Food Procurement Final

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what will be the AP price per ounce of a large shell egg at $1.25 per dozen?

$.052 per ounce ($1.25 ÷ 24 oz)

What are some advantages and disadvantages of buying fresh produce from a farmers' market?

Over the years, farmers' markets have become more visible, numerous, and popular. Many chefs prefer purchasing at least some products from these suppliers because of the freshness and the ability to select exactly what they want. Many markets have several suppliers, which makes it easier for chefs to shop around. Furthermore, in some cases, a farmers' market may offer unique items that traditional suppliers don't carry

What are the P.L.O.T. vegetables? Why are they important for operators to be familiar with?

P.L.O.T vegetables include: Potatoes, Lettuce, Onions, and Tomatoes and they can average 40 percent of total produce expenditures. In an average quick service restaurant, these four items could make up closer to 75 -80 percent of the total.

for which types of dairy products is "point of origin" a possible selection factor

Point of origin ins particularly important for butter and cheese. There are high quality produces all of the world, including the United States, that may best meet the needs of an operation.

what is the primary indication of quality of a processed egg product?

Processed egg products, although produced under continuous government inspection, do not have established grading standards. As a result, in almost every instance, brand names are the only reliable indication of quality.

what is the preferred preservation method for fresh shell eggs?

Refrigeration is the most common preservation method for fresh shell eggs; it is the preferred preservation method.

What are the U.S grades for fresh produce

- Fancy:the top quality produced; represents about 1 percent of all produce - No. 1:the bulk of the items produced; the grade that most retailers purchase - Commercial:slightly less quality than U.S. No. 1 - No. 2:much less quality than U.S. No. 1; very superior to U.S. No. 3 Combination— usually a mixture of U.S. No. 1 and U.S. No. 2 products - No. 3:low-quality products just barely acceptable for packing under normal packing conditions Field run—ungraded products

what are the U.S. grades and grading factors for canned, bottled, frozen, and dried items?

- Grade A. The very best product with excellent color, uniform size, weight, and shape, and few blemishes. - Grade B. Slightly less perfect than Grade A. - Grade C. May contain some broken and uneven pieces, perhaps some odd-shaped pieces; the flavor usually falls below Grades A and B, and the color is not so attractive. - The grading factors for canned and bottled foods include the color, the uniformity of size and shape, the number of defects and blemishes, and the "character," which refers to the texture, tenderness, and aroma. Also, the quality of the packing medium—the water, brine, or syrup—may be important for some products. For some items, such as canned, whole tomatoes, during the evaluation process the grader considers the "drained weight," which is the servable weight that remains after the juice is removed. - Grading factors for frozen foods include the uniformity of size and shape, maturity, quality, color, and number of defects and blemishes. -Grading factors for dried foods include uniformity of size and shape, color, number of blemishes and defects, moisture content, and the way the products are packed—are they carefully layered or packed tightly together in a container, thus distorting their natural shape.

A product specification for dried eggs could include this information:

. The answer should contain the most relevant five of the following: a. Intended use b. Exact name c. U.S. grade (or equivalent) d. Packer's brand name (or equivalent) e. Product size f. Size of container g. Type of packaging material h. Packaging procedure i. Color j. Product form k. Preservation method

what happens to a fresh shell egg as it becomes older?

. The size of the air space gets larger, it loses quality, moisture dissipates, the white gets thinner, and the yolk becomes weaker.

what is the min weight of a gallon of ice cream?

1 gallon must weigh at least 4½ pounds.

what is the min butterfat content for ice cream?

10 percent minimum.

a "flat" contains ----- dozen fresh shell eggs

A flat contains 2½ dozen fresh eggs. This is the typical package size purchased by commercial foodservice operations.

why would a canned tomato puree with a high specific gravity usually be more expensive than one with a lower specific gravity?

A no. 10 can of tomato puree may vary in density; it can weigh about as much as an equal amount of water, which has a specific gravity of 1.00. Alternately, the can of puree can have a specific gravity of 1.06 or even a little more, and, thus, a greater weight. Because you get more, you pay more.

Why is the age of a bird at the time of slaughter an important selection factor?

Age can affect the intended use of the poultry. Poultry to be cooked with dry heat should be young if buyers want a tender product. (As poultry ages, it becomes less tender. However, it also develops more fat, which carries flavor.) If chefs want to simmer a chicken for chicken soup, buyers would probably opt for an old bird. It will have more flavors, and moist heat will ensure tenderness. As a bonus, an old bird tends to have a high conversion weight, that is, a high edible yield. If a bird gets too old, though, much of the weight begins to collect in the abdominal fat. This fat can be collected and used for, perhaps, a roux for cream of chicken soup. But the yield of cooked meat per pound of raw chicken may be less than expected because of the extra fat.

what is appropriate intended use for : a. canned peas b. dried apricots c. dijion mustard d. frozen asparagus spears

Applications for processed food items can vary greatly. There are pros and cons for all levels of processing such as frozen, canned, dehydrated etc. The first step is to determine which items should be purchased fresh and which can be purchased already processed. Once that decision has been made, then the type of processing that is preferred must be decided. Example intended uses could include: a) soups, casseroles; b) fruit bread, trail mixes; c) sandwich condiment, to make honey- Dijon salad dressing; d) as a side-dish, in omelets.

why is organic processed produce more expensive than the nonorganic variety?

