Final Review - English (use this one)

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What is in Lennie's pocket? Why does he have it?

A dead mouse is in Lennie's pocket. He has it because he likes to pet soft things.

How is the fact that George tells Lennie the story of the farm significant?

As George tells the story of the farm, he is basically giving up on his dream. He realizes that his dream of owning a farm is never going to come true, and he is going to be the same kind of man he bunks with at the ranch. He uses this last telling of the story as a catharsis, a release of the hope he has held on to for years. George is giving Lennie happiness before death + establishing a heaven for him.

What delusion does Lennie experience as he is waiting for George? Why do you think he remembers this experience?

As Lennie is waiting for George, he remembers a "little fat old woman. She wore thick bull'seye glasses and she wore a huge gingham apron with pockets, and she was starched and clean" (pp. 100-101). The woman is Aunt Clara who used to try to help Lennie. He remembers being scolded and reminded that he was keeping George from accomplishing his dreams. While Lennie does not usually remember his Aunt Clara, or even the instructions that George has given him, he has just experienced a traumatic event. This event has triggered memories that he has of making mistakes in the past. Lennie also has a vision of a large rabbit. The large rabbit is symbolic of Lennie's fear that George will not let him take care of the rabbits on the farm. The vision of the rabbit is similar to the conversation that Lennie had with Crooks when Crooks tried to tell him that George might not come back for him.

After George, Lennie, and Candy make a pact not to tell anyone about their dream, Candy makes the following statement: "I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn't ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog" (p. 61). Explain the parallelism between the relationship Candy had with his dog and George has with Lennie. How might this statement be an example of foreshadowing?

Both of the relationships started in childhood. Candy had his dog since it was a pup, and George knew Lennie from childhood. Second, both men (George and Candy) are in positions to take care of their partners. Candy must take care of his dog because the dog is no longer capable of taking care of itself. According to Carlson, the dog is not worth the time and effort it takes to take care of it. George must take of Lennie because Lennie is too simple-minded to take care of himself. The interesting foreshadowing is that Candy wishes that he had taken care of his dog rather than someone else; later in the novel, George will shoot Lennie because he does not want some stranger to do it.

A) How does the reader know that Candy recognizes the greater implications of Lennie's actions? B) What is George's response to Candy's questions?

Candy asks George about the farm and if they are still going to be able to go. George seems defeated as he replies that he always believed that the farm was an impossible dream.

What explanation does Crooks give for upsetting Lennie?

Crook explains to Lennie that he wants Lennie to understand what it is like to believe that he has no one, just as Crooks has no one. "A guy needs somebody—to be near him. ...A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. Don't make no difference who the guy is, long's he's with you" (p. 72). Crooks also explains that he didn't mean to scare Lennie + that he was taking abt himself bc he used to live w brothers + felt the same way abt them.

Why does Lennie become upset with Crooks? Why does Steinbeck include this interchange between Lennie and Crooks?

Crooks begins asking Lennie, "S'pose George don't come back no more. ...What'll you do then?" (p. 71) Lennie, at first, is confident George will always return, but Crooks continues to provoke Lennie until he begins to doubt his confidence in his good friend and companion. These thoughts infuriate Lennie, making him angry with Crooks. This shows how incapable Lennie would be of living on his own + how much he relies on George.

When Curley's wife is asked to leave Crooks' room, she begins to threaten Crooks. Cite examples from the imagery that indicates Crooks feels defeated.

Crooks had reduced himself to nothing. There was no personality, no ego—nothing to arouse either like or dislike." (p. 81) "Crooks seemed to grow smaller, and he pressed himself against the wall." (p. 80)

How is the theme of power + powerlessness developed at the beginning and in the final section of this chapter?

Crooks has power when he tells Lennie to go away but looses this power to Curley's wife. At the beginning of the chapter, Crooks tries to exert his power over Lennie, and then Candy, as they try to come to his bunk to talk to him. Because Crooks is powerless most of the time, he takes control of his space and has the power to let people in or keep them out. At the end of the chapter, Curley's wife exerts her power as a white woman over Crooks. She knows that she can say or do anything and that Crooks is unable to retaliate. Whereas Curley's wife may be powerless on the ranch and in her relationship with her husband, she has power over those who are also powerless.

