final history

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Which Italian city was the dominant European trading power in the Mediterranean? Rome Florence Milan Venice


What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? A treaty that ended war between the Russians and the Ottomans. A treaty to end the religious wars that were spreading across Europe. A treaty that divided overseas territory between the Portugal and Spain. A treaty between the French and English regarding territory in America.

A treaty that divided overseas territory between the Portugal and Spain.

What was the Maratha Confederacy? A Janissary independence movement A Sikh religious movement A Hindu nationalistic movement An Islamic liberation movement

A Hindu nationalistic movement

Who was Safi al-Din? A great Mughal conqueror The first great Ottoman Sultan The last Byzantine emperor A Islamic Sufi and founder of the Safavid Empire

A Islamic Sufi and founder of the Safavid Empire

What was the New Deal? U.S. policy of guaranteed loans to European states to help them out of the Great Depression. U.S. policy that helped veterans returning from World War I find work and get established. A collection of reforms intended to restart economic growth in the Depression-era United States. The collectivization of farms and businesses in the United States in an effort to increase prosperity.

A collection of reforms intended to restart economic growth in the Depression-era United States.

The Great Depression of 1929 was The unemployment in the U.S. automobile industry A crash in the U.S. Stock Market which affected many countries across the globe. Increasing revenue to investors as a result of the growing economy. A great time when American loans spread to Germany

A crash in the U.S. Stock Market which affected many countries across the globe.

What was Humanism? A focus on the material world around people rather than on the eternal world of spirits The rejection of Christianity as a way to find peace and joy in life A cultural and educational program based on the study of the classics and the inherent dignity of mankind The philosophical perspective on the nearly unending potential for mankind to progress and develop

A cultural and educational program based on the study of the classics and the inherent dignity of mankind

What was Secularism? The philosophical perspective on the nearly unending potential for mankind to progress and develop A cultural and educational program based on the study of the classics and the inherent dignity of mankind The rejection of Christianity as a way to find peace and joy in life A focus on the material world around people rather than on the eternal world of spirits

A focus on the material world around people rather than on the eternal world of spirits

What was the "mita system" as used by the Incas? A forced labor system A tax system on trade The system of government The numeric system

A forced labor system

For which two publications is Desiderius Erasmus most well-known? The Praise of Folly and The Courtier A more accurate translation of the New Testament and The Praise of Folly The Prince and a more accurate translation of the New Testament The Courtier and The Prince

A more accurate translation of the New Testament and The Praise of Folly

What was the ruling class used by the Ottomans to govern their empire? The use of a civil service system to prepare bureaucrats The nobility A slave aristocracy Client kings that had been conquered

A slave aristocracy

Which European power created two Viceroyalties in the New World? Portugal France England Spain


Why is Ivan the Great important in Russian history? He is known as the gatherer of Russian lands He helped fight off the Mongols He was responsible for building the Kremlin All of the Above

All of the above

Who was Zheng He? A Japanese warrior who unified all of Japan and gained the support of the emperor The founder of the Ming Empire An imperial eunuch who was put in charge of Chinese voyages into the Indian Ocean A Confucian scholar who administered government in China for over fifty years

An imperial eunuch who was put in charge of Chinese voyages into the Indian Ocean

Which of the following WAS NOT one of the five focuses of Humanism? Eloquence Astronomy History Classical Scholarship


How did Europeans acquire Africans for slavery? Some Africans willingly allowed themselves to be sold into slavery. By trading for them. By conquering African kingdoms. By hunting down Africans and kidnapping them.

By trading for them.

"Nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine." This statement was made in reference to The Sykes-Picot Agreement Balfour Declaration Declaration of Independence of Israel The Versailles Treaty

Balfour Declaration

The civil war in Pakistan in 1971 resulted in which of the following? Pakistan became an Islamic state. India became a Hindu nation. Bangladesh became an independent country. Kashmir ceased to be a Pakistani province.

Bangladesh became an independent country.

The Harlem Hellfighters were a regiment of African-American soldiers who Became the most decorated unit in the entire U.S. army as a result of their war effort in Europe. Who were set up to fail by the Germans Decided to fight for the French in World War I because they hated American racism Fought in World War I in Europe as a U.S. force fighting under a U.S. general

Became the most decorated unit in the entire U.S. army as a result of their war effort in Europe.