Buyers have entered a market with few suppliers. Furthermore, shelf life is reduced, resulting in greater handling costs and subsequently greater spoilage loss.

which type of poultry product would buyers purchase if they were planning to prepare chicken and dumplings and wanted to use fresh chicken? Why? What type of information would you need on a product specification for this item?

Buyers would most likely purchase chicken hens. They will have more flavor than younger birds, and moist heat will ensure tenderness. The most important information would be the exact name because the federal government has set standards of identity for poultry products

what are the recommended storage temps for canned and bottled products and for frozen products?

Canned and bottled products: Store these products in a dry area at approximately 50°F to 70°F. Avoid any wide fluctuation in temperature and humidity. Heat can be especially damaging. Frozen products: If at all possible, store these products at -10°F or lower. This temperature will preserve the maximum flavor, especially if the other distribution channel members have maintained this temperature.

prepare a product specification for the following items: chicken egg rolls

Chicken egg roll Used for catering reception menu LaChoy® brand Mini Egg Rolls (or equivalent) Precooked Packaged in moisture-proof, vapor-proof carton 5 lb pack Frozen

prepare a product specification for the following items: chicken wings

Chicken wing: Chicken wings, raw Used for bar menu Tyson® brand (or equivalent) Packed in 48-oz re-sealable Cryovac® bag (or equivalent) Frozen

prepare a product specification for the following items: duckling

Duckling, raw Used for dinner menu U.S. Grade A Whole duckling, no variety meats Approximate weight of 2½ lb apiece Ice packed in reusable plastic tubs Approximately 30 lb per tub

why are frozen chicken parts, such as breast and thighs, unacceptable to many food services operatiors

Foodservice operations that strive for a good poultry reputation usually purchase fresh, ice-packed, or chill-packed poultry. For instance, if fried chicken is an operation's signature item, it is very unlikely that the firm will use a frozen item. Unless great care is taken in receiving, storing, and thawing frozen chicken pieces, they can easily get freezer-burned and lose flavor and moisture.

what are the two typical package sizes for fresh shell eggs?

For fresh shell eggs, the normal package size is a 15-dozen or 30-dozen case.

why are free range and kosher chickens more expensive than chickens raised in the typical way

Free-range chickens are allowed to roam free instead of spending their lives in cages. Kosher chickens, prepared according to Jewish dietary laws, are also allowed to roam free, are usually a strong breed, tend to be a little older at the time of slaughter in order to promote flavor development, and are free of hormones and other chemical and artificial ingredients. It is much more expensive for suppliers to raise these types of poultry products. Consequently, their AP prices will be much higher than those raised in the traditional way.

what are the primary grading factors for fresh shell egg grades?

Fresh eggs are graded mainly on interior and exterior quality factors. Interior quality, such as the firmness of the egg yolk and egg white, is determined primarily by freshness. The exterior quality factors, such as shape, cleanliness, and soundness, are determined by the age of the hen, the feed eaten, and the general management of the flock and of the egg-laying facilities.

describe the necessary storage conditions for fresh and processed poultry

Fresh poultry has a short shelf life. Following proper storage practices can extend this shelf life from three to four days to up to a week. For example, if chickens are received in an ice pack, they should be stored as is, but in such a way that any melted ice runs out of the storage package and does not soak into the birds. As the ice melts, operators should add more ice, but usually not more often than every other day. When receivers get poultry items packed without ice, they can increase the shelf life by placing them in a perforated pan, layering in ice, and refrigerating them. This maintains the temperature at approximately 28°F to 29°F. Processed poultry must be stored under the conditions in which it is purchased. For instance, frozen products should be kept frozen until ready for use, or kept under refrigeration to thaw properly. Canned poultry should be held under storeroom temperature and humidity conditions. And so forth.

what method can hospitality operators use to extend the shelf life of fresh poultry

Fresh poultry has a short shelf life. Following proper storage practices can extend this shelf life from three to four days to up to a week. For example, if chickens are received in an ice pack, they should be stored as is, but in such a way that any melted ice runs out of the storage package and does not soak into the birds. As the ice melts, operators should add more ice, but usually not more often than every other day. When receivers get poultry items packed without ice, they can increase the shelf life by placing them in a perforated pan, layering in ice, and refrigerating them. This maintains the temperature at approximately 28°F to 29°F. Some operations may wish to marinate their poultry to lengthen the shelf life; this imparts a distinctive flavor as well. They can also extend poultry's shelf life by precooking it, though this could hamper their standard production schedule. Whatever storage procedures they follow, operators should not handle poultry any more than is absolutely necessary. If improperly handled, it will become contaminated.

