Food Service Logistics

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Inventory Types There are only ____ types of inventory. P_____________ inventory is a r__________ balance of inventory on hand. Records for each product are m_____________, with the date that items were r____________, the date items were r____________, the r_________ point, the purchase unit s_______, and p______ stock all in one place. Perpetual inventory can be t________ consuming and thus, expensive. It may only be used for c_________ items in small operations. Accuracy of perpetual inventory may be verified by physical inventory methods. Physical inventory is completed a minimum of once a ___________ with physical counts recorded on a s_____________. the product name, unit ________, c_________, unit p________, and total value are recorded. The unit price and total value are added after counting and "e___________________" to closing inventory. The next time physical inventory is taken, the o___________ inventory is compared to the c___________ inventory to determine monthly food cost.

2, perpetual, running, maintained, received, removed, reorder, size, par, time, costly, month, spreadsheet, size, count, price, extended, opening, closing

Forecasting production In any business, you may try to forecast future sales volume to better estimate preparation or anticipated costs. There are different forecast methods and they make different assumptions. There are _____ main types of forecasting methods: q______________ t______________, t_______ s________ and p____________, and c_______ m__________. Qualitative techniques are based on e____________ opinion and consider special events relevant to the industry. The idea of special events can be illustrated easily with the technology field - a fast-paced industry that has to account for exponential growth in technological knowledge. Qualitative techniques may or may not consider h_______________ data. They include Delphi methods, market research, panel consensus, visionary forecast, and historical analogy. Time series and projection methods, including exponential s_______________ and moving averages, look at patterns and c_______________ in patterns using only h__________ data. if you have a new product or are running a new menu campaign without historical data, you would ______ be able to use these methods. You would want to turn to qualitative information instead since historical data is scant. When using a moving average, each point of the average is the average of n c________________ points prior. The number of data points prior (n) depend on the effect of seasons, stability of the estimate, and anticipated irregularity. If you use a 3-month moving average, the average for month 4 would be an average of the previous 3 months, rather than an average of the entire past year. E______________ s________________ is similar to moving average but gives more ____________ to recent data points. Note that moving average and exponential smoothing models assume that sales follow a certain p________ over time. We can then project that pattern, accounting for differences we anticipate. The simplest type of projection would assume c___________ growth. Other types of time series and projection methods include Box-Jenkins, X-11, trend projections, and life-cycle analysis. Causal methods for forecasting include r_____________ models, e____________ models, intention-to-buy surveys, and input-output models. You may see regression on the exam, such as "linear regression". Regression models can include the e_______ of several variables or factors that will influence a_____________ sales volume. These models are more statistically i_______________ than moving averages and do _______ assume a certain pattern in sales.

3, qualitative, techniques, time, series, projection, causal, models, expert, historical, smoothing, changes, historical, not, consecutive, exponential, smoothing, weight, pattern, constant, regression, econometric, effect, anticipated, intensive, not

Sanitizers Sanitizers are products that kill _________% of germs. They reduce, but may not e____________, microorganisms to the "safe level" determined by ___________ health codes. In foodservice, we sanitize food and food contact surfaces. Sanitizers include c_______________ compounds, q____________ a______________ compounds, and i_____________ compounds. Different sanitizers have different usage requirements because different temperatures or pH's affect the e_________________. Chlorine. In foodservice, chlorine must be "food g_______" and not contain any fragrances, thickeners, or additives. Chlorine is c____________ to metal surfaces and has human safety concerns due to _________ irritation and mucous m___________ damage. Chlorine's effectiveness is affected by p____, t_______________, and s______ l_______ but not by w_________ h_____________. Chlorine is effective against f_________ and bacterial s_________. Quaternary Ammonium. Quaternary ammonium compounds, or "q________", are commonly used in foodservice because they are effective against b__________, m________, y________, and v____________, and are active and stable across a large temperature r___________. Quats shouldn't be used with _________ water or _________ soil. ____________ after cleaning is important because if any detergent is left on a dish, quats will react and form dangerous __________. An advantage of quats are that they are non-i___________, non-c____________, and stable across a relatively wide _______ range. lodine. lodine compounds, called "i_______________" are active against b____________, m________, f________, v___________, y________, and p____________. They evaporate at ________ °F and thus, can't be used with ________ temperature water. lodophors shouldn't be used with _____________ pH water and may stain p_____________ yellow/brown. Factors Affecting Sanitizers - Sanitizer c_______________________ (too much = toxic, too little = ineffective) - Ideal t_________________ - Contact t__________ required - Water pH and water hardness - Adequate cleaning (to reduce soil) and r___________ (to reduce detergent residue) - M____________ being cleaned, if inanimate (plastic, metal, wood, glass) - Microbial l_________ - Type of m____________________ present Training Managers should make sure that employees are trained on which sanitizer to use when, how to mix sanitizers to the proper concentration, how to t_______ the concentration and at what temperature, how to use the sanitizer, how to store the sanitizer when not in use, and chemical safety considerations if something goes w___________.

99.9, eliminate, public, chlorine, quaternary, ammonium, iodine, effectiveness, grade, corrosive, skin, membrane, pH, temperature, soil, load, water, hardness, fungi, spores, quats, bacteria, mold, yeast, viruses, range, hard, heavy, Rinsing, gases, irritating, corrosive, pH, iodophors, bacteria, mold, fungi, viruses, yeasts, protozoans, 120, high, basic, plastics, concentration, temperature, time, rinsing, material, load, microorganism, test, wrong


American National Standards Institute

Flooring Selection Why do you need to know about flooring requirements for kitchen and food service? As a foodservice manager, you may be in charge of designing a new foodservice space and/or updating existing space to meet quality standards. To select the appropriate type of flooring for your operation, you need to understand the factors to consider, as well as the standards they need to meet. I'll start by presenting the factors to consider and then talk about examples that meet these. The exam may ask you about certain features of a flooring type, (i.e. "What does resiliency refer to?") or it may ask you to select the best flooring choice given a certain situation. "Regular factors" apply to floors a_____________ "Unique factors" are flooring factors unique to f__________________. Regular Factors - Equipment - Foot traffic Unique Factors - Water - Food waste - Grease - Cleaning products Equipment - if a space has heavy equipment, it needs flooring that can a________________ not only the weight but the way that heavy equipment is ___________ Foot traffic - different flooring types may s___________ or wear away with high traffic and may be dangerous when _______. Nonslip surfaces are particularly important for foodservice operations. The largest number of employee i____________ in kitchens is from slippery floors. Water - foodservice flooring areas often contain d_________ and not all flooring materials can accommodate the s____________ floors Food waste, grease, and cleaning are all related - the flooring material in a foodservice operation must be able to w_____________ regular cleanings, including specialty cleaners meant to clean up grease As we move into typical flooring materials used in foodservice operations, keep these 4 things in mind: s__________, sanitation, c___________, and aesthetics. l've grouped resiliency with aesthetics, but it's also relevant to safety and sanitation. A cracked floor isn't safe, aesthetically pleasing, or a good situation for maintaining sanitation. Plus, you'll have to pay for it to be fixed. 4 things to consider with foodservice flooring - Safety and slip resistance - Slip resistant material - Sanitation and infection control - Pre-treatment - Seams and g________ - Comfort and worker fatigue - Soft underlayers - Aesthetics and durability - R_______________ - Protective coatings

Anywhere, foodservice, accommodate, moved, scratch, wet, injuries, drains, sloping, withstand, safety, comfort, grout, resiliency


British Thermal Units

Specification Development Specifications should be c___________ developed to ensure consistency of 1) p________, 2) product q___________, 3) operational f_____________, and 4) fit for p_____________. Specifications are provided to potential bidders and if a contract is agreed upon with those specifications, any extra cost of r__________________ specifications will fall to you, not the s________________. Specifications will include both product r___________________ and product p___________________. Product preferences should have a built-in t______________ level that suppliers can operate within. Examples of information that would be included in a specification include the g__________ and brand (grade of meat, brand of dairy), c_________ per container (if you are ordering 12 containers a month, they should have the right number of units), and the p_________ per unit.

Carefully, price, quality, function, purpose, reformulating, supplier, requirements, preferences, tolerance, grade, count, price

Commissary In a commissary foodservice system, the food is prepared in a large, c________ kitchen and then d_________ in bulk for f_______ production and service. The commissary system is ideal for serving ________ volumes of food. Food may be transported frozen, chilled, or _______. Examples include school systems and airline foods. Raw food is purchased, prepared, and then held frozen, chilled, or hot during transport until service. Advantages include cost s__________ (low food cost, lack of equipment d____________, low l__________ cost), limited workload variability, u____________ products across service locations, and no c___________ during mealtime. Disadvantages include food s__________ concerns and q___________ concerns during holding and transporting. This method requires r___________ transportation and a large production kitchen where the cost of that large kitchen is only offset by the large quantity of food it's able to produce. Since food is transported to the satellite locations, meals can be prepared _____ time of day in contrast to conventional foodservice systems where employees have h__________ workload prior to mealtimes. Cost savings from avoiding equipment duplication refers to the fact that all of the food production is done at one location, rather than at several satellite kitchens.

