Food Safety and Sanitation Final

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Food contact surfaces must be sanitized after they are cleaned to prevent the spread of pathogens and allergens. This can be done by heat or chemicals.


(think salad bar) Found in the feces of people with the virus, most illness occurs after eating or drinking contaminated food or water, Flies can transfer this bacteria from feces to food, eating only a small amount will make a person sick, high levels of this bacteria will be found in feces for weeks after the illness. foods: Foods easily contaminated by hands like TCS food, anything that comes into contact with contaminated water. Symptoms: Bloody diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever Prevention: Exclude workers with diarrhea from work, wash hands, control flies inside and out of the operation, practice personal hygiene.

What food should be cooked to 135 degrees? (no minimum cooking time)

Food from plants, including fruits vegetables, grains, rice, pasta, and legumes, beans, re fried beans, that will be hot held for service.

How to respond to a food borne illness outbreak

- Gather information, Ask the guest their contact info and to identify which food made them sick - notify local authorities - Segregate infected products but do not throw it away - Log all information about the suspected product including receiving information - Identify staff on duty. they may be questioned. - Cooperate with authorities and allow them to view your files - review food handler procedures to ensure safety standards are met

Purchasing Dishwashing Machines

- Installation - it must be installed so they are reachable and conveniently located. Must also keep utensils, equipment, etc from becoming contaminated. - supplies - Use detergents and sanitizes approved by the local regulatory authority. - settings - Purchase dishwashers that have the ability to measure water temp, water pressure, and cleaning and sanitizing chemical concentration - cleaning - Clean dishwashers as often as necessary.

Food should be stored in clean containers away from dust and contaminants. Never store food in these locations

- Locker or dressing rooms - Restrooms or garbage rooms - Mechanical rooms - Under unshielded sewer lines or leaking water lines - Under stairwells

Storing food for further cooling

- Loosely cover food containers before storing them. (Food can be left uncovered if stored in a way that prevents contaminants from getting into it.) This helps it cool faster and prevent bacteria growth

Please list all TCS foods

- Milk and dairy products - Meat: beef, pork, lamb - fish - Baked potatoes - tofu or other soy protein - Synthetic ingredients liked textured vegetable protein - sliced melons - cut tomatoes - cut leafy greens - shell eggs (except those treated for salmonella) - poultry - Shellfish and crustaceans - heat treated plant food like rice, beans, and vegetables - sprouts and spout seeds - untreated garlic and oil mixtures

Symptoms of food allergy

- Nausea - Wheezing or shortness of breath - Hives or itchy rashes - Swelling of the face, eyes, hands, or feet. - Abdominal cramps, vomiting, or diarrhea - Vomiting or diarrhea - Anaphylaxis that may lead to death

requirements for a food borne illness outbreak

- Two or more people must share illness symptoms after eating the same food - An investigation is conducted by state and local authorities - The outbreak is confirmed by a laboratory analysis

Please list examples of ready to eat food

- cooked food - washed fruit and vegetables that are whole or cut - deli meat - bakery items like sugar spices or seasonings

How cross contact normally happens in the kitchen

- cooking different types of food in the same fryer oil - Letting food touch different surfaces that have not been sanitized and may contain food allergens

Service staff guidelines for serving food safely

- do NOT stack glasses, instead carry the glasses in a rack or on a tray - do NOT touch the food contact areas of dishes or glassware - Hold dishes by the bottom, glasses by the middle or stem, hold utensils by the the handle - avoid bare hand contact with food that is ready to eat - do NOT scoop ice with your bare hands or a glass - Use ice scoops or tongs only

Under what circumstances should frozen food be rejected?

- fluid or water stains appear at the bottom of the package - There are ice crystals on the package or on the food itself. These are signs of the food thawing and refreezing which is an indicator of time temperate abuse

Reheating Food requirements

- for immediate service, reheat to any temperature if cooked fully the first time and cooled correctly - for hot holding: reheat to 165 degrees for 15 seconds and it has to reach this temperature within two hours of reheating - commercially packaged foods to 135 degrees This includes items like cheese sticks and deep fried vegetables

Guidelines to use when buying gloves for food handlers

- only buy gloves approved for food service - only buy disposable single use gloves and never let employees wash and reuse gloves -purchase multiple sizes to prevent tearing or shredding -have latex alternatives on hand for employees with allergies

Rules for air thermometers in coolers or hot holding devices

- the thermometer must be accurate to +/- 3 degrees -Must be placed in the warmest part of a refrigerator or the coldest part of a hot holding unit

What may be required when applying for a variance?

-A HACCP plan that accounts for any food safety risks related to the way you plan to make food. -You must comply with this plan at all times -You must maintain and provide records to the regulator service regularly that show you are: Following procedure for monitoring critical control points, verifying the effectiveness of the operation or process, taking the necessary corrective action if their is a failure at a critical control point.

What is a thermocouple or thermistor thermometer?

-A thermometer that measures through a metal probe -Temperature is displayed digitally -sensing area is on the tip of the probe so it can measure thin food

when to clean and sanitize

-After used -Before food handlers start working with different types of food -Anytime food handlers are interrupted -after 4 hours if in constant use.

Rules for labeling food for use on-site

-All items that are not in their original containers must be labeled -food labels clearly and accurately define what the food item is -It is not necessary to label food if it will clearly not be mistaken for another item

When to change gloves

-As soon as they become dirty or torn -Before beginning a different task -After an interruption, such as taking a phone call -After handling raw meat, seafood, or poultry and before handling ready-to-eat food

What are the four types of pathogens that can contaminate food and cause food borne illness?

-Bacteria -parasites -viruses -Fungi (such as molds and yeast)

What are the three types of thermometers commonly used in kitchen operations?

-Bimetallic stemmed thermometers -thermocouples -Thermistors

Guidelines for Labeling Bulk Food

-Bulk food in self-service areas must be labeled. Label must be in plain view of the customer. -Bulk unpackaged food such as bakery products and unpackaged food portioned for customers does not need to be labeled if meets conditions: -makes no claim regarding health of nutrient content -no laws requiring labels -manufactured on the premises -manufactured at a plant owned by same person

Rules for date labeling TCS food

-Can only be stored fro seven days if it is held at 41 degrees or lower EX: salad opened on October 1 would be labeled for October 7 - Sometimes commercially processed food will have a date less than 7 days, then the container should be marked with this date - when combining or preparing dishes with multiple ingredients, the use by date will be based on the item that expires the quickest.

Describe a Bimetallic Stemmed Thermometer

-Checks temperatures between 0 to 220 degrees -Measures through its metal stem, insert it into food up to its dimple because the sensing area is from the tip to dimple -Good for thick food but not practical for thing like hamburgers -make sure these thermometers have a calibration nut, easy to read markings, and a dimple before purchasing

Guidelines for Re-serving food

-Do NOT re-serve food returned by one customer to another customer -Serve condiments in their original containers. NEVER re-serve uncovered condiments -Do NOT combine leftover condiments with fresh ones. -Do NOT re-serve uneaten bread, change bread linens after each use -NEVER Re-serve plate garnishes such as fruit or pickles -You may re-serve only unopened, prepackaged food in good condition such as crackers, bottles of ketchup, mustard, and other condiments

Rules for partially cooking food during preperation

-Do not cook the food for longer than 60 minutes -Cool the food immediately after the initial cooking -Freeze or refrigerate the food after the initial cooling and make sure the food is held at 41 degrees or lower -Heat the food to its required minimum temperature before serving it -If the food is not hot held for service or served then it needs to be immediately cooled down.

What are the high risk groups for food borne illness?

-Elderly People -Pre-school aged kids and younger -People with compromised immune systems

Poor personal hygiene

-Fail to wash their hands correctly after using the restroom -Cough or sneeze on food -Touch or scratch wounds and then touch food -Work while sick

Guidelines for holding food

-Food covers and sneeze guards -hold TCS food at 135 F hot or 41 F or lower cold -use a thermometer to check temperature at least every four hours for both hot and cold food -never use hold holding equipment to reheat food

Guidelines for Self-Service Areas

-Food on display can protected using using sneeze guards that should be located 14 inches above the counter and should extend 7 inches beyond the food. -Label food located in self-service areas -Keep hot food hot (135˚F of higher) Keep cold food (41˚F or lower) -RTE raw food at buffets or salad bars are not allowed except for buffets that serve food such as sushi or raw shellfish, RTE portions that will be cooked and eaten immediately such as Mongolian barbecues, or raw, frozen, shell-on-shrimp or lobster -Do NOT let customers refill dirty plates or use dirty utensils. Stock food displays with the correct utensils for dispensing food. Ice used to keep things cold is not an ingredient -Stock the proper utensil for the proper dispensing purpose -Never use ice that has been used to hold cold for use as ice in a beverage

If you are packaging fish using a reduced-oxygen packaging method you must:

-Freeze the fish before, during, or after packaging. -Label it to remain frozen until used.

What foods have to be cooked to 155 degrees for 17 seconds?

-Ground meat including beef, pork, or other meat -Injected meat including brined ham and flavor injected roasts -Ratites (mostly flightless birds with a flat breastbone) including ostrich and emu -Ground, chopped, minced seafood -Shell eggs that will be hot held for service

guidelines for vending machines

Handle food with the same care as you would any other food and follow these guidelines: -Check product shelf life daily and throw out nay expired food -Keep TCS food at correct temperature -Dispense TCS food in original container -Wash and wrap fresh fruit with edible peels -Throw out refrigerated food prepared for sale in a vending machine within 7 days of preparation

A CDC study found out what was a contributing factor to restaurants that did not have a food borne illness outbreak?

Having a certified food protection manager on duty


Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Food safety management system based on the idea that if significant biological, chemical, or physical hazards are identified at specific points within a product's flow through the operation, they can be prevented, eliminated, or reduced to safe levels.An effective HACCP must be a written plan

A cook wore single-use gloves while forming raw ground beef into patties. The cook continued to wear them while slicing hamburger buns. What mistake was made?