Why should buyers note the min weight per case on their specifications for fresh produce?

Fresh produce tends to "shrink," or dehydrate, while in transit. Thus, specifying a minimum weight enables buyers to receive the appropriate amount while simultaneously giving suppliers some shrink allowance.

when hospitality operations serve turkey and dressing, they could use fresh turkey of a processed turkey product, such as a turkey roll. What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of using fresh product? What are the potential advantages and disadvantages of using the processed product.

Fresh products offer several advantages. They are less expensive and chefs can control the culinary quality and appearance of the final menu item. The main drawbacks are the extra labor needed and waste incurred in order to cook and serve the final menu item. The advantages and disadvantages of processed turkey are the opposite of those for a fresh product. In the end, it all depends on what the customer seems to prefer.

explain why chicken is referred to as a commodity item

Generally, raw poultry is still considered to be a commodity, which means the typical buyer does not perceive a great deal of difference between one frying chicken and another. It retains that status because the typical fresh poultry purchased is raised by producers in very standardized ways. Hence, the products are very similar.

what are the differences between genetically altered tomatoes and heirloom tomatoes?

Genetically altered food is food modified by bioengineering techniques. This is done to increase shelf-life, enhance flavor and appearance and create more uniformity of size. Heirloom plants are open-pollinated--meaning that unlike hybrids, seeds you collect from one year will produce plants with most of the characteristics of the parent plant. Most date from 1951, the year that the first hybrid seeds were developed, or earlier and some varieties may be 100 - 150 years old

What are the U.S. consumer grades for poultry? What are some of the differences between the grades?

Grade A, Grade B, and Grade C . Grade A. This is the top poultry quality produced. It indicates a full-fleshed bird that is well finished and has an attractive appearance. Grade B. This bird usually has some dressing defects, such as a torn skin. Also, the bird is, generally, less attractive. For example, it might be slightly lacking in fleshing, and the breastbone may be very visible. Grade C resembles a Grade B bird but lacks even more in appearance. Parts of the carcass may be missing. Grade C poultry would not be sold to consumers. All of it is used by food processors

what is the primary difference between U.S. Grade B and U.S. Grade C products

Grade B. Slightly less perfect than Grade A. Grade C. May contain some broken and uneven pieces, perhaps some odd-shaped pieces; the flavor usually falls below Grades A and B, and the color is not so attractive.

what is the primary purpose of pasteurization?

Heating foods to the point where it kills most bacteria and harmful enzymes.

what is the primary purpose of homogenization?

Homogenization breaks up fat globules in liquid milk in such a way that they remain suspended in the milk and do not separate out and float to the top of the milk container.

Explain why dairy products should not be stored with fresh produce?

Most dairy items readily pick up odors. Therefore, maintaining a separate dairy refrigerator is recommended. If that is impossible, hospitality operators should keep dairy products tightly covered, in a segregated area in the common refrigerator, and away from odorous foods

what is the difference between the ice pack procedure and the marinade pack procedure

Ice pack: Raw products are packed in crushed ice and immediately delivered to the foodservice operation. Marinade pack: Raw products are packed in a marinade mixture intended to impart certain flavors to the poultry as it travels through the distribution channel. Both procedures are similar, in that they extend poultry's shelf life. One major difference between the two is that one imparts flavors whereas the other one doesn't. Another major difference is that one (the ice pack) maintains a slightly lower product temperature

for which types of products is "pulp temp" an important selection factor?

If buyers are purchasing precut, convenience fresh produce, refrigeration is mandatory. The supplier must preserve the appropriate "pulp" temperature; otherwise, the produce will quickly deteriorate. For instance, chopped salad greens should be delivered at a pulp temperature of approximately 34°F to 36°F in order to preserve their culinary quality

Why is the point of origin for fresh produce very important

If buyers shop around, they must be careful that they understand the differences in quality, texture, appearance, and taste that will accompany products from different areas of the world.

Supplier A offers lettuce at $16.75 per case, and supplier b offers it at $18.50 per case. the yield for supplier a is 88% for supplier B it is 94%. supplier a expects a COD payment, supplier B gives seven days' credit terms. which supplier should a buyer purchase from? Why?

If this is the only information you have to work with, the decision would have to be made based on economics. Supplier A's lettuce has an EP cost of $19.03 per case ($16.75 ÷ 0.88 = $19.03). Supplier B's lettuce has an EP cost of $19.68 per case ($18.50 ÷ 0.94 = $19.68). Supplier A would be the logical choice; the seven-day credit period is not enough financial incentive to pay $0.65 more per case.

what does the notation "3 to 1" indicate to a buyer?

It indicates that there are approximately three items per pound.

what is another name for the term "conversion weight"

It is another term for yield, edible yield, servable yield, or usable yield.

What procedure can receivers follow to determine the freshness of shell eggs?