Central, delivered, final, large, hot, savings, duplication, labor, uniform, cooking, safety, quality, reliable, any, higher,

Group Purchasing Group purchasing is when foodservice operations create c______________ buying power to purchase more products at a l_______________ price. These are called Group Purchasing Organizations, or GPOs. The foodservice operations may be schools or community hospital units, for example, that order s____________ products in a similar location. While lower purchasing costs are a benefit to being part of a GPO, there are drawbacks in terms of losing i________________. Also, some GPOs have f______ structures and there are rules and regulations to follow at multiple levels (federal, state, local, and district).

Collective, lower, similar, individuality, fee

Warewasher Styles Styles of warewashers include under counter dishwashers, glass washers, door type dishwashers, and conveyor dishwashers. Under counter dishwashers are the most c______________ option and resemble residential dishwashers. They are versatile in that they can be freestanding or built in, like behind a bar. They can be _______ temperature to save energy. While they look similar to residential dishwashers, they clean at a much f________ rate - 20 racks in a single hour. Glass washers come in several design, including r__________, c___________, and d______________ under counter. The door-type is similar, if not identical, to the under counter dishwashers but is meant mainly for g__________. Why would we want a glass washer? Advantageous for bars and cafes that need a steady supply of clean glasses without needing an employee dedicated to washing dishes. Glass washers use lower water p______________ than regular dish washers so that they safely clean glasses. Door type dishwashers are the most c_______________ commercial dishwasher. You load dish racks with dirty dishes into the washer. Different models wash different numbers of racks (single rack versus double rack). If the door slides up, there is a safety switch feature to turn o______ the cycle. Door type dishwashers have a larger c__________ than undercounter washers which make them a better alternative in large resturants, but they use more e___________ and more d_______________. Conveyor dishwashers are the l_________ available commercial dishwasher. "Flight type continuous conveyor" is the most efficent and effective dishwasher for high volume foodservice, cleaning up to ______________ dishracks in a single day. You can choose from _______ temperature and ________ temperature models, and installation requires specialty h_________________ due to its size and its energy requirements.

Compact, low, faster, rotary, conveyor, door-type, glasses, pressure, common, off, capacity, energy, detergent, largest, 1,000, low, high, hard-wiring

Ovens Ideally, a cooking method is fast, c______________, and e_________. The cooking time is fast, the heating is consistent, and the cooking is even. You'll see these listed as advantages (or the lack of as disadvantages) over and over again. Differentiate different types of ovens by their disadvantages - when would you not want to use them, and any unique function they do play, like for specialty foods (i.e. a pizza oven). Standard oven Also called a c__________________ oven, a standard oven has _______ heating elements that heat the a_____ inside the oven. Dishes closest to the active heating element (at top or bottom) will cook f___________. Standard ovens are i_______________, can be used to cook nearly anything, and are easy to r__________. Disadvantages include the i________________ heating, u__________ cooking, and s______ cook times. Steam oven A steam oven cooks with water v_________, and can maintain f__________ and n_________ of the food items. Cooking time is very f______, c_______________, and e__________. It is a healthy alternative to f__________ but cannot b___________ or crisp food and shouldn't be used for d_____________ foods. Convection oven In contrast to a standard oven, convection ovens c___________ warm air inside the oven for f____________, e_______ cooking and c_____________ heating. These ovens can also cook at a lower t________________ than standard ovens, are a________________, and very v______________. However, convection ovens cannot be used for all types of c___________. There are also specific convection ovens for b____________ items called b___________ convection ovens. Rotary Oven A rotary oven allows for b________ production of food items, particularly f____________ foods like bread. Anything that cooks at the s________ temperature can go in - rolls, bread, cookies, and cake. Furthermore, rotary ovens provide a c____________ solution in contrast to several ovens, or even stacked ovens. Rotary ovens offer u______________ baking and even cooking to all items compared to standard ovens where items closest to the heating elements will cook faster and brown more. Rotary ovens use an air d_______________ system to distribute ___________ air to achieve the consistent cooking. Rotary ovens look like a large w____________ chamber and have a special perforated tray. Microwave oven Microwave ovens cook _________ than standard ovens and consume _________ energy than o__________ or s__________. However, microwave ovens are limited in the q_______________ of food they can cook and overcooking may lead to s_________ and s____________ food. You might find microwaves in s___________ kitchens and in s_____________ areas. Combination oven Combination ovens combine c______________ (c____________ _________ air) and s___________ (_________ __________). Advantages include __________ cooking times and c_____________ heating. However, combination ovens are very e____________________. Deck oven Deck ovens have a heavy stone shelf (deck) that heats up. The food is placed on the deck, allowing for fine control of heating (cooler at the top, hotter at the bottom). Some deck oven models can be stacked (i.e. a double deck, pictured on the right below) or are for pizzas (i.e. a pizza deck oven, pictured on the left below). Deck ovens are great for baking but have long preheating times and the deck shelf must be reheated between items. Rotisserie oven Rotisserie ovens are used to ___________ cook meat, particularly __________ pieces of meat. You may have seen a rotisserie oven at a grocery store for rotisserie chickens. These ovens prevent meat from d__________ out because the meat retains its natural j___________ and the rotation causes very e________ cooking. The downside, compared to other methods of cooking meat, is that rotisserie ovens take a _________ time. Conveyor oven Conveyor ovens force _______ air up through a p____________ sheet which quickens the cooking __________ (called "i_________________"). Cooking time is very fast, heating is consistent, and cooking is e___________. The s_______________ allows for high output and less attention by workers. Models can also be s______________ to save floor space. However, conveyor ovens aren't ideal for s________ items or d___________ foods, have low c____________ limits, and their high heat and fast speed of cooking can d______________ flavor and texture in some foods.

Consistent, even, conventional, 2, air, faster, inexpensive, repair, inconsistent, uneven, slow, vapor, flavor, nutrients, fast, consistent, even, frying, brown, delicate, circulate, faster, even, consistent, temperature, affordable, versatile, cuisine, bread, bakery, bulk, flour-based, same, compact, uniform, distribution, warm, walk-in, faster, less, ovens, stovetops, quantity, soft, soggy, satellite, self-service, convection, circulated, steam, warm, water, vapor, faster, consistent, expensive, slowly, large, drying, juices, even, long, hot, perforated, time, impingement, even, structure, stacked, small, delicate, clearance, deteriorate,

Assembly/Serve Assembly/serve foodservice systems are also called "c___________ food" or "m____________ cooking concept". Prepared food that requires minimal a__________ or cooking prior to service is purchased. Examples include convenience stores, kiosks, fast food, and special diet menus in hospitals. Food is held chilled or frozen before being assembled or heated for s__________. The only labor and equipment required is enough to a_______________ the food and t____________ it. Advantages of the assembly/serve foodservice system is the reduced l________ and s________ required, compared to other foodservices systems, as food is purchased a______________ prepared. It also requires minimal equipment. Pre-portioned items are helpful for a la carte menus and better portion control means less w________. An important note is that the advantages of this method are only conferred to a _______ foodservice operation. Why? The h_______ food cost from purchasing prepared food items versus equipment i______________ isn't offset with a l________ foodservice operation- larger foodservice operations will save money by lowering food cost. Disadvantages of this system include a l_________ menu because the variety of the menu is subject to market availability of p____________ foods. Food is also purchased at a h_________ cost compared to raw food, and the q__________ of the pre-prepared foods is not the same as fresh. While minimal equipment for cooking and other preparation is required (an advantage), r____________ and f_______________ space are required.

Convenience, minimal, assembly, serving, assemble, transport, labor, skill, already, waste, small, higher, investment, large, limited, prepared, higher, quality, refrigerator, freezer

Conventional Also known as "c________________", conventional foodservice systems have kitchens that produce items for i______________ service. Food is purchased, transformed into the final product to serve, and then held at s__________ temperature until actually served. An example includes restaurants and cafeterias. Food is prepared in the same place it is served and mostly raw food is purchased, though some convenience items may be purchased. Foods are held at serving temperature until served. Labor requirements are heavy and equipment for holding food, like chafers and other equipment we'll discuss, are necessary. Food isn't transported in this food system. Advantages of conventional foodservice systems include high food q___________ and f______________ in the foods that can be produced. Any food that can be held for up to ____ hours can be produced in this type of foodservice system, and food quality is maintained if held within this time limit. However, disadvantages of the conventional foodservice system include l________ time flexibility and more l_________ because food is produced so close to service. Workload is u____________ distributed and limited to the length of time that hot food can be h_______.