Some of the character names are nicknames, given to describe a characteristic, such as Slim (thin) and Crooks (crooked spine). Other names, however, seem to point to deeper meanings. Why do you think Steinbeck chose the following names for his characters?

Curley - he has a "head full of tightly curled hair" (p.25) Whit - very intelligent - (p.51) Candy - sweet + sour - "Curley ain't been here,' Candy said sourly" (p.77)

Describe the conflict that ensues at the end of the chapter. Why might Steinbeck have chosen to end the chapter this way?

Curley and Lennie break into a fight and Lennie smashes his hand causing Curley to have to go into the town for help. Steinbeck choose to end this chapter with the greatest amount of conflict between the men. The reader remembers that George has been warning Lennie to stay away from Curley. It also leaves the reader eager to know if Curley will keep his mouth shut or how the situation will play out.

Describe the situation that occurs when Curley comes into the bunk house. What does this situation illustrate about Curley's character and his relationship with his wife?

Curley comes in the bunk house to find his wife. When he discovers that Slim is not in the bunk house either, he assumes that his wife and Slim are together, showing that Curly does not trust his wife. The first place we see this is when Curley assumes that his wife would be hanging out in the bunk house with the men. Curley is a jealous man, and this could spark problems between Curley, George, and Lennie later in the novel.

Identify and describe Curley.

Curley is a thin young man w/ curly hair + brown face and brown eyes

When Curley's wife comes to Crooks' door, how is her initial response to the men parallel to the way in which Crooks initially responds to Lennie?

Curley's wife attacks the men, just as Crooks took the opportunity to attack Lennie. Curley's wife is one of the weak characters at the ranch, but her weakness is her gender. She takes the opportunity to hurt the men by saying, "They left all the weak ones here," before they have the opportunity to hurt her first. (p. 77) Curley's wife was also initially going to leave after asking for her husbands whereabouts but changed + wanted to talk to the men just as Crooks had done.

Why does Curley's wife become angry at Lennie?

Curley's wife becomes angry because Lennie will not talk to her. When she is trying to soothe him, he tells her that he cannot talk because George will be upset. Curley's wife is angry because she is lonely and feels as if she does not have the right to talk to anyone. The men on the ranch have taken her rights away. Curley's wife also gets angry when Lennie messes up her hair and refuses to let go.

When Curley's wife sees Lennie, Candy, and Crooks talking together, how does she characterize them?

Curley's wife characterizes the men as "weak" because they have not gone into town drinking and whoring.

Throughout the book, the reader learns about Lennie and George's dream. A) What does the reader learn about Curley's wife dream? B) How does her dream influence her life?

Curley's wife dreams about being in motion pictures. When she was young, she had an opportunity to meet a man who was going to put her in motion pictures, but he never sent her a letter. As a result, she married Curley.

Why does Lennie panic, and what happens as a result of his panic? How is this similar to an event earlier in the story?

Curley's wife invites Lennie to touch her hair because it is soft. When he does, he begins to rub her hair more harshly than she likes. Lennie panics after Curley's wife screams because Lennie has a tight grip on her hair. Covering her mouth to stop her screaming, Lennie accidentally kills her. This event is similar to when Lennie crushed Curley's hand. Because Lennie panics, he does not know how to let go of what is causing him the panic. When Curley's wife yelled for him to let go, he panicked and tried to stop her screams because she did not want George to take away his rabbit tending privileges. This is similar to Lennie's accidental killings of the mice, puppy, and the situation in Weed.

How does the reader know that Curley's wife does not understand Lennie's mental challenges?

Curley's wife is very angry at Lennie because she has shared her dreams with him and how she feels about her husband. In response, Lennie only wants to talk about the rabbits that George is going to let him farm. If she understood Lennie's mentality, she would treat him as Crooks did, understanding that Lennie is a nice person and is not going to tell her any of his secrets. Also, she kept jokingly telling Lennie he was nuts, not understanding he has a medical condition. She also compares him to a regular person by saying that everyone likes to pet nice things.