This event singularly marked the end of the Cold War in 1991. Collapse of Israeli-Palestinian Wall Collapse of the Soviet Union Death of Pope John Paul II Defeat of Hitler

Collapse of the Soviet Union

The Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916 Was based on a market policy to limit the effects of the Great Depression Divided up lands from the Mughal Empire Granted Germany control over the Austro-Hungarian Empire Divided up the Ottoman Empire

Divided up the Ottoman Empire

When did Martin Luther decide to become a monk? When he was unable to find a position as a lawyer, which he had studied to become He was placed in a monastery as a child and had little say in the decision After a pilgrimage to Rome During a thunderstorm in which he feared for his life

During a thunderstorm in which he feared for his life

Which Chinese emperor supported and funded the maritime voyages into the Indian Ocean? Emperor Hongwu Emperor Yongle Emperor Nobunaga Emperor Tokugawa

Emperor Yongle

What two European countries fought in the Hundred Years War? Spain and France England and France Spain and Italy England and Spain

England and France

British immigrants to South Africa befriended the Dutch and the two groups never fought against each other but united to displace the Zulus? True False


Which of the following statements best describes fascism? Fascism was a political ideology that advocated the destruction of factories and a return to simpler, pre-industrial life. Fascism was a political ideology that advocated nationalism and was opposed communism and democratic freedoms. Fascism was a political ideology that advocated the redistribution of land to level out social classes. Fascism was a political ideology that advocated the abolition of all minority groups within fascist countries.

Fascism was a political ideology that advocated nationalism and was opposed communism and democratic freedoms.

What was the immediate cause of U.S. involvement in World War I? The Zimmerman Telegram Woodrow Wilson's reelection German bombing of the Lusitania which killed many Americans. Many Americans wanted to fight in the war

German bombing of the Lusitania which killed many Americans.

The Schlieffen Plan basically required that France and Russia should invade Germany Britain and the U.S. should be defeated by overwhelming German force before they could enter into the fray In order for Germany to avoid war on two fronts it should enter into an alliance Germany should overpower France quickly enough before Russia could enter the war

Germany should overpower France quickly enough before Russia could enter the war

Which of the following IS NOT an example of the violence of Ivan the Terrible? His order to execute priests who refused to obey him. Brutal reprisals against the Russian nobility. His accidental killing of his son. The murder of 30,000 to 40,000 people in Novgorod Republic.

His order to execute priests who refused to obey him.

What was the main policy that was central to Akbar's success as ruler of the Mughal Empire? His policy of continual war against the Ottoman Empire His policy of using slave boys as the foundation of his army His policy of rotating his governors so they could not build a strong base of power His policy of reconciliation and cooperation with the Hindus in his empire

His policy of reconciliation and cooperation with the Hindus in his empire

Which empire built a system of roads across its territory to improve trade, movement, and communication? Mongol Empire Mughal Empire Aztec Empire Incan Empire

Incan Empire

Match the following countries to their appropriate colonial powers: Cameroon, Egypt, Palestine - Belgium India, Zimbabwe, Kenya - Britain Vietnam, China, Thailand - Spain Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Liberia - Sweden

India, Zimbabwe, Kenya - Britain

_____________________ fought for a unified and inclusive India to gain independence from the British? Indian National Congress Muslim League League of Nations UN

Indian National Congress

What happened to Mongol territory after Genghis Khan's death? His oldest son inherited all the territory and continued expansion It was divided into four separate empires called Khanates The conquered peoples reasserted their control and the Mongols were chased out Dozens of small Mongolian kingdoms developed

It was divided into four separate empires called Khanates

What was the first successful English colony in North America? Roanoke Island Jamestown Massachusetts Bay Maryland


Which region of Asia did the Chinese Qing Dynasty NOT conquer? Taiwan Japan Mongolia Central Asia


Which German colony was taken over and partitioned between the English and French as a result of World War I? Central African Republic Bosnia Kamerun Nigeria


Why is the conflict in Kashmir a complex matter that cannot be easily resolved? The UN wants Afghanistan to rule over the region despite Indian objections. Kashmir is predominantly Muslim but controlled by a Hindu dominated India. Bangladesh has invaded Kashmir many times. India and Pakistan do not want Kashmir.

Kashmir is predominantly Muslim but controlled by a Hindu dominated India.

Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points included a plan to create an international organization made up of member states with authority to resolve global disputes. This multinational body was known as International Court of Justice Universal Postal Service League of Nations United Nations

League of Nations

In the early years, factory work was characterized by A ban on employing people under the age of 18 endless health inspections Long hours, no breaks, and no food Labor legislation that helped workers maintain their health and family

Long hours, no breaks, and no food

Who developed Philology? Desiderius Erasmus Lorenzo Valla Castiglione Leonardo da Vinci

Lorenzo Valla

Which of the following was an effect of the Great Depression in the United States? Rapid spread of socialism in the United States, as impoverished workers sought relief in the teachings of Karl Marx. Large-scale starvation, especially among unemployed urban workers. Massive unemployment and economic distress. Large-scale emigration from the United States for the first time, as unemployed people desperately sought economic opportunities elsewhere.

Massive unemployment and economic distress.

Which of the following was an effect of the Great Depression in Latin America? The property of the Catholic Church was confiscated to provide food for the poor. States took advantage of the global chaos to break free from Spain. Military dictators took control of several states. Latin America enjoyed a boom economy as the region supplied goods that the rest of the world was no longer able to produce.

Military dictators took control of several states.

What was the unique challenge of the Mughal Empire? Constant invasion by rivals The region had poor agriculture, leading to constant famines among the people Most of its citizens were Hindus while the rulers were not Too much wealth and prosperity

Most of its citizens were Hindus while the rulers were not

This Asian country had been influenced by and borrowed from the Chinese civilization for many centuries but ended up as the major colonial power over China in the 1930s and 1940s? Russia Hong Kong United States None of the above.

None of the above.

What role did music play in the anti-apartheid struggle? It advocated the use of violence as a political tool. Its members hated black people. It played any role. None of the above.

None of the above.

Which two foods came from Europe to the Americas during the Columbian Exchange? Tomatoes and Squash Olives and Oranges Corn and Potatoes Pineapple and Peppers

Olives and Oranges

In which Islamic Empire did the office of the Grand Vizier play a central role? Ottoman Empire Safavid Empire Mughal Empire All of the above

Ottoman Empire

Which Islamic Empire lasted into the twentieth century but became known as the "Sick Man of Europe" after 1750? Ottoman Empire Russian Empire Safavid Empire Mughal Empire

Ottoman Empire

Which European country was the first to begin trading along the Swahili Coast? Portugal France England Spain


Which European country was the first to engage in exploration into the Atlantic? Spain Italy England Portugal


Which of the following states enjoyed significant economic growth in the 1930s, while the rest of the world was sunk deep in the Great Depression? The United States Russia Germany Brazil


What are some of the lessons from two world wars of the twentieth century? The wars facilitated the demise of communism. They led to the election of the German Kaiser Wilhelm II. The U.S. became a nonviolent nation opposed to war. Some countries in Africa and Asia regained their independence.

Some countries in Africa and Asia regained their independence.

What position was at the head of the Ottoman Empire? Sultan King Shah Emperor


Which empire used a Tribute System to manage its conquered territories? The Aztec Empire The Incan Empire The Safavid Empire The Mongolian Empire

The Aztec Empire

In the Battle of Isandlwana: The Dutch and the British adopted a new strategy which put the Zulus in Bantustans. The British defeated the Zulus and gained control of the land. Forced the U.S. to intervene and stop Apartheid. The British suffered defeat in the hands of the Zulu army.

The British suffered defeat in the hands of the Zulu army.

During the seventeenth century, who were the greatest traders of the age? The Spanish The English The Dutch The French

The Dutch

In countries heavily depended on exports such as Brazil and Ghana, The Great Depression had no impact. The Great Depression improved the demand for raw materials. The Great Depression granted farmers more access to loans. The Great Depression caused a significant drop in commodity prices.

The Great Depression caused a significant drop in commodity prices.

Which growing empire captured Constantinople in 1453? The Safavid Empire The Mongol Empire The Roman Empire The Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire

Which statement best describes the Portuguese involvement in the Indian Ocean Trade System? Countries in the Indian Ocean refused to trade with the Portuguese. The Portuguese entered the peaceful trading environment and quickly became another country engaged in the network of trade. The Portuguese purchased territory along the coasts, on which the established trading posts that became centers for their trade. The Portuguese used their advanced ships and weapons to begin conquering areas and forcing the people into unfair trade agreements.

The Portuguese entered the peaceful trading environment and quickly became another country engaged in the network of trade.

Which terrorist event in 1914 sparked World War I? Release of the racially controversial movie "The Birth of a Nation" in the U.S. The assassination of the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne Franz Ferdinand The Nationalist struggle for independence in India The sinking of the British ocean liner Lusitania.

