scores get high ranks

Spearman's correlation coefficient useful for ___

minimizing the effects of extreme scores

Kendall's Tau is a _____

non parametric correlation

Pearson correlation coefficient data must be:

numerical scores from an interval or ratio scale of measurement

Pearson's correlation coefficient is strongly affected by the presence of ___


The population parameter for r is


Bivariate correlation one variable plays the role of the _______ we use what we know about its relationship with the outcome variable to ____

predictor make predictions

Non-parametric tests Calculating effect size:

r = the z score / sq root number of observations

Spearman's correlation coefficient scores in each variable are ___

ranked separately

Non-parametric tests The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test: the difference between the two measurements for each individual is ____

recorded as the score for the individual

Non-parametric tests The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test: The test statistic (T) is the:

smaller of the two sums of ranks (Sum R)

Non-parametric tests The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test: The test requires that the difference scores be rank-ordered:


Non-parametric tests the idea is that if there are no differences between groups:

some of the higher ranks and some of the lower ranks will fall into each group

even evaluating r as a measure of effect size is __

somewhat subjective

the interpretation of r becomes more intuitive when we _____

square it to produce what is called the coefficient of determination (R^2)

Bivariate correlation measures ___

strength of relationship between 2 continuous variables

Non-parametric tests if most of the high ranks fall in one group and most of the low ranks fall in the other:

suggests there is a difference between the groups

Variance =

sum(X-M)(X-M) divided by the degrees of freedom

Covariance =

sum(X-Mx)(Y-My) divided by degrees of freedom

Pearsons correlation coefficient assumes _

the 2 variables share a linear relationship with one another - do visual inspection

Non-parametric tests are "assumption-free" that are used when ______

the assumptions of normality and/or homogeneity of variance have been violated

Non-parametric tests The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test: is the non-parametric alternative to

the dependent samples t-test

Variance describes the extent that the distribution of scores in a variable varies from

the mean

Non parametric tests: analysis is performed on:

the ranks not the raw scores

Spearman's correlation coefficient measures the consistency of ___

the relationship b/w the 2 ordinal variables (ranked scores)

A correlation measures & decribes _

the relationship between 2 variables

Non-parametric tests overcome the problem of _________ by ranking the data

the shape of the distribution of scores (ie giving the lowest score in the distribution a rank of 1)

Non-parametric tests The Mann-Whitney U test the test statistic for the test is

the smaller of the two Uobtained

Variance & covariance is closely linked to

the sum of squares

Interpreting r in teh context of a relationship can be difficult (ie

the value that literally reflects the extent that the points form a straight line)

covariance tells us how much the scores of 2 variables differ from

their respective means

A negative covariance means:

they are negatively related

A positive covariance means:

they are positively related

Non-parametric tests The Mann-Whitney U test uses data from ______ to evaluate ___

two separate samples difference between two treatment conditions

Pearson correlation coefficient reflects degree that ______

two variables form a linear relationship (extent that data fits a straight line)

Coefficient of determination R^2 is the proportion of variance in the outcome variable that can be predicted from _____

variability in the predictor variable

if two variables are related then as scores vary in one direction around the mean of 1 variable, that scores in other variable should ___

vary around the mean of that variable in more or less the same way

Non-parametric tests The Mann-Whitney U test if the obtained U exceeds the critical value for U:

we fail to reject the null hypothesis

Non-parametric tests The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test: is Tobtained is less than or equal to the Tcritical -

we reject Ho

Non-parametric tests The Mann-Whitney U test if the obtained U is less than or equal to the critical value for U:

we reject the null hypothesis

Kendalls Tau should be used when __

you have a small data set with a large number of tied ranks

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