Final psych quiz

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Panic Disorder

Anxiety disorder in which the individual experiences recurrent, sudden onsets of intense apprehension or terror, often without warning and with no specific causes. May feel as if you are having a heart attack

Theoretical Approaches to Psychological Disorders

Biological Approach- primary focus on the brain, genetic factors and neurotransmitter functioning as the source of abnormality. Medical Model- the view that psychological disorders are medical diseases with a biological origin. Sociocultural Approach- How a person lives, including gender and ethnicity, socioeconomic status, family relationships and culture. The biopsychosocial model- All approaches are viewed important, rather than separately Psychological approach- a person's experiences, thoughts, emotions, and personality characteristics in explaining psychologist disorders Psychological approach- a person's experiences, thoughts, emotions, and personality characteristics in explaining psychologist disorders

Dissociative Amnesia

Characterized by extreme memory loss that is caused by extensive psychological stress.

Culture, context and the Meaning of Abnormal Behavior

Culture establishes the norms by which people evaluate their own and others' behaviors, culture is at the core of what it means to be normal or abnormal. In evaluating behavior as normal or abnormal, culture matter is complex ways. -Culture norms provide guidance about how people should behave and what behavior is healthy or unhealthy. -Cultural norms could be positive or negative. Individual that go against the cultural norm could be seen as deviant and even mental ill. -Cultural norms could be limiting, oppressive and prejudicial.

eating disorder.

For some people, concerns about weight and body image become a serious disorder. Eating disorders is a variety of complex biological, psychological and cultural issues. Bulimia is an eating disorder in which an individual consistently follows a binge-and-purge eating pattern. The individual goes on an eating binge and purges by self-induced vomiting. Binge-eating disorder is an eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of consuming large amounts of food during which the person feels a lack of control over eating. Individuals with BED often eat quickly eat a great deal when they are not hungry and until they are uncomfortably full. They frequently eat alone because of embarrassment or guilt, they feel ashamed and disgusted with themselves after overeating.

Biology factors

Genes appear to play a role in depression in conjunction with experiences. Genetics characteristics can make a person vulnerable to develop depression.

Sociocultural factors

Individual that are

Social anxiety disorder

Intense fear of being humiliated or embarrassed in social situations. This disorder may involve genetic characteristics or parenting styles, combine learning experiences in social context.

Bipolar disorder

Mood disorder characterized by extreme mood swings that include one or more episodes of mania, an overexcited, unrealistically optimistic state. A Manic side episode is like the flipside of a depressive episode. The person that experiences mania feels on top of the world. Most bipolar individuals experience multiple cycles of depression and mania, usually for 6 months.

Disorders involving Emotion and Mood

Our emotions and moods tell us how we are doing in life. We feel good or bad depending on our progress on important goals. For some individuals, however, the link between life experiences and emotions are difficult to handle. -One may feel sad for no reason or lack a sense of accomplishments. -Depressed mood most of the day -Reduced interest or pleasure in activities that once enjoyed -Weight loss or gain -Difficulty sleeping -Loss of energy -Feeling worthless or guilty in an excessive or inappropriate manner -Difficulty thinking or concentrating -Thoughts of death and suicide -No history of manic episodes

Specific Phobia

Psychological disorder in which an individual has an irrational, overwhelming, persistent fear of a particular object or situation.

Generalized Anxiety disorders

Psychological disorder marked by persistent anxiety for at least six months, and in which the individual is unable to specify the reasons for the anxiety.

dissociative disorder

Psychological disorders that involve a sudden loss of memory or change in identity due to the dissociation of the individual's conscious awareness from previous memories and thoughts.

Psychological Factors

The cognitive explanation of depression focus on the thoughts and beliefs that contribute to this sense of hopelessness. A person that has no control over their feelings if helplessness.

Dissociative identity disorder

formerly called multiple personality disorder, a dissociative disorder in which the individual.....

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