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Ethnic Group

"A group that is set apart from others primarily because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns."

Summarize the Hallway Hangers attitude towards school and explain some of the underlying factors influencing this orientation. In addition, discuss their performance in school and some possible explanations.(MacLeod, lecture)

"F*** school. I hate school" (MacLeod 98). Most are dropouts. disruptive and undisciplined.

The Valley of the Nine Families (Schwalbe)

"people with advantages tend to accumulate more advantages." As advantages grow, understandings of their origins fade. (young man hides family's gold because he learns of raid by luck. They have gold to buy seed...other clans sell lands to get a little seed from lucky clan...consequently they make even less profit and go further in debt...people forgot initial reason of inequality/didn't believe when told)

Describe three social factors that impact the health of a population. Provide an explanation of what each social factor is and what type of impacts these social factors have upon a person's health. (lecture,

1 Poverty-Puts restraints on material goods and services (ex. decent housing,food,societal opportunities) 2 Location-Describes what environment you live in.(ex. 3 Environmental hazards,air quality, high/low crime rate, access to fresh water.) 3 Education-Knowing when, where and how to get health-care services. (ex. how to apply for help, where the hospital is, have a regular doctor)

What are some examples of hidden curriculum from your own education? (lecture)

1 not talking when others are talking 2 give respect to your teacher (those who are older) 3 sharing is caring 4 How to deal with a roommate


1. "A social institution found in all societies that unites people in cooperative groups to care for one another" 2."A group of two or more people related by birth, marriage, or adoption and residing together"

Ain't No Makin' it (MacLeod)

1: Introduces achievement ideology and the American Dream. The Hallway Hangers look at their chances of success negatively, while the Brothers are optimistic. Structural factors, such as stigma associated with the drug abuse, crime, and racism of individuals of public housing applied to all of Clarendon Heights, cause social immobility. MacLeod talks about how he did his study and outlines what he will be talking about in his book. 3: The frustrations of life in the projects bring the Hallway Hangers to commit crimes such as stealing and dealing drugs in order to survive their disadvantaged situations. They attribute their racist attitudes to the riots in Clarendon Heights between black and whites. The Brothers accept dominant culture values and conform to societal expectations, and do not feel the shame of public housing. 4: 5: 6: 11: Despite the Brothers efforts in school, they did not end up better off than the Hallway Hangers. This is because of the Social Reproduction Theory (social class is passed down from generation to generation and it is very hard to move up into a higher social class) as opposed to the Achievement Ideology (those who put in the effort will be successful, no matter the social class)

Intergenerational social mobility

A change in social position during your lifetime

Intergenerational social mobility

A change in social position that occurs over multiple generations.

What is a social movement? What do they generally do? (lecture)

A group of people that aim to change institutional practices, policies, power arrangements, and/or cultural norms.


A social institution responsible for the systematic transmission of knowledge, skills, and values (Kendall 2013)


A unified system of beliefs and practices, relative to sacred things... which unite into a moral community... all those who adhere to them Religiosity (all 5 parts) - Belief, Practice, knowledge, experiences, consequences

Race (Morning, Ann) What is "race," and why is it so challenging to clearly define? What is the "constructionist" idea of race?

A: According to Ann Morning, races are "groupings of people believed to share common descent, based on perceived innate physical similarities." Race is so hard to define because, well, we are unsure of what the word means. demonstrate cultural aspect without explicitly acknowledging it, while "innate physical similarities" addresses biological aspect.) A: The constructionist idea of race is that "race" is a real, actual thing, but there is no set meaning for it. Race is whatever a given society at a given point in history defines it is. Just like all other words, race is a social construct. Thus, the "constructionist" idea rests on two claims: race is the product of particular historical circumstances and it is NOT the result of biology.

How does media reinforce inequalities (lecture)

After Hurricane Katrina, a news report described white people as "finding" supplies, while black people had "looted" them. African-Americans have been portrayed negatively on TV-for example, in advertisements they have been shown displaying cheaper and lower quality products such as fast food. Women are often used in advertisements for home cleaning products, as the stay at home mom who has "two full time jobs"-one being taking care of the kids and hauling them to soccer practice, etc. while the dad sits on the couch and watches football

How Misunderstanding Disability Leads to Police Violence (Perry)

Americans with disabilities are victims of violent crimes at nearly three times the rate of their peers. "Too many people with psychiatric or intellectual disabilities being killed by law enforcement".(Perry, 2014) Increasing funding and support for Crisis Intervention Teams (CIT) and the Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Act, to improve access to mental services and to provide law enforcement with the tools to identify and act correctly when they see mental-health issues. Awareness has spiked as public has become more aware of what's happening and as civil-rights for disabled has increased, yet as disability stays misunderstood and criminalized , even when it is mistaken to be. Increased risk will remain.