He did not wash hand and put on new gloves before starting the new task

Who am I? -i am commonly linked with ready to eat food - i am found in the feces of infected people -excluding staff with jaundice can stop me -hand washing can prevent me

Hepatitis A

How service staff can help prevent allergic reactions

-Have at least one person available each shift to talk to guests about dish ingredients - Describing dishes with complete information about how they are made and what they contain - identifying ingredients by telling customers what menu items have items they are allergic to and list any secret ingredients - Suggesting menu items that do not contain the food that the customer is allergic to - Identify the allergen special order and properly communicate it to the kitchen staff - Have a separate server carry the allergen plate to prevent cross contamination

Considerations for handling garbage

If not handled correctly it can attract pests and contaminate food -garbage removal - it should be removed from food areas quickly - cleaning of containers - clean the inside and outside of the containers frequently to prevent contamination but do not clean them in near prep or food storage areas -indoor containers - must be leak, water, and pest proof. must be covered when not in use -designated storage areas - waste and recyclables must be stored seperatly from food contact areas -outdoor containers- make sure containers are on a smooth durable and nonabsorbent material. make sure the containers have a tight lid and are covered at all time with drain plugs in place.

When must someone wear a beard net?

If the facial hair growth is of 5 days or more?

What to do if the food handler has jaundice

If they have had it for seven days or less, exclude them from the operation and it must be reported to the regulatory authority. Employee may only return with a written notice from a medical practitioner

Preset Tableware

If you preset tableware: Prevent it from being contaminated Wrap or cover the items Table settings do not need to be wrapped or covered if extra table settings: Are removed when guests are seated Are cleaned and sanitized after guests have left

Which type or probe thermometer should be used to check the temperature of a soup?


Where should staff members eat, drink, smoke, or chew gum?

In designated areas

Common types of thermocouple or thermistor thermometers

-Immersion - used to measure the temperature of liquids like soups or frying oil - surface - used to check the cooking temperature of cooking surfaces that are flat like a flat top grill - penetration - used to measure the internal temperature of food - air probe - used to measure the temperature of ovens or coolers


-Must be stable, noncorrosive, and safe to use. Ask your supplier to help you pick cleaners that meet your needs. -Follow manufacturer instructions carefully, if not used properly the chemicals may become dangerous -DO not use one type of cleaner in place of another unless the intended purpose is the same -They must be made available to employees during all hours of operation. There are a variety of cleaners, each with a different purpose. These include detergents, degreasers, delimers, and abrasive cleaners

Rules for handwashing stations

-Must have one in areas that have prep, service, and dishwashing going on. Cannot be blocked by equipment and is for handwashing only, not for dishes. These station must be stocked with: - Hot and cold running water that must be drinkable for sanitation purposes - soap - A way to dry hands that is either a one use disposable paper towel, or a continuous towel system, or high velocity air dryer -Garbage containers are required for single use paper towels -signage dictating that employees must wash hands before returning to work

Instances when a variance is required in food prep:

-Packaging fresh juice for sale on-site at a later time, unless the juice has a warning label -smoking food to preserve (not to add flavor) -Adding components like vinegar to foods to preserve or alter the food so that it is no longer considered a TCS food. -Curing food -Custom-processing animals for personal use. Ex: a hunter brings a deer to your restaurant for processing but takes the meat home -Packaging food using a a reduced-oxygen method, like MAP, Vacuum-packed, and sous vide -Sprouting seeds or beans -Offering live shellfish from a display tank

Overview of Food Safety Management systems

-Personal Hygiene program -Food safety training program -Supplier selection and specification program -Quality control and assurance programs -Cleaning and sanitizing program -Standard operating procedures (SOPs) -Facility design and equipment management program -Pest-Control Program

What foods should be cooked to 165 for less than 1 minute (instantaneous)

-Poultry including whole or ground chicken, duck, or turkey -Stuffing made with fish, meat, or poultry -Stuffed meat, seafood, poultry, or pasta -Dishes that include previously cooked TCS food

Benefits of having food covers and sneeze guards when holding food for service

-Prevent contamination from bodily fluids and cross contamination -The covers also help maintain a foods internal temperature

Which type of thermometer can read temperature without touching the item's surface?


What is the best method for checking the temperature of a delivery of fresh fish?

Insert a thermometer probe into the thickest part of the fish

Deliveries must be what the restaurant staff?

Inspected upon arrival. Deliveries should only be scheduled when staff will be on hand to check all products

What is the most important factor in choosing a food supplier?

It has been inspected and complies with local, state, and federal laws.

Receiving and inspecting procedures

-Provide staff with tools necessary to receive deliveries including purchase orders, thermometers, and scales -Visually inspect delivery truck for signs of contamination - Visually and internally checking food to make sure it has not been contaminated and has been received at the proper temperature - Then the food must be stored in the correct place as fast as possible to avoid time and temperature abuse.

Please list the flow of food through an operation

-Purchasing -Receiving -Storing -Preparation -Cooking -Holding -Cooling -Reheating -Serving

What to do if a food handler has a sore throat with a fever

-Restrict the food handler from working with or around food -exclude the food handler from the operation if you primarily serve a high risk population -the food handler can return to work with or around food when they have a written release form

What food should be cooked to 145 degrees for 15 seconds?

-Seafood including fish, shellfish, and crustaceans -Steaks/chops of pork, beef, veal, and lamb -Commercially raised game -Shell eggs that will be served immediatly

Guidelines for holding hot food without temperature control

-Sell, serve, or throw out food within four hours -Hold the food at 135 degrees or higher before removing it from temperature control -Label the food with the time it was removed from holding and the time it must be thrown out -Preparing written procedures and getting written approval in advance by the local regulatory authority, maintaining those procedures, and having their documentation available upon request.

guidelines for Holding cold food without temperature control

-Sell, serve, or throw out the food within six hours -Hold the food at 41 degrees or lower before removing it -Label the food with the time it was removed from the holding unit and the time it must be thrown out -Make sure the food does not exceed 70 degrees. Throw out food that exceeds this temperature -Preparing written procedures and getting written approval in advance by the local regulatory authority, maintaining those procedures, and having their documentation available upon request.

Procedure for rejecting items

-Set it aside -Tell the delivery person exactly what is wrong with it -Get a signed adjustment or credit slip from the driver - Log the incident on a receiving slip or invoice Sometime items that are non-perishable and sealed can be cleaned and sanitized if they are contaminated like the surface of a metal can but this is only if they are still fully intact

Proper ways to thaw TCS food:

-Setting it the fridge so it slowly thaws while never going above 41 degrees -Submerging it under running water that is flowing fast enough to wash loose food bits off. The water cannot be warmer than 70 degrees. Always use a clean sink when doing this and never let the food go above 41 degrees for longer than 4 hours -Microwaving the food is ok as long as it is going to be immediately cooked by conventional equipment. -Thaw food while cooking it

What is required when receiving fish that will be served raw or partially cooked?

It must be correctly frozen before you receive it and have proper documents ensuring just that.

Under what guidelines must frozen food be received?

It must still be frozen

What should a supplier inspection report include?

It should be conducted by the USDA, FDA, a third party and will include: - receiving and storage - processing - shipping - cleaning and sanitizing - personal hygiene - staff training - recall program - HACCP program or other safety systems

Milk can received at 45 degrees under what condition?

Its cooled to 41 degrees withing 4 hours

A food handler can cool a stock pot of chowder by... -putting it in the cooler -Putting it in the freezer -sink of ice water -cold holding unit

Sink of ice water

What are the most important food safety features to look for when selecting flooring, wall, and ceiling materials?

Smooth and durable

What does correct documentation look like when receiving?

Some items must be delivered with correct documentation or they must be reject like: -Shellfish must have shellstock identification which lists where they were harvested -Fish that will be eaten raw or partially cooked must have documentation that states the fish were correctly frozen before being received -Farm raised fish must have a statement indicating it was raised according to FDA standards -All of these documents must be kept on hand for 90 days

Guidelines for kitchen staff to serve food into refillable take home containers

Some jurisdiction allow food handlers to refill take-home containers brought back by a customer for more food or beverage. They can be refilled if they meet these conditions: -They were designed to be reused. -They were provided to the customer by the operation -They are cleaned and sanitized correctly Take home beverage containers can also refilled as long as the beverage is not a TCS food and the container will be refilled for the same customer. It must also meet the following guidelines: -It can be effectively cleaned at home and in the operation -It will be rinsed with hot water under pressure before refilling -It will be refilled by the staff in the operation or by a customer in a manner that prevents cross contamination

Why do you mark the date on refrigerated foods

Some types of bacteria like listeria grow well at refrigeration temperatures and when food is stored for long periods this pathogen can grow to dangerous levels. For this reason, TCS food stored for longer than 24 hours must be labeled and dated for when it will be sold, eaten, or thrown out.

What are the two methods approved for sanitizing dishes?

-Temperature -Chlorine

Kitchen staff guidelines for serving food

-The food handler must wear gloves when handling ready to eat food, bare hand contact is not allowed. -Use separate utensils to serve each item. Clean and sanitize them after each task. If is use continuously, they must be cleaned and sanitized every 4 hours. -(See guidelines for refilling take home containers)

When can a operation continue serving food during a water or electrical interruption?

-The operation has written emergency operating plans approved in advance by the regulatory authority -An immediate corrective action is taken to prevent, eliminate, or control any food safety risk and imminent health hazard associated with the interruption -The regulatory authority is informed upon implementing the emergency operation plan.

The following factors affect how quickly food will cool:

-The thickness or density of the food, the thicker it is, the longer it takes to cool -the size of the food - Large food items take longer than small food to cool so cut large food in half -Storage containers stainless lets heat out faster than plastic and thick containers can keep heat in

ciguatoxin- ciguatera fish poisoning

-The toxin is originally found is some marine algae and infects fish like barracuda, grouper, jacks, and snapper when they eat smaller fish who have eaten the allergy. It cannot be detected via taste or smell and cannot be eliminated by cooking or freezing. Symptoms may last for years or months depending on hoe severe the illness is. -Symptoms: Reversal of hot and cold sensations, nausea, vomiting, tingling in the toes and fingers, and joint/muscle pain. - The only preventative measure is to purchase your seafood from approved, reputable suppliers.

