Fitness Exam 1

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What are the 5 components of fitness

1. Cardio respiratory endurance 2.Muscular Strength 3.Muscular Endurance 4.Flexibility 5.Body Composition

Benefits of PA

1. Increase in muscle strength 2.improves lung function 3.Generates more energy etc.

Trigger points are areas of tenderness in a tight band of muscle. When using a foam roller to help stretch the muscle, what is the recommended number of seconds to maintain pressure on the trigger-point spot with the roller?

10 seconds

The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you engage in ____ minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week or ____ minutes of high intensity physical activity per week.

150, 75

Jackson is a 22-year-old baseball player. What is his recommended maximum heart rate for exercise?

193 beats per minute

How many calories burned per week in physical activity is recommended as a minimum to reduce the likelihood of death from heart disease?


At what rate is the liver able to metabolize alcohol?

2/3 Ounce per hour

When performing the partial curl-up test to measure abdominal muscle endurance, what is the highest score or the maximum number of curl-ups one can achieve in the test?


It is estimated that for each pack of cigarettes smoked, the nearby nonsmoker will inhale the equivalent of:

3 - 5 Cigarettes

Approximately what percentage of American adults are sedentary and do not engage in any type of leisure-time physical activity?


Judy is a 65-year-old woman and has led a sedentary lifestyle. She is now complaining of an inability to get up and down the stairs in her home due to muscular weakness. Compared to when she was a 25 year old, what estimated percent of muscular strength has she lost over the last 40 years?


To achieve maximum results in a stretching program, how many times per week should one stretch?


Julie signed up for a boot camp interval training workout class. She has not exercised in a year and purchased a heart rate monitor to keep track of her intensity levels. What intensity level is recommended for her when she is working out?

70% to 75% of her maximum heart rate

The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association recommend including _____ strength-training exercises, ______ a week, and 8 to 12 repetitions of each exercise in a fitness program. A. 8 to 10; three times

8 -10; twice

At what tempo and for what duration should the YMCA Step Test exercise be performed?

96 beats per minute; 3 minutes

The number of times a specific movement is repeated is called:

A repetition

All of the following guidelines and precautions for stretching are true EXCEPT:

A. Avoid overstretching the ligaments that surround joints. B. Always stretch with control regardless of the stretching technique. --> C. Always stretch with control regardless of the stretching technique. D. Exercise caution when stretching the low back and neck.

When designing a core-stabilization training program, exercises should be chosen based on which of the following criteria?

A. Exercises should be multiplanar. B. Exercises should be safe but challenging. C. Exercises should be activity-specific. -->D. All of the above

All of the following are examples of making exercise more inviting EXCEPT:

A. Find a workout buddy. B. Wear headphones and exercise to music. C. Reward yourself with a massage or a movie after reaching your monthly fitness goal. -> D. Join a fitness facility with tough trainers who will force you to stay motivated.

In the trunk extension test, the flexibility of which two muscle groups is measured?

Abdominal and hip flexor

Which of the following is NOT a leading health indicator identified in Healthy People 2020?

Access to parks and recreation

Which of the following is a benefit of physical activity?

An increased functioning of the lungs by deepening the respiration process

Define PA

Anything, including exercise, that causes the body to use more energy then at rest

What is the best time of day to exercise?

Anytime a person can fit it into his or her day

A process by which fatty plaques are deposited along arterial walls is known as


Aerobic activity differs from anaerobic activity in that it:

Burns lactate, creating oxygen

The total number of calories consumed in a 24-hour period is known as:

Caloric Intake

What is the most important component of physical fitness?

Cardiorespiratory endurance

What are two risk factors that can be modified by lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of heart disease?

Cigarette smoking and physical inactivity

When performing a bicep curl with a dumbbell, the shortening muscle movement is called the _________ contraction, when the elbow flexes, and the lengthening muscle movement is called the _________ contraction, when the arm straightens to full length.

Concentric, eccentric

When is the best time during a workout to do static stretching?

Cool- Down

Which drug resembles small fragments of glass or shiny blue-white rocks?

Crystal methamphetamine

Lack of the brain chemical serotonin has been linked to:


Which of the following is an example of a plyometric exercise?

Depth jump

Sandra is a coach of a volleyball team. Immediately before a match, she instructs the team to perform a stretch for their match preparation. What type of stretching should be included in the team warm-up?


The exercise portion of the Tabata protocol for high-intensity training should be done as follows:

Eight intervals of 20 seconds of intensity followed by 10 seconds of rest

Deep breathing increases the production of these morphine-like substances in the body:


Exercise causes the release of chemicals in the brain called


Hunter's favorite cardio workout involves alternating fast sprinting and slow jogging. He picks out a streetlight and sprints to it, and then jogs to the next streetlight. He continues this for 30 minutes. What training technique is he using?

Fartlek training

Which of the following anatomical structures may limit the ability of a joint to move through a full range of motion?

Fat, Bone, Scar Tissue

The ability to move joints through a full range of motion is called:


FITT Principle

Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type -is important to apply to training techniques to keep progressing to a higher level of cardiorespiratory endurance

Joseph Pilates, the originator of the Pilates method, was originally from which country?


Three systems function in muscle tissue to produce energy in the body in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). What are these three systems?

Glycolytic, oxidative, and ATP

To help with insomnia, which of the following is recommended?

Going to bed and waking up at the same time consistently

Which of the following tests is the most accurate way to assess joint movement?

Goniometer test

When extending the knee, which muscle group is acting as the antagonist?