Cook-to-serve, immediate, serving, quality, flexibility, 2, less, labor, unevenly, held

Ready Prepared Also known as "c___________" and "c______________", ready prepared foodservice systems have kitchens that p___________ and c_______ menu items and then h______ items back up for service. This system type is often used in c________________ with other systems. Food is prepared on l__________ and then chilled or frozen to be used later on (in the ___________ location or t_____________). L________ refrigerators and freezers are required for this method, as well as r______________ equipment to warm chilled or frozen food for service time. Advantages of this method include the ability to prepare food in bulk or in individual portions which ________ out the workload. The menu also supports an increased v___________ of chilled and frozen items. If food is transported, this method has the advantage of transporting foods c_________ or f__________, which is easier to do than transporting h_____ food. Think about this aspect of ready prepared foodservice when we talk about commissary. Disadvantages of this method include l_______ equipment requirements - large refrigerators, freezers and the b________ for the high energy costs associated with that equipment. If the power goes out, a large amount of food can be l______ and food safety can be an issue. Also, not all foods freeze or chill w______, so while there is the possibility of variety because of the ready prepared method, some foods aren't compatible because they cannot be frozen or chilled well. Freezer b______, t___________ changes, and e____________ separation are all food quality concerns with the ready prepared method, and hot food undergoes ____ heating periods - when it's first cooked (before chilling or freezing) and when it's reheated for preparation.

Cook/chill, cook/freeze, produce, chill, heat, combination, location, same, transported, large, reheating, evens, variety, chilled, frozen, hot, large, budget, lost, well, burn, textural, emulsion, 2

Warewashers "Warewashers" is the general term for d_______________ equipment in commercial foodservice operations. ___________ include dishes, glasses, and silverware. Types of warewashers differ in water temperature and style. Temperature Styles High temperature warewashers use super-heated water to clean dishes, reaching a rinsing temperature of _________ degrees F and ________ require a chemical sanitizing solution. While a flash dry feature r_____________ the energy needed to dry with these models, the hot water requirement uses m________ energy compared to low temperature models. Low temperature warewashers use s_____________ chemicals and cleaning agents to clean and sanitize dishes. Compared to high temperature models, these models create less steam and heat. You can imagine that less steam and less ambient heat might make the dish room more p_____________ for employees or may be preferred for an under-bar glass washer. Dish racks Dish racks come with different p_______ styles depending on the type of glasses versus plates. The racks are loaded into the d______________ with the ability to remove them for storage. Thus, dish racks are a key multipurpose tool for foodservice kitchens.

Dishwashing, Wares, 180, don't, reduces, more, sanitizing, pleasant, peg, dishwasher,

Service Style Self-service: customer carries food from d___________ place to d____________ area Cafeteria style * Traditional: customers follow each other in a l_______ and are served by employees s____________ behind the counter * Hollow square/free-flow/scramble: s__________ counter areas provide different m________ types; this format increase speed and f___________ compared to the traditional cafeteria style Machine vending: an outside company is contracted to keep items stocked. Items may include drinks, snacks, sandwiches, microwave items, or frozen foods. Machine vending is often used in supplement to other types of foodservice, like handling off-hours. Buffet - provides many options and items but must optimize eye appeal and choose items that hold up under long presentation time Drive-thru - pretty self-explanatory! Tray service - trays are delivered to floor p__________ or to the patient. Tray service requires cooperation between different s_____________, such as foodservice and nursing in a hospital. Food quality and food safety issues also need to be addressed with holding t_________ pre- and post-delivery Wait service * American - plates are i_____________ prepared for customers and delivered by server with all guests at one table served b__________ moving on to the next table * French - p_________ are brought to customers on a p__________ delivered to customers while the chief server "c______________ a table" by carving, deboning, or creating a sauce table-side * Russian - food is prepared and portioned in the kitchen on a serving p___________ and then plated for the customer at the _____________

Display, dining, line, standing, separate, menu, flexibility, pantry, subsystems, times, individually, before, portions, platter, completes, platter, table

Food Holding and Warming Countertop warmers are used in d_________ cases and for soups and side dishes. Strip warmers are used to keep food on the l______, or in a b_________, at the correct temperature. Heat lamps are placed o_______ prepared food or at a carving station to keep them w______. Drawer warmers are used to keep food warm and ready to serve. Electric steam tables have food w_________ and can be used to d__________ hot or cold foods. Bain Marie is an e___________ steam t_________ hooked up to a food r__________________ to heat the w________ keeping food wells hot. Bain Marie might also be used to t________ large amounts of frozen food or for cooking. Bain Marie Heater (food r_________________) can be used to heat s________ water or to heat a Bain Marie. Cook and hold ovens cook food and then k_______ it hot until serving time without d_________ it out. Refrigerated holding cabinet holds food at the correct c________ temperature prior to serving. Holding cabinets keep food at the r_________ temperature. Banquet carts can be heated or _______. Non-heated banquet carts are often called "Q_________ M_______" carts and have o________ sides. Heated banquet carts have d__________ and will keep plated dishes at the correct temperature. Meal delivery carts will keep foods at the right temperature during transport and may be used to hold patient meal t_______. Retarder proofers will refrigerate d___________ and then h_______ it for p____________. Oven proofer combo will p_________ and then b________ dough in the same equipment using different controls. Proofing cabinets are used for proofing __________ products.

Display, line, buffet, over, warm, wells, display, electric, table, rethermalizer, water, thaw, rethermalizer, sink, keep, drying, cold, right, not, queen, mary, open, doors, trays, dough, heat, proofing, proof, bake, bread


Economic Order Quantity


Food Safety and Inspection Service

Fire Safety Different fire e_________________ are used for different types of fire. You need to know generally what type of fire extinguisher is used for which type of fire. The additional information is here to help you create those connections rather than trying to brute memorize it. Class A - Extinguisher: Class B - Extinguisher: Class C - Extinguisher: Class D - Extinguisher: Class K - Extinguisher: Note that there are more types of fires than just Class A combustible (which is the only one to use _________ with). Other fire extinguishers include wet chemical suppression, dry chemical suppression, foam smothering, and dry powder smothering. Non-water fire extinguishers work by a________________ heat and/or smothering the fire. Chemical suppression extinguishers work through chemical reactions that use up (i.e. remove) oxygen. The 'Fire Triangle' consists of oxygen, heat, and fuel. Fire suppression techniques address at least 1 of these components. * Water extinguishers: Used for Class A fires to remove heat from burning materials * Carbon dioxide extinguisher: Used for Class B and C fires, the carbon dioxide blankets the fuel and displaces ______________ and can also remove heat by cold discharge. * Chemical foam extinguisher: Used for Class A and Class B- flammable liquids (not gas). The foam blankets the fire, preventing ____________ from reaching it. * Dry chemical extinguishers interrupt the chemical ______________ between the 3 elements in the fire triangle. Regular dry chemical extinguishers only work with Class B and C, and can exacerbate Class A fires. There are multipurpose, dry chemical fire extinguishers that can be used in Class A, B, and C fires - these are the red fire extinguishers you commonly see and may be labeled as ABC extinguishers. * Dry powder extinguishers separate fuel and oxygen or remove heat using sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, copper, graphite, or other materials. They are for Class D fires only. * Wet chemical extinguishers create a soapy foam blanket that excludes air (removing oxygen) and cools the fuel below its ignition temperature. Wet chemical extinguishers were developed for Class K fires but some may be used on Class A fires in kitchens. They are ____________.

Extinguishers, Class A - combustible materials Extinguisher: water, foam, wet chemical Class B - flammable liquids and gases Extinguisher: NO water stream, dry chemical, foam for liquids only Class C - electrical fires Extinguisher: NO water, ammonium sulfate, carbon dioxide Class D - flammable metals Extinguisher: dry powder Class K - cooking oils and fats Extinguisher: wet chemical, NO water, fire blankets water, absorbing, oxygen, oxygen, reaction, silver

Commercial Sinks Sinks are used throughout a foodservice kitchen for different needs. Handwashing sink The _______ issues the Model Food Code. This food code requires at least 1 hand-sink inside of, or at the entrance to, a f_________ p________ area. Hand-sinks should be easily a___________ by employees that work in food prep, food serving, and warewashing. One compartment sink A handwashing sink is a one compartment sink. However, there may be a_______________ one compartment sinks around the kitchen to prep produce, soak pots and pans, or in a bar area. Two compartment sink Two compartment sinks are often used to t_______ and prep meats or frozen bagged sides, or to use as a vegetable s__________ and prep station. Three compartment sink Three compartment sinks are used to w________, r________, and s__________ dishes. Four compartment sink Four compartment sinks are used to s_________ food w_______, w_______, r_________, and s____________ separately.