Uses for Ventilation systems

-They keep heat, steam, smoke, fumes, odors out of the operation -If a ventilation system stops working then grease and condensation will build up on the walls -They must be regularly cleaned and maintained

What are the two major risk factors for food that is held for service?

-Time temperature abuse -Cross contamination

Julia is the manager of a cafeteria and walks in to find a raw sewage back up happening in the kitchen, how should he handle it?

Julia must determine if there is significant risk to the food in the operation. -If not, then immediate corrective action should be taken to remedy the situation If yes, then the operation must not open for the day. The local regulatory authority must be contacted. Then they will have to have regulatory permission to re open.

What is the most basic way to prevent cross contamination?

Keep raw and ready to eat food away from each other

In top-to-bottom order, how should a fresh pork roast, fresh salmon, a container of lettuce, and a pan of fresh chicken breasts be stored in a cooler?

Lettuce, Salmon, pork roast, chicken


Like Hep A, transmitted when people with feces on their hands touch food or water or equipment, only a small amount will make someone sick and people become contagious only hours after ingesting it, virus will remain in feces for days after the symptoms have ended. Food: Ready toe at food and shellfish from contaminated water Symptoms: Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps Prevention: exclude staff who are vomiting or have diarrhea from the operation, wash hands, avoid bare skin contact with ready to eat foods, purchase shellfish from reputable suppliers, practice personal hygiene

How to use gloves

-Wash and dry hands before putting gloves on -Select the correct glove size -Hold gloves by the edge when putting them on and try not to touch the glove as much as possible -Once gloves are on, check for rips or tears -NEVER blow into gloves -NEVER roll gloves to make them easier to put on

In what 3 situations must be food thrown out?

-When an employee who has been excluded or restricted touches it -When it is contaminated by hands or bodily fluid from the nose or mouth -When it has exceeded the time and temperature requirements to keep food safe.

When might you Hold food without temperature control

-When there if no electricity available -When the food is only displayed for a short time for an event

when to reject items based on packaging

-When there is damage like holes, tears, dents, bloating, rust, or swelling (especially in vacuum packed containers). Or when there is evidence of tampering. -There is liquid residue such as as water stains, dampness, or a leak. -The item is either out of date or missing an expiration date

A good company hygiene program should include

-avoiding personal behaviors that can contaminate food -dressing for work and handling work clothes -Limiting where staff can eat, drink, smoke, and chew gum or tobacco -preventing staff who may be carrying pathogens or who are sick from coming to work

Three compartment sink set-up

-clean and sanitize each sink and drain board -Fill the first sink with detergent water at least 110 degrees -Fill the second sink with clean water. (this is not necessary if items will be spray rinsed instead of dipped) -Fill the third sink wiht either hot water for sanitizing or shemical sanitizer water -provide a clock with a second hand for timing items in sanitizer water

Actions to prevent the spread of viruses

-clean up bodily fluid spills fast and effectively -purchase shellfish from reputable suppliers -exclude/restrict sick employees

Rules for labeling food that is packages for on-site retail

-common name of the food or a statement that clearly defines it -quantity of the food -List of ingredients or sub ingredients that is in descending order by weight -List of artificial colors, flavors, and chemical preservatives -name and place of business for the manufacturer, packer, or distributor -source of each major food allergen contained in the food. Not necessary if the source is already part of the common name.

hepatitus A

Mainly found in the feces of people infected with it, can contaminate water and food, normally transferred when someone with feces on their hands touch food. Only a small amount will make you sick and an infected person may not show symptoms for weeks but are still contagious. Foods: commonly linked to shellfish, Ready to Eat Foods and contaminated water Symptoms: Mild fever, general weakness, nausea, abdominal pain, jaundice (appears later) Prevention: Excludes staff with Hep A from the operation, Exclude staff with Jaundice, wash hands, avoid bare hand contact with ready to eat food, purchase shellfish from reputable suppliers, practice personal hygiene

Nontyphodial Salmonella (NTS)

Many farm animals carry this naturally and eating only a small amount can make you sick, but the severity of the illness depends on how healthy you were at ingestion. Bacteria remain in your feces for weeks. - associated with poultry, eggs, meat, milk and some produce - symptoms diarrhea, abdominal cramps, fever, and vomiting - prevention includes cooking poultry and eggs to minimum temperatures, preventing cross contamination, and preventing people with diarrhea from coming to work

How to clean in a three compartment sink

1 - rinse, scrape, or soak the items before washing 2 - wash items in the first sink (change water when suds are gone or water is dirty) 3 - Rinse items in the second sink (change rinse water when it becomes dirt or sudsy) 4 - sanitize in the third sink - change the sanitizer when it falls below minimums. NEVER rinse items after sanitzing them 5 - air-dry items on a sanitized surface. Place them upsode down to drain.

A food handler has been diagnosed with a illness from shigella species. What should the manager tell this food handler to do?

Stay home until approved to return to work

Steps to washing hands

1 - wet hands and arms in water at least 100 degrees 2 - apply enough soap to build up a good lather 3 - scrub hands and arms vigorously for 10-15 seconds and scrub under nails 4 - Rinse hands and arms in running warm water 5 - dry hands with a single use paper towel The whole process should take at least 20 second

Can you touch ready to eat food with bare hands


What organization creates national standards for foodservice equipment?


Equipment Selection

NSF is an organization that creates national standards for food service equipment and their seal marks equipment as food safe. NSF is accredited by the American National Standards Institute. equipment needs to be nonabsorbent, smooth, and corrosion resistant.

Biological toxins

Naturally occur in certain plants, mushrooms, and seafood, and can cause food borne illness when ingested. Symptoms will usually onset in minutes and include diarrhea, vomiting, tingling in extremities, reversal of hot and cold sensations, flushing in the face, difficulty breathing, burning in the mouth, heart palpitations or hives. Toxins can be destroyed by freezing or cooking but the easiest way to prevent is them us by purchasing your food from reputable suppliers.

The deli serves cold sandwiches in a self-serve display. Which step in the flow of food would be a critical control point?


Was the item sanitized correctly? Josh mixed chlorine sanitizer with 75 degree water. A test kit showed the concentration at 25 ppm. He soaked some tableware for 7 seconds.

No, Chlorine sanitizer should always be between 50-99 ppm

Is it stored correctly? Sheryl received a shipment of cleaning supplies and locked their MSDS sheet with the invoice in the fireproof office safe.

No, MSDS should be made accessible to employees

Is it stored correctly? Laura washed and rinsed the prep table, then sprayed it down with sanitizer, wiped it off to let it air dry. Then set the bottle of sanitizer on top of the table so it would ready for its next use.

No, bottles of chemicals should not be stored next to food prep areas

Is it stored correctly? Maurice used a cleaner on the dishwasher. The sprayer on the bottle stopped working when it was only half empty so he threw it in the trash.

No, chemicals should only be thrown out based on what their directions say or what the local regulatory authority says.

Is potato salad that is held at 75 degrees safe?

No, cold held food must be below 41 degrees. Cold food without temperature control must be held below 70 degrees or thrown out.

Is soup placed in a hot holding unit at 40 degrees safe?

No, hot holding units are not designed to cook food. This will cause the soup to sit in the temperature danger zone for too long.

Is this food safe to serve? why or why not? Chili was set on the stove at 9 am to reheat. At 11 am it was at 155 degrees and the chef said good enough.

No, the chili did not reach an internal temperature of 165 within two hours.

Can viruses be destroyed by cooking food at high temperatures?


A food handler uses a sanitizer spray bottle and stores it on the shelf above the prep table. What has been done wrong here?

Storing chemicals above food prep surfaces

Monitoring the master cleaning program

Supervise daily cleaning routines Check cleaning tasks against the master schedule every day Change the master schedule as needed Ask staff for input on the program

Rules for preventing cross contamination when storing items

Supplies - have a designated storing area for everything, Store items slightly away from walls and at least 6 inches (15 centimeters) off of the floor, Store single use items in original packaging Containers - Store food only in containers intended for food, use durable, leak-proof, and seal-able containers, Never use empty food container to store chemicals and vice versa Cleaning - clean dollies, carts, transporters, and trays often, store food only in cleaned and sanitized containers, store dirty linens away from food

What should food handlers do after prepping food and before using the restroom?

Take off their aprons

What should a manager of a hospital cafeteria do if a cook calls in with a headache, nausea, and diarrhea?

Tell the cook to stay away from and see a doctor

Chlorine sanitizing requirments

Temp of 100 if ph of 10 Temp of 75 if ph of 8 ppm 50 -100 contact time of 7 second

What must food handlers do to make sure the sanitizing solution for use on food contact surfaces has been made properly?

Test the solution with a sanitizer test kit

TCS food requirements for children's menus

The FDA advises against offering raw or under cooked meat, seafood, poultry, or eggs on children menus.

Who created HACCP

The National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods.

When should a shipment of fresh chicken be rejected?

The receiving temperature is 50 degrees

What to do with mold?

Throw any moldy food away because mold can produce toxins that cause food borne illness.

Should the following food be reserved or thrown out? Breaded, baked fish that was returned by a customer who wanted broiled fish

Throw out

Should the following food be reserved or thrown out? Chili without temperature control for 5 hours

Throw out

Should the following food be reserved or thrown out? Ice to hold cold food on a self service area

Throw out

Should the following food be reserved or thrown out? Unwrapped butter that was served on a plate

Throw out

Should the following food be reserved or thrown out? previously served, but untouched basket of bread

Throw out

Should the following food be reserved or thrown out? untouched slice of pie with whipped cream that was returned by the customer

Throw out

A food handler thaws a dozen frozen turkeys by setting them out on the table. What is the danger this poses to the food?

Time and temperature abuse

A food handler pulled a hotel pan of tuna salad form the cooler and used it prepare six tuna salad sandwiches. Whats the problem here?

Time temperature abuse

Raw chicken breast are left out at room temperature on a prep table. What is the main risk that could cause a foodborne illness?

