Final Study Guide Biology 1 Lecture

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Select the correct statement about gametes. - All gametes contain unique subsets of both the fathers and the mothers DNA -Each female egg cell contains a unique of only her mothers DNA -Each male sperm cell contains a unique subset of only his fathers DNA.

- All gametes contain unique subsets of both the fathers and the mothers DNA

Many features of eukaryotes and prokaryotes differ. Place under Eukaryotes, Prokaryotes or BOTH. 1. Has membrane bounded organelles 2.Lacks an endoplasmic reticulum 3. Has mitochondria 4. Makes its own Proteins. 5. Has ribosomes 6. Has a cell membrane 7. Has DNA in the cytoplasm.

1. E 2. P 3. E 4. B 5. B 6.B 7. P

Move label to the correct location to : Archaea, Bacteria, All three domains, Bacteria and Archaea, Eukaryotes, Bacteria and Eukaryotes. 1. Have membrane made of phospholipids. 2. Have organelles 3. Prokaryotic 4. Single-celled only 5. Cell wall made of cellulose or chitin, if present. 6. Can be multicellular 7. Lack a nucleus 8. First discovered in several extreme enviroments. 9. Some have flagella 10. The most diverse organism.

1. B and E 2. E 3. B and A 4. B and A 5. E 6. E 7. B and A 8. A 9. All 10. B.

Choose the option below that contains the correct complementary DNA sequence to the following 5'-AAGTCATTGCCGTA-3'


What is the theoretical yield of ATP from cellular respiration of 2,000 glucose molecules.


Refer to figure 7.8 and its description in the textbook. According to the image below, a mutation in a gene is analogous to : - using the wrong cookbook -overcooking the brownies -missing ingredient -a typo in a recipe.

A typo in a recipe.

During what stages of photosynthesis is glucose produces? -both the carbon reactions and the light reactions produce glucose -carbon reactions -both carbon reactions and the light USE glucose -light reactions

Carbon reactions

What structure in plant cells stores salts, sugars, and pigments, contains enzymes that recycle and degrade molecules, and expands to exert turgor pressure. -choloroplast -centrosome -peroxisomne -central Vacuole.

Central Vacuole.

Review the section "Investigating Life: Energy Efficiency in an Electric Fish." The fish in this study generate an electric field when sodium ions move down their concentration gradient into the cells. Sodium ions move through membrane proteins, which are show in purple in the image below. The movement of sodium ions into cells during electric field generation in these fish is an example of what process? - osmosis -active transport -facilitated diffusion -simple diffusion

Facilitated diffusion

Molecules include ATP and it is produced by the chloroplast during? ( Select all that apply) -Light reactions -Carbon fixation -Carbon reactions

Light reactions

Hydrophillic means :

Likes water

The electrons that are transferred through the electron transport system are brought there by? ATP FADH2 NADH and FADH2 Oxygen NADH


When ______ accepts electrons at the end of the electron transport chain, ____ is produced as a byproduct. Carbon dioxide, Oxygen Oxygen, Water Water, ADP glucose ATP.

Oxygen, Water

Review the section "Investigating Life: Solar Powered Salamanders." The researchers added CO2 tagged with radioactive isotopes of carbon to a solution surrounding salamander eggs and incubated some eggs in the light and some in the dark. After two hours, the researchers measured the amount of radioactivity in the eggs and fund that the eggs incubated in the light had more radioactive carbon than the eggs incubated in the dark. What process occurred in the eggs incubated in the light nit not in the eggs incubated in the dark to account for the higher amount of radioactive carbon? -photosynthesis -photorespiration -cellular respiration that produces CO2 -diffusion of CO2


Molecules include carbohydrates and they are used by the plant to ? (Select all that apply ) -Store energy -Absorb light -Build Tissues -Produce ATP -Power light reactions

Store energy Build tissues Produce ATP

Plant cells do not contain contractle vacuoles, and watering plants causes their cytoplasm to become more dilute. What happens when a plant is watered. - the cells stay the same size -the cells shrink -the cells swell.