It is difficult for receiving personnel to determine the age of fresh eggs. The American Egg Board recommends that receivers randomly break a few eggs and inspect them to determine if they meet the guidelines of their given grade. Another option would be to check pull dates, if available.

why is the weight range of a fresh, whole bird important selection factor?

It is important because suppliers usually cannot provide an exact weight for many poultry products. Consequently, buyers usually cannot specify an exact product size. Instead, they must indicate the acceptable weight range. For example, they need to indicate a weight range for whole birds and, to some extent, for raw poultry parts, such as chicken thighs and turkey breasts.

why is it important to note the exact variety of fresh produce desired, instead of merely noting the type of item needed?

It is not sufficient for a buyer to specify only the type of fresh produce required, but must also specify its variety. If a particular foodservice operation requires lettuce, then the variety must be known (e.g., romaine, iceberg, or red or green leaf). The same is true for potatoes (e.g., Burbank russet or Norgold russet potatoes), apples (e.g., Jonathan, Winesap, Golden Delicious, or McIntosh), and so forth.

what is a decay allowance?

It represents the expected amount of a purchased product that will be unusable yet will be acceptable to the buyer when it is shipped to the hospitality operation. The typical situation involves the purchase of fresh produce where the buyer may expect, and accept, a few broken and/or spoiled pieces in the lot. The decay allowance is more likely to occur when purchasing organic produce.

when would a buyer use a packer's brand in lieu of a U.S. grade when preparing a product specification for fresh tomatoes?

It would most likely be used when purchasing a product that does not have established grading standards. Even if the produce is graded, a packer's brand may be a better choice because it may indicate that a particular packing process has been used or that a particular cleaning and cooling process has been followed in the field. U.S. grades may or may not indicate these attributes, depending on the area of the country the products come from.

what are lower quality poultry products generally used for?

Lower grades of poultry are usually sold to food processors. These grades are often referred to as "manufacturing grades" because they are not usually intended for foodservice operations unless they undergo some sort of processing that alters their appearance and culinary quality. When appearance is not as important to a hospitality operation, such as when poultry is used to prepare chicken salads, turkey casseroles, or pot pies in the operation's kitchen, these lower grades may be adequate.

what is an appropriate intended use for: a. green tomatoes b. u.s no. 2 grade tomatoes c. roma or plum tomatoes d. field run fresh produce

Some examples would be: a) fried green tomatoes, chutney, salsa; b) tomato juice, tomato sauce, salsa; c) tomato sauces, canning; d) this grade of produce goes into processing so there is a great variety of applications including generic canned fruits and vegetables.

give an example of the pull strategy in the processed produce and other grocery items channel of distribution

Some manufacturers and suppliers rely heavily on "pull strategies." Good examples are Heinz® ketchup and A-1® steak sauce, which grace a dining room table, seem almost traditional. A foodservice operation almost feels compelled to have them on the tables as they are the most recognizable brands within those product categories. To a lesser extent, other condiments, such as olives, pickles, and relishes, fall into this category.

when would a buyer specify organically grown fresh produce on a produce specification for fresh produce

Some of the fresh produce that comes to market has been chemically treated in order to preserve its shelf life and palatability. If buyers do not want this type of merchandise, they can opt to purchase fresh produce that has been "organically" grown—that is, grown without the use of synthetic chemicals and fertilizers. Typical reasons for including this information on the spec are: the menu notes that the produce is organically grown; and other marketing methods highlight the fact that the produce is organic.

what are the major advantages of the chill pack procedure

Some producers use a chill pack preservation procedure for their finished products. This maintains the chickens' temperature at about 28°F to 29°F (they freeze at about 27°F to 28°F), which extends the products' shelf life without freezing them. Furthermore, these brand name items are usually produced in exceptionally clean environments. Very high levels of sanitation will increase the products' shelf life because it is directly related to the numbers of bacteria found on the skin of the birds.

what is the difference between the designations "U.S. Grade A" and " Grade A"

Some products may display "Grade A," and not "U.S. Grade A" on the label. This is an indication that a federal inspector has not graded the products. Food processors are allowed to use "Grade A" on their labels, as long as a nongovernmental graded item does not carry the "U.S." prefix. As a general rule, an item could carry types of grading nomenclature similar to those the federal government uses, even if the appropriate government agency did not grade the product. Since some discrepancy exists between these terms, to avoid any potential confusion, buyers should carefully note whether "U.S. Grade A" or "Grade A" is listed on the package label.

