Forearm, Elbow, and Humerus

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How many radioulnar joints are there?


there are __ anterior fat pad(s) and ___ posterior fat pad(s).

2; 1

How many fat pads are there?


The proximal humerus articulates with the ____ of the ____.

Glenoid, scapula

What are the 2 beak-like processes of the ulna?

Olecranon Process and Coronoid Process

What two bones make up the forearm?

Radius and Ulna

The trochlea is shaped like what?

a pulley

The lateral epicondyle is located where?

above the capitulum

The medial epicondyle is located where?

above the trochlea

The coronoid fossa and the radial fossa are located on what surface?


The coronoid process is on what surface of the ulna?


the lesser tubercle is located on the (anterior, posterior) side of the humerus.


where are the coronoid and radial fossae located?

anterior aspect of the distal humerus

Where is the coronoid tubercle located?

anterior aspect of the proximal ulna

The coronoid fossa and radial fossa are what?

anterior depressions

Where are the fat pads located?

at the 3 fossas

The radial neck is located ____ the radial head.


The anatomical neck of the humerus is located where?

below the head

Where is the intertubercular groove located?

between the lesser and greater tubercules

Where is the trochlear notch located?

between the olecranon process and coronoid process

Located between the greater and lesser tubercles is the

biciptial or intertubercle groove

The head of the radius articulates with the:


The radial fossa is located above the ____.


The trochlea and capitulum are _____.


The radius neck is the _____ area?


What fits into the coronoid fossa when the arm is flexed?

coronoid process

The radius head is shaped like what?


The radial notch is _____ to the trochlear notch.


The ulna styloid process is located on what end of the ulna?


The ulna mainly make up the _____ joint.


The greater tubercle or the lesser tubercle is larger?

greater tubercle

What 3 parts of the radius are located on the proximal end?

head, neck, and radial tuberosity

What 5 things make up the proximal humerus?

humeral head, anatomical neck, greater tubercle, lesser tubercle, and surgical neck

The greater tubercle is located on the (medial, lateral) side of the humerus.


The radial fossa is (medial,lateral).


The radius is (lateral, medial).


The radius styloid process is on the (lateral, medial) side?


the capitulum is (medial, lateral).


The ulna's head is on the _____ side and is a ______ process.

lateral; rounded

The coronoid fossa is (medial, lateral).


The trochlea is (medial, lateral).


The ulna is (lateral, medial).


Which of the epidcondyles is larger?


Which process in the elbow is the most easily palpable?

medial epicondyle

The ulna styloid process is on the _____ side and is on the ____ surface.

medial; posterior

The ulnar notch is located medially or laterally?


The body of the ulna is the ______.


The radius body is the ______.


What fits into the olecranon fossa when the arm is extended?

olecranon process

The olecranon fossa is what type of depression?


The olecranon process is on what surface of the ulna?


The olecranon process and the coronoid process are on the _____ end ulna.


The radial head is located on what end of the radius?


The greater and lesser tubercles are located on the ___ of the ___.

proximal, humerus

Which is bigger: the radial styloid process or the ulnar styloid process?

radial styloid process

The (radius, ulna) articulates with the carpals of the wrist.


in the anatomic position, which bone of the forearm is on the lateral side?


What 3 parts of the radius are located on the distal end?

radius styloid process, ulnar notch, and the body

What is the radial tuberosity?

raised area below the radial neck

What is another name for the trochlear notch?


Why is the radius head shaped like a disk?

so that the radius can supinate and pronate

Where is the humeral-radial joint?

space between the radius and the humerus

Where is the humeral-ulna joint?

space between the ulna and the humerus

The three things make up the distal end of the ulna:

styloid process, head, and body

On the humerus, where are fractures most common?

surgical neck

The constricted area below the tubercles of the humerus is known as what?

surgical neck

The radial-ulna joints are what type of joint?


The humerus head articulates with what?

the glenoid cavity

What fits into the radial fossa when the arm is flexed?

the radial head

The capitulum articulates with what?

the radius

what fits into the radial notch?

the radius

The coronoid fossa is located above what?

the trochlea

what fits into the trochlear notch?

the trochlea

The trochlea articulates with what?

the ulna

What fits into the ulnar notch?

the ulna head

The radial notch allows the radius to do what?


Which is longer, the ulna or the radius?


The radius mainly makes up the _____ joint.


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