The assassination of the heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne Franz Ferdinand

What decision by the Social Democrats who seized power from the Russian leader proved so unpopular it triggered the success of the Bolshevik Revolution in November 1917? The ineptitude of their leader Nicholas II The German takeover of Cameroons from the British The labor uprisings The decision to continue fighting in World War I

The decision to continue fighting in World War I

Why were the Chinese maritime missions to the Indian Ocean brought to an end in 1433? The Chinese reverted back to trade via the Silk Road The emperor stopped them because of their expense Trade with Japan became more important than trade in the Indian Ocean The Europeans attacked China and forced the voyages to end

The emperor stopped them because of their expense

What was the main reason for the decline of the Ottoman Empire? Internal struggles and civil war A series of natural disasters, including poor harvests Invasion from outside rivals The end of expansion for the empire

The end of expansion for the empire

What was the most important reason that trade in the Indian Ocean grew so large? Improvements in ship design The monsoon winds The creation of large empires in the region Demand for goods shipped from China

The monsoon winds

What was the South African government's response when the African National Congress turned to a policy of non-violent civil disobedience in the 1960s? They separated black men from black women. They shot unarmed demonstrators resulting in the Sharpeville Massacre. The government did not respond to black incitement. They exiled Gandhi to India.

They shot unarmed demonstrators resulting in the Sharpeville Massacre.

What happened to Turkic chiefs and warriors in the Safavid Empire? They were killed by the rulers to establish peace They killed the ruler and brought an end to the empire They were transformed into a class of nobles who helped govern the land They were chased out of the empire by the rulers and settled in other Islamic states

They were transformed into a class of nobles who helped govern the land

Who was the first European explorer to make it around Africa to India? Christopher Columbus Vasco da Gama Ferdinand Magellan Bartolomeu Dias

Vasco da Gama

Which of these factors was not an influence on the collapse of European empires in Asia and Africa? Fighting to defeat German superiority. Women in Europe wanted their countries to abandon the empire. The cost of two world wars made maintaining an empire to be too expensive. The French Revolution undercut the argument in favor of empire.

Women in Europe wanted their countries to abandon the empire.

Which event precipitated the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the division of its territories among the British and the French? Communist Revolution World War I World War II The defeat of Japan

World War I

During the Ming period, the Chinese were distrustful of foreigners. What is this called? Xenophobia Zendophantism Exclusivism Confucianism


Arndt's poem and German nationalism more broadly expressed the revolutionary idea that law could make any person living within the boundaries of Germany into a German; it was not a birth right. Germans and Frenchmen were all Europeans and equal Germans could remain in scattered kingdoms because their German-ness did not require them to reside in a single state affinity for king was less important than affinity for your fellow Germans

affinity for king was less important than affinity for your fellow Germans

Which of the following statements describes trade in the Indian Ocean before 1500? It was largely peaceful It was very diverse in the different goods that were traded It led to the movement of people from many different areas All of the Above

all of the above

Capitalism as expressed by Adam Smith argued that consumption was an important part of a healthy economy argued in favor of isolation argued against exporting goods argued in favor of imposing high tarriffs and customs duties to protect home products

argued that consumption was an important part of a healthy economy

The germ-theory of disease replaced the idea that sickness was caused by rich people cholera slaves bad air

bad air

How did the development of nationalism change notions of political superiority in the 19th century? it eliminated nations based in linguistic similarities it created political hierarchies beyond being just better than their neighbors, countries saw themselves as more civilized or evolved than their neighbors countries imagined that they were all equal and that there were no differences between them

beyond being just better than their neighbors, countries saw themselves as more civilized or evolved than their neighbors

Russia industrialized regions by duplicating factories throughout the country so that different areas of Russia produced the same goods to show their allegiance to socialism to support local national movements in their bids for independence by making them specialize in the manufacturing or extraction of goods

by making them specialize in the manufacturing or extraction of goods

What does this picture that you can find via an embedded link in your D2L content illustrate about industrialization in England? county districts railroad networks canals and rivers coal mines

canals and rivers

Egyptian nationalism demonstrates how nationalism was both religious and secular first and last biased and unbiased constructive and destructive

constructive and destructive

Nationalism helped intellectuals reinforce the dominance of monarchs the rights of colonized peoples to be independent the idea of a united Europe feelings of difference and superiority