Eggs are regulated by both USDA and FDA. What are the responsibilities of and regulations enforced by each agency in regard to eggs?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) share responsibility for the safety of eggs, regulating the production, processing, transportation and holding of shell eggs. Regulations promulgated by the FDA in 2009 place strict biosecurity, pest control, testing and refrigeration requirements on farms producing shell eggs for human food. In addition, under authority provided by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, FDA has overall jurisdiction of shell egg processing and packing. The Egg Products Inspection Act (EPIA) of 1970 requires the USDA to ensure that eggs and egg products are safe, wholesome, unadulterated, and accurately labeled, for the protection of the health and welfare of consumers The USDA is responsible for the Shell Egg Surveillance Program to assure that eggs in the marketplace contain no more restricted eggs than the amount permitted in the U.S. Consumer Grade B quality standards. USDA conducts inspection of handlers four times each year to ensure conformance with these requirements. Eggs exceeding the tolerance for checks or loss must be diverted from the marketplace for further segregation or processing. Shell eggs packed for the consumer are required to be labeled "Keep Refrigerated" and stored and transported under refrigeration and ambient temperature of no greater than 45 °F. Under the EPIA, egg breaking and processing plants producing liquid, frozen, and dried egg products must submit to continuous government inspection. A USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) inspector must be on duty when these plants are operating. Only red meat, poultry and egg products are subject to this level of inspection. (USDA is currently working on regulations that will subject catfish processing to similar inspections)

what is the primary difference between premium ice cream and competitive ice cream?

The amount of fat. Premium has 15 to 18 percent butterfat, regular has about 12 percent, and competitive has 10 percent.

a product specification for frozen corn could include the following information:

The answer should contain five of the following: a. Intended use b. Exact name c. U.S. grade (or equivalent) d. Packer's brand name (or equivalent) e. Product size f. Size of container g. Type of packaging material h. Packaging procedure i. Drained weight j. Type of processing k. Color l. Product form m. Packing medium

a product specification for turkey hot dogs could include the following info

The answer should contain the most relevant five of the following: a. Intended use b. Exact name c. U.S. grade (or equivalent) d. Packer's brand name (or equivalent) e. Product size f. Product yield g. Size of container h. Type of packaging material i. Packaging procedure j. Product form k. Preservation method

a product specification for an ice cream bar should include this information

The answer should contain the most relevant five of the following: a. Intended use b. Exact name c. U.S. grade (or equivalent) d. Packer's brand name (or equivalent) e. Product size f. Size of container g. Type of packaging material h. Packaging procedure i. Product yield j. Product form k. Preservation method

a product specification for frozen omelets could include this information:

The answer should contain the most relevant five of the following: a. Intended use b. Exact name c. U.S. grade (or equivalent) d. Packer's brand name (or equivalent) e. Product size f. Size of container g. Type of packaging material h. Packaging procedure i. Color j. Product form k. Preservation method

a recipe for chicken pot pie calls for a mixed veg medley that includes carrots, peas, and corn. conducts a make or buy analysis to determine if it would be more cost effective to purchase a frozen veg medley or prepare your own from fresh ingredients. for one full recipe, you will need 3 lbs of veg medley (one pound of each veg) frozen = .99/lb carrots are .88/lb, 75% yield, and labor cost is $1.45/lb peas are 1.10/lb, 38% yield, and labor cost is $2.00/lb corn is 1.30/lb, 46% yield, and labor cost is $1.60/lb

The calculations are as follows: Fresh diced carrots: ($.88/.75) + $1.45 = $2.62 per lb Fresh green peas: ($1.10/.38) + $2.00 = $4.89 per lb Fresh yellow corn: ($1.30/.46) + $1.60 = $4.43 per lb Total for fresh ($2.62+$4.89+$4.43) = $11.94 for the three pounds (one pound of each ingredient). Total for three pounds of frozen = $.99*3 = $2.97 It is much more cost effective to buy the mix already premade

give an example of optional information of packer could note on a package label

The federal government requires a great deal of information to be displayed on consumer product labels. However, required label information aside, typical hospitality operators would be much more interested in other kinds of information that may or may not appear on a package label. Many operators would like to see packing dates, freshness dates (or shelf lives), and serving cost data noted on package labels. Many also would like to see the lot number on a package label. (Because the quality of product shifts, it would be nice to be able to reorder, for instance, corn of not only the same packer's brand but also from the same batch as the previously ordered corn.) School foodservice buyers seek out products that carry Child Nutrition (CN) labels, which indicate how the products conform to the nutritional requirements of the USDA. When food processors put these details on their package labels, buyers must expect to pay a bit for this added information value.

when purchasing chicken for an item like chicken salad, buyers must often determine whether it is more cost effective to purchase bone-in, skin on chicken breast and to take off the skin and bone themselves or just ot purchase boneless, skinless chicken breasts. you will need 5 pounds of edible portion chicken breast. use the following information to make your determination. Bone-in,skin-on : percent (68%), AP cost ($1.89) Boneless, skinless: percent (95%), AP cost ($3.49)

The first step is to calculate EP cost for each item: Boneless, Skinless = $3.49/.95 = $3.67 Bone-in, Skin-on = $1.98/.68 = $2.91

assume that you manage a college foodservice facility. you want to purchase your annual requirement of canned tomatoes. You have four brands of tomatoes from which to choose, three reasonably well known brands and one generic brand. the ap prices only vary slightly among the three name brands, but the generic brand offers 22 % savings. unfortunately, the generic brand contains mostly broken pieces and has a drained weight that is 15% less than the name brand merchandise. in addition, the supplier warns you that the quality of the generic brand is not predictable from year to year. which type of merchandise would you purchase? why?

