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1. Close to 80% of North Americans now live in ______________________, cities of 50,000 or more plus their surrounding suburbs and towns. a. Census zones b. Megacities areas c. Megalopolises areas d. Metropolitan areas


26. What was the name for the type of governance Europeans fostered in North Africa? a. Protectorate b. Mercantilism c. Hegemony d. Partnership


39. What was accomplished by the enactment of the Treaty of Tordesillas? a. The peaceful division of Middle and South America between Portugal and Spain b. The relinquishment by the Portuguese of all of their claims to land in the Americas c. An end to the great wars between Native Americans and European invaders d. The agreement between Britain and Spain to end the conflict over the Caribbean Island


Among the following, which is the most obvious European legacy at the root of many armed conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa? a. National borders b. Ethnic discrimination c. Mercantilism d. Neo-Colonialism


Approximately what percent of the North American population is employed in agriculture? a. About 2% b. About 10% c. About 40% d. About 55%


Berber is an older Afro-Asiatic language found in Atlas Mountains and Sahara regions a. True b. False


Country X has a death rate of 15 and a birth rate of 40, while Country Y has a birth rate of 20 and a death rate of 9. Which country has a higher natural increase rate? a. Country X b. Country Y c. The rate depends on total population, so it can't be computed from this information. d. The rate depends on immigration, so it can't be computed from this information.


Every map projection distorts the surface of Earth in some way. a. True b. False


In which sector of the following economy is agriculture? a. Extraction b. Industrial production c. Exchange d. Service


Intifada is defined as a movement of Palestinian uprising against Israeli occupation a. True b. False


The five (5%) of the world's population that lives in North America produces what share of the greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere? a. 26 percent b. 2 percent c. 53 percent d. 75 percent


What do countries of Turkey, Iran, and Iraq have in common? a. Significant populations of Kurds b. Arab language spoken c. Economic orientation to Europe d. Theocratic government


What is Africa's largest language family? a. Niger-Congo b. Afro-Asiatic c. Nilo-Saharan d. Khoisan


What is the primary legacy left in South Asia by the Mughals, whose vast 16th century empire encompassed the region? a. Islam b. Caste System c. Hinduism d. Dowry System


What types of agriculture do most African countries, which is critical to their economy? a. Cash crop production for exports b. Agricultural Subsistence c. Produce food crops for the domesticated animal d. Encourage mixed agriculture on redistributed lands


Which of the following conveys the meaning of the term sustainable development? a. The effort to improve present standards of living without jeopardizing those of future generations b. The ability to generate ways of increasing economic growth that can be maintained in the future c. The establishment of free markets through which each person has the ability to improve his or her life d. The endeavor to improve economic practices that provide only sporadic growth and wealth to individuals


Which of the following describes the flow of the Nile River? a. It flows north through Sudan, then through Egypt before emptying into the Mediterranean Sea. b. It flows north entirely within Egypt, past Cairo and Alexandria, before entering the Red Sea. c. It flows north through Sudan, then through Egypt before emptying into the Arabian Sea. d. It flows northeast from Khartoum, Sudan, through Ethiopia and Egypt, where it empties into the Arabian Sea.


Which of the following expresses the most likely motivation for a dowry a. a wife is killed so that her husband can marry again and collect another dowry b. a husband is killed because he insufficiently compensated his bride's family c. a Mother-in-Law is killed for failing to fulfill a bride's expectations d. A husband is killed in order to make his wife available to another man


Which of the following features is responsible for bringing about sufficient rainfall to support agriculture along the north coastal zone of Morocco? a. Atlas Mountains b. Caspian Sea c. Zagros Mountains d. Red Sea


Which of the following is an accurate description of the area of North America known as the New England Colonies? a. By the 1700s, diverse industries were supplying markets in North America and also exporting to British plantations in the Caribbean b. In recent decades, due to strong protective tariffs against foreign imports, the area has continued to prosper as a leading manufacturing region. c. This area struggled behind the other regions of North America economically and politically during the late nineteenth century and well into the twentieth century d. This area produced much of the food for other regions of North America and received manufactured goods from the southern colonies in return.


Which of the following premises best supports the theory of plate tectonics? a. The earth's surface is made up of large plates that float on molten rock. b. Large plates formed when meteors struck the earth 65 million years ago. c. Present-day plates resulted from the erosion of the supercontinent Pangaea. d. The land surface of the earth is rooted on large oceanic plates.