Time-Temperature abuse

Frozen shrimp was rejected during receiving because or large ice crystals. What was the cause of this?

Time-temperature abuse

Leftover chili left out on the counter is considered unsafe because of

Time-temperature abuse

Pest Prevention

1. Deny pests access to the operation (check all deliveries before they enter, refuse if bad) and seal all access points with pest control like sealing holes around pipes or adding air curtains at doors to prevent flies 2. Deny pests food, water, and shelter (Throw out garbage quickly, Store food and supplies quickly and 6 inches off the ground, Clean spills immediately, store recyclables away from the main part of the operation) 3. Work with a licensed pest control operator (PCO) if you see nay signs of rodents or insects you must work with a PCO

Avoiding Time-Temperature Abuse prevention policies

1. Monitoring - learn how often foods should be checked and by whom 2. Tools - Make sure the correct type of thermometers are available and give food handlers their own thermometers 3. Recording - Have food handlers record on paper when temperatures were taken 4. Time and temperature control - Have procedures to limit the amount of time food spends in the temperature danger zone, this might include limiting the amount of food that can be removed from a color when it is being prepped. 5. Corrective actions - make sure employees know what to do when food falls into the danger zone, like reheating it or throwing it out

Policies for reporting health issues

1. Presenting signed statements in which staff have agreed to report illness 2. Providing documentation showing staff have completed training which includes information on the importance of reporting illness 3. Posting signs or providing pocket cards that remind staff to notify managers when they are ill

How to clean and sanitize

1. Scrape or remove food bits from the surface - using a rag or nylon brush or pad 2. Wash the surface - using an approved cleaner and the right tool like a cloth towel 3. Rinse the surface - Use clean water and the right tool like a cloth towel 4. Sanitize the surface - use the correct sanitize prepared to manufactures direction and use a towel to cover the whole service 5. Allow the surface to air-dry

Guidelines for preventing cross contamination

1. Using separate equipment 2. Cleaning and sanitizing 3. Prepping food at different times 4. Buying prepared food

Iodine sanitizing requirements

12.5 - 25 ppm cold water 30 seconds or more contact time

A food handler is reheating commercially produced cheese sticks which will be hot held on a buffet. What is the temperature they need to be cooked to?


At what minimum internal temperature should hot TCS food be held?


What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for green beans that are hot held for service?

135 degrees

What temperature can hot food be received at?

135 degrees or higher

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for broccoli cooked n a microwave that will be hot held

135 for no set time

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for pasta

135 for no set time

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for wild rice that will be hot held

135 for no set times

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for roasted vegetables that will be hot held

135 with no required time

What is the minimum distance sneeze guards can located from the self-serve counter to protect food from contamination?

14 Inches

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for beef steak

145 for 15 seconds

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for buffalo steak

145 for 15 seconds

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for eggs for immediate service

145 for 15 seconds

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for lamb chops

145 for 15 seconds

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for salmon steak

145 for 15 seconds

What is the minimum cooking temperature and time for ground beef?

155 for 17 seconds

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for eggs that will be hot held for service?

155 for 17 seconds

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for ground pork

155 for 17 seconds

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for ostrich filet

155 for 17 seconds

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for pork loin injected with marinade

155 for 17 seconds

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for eggs, meat, poultry, and seafood cooked in the microwave oven?


TCS food reheated for hot-holding must reach what temperature?

165 degrees

What temperature must TCS food be cooked to if hot held?

165 for 15 seconds

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for stuffed pork chops?

165 for less than 1 second

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for Chicken enchiladas made with previously cooked chicken

165 for less than 1 second (instantaneous)

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for duck

165 for less than 1 second (instantaneous)

What is the minimum internal cooking temperature and time for ravioli stuffed with cheese

165 for less than 1 second (instantaneous)

What is the minimum water temperature required when using hot water to sanitize objects

171 degrees

Quat sanitizing requirements

200 ppm (some 150-400) cold water 30 seconds or more contact time

What is the minimum time an iodine sanitizer solution must be in contact with the object being sanitized?

30 seconds

An operation is located in a jurisdiction that allows it to hold TCS food without temperature control. How many hours can it display hot TCS food without temperature control before the food must be sold, served, or thrown out?


Hot TCS food can be held without temperature control for a maximum of

4 hours

How long can you hold food in the temperature danger zone? And what do you do if it exceeds this limit?

4 hours maximum then it must be thrown out

When installing tabletop equipment on legs, the space between the base of the equipment and the tabletop must be at least

4 inches

At what maximum internal temperature should cold TCS food be held?


holding temperature for cut greens like lettuce

41 degrees

What is the correct temperature for receiving cold TCS food?

41 degrees or lower

What temperature can cold food be received at?

41 degrees or lower

What is the temperature danger zone?


What temperature can shucked shellfish be received at?

45 degrees or lower and must be cooled to 41 degrees within 4 hours.

Food held at 41 degrees or lower before being removed from refrigeration can be held without temperature control for up to how many hours?


How many inches (centimeters) should food be stored off of the floor?

6 inches (15 centimeters)

When partially cooking food for later service, what is the maximum amount of time that the food can be heated during the initial cooking step?

60 minutes

What is the longest amount of time that TCS food prepared in house can be stored?

7 days

What is the maximum number of days that ready to eat food prepared on site can be stored if held at 41 degrees?

7 days

What is the maximum water temperature allowed when thawing food under running water?

70 degrees

At what temperature so most food borne pathogens grow the quickest?

70-125 degrees

Pathogens grow more rapidly in this range than in the temperature danger zone

70-125 degrees

An operation has a small salad bar with 8 different items on it. How many serving utensils are needed to serve the items on the salad bar?


What item must costumers take each time they return to a self service area for more food?

A clean plate

What is a food allergy?

A condition in which the body's immune system reacts to food allergens. When enough of an allergen is consumed the immune system mistakenly considers it harmful and attacks the food protein. this is what causes the allergic reaction.

What is a pathogen?

A microorganism that causes disease in humans

Which item is considered safe for a food handler to wear while working?

A plain band ring

Cooking time and temperatures for roasts of pork, beef, veal, and lamb

A roast can be cooked to each of the following temperatures as long as time requirements are met: -130 for 112 minutes -131 for 89 minutes -133 for 56 minutes -135 for 36 minutes -136 for 28 minutes -138 for 18 minutes -140 for 12 minutes -142 for 8 minutes -144 for 5 minutes -145 for 4 minutes

A food handler prepares and delivers meals to elderly individuals receiving cancer care services at home. what symptoms require this food handler to stay home from work?

A sore throat and fever

What is an approved, reputable supplier?

A supplier who has been inspected and can show you an inspection report. They meet all applicable federal, state, and local laws. This applies to every supplier in the supply chain including growers, shippers, packers, manufacturers, distributors, and local markets.

What does an operation that wants to smoke food as a method of preservation need to have before processing food this way?

A variance from the local regulatory authority

When can a food with a sore throat and a fever return to work with or around food?

A written medical release is provided

What is the final step in cleaning and sanitizing a prep table?

Allowing the surface to air dry

Ciguatera toxin is commonly found in


What temperature can shell eggs be received at?

An air temperature of 45 degrees or lower

What must all hot or cold holding devices have inside of them and why?

An air thermometer to make sure the holding unit is keeping food at the proper temperature


An organism that lives in or on another organism, commonly found in seafood, wild game, and food processed with contaminated water, such as produce. Easily prevented by purchasing food from reputable vendors and cooking the food at appropriate temperatures.

What should a food handler with a hand wound do to safely work with food?

Bandage the wound with an impermeable cover adn wear a single-use glove

Where should ground fish be stored in a cooler?

Below pork roasts

What device can be used to record time-temperature abuse during the delivery of food?

Bimetallic stemmed thermometer

What thermometer would best measure The internal temperature of a chicken breast?

Bimetallic stemmed thermometer or thermocouple with a penetration probe

What thermometer would best measure the internal temperature of a roast

Bimetallic stemmed thermometer or thermocouple with a penetration probe

Food quality should be checked during receiving. Poor food quality is an indicator of time temperature abuse. Food with the following issues should be rejected:

Appearance - Moldy, abnormal color, moist when should be dry, dry when should be moist, signs of pest damage. Texture - slimy, sticky, dry or leaves an imprint in its soft flesh when you poke it Odor - abnormal or unpleasant odor

CDC (Center for Disease Control) and PHS (public health service)

Assist FDA and USDA investigate food borne illness outbreaks

A.L.E.R.T. to prevent deliberate food illness

Assure - make sure received products are locked, secure, supervised, and approved. Look - monitor facility securing, limit access to food storage areas, plan to handle damage products, store chemicals in safe areas, and train staff to spot threats Employees - Know who they are, limit access to sensitive areas, identify all visitors, conduct background checks Reports - save logs, files, documents, staff files, and food inspection Threat - Have a plan to handle suspicious activity, hold any contaminated products, contact local authorities, maintain an emergency contact list

Norris wanted to make his famous eggs Benedict for the residents of the nursing home. He mixed egg yolks from raw eggs shells with butter and lemon then poured the uncooked sauce over several hotel pans of poached eggs. Was the food prepped correctly? why or why not?

No. No. Her serves a high risk audience so raw egg sauces cannot be served. Also poached eggs are under cooked and should not be served to this high risk audience unless they have been pasteurized.

Where do you wash hands in the kitchen?

At designated hand-washing stations only

When storing food using the FIFO method, where should the food with the earliest use-by dates be stored?

At the front of the shelf in front of food with older dates

Which is a TCS food? A. Bread B. Flour C. Sprouts D. Strawberries


How the kitchen staff can help prevent food allergic reactions

Avoiding cross contact - when allergens are transferred from one food to another.

Reggie filled a clean and sanitized sink with ice water and soaked a partial case of green onions he had gotten from the cooler and a fresh case that were just delivered. Was the food prepared correctly, why or why not?

No. One batch of green onions could have contaminated the other. He should've cleaned the sink between batches.

Linda needed to make 20 box lunches to be picked up in 3 hours. She got the supplies out and left them on the table so she could work on it when she was in between tasks. Was the food prepped correctly? why or why not?

