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I still don't think it's worth that much

Of course you don't. We put on a charity show around Christmas.. only costs a buck. Until then goodbye.

I've put up with this long enough you nasty little snob! When I'm finished you'll know what a thousand magic sorrows really means!

Oh I am shacking in my boots

It's just one ticket you have plenty left

Oh I've got lots but we have to hold the tickets.. on constituency. We can't let some people have them incase other people want them.

Wait! What's the name of the show

A thousand magic sorrows. Runs ninety minutes

Thanks hoe much are sodas

$3 $4.50 six bucks

I love it this is too sweet

$60 please

Well we'll looks like we're in the same social cast for tonight

And I have to apologize

Nothing personal?! Your refusing to sell me a ticket for a public performance

And your blocking the line for actual paying customers

Your being downright elitist

And your poiny

I'm sick of the it was the same in high school. You oriole have always run over me. It's all gotten too easy. Now you just do it for sport

Do you want a cookie?

I can't believe it! I'm so excited. I haven't been to a theatre in months, and I simply adore a good play. Listen, my heart is actually beating faster. Isn't that silly?

Down the street


Down the street. The hospital.. they have a nice cardiac ward

Thank you very much

Go ahead and come on in

To anyone who works all week for a meager pay check!

Goodbye then. Come again.

I hate to rub it in but someone needed you to put you in your place. I'm going to buy a huge kick back in my seat and enjoy the show along with everyone else in this snooty theatre

Here's your ticket and I'm sorry

I have the sixty dollars right here!

I don't want your money lady

I don't understand. I have the money and I want a ticket. Please? This means so much to me

I feel bad.. I really do

How do I get a ticket then?

I guess you don't. And I'm the only one licensed to sell tickets here

Your joking?

I never joke. And I'm smart enough not o exclude the wrong kinds of people

I make that's that's not important

I thought as much. The clothes kinda gave you away

I'd like a ticket

I'm sure you would

There's nothing wrong with my clothes and I demand that you sell me a ticket IMMEDIATELY

If you insist I guess I'll have to sell you onr

What customers I'm the only one here

Im afraid the show would be way over your head

This has to be a joke right? I have on shoes I'm dressed Nicky and I'm not a felon or anything

Im sure your not. In this society a ticket seller holds a lot of power. And with that power comes responsibility. So you see I'm just looking out for the general interest. It's nothing personal

Your not making any sense

It makes total sense! We can't just let anyone in

Listen. I'm watching my budget. This is just a bit over priced.

It's for the arts council

Why can't I just buy the ticket if I have the money

It's just... not the way things are done

I know it's for a good cause but I just with the theatre understood the budget of working people

It's not for the theatre to understand us it's for us to understand the theatre

What does that mean

It's not obvious? Goodness you must not be very smart either

You.. you.. you little

Kindly step aside until the qualified customers arrive

This is refocus our why wouldn't you?

Look at the sign lady it says we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone

You will

My pleasure I should warn you though that buying a ticket doesn't mean I have to let you in I'm the ticket taker as wello

I'll take a large one




The bill take my ticket please



No I refuse to sell you one and I'm the only person misgender to sell concessions in this theatre

What's your problem

No problem I heard you just fine the first timr

Not like this your won't id like one ticket


Of all the nerve

Perhaps I phrased that wrong. You see, we have a very picky constituency. I'd love to sell you a ticket. I'm a really sweet person. Everyone thinks so but I have s responsibility here. I'm just doing my job

What oh oh that's funny that's really good. My heart isn't beating that hard in just excited about spending a minicam evening at the theatre. This was last minute, do I couldn't find anyone to go with me


Hold your horses a person would think that your trying to get rid of me

Really?! Now would they?

You have to let me buy a ticket

Says who?

If that's not the most convoluted logic I've ever heard

See decent oriole went the seats, and I have to protect them from sting next to someone if a lower caste. I Tia rly job seriously you know. Part of my duty is yo decide who has the right to buy tickets and who doesn't


See most people come into the shoe in twos. There's an even number of seats in the theatre and if we sell one to you that means that eventually some couple will want some seats and only one of them can get it. So we have to be carful about who doesn't get in and who does

How much are the tickets


How dare you! I'm not from some lower social order. The caste system is dead. Do you think we're in India or something.

So what's your gross yearly earnings

Well next month their bringing she stoops to conquer that's certainly a better bang for your buck

Sorry about that. Guess we'll see you in a month

I won't budge if like a ticket now

That's not the way it's fine! You can't just come in here wave money in my face and expect a ticket. What is this world coming to

Which is?

To keep out the wrong kinds of people

What am I missing here?

To understand the word no perhaps?

Ouch! Sixty dollars? That's a lot of money

To you perhaps

Your crazy! I won't donate any money to an organization to whose members keep me out

Typical. That's what I expected. Every word you utter proves my point. Go back to the trailer park and decorate your walls with hubcaps

But that didn't keep me away. I'm here. Looked like I'm even first.

Uh huh

Says who?

Until you've experienced the thousand magic sorrows yourself you have no business in seeing this play.

I don't care to take this type of abuse. You're wearing a headset call your manager. I demand it!

Very well if you insist. Dave, could you come up here some tackily dressed lady is attempting to purchase a single ticket. She's probably homeless and stole the outfit. No I don't think they sell those clothes in any of the stores. What? You have to be kidding. You want me to sell her the ticket. Yes Dave. Yes Dave. Okay Dave I will don't ouch your luck. So I have to sell you the ticket

Well.. sixty dollars is a bit steep for my budget. Um ok I've just got to see this show a thousand magic sorrows. What a name! I guess I can afford sixty. You only live one. One ticket please. I said I'd like one ticket. Please. HELLO


This isn't fair it's not even democratic

What does government have to do with this? If you want to vote, the courthouse is on the next block. If you'd like an art form kore suitable to your taste there's a video store two blocks down


Yes dollars

What's wrong? No tickets left?

Yes plenty it's still early but we expect to sell out

Oh look how fortunate! I'm the first one in line for the okay. Are you the one selling tickets?

Yes. Thats me

But I've waited so long to see a new shoe. It's my favorite thing in the world. I even got dressed up to come here

You call those silly little clothes dressed up? Nobody in ow would wear anything remotely like that. Especially if they wanted to see a live performance

OH for crying outloud

You should buy one though it's still got a hood cause. Your $60 will be well spent. You help everyone when you find the arts

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