FDA, food, prep, accessible, additional, thaw, sanitizing, wash, rinse, sanitize, scrape, waste, wash, rinse, sanitize

Food Distribution and Service Systems To distinguish centralized and decentralized delivery-service systems, focus on the f__________ of the food when it's t______________. These delivery service systems may also be called "centralized meal a___________" and "decentralized meal a_____________"

Format, transported, assembly, assembly

Prime Vendor Agreement A prime vendor agreement is a pricing contract that a supplier offers to businesses on products they f_____________ buy. It is also used when a single vendor provides a customer with a m____________ of purchases. Prime vendor agreements fit well with wholesale distribution and should benefit both buyer and seller. Pricing can be calculated with one of these several methods. * Cost-plus pricing: ___________ _________ + _________ ______________ ________ * Cost-percentage pricing: _______________ _____________ + _________________ ____________ * Cost pricing: ____________ __________ * Market pricing: _________ _____________ Cost-percentage pricing is typically used when the product is subject to s_____________, and market pricing is used when the price of a product goes _______ and ___________ during the year. Just like with contract implementation, price audits should occur to make sure best p________________ of the prime vendor agreement are being m______.

Frequently, majority, product cost, flat markup fee, product cost, percentage rate, product cost, market price, spoilage, up, down, practices, met

Work Tables Work tables differ in many things, including their stainless-steel g________, ___________ shelf, e_________ and high risers, and top. Material More d___________ work tables cost more money so it's important to consider what type of a________________ will be done in what areas. Commercial kitchens typically have an a_______________ area, c_______ prep area, and b_________ area. To optimize those prep areas, you might also include h_____________ sinks, u____________ sorting, and other options. Durability of the stainless steel (the gauge) is important to consider before purchasing. There are also 2 types of stainless steel used: Type _______ and Type _________. Type 304 is highly r___________ to corrosion and rust, and is durable, easy to sanitize, and tolerates moisture. It has high chromium n_________ and is ________ magnetic. Type 430 is l_________ grade than Type 304, and includes i________ so it is less resistant to corrosion. It's used for produce prep, mixing ingredients, and plating. It's slightly m______________. 18 gauge - ________ durability Salad and sandwich prep General sorting and assembly S___________ to dents and dings - no pounding or chopping 16 gauge General use 14 gauge - ________ durability ________ use Stands up to pounding and chopping Storage An o_______________ table is optimal when you have large storage bins that won't fit on a shelf. An u__________ is optimal when you have smaller things to store, like a half bin or bowls. Top and Edge Stainless steel tops are good for general work. P_______ _______ is often used for _______, meat counters, and bakeries because it doubles as a c_________ b_______. W_______ top is also an option. S_______________ edges allow worktables to be placed next to each other. Rounded edges make the table easier to c_________, especially if there are h_______ rises. Countertop or marine edges have a d________________ ridge and are optimal for butcher tables. Bakers tables are typically _________ top with _________ r________ and ___________ corners to keep flour within the space, while also being easy to c__________.

Gauge, bottom, edges, durable, activities, assembly, cold, butcher, open-base, undershelf, 304, 430, resistant, nickel, not, lower, iron, magnetic, less, susceptible, more, Butcher, open-base, undershelf, poly top, delis, cutting, board, wood, square/flat, clean, high, drip-containing, wood, high, risers, rounded, clean


Group Purchasing Organizations

Workplace Safety Workplace safety falls into general categories, including strains and sprains, slips, trips and falls, burns and scalds, knives and cuts, electrical hazards, hazardous chemicals, fire hazards, heat hazards, machine guarding, and heat and cold exposure. Particularly dangerous equipment will have g___________ in place and may be restricted by _________ law with persons under a certain age prohibited from operating the machinery (usually 18 years). You should be familiar with these restrictions. For example, a teenager may be old enough to work at a sub sandwich shop but not old enough to operate the deli meat cutting machine. For storage, heavier items should be on ___________ shelves and lighter items on top shelves. To prevent strains and sprains, frequently used items should be stacked to _________ level. To prevent slips, trips, and falls, employees should wear appropriate nonslip footwear and use no-skid __________. Hallways should not be cluttered or obstructed, and items should only be carried at a height over which the employee can __________. To prevent cold exposure, employees loading material in refrigerator or freezer areas should wear appropriate protective equipment. C____________________ can cause floors to become wet and slippery. Floors in walk-in refrigerators and freezers should be n____________ and free of clutter. Electrical hazards include w_____ electric cords, damaged extension cords, u________________ outlets, f____________ equipment wiring, damaged c___________, wet clean-up processes, and unsafe work practices. Fire hazards include poor housekeeping, unemptied __________ traps, dirty air __________, improper s____________ of flammable items, and faulty or frayed electrical cords. Proper uniforms in the kitchen, including __________-sleeved cotton shirts and pants, a clean, dry apron of the proper length, and proper use of protective gear, like oven mitts, are important to prevent burns. S___________ burns and g___________ burns are of particular concern in kitchens.

Guards, local, lower, waist, waxes, see, condensation, nonslip, worn, ungrounded, faulty, connectors, grease, ducts, storage, long, steam, grease

Par stock ordering brings stock numbers up to par level each time an order is placed, regardless of how much is on h_________. This system means that stock is allowed to dip b___________ par level. Minimum-maximum stock method means that we d_________ stock to the s__________ level (par stock level) b__________ an order is placed. When the quantity reaches par level, we r____________ so that we're brought up to the maximum level (which is d____________ ahead of time). The n___________ of units ordered each time will be the ___________ - this would be the difference between the maximum level and par stock level. Orders for some items with this method may be s_____________ orders that eliminate the cost associated with ordering daily or weekly orders (like paying an employee to do so). Just-in-time purchasing is when you purchase items as n___________ for i______________ production and consumption without storing or recording in inventory. This means that the receiving clerk will deliver items from the loading dock to the kitchen station where they will be used, without l__________ them into inventory. When you cost out inventory, you have to decide on your purchase price m___________ to determine the cost of products since the cost of items c_____________ over time. A pricing method should be d_____________ upon for managing inventory and used consistently so that the data can be used for f________________. You can also use w___________ average purchase pricing. It is more t________ c______________ and uses the average price p________ for the product over time. Equation for weighted average purchase price?

Hand, below, deplete, safety, before, re-order, decided, number, same, standing, needed, immediate, logging, method, changes, decided, forecasting, weighted, time, consuming, paid (Units in Opening Inventory x Purchase Price) + (Units Purchased During Month x Purchase Price)/Total # Units

HVAC HVAC stands for h____________, v_________________, and a____ c_________________, and includes all the different systems, machines, and t_______________ used for heating, ventilation, and air conditioning of indoor spaces. In foodservice, we're mostly concerned about the _______________ portion of HVAC. Ventilation systems work on a l___________, taking air from the workspace, removing the e___________, and mixing the recycled air with outside air before venting it __________ into the workspace. There may be dedicated exhausts for the c_____________ area (from the fume hood to a specific exhaust) and from restrooms. Supply air comes from _____________ of the building. Outdoor air is sucked into the system and supplies air into the workspace. Air from the workspace is filtered into e__________ and r__________ air. Exhaust exits the building while return air mixes with ____________ air and is r_______________.

Heating, ventilation, air, conditioning, technology, ventilation, loop, exhaust, back, cooking, outside, exhaust, return, supply, recirculated

Contract implementation When a bid is confirmed and turned into a contract, an i__________________ plan for the contract should be drafted. To develop this implementation plan, the foodservice manager should consider several questions that will impact the r_________________ between the department and the supplier. 1. How will purchase data be t____________? 2. How will p______________ data be reported and evaluated? 3. Who will assess and report c______________ with established policies? 4. How will p________________ affect employees and existing contracts? 5. How will a__________________ to policies and goals be made? Who will have final a_______________? From this brief overview, you can see that contract implementation is more complicated than it may seem. If the contract is between a food service management company and a hospital, specific documents that need to be developed may include standardized employee o__________________ manuals, employee performance e____________ and key performance i_______________ (KPIs). KPIs for a foodservice department may be p________ cost, f________ cost, m___________ per labor hour, and s__________ per labor hour. Your dietetic internship may have been with a food service management company that had contracts with a single hospital or with multiple hospitals where you did your clinical rotations.