feelings of difference and superiority

The Trans-Siberian Railway was important for Russia because it proved the success of the Russian industrialization program It proved Russia's ability to build into Western Europe It connected North America to Asia It linked Moscow with India

it proved the success of the Russian industrialization program

The first stage of industrialization is characterized by the development of steel and the creation of horse-drawn carriages growth of textile production and the use of coal the development of petroleum and the creation of thermodynamics the rejection of industrial technologies and the decline of mechanization

growth of textile production and the use of coal

Imperial motivations in the 19th century differed from earlier centuries in that they wanted to spread freedom and independence through the colonies they industrialized the areas they colonies and empowered those economies to compete with the home governments in Europe they were only looking for manufactured goods and were not interested in raw materials in the 19th century, the idea was to sell manufactured goods back to the colonies rather than keeping them in Europe

in the 19th century, the idea was to sell manufactured goods back to the colonies rather than keeping them in Europe

Industrialization's second stage included advancements in chemicals, steel usage, petroleum, and communication. caused governments to question their national identities included the discovery of iron and cotton made it less effective or cheap to dye wool

included advancements in chemicals, steel usage, petroleum, and communication.

Question 10 1 / 1 point Racism changed in the 19th century because it became illegal intellectuals rejected it entirely on the basis that all men were equal it was eradicated it became linked to so-called scientific truths about a group or population

it became linked to so-called scientific truths about a group or population

How did ideas of imperial/state superiority change in the 19th century? it incited peasant revolts throughout Europe it empowered subject countries to rise up and fight against European imperialism it eliminated contact between Europe and what they considered inferior populations it enhanced European governments' senses of superiority

it enhanced European governments' senses of superiority

Capitalism was supported by the some people in lower classes becuase it required the redistribution of wealth it promised to make merchants and owners wealthier it made them the most wealthy class in Europe it promised them liberation from rural life

it promised them liberation from rural life

US industrialization aided the US takeover of Canada the loss of territory to England the reliance of US on foreign powers its expansion

its expansion

Why were European identities unclear in the 19th century? China annexed Europe and everyone became Chinese Everyone believed themselves to be German language boundaries and political borders were not the same Europeans all spoke the same language

language boundaries and political borders were not the same

The ideals behind Industrialization include all EXCEPT mercantilism capitalism efficiency individualism


Nineteenth century imperialism differed from 16th and 17th because more European governments established direct colonies throughout the world and because they tried to institute some aspects of Enlightenment and Scientific Revolutionary thought. it failed to make a profit in the 19th century Naval power was useless during the 19th century; it all relied on overland travel The Spanish again became the dominant power

more European governments established direct colonies throughout the world and because they tried to institute some aspects of Enlightenment and Scientific Revolutionary thought.

John Green's definition of nation-state requires linguistic connection murder centralized government territory


Biological determinism suggested that explained that if two humans mated, they would produce a human social and moral attitudes were linked genetically and inherited eliminated Enlightenment ideas from the intellectual discussions of the day contributed to the growth of pro-monarchical feeling

social and moral attitudes were linked genetically and inherited

The quotation from the Qing Emperor in the D2L content shows that European ideas of superiority differed from Qing ideas in that the Qing believed themselves subordinate to the Europeans already that Europeans were the only people who believed in their own superiority that imperialism was entirely an economic undertaking the Qing did not think it possible or likely that they could educate people to bring the inferiors up to their level.

the Qing did not think it possible or likely that they could educate people to bring the inferiors up to their level.

Russia's Great Reforms included the elimination of the nobility the reinstatement of slavery the abolition of serfdom the end of noble landholders in Russia

the abolition of serfdom

Imperialism was motivated by all EXCEPT the ideal that all humans were equal and entitled to self government nationalism Industrial Revolution Enlightenment

the ideal that all humans were equal and entitled to self government

Nationalism traced its origins to China Roman empire Louis XIV the liberal political revolutions

the liberal political revolutions

Critiques of industrialization include the factory managers paid them well the machines were less efficient the machines made their lives better the machines took their jobs

the machines took their jobs

The contributions of Bessamer, Siemens-Martin, and Carnegie to the creation of steel demonstrate ways to make steel more expensive that scientists were entirely isolated from others' discoveries the mutli-national nature of industrial development that if you mixed nickel with silver, you could make steel

the mutli-national nature of industrial development

Owen's town of New Lanark was focused on making workers less effective reflected the ideas of Karl Marx was designed around the idea that workers needed to live in the factory was focused on making more efficient workers

was focused on making more efficient workers

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