No. The meat and cheese are being time temperature abused. She should only have removed what she could've prepped immediately from the cooler.

Jessica read an article about sprouting beans. It inspired her to try it in her operation. She then used some freshly sprouted beans in one of her daily specials. Was the food prepared correctly? why or why not?

No. she would need an approved variance from her local regulatory authority to sprout beans

A guest complained of diarrhea and vomiting a few hours after eating raw oysters. What pathogen probably caused the illness?


Which food items can be displayed in a self-service area without the use of packaging, sneeze guards, or a display case to protect them from contamination? -Bulk deli rolls -Nuts in the shell -Sushi grade fish -Cooked shrimp

Nuts in the shell

Definition of physical contaminant and an example

Objects that are non-edible. Like bones or metal shavings.

What organization requires a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) to be included with hazardous chemicals?

Occupational safety and health administration

What is the biggest threat to food that is ready to be served?


What should food handlers do to prevent illness from shigella spp.?

Control flies inside and outside the operation.

What is the best way to prevent bacteria

Control time and Temperature

What is the most important way to prevent a food borne illness from bacteria?

Control time and temperature

What is an important measure for preventing foodborne illness?

Controlling time and temperature

What is the only way to reduce pathogens in foods to safe levels?

Cooking the food to its internal minimum temperature then holding the food there for the specified amount of time required. If a guest asks for a lower temperature then you must inform them of the health risks before serving them the food.

A fo0d handler drops a hose into a mop bucket and turns the water on. What have they done wrong?

Created a cross connection

What is the problem with storing raw ground beef above prepped salads?

Cross contamination

A food handler touches raw chicken then lettuce. What is this classified as?


What must be included on the label of a TCS food that was prepped in house?

Date that the food should be thrown out

When to use hand antiseptics?

Only after hand washing and never in place of it

Viruses grow where?

Only in a living creature but they can live on surfaces or food, but not grow

Water rules

Only water that is approved for drinking may come in contact with food contact surfaces. This water can come from the following sources: -Approved public water lines -Private water sources that are regularly tested and maintained -closed portable water containers -water transport vehicles

Metal shavings are which type of contaminant?


3 categories of contaminants

Physical Chemical Biological

How to Check Temperatures

Pick a Thermometer with a probe thats the right size. Check temp in the thickest part of the food. take at least 2 readings in different locations.

What method should never

Place the item on the counter

How should the temperature of a shipment of cottage cheese be taken when it arrives at an operation?

Place the thermometer stem into an opened container.

Which piece of jewelry can be worn on a food handler's hand or arm? -watch -plain band ring -medical bracelet -diamond ring

Plain band ring

What are pooled eggs and what are the guidelines for using them?

Pooled eggs are eggs that you crack open and combine in a bowl or other container. Cook them promptly after opening or store them at 41 degrees or lower. Clean and sanitize all containers they touch carefully

A server cleans a dining table with a wiping cloth and then puts the wiping cloth in an apron pocket. What is the risk that could cause a foodborne illness?

Poor cleaning and sanitizing

A food handler touches their face then a salad. What is this classified as?

Poor personal Hygiene

A server setting a table touches the rim of water cup with their bare hands. What is this classified as?

Poor personal hygiene

What is the best way to prevent Viruses

Practice correct personal hygiene

What is the most important way to prevent a food borne illness from viruses?

Practice good hygiene

Which area of the operation is usually required to be the brightest?


What is the best way to prevent fungi

Purchase from approved reputable suppliers

What is the best way to prevent mushroom toxins

Purchase from approved reputable suppliers

What is the best way to prevent parasites

Purchase from approved reputable suppliers

What is the best way to prevent plant toxins

Purchase from approved reputable suppliers

What is the best way to prevent seafood toxins

Purchase from approved reputable suppliers

purchasing three compartment sink

Purchase large sinks capable of washing large equipment and utensils.

How to make sure your mushrooms are not poisonous

Purchase only from approved, certified, or reputable suppliers.

The 5 common mistakes that can lead to foodborne illness are failing to cook food adequately, holding food at incorrect temperatures, using contaminated equipment, practicing poor personal hygiene, and

Purchasing food from unsafe sources

What food item does the Food and Drug Administration advise against offering on a children's menu?

Rare Cheesburgers

shiga toxin producing e coli is commonly linked with what type of food?

Raw ground beef

Salmonella typhi is associated with what foods?

Ready to eat foods and beverages. Remember typhoid mary

What is ROP fish and what are the rules for thawing it?

Reduced Oxygen Packaging fish is vacuum sealed fish that arrives frozen. Most are labeled to remain frozen until use. If the label states this then the fish must be removed from the packaging at the following times: -Before refrigeration thawing it. -Before or immediately after thawing it under running water

What is sanitizing?

Reducing pathogens to safe levels

A chef sanitized a thermometer probe and then checked the temperature of minestrone soup being held in a hot-holding unit. The temperature was 120°F (49°C), which did not meet the operation's critical limit of 135° F (57°). The chef recorded the temperature in the log and reheated the soup to 165°F (74°C) for 15 seconds within 2 hours. which was the corrective action?

Reheating the soup

What is the correct way to clean and sanitize a prep table?

Remove food from the surface, wash, rinse, sanitize, air-dry.

Cleaning up after people who get sick

Diarrhea and vomit in the operation must be cleaned up correctly It can carry Norovirus, which is highly contagious You must have written procedures to deal with this that assist in employee training. Consider the following: -How you will contain liquid and airborne substance and remove them from the operation -how you will clean, sanitize, and disinfect surfaces -when to throw away food that may have been contaminated -what equipment is needed to clean up these substances and it will be cleaned and disinfected after each use -when a food handler must wear personal protective equipment -how staff will be notified of the correct procedures for containing, cleaning and disinfecting these substances -how to segregate contaminated areas from others -when staff must be restricted from working with or around food or excluded from the operation -how the cleaning plan will be implemented

A food handler was assigned to clean a slicer that was too difficult to move. The slicer was unplugged. Then the removable parts were taken off the slicer and cleaned and sanitized in a three-compartment sink. Food bits on the slicer were removed. After the machine was wiped down with detergent and water, it was sanitized and allowed to air-dry. Then the food handler put the machine back together. What mistake did the food handler make?

Didn't rinse the slicer with clean water after wiping the slicer down with detergent and water

Define cleaning

Removing debris/visible items

Guidelines for using infrared thermometers

Distance - hold the thermometer close to the food or surface without touching it Barriers - remove anything between the thermometer and surface being measured like plastic wrap Manufacturers directions -always follow them for the most accurate reading

Eating, Drinking, Smoking, and Chewing Gum or Tobacco

Dont do it when: -prepping or serving food -when working in prep areas -when working in areas used to clean utensils and equipment Only do it designated areas

What is a basic characteristic of a virus?

Requires a living host to grow

Should the following food be reserved or thrown out? An apple that was in a vending machine for 8 days that has been washed and wrapped


Should the following food be reserved or thrown out? bottle of ketchup


Should the following food be reserved or thrown out? individually wrapped crackers


Should the following food be reserved or thrown out? Mustard packets


Bill has a sore throat and a fever, should he be restricted at work? or excluded?


Should you include, restrict, or exclude employees who are sneezing, coughing, and have a runny nose?


What is the third step in cleaning and sanitizing in a three compartment sink?


Safe or unsafe? ron sets garbage bags on the asphalt next to the dumpster then throws each bag inside


safe or unsafe? Tunya throws an overcooked chicken breast into the open garbage can next to the sandwich line


Who am I? -I am carried in the bloodstream and intestinal tract of humans -i am commonly linked with beverages and ready to eat food -cooking food correctly can prevent me -Washing hands can stop me

Salmonella Typhi

Parasites are commonly linked with what type of food?


What should a food service operator do when responding to a foodborne-illness outbreak?

Segregate the product

When storing, preparing, holding, and displaying food what types of food must be kept separate to prevent cross-contamination?

Separate raw meat, poultry, and seafood from unwashed and ready to eat fruit and vegetables

What organization regulates chemical sanitizes?

EPA (Environmental protection agency)

Which group of individuals has a high risk of food borne illness?

Elderly People

Clean-in-place equipment

Equipment that is cleaned and sanitized by passing solutions of detergent, rinse water, and sanitizer through the internal components of the equipment. This equipment is designed for this like a stationary yogurt machine or pasta maker

General Preparation Practices

Equipment: everything clean and sanitized Quantity: only remove what you can prep in short time from the freezer Storage: return or cook prep food as fast as possible Additives: only use additives approved and as much as, and don't use to alter appearance of food. Do not sell produce treated with sulfites before it was received and never add sulfites to ready to eat produce. Presentation: food offered in way that does not mislead them, don't use food/color additives, colored over wraps or lights to misrepresent food

If food-contact surfaces are in constant use, how often must they be cleaned and sanitized?

Every 4 hours

Who am I? -I am found in the intestines of cattle -I produce toxins in a persons intestines -Purchasing produce from approved suppliers can prevent me -cooking ground beef correctly can stop me

Shiga-toxin producing e coli

What should food service operators do to prevent the spread of hepatitis A?

Exclude staff with Jaundice from operation

What to do a food handler has been diagnosed with one of the big six pathogens?

Exclude the employee from work and contact local regulatory authorities to help determine when the employee will be safe to return to work and whether or not they need to be put on temporary restrictions.

What to do if the food handler has vomiting diarrhea

Exclude the food handler from the operation until they have had no symptoms for 24 hours or have a written release from a medical practitioner.

Jesse has diarrhea, should she be restricted at work or excluded?


Tom has been diagnosed with Norovirus, should he be excluded from work or restricted?


Who am I? -Flies can spread me -I am linked to salads containing TCS food -I am found in the feces of infected people -washing hands can stop me

Shigella Spp

FDA (Food and Drug Administration)

Federal agency that publishes the Food Code and inspects food service operations that cross state borders. Inspects all food except for meat, poultry, and eggs. Also provides technical support and training.

How many Americans live with food allergies?

Fifteen million

What should be done when throwing away chemicals?