The cells swell

Hydrophobic means?

hates water

When in the cell cycle does DNA replication occur? -cytokinesis -apoptosis -interphase -mitosis


What acts as a connector to help convert the nucleotide sequence of mRNA into the amino acid sequence of polypeptide during translation? -RNA processing -5'cao -tRNA -an intron -DNA


mRNA is to translation as DNA is to? -protein -the genetic code -rRNA -tRNA -Transcription


Why is meiosis useful? Select all that apply. - It produces genetically variable offspring -It maintains the chromosome number between generations. -It reduces the frequency of mutatuion -It provides an alternate route to cell division for cells that fail to complete mitosis -It does not require proteins.

- It produces genetically variable offspring -It maintains the chromosome number between generations

1. _____ is the study of energy transformations. 2. ____ is the unit that is used when measuring thermodynamics. 3. In food ____ is measured. 4. Calorie is defined as energy required to ? 5. Thermodynamics includes the first law _______ that states that Calorie cannot be created or destroyed. 6. Energy conservation means _______. 7. There are two types of energy _____, stored energy and _____, energy being used. 8. Thermodynamics includes this second law ______. 9. Energy transformations are inefficient and leads to randomness measured as ______.

1. Thermodynamics 2. Calorie 3. kilocalorie 4. raise on gram of water from 14.5 degrees C to 15.5 degrees C. 5. Energy Conservation 6. Organisms must take in and expend energy to live. 7. Potential and Kinetic Energy. 8. Energy transformation are inefficient. 9.Entropy

Match with definition 1. _____ ions move in and out. 2. _____ hormones bind here. 3. ___ these proteins help catalyze chemical reactions. 4. ______ a woman has a disorder causing her immune system to attack her own cells. She may have a problem with these proteins. Answer Key: Transport proteins Receptor Proteins Adhesion Proteins Recognition Proteins Enzymes.

1. Transport 2. Receptor 3. Enzymes 4. Recognition

Assuem that a recessive allele (f) is associated with a severe language disorder. An unaffected male wants to determine the genotypes of his wife, his parents, and himself. His mother has the language disorder. Neither he nor his wife has the language disorder, but one of their five chilren does. Whatg is the genotype for each individual? Answers may be used more than once or not at all. 1. Mother: 2. Father: 3. Wife: 4. Himself:

1. ff 2. Either FF or Ff 3. Ff 4. Ff

How are diploid cells, homologous chromosomes, and alleles related? - Dipolid cells have homologous pairs of chromosomes. Dipoild cells therefore might have up to four different alleles for each gene. -Diploid cells have one set of nonhomologous chromosomes, containing alleles inherited from two parents. -Diplloid cells have half of a homologous pair of chromosomes. Diploiud cells therefore honly have one allele for each gene. - Diploid cells have homologous pair of chromosomes, which carry the same genes as one another but not necessarily the same alleles.

- Diploid cells have homologous pair of chromosomes, which carry the same genes as one another but not necessarily the same alleles.

Extracting a nucleus from a sheep cell and fusing it with the egg cell of a second sheep of the same species produces the first cell of a transgenic organism T or F


The helix that forms in a single polypeptide chain as a result of hydrogen bonds between the amino groups and carboxyl group of different amino acids is an example of? tertiary structure of protein nonlinear structure of protein secondary structure of protein primary structure of protein.

Secondary structure of a protein.

Review the section "Investigating Life: Evolving Germs Select for Sex in Worms" in the experiment shown in the graph below, what variable was different between the red bars and the tan and green bars? -Presence of evolving bacteria -generation time -presence of essential nutrients -capability of reproducing sexually.

Presence of evolving bacteria

Which of the following amino acids will be located on the interior of a folded protein. Serine Cysteine Proline Valine Leucine Glutamine theronine

Proline valine leucine

What hypothesis were the researchers testing? Diet has been shown to direct affect gene expression, but the role of exercise in turning gens on or off is not well understood. (cont) - Exercise stimulates cells to change regulatory tags on DNA, turning genes on and off. - Exercise-induced changes in DNA methylation can only be observed in large experiments. -Exercise changes the body composition of sedentary individuals -exercise only leas to changes in gene expression if accompanied by changes in diet -Exercise changes cell activity by decreasing the overall rate of protein synthesis.