Which of the following statements DO NOT describe the country of Iran? a. It has a secular government. b. It hosts large populations of refugees. c. It is currently regarded as a dangerous emerging nuclear power. d. It is highly dependent on food imports.


Which of the following statements best summarizes the story of how humans first came into North America? a. Small bands of hunters came from eastern Siberia by crossing the Bering land bridge b. Viking explorers came across the North Atlantic Ocean in small sailing vessels. c. Peoples from the ancient Mayan and Incan civilizations traveled on horse from what is now Mexico. d. Many of Columbus's first crew remained and established permanent settlements.


___________ Regions are characterized by a focus on some activity, while __________ Regions are characterized by a clear defined boundary. a. Functional; Formal b. Vernacular; functional c. Vernacular; formal d. Formal; functional


The country that experienced an uprising of Moaist revolutionaries against the incumbent monarchy in the late 1990s was: a. Nepal b. Bangladesh c. Sri Lanka d. Bhutan


39. Water politics, also called hydropolitics, is politics affected by the availability of water and water resources in the region of Bhutan and Bangladesh a. True b. False


A country is undergoing a demographic transition. This means that the country: a. Is moving to a greater population imbalance between men and women. b. Is moving from high birth and death rates to much lower birth and death rates. c. Is moving from a pre-literate society to a literate society. d. Is experiencing major population loss as a result of migration.


A steep slope with a nearly flat plateau on the top is called a. The African Plateau b. The Escarpment c. The Rift Valley d. The Savanna


Hong Kong became a British possession as a result of: a. the Boer War b. The Opium Wars c. Britain's domination of India d. The Sino-Japanese War


In 1492, roughly ______________ Native Americans lived in North America. By 1907, about _______________ remained. a. 10 million, 4 million b. 18 million, 400,000 c. 18 million, 10 million d. 25 million, 1 million


In the Middle East , the term "Wadis" refer to: a. A Ritual of the pilgrimage b. Seasonal rivers c. A popular City in Kuwait d. An open market


In the subregion of West Africa, which north-south distinction does NOT apply? a. Herding in the north, farming in the south b. Christianity in the north, Islam in the south c. Dry in the north, moist in the south d. Islam in the north, Christianity in the south


In what way did the Catholic Church change in the nineteenth century in Middle and South America? a. The church restricted the use of non-English languages in ceremonies and writings. b. The church became more attentive to the needs of the poor. c. The church required equal status for women d. The church purged itself of all Native American influences.


Systematic representation of the three-dimensional Earth surface on a two-dimensional flat surface is called a. Map Distribution. b. Map Projection. c. Map Rendition d. Map Scale.


The processes of plate tectonics are external processes that form landscapes, whereas the process of weathering and erosion are internal processes that further shape landforms and landscapes. a. True b. False


The term "Kleptocracy" is defined as: a. Debt accumulated from years of low economic growth in Africa b. A state in which corruption is so institutionalized that politicians siphon off huge percentage of country's wealth c. A tropical diseases that made it difficult for Europeans to establish colonies in Africa d. Procedures that involve total removal of female external genitalia for cultural or any other non-therapeutic reasons".


What factors explain the rapid conquest of Middle and South America by Spain and Portugal? a. Spain and Portugal possessed superior diplomatic skills and armies. b. Native Americans were vulnerable to diseases introduced from Europe. c. Native Americans were undernourished and lacked the ability to unify against the European invaders. d. The Spanish and Portuguese encountered no resistance from Native Americans who sought trading partnerships with the Europeans.


What is the primary cause of contemporary population growth in the countries of Middle and South America? a. Migration from Asia b. High birth rates c. Rising incomes d. Lack of disease


What led to the ecological disaster of the 1930s in the Great Plains region? a. A flood that eroded away all the topsoil in the region b. A drought combined with dust storms that blew away the topsoil c. A lack of available farm labor caused by the growth of employment on the east coast during that decade d. Mormon belief systems, which advocate the clear-cutting of all land


What region of the United States is considered to be the most populated? a. The Southeast and Great Plains b. The Northeast and Great Lakes c. The Northwest and Great Lakes d. The Southwest and Great Plains