The first thing to consider is the potential savings. For instance, assume that the well-known brands' AP price is $2.00 per can and that the no-name brand's AP price is $1.56 per can (22% cheaper). Further assume that the edible amount in the well-known brands' cans is 103 oz, which means that the edible amount in the no-name brand's can is 88 oz (15% less). The cost per oz, therefore, is $0.019 for the well-known brand ($2.00 ÷ 103 oz) and $0.018 for the generic brand. Since there is less than one penny per oz difference, most buyers would probably stay with the well-known products. But even if the cost difference was much greater, the buyer should determine if the generic brand can be used in the foodservice's recipes as many times a no-name brand does not work as well as a recognized brand, especially when there are significant differences in the yield per can.

assume that you are the purchasing director for a university food service with 15 campus housing buildings, 8 snack bars, a large dining commons, and an unpredictable catering business. Currently, you operate a central commissary and a central distribution center. outline of specific procedures you would use for the purchasing, receiving, storing, and issuing of canned peach halves.

The general procedures that should be noted in student answers are: a. Purchase specifications should be prepared for these items. b. Given the size of the foodservice entity, formal bidding is the preferred method of shopping for a long-term supply. c. If storage is available, purchasing a one-year supply would be appropriate, resulting in maximum savings. d. The receiver must have a copy of the purchase order so that he or she can compare it to the shipment. Check for signs of rust and bugling and be sure to examine expiration dates. Other receiving practices should also be mentioned. e. The canned goods should be stored and secured immediately. Proper dry storage and security measures should be included in the discussion. f. Given the size of the foodservice entity, a formal issues system would be appropriate

What is the most frequently ordered grade of fresh produce in the hospitality industry?

The grade most often ordered is the high end of U.S. No. 1, or the equivalent. Clubs, hotels, and restaurants normally order the high end of U.S. No. 1 or the U.S. Fancy grade.

What are the U.S. grading factors for Cheddar, Swiss, Colby, and Monterey Jack cheeses?

The grading factors include the product's color, odor, appearance, flavor, texture, finish, and plasticity (i.e., body).

what critical information is missing from the following product specification for canned peach halves? peach halves, packed in light syrup, CODE brand, red label (or equivalent), Packed in No. 10 cans, 6 cans per case

The most critical information is the size of the peach half

what critical information is missing from the following product specification for onions? Onions, Used to make onion rings, U.S. No. 1 Grade (or equivalent), packed in 50 pound mesh bags

The most critical information missing is the size and type of onion.

what critical information is missing from this product specification for a frozen egg mix: a. frozen egg mix b. used for low fat entrees c. eggbeaters brand

The most critical missing information is package size and the types of seasonings and ingredients (if any) that should be included. Less critical would be the packaging procedure (such as number of packages in a case).

What is critical information missing from this product specification for milk ? Milk. fluid U.S. grade a used for cooking and baking bulk container

The most critical missing information is the type of milk. The spec indicates "fluid," but does not indicate if it is whole milk, low-fat, skim, etc

What critical information is missing from the following product specification for sliced, cooked chicken breast? slicked, cooked chicken breast used for del sandwiches country pride brand (or equivalent) packed in cryovac bags refrigerated

The most critical missing information is the type of slice (e.g., thickness) and/or weight per slice, package size, and what type of seasonings (such as teriyaki spice) are included (if any).

Why does the foodservice operator normally not care for fresh produce that has been in controlled atmosphere storage?

The produce held in atmosphere-controlled chambers will remain as is for a considerable period of time. Unfortunately, when this produce is removed from this environment, it deteriorates very rapidly. Hence, buyers are reluctant to purchase these types of products.

Why do hen turkeys generally have a higher AP price than tom turkeys?

The sex of young birds is not particularly relevant to their cooking style or usage, but in older birds, the differences in taste, texture, and yield diverge dramatically between the sexes. Females tend to be tastier, juicier, and have higher conversion weights than males. For these reasons they tend to be more expensive than males.

what is the difference between the designations "U.S. Grade A" and "Grade A"

The shell eggs produced under continuous federal-government inspection as mandated by certain states for monitoring compliance with quality standards, grades, and weights can bear the USDA grade shield. States that elect not to purchase the USDA grading service, but that use their own agencies to monitor egg packers for compliance, can allow the cartons to bear the term as "Grade A" without the USDA shield.

When would buyers purchase reduce cholesterol egg products?

The typical answer would most likely note that these products would be purchased for use in lowfat, low-calorie dishes. Buyers working for noncommercial foodservices, such as assisted living centers and hospitals, would usually purchase these products regularly.

