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ER model

Entity Relationship Model


Extract, Transform, Load

T/F Intranet is smaller in scope than extranets


T/F VPN can be used with both Intranet and Extranet


14. What are four characteristics of data warehouse different from operational databases? Give brief explanations based on class discussion. (4 points)

Managerial/Tactical Level - Data warehouse OLAT - (Online Analytical Processing) Uses semi-structured data - Structured and unstructured data Middle Management 10% of activities - Informating - to inform - provides reports - Digital Dashboard - Display all KPI (Key Performance indicator)


Material Recovery Facility

12. What is a supply chain? _________________________________________________ (1 pt)

network between a company and its suppliers to produce and distribute a specific product to the final buyer.

4. ____________________ is a marketing objective to have a sufficient/viable number of customers to start a business and to allows for a bandwagon effect.

network effect

6. _______________, (1 pt) mimicking a human brain, is a type of machine learning technology for NI applications. There are major two types: 1) _________________ which needs a training set, and 2) ______________________________.

neural network - Supervised learning - Unsupervised learning

To achieve database design objective, _________________ (1 pt) is the process of decomposing tables into smaller tables, e.g., design the table structure to reduce ________________ and avoid ______________ .

normalization, redundancy, anomaly

13. In SCM, the inbound logistics of Company A can be integrated with ________________ of Company B.


11. What are the four stages of a SDLC: ___________________, _____________________, _____________________, ________________________________

requirement analysis design implementation testing/evaluation

2. Define business process:____________________________________________ (1 pt)

series of activities that come together to achieve business goal

11. A software program/robot or bot that "crawls" the web to searches sites and documents is called web crawler or _______________


5. Define a cookie in detail. (2 points)

text file that merchants put on your computer to track your interaction on their site to understand your personal preferences.

8. _______________ is the use of analytical techniques to extract information from textual documents.

text mining

6. Define schema: _______________________________________________

the organization of data as a blueprint of how the database is constructed


Online Transaction Processing- records all business transactions as they occur;acts as monitor; detects process aborts;restarts aborted processes;backs out failed transaction;allows distribution of multiple copies of application servers;performs dynamic load balancing


Online analytical processing the manipulation of information to create business intelligence in support of strategic decision making.


Platform as a Service. Provides cloud customers with an easy-to-configure operating system and on-demand computing capabilities. Compare to IaaS and SaaS.


Query By Example. Used for Query Design


Software Development Life Cycle


Structured Query Language

17. What are the three types of enterprise information systems in the market:

Supply Chain Management. Customer Relationship Management. Enterprise Resource Planning.


Supply Chain Risk Management


Virtual Private Network

DBMS (Database Management System)

a product used for the storage and organization of data that typically has defined formats and structures

Two types of SCM: (4.5 points. 0.5 each) a.____________________ : development of resources to support production, including the following functions: (give four examples of functions) ______________________________________,________________________ ______________________________________ ,________________________ b. _____________________: management of three key elements: ___________ flow, ________ flow, and _________________ flow

a) SCP (supply chain planning)demanding planning/forecasting, distribution planning, production planning, inventory management b) SCE (supply chain execution)product, information, financial

23. Define three primary types of CRM systems that vendors sell (or 3 components of an eCRM system architecture) and their applications or technology. (5 pts; 0.5 each) a._____________CRM: Front office systems, including three functional area applications: (spell out the acronym) ______________________, _______________________, ________________ b._____________ CRM: back office systems, primary utilizing the following technologies: ___________________________, _____________________, _____________, _____________ c.______________CRM, to facilitate communications, technology includes ______________________, ________________, etc.

a) operational lead management call center email subscriptions b) analytical datawarehouse, data mining and visualization, ERP systems, business intelligence c) collaborative desktop sharing

[Lab 0] What is a unicorn (startup)?

any startup that reaches the valuation of $1 billion


application to application


business intelligence

3. A recommender system is a marketing strategy that uses data mining algorithms for _______________ which is selling of associated products and _______________ which is selling more expensive product.

cross sale up sale


deep brain stimulation

13. OLAP analyzes data in data warehouse based on known attributes for slicing and dicing, these known attributes (such as years and regions) are technically known in data warehouse as ________________. _______________ is an OLAP data structure organizing data via multiple of such constructs.

dimension, cubes


executive information system

10. There are two kinds of knowledge: _____________ and ____________ which is embedded in people's minds

explicit Tacit

9. The major difference between spreadsheet technology and database technology: (1 pt each)

Data independence

What are the 4 types of data models that are implemented by DBMSs in the commercial market?

1. Relational (Oracle, IBM, 2. Hierarchical 3. Network 4. Object-Oriented (O-O)

7. What year is SQL1 first standardized? _______________ What year is SQL2 first standardized? _______________ What year is SQL3 first standardized? ________________

- 1986 - 1992 - 1999 (never completed)

7. Give 3 examples of data mining algorithms: 1) ______________________for market baskets/bucket analysis; 2) _____________________ for recommender systems. 3)__________________ for loan applications ( 1 pt each)

- Association discovery this involves predicting which types of products will be likely to be bought by someone who purchased another product. If you ask a question of a database or data warehouse you are doing hypothesis verification - ex. when people buy a turkey your hypothesis is that they will buy cranberry sauce. - knowledge discovery - clustering - ex. amazon recommender system - classification - ex. Must pass some criteria - text and web content mining - Web mining - Test mining

20. What are the purposes of CRM (1 pt each):

- attract keep and grow customers - motivate customer emotional loyalty - build barriers to exit

Define data mining:___________________________________________________ (1 pt) How is data mining different from queries of database systems/data warehouse?

- discover hidden relationship between internal/external data - uses knowledge discovery where as database and data warehouse use hypothesis verification.