- Exercise stimulates cells to change regulatory tags on DNA, turning genes on and off.

Why it is useful to be able to rapidly make many copies of a piece of DNA using PCR? Select all that apply. - The genes in transgenic organisms are created by PCR; they do not exist in nature. - PCR is used in preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and in genetic testing to copy a small sample of DNA until there is enough of it to analyze. -Stem cells carry out PCR when they differentiate and specialize. -PCR is used to create a genetic profile of a sample taken from a crime scene.

- PCR is used in preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and in genetic testing to copy a small sample of DNA until there is enough of it to analyze. -PCR is used to create a genetic profile of a sample taken from a crime scene.

Select all of the following that are true of the phospholipid bilayer. -The fatty acid chains of the phospholipids make the middle section hydrophobic -The hydrophobic phosphate heads allow the membrane to be selectively permeable to nonpolar molecules. -Steriods embedded in the bilayer allow the membrane to remain fluid at various temperatures. - Glucose can easily diffuse through the membrane -The bilayer would function similarly if composed of triglycerides instead of phospholipids. - Some proteins embedded in the membrane help with transporting large molecules through the bilayer. -Plasmodesmata in plant cells and gap junctions in animal cells allow for direct exchange of material between adjacent cells.

- Some proteins embedded in the membrane help with transporting large molecules through the bilayer. -Plasmodesmata in plant cells and gap junctions in animal cells allow for direct exchange of material between adjacent cells. -Steriods embedded in the bilayer allow the membrane to remain fluid at various temperatures. -The fatty acid chains of the phospholipids make the middle section hydrophobic

Review the section. " Investifating Life: Heredity and the hungry hordes." As indicatied inthe image below., The dominant allele R confers susceptibility to the Bt toxin, and a recessive allele r confers resistance to Bt. Suppose that a susceptible male mates with a resistant female. They have many offspring, a few of which are resistant to Bt. What is the genotype of the male parent, and that is the genotype of the susceptible offspring. (Assume complete dominance. ) - The genotype of the male parent is Rr and the genotype of the susceptible offspring is Rr. - The genotype of the male parent is either RR or Rr and the genotype of the susceptible offspring is either Rr or Rr. -The genotype of the male parent is either RR or Rr and the genotype of the susceptible offspring is Rr. -The genotype genotype of the male parent is RR and the genotype of the susceptible offspring is Rr. -The genotype of the male parent is Rr and the genotype of the susceptible offspring is either RR or Rr.

- The genotype of the male parent is Rr and the genotype of the susceptible offspring is Rr.

Consider your knowledge about the cell membrane and check all of the true statements below. - Cell membranes are present in only two of the three domains of life. -Phospholipids can self assemble into a sphere without the help of proteins. -If the fatty acid tails of phospholipids were hydrophilic, and the phosphate heads were hydrophobic you would expect the bilayer to look like this. -Steroid in cell membrane affect membrane fluidity as temperature changes -phospholipid bilayers surround all eukaryotic cells. -membrane proteins offer structural support to the membrane, but have no other function. - both plant and animal cell membranes are considered fluid mosaics.

- both plant and animal cell membranes are considered fluid mosaics. -Steroid in cell membrane affect membrane fluidity as temperature changes -phospholipid bilayers surround all eukaryotic cells. -Phospholipids can self assemble into a sphere without the help of proteins.

What is wrong with the following piece of mRNA? TACCAGGATCACTTTGCCA -It does not include an equal number of Gs and Cs -It contains too many stop codons - it contains T and not U -it does not include an equal number of As and Ts

- it contains T and not U

Explain how active transport, ATP, energy, and concentration gradients are related. -Active transport move ATP against its concentration gradient, which creates potential energy. -Active transport produces ATP, which stores potential energy that might be used to dissipate concentration gradients -Active transport uses ATP to create a concentration gradient, which stores potential energy. -active transport is a concentration gradient that requires ATP to form energy.

-Active transport uses ATP to create a concentration gradient, which stores potential energy.

