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It is the International System of Units (SI) unit of electrical charge

Coulomb (C)

Electric field is represented by the symbol ______.


What the variable stands for? E= F/q

E= Electric Field F= Electric Force q= Charge

It is the repulsive or attractive interaction between any two charged bodies.

Electric Force

Those that have a type of conductive material when in contact with the electric current generates a magnetic field around it.

Inductive Electrical Charges

A type of electric field where it is constant at every point. The constant field is obtained by placing the two-conductor parallel to each other, and the potential difference between them remains same at every point.

Uniform Electric Field

________ charges always attract each other.


What is the formula for Electric Potential?

V = W/Q ΔV= Ed

What the variable stands for? ΔV= Ed

V= Electric Potential (Voltage) E= Electric field d= distance

What the variable stands for? V = W/Q

V= Electric Potential (Voltage) W= Work Done Q= Charge

If the charge is single, then they start or end at ______________


Field lines never ________ each other


The magnitude of the force and the distance between the two objects is said to be ________________

inversely related

Negative Charge: Field lines radiate ____________ Positive Charge: Field lines radiate ___________

inwards ; outwards

Non-uniform electric field is irregular at every point. It has a different ________ and _________

magnitude ; directions

If the ______________________ is large , then it may create a huge stress around the region.

magnitude of charge

The ____________ and the distance between the two objects is said to be inversely related.

magnitude of the force

Electron has a __________ charge

negative charge

The electric field is radially ________________ from a positive charge and radially ________________ a negative point charge.

outward ; in toward

What does ε stands for?

ε= permittivity of material ε= cε_0 ; where c is dielectric constant

How many coulombs is proton?

1.602 x 10^-19 C

Have a capacitor that allows them to store energy and a non-conductive surfaces. When the capacitor makes contact with the electrical energy, electrons accumulate around the plate attached to the terminal, where the electric current is applied.

Capacitor Electrical Charges

It is a basic property of a material body due to which attracts or repels another object.


Coulomb (C) is the __________________ transported by a constant current of one ampere in one second: equivalent charge of 6.25 x 10^18 electrons.

Charge (Q or q)

Those that can combine capacitors, inductors, and resistors to perform specific functions.

Combined Electrical Charges

Amount of energy or electrons that pass from one body to another by different modes like conduction, induction, or other specific methods

Electric Charge

Defined as a physical property of some subatomic particles manifested through repulsion forces and attraction between them by the interaction of electromagnetic fields

Electric Charge

Unit of measurement in the International System of Units that determines a particle's ability to exchange photons.

Electric Charge

Region of space where a charged object experiences a force due to its charge.

Electric Field

It is defined as the capability of the charged body to do work.

Electric Potential

It is defined as the amount of work done to carrying a unit charge from one point to another in an electric field.

Electrical Potential Difference

The electron has a negative charge, while proton has a positive charge. In a material number of protons, and electrons are equal in numbers. Electrical charge which is a fundamental characteristic of electrons and protons, is symbolized by Q.

Electrical charge

What does the combination of the electric and magnetic fields form?

Electromagnetic field

It is the electric force between stationary charged body

Electrostatic force ; Coulomb's force

Electric Force Formula

F = (k * Q1 *Q2) / r^2

What the variable stands for? F = (k * Q1 *Q2) / r^2

F= electrical force k= Coulumb's law constant (8.99 x 10^9 (Nm^2) / C^2) Q1 and Q2= Quantity of Charge r= distance

It is also defined as the electric field multiplied by the area of the surface projected in a plane and perpendicular to the field.

Gauss's Law

The total of the electric flux out of a closed surface is equal to the charge enclosed divided by the permittivity.

Gauss's Law

Unit of electric potential

Joules / Coulombs ; volts

1. The algebraic sum of all the electric charges in any closed system is constant. Charge cannot be created nor destroyed. 2. The magnitude of charge of the electron or proton is a natural unit of charge.

Law of Conservation of Electrical Charge

When a material gains electrons then the number of electrons increase in the material.

Negative Charge

Symbol for Charge

Q or q

It is the sure test of charge on a body.


Those that can resist electricity flow dissipating a certain amount of this energy in the form of heat.

Resistive Electrical Charges

Body can do work by exerting a force of ________ or ______________ on the other charged particles

attraction ; repulsion

Combined electrical charges can combine ________________ , _____________ and ______________ to perform specific functions.

capacitors ; inductors ; resistors

When the body is _________ , either electrons are supplied to it, or they are removed from it. In both the cases, the work is done. This work is stored in the body in the form of ____________

charged ; electric potential

The field is strong when the lines are _______ together, and it is weak when the field lines __________________ from each other.

close ; move apart

Inductive electrical charge have a type of ________________ material that when in contact with the electric current generates a __________________ around it.

conductive ; magnetic field

In uniform electric field, electric field is _________ at every point. This is obtained by placing the two-conductor _________ to each other, and the potential difference between them ___________ same at every point.

constant ; parallel; remains

The line curves are ____________________ in a charge-free region


The measure of the electrical potential is the work done to charge body to one _____________


The number of field lines is _____________ proportional to the magnitude of the charge.