On Being Sane in Insane Places (Rosenhan)

An experiment to determine the validity of psychiatric diagnoses, done in two different parts. The first was to send in totally sane people (pseudopatients) with symptoms of schizophrenia (hearing voices which seemed to pronounce the words "hollow" "thud" or "empty") to 12 different psychiatric hospitals. All were admitted and all had to get out on their own. After admission, they acted as they normally would, without any symptoms. The patient's actions, although normal, were regarded by hospital staff as part of their diagnoses (i.e. writing in a journal meant the pseudopatient was displaying "pathological writing behaviors") . It was actually the real patients in the hospitals that believed the pseudopatients were sane. Staff also seemed to dehumanize and objectify the patients. The second part of this experiment was Rosenhan telling hospitals that he was going to send in one or more pseudopatients over a three-month period, when in reality he sent no pseudopatients to these hospitals. Out of a total of 193 patients, 41 were considered pseudopatients and 42 were suspected of being pseudopatients, when in reality they were all real patients (at least as far as Rosenhan would know). During this time, the admittance rate had dropped, suggesting these hospitals were over-admitting before.

What are some of the practices sociologists engage in?

Asking questions, performing hypothesis testing, collecting and analyzing data.

Gender roles

Attitudes and activities that a society links to sex- NOT biology. Women: submissive, weak, timid, sex object etc. men: Dominant, intelligent, assertive, aggressive, brave, etc


Attitudes and behaviors marked by an aversion to or hatred of homosexuals, their lifestyles, and their practices

Be able to identify and tell the difference between the five measures of religiosity. (lecture)

Belief Practices Knowledge Experiences Consequences


Belief that heterosexuality is superior or more valid than other sexual orientations. Gives people who follow a more culturally traditional heterosexual lifestyle greater power, as well as increased opportunities for legal, medical, and economic, and social privilege, assistance and status

Class in the United States: Not Only Alive but Reproducing" (Kendall)

Class isn't dying or becoming an obsolete measure of stratification and inequality. This is an ethnographic study examining how upper class women perpetuate class through residential selection, children's peer groups and schools, elite by-invitation-only social and volunteer organizations, and rites of passage such as the debutante presentation. These all give their children more opportunities.

Why Intersectionality Can't Wait (Crenshaw)

Emma DeGaffenreid and multiple other black women sued GM for segregating their workforce by race and gender. DeGraffenreid lost due to the courts saying they (the women) could not combine their gender and race claims into one. Intersectionality is being demonstrated by black women like Emma who use it to stand up for their identity. Not exclusive to black women, Intersectionality is being used by many other advocate groups that are standing up against racism, sexism, oppression ableism and more.

Media framing

Framing is a way of interpreting isolated facts. Framing often plays on cultural codes; they seem to just "make sense." Media focuses attention on certain events and then places them within a field of meaning.(e.g. White people "find trash" vs. Black people "Loot" )

I'm Used to It (Babaria)

From the abstract: "We found that participants quickly learned how to confront and respond to inappropriate behavior from male patients and found interactions with female patients and supervisors particularly rewarding. However, they did not feel equipped to respond to the unprofessional behavior of male supervisors, resulting in feelings of guilt and resignation over time that such events would be a part of their professional identity. The rapid acculturation to unprofessional behavior and resignation described by participants has implications for not only professional identity formation of female students but specialty choices and issues of future physician workforce."


Groupings of people believed to share common descent, based on perceived innate physical similarities."

What does "sociological mindfulness" contribute to the health sciences?

Healthcare professionals need to be aware of other's cultures and beliefs because each day they will more than likely treat a patient who has differing beliefs to their own. Being mindful of how people in society have different beliefs makes healthcare professionals more approachable. This way there is a better relationship between the provider and the patient.