Implementation, relationship, tracked, performance, compliance, performance, adjustments, authority, orientation, evaluations, indicators, plate, food, meals, sales


Key Performance Indicator

Storage Requirements In addition to proper temperature control, proper l________, h__________, and v______________ is important fo dry storage, refrigeration storage, and freezer storage. Dry storage Dry storage items include canned goods, baking supplies like flour and sugar, other grains, and cereals. Dry storage areas should be kept clean and well ventilated in order to prevent high humidity, mold, and bacterial growth. The optimal temperature for dry storage is _________________ with humidity of _________________. Shelving should be at least _____" off the floor, aisles should be wide enough for c________, and the area should be kept l_________ to prevent pilfering. Foods should be stored off the floor and away from the w__________ to maintain v___________, and away from heat sources, like hot v________, and light. Heat and light will decrease shelf l__________. Dry storage shelving has minimum height requirements to prevent food from being too close to the floor while also being away from the wall for p________ control. Refrigerated storage Refrigeration slows bacterial growth and should be kept between ________________. Thermometers should be accurate and within _______°F. Open, s______________ shelving allows air circulation around shelves and walls which helps maintain proper food t_____________. Doors should have a good s__________ to maintain efficiency. Refrigerator doors often have plastic f________ that help air stay inside. Freezer storage When frozen food is received, it should be stored frozen i___________________. Freezer storage space should be kept at ______°F or below and thermometers should be accurate within _______°F. Just like refrigeration, freezers should have o_________, slotted shelving for air circulation and doors should have a tight seal.

Layout, humidity, ventilation, 50°F - 70°F, 50-60%, 6, carts, locked, walls, ventilation, vents, life, pest, 32°F and 40°F, 3, slotted, temperatures, seal, flaps, immediately, 0, 3, open


Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design

Sustainability Sustainability includes practices used to meet the needs of a current generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. In foodservice, water and energy efficiency, green building materials, HVAC, sustainable food products, material recycling, and waste management are the 7 key aspects of sustainability. Sustainability in food products includes a focus on l_________ purchasing, and sustainability in food processing, packaging, and selling. The most commonly recycled item in foodservice operations is c_______________, because almost every product arrives in some form of cardboard carton.' _____________ ______________ is the highest energy consumer in foodservice. HVAC, sanitation, lighting, and refrigeration follow it. Decreased energy use - carefully planned windows to improve air c_______________, digital timing c___________ on air conditioners, water heaters, and refrigerators, as well as energy-efficient e______________, and farm-to-fork programs can all reduce energy use. Sustainable design - using r_____________ building materials, recycled paper, and biodegradable utensils in production, while recycling any plastic, paper, and cardboard material outputs. Note that cardboard is the most commonly recycled material in foodservice operations because the majority of items purchased for inventory arrive in cardboard boxes. It's important to have an a_______________ recycling system, both in the kitchen and in the exterior waste management location, to handle cardboard for adequate recycling. Grow your own - some restaurants and other foodservice businesses are growing their own vegetables, fruits, and herbs to minimize the effect of p______________, transport, logistics, and storage on the environment. Restaurant gardens also contribute to green s___________ and water r___________ control. Waste management - this is related to i_________________ management. Using data to accurately estimate what the department needs and then buying and storing only that much results in less waste. Businesses can also partner with suppliers to reduce the amount of p______________ used in shipping supplies. Careful menu planning can also help reduce inventory waste by analyzing the p_________________ of different items on the menu and reducing the menu offerings to only high quality and high performing items to reduce the v___________ of ingredients that need to be kept in stock. Simple steps like installing a can c__________ at prep stations will facilitate aluminum recycling. Purchasing in-season - by purchasing produce in-season, restaurants aren't supporting l________________ shipping that harms the environment. in-season purchasing can be done at the local level by buying product from local farms, dairies, or vineyards to save money on p____________, transportation, and storage, while also being able to offer customers "farm-to-fork" or "farm fresh" items and support their local economy. Foodservice operations can partake in Energy Star and Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) sustainability programs.

Local, cardboard, Food, preparation, circulation, controls, equipment, recycled, accessible, purchasing, space, runoff, inventory, packaging, performance, variety, crusher, long-range, packaging,

Motion Economy Motion economy is focused on improving m___________ work in manufacturing and foodservice in order to reduce f_________ and unnecessary movements. These improvements can be accomplished in three overall ways: 1. Workplace a________________ 2. Tool and equipment d__________ 3. Human body m________ patterns

Manual, fatigue, arrangement, designs, motion


National Sanitation Foundation

Equipment As you go through this equipment section, think about what equipment would be needed for the different foodservice systems, food system organizations, and distribution systems. The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) is accredited by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). NSF has developed standards for public health, safety, environment, and sustainability assessment. The NSF/ANSI standards are developed with input from industry representatives, public health and regulatory officials, and user representatives. Their standards include n__________ standards for foodservice equipment. They offer the "NSF M_______" that assures rigorous t__________ of the equipment their mark is on. When buying equipment, _______ rating, warranties, depreciation, steel gauge, and wall/floor clearance are important to consider for nearly all types of equipment. Other specifications are unique to each type of equipment - such as hot versus low water t______________ in dishwashers, ________s in gas ranges, and v____________ in electric ranges.

National, mark, testing, NSF, temperature, BTU, voltage

As I mentioned before, the exam may ask you about certain features of a flooring type, (i.e. "What does resiliency refer to?") or it may ask you to select the best flooring choice given a certain situation or requirement. I'II provide a general description of each flooring type here. Quarry tile Quarry tile, also called n________________ ceramic tile, is c_____________ and an industry standard. It's natural material, c______________ than porcelain tile, and combined with e___________ grout. It's s__________________ and often paired with rubber mats, especially for worker fatigue. Standard cleaners are _________ to use on quarry tile, but the grout lines need to be s___________ every year to avoid bacterial growth. Natural stone and tile Natural stone tile and brick is another option, often used in cafes, delis, and restaurants where the kitchen area is v___________ to c_______________. Slate and granite are easier to m___________ than other natural stone in terms of cleaning. Brick is p___________ and must be sealed twice a year. Importantly, polished tile can be incredibly ____________ when wet. Epoxy flooring Epoxy flooring is a protective ____________ on concrete flooring and is incredibly s________________ - enough to be used in manufacturing facilities and airplane hangars, while s________________ enough to be used in labs. A slip-resistant c____________ can be used to improve slip resistance or rubber mats can be added. It's _________ to maintain with standard cleaners and r____________ to abrasion, physical impact, and chemicals. Concrete floor is hard so it's important that measures are taken for c____________ and worker fatigue. Vinyl/PVC flooring Vinyl/PVC flooring can be vinyl _________ or _________. There are luxury options, called luxury vinyl tile (LVT) that provide f__________ design options. Vinyl flooring is good for customer areas, even if highly _______________. Commercial vinyl flooring is sometimes called "r_____________" flooring. Vinyl flooring is w_____________ and s_______________. It can be p________________ for microbial infection control. There are minimal __________ and no ___________ which helps with cleaning, though it might require a ____________ cleaner. Vinyl flooring can also include a s___________ ion core which is antimicrobial (useful also in operating rooms). Vinyl takes on the properties of the s____________, so installing vinyl flooring over a soft layer can reduce dinnerware b_______________ and be better for reducing worker fatigue. Finally, for aesthetics and durability, the synthetic polymers in vinyl make it resilient with maximal durability. This flooring is ______________ to abrasion, chemicals, grease, and physical impact.

Non-porcelain, common, cheaper, epoxy, slip-resistant, ok, sealed, visible, customers, maintain, porous, slippery, coating, strong, sanitary, coating, easy, resistant, comfort, sheet, tile, flexible, trafficked, resilient, waterproof, slip-resistant, pretreated, seams, grout, special, silver, subfloor, breakage, resistant

Commercial ranges Gas ranges have o________ burners and dials that allow for p________ cooking temperature control. Immediate heat from open burners leads to s___________ cook times. Gas is typically more e____________ than electric models with lower operational c_________, unless gas p___________ in your area are high. Gas models require s__________ hookups to the buildings gas line which may make installation more e______________ than an electric range. British Thermal Units (BTUs) measure gas u__________. Electric ranges have p____________ tops above tubes with m________ elements. Compared to gas ranges, electric ranges are e________ and c__________ to install. With improvements in technology, electric ranges are more common c________________ than they used to be. I____________ surfaces are an additional consideration that don't require a f_________ hood and don't emit ________ into the air which frees up s__________ in the kitchen and keeps the kitchen cooler. Cookware with induction must contain a f_________ metal (i.e. c_____ iron) and not all foods can be c______________ in that type of cookware. Considerations in deciding on an electric range to purchase include v___________, ______________ versus __________ heat, NSF rating, warranties, steel g__________, and wall and floor clearance. Ranges can also vary in their b________. O_________ are commonly the base of ranges though a r____________________ unit or open/closed storage unit where the oven would typically be are alternate options.