What term describes rainfall that is caused by the interaction of large air masses of different temperatures and densities? a. Orographic precipitation b. Frontal precipitation c. Shadow precipitation d. Convergence precipitation


What term refers to the highest temperature-altitude zone above 12,000 feet in South America? a. Tierra caliente b. Tierra helada c. Tierra templada d. Tierra fria


What two Middle East countries never been occupied by European? a. Iraq and Soudan b. Iran and Turkey c. Turkey and Iraq d. Soudan and Turkey


Which of the following accords with the theory of global warming? a. Deforestation reduces the release of carbon dioxide, causing more atmospheric combustion. b. Levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are increasing and trapping the sun's heat. c. The burning of fossil fuels decreases levels of carbon dioxide, preventing natural ionic cooling. d. The sun is burning hotter and has increased rates of evaporation, and thus has a reduced rate of global daily cooling.


Which of the following characteristics in North Africa and Southwest Asia are the result of "Globalization and Cultural Change" a. Colonization and Neocolonialism b. Fundamentalism c. The rise of the Jihad d. Government based on Islam


Which of the following describes the political party in China known as the (Guomindang) Kuomintang (KMT)? a. Led by Mao Zedong b. Backed by the United States after WWII c. Supported by lower-class rural farmers d. Established China's Communist government


Which of the following describes the principal migration trend in Middle and South America? a. North-to-south movements b. Rural-to-urban movements c. Island-to-mainland movements d. Coastal-to-interior movements


Which of the following is NOT a main source of Africa's religions? a. Islam b. Judaism c. Christianity d. Animism


Which of the following relationships is accounted for the rate of natural increase? a. Immigrants and emigrants to and from a given population b. Birth rates and death rates in a given population c. Death of infants per 1000 born d. Newborn infants and migrants added to a population in a given year


Which of the following represents the neo-colonial (Neocolonialism) situation in which Africa finds itself today? a. The former colonies that constitute Africa, now independent states, are exploiting South Asian territories as if they are colonies. b. Former colonizers are still reaping Africa's countries wealth although their independence. c. Many of Europe's former colonial powers are annexing territories of African states that were previously valuable colonies. d. Tribalism and pre-industrial modes of social organization are replacing what were once legitimate states, causing an increase in territorial disputes.


Which of the following statements describes the pattern of human settlement and economic activity in the Maghreb? a. Dispersed among small, well-watered points connected like beads on a string by ephemeral trails through the desert b. Concentrated along Nile River valley and the Atlas Mountains and coastal regions c. Nearly all located south of the Atlas Mountains around the perimeter of large inland lakes d. Concentrated on the western coast of the Red Sea and in the Dead sea region


Which term refers to a type of farming in which the farmer produces food only for the farmer's family? a. Substantial agriculture b. Subsistence agriculture c. Family agriculture d. Plantation


44. With 35 million people living in Canada, 60 % of them live within 90 miles of the U.S. border a. True b. False

b ( 90% at 100 miles)

After it was first discovered, it took about 250 years for the Region of North America to be settled. a. True b. False

b (150 yrs)

Sierra Leone was the first African state to achieve independence from Europe was: a. True b. False

b (Ghana)

The Sahel is the name for the region on the northern fringe of the Sahara where steppe and savanna grasses grow? a. True b. False

b (No northern, but southern)

As the Colonial ruler of South Asia, the British explicitly destroyed the development of which of the region's industries? a. South Asian Space Program b. South Asian Service Industry c. South Asian Manufacturing d. South Asian Information Technology


If the Europeans at the Berlin Conference of 1884 had decided to help Africans form independent countries based on ethno-linguistic homelands. a. There might be just four large countries, possibly called the Arabic Republic, the Berber Republic, the Bantu Republic, and the Transition Republic. b. Each country would be either Christian, Muslim, or animistic. c. Africa today might be composed of hundreds of microstates. d. Would be a better integrated economic entity.


In what South Asian country do 120 Muslims constitute the largest minority religious group a. Pakistan b. Sri Lanka c. India d. Bangladesh


Semite languages in the Middle East is comprised of a. Berber and Arabic b. Hebrew and Berber c. Arabic and Hebrew d. Hebrew and Turkish


The two Sub Saharan African Nations never been colonized by Europe are: a. Zimbabwe and South Africa. b. Nigeria and Cote D'Ivoire. c. Liberia and Ethiopia. d. Togo and Benin.