Follow label instructions and any regulatory requirements that apply.

What is the most likely cause of wheezing and hives

Food allergies

How should flatware and utensils that have been cleaned and sanitized be stored?

With handles facing up

What is the best way to eliminate pests once they have entered the operation?

Work with a licensed pest control operator (pco)

Can a food handler's hands transfer pathogens from one food to another?


Food handlers who do not wash their hands correctly can cause food borne illness


Is it stored correctly? Raul noticed a leaking chemical bottle in the storeroom. Luckily there is an almost empty spray bottle of the same cleaner and combined them. He then made sure the spray bottle listed the common name of the product.


Is it stored correctly? Sasha emptied the mop bucket into the floor drain in the store room them rinsed the mop and hung it up to dry then washed the bucket and set it out to dry.


Is pasta salad held at 39 degrees safe?


Was the item sanitized correctly? Jarmin mixed a chlorine sanitizer with 100 degree water. A test kit showed the concentration the be 50 ppm. She put a bowl in the solution for 7 seconds.


Was the item sanitized correctly? Lee mixed quat sanitizer with 75 degree water. A test kit showed the sanitizer was at the right ppm. He soaked utensils in it for 30 seconds.


Can this situation lead to a pest infestation? A dumpster is left open during the day to air it out

Yes, dumpsters should remain closed

Can this situation lead to a pest infestation? A food delivery driver brings food into the kitchen to be inspected

Yes, food should be inspected inside of the truck to prevent bringing pests into the operation

Can this situation lead to a pest infestation? Food in dry storage is 6 inches off the floor and against the wall

Yes, food should be stored away from the wall

IS this food safe to serve? why or why not? A chef makes a sandwich by reheating already cooked beef that was stored in cooler in a hot pot of aujus, then without checking its temperature, putting a sandwich with melted cheese .

Yes, the meat was cooked and cooled correctly and was served immediately so it can be reheated to any temperature.

USDA (US Department of Agriculture)

an agency that monitors the safety and quality of poultry, eggs, and meat products

At what temperature should milk be received?

at 45 degrees or lower then cool to 41 degrees in 4 hours

A food handler will be using single use gloves to chop lettuce for one hour. When should the food handler wash their hands? -after putting on the gloves -Before starting the task -mid-way through the task -each time gloves are changed

before starting the task

What must food handlers do to food immediately after thawing it in the microwave oven?

cook it by conventional means

temperature requirements for cooling food

cool TCS food from 135- 41 in 6 hours first, cool food from 135-70 within 2 hours if the food takes longer than 2 hours to cool then it must be thrown out or reheated and cooled again. then, cool from 70-41 within 4 hours -Keep in mind that the total cooling time cannot exceed 6 hours so if you take 1 hour to cool food below 70 degrees than you have 5 hours to cool it to below 41 degrees

What can occur if prep tables are not cleaned and sanitized between uses?

cross contamination

What is a variance

document issued by your regulatory authority that allows a serv safe regulatory requirement to be waived or changed

T or F Cooking destroys viruses


Installing and Maintaining Equipment

floor mounted equipment: on legs at least 6 inches high or seal it to a masonry base Tabletop equipment: on legs at least 4 inches high or seal it to counter top This makes it easy to clean around. Equipment needs regular cleaning and a maintenance schedule should be set up with your manufacture or supplier.

Define TCS food

food requiring time and temperature control for safety (Time/Temperature controlled for safety) These foods are the most likely to become unsafe

Methods for cooling food

ice-water bath, ice paddle, blast or tumble chiller, ice or cold water as an ingredient

Salmonella typhi

lives ONLY in humans- carried in the bloodstream and intestinal tract of humans. Only a small amount will make someone sick and severity depends on their health. Bacteria will remain in feces for weeks after illness. symptoms: high fever, weakness, abdominal pain, headache, loss of appetite, and rash. foods: ready to eat foods and beverages prevent: cooking food correctly, hand washing, preventing cross contamination, excluding workers with diarrhea from work.

Can this situation lead to a pest infestation? A food delivery is rejected because it contains moth wings


Can this situation lead to a pest infestation? Air curtains are installed at the kitchen back door


Can this situation lead to a pest infestation? Food is rotated during storage so that the oldest product is used first


To sanitize or not sanitize? Jorge has been using the same knife to shuck oysters for 2 hours


was the item sanitized correctly? Cecelia mixed an iodine sanitizer with 68 degree water. A test kit showed the sanitizer concentration was 8 ppm. She put a pan in the solution for 30 seconds.

no, Iodine sanitizer should be between 12.5-25 ppm

Is soup that is being held at 120 degrees safe?

no, it is below hot holding standards. It must be at 135 degrees or higher to be safe.

Who am I? -Many farm animals naturally carry me -I have been found in milk and dairy products, produce, and poultry -Cooking eggs to minimum internal temperatures can prevent me -Preventing cross-contamination between poultry and ready to eat foods can stop me

nontyphoidal salmonella

Poor cleaning and sanitizing

pathogens can be spread to food if equipment has not been cleaned and sanitized correctly between uses.

What type of thermocouple probe should be used to check the internal temperature of a beef roast?


How accurate must a thermometer be when used to measure food?

plus or minus two degrees

Operations that may serve high risk populations should never serve

raw seeds sprouts or raw or undercooked meat, seafood, poultry, or eggs.

storage order (top to bottom)

ready to eat food, seafood, whole cuts of beef and pork, ground meat and ground fish, whole and ground poultry. This order is based off of minimum internal cooking temperatures. Also note that this order does not have to be followed in a freezer if everything is commercially processed and packaged.

Define sanitizing

reducing pathogens to safe levels

What is reconditioning? and provide an example.

restoring food to a safe condition like reheating soup that had drifted into the temperature danger zone for no longer than 2 hours.

all surfaces must be cleaned and rinsed and all food contact surfaces must also be...


The Big Six-BACTERIA that cause foodborne illness most commonly

shigella spp Shiga toxin-producing E.coli Nontyphoidal salmonella salmonella Tyhi Norovirus Hepatitus A

Floors, walls, and ceilings requirements

smooth and durable. this makes cleaning easier and must be regularly maintained. Broken ceiling tiles must be replaced, Replace or repair holes in floors. Holes in walls must be sealed.

Key Drop Deliveries

supplier is given after-hour access to the operation to make deliveries. They are given a key and will place food in its proper storage area. When the staff arrives in the morning they must inspect the food under the following guidelines: - It is from an approved source - It was placed in the correct storage location at the correct temperature - It was protected from contamination in storage - It has not been contaminated - It is honestly presented.

An operation received a violation in the outside area of the facility. The manager reviewed the area and saw that the Dumpster was placed on a freshly graveled drive. The lids were closed, and the drain plug was in place to prevent the Dumpster from draining. What was the problem?

the dumpster must be on concrete or asphalt

What thermometer would best measure the internal temperature of a large stockpot of soup

thermocouple with a immersion probe

What thermometer would best measure the surface temperature of a grill

thermocouple with a surface probe or a infrared thermometer

What thermometer would best measure the air temperature of a cooler

thermocouple with air probe

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)

this must accompany a hazardous product or chemical; a requirement of the Department of Labor and OSHA under the Hazard Communication Standard. has the following information: -safe use and handling -physical, health, fire, and reactivity hazards -precautions -appropriate personal protective equipment -first aid information for use in an emergency -preparation of msds sheet -hazardous ingredients and identity information These are often sent with chemical shipments. You must have one on hand for each chemical you have in house. it must be in place all employees can access it.

Requirements for heat sanitizing

three compartment sink - 171 degrees for 30 second pull down/open door stationary dish machines - 180 degrees Normal conveyor dish machines - 165 degrees at plate level

2 factors that affect bacteria growth

time and temperature

Which food may be re-served

unopened pre-packaged food

Is this safe or unsafe? Barry stacks garbage bags next to the prep table

unsafe, barry stacked garbage next to a food prep area

Is this safe or unsafe? Marvin cleans garbage can on the floor drain grate which is next to a steam jacketed kettle

unsafe, marvin was cleaning next to a food prep area

heat sanitizing

water must be 171 degrees and soaked for 30 seconds

To wash hands properly, a food handler must first

wet hands and arms

Master cleaning schedule

what to clean, who to clean, when to clean (when it will not contaminate food), and what equipment to use and procedures for how to do it

time-temperature abuse

when food has stayed too long at temperatures that are good for the growth of pathogens including not cooking or reheating the food enough or not cooling the food correctly

To sanitize or not sanitize? Bill finishes deboning chicken and wants to use the cutting board to cut fish


To sanitize or not sanitize? Maria has been slicing cheese on the same slicer from 8am to 12 pm.


To sanitize or not sanitize? Mary returns to the slicer to continue cutting ham after being called away to help with the lunch rush.


Can this situation lead to a pest infestation? Recyclables are stored in a clean container in the kitchen overnight

yes, recyclables should be stored away from the main parts of the oepration

Can this situation lead to a pest infestation? A kitchen has window screens with small holes in them

yes, these small holes can let bugs in

How to avoid cross contact in the ktichen

•Check Recipies and ingredient labels to confirm the allergen isn't present •Wash,rinse, and sanitize cookware, utensils, and equipment before prepping food including food-prep surfaces. Some use separate set of cooking utensils just for allergen special orders. •Make sure the allergen does not touch anything for customers with food allergies including food, beverages, utensils, equipment, and gloves •Wash your hands and change gloves before prepping food •Use separate fryers and cooking oils when frying food for customers with food allergies •label food packaged on-site for retail sale. Name all major allergens on the label and follow any additional labeling requirements

General Thermometer Guidelines

•Cleaning and Sanitizing (must be washed, rinsed, sanitized, and air dried; keep storage cases clean; clean before and after use of thermometers to prevent cross contamination; use sanitize for food contact surfaces; have plenty of clean thermometers) •Calibration (calibrate regularly for accuracy; calibrate before each shift, before first deliveries arrive; follow manufacturer's directions regarding calibration) •Accuracy ( temp. must be accurate) •Glass thermometers (only use when enclosed in shatterproof case) •Checking temp. (insert probe into thickest part (usually center) and different spot; before recording, wait for temp to steady; wait at least 15 seconds before inserting into food)

Off-site service guidelines

•Food containers (pack in insulated containers; only food-grade containers; designed so food doesn't mix, spill, or leak) at the service site use appropriate containers to hold the food at proper temperatures •Delivery vehicles (clean inside of vehicle regularly) •Internal temp. (check internal temp of food; if not right, reevaluate delivery route length or equipment efficiency) •Labels (label use by date and time, reheating and service instructions for staff at offsite locations) •Utilities (make sure the service site has safe water for cooking, dish-washing, and hand washing; garbage containers stored away from food-prep, storage, and serving area) •Storage (store raw meat, poultry, seafood, and ready to eat items separately)

Work attire guidelines

•Hair Restraints (wear clean hat or other hair and facial hair restraints and DO NOT wear hair accessories or false eyelashes) •Clean Clothing (Wear clean clothing daily and store any dirty clothing in nonabsorbent containers or washable laundry bags) •Aprons (remove aprons when leaving prep areas and NEVER wipe hands on apron) •Jewelry (remove all jewelry)

Salads containing TCS Food guidelines. These guidelines are due to the fact that salads most often are never cooked so the ingredients require special care.