Open, precise, shorter, efficient, costs, prices, special, expensive, usage, protective, metal, easier, cheaper, commercially, induction, fume, heat, space, ferrous, cast, cooked, voltage, conductive, inductive, gauge, base, ovens, refrigerated

Centralized Delivery-Service System In a centralized system, prepared food is p________________ and assembled for meals at a c_________ location. The completed orders are then t_______________ to the customers. You'll see this system in fast food, restaurants, banquet services, hospitals, and long-term care facilities. Like with conventional foodservice systems, workload can be __________ and excessively _________. Important things for a manager to consider with centralized systems is the need for close s______________, food q___________ control, and portion s________ control. It's easier to understand a centralized system in contrast to a decentralized system.

Portioned, central, transported, uneven, long, supervision, quality, size

Scheduling and Efficiency Having an effective p_______________ plan and schedule will help control costs in several ways. - Reduces wasted t______ and improves process f_______ to reduce labor cost. - Decreases the need for safety s_________ and work-in-process inventories which will reduce inventory costs. - Optimizes e_____________ usage and increases work capacity. For example, scheduling recipe production for 2 cooks using the same equipment would not be efficient and would lead to downtime. Instead, having a morning cook and an afternoon cook stagger these recipes would be more efficient. As you reviewed in the Management Concepts Study Guide, planning is a key management function. In order to craft a production plan that optimizes efficiency, you need certain information and skills, including: * F_____________ sales volume * An i____________ control system * Standardized r_______ and scheduling * An understanding of p______________ problems * Operational c______________ (equipment & labor) To actually plan out the processes, you may use tools like _________ charts (reviewed in Management Concepts study guide), particularly if you have a large project that will require many steps. You'll want to identify what must happen first and what the shortest path is to success. Planning means you will have e____________ materials for all the recipes, that you anticipate bottlenecks and shift to another part of the process if you can, and you identify any s________________ positions that you need to hire to fill prior to beginning your endeavor. As you review material for the exam, always think back to how they fit together for running an effective and profitable foodservice enterprise.

Production, time, flow, stocks, equipment, forecast, inventory, recipes, potential, capacity, PERT, enough, specialized,

Menu Planning Principles When it comes to putting together a menu, the manager should consider both p_______ and a__________ as they go hand in hand. - Menu engineering: allows the manager to examine a menu item's p_______________ and p______________ so that p___________ planning, r_________ changes, and selling p_______ decisions can be made. The menu can be re-engineered to encourage customers to buy certain items. - Is it not a replacement for poor purchasing practices, food rotations, inventory waste, or lack of standardized recipes that are increasing base food cost? - Assess popularity by using the percent of _______ ________, and profitability by using the percent of _______ - obviously, the more units of an item that sells, the more popular it will be but the number of units sold will also contribute to the profitability. - Menu planning principles: you want to have a variety of c_______, f_________, t_____________, and food s___________ - You may have a question on the exam that gives you 4 different example meals and asks which reflects "proper menu planning principles". Visualize each option in terms of color, flavor, texture, and food shapes. - Flavors - you don't want all spicy, all savory, or all sour - Texture - you don't want all tough, all crunchy, or all mushy - Color - you don't want all white or all brown - Food shapes - you don't want all round or all flat

Profit, aesthetics, profitability, popularity, proactive, recipe, price, total, sales, profit, color, flavors, textures, shapes

Contribution margin indicates p_______________ and menu mix indicates p_________________. Classifying menu Items There are 4 types of menu items: 1. ________ ________ - very popular but doesn't bring in a lot of money 2. ______ - high in profit and high in sales 3. _________ - don't sell much but profitable when it does 4. _______ - low profit and low sales Plow horse - popular but not profitable Items that are very popular but don't bring in a lot of money - and they are price sensitive. Customers are often aware of a typical price and increasing the price to increase profit can reduce sales. An example is pepperoni pizza at a pizza parlor - the waitstaff doesn't have to promote them to get sales, but they don't bring in as much profit as other items. You might try changing the portion size to decrease the food cost. Similar to dogs, plow horse items might bring in customers and then you hope they order additional items. One example is steak - a whole family comes in because someone in the family wants steak, or people see steak on a restaurant menu and feel it is a classy place. To create more profitable versions of these popular staples, you can: * Improve a________________ * Decrease p___________ s_______ (easiest to do) * Decrease food _________ Star - popular and profitable Items high in profit and high in sales - they are very popular and not price sensitive. In the bartending world, margaritas are a classic star. Customers will ask for the drink without checking the price, in contrast to bottled beer where they might ask to see the menu for pricing to decide. You can take advantage of stars by i_______________ the price because it won't translate into lost sales. * Don't mess with these items * Keep them c________________ and continue promoting them, such as with chef specials Puzzle - not popular but profitable These are dishes that you don't sell very many of but when you do, you make a lot of money (low popularity but high profitability. You try to increase the number of units sold by jazzing up the item description, adding a photo, highlighting it as a special, moving it to the first or last item of a category on the written menu, or adjusting the price. For example, it's typical for a fine dining restaurant to have steak on its menu. If their steak dish is a puzzle, they wouldn't just remove it but instead, try to increase the units sold. If it's not a staple item, you might consider removing it from the menu. Try to improve popularity by: * Reducing the selling _______ * Featuring it as a ________ * Giving it top _________ on the menu * Offer a ____________ portion size Dog - not popular or profitable These are dishes with low profit and low sales numbers. Relative to what you can charge, "dog items" cost a lot of money to make and you don't sell enough units to offset that extra food cost. However, in some cases, you keep them on your menu because these might be unique items that bring people into your restaurant whether or not they will order the item. You can _____________ the price because those who do want to buy it won't change their mind based on price. To improve popularity or profitability: * Assess if this item is customer __________ - items on the children's menu (chicken fingers, mac and cheese, PB&J). Relegate to a "hidden" spot on the menu - children's menus are often on the back page in the bottom corner * If not customer-specific, try ________________ the selling price

Profitability, popularity, Plow horse, Star, Puzzle, Dog, appearance, portion, size, cost, increasing, consistent, price, special, priority, smaller, increase, specific, increasing,

Types of Menus There are different types of menus and the menu type impacts everything from p______________ to production to s______________. Static menu: does not change daily or seasonally; typically grouped by appetizers, entrees, salads, soups, desserts, etc. Example: Red Lobster, TGIF, Olive Garden, fast food chains Du jour menu: has s__________ for the d_____. Offers flexibility, especially for small and busy restaurants; customizable each day and/or throughout the day and may apply to a single, special item (soup du jour) in conjunction with a static menu Prix fixe menu (a.k.a. fixed price): may present an entire meal, or several o___________ within each meal category, for a s____________ price Table d'hôte menu: a bit more upscale than prix fixe, may vary e____________ price A la carte menus: prices each food item s______________. Instead of entrée items like steak accompanied by a side salad and mashed potatoes, customers will order each item _________________ Single-use menu: used once, such as that for a s____________ e__________ Cycle menu: for each day of a cycle, the menu is different. The cycle then repeats on a regular basis (usually weekly or monthly), covers variety with some control over purchasing, production, and cost. Cycle menus save t______ and c__________ food costs while still offering variety that can incorporate seasonality, holidays, and USDA commodity foods. Using cycle menus is a more e____________ approach to plan menus, develop specifications, standardize purchasing procedures and gives the ability to buy in bulk, as well as accounting for increased or decreased needs ased on the last cycle iteration (it reduces food waste, reduces storage cost, and keeps appropriate stock). Staff f__________________ with recipes also leads to efficient production.