What term refers to the practice of immigrants from a common region settling near each other in their new country? a. Regional migration b. String migration c. Chain migration d. Zone migration


Which of the following IS NOT amongst the five pillars of Islamic practice? a. Testimony of belief in Allah as the only God, and in Muhammad as His Messenger b. Obligatory fasting during Ramadan c. Sharia an Islamic laws d. Hajj: pilgrimage to Makkah


Which of the following North African countries fell under the control of Italy in 1912? a. Egypt b. Sudan c. Libya d. Tunisia


Which of the following characterizes the intertropical convergence zone and its effects on Africa's climate? a. Warm westward-moving air comes together with the Mediterranean high-pressure cell, which traps the air at the ground and prevents it from releasing its moisture. b. Cool air from the northern latitudes moves into Africa, blocking warm, moist air from the continent's interior. c. Warm southerly winds meet warm northerly winds, causing uplift and cooling of the air, which then releases moisture as rain. d. Cool air masses from the north and south meet south of the Sahara causing cool, wet conditions to prevail over the African interior.


Which of the following describes the aim of the Zionist movement around the time of World War II? a. Elimination of non-Muslim people from Jerusalem b. Independence for Britain's Southwest Asian colonies c. Creation of a Jewish state in their ancestral homeland d. The removal of all Jewish people from Palestine


Which of the following does NOT describe the country of Turkey? a. A member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) b. Possesses relatively abundant water resources c. A member of the European Union d. Diversified economy


Which of the following factors holds that expansion of European capitalism created Latin American condition of underdevelopment a. Political authoritarianism b. The perpetuation of economic c. Dependency theory d. Long-observed pattern of maintaining large estates


Which of the following family types constitutes the basic social institution in Middle and South America? a. Nuclear families b. Single-mother-headed families c. Extended families d. Social communes


Which of the following is NOT true of oil reserves in North Africa/Southwest Asia? a. Oil reserves are mostly fossil fuels formed from the fossilized remains of dead animals and plants. b. Extracted oil resources are sold at a tremendous profit on world markets. c. Revenues from oil are distributed to the region's people as part of the governments' liberal social philosophies. d. Oil reserves are abundant in some of the countries of North Africa/Southwest Asia but totally absent in others.


Which of the following occurred as a result of the 1947 partition of British India? a. Muslims migrated from Pakistan to India; Hindus migrated from India to Pakistan b. Muslims migrated from India to Pakistan; Hindus migrated from Sri Lanka to India c. Muslims migrated from India to Pakistan; Hindus migrated from Pakistan to India d. Muslims migrated from Sri Lanka to India; Hindus migrated from India to Sri Lanka


40. What was the name of the Spaniard who conquered the Incan Empire? a. Cortez b. de Soto c. Balboa d. Pizarro


All secular countries exhibit which of the following characteristics? a. Their leaders are monarchs who inherited the position. b. Their populations are ethnically homogeneous. c. Their leaders are popularly elected. d. A country purports to be officially neutral in matters of religion


By 2008 as predicted by the United Nation, what percentage of the earth's population now lives in cities? a. 50% b. 10% c. 25% d. 65%


By what means did nineteenth-century European powers prevent armed conflicts among themselves in Africa in their separate colonial efforts? a. They allowed African tribal leaders to arbitrate their territorial disputes. b. They created a federation of nations to manage the continent's resources. c. They urged the United States to mediate conflicts and enforce resolutions. d. They established distinct boundaries between their territorial claims in Africa


Developing nations are usually characterized by __________________ economies, while developed nations are usually characterized by the presence of ______________________ industries. a. Industrial, service b. Service, agricultural c. Industrial, knowledge-based d. Agricultural, service


New York City obtains most of its water from: a. The Hudson Rivera. b. The Atlantic Ocean. c. New Jersey. d. The Catskill Mountains


Pastoral nomads is: a. Use lowlands but not highlands in the region b. Are mainly herders of cattle c. Have traditionally grown their grain on land rented from villagers d. Form of subsistence agriculture in which practitioners depend on seasonal movement of livestock


Suppose that Country A has a TFR (Total Fertility Rate) of 4.5 and Country B has a TFR of 1.3. Which statement best summarizes the population trend in these countries? a. There is a higher birth rate in Country B than in Country A. b. More people are migrating from Country A than from Country B. c. The rate of natural increase in Country A is higher than in Country B. d. More babies are being born in Country A than in Country B.