•Using leftovers (TCS leftovers food can only be used in salads if cooked, held, and cooled correctly) •Storing leftovers (throw out leftover food held at 41 degrees or lower after 7 days. Check use by date before using stored food items)

storing tableware and equipment guidelines

•storage (store atleast 6in (15cm) off floor; protect from dirt and moisture) •storage surfaces (clean and sanitize drawers and shelves before storing clean items there) •glasses and flatware (store upside down on clean and sanitized shelf or rack; handles up when stored, this prevents the staff from spreading pathogens) •trays and carts (clean and sanitize trays and carts as often as needed; check them daily) •stationary equipment (keep food-contact surfaces of stationary equipment covered until ready for use

using foodservice chemicals guidelines

•storage and labeling (store in original containers away from food and prep areas; separate by spacing and portioning; if chemicals are transferred to new containers, label chemical common name) •disposal (when throwing out, follow instructions and local regulatory authority requirements) •material safety data sheets (has its own slide)

Maintaining your facility

To prevent food safety problems regularly -clean the facility -check to make sure everything works -make sure the building is structurally sound -control pests -maintain the outside of the building

How far must a bimetallic stemmed thermometer be inserted into food to give an accurate reading?

Up to the dimple of the thermometer stem

Infrared thermometer

Use laser technology to produce accurate temperature reading of food and equipment surfaces. They reduce the risk of cross-contamination and damage to food because they do not require contact with food. But cannot measure the internal temperature of items

What task requires food handlers to wash their hands before and after doing it?

Using chemicals that they may effect food safety

Signage posted at a hand washing station is required to remind staff to

Wash hands before returning to work

A food handler has finished cutting chicken on a cutting board and now needs to use it for vegetables, what must they do to it first?

Wash, rinse, and sanitize

What food safety practice can prevent cross-contact?

Washing, rinsing, and sanitizing utensils before each use

Besides information on chemical concentration and water temperature, what other machine setting information should be posted on dishwashing machines?

Water pressure

General guidelines for effective use of Chlorine Sanitizer

Water temperature - 100 degrees if ph is less than or equal to 10 or 75 degrees if ph is less than or equal to 8 Water hardness - as per manufacturer's recommendations Sanitizer concentration - 50-99 ppm Sanitizer contact time - Greater than or equal to 7 seconds

General guidelines for effective use of iodine Sanitizer

Water temperature - 68 Water pH - Less than or equal to 5 or as per manufacturer's recommendations Water hardness - as per manufacturer's recommendations Sanitizer concentration - 12.5-25 ppm Sanitizer contact time - Greater than or equal to 30 seconds

General guidelines for effective use of Quats Sanitizer

Water temperature - 75 Water pH - as per manufacturer's recommendations Water hardness - Less than or equal to 500 ppm or as per manufacturer's recommendations Sanitizer concentration - as per manufacturer's recommendations Sanitizer contact time - Greater than or equal to 30 seconds

Which action requires a food handler to change gloves?

Wearing torn gloves

When is it acceptable to eat in an operation?

When in the break area or other designated areas

When can you touch food with bare hands?

When you are adding the food as an ingredient to dish that doesn't contain raw meet but will be cooked to at least 145 (Adding cheese to pizza dough) OR The food will be added as an ingredient in a dish that contains raw meat (Adding vegetables to beef stew)

When is it recommended to use pasteurized eggs?

When you are using the eggs in a dish that receives little to no cooking like ceaser dressing or hollandaise. Especially if that item will be served to a high risk population.

To prevent deliberate spread of food illness a manager should know who is in the facility, monitor the security of products, keep information related to food security on file and know

Who to contact about suspicious activity

Why are pre-school age children at a higher risk for foodborne illnesses?

They have not built up strong immune systems

Preventing plumbing issues for food safety

-Installation and maintenance - have only licensed plumber work on your plumbing systems because improperly maintained systems can allow waste water to mix with drinkable water -cross connection - a physical connection from a safe water outlet to a source of dirty water. This can cause backflow where contaminants flow back into the safe water outlet. When water is used in another part of the building this can cause contaminated water to flow back into the pipes through a process called backsiphonage. The best way to stop this is to have an air gap between all water outlets and standing water areas. Other more advanced technologies exist and if you have one, it should be regularly checked.

Hand care to prevent pathogens

-Keep fingernails short -never wear fake fingernails -never wear fingernail polish -Cover infected wounds or cuts in a impermeable covering then a single use glove

Rules for cooking TCS food in a microwave:

-Meat, seafood, poultry, and eggs must reach 165 degrees -cover the food to prevent its surface from drying out -Rotate or stir the food halfway through to help the food cook more evenly -Let the covered food sit for at least 2 minutes to let the temperature even out -Check the temperature in at least two places to make sure the food is cooked through

Common food allergies

-Milk -Eggs -Fish -wheat -soy -peanuts -Crustacean fish like crab, lobster, and shrimp -Tree nuts like walnuts and pecans

What does correct packaging look like?

-Must arrive in original packaging with manufacturers label. -The packaging should be clean, intact, and protect food/food contact surfaces from contamination

Factors that effect sanitizer effectiveness

-concentration, too little and it wont work, too much and it will make the items taste bad or corrode. use test kit to determine the parts per million (ppm) and make sure the concentration is right, change solution when dirty because this decreases effectiveness -temp - follow manufacturers recommendations -contact time make sure it meets manufactures requirements -water hardness is the amount of minerals in your water. Determine that then work with your supplier to determine how much sanitizer should be added to your water -pH should be determined then communicated to your supplier who will help you determine the correct amount of sanitizer to use for your water

How a manager should help create good personal hygiene for employees

-create policies -training food handlers on these policies and retraining them regularly -modeling the correct behavior at all times -supervising food safety practices at all times -revising hygiene policies when laws or science change

developing a cleaning program

-creating a master cleaning schedule -training your staff to follow it -monitoring the program to make sure it works

What are the most common symptoms of a food borne illness

-diarrhea -vomiting -fever -nausea -abdominal cramps -jaundice

Cleaning and sanitizing in the operation

-have a master cleaning schedule -most chemicals are dangerous so you have to know how to use them to prevent injury

histamine toxin- scromboid poising

-illness caused by consuming high levels of histamine. commonly associated with tun, bonito, mackerel, mahi mahi. When these fish are time temperature abused, the bacteria in the fish produce this toxin. -cannot be destroyed by freezing, cooking, smoking, or curing -Symptoms: reddening of the face and neck,sweating, headahe, burning or tingling sensation in the mouth or throat, diarrhea and vomiting. Prevention: prevent time temperature abuse, purchase your food from approved, reputable suppliers.

DishWasher Operation guidelines

-keep the machine clean - clean as often as needed, check it at least once a day, fill tanks with clean water, make sure detergent and sanitizer dispensers are filled -preparing items for cleaning - scrape, soak, rinse items before washing, Pre-soak items with stuck on food -load the dishracks properly - never overload them -air dry items - never use a towel, it could contaminate the clean item -monitor - cleaner levels and temperatures. Heat santizing dishwasher must be measured by their highest temperature reached. This can easily be measured by a maximum registering temperature thermometer or heat sensitive tape or strips

In top-to-bottom order, how should a raw beef roast, fresh halibut, lettuce, and a pan of ground chicken be stored in a cooler?

-lettuce -fresh halibut -raw beef roast -pan of ground chicken

Rules for good lighting

-local jurisdictions usually require food prep areas to be brighter than other area's of the facility to allow food handlers to see the condition of the food. -be sure to replace burnt out light bulbs regularly -all light bulbs in food prep areas should be shatter proof or have a protective cover to prevent broken glass from contaminating food.

Guidelines to avoid contaminating ice

-make ice from safe drinking water - NEVER use ice as an ingredient if it was used to keep food cold - store ice scoops outside of the ice machine in a protected location - NEVER hold or carry ice in containers that have held raw meat, seafood, poultry, or chemicals - NEVER touch ice with hands or use a glass to scoop ice

Rules for refrigerators and freezers

-must have an open air thermometer -Do not overload it. Storing too much food in one will prevent airflow and make the unit work harder -Monitor how often the door is opened or closed. This may bring the unit into the danger zone -Use open shelving that is not lined with anything. This promotes airflow -Monitor food temperatures carefully through random checks

What places need hand washing stations?