Who comes to visit Lennie, Candy, and Crooks? What is the real reason behind the visit?

Curley's wife stops at Crooks' bunk claiming to be looking for Curley. She admits, however, that she already knows where he is, and the real reason behind her visit is because she is as lonely as the other men. "Think I don't like to talk to somebody ever' once in a while? Think I like to stick in that house alla time?" (p. 77).

How do Curley's wife's and Lennie's dreams both die with the accidental death?

Curley's wife's dream literally dies with her. Lennie's dream dies because, as the reader knows, he will have to face legal consequences for his actions. While he cannot fathom these consequences and can think only that George will not let him tend the rabbits because he is too rough, he will certainly not be able to tend them when he is in prison, probably on death row.

How does the following passage serve as foreshadowing in the novel? "If he tangles...move clear to the other side of the room." (p.29).

Foreshadows that they might have an issue.

What does the reader learn about the relationship between George and Lennie as George talks to Slim?

George + Lennie were together since childhood + that George used to prank Lennie because he was too dumb to understand

Explain how the theme of survival is highlighted in Chapter Three.

George = fighting for Lennie's survival Candy = fighting for his dog's survival

A) Compare George's and Candy's responses to the situation. B) How is George's response surprising given what the reader knows about his relationship with Lennie?

George decides that they must tell Curley about his wife. George is concerned that if he lets Lennie go, Lennie will not know how to fend for himself. This in itself is not surprising, but George has to know that Lennie will face the negative consequences of murder. The reader might expect that George would be more sympathetic and try to escape with Lennie before anyone finds out what happened. On the other hand, Candy wants to let Lennie get away. He is worried that Curley will kill Lennie when he finds out.

Lennie offers to go away and live in a cave. What is George's response?

George says Lennie isn't capable of being alone and his aunt wouldn't like it.

What does George answer when the boss asks what he is trying to put over?

George says that Lennie isn't bright but he's a hard worker.

Why does George reveal to Slim what happened to them in Weed? What is Slim's response? Explain the irony in George's confession.

George tells Slim about what happens because he finds it easy to talk to Slim. He also slips and mentions Weed because Slim is talking about what a nice person Lennie is. When Slim hears the story, he again recognizes that Lennie does not have a violent nature. Slim states, "He ain't mean. I can tell a mean guy a mile off" (p. 42). The irony in the confession is that George has warned Lennie from the moment they arrived at the camp that he is not to talk about anything. George is worried that, because Lennie is not smart, he will say something that will get the men in trouble. Ultimately, however, it is George who opens up and shares their secrets.

How does George try to protect Lennie after the men have found the body? How do we know that this is not where Lennie would have gone?

George tells the men that Lennie would have gone south because they came from the north. The reader should remember that at the beginning of the story, before they even came to the ranch, George told Lennie that if anything happened, he should go to the clearing where they stayed the night before they went to the ranch.

What two things does George want Lennie to remember?

George want Lennie to remember to not say anything at the new job + to hide inn the brush if he gets in trouble.

How does the focus of the narration change at the end of the chapter?

Goes from talking abt various men to focusing on Candy bc his American dream = gone. Candy says that Lennie is a poor bastard showing how someone else is impacted by Lennie.

What are George and Lennie going to do someday?

Have a little house and land and animals (cows, pigs, rabbits, and chickens) and live off the fatta the lan.

Explain the irony in Lennie's last name.

He is big and not small (His last name is Small)

How does the reader know that Lennie does not realize that he has done something wrong?

He keeps asking George to "tell him how it's gonna be" when they get to the house and says "you ain't gonna leave me are ya, George? I know you ain't."

The Swamper said,"Seems like Curley ain't givin' nobody a chance." Explain this statement.

He's talking about how Curley hates big guys and picks problems w/ ppl for little reason.

Steinbeck uses an image of nature to comment on the action at the ranch. Describe the image and explain its connection to the themes in the novel.

