Flower Culture Flash Cards - Produce Patch

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Garden Height: 18-24 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat - does best in high temps. Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Self-cleaning, no dead-heading necessary. Will tolerate moist soil and a fair amount of drought.

Angelonia (Snapdragon)

Garden Height: 18-36 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: Low Heat - does best in cool night temps and may flush out of bloom in night temps exceed 70s Water Usage: Average to High Maintenance: Trimming produces branching and makes plants appear fuller. Does best with if fertilized regularly. Cultivars: Butterfly, Madeira Pink, Madeira Red, Maeira White, Flutterby Yellow

Argyranthemum (Marguerite Daisy)

Garden Height: 12-24 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: All, best with part sun to sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: None Other: TOUGH ACCENT PLANT!! Will take dry down, windy environment, no particular sun requirtements. Will put up with about anything.

Asparagus Fern

Garden Height: 14-18 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Part Shade to Shade Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Cultivars: Red Dragon Wings, Pink Dragon Wings, Dragon Dusty Rose,


Garden Height: 12-14 inches Habit: Mounded - Trailing Container Role: Filler - Spiller Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat - does best in high temps. Water Usage: High Maintenance: Self-cleaning, no dead-heading necessary. Drought tolerant. Varieties: Yellow Sunshine, Orange Drop Other: Excellent filler but will require FREQUENT watering


Garden Height: 6-10 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat - does best in high temps. Water Usage: High Maintenance: Will tolerate and rebound from repeated dry-downs but will do best with damp soil. Varieties: Sundaze Golden Beauty, Mohave Dark Red, Mohave Orange, Mohave Dark Rose, Mohave Yellow, Mohave Basket Yellow Other: Best in full sun. It is a WATER HOG and will require lots of watering. However it is also very forgiving and recovers well after being wilted.

Bracteantha (Strawflower)

Garden Height: 6-10 inches Habit: Mounding and Trailing Container Role: Spiller and Filler Light Requirement: Must have minimum 6 hours full sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average; Do NOT over-water. Root rot can be a problem when planted in the ground or kept continuously wet for days. Allow to dry out between watering for optimal performance Maintenance: Do not like constantly damp soil, needs good drainage. Water when top of soil is dry. Trimming produces better branching and makes plants appear fuller. Plant in raised beds or containers. No deadheading needed. Does best with if fertilized regularly. Varieties: Superbells Pink, Strawberry Punch, Cabaret Hot Pink, Carbaret Light Pink, Aloha Pink Volcano, Grape Punch, Cabaret Deep Blue, MF Neo Royal Blue, Dreamsicle, Coralberry Punch, Aloha Tiki Orange, MF Orange, Can-Can Terra Cotta, MF Neo White, M Double Chiffon, Superbells Yellow, Yellow Chiffon, Lemon Slice, Saffron, MF Double Lemon, Cabaret Deep Yellow, Superbells Cherry Red, Cabaret Rose Imp, Aloha Blue Sky, MF Double Amethyst, Cabaret Lavender, Pomegranate Punch, Cabaret Bright Red, MF Vampire, Can-Can Dark Purple For Best Performance: *Prefers being planted in containers instead of in ground. *Prefers being watered with RAIN water rather than city water. Yellowing leaves are more than likely caused by continuous use of city water which has a high pH that callies do not like. To correct yellowing leaves use natural rain water and miracle grow for next 5-6 waterings or if using city water use a fertilizer for ACID loving plants. The best thing is to not allow them to go yellow by fertilizing at least 1 time/week. *The reason the plant turns yellow: The high pH in city water raises the pH in the soil. With the higher pH the plant is not able to take up the iron in the fertilizer. That is why if the plant turns yellow and you increase fertilization it does not help. In order for the fertilizer to do its job the pH in the soil must be lowered. (That is what you are doing with the natural rain water.) Some color callies are more susceptible to this than others. *Deadheading not necessary but an occasional trim promotes flowering and a well shaped plant.