What categories are generally used to typify sexual orientation?

Homosexual, Heterosexual, bisexual, asexual

In what ways do we see evidence of gender stratification in education and employment?

Institutional sexism-women are concentrated in some professions where men are concentrated in others

There is social inequality and social stratification in the U.S. People in the U.S. tend to underestimate the amount of inequality present here. Inequality has been increasing over time. Women, children, and non-elderly people have the highest poverty rates.

Just had to read this

What races/classes are most likely to be portrayed negatively by the media? Portrayed as causing social problems? Being bad mothers? (lecture).

Lower class blacks, latinos


Mass media consists of the various means by which information reaches large numbers of people, such as television, radio, movies, newspapers, and the Internet. Sociologists study mass media especially to see how it shapes people's values, beliefs, perceptions, and behavior.

Are home loans today given out equally to whites and other races of the same income brackets? (lecture: Home Mortgages in the Twin Cities).

No, whites tend to get mortgages more easily and at better rates than other races

Images of African Americans in the Media (Thomas)

Notes from slides: Males are disproportionately arrested. Crime is evenly distributed by race, but that's not reflected in arrests (blacks are arrested more). So are lower class members (for "traditional" crimes). Re. victimology: black males between the ages of 20 and 34 are most at risk of homicide. But media portrays white girls as victims. Positive black presence in media has increased only in comedies. Why does media frame things the way they do? Cuz they exist to make money, inform, and entertain. They sell what we want to see.

Overcoming ethnocentrism

Overcoming ethnocentrism through attempts to understand the culture of others is important in decreasing misunderstandings and will help provide optimal level of care in health settings.

Is race a biological category? What does it mean to say that race is "socially constructed"?

Race as a social construct means that race is we as a society define what it is "a social invention that changes as political, economic, and historical contexts change."

Explain the difference between race and ethnicity and provide examples of each.

Race= physical characteristics- skin color, hair color Ethnicity= cultural factors, language- German, Spanish

Sexual Orientation

Refers to the identifiers used to describe the kind of sex a person finds attractive. Includes heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual and asexual.

What were some disputes between AIDS activists and AIDS researchers regarding AIDS research? What types of studies did each advocate for? Why? How and why did AIDS patients undermine randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on AIDS drugs? (Collins and Pinch, lecture)

Researchers wanted to conduct a placebo test to see if a new drug worked, but the patients would split pills in half and share with all patients so the data collected was inaccurate.

How is sexual orientation different from sex and gender?

Sexual orientation describes what sex people find attractive. Sex refers to someone's biological makeup. Gender refers to what people identify themselves as in society

What is sexual orientation and how is it different than sex & gender?

Sexual orientation is based on which sex someone finds attractive. Sex is someone's biological makeup and gender is what people identify as in society.

Sociologists engage in "sociological mindfulness" What does that mean?

Sociological mindfulness is being tuned into to both the way in which the present moment is influenced by society and also being tuned into how we are a player in shaping the present moment.

What types of questions are sociologists best equipped to answer?

Sociologists are best equipped to answer quantitative questions, like how much, how many, or what percent?

What are some strategies and tactics of ACTUP and other social movements? (Collins and Pinch, lecture)

Some strategies they used were getting more informed with the research on HIV and they could talk to the researchers and show that they know what they're talking about. They also petitioned against how the research was done (real drug vs placebo) by breaking the pill and tasting the powder. Participants with the real drug would share their pill with participants who had the placebo.


Steady amount brought in

What are some of the misconceptions Americans have about Muslims? Be able to identify two misconceptions as well as what the truth is. (Ghazal Read)

Terrorists - only a small select group of muslims are associated with terror Americans actually believe that the major population of muslims are from Arabic countries, which is not so. They are majorly Asian muslims. Americans also think that Muslims are not politically involved but the truth is that their political involvement is similar to that of non-Muslim Americans.

What is the American Dream and where does this ideology come from? (lecture)

The American Dream is the idea that everyone can improve their social and economic status as long as they work hard to achieve it. This is the idea that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible in America.

Compared to other nations, do we spend more or less per capita on health care? Do we have better or worse health outcomes? (lecture).

The United States spends more per capita on healthcare and our health outcomes are worse than other countries. The united states is 50th out of 221 other countries when it comes to life expectancy.

