final quiz

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the fact that americans today are likely to follow the news briefly reading multiple headlines online rather than by reading longer news articles if referred to as

"skimming and scanning"

Who exposed the Watergate scandal?

Journalists at the Washington Post

a political ideology is best defined as

a cohesive set of beliefs that form a general philosophy about government

support for an affirmative action policy that considers an applicants race in university admissions is an example of a political _________ while a belief in equality of opportunity is an example of ________

attitude and value

the term "public opinion" is used to describe

attitudes about political issues, leaders, institutions, and events

the difference between a political value and a political attitude is that values are

basic principles, while attitudes are specific preferences

libertarianism is a political ideology that

emphasizes freedom and voluntary association with small government

the average american

exhibits little knowledge of political institutions, processes, leaders, or policy debates

________ generally support abortion rights and oppose state involvement with religious institutions


the vast majority of americans describe themselves as

liberals, conservatives, or moderates

the fact that americans strongly support minimal governmental interference with individuals lives and property illustrates their commitment to


political leaders may prefer communicating through social media because

they can directly transmit unedited messages to their followers without having the content altered by the mainstream press

the fact that democratic party leaders ahve become more liberal and republican party leaders have become more conservative is important because

partisans in the public tend to rely on party leaders for cues on the appropriate positions to take on major political issues

the fact that survey respondents over-report voting in elections and the frequency of their church attendance is an example of the ______ effect.

social desirability

the concept of a marketplace of ideas refers to

the competition between varying opinions and ideas that are aired in public forums

which US president promoted his policy agenda to the american people through "fireside chats"?


individuals who attend church frequently are more likely to be ________ in their political views than people who are not religious.


opposition to leagalized abortion is a position MOST likely supported by _______ while support for legalized abortion is a position most likely supported by __________

conservatives; liberals

in recent years, response rates for random digit surveys have been

declining steadily and now average less than 15 percents

which of the following statements about the political opinions of democratic and republicans in the public is the most accurate?

differences between the political opinion of dems and pubs are greater today than during any other period in the last 40 years

the percentage of americans who indicate they trust the government "just about always or most of the time" has

fallen from over 70 percent in 1960 to just 15 percent in 2017

more americans

have consistently identified as conservatives than as liberals since the 1990's

which of the following sets of terms best describes americans fundamental political values?

liberty, equality of opportunity, and democracy

which of the following is an example of the "gender gap"?

men are more supportive of donald trumps presidency than women

Liberalism and conservatism are good examples of

political ideologies

the process by which political values are formed is known as

political socialization

which of the following statements about the marketplace of ideas is true?

private groups and the news media play important roles in shaping opinions in the marketplace of ideas

the survey sampling method that relies on randomly selected telephone numbers is called

random digit dialing

the percentage of americans without any religious affiliation has

risen from 5 percent of the population in the 1990s to more than 25 percent

the small group selected by pollisters to represent the entire population is called a


conservatives are more likely than liberals to support

school prayer

the fact that public support for government policies declines dramatically when calling the policies "walfare" rather than assistance for the poor" illustrates that

seemingly minor differences in the wording of a question can convey vastly different meanings to survey respondents

in order to survey accurately generalize to the entire population, the survey must

select respondents randomly and everyone in the target population must have an equal chance of being selected

what is the social desirability effect?

the fact that responders report what they think the interview wishes to hear or whatever they think is socially acceptable, rather than what they actually believe

a persons political party preferences are primarily acquired through the influence of

the persons family

The practice of push polling involves

the procedure of asking loaded questions in order to subtly shape the respondent's opinion.

which statement best describes the relationship between public opinion and government policy?

the relationship between government policy and public opinion is dynamic, wherein government policy responds to public opinion but public opinion also shifts based on new government policies

which statement about the distribution of fake news on facebook in the 2016 election is most accurate?

the top 10 fake news stories circulated on facebook were shared more widely than the top 10 authentic news stories about the election

what is one of the main differences between people who have gone to college and people who have not?

there is a higher level of political participation among those with a college education

Pollsters use random digit dialing to gather national samples for surveys because

there is not a complete list of all americans that can be used to identify the population

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