Hamstring Muscles

What movement should NOT be included in a dynamic warm-up?

Hamstring Static Stretch

What is an appropriate exercise for the cool-down portion of a workout?

Hamstring stretch

Autogenic training is also known as:


If you are new to weight lifting, how would you select the proper starting weight for a resistance-training program?

If you cannot lift three sets of a minimum of six repetitions, the weight is too heavy.

Closing your eyes and imagining your favorite vacation place before a final exam is an example of which stress-management technique?


The body adapts to resistance training in all of the following ways EXCEPT:

Increase in digestive absorption

Healthy eating has the potential to reduce the risk of cancer. Which of the following would the American Cancer Society NOT recommend as a dietary precaution?

Increase total fat intake

Luis has had great results from a running program he started 6 weeks ago. He runs 1 hour per day, four times a week. He has lost body fat, has increased his energy level, and is in a better mood. He has decided to run a marathon in the future, and plans to double his time per day spent running this week and also increase his running pace. What advice would you give him?

Increase your running time and pace, but do it gradually. You need to overload the body, but also prevent injury.

What is the primary reason for a beginning strength trainer to have a significant increase in initial strength with a consistent resistance-training program?

Increased neuromuscular efficiency

If you are a person who loves to explore new ideas and has creative solutions to problems, you have a high level of which type of wellness?


What type of muscular contraction occurs when there is muscular tension but no change in muscle length?


Due to poor lifestyle habits, Joseph developed type 2 diabetes. Which of the following complications could Joseph experience if he does not manage his disease effectively?

Kidney Damage, Glaucoma, Heart Disease

People with stronger personalities may experiment with drugs but are _______________ to become dependent on them.

Less Likely

To measure a resting heart rate, it is best to:

Lie down.

A dynamic core stabilization training program should be an important component of a strength program. The core is also defined as:

Lumbo-pelvic-hip complex

Which type of cancer is the leading cause of cancer death for both men and women in the United States?


The principle of progression in a fitness program is closely related to which other fitness-program principle?


James started his New Year's resolution by deciding to train hard for a marathon. Two months later, he felt exhausted mentally and physically, had lost weight, and was not sleeping well. Which of the following describe what James was experiencing?


Body composition is a component of health-related fitness concerned primarily with the:

Percentage of fat in the body relative to the percentage of lean tissues.

Which of the following athletes would benefit from a larger proportion of fast-twitch muscle fibers?

Power Weight Lifter

This statement closely relates to which of the following fitness principles? "Every day I will add one minute to my treadmill workout."


Which of the following stretching techniques involves a 10-second pushing phase and a 10-second relaxing phase?

Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation

Learning how to comply with rules and fair play is a _____ of being physically active

Psychological benefit, Social Reward, and Physical benefit

Shavon uses the leg extension weight machine to improve his quadriceps strength. When he extends his legs, which muscle group is acting as the agonist?


Which of the following measurements of exercise intensity is a subjective rating based on how you are feeling during exercise?

Rating of Perceived Exertion

Which fitness principle outlines the gains lost in strength, flexibility, and cardiorespiratory endurance during an exercise program when the program is stopped?


What is the SMART acronym

SMART is an acronym that refers to making your goals S = specific, M = measurable, A = attainable, R = realistic, and T = timely

Standing on the main staircase to the upstairs fitness floor to do calf stretches is NOT a good example of which fitness principle?


Jeremy asked you to spot for him on the bench press to lift his one-repetition maximum weight. Which of the following is the MOST important information for Jeremy to consider?

Skip the one-repetition maximum bench press; it could produce a muscle strain.

The SAID principle states the body will adapt over time to overcome exercise demands. What does the acronym SAID stand for?

Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands

What are two examples of performance-related fitness components?

Speed & Balance

A power movement, such as hitting a softball, requires the elements of both:

Speed and strength

Running, swimming, or cycling would be an example of which of the following fitness components?

Stamina or Endurance

A "straddle down" and "repeater" followed by an "over-the-top" move would be typical movements in what type of group exercise class?

Step aerobics

The Valsalva effect causes a sharp increase in blood pressure during strength training due to:

The exerciser holding his or her breath during maximal contraction

Which of the following is necessary for a muscle to improve in strength?

The muscle must be overloaded.

What is the definition of cardiac output?

The volume of blood the heart is capable of pumping in 1 minute

What is the best way to accelerate the process of "sobering up" after consumption of alcohol?

There is no best way to speed up the process; it just takes time to become sober.

Low back pain is associated with which of the following?

Tight hamstring muscles

Marissa is a shy person who never complains. She usually agrees with everyone and her friends describe her as a person who doesn't argue with them. She loves to help everyone and never says "no." Identify her personality type and the disease she may be prone to developing:

Type C personality; cancer

Johanna wants to enroll in a strenuous boot camp class and has not exercised in 20 years. She is 56 years old and has no family history of heart disease, is of normal weight, does not smoke, and does not have high blood pressure or high cholesterol. According to the American College of Sports Medicine, should she see her doctor before beginning the class?

Yes, she is more than 55 years old and has not exercised in years.

What is the highly popular form of cardio workout that combines Latin music and dance with hip-hop, pop, and jazz elements?


Ligaments function to connect ______ to ______ and help provide joint stability.


What is considered most critical for a person to successfully maintain a fitness program?

enjoyment level

Practitioners of this type of exercise believe illness is related to poor mental attitudes, posture, and diet:


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