Review the section "Investigating Life: The tiniest Compass." What survival advantage might bacteria with magnetosome have? -Bacteria can attract members of the opposite mating strain more easily. -The position charges in magnetosomes are attracted to the negative charges of membrane phospholidpids, and megentosomes line up along the membrane to prevent deformation of the lipid bilayer. -Bacteria waste less cellular energy swimming to locations with optimal oxygen concentrations. -Magnetosomes bind o and dismantle toxins, decreasing the amount of toxins in the cell.

-Bacteria waste less cellular energy swimming to locations with optimal oxygen concentrations.

Select the correct statement about the relationship between chromosomes, alleles, and proteins. - Each chromosome that has only dominant alleles and encodes only functional proteins is called an autosome. -Each chromosome has a unique combinations of two alleles for each of its genes. IF the alleles are different, then the gene will encode a nonfunctional protein. -Each chromosome has one allele for each of its genes. That allele may confer a functional or nonfunctional protein. -Each chromosome has three or more alleles for each of its genes. All alleles on a chromosome are either dominant or recessive, conferring either functional or nonfunctional proteins.

-Each chromosome has one allele for each of its genes. That allele may confer a functional or nonfunctional protein.

How are gametes, chromosomes, and zygotes related? -A gamete undergoes meiosis, forming a zygote with one set of chromosomes. -A gamete undergoes mitosis doubling its chromosome number and becoming a zygote. -Gametes unite, forming zygotes with two sets of chromosomes. -Gametes combine to form a zygote with one set of chromosomes.

-Gametes unite, forming zygotes with two sets of chromosomes.

What ethical issues are associated with emdical uses of DNA technology? Select all that apply. - Getting diagnosed for a high risk of cancer can lead to earlier lifestyle changes that promote a healthier life. -Gene therapy could potentially be used not only for life threatening illnesses, but aslo to enhance certain traits -Genetic tests could be used to screen embryos for desirable trats such as eye color or sex. -Genetic testing that allow early diagnosis of risk for a disease can potentially cause depression or anxiety in the individual and decrease effectiveness of treatment. -Preimplantation genetic diagnosis can be used to create super babies that contain gene variations not present in either parent.

-Genetic tests could be used to screen embryos for desirable trats such as eye color or sex. -Genetic testing that allow early diagnosis of risk for a disease can potentially cause depression or anxiety in the individual and decrease effectiveness of treatment. -Gene therapy could potentially be used not only for life threatening illnesses, but aslo to enhance certain traits

How do the products of glycolysis and the Krebs cycle relate to the electron transport chain? -Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle produce the ATP necessary to start the electron transport chain -Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle produce CO2, which binds to electrons in the electron transport chain -Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle use CO2, which is produced in the electron transport chain -Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle produce the molecules that shuttle electrons to the electron transport chain.

-Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle produce the molecules that shuttle electrons to the electron transport chain.

How can the FOXP2 gene discussed in the Investigating Life feature affect multiple traits, such as muscle control and brain structure. - It encodes an enzyme that attaches amino acids to tRNA, and its presence will affect whether or not a particular amino acid is available during production of many types of proteins. -It encodes a transcription factor that can control the expression of other genes. -It encodes a protein that affects how exons in mRNA are spliced, thereby producing different transcripts from the same gene. -It encodes rRNA, which is a component of ribosomes and affects the translation rate of many RNA transcriptions

-It encodes a transcription factor that can control the expression of other genes.

What key role does cellular respirations play in cells ? -It generates chemical gradients, which have potential energy -It produces oxygen gas, which is essential to cell functions -It generates ATP, which cells can use to do work. -It breaks down carbon dioxide, which is toxic to cells.

-It generates ATP, which cells can use to do work.

Review the section Investigating Life: Evolving germs select for sex in worms. What evolutionary advantages explain why the rate of sexual reproduction increased in round worms exposed to live, evolving bacteria? Select all that apply. -Sexual reproduction increased the proportion of offspring that were familiar to the bacteria. -Sexual reproduction required less energy input and time than asexual reproduction. -New allele combinations were advantageous in the presence of parasites with high mutation and reproduction rates. -Sexual reproduction increased genetic variability and survival in changing environment.