Describe that alternative dairy products that restaurants can use to make menu items that their lactose intolerant guest can eat

There are numerous options and answers will vary. Answers will include soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk. These can be used in place of fluid milk in many cases such as for cereals, for coffee drinks such as cappuccinos or lattes, etc. There are also many products derived from these milk alternatives such as cheeses and frozen desserts.

the choice of which food processing method a buyer selects is usually affected by three major criteria. identify these three criteria

They are: food quality, AP price, and the need for convenience.

Assume that you manage a burger restaurant. you have been using individually wrapped half ounce portions of catsup. one saturday afternoon, you notice that you have very few of these packets left because the previous night's business was especially brisk. At first glance, you do not believe you can get a delivery from the commissary- the burger restaurant is part of a national chain- until monday morning. however, you are open till 9 pm and all day tom, 11 am till 9 pm. what course of action do you take?

This is a subjective question; there is no right or wrong answer. A good answer would include some reference to one of the following options: a. Try borrowing some packets from another restaurant in the chain, assuming one is located nearby. b. Go to Smart & Final, Sam's Club, Costco, or another similar supplier and purchase enough to get you through to the next delivery. c. Contact a local supplier who carries this type of item to see if you can get a quick delivery. d. If you can get by with bottles, run down to the nearest supermarket and buy enough to get you through to the next delivery

your supplier calls to say that the price of tomato paste is due to the rise soon and suggests that you purchase at least 2,500 cases immediately. assuming that you find your supplier completely trustworthy, what specifically should you consider before making your decision about this potential purchase?

This is a subjective question; there is no right or wrong answer. A good answer would include some reference to one of the following options: is there money available to make this large of a purchase? Is there enough storage space? Would the supplier be willing to store excess cases that can't fit into your dry storage area? Will you be able to use all of the tomato paste before the expiration date?

Assume that you manage a cafeteria and have run out of salad greens at 7:30 pm on a saturday night. what do you do?

This is a subjective question; there is no right or wrong answer. An answer might include: Running around screaming at why no one noticed the issue before now; getting on the phone and contacting other company stores in hopes of borrowing from another store; going to a grocery store to get some for the evening. An answer should not include removing salads from the menu.

one stop dairy product shopping is especially popular among small operators. why do you think this is the case? What advantages are there? What disadvantages are there?

This is a subjective question; there is no right or wrong answer. Most foodservice operators like one- stop dairy shopping because of the standing order they can bargain for and some dairy suppliers provide. If buyers can get a supplier to bring their current stock of dairy items just up to par, this supplier service is an added plus. However, the supplier then controls the inventory level. But because dairies often provide frequent deliveries, this reduces the amount of inventory of perishable items hospitality operations must carry. One-stop shopping tends to entail a higher AP price. To receive the convenience noted, however, operators may be willing to pay more.

assume that you own a small family restaurant that you have no franchise affiliation. your annual sales volume is $825,000. you sell hamburgers, and you are currently using heinz individual catsup bottles. you can save about 8 percent of your $438 a year catsup expense, if you buy a different brand of bulk pack catsup and plastic containers and fill these containers from the pack. what course do you recommend?

This is a subjective question; there is no right or wrong answer. The typical answer would probably note that the miniscule savings is insufficient to justify the extra work involved with changing the current way of doing things. Furthermore, the manager would have to purchase plastic containers and replacement ones periodically; this could eliminate any potential savings and might also increase the current expense. If the catsup purchase represented a huge volume, then the changeover might be a good idea.

Assume that you normally purchase 1,200 cases of canned peaches every three months. the ap price per case is $8.75. your supplier offers you a one year supply for $8.60 per case, cash on delivery. assume that you are the purchasing director for a 400 room hotel that does excellent restaurant and banquet business. what course of action do you suggest?

This opportunity represents a considerable savings for the property. It is a 2 percent discount ($0.15 ÷ $8.75 = 0.02 = 2%). However, although that doesn't sound like much, the annual dollar amount savings of $720.00 ($0.15 × 4,800 cases per year) is impressive. The difference in credit terms, to COD from 30 days net, isn't enough to impact the decision one way or another. If the property has storage available, if the product quality is consistent, and if the peaches will not be removed from the menu during the next year and they will be used at the same rate of 1,200 cases each quarter, it sounds like a good deal.

when would buyers substitute a processed chicken patty for a boneless, skinless chicken breast

This type of item would be used by foodservices that cater to cost-conscious customers. They also tend to be used more often by noncommercial foodservices.

note three examples of grocery products that you have seen in a restaurant operation that carry personalized packaging. what are some of the advantages and disadvantages of personalized packaging?

Three common examples seen in many restaurants are sugar packets, matchbooks, and cocktail napkins. The major advantage of using these items is the advertising benefits associated with having the restaurant's name constantly in front of patrons. The disadvantages include the likelihood that these items are more expensive than the generic ones available and the possibility of increased shoplifting

prepare a product specification for the following items: turkey

Turkey: Turkey breast, raw Used for sandwiches U.S. Grade A Bone in, skin on Under 8 lb Wrapped in Cryovac® (or equivalent) Refrigerated

what are some of the methods fresh produce suppliers can use to extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables

Typical methods used are: refrigeration, shrink-wrapping, cell packs, cello packs, chemical treatments, and controlled atmosphere storage.