Heron = chasing after the water snake Men = heron chasing after Lennie Predator vs. prey

George bursts into a long speech about what he could do if he were alone. What could he do?

If George was alone, he could eat in any place he wanted, get a galloon of whisky, keep jobs, and even get a girl.

Describe the similarities between Lennie and Curley's wife's conversation and the conversation between Lennie and Crooks

In both instances, the conversation is one-sided. Lennie's child-like mentality hinders the discussion from progressing. Both Crooks and Curley's wife attempt to talk about the past, but Lennie's primary concern is with what will happen if he does not follow George's rules. Lennie tells Curley's wife abt the land just as he did w/ Crooks + Curley's wife + Crooks = lonely.

Reread the first paragraph of the novel. How does this passage function? What purpose does Steinbeck fulfill by beginning the novel this way?

It vividly describes the setting (Salinas River, Soledad) to give the reader a great understanding of where the story takes place.

When George finds Lennie, what does Lennie expect him to do? How does George respond?

Lennie expects George to give him hell and George gives him the speech abt how much better off he would be w/o him.

What is Lennie's explanation for why he likes rabbits? How does Curley's wife respond?

Lennie explains, "I like to pet nice things. Once at a fair I seen some of them long-hair rabbits. An' they was nice, you bet. Sometimes I've even pet mice, but not when I could get nothing better" (p. 90). At first, Curley's wife is worried by Lennie's explanation, but soon she realizes that Lennie is not unlike other people who like nice things.

What trouble did George and Lennie have in Weed?

Lennie got him and George in trouble, making them have to escape - Lennie went to pet a girl's dress and held on for too long

Identify and give the physical description of Lennie and George.

Lennie is a huge man, shapeless of face with large, pale eyes, with wide, slopping shoulders. George is small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. every part of him is defined - small, strong hands, slender arms, & a thin and bony nose.

What is George's first complaint to Lennie?

Lennie is drinking too much dirty water and is going to get sick.

Despite the descriptive setting of the barn and the quiet Sunday afternoon, Chapter Five begins with an accident. Explain what happened and why Lennie is so worried. What are the larger implications that Steinbeck wants the reader to consider?

Lennie kills the pup that Slim gave him. According to the text, Lennie was playing too roughly with the puppy. "'Why do you got to get killed? You ain't so little as mice. I didn't bounce you hard.'" (p. 85) Lennie is worried that George will not let him tend to the rabbits on the farm if he has killed the puppy. Steinbeck begins the chapter with this incident for two reasons. First, Steinbeck wants to be sure that the reader does not forget what Lennie is capable of. Steinbeck uses smaller incidents throughout the story to remind the reader that Lennie is capable of violence, but the dead puppy also illustrates that Lennie does not always understand the consequences of his actions. Second, Steinbeck is also using this incidence to foreshadow problems to come. In terms of the exposition of the story, Steinbeck has gone to great lengths to develop the rising action that will eventually lead to the climax.

How does Crooks respond when Lennie comes to visit him? Explain the irony in the situation.

Lennie wants to see the newborn puppies being kept in the stable, but when he gets there he notices Crooks' light is on and decides to pay him a visit. Crooks is unhappy about Lennie's visit. He states, "You got no right to come in my room. This here's my room. Nobody got any right in here but me" (p. 68). His response is ironic in light of the men's loneliness. The reader would expect that Crooks would be happy to have someone who would visit with him.

Compare the events at the beginning of the chapter with the events that happen at the end of the chapter.

Lennie's response to what he has done is the same, regardless of the fact that in the second instance he has killed a human being. Lennie is unable to show remorse for what he has done; instead, he is worried about George's reaction to what has happened. At the beginning of the chapter, Lennie tries to cover the puppy with hay once he realizes that he has killed it. At the end of the chapter, when he realizes that Curley's wife is dead, he tries to cover her with hay. Lennie killed the pup by petting it too hard + is worried George won't let him tend the rabbits.Later, Lennie kills Curley's wife trying to pet her hair + also worries abt the rabbits.

Contrast Crook's initial response to Lennie and his later response. Why does he change?