-New allele combinations were advantageous in the presence of parasites with high mutation and reproduction rates. -Sexual reproduction increased genetic variability and survival in changing environment.

Human females have two X chromosomes in each cell. Which of the following is true of these chromosomes? - Both chromosomes are active at all times. -One chromosomes is inactivated. The inactivated chromosome is always the one inherited from the father. -One of the chromosomes is inactivated. The process is random and results in cells that have either the mothers or the fathers X chromosomes active. -One chromosome is inactivated. The inactivated chromosome is always the one inherited from the mother.

-One of the chromosomes is inactivated. The process is random and results in cells that have either the mothers or the fathers X chromosomes active.

Why do recessive X linked traits occur more frequently and with greater severity in human males than in human females. Select all that apply. - Males have an X chromosomes, but females do not. -Males have two Y chromosomes, so they never receive a dominate allele carried on an X chromosome. -Males don't have alleles from a second X chromosome to mask the effects of allele on the first X chromosome. - In males, X inactivation shuts off expression of the alleles on one X chromosome. -Only females who inherit two X linked recessive alleles fully express the recessive phenotype. -Sperm are more likely to carry an X chromosome than a Y chromosome.

-Only females who inherit two X linked recessive alleles fully express the recessive phenotype. -Males don't have alleles from a second X chromosome to mask the effects of allele on the first X chromosome.

Add each term to the concept map that correctly compl,etes the conenction, "Genetic variation exists among offspring because of? Select all that apply. -Failed cytokinesis. -Crossing over -Random orientation of chromosomes. -nondisjunction -stalled DNA replication -Apoptosis -Cell cycle control erroes -Random fertilization.

-Random fertilization. -Crossing over -Random orientation of chromosomes. -nondisjunction

What situation best represents how DNA sequencing, PCR, and gene probes might be used together? -Scientists might replicate a strand of DNA using PCR before sequencing it. Once the sequence is know, they can produce a corresponding gene probe -Scientist might create a gene probe to find the correct DNA strand to sequence. Once it is sequenced, they might replicate it with PCR. -Scientist might sequence a strand of DNA before replicating it with PCR. Once it is replicated, they can create a complementary gene probe.

-Scientists might replicate a strand of DNA using PCR before sequencing it. Once the sequence is know, they can produce a corresponding gene probe

Review the section "Investigating Life: Evolving germs select for sex in worms." What statement correctly describes the result of the experiment illustrated below. - Roundworks that were only able to self reproduce were unaffected by live bacteria evolving with the hosts. -Sexual reproduction increased in round worms exposed to live bacteria evolving with the hosts. -Sexual reproduction decreased in round worm exposed to live bacteria evolving with the host. -The rate of sexual reproduction did not differ between roundworms exposed to live, fixed bacteria and roundworms exposed to live evolving bacteria.

-Sexual reproduction increased in round worms exposed to live bacteria evolving with the hosts.

In feedback inhibition, the inhibitor of the biochemical pathway is typically? -the substrate of the enzyme inhibited -The final product of the biochemical pathway -A substance that is produced towards the middle of the biochemical pathway -a product of another biochemical pathway -the product of the enzyme inhibited.

-The final product of the biochemical pathway

Review the section "Investigating Life: Weeds get a boost from their transgenic cousins" which explains how weedy relative of cultivated rice may have recieved genes that resist week killers. Data from the investigating life feature are shwon below. What is a proper interpretation of these graphs? -Trangenic weeds grew faster and became more numerous -Transgenic weeds had the same growth as normal weeds. -Transgenic weeds grew faster only when glyphosate was applied -Transgenic weeds had decreased growth and eventually died out.

-Trangenic weeds grew faster and became more numerous

Review the section "Investigating life: Clues to the Origin of Language" What statement represents how language evolved in human ancestors? - Individuals realized that communicating with otehrs of the same species would increase their survival. They developed language skills and passed them on to their offspring. -Two random mutations in DNA resulted in a modification transcription factor that participates in language acquisition. Individuals with the mutations reproduced more successfully. -Through repeated use of language, humans developed areas of their brain used for communication. This led to changes in transcription factors and genes that were inherited by future generation.