What are the U.S. grades for fresh shell eggs?

U.S. Grade AA, U.S. Grade A, and U.S. Grade B

a foodservice buyer normally specifies the large size fresh eggs because

When choosing eggs to be fried, scrambled, poached, or prepared in omelets, buyers usually prefer the large size. These eggs have a very acceptable appearance and show up well on the plate. Also, those who purchase fresh eggs for use in cake, batter, or drink recipes tend to choose large eggs because most quantity recipes, as well as recipes found in most cookbooks, assume a 2-ounce (large) egg.

other than the overall EP price, what other considerations would a buyer have in deciding whether to use the bone in or boneless chicken

When making the final decision of which to buy, there is much more than EP cost to consider. First, labor cost and the overall time to prepare the bone-in, skin-on must be evaluated. Will this add substantially to the cost? Do you have employees that can prepare the bone-in, skin-on chicken? Food safety is also a concern. The more we handle food and keep in the TDZ, the greater the chance for contamination as well as bacterial growth. Not to mentioned the increased chances of cross-contamination with other food items.

precut fresh produce usually carries an AP price that is much higher than that of raw fresh produce. identify some of the reasons for this difference

When purchasing an item in anything other than its original form, varying degrees of value have been added; different degrees of economic "form" have given value to the item. These value-added products are more expensive, but in the long run may be more economical than whole products that require considerable labor and handling before service. Today, many operators prefer purchasing value-added, "precut" fresh produce that has been subjected to additional cleaning, chopping, and so forth. For example, buyers can purchase peeled and sliced onions, potatoes, and similar items.

What are the grades for these items a. fresh fluid milk b. butter c. nonfat dry milk

a) Grade A. This is the milk the government considers to be fluid milk, to be sold in retail stores and delivered to consumers. Manufacturing grade: This milk is sometimes called Grade B. More bacteria are allowed in manufacturing grade milk than in Grade A; this milk is used for manufacturing milk products, such as butter, cheese, and ice cream. b) U.S. Grade AA, U.S. Grade A, U.S. Grade B. The grading for butter includes its flavor, odor, freshness, texture, and plasticity. c)U.S. Extra, U.S. Standard. These are also the grades for dry whole milk. The grades for these are based on color, odor, flavor, bacterial counts, how scorched the milk is, how lumpy the milk is, how well it blends into a solution, and how much moisture it contains.

what is an appropriate intended use for: a. a broiler fryer b. a frozen chicken breast c. a duckling

a) The most typical uses would be for menu items that require broiling or frying. This product could also be roasted, though most chefs will use an older bird for this type of menu item. b) Once defrosted, this product has a wide variety of applications including grilled chicken sandwiches, baked chicken parmesan, stuffed chicken Cordon Bleu etc. It can also be boiled and used to make chicken salad. c) This is typically roasted. Many Chinese restaurants use duckling in a variety of dishes.

What is an appropriate intended use for: a. frozen whole eggs b. dried egg whites c. USDA Grade B shell eggs

a) This type of product is most typically used in baking. However, they can also be used to prepare scrambled eggs and omelets. They are safer to use than their fresh counterparts. b) Dried egg whites can be used in place of fresh egg whites in any recipe calling for egg whites. The benefit if using them is that they are safer that using fresh whites and there is no waste of the egg yolk which would be the case if breaking whole eggs to get the whites. Dried eggs whites are ideal for making meringues. c) These eggs have whites that may be thinner and yolks that may be wider and flatter than eggs of higher grades. The yolks may be susceptible to breaking under slight pressure. The shells must be unbroken but may show slight stains. Therefore, because of these appearance problems, Grade B merchandise is suitable only for finished menu products in which eggs are used as an ingredient or as scrambled eggs (or omelets).

what is the appropriate intended use for these items? a. nondairy creamer b. dry nonfat milk c. soy milk

a)Many operators may use nondairy items for several reasons, including: (1) AP prices may be lower; (2) nondairy products, being less perishable, save on storage costs and reduce waste; and (3) to accommodate those people who cannot tolerate lactose (milk sugar). b) This type of product is typically used in baking. It is also used in recipes that call for milk, such as meatloaf, sauces, and soups. c) Soy milk is good to use for people who cannot tolerate lactose, for vegans who avoid all animal derived food and beverages, for people with religious restrictions that cannot consumer dairy (or combine dairy with certain other foods)

A product for fresh lemons could include the following information :

a. Intended use b. Exact name c. U.S. Government grade (or equivalent) d. Packer's brand name (or equivalent) e. Product size f. Size of container g. Type of packaging material h. Packaging procedure i. Minimum weight per case j. Product yield k. Point of origin l. Color m. Product form n. Degree of ripeness o. Ripening process used p. Preservation method

List the sizes for fresh shell eggs

jumbo, extra large, large, medium, small, peewee

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