Calibrachoa (AKA Callies, Mini-Petunias, Million Bells)

Garden Height: 12-16 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Sun or Shade Heat Tolerance: Low to High Heat - adaptable to temp changes Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Dead-heading not necessary Varieties: Burgundy Wedding Train, Strawberry Drop, Kong Rose, Kong Red, Chocolate Covered Cherry, Hottie, Gay's Delight Other: The most UNDERUSED, BEST plant we sell!! We need to encourage people to try them if they ever have. Our coleus are NOT the same as their grandmother's little shade plants. All of our will take SUN and will do well in almost any application. They need very little care other than water and can become BIG and BEAUTIFUL which our customers will then feel good about. They are a great accent in a container or for use by themselves in a challenging flower bed. Their colors will be truer with at least a little shade, but that is it! We need to sell more of these! They are great plants!


Garden Height: 8-12 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: Low heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Prefer well-drained sandy soil and need fertilized regularly Varieties: Hypnotica Yellow, Hypnotica Red, Hypnotica Rose Bicolor, Hypnotica Orange, Mystic Illusions Other: Plant grows from a tuber in the soil which can be brought in in the winter and then replanted next spring. I've had customers that have got them to re-grow the next season Will probably go out of bloom during hot periods.


Garden Height: 8-10 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Varieties: Trailing Red Mezoo Other:


Garden Height: Fiesta - 20 " Habit: Mounded Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Mostly Shade - can handle maybe 2 hrs of morning sun but no more Heat Tolerance: Low to High Heat Water Usage: Low - Average Maintenance: Dead-heading not necessary. Easy to care for in shady locations. Keep them moist. Can be cut back if they get too tall. Watch for spider mites. Preventive spray is best option Varieties: Fiesta White, Fiesta Stardust Pink, Fiesta Sunrise Red, Fiesta Salmon, Fiesta Rose, Cosmic Orange, Celebration Cherry, Celebration Purple Other: Great flowering plant for those SHADY porches. Drawback is they are a little messy with the falling blooms

Double Impatiens

Garden Height: 6-10 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Fertilize often. May trim to promote new growth. Water often. Dead-heading not necessary but okay. Varieties: Priscilla, Compact Nostalgia Other:

Double Petunias (Supertunia)

Garden Height: 10-14 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Part Shade to Shade Heat Tolerance: Low Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Varieties: Angel Earings Cascading, Angel Earings Double Red, Angel Earings Snowfire Other:


Garden Height: 12-24 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Varieties: Belleza Dark Pink Other:


Garden Height: 10-12 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Varieties: Calliope Dark Red, Calliope Lavender Rose, Americana Rose Mega Splash, Americana Cherry Rose, Americana Salmon, Americana White Splash, Americana Light Pink Splash, Rocky Mountain White, Calliope Burgundy, Fantasia Pink Shell, Fantasia Raspberry Twizzle, Fantasia Purple Sizzle, Allure Purple Rose, Wilhelm Languth, Pink Happy Thoughts, Calliope Dark Red Other:


Garden Height: 8-10 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Part Sun - Sun Heat Tolerance: High-heat - does best in high temps. Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Not tolerant of temps below 59 degrees. Remove dead blooms with shears Varieties: Jaguar Rose with Eye, Jaguar Sun Festival Yellow, Jaguar Scarlet Shades Dark Center, Jaguar Salsa Mix Other: * A showy but very unpredictable flower. Some people can make them rebloom and others cannot. Prefers morning/afternoon sun and evening shade. * Does best in a container rather than the ground.