19. What are the three functional areas that CRM integrates:

1. - Attract new customers - Keep - Grow existing customers 2. - Cultivate emotional loyalty - In contrast with functional loyalty 3. - No exit strategy - Provide a good service to make it hard for customers to leave - Amazon's purchase history - Lifetime memberships

21. CRM is a ____________level strategy; it requires 4 key areas of management for a successful CRM strategy: __________________________, _____________________, _____________________, ________________________

1. Customer Service Orientation - You always have to have the customer in mind and providing customer services. 2. Policies and Business Processes 3. Data Collection, Analysis, and Sharing 4. Employee Training

Relational model was proposed by E.F Codd in ________ (year) based on ______ theory

1970, relational model of data

5. ER model is a conceptual model (proposed in _____________ (year) by ________________) which is (Circle One) a. DBMS independent b. DBMS dependent.

1976, Peter Chen. DBMs independent

15. BPR was proposed by __________________ in ____________(year)

1993 by Michael Hammer

24. It costs _____ times more to attract a new customer than to keep an existing one. (0.5 pt)

7x more expensive

What are the major reasons why Relational Model is so popular: (1 pt each)

95% of DBMS Dependent 1. Mathematically very simple and user friendly 2. Very good at handling simple structures but a large volume of typical business data

3. [Lab 1a] Riley categorizes the investors she is pitching to into two kinds: 1) VCs and _______ a) angels. b) SCs. c) suits. d) greeds. e) leads.


4. [Lab 1a] After making settings in Salesforce, you often had to get to the Pitches tab and data records by clicking on the ___________ found the upper left. a) the App Launcher icon b) the shortcut menu c) Homepage icon d) Setup gear icon e) Salesforce logo


5. [Lab 1a] Salesforce is "cloud-based" meaning: a) Salesforce's computers run the software and store your data while your computer or phone is just used to access all that via the Internet. b) the data is kept on your own device for security-only the software functions are performed on Internet-connected computers owned by Salesforce. c) Salesforce's computers store your data for security-only the software functions are performed on your computer after you install Salesforce there. d) once you install Salesforce on your computer, it creates a "cloud" where the data and the software are hidden together for secure


14. Two kinds of BPM: spell out the acronyms and explain each type.

BPM - business process management, incremental improvements of business processes) BPR - business process reengineering, radical redesign of business processes using IT in 1993

2. [Lab 0] According to what Max learned, companies can make huge amounts of money in the innovation industry, like in Silicon Valley, due to: a) avoiding "disruptive technologies" that create huge costs for consumers and businesses. b) "scalability" and "new markets". c) "Intellectual Prosperity (IP)" and the "BBC". d) NDA's and huge tax breaks allowed for innovative companies in technology.


25. Circle what is not true of EDI: a) A2A b) no need to prespecify data format c) human intervention needed d) use for B2B. (1 point, no partial point)



Database Administrator

ACCESS is a __________DBMS.

Database tool Relationships Query, Attributes

15. What are the four relational DB constraints? Define/describe each in details; not just the name of the constraints. (5 point)

Domain - a range of values an attribute can take on Key - a relation must have a primary key - unique and time-invariant - primary key --> name underlined in the relation schema Entity Integrity - no primary key value can be null(no value) Referential Integrity - to maintain consistency among the tuples of two relations... "maintain consistency between rows and tables"


Electronic Data Interchange


Enterprise Marketing Automation


Geographic Information System

9. _______________, a type of AI technology, can involve a rule base, inferencing engines for a specialized task, such as medical diagnosis. (1 pt)

Inference engine


Infrastructure as a Service. All resources an IT dept. needs are located outside of the organization and are accessible by anyone, anywhere.

1. What is a digital dashboard? ________________________________________ (1 pt)

It is used to support push reporting, exception reporting and alerts, and pull reporting usage models. - provide the decision makers with a quick overview of key performance indicators and other key operational statistics and trends. This usage model is known as push reporting.


Just in Time. A system that eliminates work-in-process (WIP) inventory by scheduling arrival of parts and assemblies for an operation at the time they are needed and not before.


Key performance indicator - a statistical measure of how well a company is doing in a certain area.

17. Draw in a pyramid the three levels of organizational systems for decision-making. Indidcate the name for each level, the % of activities in each level and the value (or purpose) of the use of information systems for each level. ( 4.5 points, 0.5 pt each) Associate the following terms with each level: Database (DB), Data warehouse (DW), data mining, OLTP, OLAP, semi-structured data, structured data, unstructured data. (3 points,0.25 pt each)

Top: EXECUTIVE (unstructured) Middle: MANAGERIAL (semi-structured, OLAP, DW) Bottom: OPERATIONAL (structured, OLTP, DB) BOTH Top & Middle: Digital dashboard, web crawler, data mining,

22. What are the problems/limitation with ERP? (1 pt) Too expensive, takes too long to implement, and______________________________________.

has to have constant mangement

10. Define Business Intelligence: Business Intelligence (BI) is the use of information system to _____________and ____________information from _____________________sources for making better business decisions.

information systems, gather and analyze , internal/external

16. What is a silo phenomenon that gives rise to enterprise information systems? ____________________________(1 pt)

it is a condition that exists when data are isolated in separated information systems. However problems with this include: data duplication, data inconsistency, disjointed processes, limited information and lack of integrated information, isolated decisions leads to organizational inefficiencies, increased expense.

The principle or objective of a database design is: ______________________________ (1 pt)

to create complete, denormalized, redundant, and fully integrated conceptual, logical, and physical database models. (To put one fact in one place)

18. SCM concentrate on a) upstream b) downstream information flow



vendor-managed inventory

33. What is the bullwhip effect in supply chain management? (1 pt)

when there is a small mistake in demand planning it will cause huge problems in production planning.

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