flowcabulary 4

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requisition (n.)

- a demand for goods, often by an authority In a formal requisition, Michelangelo was commissioned to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

canvas (n.)

- a piece of cloth on which an artist paints Johannes Vermeer was an oil painter who made his masterpieces on canvas.

domicile (n.)

- a residence, a home The university domiciles were small but comfortable.

harrowing (adj.)

- agonizing, distressing Shauna is terrified of flying because she had a harrowing first-flight experience.

claustrophobia (n.)

- an abnormal fear of closed or crowded spaces Reggie is claustrophobic so he avoids elevators.

agoraphobia (n.)

- an abnormal fear of open or public places Scholars think the poet Emily Dickinson was agoraphobic because she rarely left her home and often refused to see visitors.

formidable (adj.)

- arousing fear or alarm Nya studied consistently and mastered a formidable amount of SAT material.

desolate (adj.)

- deserted, lifeless A lone camel made its way across the desolate desert.

reprehensible (adj.)

- deserving of criticism The reprehensible boy would steal candy from a baby.

despondent (adj.)

- discouraged, hopeless, depressed The pigeon sat atop the despondent -looking statue.

redoubtable (adj.)

- formidable, commanding respect Serena Williams proves to be a redoubtable opponent in competitive tennis.

destitute (adj.)

- impoverished Soup kitchens across the nation help destitute people.

dilapidated (adj.)

- in a state of disrepair The old car was dilapidated.

daunting (adj.)

- intimidating Public speaking is a daunting task for many.

sobriety (n.)

- moderation from excess, or calm tranquility Brianna enjoyed healthy sobriety after a fast food binge.

defunct (adj.)

- no longer used or existing It cost more to fix the phone than buy a new one because the warranty was defunct.

taciturn (adj.)

- not inclined to talk The taciturn guitarist expressed himself through his music.

abject (adj.)

- of the most miserable or contemptible kind The survivors of natural disasters sometimes end up in abject poverty.

quaint (adj.)

- old-fashioned Amish groups are known for their choice to lead quaint lives.

ascetic (n.)

- one who practices restraint as a means of self-discipline, usually religious Gandhi was a vegetarian ascetic.

strenuous (adj.)

- requiring tremendous strength or energy Athletes undergo strenuous training to prepare for competition.

affluent (adj.)

- rich, wealthy The affluent Rockefeller family made their fortune in the oil business.

derelict (adj.)

- run-down, abandoned Legend has it that the derelict cottage is haunted.

feral (adj.)

- savage, wild, untamed He was a feral tiger

feral (adj.)

- savage, wild, untamed Lions are beautiful but feral beasts.

reel (v.)

- to be thrown off balance or feel dizzy They're heads were reeling after riding the roller-coaster multiple times.

sedate (v.)

- to calm, soothe The dentist sedated his patient in order to fill a cavity.

raze (v.)

- to demolish A wrecking ball was used to raze the old building.

assuage (v.)

- to ease, pacify After eating a chili pepper, Ricky assuaged the burn with a glass of water.

abhor (v.)

- to hate, loathe Jess is an adamant environmentalist and abhors those who litter.

exacerbate (v.)

- to make more violent, intense The heavy rain exacerbated the flood problem.

renovate (v.)

- to restore, return to original state The workers labored round-the-clock to renovate the home.

abscond (v.)

- to sneak away and hide The rat absconded into a hole in the wall with a piece of cheese.

pacify (v.)

- to sooth, ease The fans, angered by their favorite musician's late arrival, were pacified when he finally came on stage.

allay (v.)

- to soothe, assuage A soft breeze would allay the summer heat.

enervate (v.)

- to weaken, make weary The jogger was out-of-shape, so he knew that a long marathon would enervate him.

diaphanous (adj.)

- transparent, light, airy The diaphanous fog lifted as the sun rose.

anxiety (n.)

- uneasiness The dog clearly felt anxiety at the prospect of a visit to the vet.

austere (adj.)

- very bare, bleak, simple Ernest Hemingway is celebrated for his austere writing style.

daunting (adj.)

-intimidating The dive looked daunting.

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