The value of the electrostatic force of interaction between two-point charges is ________________ to the scalar multiplication of the charges and __________________ to the square of the distance among them

directly proportional ; inversely proportional

The region around the electric charge in which the stress or electric force act is called an ____________________ or ___________________.

electric field ; electrostatic field

The capacity of the charged body to do work determines the _____________ on it.

electrical potential

When a material gains electrons then the number of _______________ in the material there is net negative electrical charge.

electrons increase

The value of the ____________ of interaction between two-point charges is directly proportional to the ______________ of the charges and inversely proportional to the ___________________ among them.

electrostatic force ; scalar multiplication ; square of the distance

Electric Charge is a basic property of matter carried by some ____________

elementary particles

In a material number of protons, and electrons are ____________ in numbers.


The electric force between two electrons is ___________________ to electric force between two protons when placed at equal ____________. This describes that the electric force is not based on the mass of the object, but depends on the ____________ known as ________________.

equal ; distances ; quantity ; electric charge

If the magnitude of charge is large, then it may create a ____________ around the region.

huge stress

A body have an electric potential of 1 volt if one ___________ is done to charge the body to one ____________

joule of work ; coulomb

What is the formula for k in other materials?

k = 1 / (4πε)

In _________________ the electric field can be obtained by taking the vector sum of the electric fields of the individual charges.

multi-point charge

The SI unit of the electric field is ___________________ which is equal to _______________.

newton per coulomb ; volts per meter

You can produce a uniform electric field by placing two large, flat conducting plates _______ to each other. One plate is ________ and the other is _______. This difference equals the product of __________________ and the distance between the parallel plates.

parallel ; positively charged ; negatively charged ; electric field intensity

Electric field are ___________________ to the surface charge.


Electric charge, which can be _________ or __________ , occurs in discrete natural units and is neither ________ nor _________.

positive ; negative; created ; destroyed

The electric field line starts from ____________ and ends from ______________

positive charge ; negative charge

When a body is charged to a different electric potential as compared to other charged body, the two bodies are said to have a __________________ Both the bodies are under stress and strain and try to attain ___________________

potential difference ; minimum potential

When a material losses electrons then the number of _______________ in the material there is net positive electrical charge.

protons increase

Like charges always ________ each other.


Resistive Electrical Charge can _______________ electricity flow ______________ a certain amount of this energy in the form of ___________

resist ; dissipating ; heat

Capacitor Electrical charges has a capacitor that allows them to __________________ and _____________________ on both conductive surfaces. When the capacitor makes contact with the electrical energy, electrons _______________ around the plate attached to the terminal, where the ___________________ is applied.

store energy ; non-conductive insulator ; accumulate ; electric current

The region around the electric charge in which the _________ or __________ act is called an electric field or electrostatic field .

stress ; electric force

The electrical force is _______________ when the balloons are _______________

strongest ; closest together

In uniform electric field, electric field is constant at every point. This is obtained by placing the ____________ parallel to each other, and the ______________ between them remains same at every point.

two-conductor ; potential difference

In multi-point charge the electric field can be obtained by taking the ________________ of the electric fields of the individual charges.

vector sum

What is the formula of Gauss's Law?

Φ = Q/ε Φ = EA

What does variable stands for? Φ = Q/ε

Φ= Electric Flux Q= Charge ε= Permittivity of free space

What does the variable stands for? Φ = EA

Φ= electric flux E= Electric Field A= Area

How many coulomb is electron?

-1.602 x 10^-19 C

How many statcoulomb is 1 electron?

-4.803 x 10^-10 statcoulomb or electrostatic unit

Law of Conservation of Electric Charge follows 2 major principles: 1. "The algebraic sum of all the electric charges in any __________________ is ______________. Charge cannot be _______________ nor ____________________." 2. "The magnitude of charge of the ____________ or ____________ is a ____________________ of charge."

1. closed system ; constant ; created ; destroyed 2. electron ; proton ; natural unit

The coulomb (symbol: C) is the International System of Units (SI) unit of electrical charge. It is the charge (symbol: Q or q) transported by a constant current of one ampere in one second: equivalent charge of __________________

6.25 x 10^18 electrons

What is the value of permittivity of free space?

8.854 x 10^-12 (Nm^2) / C^2

What is the value of k in air and vacuum?

8.99 x 10^9 (Nm^2) / C^2

How many coulombs is 1 Faraday?

9.648533289 x 10^4 C ; the charge of 1 mole of electron

What is the formula for calculating the electric field from different point charges?

E= F/q E= (kQ) / r^2

Unit for Charge

Coulomb (C)

It is an experimental law that quantifies the amount of force between two stationary electrically charged particles.

Coulomb's Law

The value of the electrostatic force of interaction between two-point charges is directly proportional to the scalar multiplication of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance among them

Coulomb's Law

_________________________ the separation distance increases the force.


What the variable stands for? E= (kQ) / r^2

E= Electric Field k= Coulumb's law constant (8.99 x 10^9 (Nm^2) / C^2) Q= Charge r= distance

It is the field which is irregular at every point. This has different magnitude and directions.

Non-Uniform Electric Field

Proton has a __________ charge.


When a material losses electrons then the number of protons increase in the material.

Positive Charge

It is defined as the difference in the electric potential of the two charged bodies

Potential difference

Electrical charge which is a fundamental characteristic of electrons and protons, is symbolized by _______


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