Suppose you are on the beach at night, and you experience a breeze blowing from the land out to the ocean. This breeze is caused by: a. Carbon dioxide being pushed out of human dwellings at night. b. Air flowing from the warmer land onto the relatively cooling water. c. Evaporated water seeking a place to condense back into liquid water. d. Air flowing from the cooling land onto the relatively warmer water.


The Aryans thought to be the first outsiders to invade South Asia 3500 yrs ago are credited with instituting what social system in the region a. Islam Religion b. Purdah System c. Dowry System d. Caste System


The British created a single state out of what are now the countries of Pakistan and Bangladesh because most of their inhabitants shared a faith in what religion a. Hinduism b. Buddhism c. Christianity d. Islam


The Great Lakes were formed by: a. Plate tectonics. b. Global warming. c. The Appalachian Mountains. d. Melting glaciers.


The passage of the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) has had which of the following effects? a. Considerable decline in trade between the United States and Canada b. Rising corruption in Canada due to United States and Mexican firms who have relocated there c. Sharp decline in the flow of Mexican migrants into North America d. Reduction and removal of tariffs between Mexico, the United States, and Canada


The purpose of Britain's "Diviide and rule" tactic in South Asia was to antagonize relations between what two groups, thus weakening both in their ability to oppose colonial rule? a. Buddhism and Muslim b. Buddhism and Hinduism c. Hinduism and Sikhism d. Hinduism and Muslims


The rivalry in North America between France and England led to: a. Indian and England war b. French and England war c. The North and South war d. French and Indian War


The two deserts in southern Africa are the _________ and the ______________. a. Libyan, Namib b. Sahara, Kalahari c. Namib, Sahara d. Kalahari, Namib


What is the name given to the set of values that governs the activities and movements of females in Middle and South America? a. Maranhao b. Paruismo c. Machismo d. Marianismo


What language family dominates the south of India? a. Hindi b. Indo-Aryan c. Austro-Asiatics d. Dravidians


What was the split between the two branches of Islam over? a. The official language of the Qur'an b. The choice of who was to became the new prophet of Islam Nation c. The creation of Israel out of the land of Palestine d. None of the above


Where do most manufacturing called Maquiladoras take place in Mexico? a. In the Mexico City area b. On the Yucatan Peninsula c. In coastal zones d. Along the U.S. border


Which Country is engaged in a civil war between Tamils and Singhalese a. Nepal b. Pakistan c. Maldives d. Sri Lanka


Which of the following does NOT reflect the lasting influence of the colonial period on African societies? a. Many independent African governments are undemocratic. b. Europeanized elites usually dominate government and the economy. c. African economies depend on the export of raw materials. d. African governments effectively redistribute wealth to an impoverished majority.


Which of the following events caused the ongoing civil war in Sudan? a. Elimination of the hajj b. Governance known as a protectorate c. Imposition of the Animist Religion d. Imposition of shari'a


Which of the following is NOT located in the Maghreb? a. Libya b. Algeria c. Western Sahara d. Niger


Which of the following is NOT true of the zakat? a. It is a pillar of Islam. b. It takes the form of a tax of at least 2.5 percent. c. It is based on the recognition of the injustice and giving charity d. It is government-enforced across the Islamic world.


Which of the following measures indicates the total value of all goods and services recognized as produced in a country during a given year? a. Human Development Index b. World Trade Income c. Economic Growth Index d. Gross domestic product


Which of the following was NOT a result of China's Great Leap Forward in the 1950's? a. Many Chinese were killed for dissenting b. Many Chinese died from famine c. Natural resources were excessively exploited d. China's economy boomed, resulting in admission to the WTO


Which statement most accurately describes the impact on the Native American population of the diseases that were introduced by Europeans to Middle and South America? a. Ten percent died within 150 years of first contact with Europeans. b. Ninety percent died within 400 years of first contact with Europeans. c. Ten percent died within 400 years of first contact with Europeans. d. Ninety percent died within 150 years of first contact with Europeans.


Term is used to define a process for a country in East Asia to locate their dirtier factories elsewhere in the world a. Green Revolution b. Pollution Importing c. Global Climate Change d. Pollution Exporting


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