-Two random mutations in DNA resulted in a modification transcription factor that participates in language acquisition. Individuals with the mutations reproduced more successfully.

Review the section " Investigating Life: Weeds get a boost from their transgenic cousins. What are the possible effects of growing transgenic crops that contain a booster gene, enabling the crop plant to resist the herbicide glyphosate. Select all that apply. - Glyphosate will decrease growth of weeds, but transgenic crops will be unharmed. -Transgenic crops will be killed if sprayed with glyphosate -Transgenic crop plants could spread the booster gene to weeds if they cross pollinate with weedy relatives. -Weeds could also become resistant to glyphosate -Natural selection could favor the spread of weeds with the booster gene because they have a higher growth rate. -Transgenic crops and weeds would not be able to grow in an environment without glyphosate.

-Weeds could also become resistant to glyphosate -Natural selection could favor the spread of weeds with the booster gene because they have a higher growth rate. -Weeds could also become resistant to glyphosate - Glyphosate will decrease growth of weeds, but transgenic crops will be unharmed.

Which statements regarding apoptosis are correct? Select all that apply - It is how the body gets rid of defective cells. -It is a disorder sequence of uncoordinated events that cannot be regulated by the cell. - It can occur when DNA in cell is damaged. -A protein called p53 sometimes triggers apoptosis -It causes angiogenesis to occur. -When it fails, cells with mutations can continue to divide.

-When it fails, cells with mutations can continue to divide. - It is how the body gets rid of defective cells. - It can occur when DNA in cell is damaged. -A protein called p53 sometimes triggers apoptosis

Based on the data in this figure from the Investigating Life feature, when did the mutations that led to the human version of the FOXP2 protein presumably arise? - before the ancestor of humans and chimpanzees arose -after humans and chimpanzees diverged from a common ancestor -common ancestor of rhesus monkeys, orangutans, gorillas, and chimpanzees -before orangutans diverged from the ancestor of humans and chimpanzees.

-after humans and chimpanzees diverged from a common ancestor

What are some effects of gene therapy? Select all that apply. - cut faulty DNA out of cells -insert healthy genes into cells. -silence genes that cause disease -make possible the transmission of healthy genes to offspring -introduce DNA from a different species into human cells. -potentially enhance performance or appearance.

-potentially enhance performance or appearance. -insert healthy genes into cells. -silence genes that cause disease

A mutation in a gene would _____ cause a change in the sequence of amino acids in a protein. -never -sometimes -always


Match each of the descriptions, or images, with the proper domain of life. (Archaea, Bacteria or Eukarya ) 1. This domain contains the most abundant diverse organisms. 2. Fungus 3. A prokaryotic cell with a plasma membrane made of nonfatty acid lipids. 4. Cell with nucleus 5. Cell with many flagella and no nucleus 6. Humans are not member of this domain, but its the one most closely related to our own domain. 7. All three domains arose from a common ancestor, this domain was the FIRST to appear.

1. B 2. E 3. A 4. E. 5. B 6. A 7. E

Classify each of the following as a characteristic of cancer cells, normal cells, or both. 1. Can be killed by radiation therapy 2. Can only divide approximately 50 times. 3. Can be killed by chemotherapy 4. Produce high levels of telomerase. 5. Require blood supply for survival 6.. Require growth factors for cell division to occur. 7 Ignore contact inhibition signals 8. Oncogenes 9. Tightly monitored cell cycle checkpoints.

1. Both 2. Normal 3. Both 4. Cancer 5. Both 6. Normal 7. Cancer 8. Cancer 9. Normal

Match 1. Four copies of each gene 2. Two copies of each gene, both from the same parent. 3. One copy of each gene 4. Two copies of each gene, one from each parent. Answer options: -Cells about to undergo meiosis. -Newly formed zygote -gamete cell -Cells that has completed meiosis 1 but has not entered meiosis 2.

