Folders and Files

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Collapsed folders

A folder that has been closed to hide the subfolders inside it. A collapsed folder in the navigation pane has a white arrow in front of it.

Expanded folders

A folder that has been opened to show the subfolders inside it. An expanded folder in the navigation pane has a black arrow in front of it.

Parent folder

A folder that has other folders inside it.


A folder that is inside a parent folder.


A location that stores multiple documents, or other folders.

Windows explorer/ File Explorer

A part of the computer's operating system that shows the contents of the computer. You can see the drives, folders and documents on the computer by clicking on the Windows explorer icon. The window is divided into areas called panels.


An electronic copy of information that has been created on a computer.

Network Drive

Drive location that is NOT LOCAL or located on your computer. You share this drive with other students in your class.

Computer drive

Place on the computer where documents are stored. ex: C: drive, Google drive, M: drive, Hard drive.


Saves the document to the most recently saved location, with the same name, and overwrites the old file.

save as

Saves the file and allows the user to specify a location and new name if they want.


The default folder for Windows PCs.


The grade and attendance system use by Amphitheater School District.

File path

The location of a document that includes the drive and folders where the document is located. ex: Class Work (J:)> Level 5> Class> Portfolio (Windows Explorer) My Drive> My Class Work 2015> Essays (Google Drive)

Left pane (navigation pane)

The section on the left of the Window's Explorer window that shows the drives and folders on the computer.

Right pane (contents pane)

The section on the right of the Window's Explorer window that shows the contents of the drivers and folders.

Snipping Tool

Windows application that allows you to take screen shots of all or part of the screen and save it as an image.

File Extension

the three or four letters that appear after a "." in a filename. This tells the operating system (like Windows) what application to use to open the file.

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