Originally, Crooks asked Lennie to leave, however, when Lennie starts talking abt his dream house with George, Crooks is intrigued. I think he changes bc he realizes the land = supposed to be secret.

What evidence in the novel has suggested that something tragic was going to happen to Curley's wife?

Readers know that Lennie likes to pet soft things and that women have panicked in the past when he has tried to touch them, like in Weed. The reader also knows that George reiterated several times that Curley's wife was going to "be the death of" him and Lennie. Given Lennie's strength and the situation between Lennie and Curley's wife (without George around to intervene), it is not surprising when Curley's wife is killed.

Characterize Curley's wife as she is presented in the novel. How is the reader supposed to feel about her?

She is manipulative + flirtatious + allows the reader to feel that she's always up to something.

Often, the setting is not just "where the story happens," but instead is a geographical, historical, social, economic, or philosophical setting. Steinbeck spends a great deal of time describing Crooks' living quarters at the beginning of this section. What does the reader gain through this description? What do we learn about Crooks?

Shows how different it was from the rest of the men's living quarters. The reader gains a perspective on what it was like for an African American i this time period - Crooks = independent + distant

How does Steinbeck use a discovery in a pulp magazine to reinforce one of the themes of the novel?

Slim and Whit discover a letter that a man who used to work the camp has written to a magazine. The letter is important because it represents a dream for something that one of them was able to achieve. Getting a letter published in a magazine may not seem important to some, but it was something that William Tenner (the man who wrote the letter) had looked forward to as he was working. Seeing the letter in the paper gave William hope. This experience emphasizes the importance of dreams.

Steinbeck is careful to provide direct and indirect characterization for the characters in the novel. Describe slim by using specific references from the novel. Is this direct or indirect characterization? What do the descriptions of Slim indicate abt his character?

Slim is a nice fella who has great authority. The author describes him through indirect characterization as the reader learns about Slim through description not dialogue.

Why will Curley keep quiet about what Lennie did to him and not try to get George and Lennie fired? How does this reflect on Curley's character?

Slim tells Curley, "I think you got your han' caught in a machine. ...But you jus' tell an' try to get this guy canned and we'll tell ever'body, an' then will you get the laugh" (p. 64). To avoid becoming a laughing-stock, Curley agrees not to tell. Curley is a man who relishes in his reputation. His reputation would be ruined if people knew what happened + he would rather save his reputation.

What does Slim have that Lennie wants?

Slim's dog has just had a litter of puppies. Lennie wants one bc George promised him one.

In the section of the text from page 3 to 4, Steinbeck uses several animal images to describe Lennie. Cite two examples of images that are used and explain their effect on Lennie's characterization.

Steinbeck compares Lennie's walking to a bear dragging its feet and his drinking to that of a horse to show how uncivilized and big Lennie is.

How is Curley's wife described when she comes into the barn? Why do you think Steinbeck describes her in this way?

Steinbeck describes Curley's wife as follows: "She wore her bright cotton dress and the mules with the red ostrich feathers. Her face was made up and the little sausage curls were all in place" (p. 86). This description of Curley's wife confirms the reputation she has among the men. She is dressed provocatively . One reason Steinbeck might describe her in this way is to hold her in part responsible for what happens between her and Lennie. He also said that she answered the barn quietly, indicating she was causing trouble again.

Read the following passage below. This is just one of the several images of silence that Steinbeck uses: "His voice trailed off. It was silent outside. Carlson's footsteps died away. The silence came into the room. And the silence lasted." A) Why does silence play an important role at this point in the novel? B) Who is literally being silenced? C) Who is metaphorically being silenced, and what role does each man play in the silence?

Steinbeck focuses on silence to highlight the mood. Literally, Candy's dog is being silenced by Carlson. The silence heightens the sense of anticipation and dread that Candy must feel while he is waiting to hear the sound of the gun. Metaphorically, the men at the ranch are being silenced. Just as the dog is an example of a weakness being destroyed by strength, the men on the ranch are powerless as well. Each man, whether because of age, race, or intelligence, is silenced in a world where he is forced to travel and work. Lennie is silenced because he thinks like a child. Literally George does not let him speak to people who have more power. Crooks, the black stable hand, is silenced because he is not allowed to even come inside the bunk house. All of the men are silenced by Curley because Curley is in charge of the ranch.