1. Cell about nto undergo meiosis 2. Cell that has completed meiosis 1 but has not entered meiosis two 3. Gamete 4. Newly formed zygote.

The concept map shows that proteins carry out DNA replication and proteins control mitosis. Dray each protein from the list below to the process that it participates in. DNA replication proteins or Mitosis proteins. 1. DNA polymerase 2. ligases 3. Growth Factor 4. Helicases 5. p53 Protein

1. DNA 2. DNA 3. Mitosis 4. DNA 5. Mitosis

Each Sentence on the left explains part of an experiment which temperature plays a role. Classify the sentences based on whether temperature is an independent, dependent, or standardized variable. 1. You determine the effect of temperature on the honey production of bees. 2. You measure the change in activity of an insect due to light intensity changes. 3. You measure the heart rate of a lizard as its body temperature changes. 4. You measure the freezing point of water in the presence of various amounts of salt. 5. You measure the boiling point of water at various attitudes.

1. Independent 2. Dependent 3. Independent 4. Dependent 5. Dependent.

1. Sunlight is absorbed by this photosynthetic organ ________. 2. Leaf contains _____ where ______ will occur. 3. Photosynthesis produces this gas ______ and produces this macromolecule _______. 4. Photosynthesis uses _____ and _____. 5. Sunlight is _______ and captured by _____.

1. Leaf 2. Chloroplasts, Photosynthesis. 3. Oxygen, Glucose. 4. Water, Carbon Dioxide. 5. the source of visible light, Pigments

Complete structure description to the appropriate places. Organelle: 1. Lysosome 2. Peroxisome 3. Chloroplast 4. Mitochondrion Function: -Releases energy from food using cellular respiration. -Breaks down fatty acids and disposes of toxins -Breaks down and recycles components of food, cellular debris, and captured pathogens -Produces glucose by photosynthesis. Structure: - Double membrane organelle containing pigments for photosynthesis. -Sac containing digestive enzymes, surrounded by single membrane -single membrane sac containing enzymes, often forming visible protein crystals. -Double membrane organelle, inner membrane is folded into enzyme studded cristae. Location: -Animal + Plant - Animal + Plant -Plant - Animal with some plants.

1. Lysosome: Breaks down and recycles components of food, cellular debris, and captured pathogens. Sac containing digestive enzymes, surrounded by single membrane. Animal + some Plants. 2. Peroxisome: Breaks down fatty acids and disposes of toxins. single membrane sac containing enzymes, often forming visible protein crystals.Animal and Plants. 3. Chloroplast: Produces glucose by photosynthesis. Double membrane organelle containing pigments for photosynthesis. Plants. 4. Mitochondrion: Releases energy from food using cellular respiration.Double membrane organelle, inner membrane is folded into enzyme studded cristae. Animal and Plants.

Classify each of the following statement as relating to binary fission, mitosis, or both. 1. Centromeres split. 2. DNA attaches to the cell membrane 3. Spindle pulls chromosomes to separate ends of the cell. 4. DNA replication occurs before cell division 5. DNA in daughter cell is identical to the original.

1. Mitosis 2. Binary Fission 3. Mitosis 4. Both 5. Both

Match Organelle with description. 1. _____ site of mRNA production 2. _____Has ribosomes embedded in its membrane 3. ____ Produces ribosomal subunits 4. _____ Modifies and sorts proteins recieved from the ER. 5. _____ Synthesizes lipids and detoxifies drugs. 6. ____ primary role is the production of ATP 7. _____ Control enzymes that can condense into crystals and can dispose of toxins.

1. Nucleus 2. RER 3. Nucleolus 4. Golgi 5. SER 6. Mitochondria 7. Lysosomes.

Fill in the blank 1. _______ Organelle produces the mRNA message. 2. _____ structure uses the message to synthesize proteins. 3. _____ organelle is lined with protein-producing structure. 4. _____ membrane spheres transport materials inside the cell. 5. ____ organelle packages proteins for export from the cell in vesicles. Answer Choices: Vesicles Golgi Nucleus RER Ribosome.