Purchasing, scheduling, specials, day, options, single, entrée, separately, separately, special, event, time, control, efficient, familiarity

Procurement includes r__________, p_______________, i____________ c___________, and s___________. Procurement also refers to a specific process of developing specifications, contacting sources, evaluating bids, and choosing a supplier. This procurement process can be informal or formal and, depending on the funding source, there may be r________________. For example, school lunch programs are funded by the USDA and must follow certain procurement processes. Informal Procurement Process 1. Develop s_________________ in writing 2. Identify s_________ eligible, able, and willing to provide products 3. C___________ sources 4. E_____________ bidders' response 5. Determine most r_____________ and r_______________ bidder at the l__________ price Formal Procurement uses the same process as informal procurement but scores bidders based on e________________ scoring criteria, such as locally grown items receiving extra points. There are two methods of formal procurement: competitive sealed bidding and competitive negotiation. Competitive sealed bidding uses an i_____________ to bid and competitive negotiation uses a r__________ for p__________, or RFP. In the bidding process, you may come across terms like wholesaler, broker, and manufacturer's representative. The wholesale trade industry obtains products below retail value, sells them to retail establishments, and marks up the price to retail value to make their profit. Wholesalers purchase and sell goods, and take ownership of those goods. A broker is an i_______________ s_______ r_____________ who contracts with certain manufacturers, processors, and prime source producers to a__________ transactions between the two parties. Brokers don't keep inventory and thus, have no title to the goods sold but are paid a c______________. A manufacturer's representative or agent sells manufacturer products to wholesale and retail customers. The wholesaler or retailer pays the manufacturer's representative a c________________ on the sale.

Receiving, purchasing, inventory, control, storage, regulations, specifications, sources, contact, evaluate, responsive, responsible, lowest, established, invitation, request, proposal, independent, sales, representative, arrange, commission, commission


Request for Proposal

Menu Cost There are several ways to control menu costs in foodservice. These include making s_______________ changes to the menu items and also having the s________ menus across different a____________. For example, in a hospital with a commercial cafeteria and patient services, having the same menu for both will decrease costs by reducing food cost, labor and production cost, and optimizing inventory and food usage. Making seasonal changes to the menu will optimize the availability of items, while also reducing costs. Having the same menu items will reduce food cost partly by decreasing food w_______, and it will reduce _______ cost because it is quicker for a cook to prepare several of the same menu item rather than several different menu items. Additionally, having the same items on the menu means that ______ items need to be kept in inventory.

Seasonal, same, avenues, waste, labor, less

Workplace arrangements - materials and tools should be arranged to support the appropriate s________________ of motions with p__________________ to reduce the need for searching. Defined and fixed stations should be provided for _________ formation - such as a dedicated bakery table with undershelf storage for commonly used ingredients. Finally, proper i______________ without glare Is needed to avoid eye s_________. in foodservice systems, the food code lighting requirement would be the minimum. Tool and equipment design - e______________ design and comfort g_________ can reduce worker fatigue Human body motion patterns - should be simultaneous, s__________________, natural, rhythmic, and habitual

Sequence, pre-positioning, habit, illumination, strain, ergonomic, grips, symmetrical

Inventory Management FIFO - first in, first out. This inventory management method ensures that stock is being rotated so that the first item stocked (the oldest item) will be used before more recent items. This means that new items will be stocked behind older items, so that older items are the most visible and easiest to grab. LIFO - last in, first out. This inventory management method has the newest stock used first. This method might be used for items that would s_______. New items are stocked in f________ of older items, and may replace older items if they have spoiled. Inventory turnover is how many times in a m___________ inventory is transformed into r____________. It also tells you how many w____________ supply you typically have at a time. Inventory turnover every ______ weeks (_______ times a month) is normal. First, calculate a___________ food inventory (of beginning and ending inventory). Then, calculate food cost as the beginning inventory plus p___________ that month minus the e___________ inventory. Equation for inventory turnover? Low turnover rate (_____ weeks) means there is a _______ portion of money in inventory which increases storage s_______ requirements, e__________ requirements, c_________ costs, and s_____________. High turnover rate (_____ week) might indicate p___________ or that standardized recipes are _______ being used. The last part of inventory management is knowing when to r___________ to maintain par stock, or _________ stock. If you always want to have at least 5 cans of canned peaches in stock (par stock:5 cans), then the reorder point of canned peaches needs to account for _______ time and safety stock. You can use e___________ order quantity to help calculate safety stock. The economic order quantity (EOQ) is the o____________ quantity of an item to be p_____________ each time to m__________ the cost of ordering and carrying an item in inventory.

Spoil, front, month, revenue, weeks, 1-2, 2-3, average, purchases, ending, Inventory Turnover = Food cost/Average food inventory >2, large, space, energy, capital, spoilage, <1, pilfering, not, reorder, safety, lead, economic, optimum, purchased, minimize

Sanitation Sanitizers are chemicals and need proper s___________ and t______________ on their usage. In the US, chemical sanitizers and antimicrobial agents are r_____________. For sanitizers and antimicrobial agents used on food, food product contact surfaces, and nonfood product contact surfaces are registered with the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) evaluates r___________ from sanitizer use that may enter the food supply. The FDA maintains the Code of Federal Regulations with approved n_____________ food contact sanitizers, nonfood contact sanitizers, and their maximum u___________ levels. The USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) maintains the USDA List of Proprietary Substances and Nonfood Product Contact Compounds, which includes antimicrobial compounds used in meat, poultry, and other products regulated by the USDA FSIS (Food Safety and Inspection Service) Cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting are often used synonymously but mean different things. Cleaning p________________ removes debris by scrubbing, washing, and rinsing. It may include soap, detergent, or water.

Storage, training, regulated, residues, no-rinse, usage, physically,

Service-based factors include. * Type of foodservice s_______________ * Type of foodservice o________________ * Facility s_______ and layout * Personnel s_________ * E_____________ factors * Food s_________ concerns * Meal service t__________ * Energy u_________ * Service style Facility size and layout considerations include asking, "Is the facility spread out? Are there elevators or conveyor belts that could help transport food? What equipment is available in each area? What can a central kitchen accomplish compared to a satellite kitchen? If food is being transported, is there a loading d________ to load the food onto trucks?" Personnel skill considerations include any s___________ items or preparations that need to be done. For example, is there a specialty cafeteria counter for sushi or hibachi grilling that would require a specific skill set? Economic factors include the amount of l________ and e_____________ required, the cost of inputs and outputs, the cost of t_______________ food, and considerations to avoid equipment duplication. Food safety concerns include time and temperature relationships - do you need new e_______________ to meet food safety standards? Can food be delivered in time? Meal service timing concerns are closely tied with customer-based factors. Are customers served at o_______ or can service periods be staggered? For example, can different hospital floors be served at different times, or can a school have staggered lunch periods? Energy usage is tied with economic factors, namely equipment requirements. If dishes from satellite locations are going to be washed back at a main kitchen, a large capacity warewasher, such as a c______________ washer, might be required. This type of equipment has high energy usage and requires specialty wiring. I'll go into service style in-depth in the next section. Customer-based factors include the overall n____________ of customers served, how q___________ customers are served, if groups are served at once, and in what environment are customers served.

System, organization, size, skill, economic, safety, timing, usage, dock, specialty, labor, equipment, transporting, equipment, once, conveyor, number, quickly

The invoice is a delivery slip that accompanies the order listing the items ordered, the u______ price, and the total cost. During receiving, you check the items received and the p____________ order against the invoice. Blind check receiving method is when you give the receiving _______ an invoice or purchase order that lists the items but does not include the q__________, w_________, or p_______. That information needs to be f________ in and is used to check the delivery against the invoice. This takes__________ and thus, costs more. FOB origin means "free on board". L_____________ and title p________________ of the items ordered shift to the customer when the shipment leaves the p_________ of o_________. CIF origin (cost insurance and freight) is the opposite as responsibility transfers to the buyer only when the goods __________ at the destination.

Unit, purchase, clerk, quantity, weight, price, filled, longer, liability, possession, point, origin, arrive

Safety Safety categories you need to know for the RD exam include different types of fires and how to put them out, what contributes to fire risk in the kitchen, workplace safety, and safety investigations. Note that OSHA investigates workplace _______________.