How is school/education part of the achievement ideology? (MacLeod, lecture)

The better/more education you get and the harder you work, the better off you will be in life.

Describe MacLeod's findings when he follows up with the Hallway Hangers and the Brothers eight years after his original study. Was either group of men upwardly mobile? Identify at least two policy prescriptions that MacLeod issues to improve the position of working- and lower-class individuals and families. (MacLeod, lecture)

The hallway hangers were doing better than the brothers were. The hallway hangers have entry level jobs(mostly blue collar) while the brothers have a harder time finding work and that could be due to their race.whatever

What entities provide health insurance for U.S. citizens? What are the types of health care plans in the United States? (lecture).

The majority of U.S. citizens have a private insurance plan through their employment ( very few purchase their insurance directly from the insurance company). The second most common insurance provider is the U.S. government itself through programs like Medicare and Medicaid. Only about 10% of americans were uninsured as of 2014


The overlapping system of advantages and disadvantages that affect a person's position in society (adapted from Desmond and Emirbayer 2010)

Gender socialization

The process of learning to be male or female.

Institutional sexism

The ways in which the organization of society, and specifically its institutions, subordinate individuals and groups based on their sex classification

Letting Go: What should Medicine do when it Can't Save Your Life (Gawande)

This was the sad one about a female patient who was pregnant and found out she had cancer and ended up developing another type of cancer. She and her family kept struggling to fight the cancer off, with treatments that were not necessarily "worth it". There was no miraculous recovery for her like her and her family expected, and she ended up dying at the hospital.

According to Kendall's (2004) article, how does the upper class maintain their status?

Upper class individuals remain socially distant to separate from others of different classes

What does it mean to say that "gender is a social construction?"

We as society create what it means to be "male" or "female"

According to Alice Dreger, what has advances in our scientific knowledge done to our understanding of sex and gender?

We have associated a particular identity to a particular sex. Now science shows it's not so simple. There's no neat categories.

What are some ways that race, sex, and class affect how the media portrays drug use/drug users? (lecture/Tiger).

White upper class males are seen understood for their use whereas lower class females are frowned upon when it comes to drug use

Describe trends in education (e.g., graduation rates, dropout rates) as they pertain to race and class. (lecture)

Whites and upper class tend to have lower dropout rates and higher quality of education whereas other races have higher dropout rates and lower quality of education The more education usually means the higher class. But there isn't much of a difference in income between a high school dropout and a high school graduate.

How did the media differently portray Whitney Houston and Lance Armstrong's drug use? (Tiger)

Whitney Houston was seen as a waste of talent and a bad example of a mother. Lance Armstrong's was seen as a way to help him succeed, and a role model.

What kinds of gender socialization messages are apparent in society? (lecture)

Women are inferior to men in the workforce. While women are overrepresented in jobs that require minimal skill, men occupy jobs at a professional level.

Are cities in the United States still segregated by race? Since 1900, what factors have contributed to racial segregation? What federal policies have influenced the black/white wealth gap? What historical practices by banks and realtors have influenced the black/white wealth gap? What is the relationship between race, class, wealth, and geographical segregation? How are these connected? (lecture, Massey and Denton)

Yes, the larger cities have a more prominent showing of this segregation, the level of education in the surrounding area and the work opportunities for that area prevent. Realtors would only sell to whites. and banks would only give loans out to white people because they were the most "trustworthy".

See Baby Discriminate (Bronson)

Yes. e.g. Survey: how many blacks are mean? "a lot." How many whites are mean? "almost none." And another experiment: 6-month-olds would stare at pictures of faces of different race significantly longer, showing they found something not ordinary about them.

Should something be done to address the way minority racial groups are portrayed by the media in relation to crime, knowing what you know now?

Yes: all racial groups should be portrayed equally or not at all 1.Blacks are less likely to receive chemotherapy for rectal cancer. 2.Blacks are less likely to be administered blood clot medication for a heart attack. 3.Blacks are more likely to die from a cancer diagnosis. 4.ICU physicians less likely to discuss end of life prognoses with Blacks. 5.Whites more likely than black to survive after surgery at a teaching hospital. 6.Whites more likely than blacks, Asians, Hispanics to have surgery at a "high volume" facility. 7.Blacks and Hispanics less likely than whites to get pain medication in the ER.