Throughout the novel to this point, Steinbeck has used several occasions to comment on the relationship between Lennie and George. How does Steinbeck comment on the relationship at the beginning of this passage? Why do you think he feels that it is necessary to revisit the nature of relationships between men in the Depression?

Steinbeck shows how thankful George is that Slim gave Lennie the puppy and explains how Lennie will probably never put it down. When Slim comments about how funny George + Lennie's relationship is, George says that they grew up w/ each other + just got used to it being that way. I think it's necessary to revisit these relationships during the Depression because most men traveled alone in search of jobs, unlike George and Lennie who always had each other.

A) What image does Steinbeck use to describe George's physical reaction to Curley's wife's death? B) What does his reaction indicate? C) Why do you think this might be his reaction?

Steinbeck uses the following image: "And finally, when he stood up, slowly and stiffly, his face was as hard and tight as wood, and his eyes were hard" (p. 94). The image suggests that George is angry rather than sad. The reader might expect that George would be saddened by Lennie's actions; however, based on the image used to describe George's face, the reader might instead think that George is angry at Lennie's actions because he knows that Lennie has killed any chance the two men have of achieving their dream. His reaction also indicates that he had no doubt Lennie did it + was scared for what will happen to him. He was also distraut that they hoped for the farm for so long and it was gone.

Why does Steinbeck diverge from his narration to focus a chapter on two different characters in the novel, Crooks and Curley's wife?

Steinbeck uses this opportunity to develop Crooks' character. Crooks offers the reader a glimpse of another person who is marginalized in society. Crooks' anger, as he relates to Lennie through stories about his childhood, stems from his isolation due to his race. The rest of the characters in the novel are isolated and lonely for other reasons: economics, age, and gender. Steinbeck also uses this chapter to provide more information about Curley's wife. Thus far in the novel, her characterization has been through the other characters' words and actions. Curley's wife explains how she also has a dream. The reader learns the reasons for her behavior. Curley's wife and Crooks are similar in the way they relate to the other characters in the novel. They are both quick to snap at the other people, probably because they have spent their lives on the outside of every situation—Crooks because he is African-American, and Curley's wife because she is a female.

Compare and contrast the two men who come into the clearing by the river. What do you think Steinbeck wants the reader to infer about the two men based on their descriptions?

Steinbeck wants the reader to understand how different the two men are - Lennie (slow + heavy) + George (small + quick)

Explain how the following line from the novel might be symbolic. "Both men glanced up, for the rectangle fo sunshine in the doorway was cut off" (p.31).

Symbolizes that Curley's wife brings darkness upon George + Lennie.

Steinbeck could have concluded the chapter with the men headed off in search of Lennie. Instead, Steinbeck returns to the barn where Candy is staying with the dead body. Why do you think Steinbeck chose to close the chapter in this way?

The ending is a morose look at what happens to men when their dreams are taken away. Steinbeck does not want to focus on the violence and vengeance that might define this incident, but instead he focuses on Candy's defeated expression. While a theme in the novel suggests that the weak attack the weaker, the reader should recognize that Steinbeck is trying to point out that all the men are weak as they try to survive the Depression. They are all victims of their situation. Shows the emptyness the death of Lennie will bring.

Explain the following description from the novel: "And the meanness and the plannings and the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face. She was very pretty and simple, and her face was sweet and young" (pp. 92-93). Do you think that Steinbeck is purposefully taking a misogynistic attitude toward women, or is Curley's wife simply a representation of a woman's life during the Depression?

The image describes Curley's wife and her contented appearance after her death. Steinbeck seems to imply that her escape from powerlessness is death. a) It was explaining how when she died all emotion faded from her. b) I think that the was doing both because he was overly sexualizing a women, but was also being accurate toward how women acted at that time. Curley's wife = representation of women's life during the Depression. When she died, Steinbeck explained that all the ache for attention was gone + she was pretty and simple. In the Depression, women, especially her were treated as prizes + as a result they ached for attention.