Inventory Inventory __________ is key to effective kitchen management. Money is spent on goods that are then transformed and sold. When goods spoil, are p_________, or are insufficient to produce goods to be sold, the f_____________ health of the foodservice company or department suffers. In order to calculate food cost and cost percentages, you need to have a s__________ to track and record inventory. The complexity of the record keeping system depends on the s_______ of the operation and/or the n_____________ of people managing inventory. Having a system in place also helps with r____________ - the order specifications expected (purchased) should match the purchase order in the inventory system. Security measures for l_________ operations is particularly important to avoid pilfering and to identify when standardized recipes are______ being used. Depending on the size of the operation, the record system for outgoing inventory may differ. Larger operations may have s_____________ storage areas, coolers, and even a purchasing m______________ from which the foodservice manager or chef in charge would "order" food through from the storeroom. For smaller operations, taking a c________ of inventory at the end of the day may be sufficient. Having someone in charge of moving inventory from s___________ areas to p_________ areas and someone in charge of r_____________ forms means there will be a record of outgoing inventory. It can be helpful to have someone accountable for this, rather than relying on ______ personnel to use proper procedures at all times, because staff may feel it's easier to enter the storage room and take what they need for their item. One type of inventory classification system that takes into account the v_________ of different inventory items is the ABC inventory classification system. Relative importance of each item is quantified using the a_______ level which looks at what percent of total inventory an item c___________, along with how much it contributes to the a_________ total of purchases. "A" items are those that make up 10-20% of the total ___________ of items kept in inventory but make up 60-80% of the total _________ of purchases. "C" items are those that are 50-60% of inventory kept on hand but with only 5-10% of the total purchases. "B" items fall b____________ the "A" and "C" item ranges.

control, pilfered, financial, system, size, number, receiving, large, not, separate, manager, count, storage, prep, requisition, all, value, activity, contributes, annual, number, value, between


cost, insurance, and freight

Lighting Requirements Why bother with lighting requirements? Because if you can't see it, it's probably not clean or safe. Lighting helps to: 1. Create a safe and welcoming environment 2. Optimize visibility 3. Provide safe and efficient traffic patterns 4. Minimize operating __________ Lighting helps with warmth, clarity, and sanitation. It also effects p_____________ and worker safety. As a manager, you can minimize operating costs by using similar types of lighting components for easy maintenance and save money by increasing sanitation and safety (i.e. less workers compensation). Lighting requirements are communicated in "foot-candles" 1 foot-candle = illuminance cast on a _________ foot surface 1 foot away by a 1-candela light source. An overcast day is about 100 foot-candles while a sunny day is about 10,000 foot-candles. Because lighting has implications for both safety and sanitation, the food code has lighting requirements for different foodservice areas. Walk-in refrigeration, dry food storage, and all areas during cleaning - Intensity: ______ lux (_____-ft candles) - Distance: ______ cm (_______ in) above floor Inside reach-in and under-counter refrigerators - Intensity: _______ lux (_______-ft candles) - Distance: - Self-service food areas and areas where packaged food is sold - Intensity:______ lux (_______-ft candles) - Distance: - Areas for handwashing, dishwashing, equipment and utensil storage, and toilet rooms - Intensity: _______ lux (_____-ft candles) - Distance: ________ cm (_______ in) above floor Preparation areas working with food, knives, slicers, grinders, or saws - Intensity: __________ lux (________-ft candles) - Distance: -

costs, productivity, 1 x 1, 110, 10, 75, 30, 220, 20, 220, 20, 220, 20, 75, 30, 540, 50

Choosing Between Centralized and De-Centralized Knowing what type of business might use centralized versus decentralized isn't the key point. Rather, these locations provide an example of why a certain system might be preferred over another. Restaurants, smaller hospitals, and long-term care facilities _________ have a large distance between kitchen and consumer. Larger hospitals or medical centers may have a __________ distance and may also have the extra space for serving __________. Many patient wards have a pantry where t________ service can be set up before distributing. However, other hospitals prep trays in the p______________ kitchen, load them in holding c________, and deliver them immediately to patients (_______________). Similarly, a large school may have a large enough kitchen to prep and serve food, but smaller schools may not have a kitchen onsite. As a foodservice manager, choosing the type of distribution (delivery) system your foodservice operation will use depends on s_________-based factors and c____________-based factors.

don't, larger, galleys, tray, production, carts, centralized, service, customer

Fryers Gas fryers use a building's gas line to heat the fryer and heat up _________ than electric fryers. Electric fryers run off electricity and aren't ideal for __________ batches or repeat batches of food because the temperature will _______ between batches. Tube style fryers are used for frying onion rings, chicken, fish, or anything in a frying ____________ (i.e. French fries, cheese sticks). The heating element is within the _________ and affixed to the fry p______. This style fryer is heated by _________ and has a better s____________ z_________ than the other models. The sediment zone keeps sediment separate from _______, which prolongs oil ________ and prevents p________ f________ of food. This style is harder to c___________ than open pot fryers. Open pot fryers can use ________ or ________________. They are __________ to clean and can be used for n_______ ______ type of food. These fryers have a ____________ sediment zone that can get c______________ easily so it is best to use for l_______________ foods. They can be used for basket fried foods like French fries, hash browns, and frozen foods. Flat bottom fryers are heated from b_________ by ________ and are best for items that will f_________ in _______ at the top, such as donuts and battered foods. There is ______ sediment zone, which is why you only use l____________ foods with minimum sediment. These are also called s____________ fryers or donut fryers. They may have a tray that h____________ into the oil and easily comes out. Fryers can also be classified by f________ models or c________________. You can imagine in a cafeteria setup; you might want to have a countertop fryer that is making fresh food during meal service rather than holding fried foods at serving temperature.

faster, large, fall, basket, tubes, pot, gas, sediment, zone, oil, life, poor, flavor, clean, gas, electricity, easy, nearly, any, shallow, clogged, low-sediment, below, gas, float, oil, no, lighter, shallow, hinges, floor, countertop,


free on board

Decentralized Delivery-Service System In a decentralized service system, there is a ________ kitchen and _____________ locations. The satellite locations might be a serving or assembly g________, a w_______ kitchen, or satellite kitchens. B________ quantities of food are prepared and transported to the satellite locations - they may be transported _____ or _______. Staff at the satellite locations r__________, p__________, and a___________ the meals as necessary. After meal service, d________ are returned to the central kitchen. Decentralized systems are used when there is a large d__________ between kitchen and c___________, and/or the menu items travel better in bulk than p________. This type of system might be used in large hospitals, medical centers, school districts, and hotels.

main, satellite, galley, ward, bulk, hot, cold, reheat, portion, assemble, dishes, distance, consumer, plated

Purchasing Process As foodservice manager, you want to prep for next month's ________. To start the purchasing process, you use a r___________ form to request items from the p____________ manager. The purchasing manager will writeup the p____________ order and give it to the s______________. After r_____________ the products, the supplier i______________ the purchasing manager. Requisition form: i____________ form used by the foodservice manager or chef to request items from the purchasing manager or purchasing department Purchase order: lists items to be purchased from supplier and is completed by __________ Invoice: provided by supplier to buyer in order to request _____________ for items received

menu, requisition, purchasing, purchase, supplier, receiving, invoices, internal, buyer, payment

Receiving Process The receiving process is: 1. Compare _____________ ____________ to _____________ 2. Inspect items ___________ invoice 3. Accept or ____________ items - fresh produce and frozen foods should be examined before accepting the item 4. Complete r___________ records and s_______ the invoice 5. Place products in __________________ storage

purchase, order, invoice, against, reject, receiving, sign, appropriate

Assessing Profitability Popularity index is calculated by dividing the _______ of an item by _________ _________. Profit contribution is calculated by calculating __________ (subtracting food _________ from __________ price) and then dividing by the _________ ___________. Given the following profit contributions and popularity indexes, plot each item on the graph. The X-axis is profitability (profit contribution) and the Y-axis is popularity (popularity index). Then, classify each item as a dog, puzzle, star, or plow horse.

sales, total, sales, profit, cost, selling, total, profits



Foodservice Production Systems A foodservice operation is made up of the foodservice system and a distribution model. A single foodservice operation may contain more than one type of foodservice ___________. Once a foodservice manager decides on the __________ of production system for a new kitchen, it's important to visit s___________ facilities before meeting with e______________ manufacturers. Seeing different layout options i___________ allows the manager to see the equipment, the workflow, and how service works. Different foodservice systems vary in terms of: - w_______ food is prepared - what t_______ of food is purchased - how foods are h_______ - how l_______ foods are held - labor and e________________ required - if food is t__________________ The 4 different types of foodservice systems include c________________, r__________ _______________, c_______________, and a___________________.

system, type, similar, equipment, in-use, where, type, held, long, equipment, transported, conventional, ready prepared, commissary, assembly/serve

Food Cost Standardized recipes will reduce food _______ and thus, reduce _________. Ingredient and portion c________ will also help reduce food cost. Having a system in place to control who _______ items out of the storage room, such as a r___________ system, will control who has access to what. Using proper measuring tools, such as s_________ sizes to serve portions, will ensure that a recipe intended to serve 100 patients actually does serve 100 patients. Using proper measuring tools while p_____________ food will also ensure that only the appropriate amount of ingredients is used. In summary, measures taken to decrease food cost, decrease labor/production cost, and optimize inventory and food usage will all result in a better __________ of total costs.

waste, cost, control, takes, request, scoop, preparing, control

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