Do children younger than six perceive differences based on skin color? Are students more or less likely to self-segregate by race in schools that are more racially diverse? (Bronson and Merryman)

Yes: even children younger than six perceive race. "Asked how many white people are mean, these children commonly answered, "Almost none." Asked how many blacks are mean, many answered, "Some," or "A lot." Even kids who attended diverse schools answered the questions this way." At age 3, 86% of students preferred friends of their own race. The more diverse the school, the more the children self-segregate by race and ethnicity. While many students have a friend of another race, they are far more likely to spend time with people of their own race.

Leveled aspirations

a "powerful mechanism by which class inequality is reproduced from one generation to the next" (MacLeod p.6). Also defined as not having high aspirations like upward social mobility.

Social mobility

a change in position in the societal hierarchy


a group of people of similar status, commonly sharing comparable levels of power and wealth.

Social movements

a group of people that aim to change institutional practices, policies, power arrangements, and/or cultural norms through mobilizing people for collective actions and continue the struggle over time.


a hope or ambition of achieving something with the disregard of the boundaries associated with the task to be achieved.

Social Construction

a perception of an individual, group, or idea that is constructed through cultural or social practices.

Achieved status

a status that you worked towards (college student)


a strong belief that something will happen, or be the case in the future. A belief that someone will or should achieve something. It is simply what someone should achieve based on their social status and background.

Social institutions

a system of behavioral and relationship patterns that are densely interwoven and enduring, and function across an entire society. They order and structure the behavior of individuals by means of their normative character

Second shift

after a woman works her 40 hour weeks, her second shift is her cooking and cleaning jobs at home.


biological identity

American Dream

by James Truslow Adams in 1931, "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class or circumstances of birth.


cultural identity

Cultural capital

general cultural background, knowledge, disposition and skills that are passed from one generation to the next

What is the "hidden curriculum" that female medical students are learning in Babaria et. al's article "I'm too used to it"?

how to cope with embarrassing/uncomfortable medical situations

The YouToons Get Ready for Obamacare

Achievement ideology

idea that the better you do in school, and the higher the education you receive, the better the job you will receive. Basically the notion that socially perceived success is achieved through hard work and education.


judging the culture of others by using your own culture as the standard, leads to difficulties interpersonally and nationally

What are the main differences between the social classes?

ncome, where they live, education


neighborhood made exclusively of one racial group


net worth of all of your assets

How has the risk of death and how we understand death changed over time? Be able to articulate how the main causes of death in the US have shifted since 1910. (lecture)

per every 100,000 people the death rate has been cut in half since the 1900's. Back then the #1 cause of death was pneumonia and influenza, now the number one cause of death is heart disease and cancer.

Working Poor

poorly educated workers who work full-time but remain below the poverty line.

Social stratification

refers to a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy. In the United States, it is perfectly clear that some groups have greater status, power, and wealth than other groups.

Social change

refers to any significant alteration over time in behavior patterns and cultural values and norms.

Ascribed status

status you did not choose (race, ethnicity)

Social determinants of health

the conditions in which people are born, grow, live, work and age in. These circumstances are shaped by the distribution of money, power and resources at global, national and local levels.

Social inequality

the existence of unequal opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a group or society.


the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common national or cultural tradition.

Precautionary principle

the principle that the introduction of a new product or process whose ultimate effects are disputed or unknown should be resisted

Diagnostic Overshadowing

the process of over-attributing a patient's symptoms to a particular condition, resulting in key comorbid (meaning at same time) conditions being undiagnosed and untreated


the reduced ability to perform tasks one would normally do at a given stage of life and that may result in stigmatization or discrimination against the person with disabilities" (Kendall 2012) Disabilities can be: •Physical •Mental

Summarize the Brothers attitude towards school and explain some of the underlying factors influencing this orientation. In addition, discuss their performance in school and some possible explanations.(MacLeod, lecture)

they were fully integrated, sports and everything. Some of them only have fair academic performance, but they "honor and respect the standards, conventions, and judgments of the school" (MacLeod 93). they stay with the same program. Namely, they subscribe to the achievement ideology schools put forth, including the ideas that school leads to economic success and there's an equal opportunity.

How are income and wealth distributed in the US? What category are most Americans in?

top 1% own 90% of the wealth Most in middle class

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