A) What do the men suppose happened to Carlson's gun? B) Why is this hard to believe? C) What is the greater implication of the missing gun?

The men think that Lennie took Carlson's gun, but this is out of character for Lennie, who most likely would not know how to operate it if he had it. George has taken the gun. He is the one person who had the opportunity and the time to take the gun. The reader should begin to understand what George is going to have to do in order to save Lennie. The men want to kill Lennie, but George realizes that it is his duty to kill him first.

Why do the men want George to come with them?

The men want George to come so they do not think that he has anything to do with the murder.

Explain the following passage and its function in the story: "She's gonna make a mess. They's gonna be a bad mess about her. She's a jail bait all set on the trigger. That Curley got his work cut out for him. Ranch with a bunch of guys on it ain't no place for a girl, specially like her."

The passage foreshadows later events in the novel—some sort of conflict between Curley's wife and the men. Because George and Lennie have already had conflict with Curley, the reader can assume that the conflict will involve Lennie and Curley as well.

Compare the beginning of Chapter Six with the beginning of the novel. Explain why Steinbeck would begin this chapter in the same way that he began the first?

The story has come full circle—not just in where the story begins and ends, but also in how Lennie's pattern of hurting something innocent is repeated. Steinbeck repeats many of the same images that introduce the novel. Nature is delightful and peaceful, but ultimately, men and their inhumane, violent actions threaten nature. Lennie seems to find solace in nature; he wants to escape to nature when he thinks about how angry George is going to be. This is the one time that Lennie remembers what George has told him.

Why are George and Lennie different from other "guys like us that work on ranches"?

They have futures and can't just rot in jail w/o anybody caring unlike the other guys who work on ranches.

Whit asks George if he has seen Curley's wife. What do you believe is Steinbeck's purpose in re-introducing her to the narrative?

This is important because each time Curley's wife is mentioned, George has a negative reaction to her. The reader might infer that she is going to be responsible for a problem between Curley, Lennie, and George.

Explain the significance of the following passage: "The old man was reassured. He had drawn a derogatory statement from George. He felt safe now..." (p.27). What does this passage illustrate abt the relationships between men during the Depression.

This shows that men during the Depression were cautious abt things they said and easily turned on one another. Until George said something bad abt Curley, the swamper could not be sure that George wouldn't expose him for gossiping. (skeptical)

What information about Lennie's character is revealed to the reader through George's discovery of the dead mouse?

Through George's discovery of the dead mouse, I can infer that Lennie is tough on the outside but gentle on the inside.

Why did George want to camp overnight instead of going another quarter of a mile to the ranch?

To protect Lennie + he liked to lay down and look at the sky

Describe the instance where the reader sees Lennie's irrational anger when he does not understand what is going on, or when he is worried about something that is going to happen.

Upon realizing that he has killed one of the puppies, Lennie knows George will be upset with him: "...Maybe George won't care...This here ******** little son-of-a-bitch wasn't nothing to George" (p. 86). The choice of language here seems uncharacteristic of Lennie. Lennie becomes angry and throws the puppy away from him. The anger that he transfers to the puppy would be unreasonable for someone like George, but because Lennie is upset and does not understand what will happen, he takes his anger out on the puppy.

How does Candy misinterpret Curley's wife's appearance in the barn?

When Candy first discovers Curley's wife's body, he believes that she is sleeping. In fact, the text states that he looks at her "disapprovingly" (p. 93).

Describe Candy's reaction after he learns that their dream of the farm is no longer a reality? Why do you think he reacts this way?

When Candy speaks to Curley's wife's dead body he says, "You ******** tramp...You done it, di'n't you? I s'pose you're glad. Ever'body knowed you'd mess things up. You wasn't no good" (p. 95). Candy's statement shows his disappointment that his chance of leaving the ranch is over. He blames Curley's wife for the disappointment. Candy was also sad + hopeless - sm hope riding on farm (American Dream).