-restrooms -food prep areas -serving areas -dish areas

common actions to avoid that can lead to food borne illness

-scratching the scalp -running finger through hair -wiping or touching the nose -rubbing an ear -touching a pimple or an infected wound -wearing a dirty uniform -coughing or sneezing into a hand -spitting in the operation

Storing cleaning tools and supplies

-storage area must have good lighting to see chemicals easily -hooks for hanging mops, brooms -utility sink for filling buckets and washing cleaning told -floor drain for dumping dirty water. -air-dry towels overnight -hang mops, brooms, and brushes on hooks to air-dry -clean and rinse buckets and let them air-dry

Cleaning and sanitizing stationary equipment

-unplug the equipment -take removable part off of equipment and wash by hand or dishwasher -scrape to remove food from the equipment surfaces - wash the equipment surfaces - rinse the equipment surfaces with clean water - sanitize the equipment surfaces - allow time to air dry and put equipment back together

Situations that can lead a food handler to contaminate food

-when they have a food borne illness -when they have wounds that contain a pathogen -when sneezing or coughing -when they have contact with a person who is ill -When they touch anything that may contaminate their hands and don't wash them -When they have symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, or jaundice

Food inventories must be rotated to prevent pathogen growth and ensure the oldest items are used first. Most facilities implement the first in first out (FIFO) method of inventorying for this reason. Follow these rules when rotating food:

1 - Identify the foods expiration or use by date 2 - Store items with the earliest use by date in front of other similar items 3 - Once shelved, use the items stored in front first 4 - throw expired items awa

Important Steps for implementing active managerial control

1 - identify risk factors 2 - monitor 3 - corrective action 4 - management oversight 5 - training 6 - re-evaluate

Five most common food handler mistakes that lead to a food borne illness

1 - purchasing food from unsafe sources 2 - failing to cook food correctly 3 - holding food at incorrect temperatures 4 - Using contaminated equipment 5 - practicing poor personal hygiene

5 steps to using a 3 compartment sink

1 - remove debri 2 - wash 3 - rinse 4 - sanitize 5 - air dry

Follow these guidelines when notified of a recall:

1) Identify the recalled food items by matching info from recall notice. 2) Remove item from inventory and place in secure and appropriate location. 3) Label the item in a way that will prevent it being placed back in inventory. 4) Refer to the vendor's notification or recall notice for what to do with the item.

Which of the following items should be rejected: 1 - Raw chicken at 50 degrees 2 - can of beans with a small dent 3 - Shell eggs at an air temperature of 45 degrees 4- Fresh salmon with springy flesh 5 - Bag of flour with a watermark on it 6 - live oysters without shellstock tag 7- Frozen mean with ice crystals on it 8 - Milk at 50 degrees 9- mozzarella with a little mold on it 10- Vacuum packed bacon with a broken seal

1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

When to wash hands

After doing following things: •using restroom •before and after handling raw meat, poultry, and seafood •sneezing, coughing, or using tissue •eating, drinking, smoking, chew gun or tobacco •handling chemicals •taking out garbage •clearing tables or busing dirty dishes •touching clothes or apron •handling money •leaving and returning to prep area/kitchen •handling service or aquatic animals •touching anything else that may contaminate hands - at the start of your shift

When should hand antiseptics be used?

After washing hands

What is the only completely reliable method for preventing backflow?

Air gap

What temperature can live shellfish be received at?

Air temperature of 45 degrees, and an internal temperature of not greater than 50 degrees. Once received it must cooled to 41 degrees within 4 hours.

What surface should be sanitized and cleaned?

All surfaces must be cleaned and rinsed, but any surface that touches food must be sanitized

How does acidity affect bacteria growth?

Bacteria does not like acid and will grow best in food that is neutral and neither a base nor and acid

Jon recently became a manager at a new kitchen. Over the past 6 months plumbing problems have started occurring and worsening. The drains are draining very slow and every time the dishwasher finishes a cycle it spills water onto the floor. What should he do?

Call a licensed plumber

A broken water main has caused the water in an operation to appear brown. What should the manager do?

Contact the local regulatory authority before use

Emergencies that Affect the Facility

Certain disasters can affect the safety of the foo you serve like electrical outages, fire, flooding, and sewage back ups. These are considered to be imminent health hazards that may pose a significant threat to health and need immediate correction or closure of the facility. These threats should also be considered: -Temperature control - Power failures and refrigerator breakdown can cause pathogens to grow - Physical security - unauthorized people pose a food safety risk, especially when they can access food storage areas. - Drinkable water supply - Broken water mains, breakdowns at the treatment facility, and terrorist contamination must be considered because a facility cannot run without a clean water supply. If the risk to food safety is significant in any of these situations, service must be stopped and the local regulatory authority must be notified.

Chemical Sanitizing

Chlorine, Iodine, and Quaternary Ammonium. if a detergent-sanitizer blend you can use once to clean and a second time to sanitize (this is common in operations only with a two compartment sink). These can be applied by soaking or by rinsing, swabbing, or spraying them onto tableware, utensils, and equipment. These sanitizers must be made available to employees during all hours of operation.

What should food handlers do to prevent food allergens from being transferred to food?

Clean and sanitize utensils after use.

Definition of a chemical contaminant and an example

Cleaners and other chemicals that are not naturally occurring in foods and must be added in.

After which activity must food handlers wash their hands? -Putting on gloves -Serving customers -applying hand antiseptic -clearing tables

Clearing tables

Which is a TCS food?


The FDA's public health interventions

FDA specific recommendations for controlling the common risk factors in food borne illness. -Demonstration of knowledge - As a manger you should be able to show that you know what do for food safety. Becoming a certified serv safe manager is one way. -Staff health controls - Put procedures in place to control staff personal hygiene -Controlling hands as a vehicle of contamination - controls must be put in place to prevent bare hand contact with food. -Time and temperature parameters for controlling pathogens - rules must be put in place that limit time food spends in the temperature danger zone -Consumer advisories - Notices must be provided to customers if you serve raw or undercooked meat

T or F, it takes just one person to get sick from eating food for a food borne illness outbreak to be declared.

False, it takes at least two people.

Active Managerial Control

Food safety management system designed to prevent foodborne illness by addressing the five most common risk factors and making it the managers responsibility to ensure these risk factors are reduced. This can be done though training programs, manager supervision, and adjusting of a SOP. Monitoring a situation is critical to making sure all food safety standards are being followed and working

define ready to eat food

Food that is ready to eat without any additional cooking, cleaning, or preparing

fat tom: the 6 fators that affect bacterial growth

Food, Acidity, Time, Temperature, Oxygen, Moisture

What is lighting measured in with regards to food safety?


Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC)

Found in the intestines of cattle and infected people. Can infect meat during slaughtering. Only a small amount will make someone sick. Once ingested it produces toxins in the intestines. Can be found in bacteria weeks after ingestion. Bacteria will remain in your feces for weeks. - Commonly found in raw or under cooked ground beef or contaminated produce. - symptoms include diarrhea, bloody diarrhea, abdominal cramps, kidney failure. - prevention measure include cooking food to minimum internal temperatures, purchase produce from reputable suppliers, preventing cross contamination from raw to ready to eat food, keeping staff with diarrhea at home, control time and temperatures.

In the 2017 update to the food a requirement was added that encourages authorities to hold the manager at a restaurant responsible for checking what more often?

Hot and Cold holding food temperatures

What is the purpose of a food safety management system?

Identify and control potential hazards throughout the flow of food.

What is required for measuring the santizing rinse in a high-temperature dishwashing machine?

Maximum registering thermometer

Why should you never use hot holding equipment to reheat food?

Most hot holding equipment is not designed to cook for. This will cause the food to linger in the temperature danger zone longer than it is safe.

Definition of a biological contaminant and an example

Must be alive - microorganisms that are small and cause harm called pathogens. Some produce toxins and poisons. Most general symptoms caused by these include diarrhea, vomiting, fewer, nausea, abdominal cramps, and jaundice. Ex: Salmonella or a parasite or a virus

Which part of the plate should a food handler avoid touching when serving customers?

The top

Anita is a chain supervisor and on one of her first visits to one of her chains she notices a build-up of grease on the facilities walls. What should she do?

The ventilation system is not working properly. She needs to have it serviced now, then schedule regular service checks. She should also have the grease scrubbed off of the walls.

Chemical-santizing dish machines

These can operate at much lower temperatures. manufacturer guidelines must be followed.

High-temperature dishwashing machines

These use hot water to clean and sanitize. The temperature of the final rinse must be 180 degrees unless the machine is a stationary rack, single-temperature machine, then it must be 165 degrees. the dishwasher must have a built in thermometer that checks water temperature as it is sprayed into the manifold. This is where the water sprays into the tank

What do cut greens, tomatoes, and melons have in common?

They are all TCS foods

What do baked potatoes, pizza with diced tomatoes, poached salmon, refried beans, scrambled shell eggs, shrimp fried rice, tofu ice cream, and a vanilla milk shake all have in common?

They are all a TCS foods

How do food labels help prevent allergic reactions?

They are an important tool because they list all ingredients in a food. The main 8 allergens are normally listed with their common name on parentheses or listed in a may contain statement

A guest had a reversal of hot and cold sensations after eating seafood. What most likely caused the illness?



Transferring a pathogen from one surface or food to another

Safe or unsafe? michelle throws empty can into the recycling container which is stored in the prep area

Unsafe, recycling receptacles should not be in the food prep area

Brandon trimmed an uncooked roast on the red cutting board. then he washed his hands and used different knife to slice tomatoes on the green cutting board. Was the food prepared correctly? why or why not?

Yes. he used separate equipment to prepare the meat and produce.

Consumer Advisories

You must cook TCS food to its minimum temperatures unless requested by a guest. If this happens you must follow the two following rules: -Disclosure - If you have a menu item that includes under-cooked TCS food you must disclose that on the menu. This can be done by putting an asterisk next to the item and clearly explaining the situation in a footnote -Reminder - You must advise customers who order raw or under-cooked food that there is an increased risk of foodborne illness. This can be on the menu or with other written material or communicated in person.

Possible requirements for partially cooked food:

Your local regulatory authority may require that you have written procedures for dealing with partially cooked food that state: -How the requirements will be monitored and documented -Which corrective action will be taken if the requirements are not met -How these foods will be marked after initial cooking to indicate they need further cooking -How these food items will be separated from ready-to-eat food during storage in between cookings.

The FDA Food code requires what on duty at all times while the food service business is open

a certified food protection manager

What is a food allergen?

a protein in a food or ingredient that some people are sensitive to. The protein occurs naturally.

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