Gerber Daisy

Garden Height: 18-24 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Other:

Grass - Baby Tut (umbrella)

Garden Height: 18-36 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Part Sun Heat Tolerance: Average Water Usage: Heavy Maintenance: Other:

Grass - Blue Arrows (Juncus)

Garden Height: 18-48 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Other:

Grass - Cordylena Jade

Garden Height: 24-36 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Other:

Grass - Dwarf Fountain (Pennisetum)

Garden Height: 20-30 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Heavy Maintenance: Other:

Grass - Live Wire (Fiber Optic)

Garden Height: 6-14 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: XXXX Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Dead-heading not necessary. Other:

Grass - Ogon

Garden Height: 12-18 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Other:

Grass - Pony Tails (Nassella, Stipa)

Garden Height: 24-36 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Other:

Grass - Purple Fountain (Pennisetum)

Garden Height: 24-36 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Other:

Grass - Red Riding Hood (Pennisetum)

Garden Height: 12-18 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Part Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Keep moist but likes well-drained soil Other:

Grass - Red Rooster (Carex)

Garden Height: 24-30 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Other:

Grass - Sky Rocket (Pennisetum)

Garden Height: 15-18 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Other:

Grass - Spikes

Garden Height: 10-12 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: XXXX Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Other:

Grass - Spirals (Twisted Arrow)

Garden Height: 8-12 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Varieties: Petite Licorice, Variegated Licorice, Regular Licorice Other:

Helichrysum (licorice)

Garden Height: 6-8 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Anywhere but best with Part to All Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat - grow best with more heat and humidity Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Depending on the cultivar, plant may overwhelm less vigorous plants in the combination but can be trimmed back. Varieties: EXTREMELY VIGOROUS: Margarita, Blackie LESS VIGOROUS: Sweet Caroline Light Green, Desana Maple, Bright Ideas Cordate Black Other:

Ipomea (Sweet Potato Vine)

Garden Height: 12-24 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Drought tolerant Varieties: Landmark Sunrise Rose, Landmark Yellow, Landmark White, Landmark Citrus, Landmark Gold, Landmark Rose Glow, Lantana Blaze Other:


Garden Height: 12-18 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Prefers low moisture Varieties: Sweet Romance Other:


Garden Height: 8-10 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: Low Heat - may flush out of bloom if night temps stay in upper 70s or above Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Self-cleaning, no dead-heading necessary. Does not like wet feet. Keep soil well drained and allow soil surface to dry before watering again. Can trim back to encourage branching. Varieties: Techno Heat Electric Blue, Techno Heat White, Magadi Basket Dark Blue, Magadi Blue, Magadi Electric Purple Other:


Garden Height: 12-16 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Part Shade to Shade Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Likes moist, well-drained soil Varieties: Charmed Wine, Charmed Velvet Other:

Oxalis (shamrock, Charmed wine)

Garden Height: 4-8 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: Low to High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Heavy drinker but needs good drainage. Dead-heading not necessary for continuous bloom Varieties: White Stream, Lavender Stream, Snow Princess Other:

Lobularia (Alyssum)

Garden Height: 8-12 inches Habit: Climbing Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Varieties: Other:

Lophos (compact rose)

Garden Height: Short Habit: Spreading Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: Low Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Varieties: Amazon Sunset Other:

Lotus (parrot's beak)

Garden Height: 2-4 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Other:

Lysimachia (Goldielocks, Creeping Jenny)

Garden Height: 10-12 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller & Filler Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun. 6 hours best Heat Tolerance: Low Heat - flowers in mild temperatures. Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Deadheading necessary but beneficial. Plants may be trimmed back with a scissors. A trim will increase branching and result in more flowers. Regular fertilization of plants in pots will help ensure performance. For best performance: *Prefers cool morning sun and late afternoon/evening shade. Flowering will slow or stop altogether with temp in excess of 80 for sustained periods, but will re-flower once days cool. *Cut back entire flower stem to increase flowers. *Spider Mites can be a problem. Preventive spray is beneficial

Nemesia (Bluebird & Opal Innocence)

Garden Height: 12-18 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Varieties: Cat's Meow Other:

Nepeta (Catmint)

Garden Height: 10-14 inches Habit: Mounded Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Part Shade to Shade Heat Tolerance: Low to High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Self-cleaned, no dead-heading necessary. Keep hydrated. Little to no maintenance. Varieties: Celebration Deep Red, Celebration Bright Salmon, Celebration Cherry, Celebration Purple Other:

New Guinea Impatiens

Garden Height: 8-14 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Needs good drainage, as they do not like wet feet. Allow topsoil to dry before watering again. Dead-heading not necessary for continuous bloom Varieties: Lemon Symphony, Orange Symphony, Flower Power Light Pink, Flower Power Pink w/ Eye, Flower Power Purple Red, Spider Osteo White, Voltage Yellow, Voltage White, Blue Eyed Beauty, Zion Copper Amethyst, Ostica Blue Eye Other:


Garden Height: 6-10 inches Habit: Trailing/Semi-Upright; Container Role: Spiller/Filler Light Requirement: Minimum 6 hours Sun/day. Less than 6 hours will reduce flowering. Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average water use when planted in the ground or large container. High water use when planted in a hanging basket of small to medium container. Maintenance: No Deadheading needed for continuous blooms. Deadheading would be for only for aesthetic purposes. Fertilize weekly for optimal performance. Varieties: Bordeaux, Bermuda Beach, Mini-Strawberry, Mini Blue Vein, Mini Rose Veined, Red Velvet, Royale Magenta, Royal Velvet, White, Surfinia Red , Sanguna Lipstick, Sanguna Burgundy, Sanguna Yellow, Ray Purple Vein, Vista Bubblegum, Vista Paradise, Black Magic, Dekko Dark Lavender Vein, Dekko Sky Blue, Other: LOVES Fertilizer! Encourage customers to fertilize their petunias and Callies (Calibrachoa)


Garden Height: 4-8 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Flowers will close at night and reopen the next day. Tolerate dry soils but perform best with average moisture. Tolerant of poor soils and do not need a lot of fertilizer to perform. Drought tolerant. Dead-heading is not needed. Varieties: Riogrande Magenta, Riogrande Scarlet, Riogrande Yellow, Pazzazz Tangerine, Pazzazz Red Flare Other:

Portulaca (Moss Rose, Purslane)

Garden Height: Short Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Varieties: Sallyfun Blue Emotion, Sallyfun Snow White, Ablazin Tabasco Other:


Garden Height: 8-12 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Dead-heading not necessary. Drought tolerant. Varieties: Bombay Dark Blue, Bombay White Other:

Scaevola (Fan Flower)

Garden Height: 6-12 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Full sun to part shade Heat Tolerance: Water Usage: Moderate Maintenance: Varieties: Purple Queen Other:

Setcreasea (Purple Queen)

Garden Height: 6-12 inches Habit: Climbing Container Role: Filler Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Low Maintenance: Other:


Garden Height: 24-36 inches Habit: Upright Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: Low to High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Self-cleaned, no dead-heading necessary. Keep hydrated. Little to no maintenance. Varieties: Spreading Carmine Red, Spreading Salmon, Spreading Clear White, Compact Red, Compact Lilac Other:


Garden Height: 60-96 inches Habit: Climbing Container Role: Thriller Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Varieties: Lemon-a-Peel Other:

Thunbergia (black-eyed susan vine)

Garden Height: 8-10 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Sun or Shade Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Fertilize often. Dead-heading not necessary. Drought tolerant. Low maintenance. Varieties: Summer Wave Blue, Yellow Moon, Summer Wave Silver, Summer Wave Amethyst, Summer Wave Blue, Grape-o-licious Other:


Garden Height: 8-12 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance: Dead-heading not necessary. Drought tolerant. Trimming results in fuller plants and more branching. Varieties: Lanai Royal Purple w/ Eye, Rouale Whitecap, Royale Peachy Keen, Royale Plum Wine, Aztec Red Velvet, Aztec White, Aztec Blue Velvet, Aztec Lavender, Lascar Comp Burgundy, Blue with Pink Eye, Aztec Wild Rose, Wicked Hot Pink Wicked Blue, Wicked Pink Pepper, Superbena Violet Ice, Empress Lavender Other:


Garden Height: 3-6 inches Habit: Trailing Container Role: Spiller Light Requirement: Part Sun to Sun Heat Tolerance: High Heat Water Usage: Average Maintenance:

Vinca Vine

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