1. Nucleus 2. Ribosome 3. RER 4. Vesicles 5. Golgi

1. Photosynthesis byproducts include? Photosynthesis requires? Options: O2 Triglycerides Amino acids H2O UV light Co2 N2 Light

1. O2 2. H2O, Co2, and light

Match the term with definition. 1. DNA condenses into visible chromosomes during _______. 2. DNA is encircled by two separate nuclei in one cell during _____? 3. DNA undergoes replication during ______ phase. 4. Mitosis is divided into what ______,______,______ and ______.

1. Prophase 2. Telephase 3. S 4. PMAT

Classify each item by the class of molecuyle to which it relates. (Protein, Nucleic Acid, Lipid, or Carbohydrate. ) 1. Its monomers are called amino acids. 2. Its main feature is its water-repellent property. 3. DNA 4. RNA 5. Stored in adipose tissue. 6. Its monomers are called nucleotides. 7. Genes are made of this. 8. Its polymers are called polysaccharides.

1. Proteins. 2. Lipid 3. Nucleic Acid 4. Nucleic Acid 5. Lipids. 6. Nucleic Acids 7. Nucleic Acids 8. Carbohydrates

Consider what additional sentences you could add to the Survey the Landscape concept map. Each of the size sentences below contains CAPITALIZED terms that represent the concepts currently in the survey the landscape concept map. The one in ( ) is the concept that you are adding, which is connected to the concept map with a connecting phrase. Which of the six new sentences is true? (Select all that apply) 1. MOLECULES are arranged into three (domains) 2. HOMEOSTASIS is the process by which a cell produces (atoms.) 3. Life has a HIERARCHY OF ORGANIZATION that includes (cells, molecules, and atoms. ) 4. (DNA) is transmitted to the next generation via REPRODUCTION. 5. EVOLUTION explains the diversity of (life) 6. (Biology) may be studied using EXPERIMENTS.

3. Life has a HIERARCHY OF ORGANIZATION that includes (cells, molecules, and atoms. ) 4. (DNA) is transmitted to the next generation via REPRODUCTION. 5. EVOLUTION explains the diversity of (life) 6. (Biology) may be studied using EXPERIMENTS.

A DNA restriction enzyme cuts DNA at a a specific sequence. IF a restriction enzyme that cuts at the DNA sequence GAATTC were used on the DNA strand below, and the resulting fragment were put through electrophoresis, how many bands would appear on the electrophoresis gel? 2 6 4 3


Consider the biochemical pathway used to synthesize the amino acid proline. Based on the concept of feedback inhibition, an increase in the level or proline will most likely lead to? - a further increase in proline production -Proline being converted to aspartate -A decrease in proline production -increased breakdown of proline 0no change in the rate of proline production.

A decrease in proline production

A biopsy is a procedure in which a sample of cells is taken from the body and analyzed. If you were performing the analysis, what features would indicate to you that the patient has cancer? Select all that apply. - Cells have contact inhibition - Cells lack telomerase activity. -Cells undergo more mitosis than usual -Cells divide even when there are no growth factor signals. -Cells express high levels of tumor suppressor genes.

Cells undergo more mitosis than usual -Cells divide even when there are no growth factor signals.

Why does administering the lowest possible dose of chemotherapy drug ( as seen in the "declining doses" result) help to stabilize tumor volume? Choose the one best answer. - Declining the dose of chemotherapy drug maintains susceptible cells in the tumor, so the tumor continues to respond to the drug. -Declining the dose of chemotherapy drug prevents cells from losing control of the cell cycle. - declining the dose of chemotherapy drug doesn't kill as many low growing resistant cells. -Declining the dose of chemotherapy drug reduces the chance that susceptible cells try to evolve resistance mutations.

Declining the dose of chemotherapy drug maintains susceptible cells in the tumor, so the tumor continues to respond to the drug.

In the cell membrane ____ are hydrophillic and ___ are hydrophobic.

Heads Tails

Chemical bonds attach atoms to one another, forming molecules. What kind of energy is stored in the chemical bonds? -entropy -potential energy -kinetic energy

potential energy

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APUSH- Chapter 10 American Pageant Selection Questions

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Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion - 9/4/22

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