Why does Curley's wife fail to recognize the danger in Lennie's behavior? Why does Steinbeck portray her as almost sympathetic and comforting to Lennie?

When Lennie is talking about liking to touch soft things, she does little more than think that he is crazy. She likens his behavior and his attitude to that of a child. Steinbeck could intentionally be trying to indicate that Curley's wife is only cruel in the way that the other men see her. She did mention in an earlier scene that the men seem to treat her much differently when they are alone than when they are with a group. This interaction between her and Lennie could be an example of that behavior. However, Steinbeck could also be pointing out Curley's wife's inability to focus on anything other than her own needs. She stays with Lennie because she can talk to him, fulfilling a need that she has at the moment. She is so consumed with her desire to not feel lonely, that she is willing to allow Lennie to touch her, even though she has just witnessed what he can do if he becomes too rough. She is also not bothered by the fact that he's killed mice and puppies and thinks he's just nuts and a big baby. She is portrayed as sympathetic to humanize her.

How does Lennie sensitive by nature, reveal a violent streak while George tells the story of their future ranch? How does his statement add to the violent nature of the novel?

While describing their future, George tells Lennie that they will own a dog and a couple of cats, but Lennie will have to make sure that the cats do not get a hold of the rabbits. In response to this, Lennie states, "You jus' let 'em try to get the rabbits. I'll break their ******** necks. I'll...I'll smash 'em with a stick" (p. 58). This statement shows how irrational Lennie can be, which helps to explain why he is unable to survive on his own. Also, Lennie's statement reflects the violence of the men's society. Lennie's first impulse is to kill the cats, just as Carlson's is to shoot Candy's dog.

Indenitify Carlson.

a "powerful, big-stomached man" who works at the ranch (p.35).


bully, arrogant, extremely jealous, egotistical, and stubborn


cautious, fearful, and emotional


eye candy, insightful, commands attention, and prince of the ranch

curley's wife

flirtatious, lonely, and manipulative

william tenner

former ranch worker. wrote in magazine

What metaphor is used to describe Slim?

he is "the prince of the ranch" (p.33).

Why does George tell Lennie to remember the spot where they were camping? What might this conversation foreshadow?

in case Lennie gets in trouble - foreshadows Lennie might do something terrible again


keeps to himself, ranch hand, and hard working

How is Crook's loneliness different from the other characters on the ranch?

men = alone in room full of ppl crooks = forced to be alone


patient, controlling, protector, loyal, and bright


ranch hand, outspoken, insensitive, and self-centered

When Lennie is explaining to Curley's wife what happened to the puppy, she responds, "Don't you worry none. He was jus' a mutt. You can get another one easy. The whole country is fulla mutts" (p. 87).

relates to the traveling + working men who's jobs are easy to replace when they move on

By the end of chapter 1, there are two themes that are easily identified. Using specific examples, describe these themes.

sacrifice for loved ones - "i could eat any place I want, hotel or any place, and order any dam thing i could think of. "An what I got," George went on. "I got you! You can't keep a job + you lose me ever' job i get" (p.11). loyalty - "'cause I can jus' as well go away, george, an' live in a cave. "You can just as well go to hell", said George (p.16).


stubborn, enormous strength, dull-minded, and uncivilized

Explain the purpose of including the story about the blacksmith who used to work at the ranch.

supposed to convince George not to worry abt bugs or anything in his bed bc the blacksmith was very cleanly. It also shows that no man stays forever.

How does Curley serve as a foil to Slim?

the competition between the two men is a setback and hurt's Slim's ability to do his best.

What happens to Slim's dog and her puppies? How does this function as a parallel to survival as a migrant worker? How is this an example of Social Darwinism?

the puppies were killed because they were too small to be much help. this functions as a parallel to survival as a migrant worker because very few of the many find jobs. social darwinism- small things are killed bc they won't serve much purpose.

Explain the phrase "live off the fatta the lan."

to be self sufficient and eat the food you grow.

What advice does George give Lennie after Curley and the swamper leave?

to make sure he has nothing to do w/ Curley and keep his mouth shut.


tough exterior, feels isolated, and independent

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